215 Kirkley Road Tyrone, GA 30290 770.964.5804(Office) … · 2019-09-18 · Remember to bring a...


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Saint Matthew Catholic Church 215 Kirkley Road Tyrone, GA 30290

770.964.5804(Office) 770.964.1228(Fax)


Third Sunday of Advent

December 11, 2016

December 11th ~ Third Sunday of Advent

Anointing of the Sick—Anyone facing surgery or dealing with a serious illness should contact the parish office or Fr. Kevin for the reception of this sacrament. Anointing before surgery can be done prior to or after Mass on the weekends. Please call the parish office to inform us if you are in need of this sacrament.

Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:15pm or by appointment. Communal penance services are also held twice yearly.

Sacrament of Marriage—Please contact Fr. Kevin at least six months in advance to insure ample time for planning, preparation, and scheduling your wedding.

Communion to the Sick and Homebound—If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital, or homebound, please notify the parish office so a visit can be arranged. Fr. Kevin, one of our deacons, or an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist will be glad to bring Holy Communion.

Facebook link http://www.facebook.com/st.matthewtyrone/ ~NEW LINK~

Rosary Group—Meets on Thursday morning after the 9:00am Mass. Join us in body or spirit as we pray.

Eucharistic Adoration—First Thursday of each month devotion will commence immediately after the 9:00am Mass and continue until Benediction at 12:00pm.

Membership—Registration forms may be found at the back of the church or by coming to the church office. Please complete the form and give it to a minister of hospitality or a deacon.

Bulletin Deadline—Announcements and notices for the bulletin must be submitted by 10:00am on Monday for the following

Sunday bulletin. They will run for two weeks. Email them to comalley@saintmatthew.us. Announcements received after the deadline will need to be modified to run in the bulletin on subsequent weeks.

Request for Mass Intentions—In our Church tradition no better gift can be given our beloved departed than a Mass offered in their memory on the anniversary of their death, birth, or wedding anniversary. There are forms for scheduling Mass intentions in memory of the departed and special intentions for the living in the pamphlet racks in the administration building.

Stephen Ministry—Are you going through a difficult time? Stephen Ministers are members of the congregation here to help you. We listen, care, encourage and provide spiritual support to people facing a crisis or going through tough times. The care you receive is free, confidential and helpful. To learn how you - or a friend, neighbor or family member - can receive care, please contact Julie - 734-560-9512

Rev. Kevin Hargaden, Pastor

Deacons Rev. Mr. Jim Weeks Rev. Mr. Bill Hampton Rev. Mr. Gayle Peters Rev. Mr. King Cooper

Religious Education Music Clare O’Malley, Dir. Leila Wathen, Dir.

Office Staff Susana Ikhwan, Operations/Hispanic Ministry

Rennie Todd, Secretary

Parish Office Hours

Monday –Thursday (9am to 3pm)

Mass Schedule Monday & Wednesday 7am Tuesday & Thursday 9am

Saturday 5pm Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 2:00 pm Spanish

Daily and Weekend Readings can be found at www.usccb.org

Offertory 12/4/2016 $11,188

~ ~ ~

SVdP Collection: $1308.00 Food Drive $1536.00

Online Giving 12/4/16

$2392.23 SVdP221.00

SVdP in envelopes= $30

Parish Tithing 11/27/2016

Wellspring Living


Page 3

Liturgical Ministry Schedule December 17 & 18

Date: Saturday December 17 Sunday December 18 Sunday December 18

5:00 PM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM

Lector Francis James Scott Whittaker Cynthia Welsh

Ben Sharp Leon Roberts Janelle Schweinfurth

Extraordinary Lynn Brooks Richard Amsberry Frankie Weddington

Ministers David Long Theresa Weeks Nancy Wood

Diane Long Laurie Hallock Rick Sauer Jim Balloni Ken McCarrey Rhonda Sauer Carol Balloni Ada Ngoddy Carol Hixon Bill Bohach Shiela Carreon

Ministers of Michelle Campbell Barbara Amsberry Rita Hendrickson

Hospitality Ken Groover Chukwudi Osanu Francisco Garcia

Jerry Magrosky Ken Miller

Altar Servers Starr Helms Mimi Osanu Alex Wathen

Steven Parente Nnamdi Osanu Logan Ferrante Rhiannon LeFebvre

This week’s Mass Intentions Next Weekend’s Mass Intentions

Monday Dec. 12 Delia Rodriguez

Requested by Olga Winnerberg

Tuesday Dec. 13 Mary Cicinski

Requested by Carol Gaul

Wednesday Dec. 14 Fr. Eddie O’Connor

Requested by Fr. Kevin

Thursday Dec. 15 Marcella Gilchrist

Requested by Helen Martin

Sat. Dec. 17th 5 PM Scott & Michelle Whittaker

Requested by Helen Martin

Sun. Dec. 18th 8:30am Irene Hampton

Requested by Bill & Kathy Hampton

Sun. Dec. 18th 11 am Tom, Hugh, Alice Weaver

Requested by Suzanne Weaver

Sunday 2 PM St. Matthew Parish Family

Please Pray For…

Mary Osborn, Marian Hansen, Doris Cooper, Michael, Frances James, Mary Whittaker, Imoter Mngerem, Susan Lawton, Jenny

Essien, Pat Moser, AJ &David Garner, Modesto Samaniego, repose of the soul of Carson Bird , for his grieving family, Nancy

Milani, Maureen Lennon, Rosemary Harding, Elmer Hacker, Rennie Todd, Dorothy Todd, Julie & Tom Digby, Bob Imsand, Genie

Wilmore, Hervey, Anna & Henry, Chris B & Paul, Doug Strickland, Katherine Stein, Joe, & Pat Craddock, Micki Ledbetter,

Hazelwood family, Marcus D. Caldwell, Dodson family, Chris Cudd, Barbara Clark, Prisoners of Baldwin State Prison, Our

Military families, Kathleen Rekau, Vanessa McCarrey, Payner family, Sean McHugh, Jon Danner, Ed Craig, Mary Platt, Nancy

Wood, Irene Stapinski, Agnes & Joe Zappola, Michelle Robson, Christine, Mary Q. Rice, Peter, Rhonda, Jim & Rita Maharry,

Karolanne Wenning, Lisa Wynn, Ryan Gordon, Paul Gordon, Cirous Rivera, Carol Sharpe, Tom Nix, Salome Adams, Sam W, Tom

& Jeanne Loeffler, Marcella Gilchrist, Emily & Bob Daniel, Herschel Coker, Sarah Snider, Van Brock, Dwight Lowther, Lori & Sam

Johns, Terrie Cole, Jim Schirm, Anthony, Canon, Mary Clark, Nicole & Cassie Semple, Russ family, Spencer, Winnie, Todd family,

Myia M. Hamler, Brayon Family, Nix family, Jim & Janet Mathis, repose of the soul of C. Y. Okoro, FitzGerald Family, Shelly Ann

& family.

Page 4

The Hispanic Ministry of St. Matthew is raffling a 65 inch “smart” LG Television. The proceeds will help fund our annual Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration. You may purchase tickets from Susana in the office. Tickets are $10 each.

The following is a list of remaining Penance Services:

December 13 St. Philip Benizi 7 p.m.

December 15 Sacred Heart 7 p.m.

Remember to visit our website at www.saintmatthew.us We have a new look and much more information!

We will be decorating

the church for

Christmas on Sunday

12/18/16 at 3pm.

All are welcome to join us!

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Rosary & Mañanitas Sun. at 11 pm

Danzas and Procession Monday at 5pm Mass at 7 pm

8-10 PM Food, dancing, festivities!

Confirmation Class Sunday Dec. 11 from 5:30-8:30 PM. Special Thanks to the Godwin family for providing dinner for the students tonight, and also to the Sheehan family for providing dinner last month. No LifeTeen class due to Confirmation Class.

Thank you!

Over 50 member Christmas celebration reminder:

December 12 at the Georgia International Conference Center. Cocktail hour at 5, dinner at 6.

Remember to bring a white elephant gift for each person attending.

~Thanks, Carol Freund

Religious Ed : Parish School of Religion,

EDGE, and Confirmation will have

classes this Sunday.

After the Christmas break, classes will resume

for all groups on Sunday January 8.

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a wonder.

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a hunger for peace: peace in the world and at home.

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me a joy responsive to the Father's joy.

Come, long-expected Jesus. Excite in me the joy and love and peace we bring to the manger.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

Page 5

Deadlines for Holiday bulletins: For the Dec 25th bulletin, notices should be submitted to Clare O’Malley by Sunday, December 18th. For the Jan 1st bulletin, notices must be submitted by Wednesday December 21 The Parish offices are closed Dec. 25-Jan. 1st during the Octave of Christmas.

Here are some great resources for the season: http://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/liturgical-year/christmas/

Blessing of a Nativity Scene, Blessing of a Christmas Tree, Blessing of the Home on Epiphany,

Excerpts from Pope Benedict XVI's Spiritual Thoughts Series: Christmas, Infancy Narrative, Lectio Divina for Major Feasts of the Christmas Season, Narración navideña infantil,

Proclamation of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ on Christmas and Christmas Movies

~Thanks to everyone who contributed to the Snowflake Craft & Gifts for the Residents of Christian City. We sang carols last Saturday night in the new auditorium. Special thanks to Mary Rice, Bonnie Kaplan, Simon Hukin, Joe O’Malley, Claudette Roberts, Leon Roberts, Rachelle Prevost, Suncerai Antoine, and Julie Allen for coming along and joining us in song. God bless you all! Thanks to Melissa & Steven Parente for arrangements.

We at St. Matthew want to communicate more

effectively with you….but we also want to make

it easy for you to control what types of

announcements you get from us and how you

are notified.

To receive notifications via text message or

email, send text message:

STM3 to 84576.

To download our Parish App, text

App to 88202

You may also sign up for these services on the

homepage of our website:



HORARIO DE OFICINA Lunes a Jueves 9:00am - 3:00pm. Domingos: 12:00pm - 2:00pm Teléfono: (770) 964-5804 BAUTIZOS: Si desea bautizar a su niño/niña favor acérquese a la oficina para llenar el formulario y regístrese en clases pre bautismales. Las clases se llevan a cabo el 2ºdomingo de cada mes a las 12:30pm. Los bautizos se celebran el 3er domingo de cada mes. CONFESIONES: Los sábados de 4:00-4:45 pm MATRIMONIOS: Favor reservar la Parroquia mínimo con 6 meses de anticipación. QUINCEAÑERAS: Pláticas: Luz Moreno 678-830-6978 Reservaciones: en la oficina INTENCIONES PARA LA MISA: Llene la forma verde o blanca, ubicada frente el baño de damas y entrégala en la oficina por anticipado!

Anuncios de la Parroquia

Servidores de Santa Misa

2pm Diciembre 18

Lectores Eugenio Jiménez

Cecilia Cortez

Gildardo Martínez

Oscar González

Ministros de la


Vicky Gaytan

Victor Rodríguez

Román Alaníz

Ujieres Cynthia Campos

Sabinne García

Cynthia González

Dainy Hernández

Jennifer López

Virgen Peregrina

Diciembre 18 La Familia White Espitia

Celebración La Virgen de Guadalupe Programación

Domingo, 11 de Diciembre 11:00pm—Rosario y Mañanitas Lunes, 12 de Diciembre 5 pm—Danzas 6 pm—Procesión 6:40 pm—Apariciones

7pm Misa 8-10 pm—Comida, Música, Danzas

Horario de Misas Navideñas

Sábado, 24 de Diciembre 5:00 pm—Misa en Ingles de Niños

8:00 pm—Misa en Español Domingo, 25 de Diciembre 12 am—Misa de Gallo 10 am—Misa en Ingles


Manténgase en Contacto

Queremos comunicarnos más eficazmente con ustedes. Por eso, junto con nuestra nueva pagina de web, estamos utilizando dos nuevos servicios de comunicación.

Para subscribirse para recibir Mensajes de Texto o Correo Electrónico mande un texto a:

84576 con el mensaje STM3

Para descargar la Aplicación de la Parroquia mande un texto a:

88202 con el mensaje APP

También puede subscribirse para estos servicios en nuestra pagina web



Reflexiones para la Homilía

Puede que algunas personas se imaginen la salvación y el salir de sus propias dificultades como un acontecimiento dramático y espectacular. Jesús hoy les dice a sus amigos que no busquen grandes signos externos, ni a alguien muy bien vestido, ni a un milagrero como su salvador. Mas bien, dice miren a ver donde se encuentran los signos de salvación: cuantas personas pueden ver, porque ustedes les dieron un buen consejo; cuantas personas escuchan, porque ustedes les dieron buen ejemplo y les hablaron con amor y no con recriminación; cuantas personas son curadas de sus memorias dolorosas, porque ustedes tuvieron paciencia y compasión para escucharlos y para, amorosamente, darles signos de esperanza. Cuando hoy se nos anuncia en la primera lectura que el desierto florecerá, no se dice que vaya a pasar de la noche a la mañana y sin que nadie haga nada, es decir, sin agua o nutrientes. Se dice que hay que esperar pacientemente, mientras que se ofrecen los signos de vida y esperanza a todos por medio de la paciencia para soportar las dificultades con calma y paz, y la espera activa de Jesús que vendrá, no como una gran señal espectacular, sino como un anuncio de esperanza, luz, consuelo y sanación para quienes son pobres y para los que sufren.

Estudio de

Biblia para

los Adultos:

El estudio de Biblia

para los adultos toma

lugar cada domingo de

12:30-1:45 pm.

Los invitamos a todos a

que participen en esta




Carismático de


Comienza cada

Viernes con el Santo

Rosario a 7 pm,

alabanza y predicación. Sesión


Jóvenes, pre-teens y

guardería con

actividades para niños


La siguiente es la lista de los Servicios de Penitencia en las Parroquias

del área:

Diciembre 13 St. Philip Benizi 7 p.m.

Diciembre 15 Sacred Heart 7 p.m.

Exposición del Santísimo—Primer jueves de cada mes 9:30am-12:00 pm y de 6-9 pm en la capilla. Rezo del Rosario—Jueves, 9:30 a.m. en la capilla


El Ministerio

Hispano esta

haciendo una Rifa

para recaudar fondos

para la celebración

de Nuestra Señora

de Guadalupe. Se

estará rifando un

televisor. Cada

boleto cuesta $10.

Clases de Educación Religiosa


No habrá clases de

Educación Religiosa hasta el domingo 8

de enero.
