2020 the LINK - First Baptist Church of Bluffton...2020/05/13  · medical. 6 medical is a med...


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The Christian Education Board usually honors our graduates each spring with a cake reception. This year, however, will have to be a bit different. The CE Board invites everyone to send cards or notes to the graduates directly to their homes. Let’s let them know how proud we are of them! Here are the current addresses for our graduates:

Ashleigh Houtz Spencer Tonner 7525 Saddleback Court Apt. 2B 11012 S 300 W-90 Fort Wayne, IN 46804 Montpelier, IN 47359

the LINK First Baptist Church Newsletter

Visit us online at fbcbluffton.com May 13 2020

Graduate Card Shower

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:1-3 NLT

Worship Service at Building Again – May 31

First Baptist Church will resume in-person Sunday morning worship ser-vices at our building on May 31 at 10:15 a.m. No other activities will hap-pen that morning like Sunday school, nursery, kid’s time, or LOL. Regard-ing our restarting of in-person worship services and other emerging public opportunities, follow this excellent piece of wisdom: “If in doubt, don’t go out.” Remain on your guard and cautious. Precautions for our worship service on May 31: 1. Everyone is asked to wear a face mask. 2. Refrain from handshakes, hugs, and high fives. Smiles, nods, and

waves are encouraged. 3. Spread out by sitting throughout the sanctuary and balcony. 4. Offering plates will be in the foyer to collect our offering. You may put

your offering in a plate when you arrive.

Prayer for our Healthcare Workers

Ashleigh highlighted some of the challenges hospitals and healthcare workers are facing.

Please pray:

“Almighty God, I pray you would protect and strengthen health care workers who serve

the sick so diligently. Provide the workers with the needed masks and other supplies in

order for them to remain safe and healthy. In the name of Jesus I ask that they be uplift-

ed and encouraged emotionally, spiritually, and professionally during this extremely

tough time. Amen

We can rejoice in the passing of our dear sister in Christ, Ruth Risser. After living a full and meaningful life, Ruth was welcomed home to heaven recently. Please keep her family and close friends in prayer.

Congrats Graduate!

Ashleigh Houtz

We are so proud of Ashleigh! She graduated this past December with a BSN (Bachelor of Science in nursing). Three consecutive years she won the BSN academic excellence award for her class. We asked Ashleigh to tell us about her current position. “I am currently working at Parkview Regional Medical Center on 6 medical. 6 medical is a med surg/progressive floor. A progressive floor is a step down from ICU and is considered critical care. I have a lot of responsibilities as a registered nurse. I am as-sessing my patients, call doctors based on their symptoms and new changes, passing medications, running drips on IV’s, dele-gating tasks to my patient care techs, and much more. I am very excited to learn more and be more involved in progressive care. A lot of units will not let new nurses take critical patients.” She shared how Covid-19 has impacted her work. “When COVID-19 first came around, Parkview announced that medical 6,7, and MICU would be the COVID-19 units. I went home balling my eyes out that night because I was terrified. ...However, I have learned what the ‘typical’ COVID patient looks like and know if I think they have it based on my first assess-ment, their chest x-rays, and lab work...It has been very hard to see my COVID patients dying , and their families cannot be there with them. I am one of the last people that some of my COVID patents see before they die. We are constantly moving patients to the ICU or moving them out of the unit if they test negative. Everyone is very stressed out, and we are running out of Personal Protective Equipment. My floor is now out of N95 masks.” Ashleigh shared other updates: “I have recently moved to Fort Wayne! I am enjoying it here, but I miss Bluffton sometimes! I am now preparing to apply to masters and doctorate programs. My end goal is to have a Doctorate of Nursing practice and be a nurse practitioner in rheumatology. “

Her advice to students on how to keep going with Jesus after high school: “My advice is to try to get involved in a Bible study, Christian group, and or church service. I was unable to go to church a lot of Sundays because of my schedule. I joined a Bible study at school that was an all-girls Bible study that one of our school’s sisters taught.” We asked how we can pray for her: “Please pray for all of the workers at Parkview, especially the ones that are working on the COVID units. We are all mentally burned out from this and a lot of us are not doing well. I try to keep my spirits up by listening to the song Stronger by Mandisa. Also please pray for me as I apply for Masters and Doctorate programs.”

Watch our service online!


First Baptist Church

202 W. Cherry Street



First Baptist Church-Bluffton Indiana

Pastor: Les Cantrell

Cell phone: 260-273-9073