· 2020. 10. 30. · Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17 2 Part A 1 Name of the...


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Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Deemed to be University

Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR)


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Part A

1 Name of the Institution Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Name of the Head of the institution Prof. Sandip Trivedi

Designation Director

Does the institution function from own campus Yes

Phone no./Alternate phone no. 2222782306

Mobile No 9892105000

Registered Email iqac@tifr.res.in

Alternate Email director@tifr.res.in

Address 1, Dr. Homi Bhabha Road, Navy Nagar, Colaba,

City Mumbai

State Maharashtra

Pin Code 400005

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


2 Institutional status

University Deemed to be University

Type of Institution Co-education

Location Urban

Financial Status Centrally Funded

Name of the IQAC Coordinator Prof. Amol Dighe

Phone no. / Alternate No. 2222782432

Mobile 9967396593

IQAC email address iqac@tifr.res.in

Alternate email address deangs@tifr.res.in

3 Website address

Weblink of the AQAR: (Previous year) https://www.tifr.res.in/NAAC/tifrSSR.pdf

4 Whether Academic Calendar prepared during the year? Yes

If yes, whether it is uploaded in the Institutional website Yes https://www.tifr.res.in/~sbp/new2015/Academic_Calendar_2017.pdf

5 Accreditation Details

Cycle Grade CGPA Year of Accreditation Validity Period

1st A+ 3.68 2016 02 Dec 2016 to 01 Dec 2021

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


6 Date of Establishment of IQAC 15 Feb 2016

7 Internal Quality Assurance System

7.1 Quality initiatives by IQAC during the year for promoting quality culture

Item /Title of the quality initiative by IQAC Date & Duration Number of participants/beneficiaries

(1). The major task of the initial IQAC (which was formed before the 1st NAAC accreditation of TIFR) was to prepare the SSR for NAAC accreditation and oversee the process of Accreditation. The SSR was completed in June 2016, and the NAAC accreditation was obtained in Dec 2016.

(2) Procedures needed to have the Hyderabad off-campus of TIFR (called TIFR-H) approved by the UGC were completed. The visit of the UGC team to Hyderabad took place in April 2017, and TIFR-H was approved as an off-campus in August 2017.

8 Provide the list of special status conferred by Central / State Govt NA

9 Whether the composition of IQAC as per latest NAAC guidelines: No (This was a body formed pre-accreditation.)

10 No. of IQAC meetings held during the year 0

11 Whether IQAC received funding from any of the agency to support its activities during the year?


12 Significant contributions made by IQAC during the current year (Max five bullets)

The major task of the initial IQAC (which was formed before the 1st NAAC accreditation of TIFR) was to prepare the SSR for NAAC accreditation and oversee the process of Accreditation. The SSR was completed in June 2016, and the NAAC accreditation was obtained in Dec 2016.

Procedures needed to have the Hyderabad off-campus of TIFR (called TIFR-H) approved by the UGC were completed. The visit of the UGC team to Hyderabad took place in April 2017, and TIFR-H was approved as an off-campus in August 2017.

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


13 Plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the Academic year towards Quality Enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the Academic year

Plan of Action Achievements / Outcomes

To prepare the SSR for NAAC Accreditation and oversee the process of Accreditation

The SSR was completed in June 2016 and NAAC Accreditation was obtained in December 2016

To follow procedures needed to have the Hyderabad off-campus of TIFR (TIFR-H) approved by the UGC.

The visit of the UGC team to Hyderabad took place in April 2017, and TIFR-H was approved as an off-campus in August 2017.

14 Whether the AQAR was placed before statutory body? Yes

Name of the Body: TIFR Academic Council Date: 30 Sep 2020

15 Whether NAAC/or any other accredited body(s) visited IQAC or interacted with it to Assess the functioning? Yes 24 Nov 2016

16 Whether institutional data submitted to AISHE? Yes 13 Apr 2017

17 Does the Institution have a Management Information System? Yes

If yes, give a brief description and a list of modules currently operational (Max 500 words)

Datanet is the pan-TIFR Management Information Systems, which is TIFR’s Integrated Information System (TIIS) for accounting, budgeting, procurement, material receipts, and inventory. Another module 'MANCH' is used for sharing minutes of meeting and wider consultation among the faculty members. Additionally, individual Centres have developed independent local modules to cater to their needs. [HBCSE] HBCSE at Mumbai has developed its data management system for registering and keeping track of all Olympiad students from the second level exam until the international event. [NCRA] NCRA, Pune has its software system "PACTS", which is used for Purchase, Accounts, and Stores transactions. Additionally, it manages the NCRA medical scheme, and has separate modules for the student training program and visiting student research program. [CAM] CAM at Bangalore has its separate web-based interface for indenting and procurements of items. Datanet, LDAP, MANCH, PACTS

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Part B

1.1 Curriculum Design and Development

1.1.1 Programmes for which syllabus revision was carried out during the academic year

Name of Programme Programme Code Date of revision

Ph.D. in Biology PhD-Biol 01 Aug 2016, 01 Feb 2017

Integrated Ph.D. in Biology I-PhD-Biol 01 Aug 2016, 01 Feb 2017

MSc in Biology MSc-Biol 01 Aug 2016, 01 Feb 2017

MSc in Wild Life MSc-WLBC 01 Aug 2016, 01 Jan 2017

Ph.D. in Chemistry PhD-Chem 01 Aug 2016, 01 Jan 2017

Integrated Ph.D. in Chemistry I-PhD-Chem 01 Aug 2016, 01 Jan 2017

Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Science PhD-CSS 01 Aug 2016

Integrated Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Science I-PhD-CSS 01 Aug 2016

Ph.D. in Science Education PhD-SciEd 01 Aug 2016

Ph.D. in Mathematics PhD-Maths 01 Aug 2016

Integrated Ph.D. in Mathematics I-PhD-Maths 01 Aug 2016

Ph.D. in Physics PhD-Phys 01 Aug 2016

Integrated Ph.D. in Physics I-PhD-Phys 01 Aug 2016

1.1.2 Programmes/ courses focused on employability/ entrepreneurship/ skill development during the Academic year

Programme with Code

Date of Introduction

Course with Code Date of Introduction

Research Methodology (BIO-100.1) 01 Aug 2016

Teaching practice and school internship/ design of learning resource Part 1 (SCE-103.2)

01 Jan 2017

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1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 New programmes/courses introduced during the Academic year

Programme / Course Date of Introduction

Bioanalytical Techniques 01 Aug 2016

Structural Biology 01 Aug 2016

Stem Cell Engineering Workshop 01 Aug 2016

Evolutionary Biology 01 Aug 2016

Calculus 01 Aug 2016

Basic Biology A 01 Aug 2016

Basic Biology B 01 Aug 2016

Prem, Bhook And Dar: The Chemical Language of Life 01 Aug 2016

Mathematics for Biology 01 Aug 2016

Introduction to R Programming 01 Aug 2016

Foundation of Ecology 01 Aug 2016

Evolution 01 Aug 2016

Basic Statistics 01 Aug 2016

Philosophy of Science and Conservation 01 Aug 2016

Scientific Writing and Communication 01 Aug 2016

GIS and Remote Sensing 01 Aug 2016

Classical Readings in Ecology and Conservation 01 Aug 2016

Mathematical Methods 01 Aug 2016

Quantum Chemistry 01 Aug 2016

Organic and Inorganic Chemistry 01 Aug 2016

Classical Physics 01 Aug 2016

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Statistical Physics II 01 Aug 2016

Quantum Mechanics II 01 Aug 2016

Quantum Aspects of Black Holes and the Information Paradox 01 Aug 2016

Introduction to Statistical and Quantum Field Theory 01 Aug 2016

Quantum Field Theory in Curved Space-time and Black Holes 01 Aug 2016

Group Theory 01 Aug 2016

History of Education 01 Aug 2016

Social aspects of education 01 Aug 2016

Introduction to Science Technology Society Environment Education 01 Aug 2016

Introduction to Physics Education Research (PER) 01 Aug 2016

Readings in Chemistry Education Research 01 Aug 2016

Essential Readings in Mathematics Education Research 01 Aug 2016

Algorithmic Game Theory (Reading Course) 01 Aug 2016

Communication Complexity 01 Aug 2016

A mini course on Coding Theory 01 Aug 2016

Neurobiology Course (Module 1) 01 Jan 2017

Biology of Infections 01 Jan 2017

Linear Algebra 01 Jan 2017

Cell Biology 01 Jan 2017

Signaling 01 Jan 2017

Randomness in Biology (Stochastic Processes) 01 Jan 2017

Human Evolution 01 Jan 2017

Vertebrate Ecology 01 Jan 2017

Invertebrate Ecology 01 Jan 2017

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Plant Animal Interactions 01 Jan 2017

Advanced Statistics 01 Jan 2017

Behavioral Ecology 01 Jan 2017

Marine & Coastal Ecology 01 Jan 2017

Population Ecology and Estimation 01 Jan 2017

Conservation Ecology and Practice 01 Jan 2017

Conservation Film Making 01 Jan 2017

Conservation Photography 01 Jan 2017

Biophysics and Biochemistry 01 Jan 2017

Advanced Inorganic & Bioinorganic Chemistry 01 Jan 2017

Classical Fields - Elasticity Theory and Fluid Dynamics 01 Jan 2017

Data Assimilation and Dynamical Systems 01 Jan 2017

Open Quantum Systems 01 Jan 2017

Physics of Living Matter 01 Jan 2017

Introduction to Minimal Surfaces 01 Jan 2017

String Theory II 01 Jan 2017

Advanced Topics in Cognition 01 Jan 2017

Automata Theory Using Algebra and Logic (Reading Course) 01 Jan 2017

Expander Graphs, Constructions and Applications 01 Jan 2017

Algebra and Computation 01 Jan 2017

Polynomial Methods in Combinatorics (Reading Course) 01 Jan 2017

Online Algorithms 01 Jan 2017

Advanced course in Physics of Biology 01 Feb 2017

Perspectives on socio-scientific issues education (Reading course) 01 May 2017

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Academic writing 01 Jun 2017

C-Programming (short course) 01 Jul 2017

1.2.2 Programmes in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective Course System implemented at the university level during the Academic year.

Already adopted (2002) Presented, Reiterated, and formalized in Sept 2015 (ACM 32)

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 Value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the year

Value Added Course Date of Introduction No. of Students Enrolled

Science Journalism Course 01 Aug 2011 46

Research Methodology 01 Aug 2016 52

Academic writing 15 Jun 2017 10

1.3.2 Field Projects / Internships undertaken during the year

Project / Program Title No. of students enrolled for Field Projects / Internships

Science Comics and its Psychophysics 1

A Feasibility Study of Chemistry Laboratory Module Developed Using Problem Based Learning Approach


Winter/Summer internships with NGOs, FDs, Field Research Groups) 16

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1 Whether structured feedback received from all the stakeholders.

Students Teachers Employers Alumni Parents

Yes Yes No No No

1.4.2 How the feedback obtained is being analyzed and utilized for the overall development of the institution? (maximum 500 words)

On the academic front, the online anonymous feedback system is used for students where the questionnaire in a Google form is distributed and students are asked to fill it without disclosing their identity. This exercise is carried out at the end of each semester. Some programmers like PhD-Phys at the Main Campus engages with the students twice in a semester to obtain this feedback about the courses taught, in the middle of a semester and at the end of the semester before the final examination. The middle of the semester feedback is used to make appropriate changes in the teaching like pace, the difficulty level of the assignments, etc. For each course, the students evaluate the pedagogical aspects such as course contents, course methodology, pedagogical ability, expertise, originality, personal skills with students, the overall impact of the course, etc. This feedback is used by the teachers to improve the courses. Both the sets of feedbacks are shared with the course instructors. The feedback also includes that on the tutorials and tutors. In some programmes, feedbacks about the course syllabi are also obtained and then the respective subject board carries out the fine-tuning of the syllabi based on this feedback from teachers and students. In HBCSE, at the end of the entire course work by a student, comprehensive feedback is obtained. The feedback is factored into redesigning the overall course structure. On the campus life issues, regular feedback on hostel issues is also obtained by the Hostel Committee from hostel residents in NCRA every 2-3 months, and action is taken based on this input.

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile

2.1.1 Demand Ratio during the year

Name of Programme No. of seats available

No. of applications received

Students Enrolled

Ph.D. in Biology 29 4581 25

Integrated Ph.D. in Biology 10 2485 10

Ph.D. in Chemistry 22 1547 21

Integrated Ph.D. in Chemistry 13 2111 5

Ph.D. in Computer and System Science 4 834 4

Integrated Ph.D. in Computer and System Science 0 834 0

Ph.D. in Mathematics 8 1205 8

Integrated Ph.D. in Mathematics 16 2346 15

Ph.D. in Physics 28 2407 24

Integrated Ph.D. in Physics 28 3138 28

Ph.D. in Science Education 5 367 5

MSc in Biology 13 2485 12

MSc in Wildlife Biology and Conservation 17 1666 17

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2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1 Student - Full-time teacher ratio (current year data)

Number of students enrolled in the institution (UG)

Number of students enrolled in the institution (PG)

Number of full-time teachers available in the institution teaching only UG courses

Number of full-time teachers available in the institution teaching only PG courses

Number of full-time teachers teaching both UG and PG courses

0 174 0 260 0

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


2.3 Teaching - Learning Process

2.3.1 Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems (LMS), E-learning resources etc. (current year data)

No. of teachers on roll

No. of teachers using ICT (LMS, e-Resources)

ICT tools and resources available

No. of ICT enabled classrooms

No. of smart classrooms

E-resources and techniques used

260 260 Moodle, Video Conferencing units, Projectors, Recording and HPC, Audio and Video recording, Laptop and desktop, Video Gallery, eLab notes

48 28 Moodle based Learning Management System (LMS) are used to share course materials. Polycom and Lifesize based Multipoint Control Units (MCU) are being used for distant classroom programs. We use high definition projectors for classroom teaching with notes and record the classroom sessions with HD Cameras and make it available to students on demand. Students were taught with software like Matlab, Mathematica and other open source software required for their coursework, problem solving with High Performance Computing cluster (HPCC). Students have interactive classroom sessions, and are engaged with the demonstrations using computational and theoretical modeling and simulations.

2.3.2 Student mentoring system available in the institution? Give details (maximum 500 words)

Across all the subject boards, each student gets a research advisory committee (RAC) usually comprised of three members, one of whom is the thesis advisor of the student. This committee is usually formed at the time of Ph.D. registration. The primary objective of this committee is to actively mentor the student throughout his/her thesis work by regularly meeting and discussing

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


various issues pertaining to the thesis work progress. This committee meets the student at least once every year to take stock of the student’s progress. Apart from that, the members of the committee (other than the thesis advisor) regularly interact with the student informally and discuss issues that the student is facing and offer help if required to address them. The committee gives a report on the student’s progress at the end of the academic year which is taken into consideration while deciding the extension of the research fellowship of the student. Any grievances that arise for the student are first brought to the RAC that actively seeks to address the issues and provide redressal for the student. In the Biology Subject Board, the thesis committee actively mentors the student right from his/her entry to the graduate school discussing choices of courses, details of thesis work, etc. In the Physics Subject Board, before registration for the thesis, the student is either assigned to a mentor or a three-member internal committee is formed to actively mentor the student. The mentor discusses various academic as well as non-academic issues with the students to help them adjust to the graduate student life at the institute. The mentors also discuss any problems for which the students need assistance of any kind. In the Mathematics Subject Board, the initial couple of years involve rigorous course work where the feedback from the instructors and graduate studies committee is taken regularly and used to mentor students through their course work. In the Science Education Subject Board, every new student is assigned to a mentor who guides the student through the course work. At the end of two years, the student is asked to take a comprehensive exam and then carry out the fieldwork. The outcome of these activities results in the student joining a thesis advisor for the desired thesis problem. For the students who join the M.Sc. programme, their academic progress is monitored regularly by faculty members of the respective department. The students give regular seminar presentations which are attended by all the faculties and appropriate feedback is given to them.

Number of students enrolled in the institution

Number of fulltime teachers Mentor: Mentee Ratio

484 260 0.54

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality

2.4.1 Number of full-time teachers appointed during the year

No. of sanctioned positions

No. of filled positions Vacant positions Positions filled during the current year

No. of faculty with Ph.D

342 248 94 16 260

2.4.2 Honours and recognitions received by teachers (received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National, International level from Government, recognised bodies during the year)

Year of award

Name of full-time teachers receiving awards from state level, national level, international level

Designation Name of the award, fellowship, received from Government or recognized bodies

2016 Vidita Vaidya Professor K.T. Shetty Oration Award

2016 Roop Mallik Professor Fellow of INSA

2016 Vivek Polshettiwar Reader Fellow Maharashtra Academy of Sciences

2016 Rajiv Gavai Senior Professor

JC Bose Fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board, Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI

2016 Sourendu Gupta Senior Professor

JC Bose Fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board, Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI

2016 Shiraz Minwalla Senior Professor

TWAS Prize

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2016 C S Unnikrishnan Professor Breakthrough Prize, The Gruber Prize in Cosmology, Princess of Austrias Award for Technical and Scientific Research (all with the LIGO Collaboration)

2016 N. Sarada Professor Fellowship, Indian National Science Academy

2016 Amalendu Krishna Professor Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize

2015 Nissim Kanekar Associate Professor

Hari Om Prerit Vikram Sarabhai Award, Physical Research Laboratory

2016 Mythily Ramaswamy Professor Nehru-Fulbright Professional Excellence Award

2016 G.D Verappa Gowda Professor Fellowship, Indian National Science Academy

2016 - 2018

Rajesh Gopakumar Senior Professor

Honorary Professor, JNCASR,

2016 P. Ajith Associate Professor

Special Breakthrough Prize, Breakthrough Prize Foundation

2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee Reader Junior Associateship, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore

2016 Uma Ramakrishnan Associate Professor

Parker-Gentry award, Field Museum of Natural History, USA; Bass Fellow, Field Museum of Natural History, USA; Fulbright Nehru Academic Fellow, United States-India Educational Foundation;

2016 K. Vijay Raghavan Senior Professor

JC Bose Fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board, Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI

2016 Satyajit Mayor Senior Professor

JC Bose Fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board, Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI

2016 Upinder S Bhalla Senior Professor

JC Bose Fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board, Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI

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2016 R. Sowdhamini Senior Professor

JC Bose Fellowship, Science and Engineering Research Board, Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI

2016 Manish Jaiswal Reader Ramalingaswami Re-entry Fellowship award, DBT, India

2016 K V R Chary Professor Elected Council Member of "The National Academy of Sciences", India (2016-2018), Elected EC Member, "National Magnetic Resonance Society", India (2017-18 - 2019-20)

2017 Manas Kulkarni Reader Selected Associate member, Indian Academy of Sciences

2017 Deepa Agashe Reader Associate, Indian Academy of Sciences

2017 P. Balaram Visiting Professor

Year of Science Chair Professorship, Science and Engineering Research Board, Dept. of Science and Technology, GoI

2017 P. K Madhu Professor Elected as Fellow of ISMAR (International Society for Magnetic Resonance)

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2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1 Number of days from the date of semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration of results during the year

Programme Name Programme Code

Semester/ year Last date of the last semester-end/ yearend examination

Date of declaration of results of semester-end/ year- end examination

Ph.D. in Biology PhD-Biol August Semester 31 Dec 2016 16 Jan 2017

Integrated Ph.D. in Biology I-PhD-Biol August Semester 31 Dec 2016 16 Jan 2017

Ph.D. in Biology PhD-Biol January Semester 31 May 2017 16 Jun 2017

Integrated Ph.D. in Biology I-PhD-Biol January Semester 31 May 2017 16 Jun 2017

Ph.D. in Chemistry PhD-Chem August Semester 15 Dec 2016 22 Dec 2016

Integrated Ph.D. in Chemistry I-PhD-Chem August Semester 15 Dec 2016 22 Dec 2016

Ph.D. in Chemistry PhD-Chem January Semester 12 May 2017 22 May 2017

Integrated Ph.D. in Chemistry I-PhD-Chem January Semester 12 May 2017 22 May 2017

Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Science

PhD-CSS August Semester 15 Dec 2016 20 Dec 2016

Integrated Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Science

I-PhD-CSS August Semester 15 Dec 2016 20 Dec 2016

Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Science

PhD-CSS January Semester 15 May 2017 20 May 2017

Integrated Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Science

I-PhD-CSS January Semester 15 May 2017 20 May 2017

Ph.D. in Maths PhD-Maths August Semester 15 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2016

Integrated Ph.D. in Maths I-PhD-Maths August Semester 15 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2016

Ph.D. in Maths PhD-Maths January Semester 12 May 2017 31 May 2017

Integrated Ph.D. in Maths I-PhD-Maths January Semester 12 May 2017 31 May 2017

Ph.D. in Physics PhD-Phys August Semester 15 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2016

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Integrated Ph.D. in Physics I-PhD-Phys August Semester 15 Dec 2016 31 Dec 2016

Ph.D. in Physics PhD-Phys January Semester 10 May 2017 25 May 2017

Integrated Ph.D. in Physics I-PhD-Phys January Semester 10 May 2017 25 May 2017

Ph.D. in Science Education PhD-SciEd August Semester 10 Dec 2016 10 Jan 2017

Ph.D. in Science Education PhD-SciEd January Semester 10 May 2017 10 Jun 2017

M.Sc. in Biology MSc-Biol August Semester 31 Dec 2016 16 Jan 2017

M.Sc. in Biology MSc-Biol January Semester 31 May 2017 16 Jun 2017

M.Sc. in Wild Life Biology and Conservation

MSc-WLBC August Semester 31 Dec 2016 16 Jan 2017

M.Sc. in Wild Life Biology and Conservation

MSc-WLBC January Semester 31 May 2017 16 Jun 2017

2.5.2 Average percentage of Student complaints/grievances about evaluation against total number appeared in the examinations during the year *Do not include re-evaluation/ re-totalling

Number of complaints or grievances about evaluation Total number of students appeared in the examination Percentage

0 320 0

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2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Program outcomes, program-specific outcomes, and course outcomes for all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed in the website of the institution (to provide the weblink)

Individual Subject Board webpages in the weblink: https://www.tifr.res.in/maincampus/deemed_university.php

2.6.2 Pass percentage of students

Programme Code

Programme name No. of students appeared in the final year exam

No. of students passed in final Sem/year exam

Pass Percentage

PhD-Biol Ph.D. in Biology 14 14 100

I-PhD-Biol Integrated Ph.D. in Biology 11 11 100

PhD-Chem Ph.D. in Chemistry 3 3 100

I-PhD-Chem Integrated Ph.D. in Chemistry 0 0 NA

PhD-CSS Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Science 3 3 100

I-PhD-CSS Integrated Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Science 1 1 100

PhD-Maths Ph.D. in Mathematics 2 2 100

I-PhD-Maths Integrated Ph.D. in Mathematics 4 4 100

PhD-Phys Ph.D. in Physics 14 14 100

I-PhD-Phys Integrated Ph.D. in Physics 6 6 100

PhD-SciEd Ph.D. in Science Education 0 0 NA

MSc-Biol M.Sc. in Biology 14 14 100

MSc-WLBC M.Sc. in Wildlife Biology and Conservation 15 15 100

MSc-CSS M.Sc. in Computer and Systems Science 1 1 100

MSc-Phys M.Sc. in Physics 1 1 100

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2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey

2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance (Institution may design the questionnaire) (results and details be provided as weblink)

Was not carried out

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3.1 Promotion of Research and Facilities

3.1.1 Teachers awarded National/International fellowship for advanced studies/ research during the year

Name of the teacher awarded the fellowship

Name of the Award Date of Award Awarding Agency


Kanchan Garai DST SERB Early Career Research Award 8 Aug 2016 DST - SERB

Samriddhi Sankar Ray SERB Early Career Research award 01 Sep 2016 DST

Vatsala Thirumalai Project grant 09 Sep 2016 SERB

K V Raman DST SERB Early Career Research Award 14 Sep 2016 DST - SERB

Radhika Venkatesan Early Career Research Award 21 Sep 2016 SERB

J Mondal DST SERB Early Career Research Award 27 Sep 2016 DST - SERB

Manas Kulkarni Ramanujan Fellowship 30 Dec 2016 DST

Vikram Tripathi Swarnajayanti Fellowship 01 Jan 2017 DST

Anish Ghosh Swarnajayanti Fellowship 01 Jan 2017 DST

Axel Brockmann Twinning grant 11 Jan 2017 DBT

Raghu Padinjat Project grant 14 Feb 2017 DBT

Aprotim Mazumder DST SERB Early Career Research Award 07 Mar 2017 DST - SERB

Shachi Gosavi EMR-Project grant 16 Mar 2017 SERB

Hiyaa Singhee Ghosh Early Career Research Award 20 Mar 2017 SERB

Pramodh Vallurupalli DST SERB Early Career Research Award 21 Mar 2017 DST - SERB

Mahesh Sankaran EMR-Project Grant 30 Mar 2017 SERB

Krushnamegh Kunte EMR-Project Grant 30 Mar 2017 SERB

Prahladh Harsha Swarnajayanti Fellowship 01 May 2017 DST

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Upinder S Bhalla Project grant 18 May 2017 DBT

Madan Rao International collaboration 22 May 2017 IUSSTF

Arati Ramesh Early Career Research Award 13 Jun 2017 SERB

Subhro Bhattacharjee SERB Early Career Research award 15 Jun 2017 DST

Radhika Venkatesan DST-MPG 19 Jun 2017 DST

Uma Ramakrishnan Project grant 19 Jun 2017 National Tiger Conservation Authority

Anupam Kundu SERB Early Career Research award 30 Jun 2017 DST

Piyush Srivastava Ramanujan Fellowship 01 Jul 2017 SERB


Basudeb Dasgupta Head, Max Planck Partnergroup of the MaxPlanck Gesellschaft.

01 Aug 2016 Max Planck Society, Germany

Subhabrata Majumdar Simon Fellow, ICTP, Trieste. 01 Aug 2016 International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy

Rishi Khatri Head, Max Planck Partnergroup of the MaxPlanck Gesellschaft.

01 Aug 2016 Max Planck Society, Germany

Sanjay Sane Project grant 01 Aug 2016 AF OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (AOARD)

Tamal Das Partner Group Award 01 Dec 2016 Max Planck Society, Germany

Rahul Vaze Indo-French CEFIPRA grant 01 Jan 2017 CEFIPRA

Varadharajan Sundaramurthy

Collaborative grant 01 Jan 2017 MMV

Shashi Thutupalli MPG partner group 01 Apr 2017 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Uma Ramakrishnan The Cooperative Biological Engagement program

02 Apr 2017 DTRA, USA

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3.1.2 Number of JRFs, SRFs, Post Doctoral Fellows, Research Associates and other fellows in the Institution enrolled during the year

Name of Research fellowship Duration of fellowship Funding agency Number

TIFR Research Scholarship 5/6 years DAE 145

TIFR Junior Research Fellowship 3 years DAE 29

TIFR Visiting Fellowship 1-3 years DAE 169

Short Term Visiting Fellow 6 months DAE 3

DST-Inspire Post Doctoral Fellowship 3-5 years DST-Inspire 6

Post Doctoral Fellowship under DST Projects

1 year DST 1

Post Doctoral Fellowship 1 year SERB 7

Homi Bhabha Fellowship (HBF) Specified term on appointment

Homi Bhabha Fellowship Council 1

Raja Ramanna Fellowship (RRF) 03 years, Extendable for 02 more years

Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) 2

ICSSR Senior Fellowship 02 years Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)


INSA Honorary Scientist 03 years, Extendable for 02 more years

Indian National Science Academy (INSA) 2

NBHM Postdoctoral Fellowship 2 years NBHM/DAE 3

Visiting Scientist 3 years DAE 1

Post Doctoral Fellowship in EMG 3 years UGC-ISF 1

Post Doctoral Fellowship in EMG 3 years Welcome Trust - DBT 1

Post Doctoral Fellowship in EMG 3 years DBT 1

Post Doctoral Fellowship in EMG 3 years MMV 1

DBT Research Associate 5 years DBT 4

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National Post Doctoral Fellowship 3 years SERB 3

Post Doctoral Fellowship Woman Scientist Scheme

3 years DST 1

NCBS-Simon Career Development Fellowship

4 years Simon Grant 1

NCBS Campus Fellowship 4 years DAE 1

NiC Fellowship 4 years DAE 1

Welcome Trust DBT Early Career Fellowship

5 years Welcome Trust - DBT 1

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3.2 Resource Mobilization for Research

3.2.1 Research funds sanctioned and received from various agencies, industry and other organisations

Nature of the Project Duration Name of the funding Agency

Total grant sanctioned in Lakhs

Amount received during the year (lakhs)

Major projects 5 to 7 Years DAE 26,915.00 26,915.00

Minor Projects 1 to 5 Years DST,DBT,SERB, Welcome Trust

7,579.46 7,579.46

Interdisciplinary Projects NA NA NA NA

Industry-sponsored Projects NA NA NA NA

Projects sponsored by the University


Students Research Projects (other than compulsory by the University)


International Projects NA NA NA NA

Non-plan 1 Year DAE 9,720.00 9,720.00

Total 44,214.46 44,214.46

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3.3 Innovation Ecosystem

3.3.1 Workshops/Seminars Conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-Academia Innovative practices during the year

Title of Workshop/Seminar Name of the Dept. Date(s)

Workshop on Global Perspectives on building your business NCBS, Bengaluru 26 Aug 2016

Seminar on Bio-Diversity Act & its Provisions NCBS, Bengaluru 29 Sep 2016

Mathematics of Complex Systems ICTS, Bengaluru 28 Jul 2017

3.3.2 Awards for Innovation won by Institution/Teachers/Research Scholars/Students during the year

Title of the innovation Name of the Awardee Awarding Agency Date of Award Category

Analytical and numerical study of stochastic balance laws driven by Lévywhite noise

Ananta Majee TIFR Endowment Fund

01 Aug 2016 Harish Chandra Memorial Award for best Ph.D. thesis in Mathematics and Computer Science

The experiment on low-cost Michelson interferometer

S. R. Pathare and V. V. Kurmude

Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT)

24 Oct 2016 First Prize in the National Competition for Innovative Experiments in Physics

Sugar-based low melting mixtures as green solvents in the Hantzsch synthesis of substituted 1,4-dihydropyridines

A. J. Kumar, G. Shridhar, S. Ladage, and L. Ravishankar

International Science Festival (IISF-2016)

11 Dec 2016 Best Poster Award in the International Science Festival 2016

Young Scientist Award of Citation

Shubhadeep Pal Dr. K. V. Rao Scientific Society

1 Jan 2017 Citation

High-Performance Computing Sourendu Gupta Cray Inc 1 Jan 2017 Computation

Poster communication in Environmental Sustainability and Wastewater Remediation:

D. Semwal, I. D. Sen and R. V. Jayaram

Environment Sustainability and Wastewater

20 Jan 2017 2nd Prize in poster communication in Environment Sustainability

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Current Status and Future Prospects

Remediation, ESWR – 2017

and Wastewater Remediation

3.3.3 No. of Incubation centre created, start-ups incubated on campus during the year

Incubation Centre Name Sponsored by

C-CAMP Bioincubator BIRAC -Biotechnology Ignition Grant for the intial 18 months and then various other/private funds

Name of the Start-up Nature of Start-up Date of commencement

Innaccel Technologies Noxeno-A safer and easier nasal foreign body extractor for clinicians in under-served areas

01 Aug 2016

NextGen In Vitro Diagnostics

Research Trial for commercialization of a blood-based tuberculosis diagnostic test in India.

05 Aug 2016

Cleanergis Biosciences Molasses spent wash treatment-decolourization, detoxification leading to algal biofuels

15 Aug 2016

Spot Healthcare Solutions-Amrita Sukrity

Rapid, low cost & non-invasive point-of-care diagnostic device for neonatal sepsis 15 Dec 2016

Coeo Labs VAPCare: An intelligent secretion and oral hygiene management system 17 Jan 2017

Eyestem Research Creation of Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) ces & photoreceptors (PR) from induced pluripotent stem cells. Demonstration of effective gene manipulation through safe harbour technique

01 Feb 2017

Bagmo- Ashfaq Ashraf C A smart blood bag monitoring device for safe and reliable blood transfusion in rural India

23 Mar 2017

Sekkei Bio Establish peptide editing platform for oral delivery of peptides 18 May 2017

Scidogma Research Development of highly sensitive portable microscope for malaria detection 14 Jun 2017

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3.4 Research Publications and Awards

3.4.1 Ph.Ds awarded during the year

Name of the Department No. of Ph. Ds Awarded

Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics 2

Department of Biological Sciences 8

Department of Chemical Sciences 2

Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science 7

Department of High Energy Physics 3

Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics 1

Department of Theoretical Physics 1

School of Mathematics 2

School of Technology and Computer Science 4

National Centre for Radio Astrophysics 3

Centre for Applied Mathematics 3

National Centre for Biological Sciences 18

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad 2

3.4.2 Research Publications in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year

Department No. of Publication Average Impact, if any

Department of Biological Sciences 39

National 1

International 38

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Department of Chemical Sciences 23

National 0

International 23

Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics 53

National 4

International 49

Dept. of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science 38

National 0

International 38

Department of High Energy Physics 60

National 0

International 60

Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics 38

National 1

International 37

Department of Theoretical Physics 52

National 1

International 51

School of Mathematics 60

National 4

International 56

School of Technology and Computer and Science 14

National 0

International 14

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Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education 18

National 2

International 16

National Centre for Radio Astrophysics 68

National 0

International 68

Centre for Applied Mathematics 27

National 2

International 25

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 49

National 1

International 48

National Centre for Biological Sciences 184

National 2

International 182

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad 43

National 0

International 43

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3.4.3 Books and Chapters in edited Volumes / Books published, and papers in National/International Conference Proceedings per Teacher during the year

Department No. of Publication

No. of Teachers

No. of Publications per Teacher

Department of Biological Sciences 3 13 0.2

Department of Chemical Sciences 10 11 0.9

Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics 18 13 1.4

Department of Condensed Matter and Material Science 13 16 0.8

Department of High Energy Physics 0 13 0

Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics 2 13 0.2

Department of Theoretical Physics 9 19 0.5

School of Mathematics 3 28 0.1

School of Technology and Computer and System Science 36 15 2.4

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education 62 14 4.4

National Centre for Radio Astrophysics 13 21 0.6

Centre for Applied Mathematics 1 14 0.1

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences 2 15 0.1

National Centre for Biological Sciences 1 33 0.03

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad 0 22 0

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3.4.4 Patents published/awarded during the year

Patent Details Patent status Published/Filed

Patent Number Date of Award

Intracellular pH Sensor Using Nucleic Acid Assemblies Granted US12/474550 2016

A Nucleic Acid Assembly, Vector, Cell, Methods and Kits Thereof Granted US14/351400 2016

A Method To Identify And Isolate Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Endogenous Blue Fluorescence

Granted PCT/IB2013/060076 2016

A Method To Identify And Isolate Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Endogenous Blue Fluorescence

Granted PCT/IB2013/060076 2016

A Method To Identify And Isolate Pluripotent Stem Cells Using Endogenous Blue Fluorescence

Granted PCT/IB2019/052213 2016

3.4.5 Bibliometrics of the publications during the last Academic year based on average citation index in Scopus/ Web of Science or PubMed/ Indian Citation Index

Title of the paper

Name of the author

Title of the journal

Year of publication

Citation Index

Institutional affiliation as mentioned in the publication

Number of citations excluding self citation

Annexure A

3.4.6 h-Index of the Institutional Publications during the year. (based on Scopus/ Web of science)

Title of the paper

Name of the author

Title of the journal

Year of publication

h-index Number of citations excluding self citation

Institutional affiliation as mentioned in the publication

Annexure A

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3.4.7 Faculty participation in Seminars/Conferences and Symposia during the year :

No. of Faculty International level National level State level Local level

Attended Seminars/ Workshops 130 139 15 57

Presented papers 81 79 1 25

Resource Persons 50 48 5 9

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3.5 Consultancy

3.5.1 Revenue generated from Consultancy during the year

Name of the Consultant(s) department

Name of Consultancy project

Consulting/Sponsoring Agency Revenue generated (amount in rupees)

School of Technology and Computer Science

Credit risk modeling Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL), RBI


3.5.2 Revenue generated from Corporate Training by the institution during the year

Name of the Consultant(s) & Department

Name of Consultancy project Agency seeking training

Revenue generated (amount in rupees)

Number of trainees

National Centre for Biological Sciences

Multiple training programs on Animal Model/Design, Management, Imaging and Flow Cytometry (see details below)

Multiple Academic and Non-Academic Institutions from India and Abroad

8,34,000 87

Feb 23rd to 26th BD – NCBS COE Basic Flow Cytometry Course (Exclusive)

JSS Medical College, Mysuru

Mar 28th to 31st CCAMP Basic Flow Cytometry Course (Inclusive) Kasturba Hospital, Manipal, Jiva Sciences pvt ltd, Bengaluru

Apr 26th to 29th BD – NCBS COE Basic Flow Cytometry Course (Exclusive)

BI Biotech, Bengaluru

May 17th to 20th BC – CCAMP – NCBS Basic Flow Cytometry Course (Exclusive)

Baby Memorial Hosptial, Calicut CRMSCR, Chennai

Jun 14th to 17th CCAMP Basic Flow Cytometry Course (Inclusive) IIT, Madras JNCASR, Bengaluru

Jul 19th to 22nd BD – NCBS COE Basic Flow Cytometry Course (Exclusive)

BD Biosciences, Gurugram

Aug 9th to 12th BC – CCAMP – NCBS Basic Flow Cytometry Course (Exclusive)

Sur College of Applied Sciences, Oman CRMSCR, Chennai

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Sep 18th to 25th Bangalore Microscopy Course ICFO, Barcelona Uppsala Univ., Uppsala

Dec 20th to 23rd CCAMP Basic Flow Cytometry Course (Inclusive) NY University, Abu Dhabi Scigen Biopharma, Hyderabad

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3.6 Extension Activities

3.6.1 Number of extension and outreach programmes conducted in collaboration with industry, community and Non- Government Organisations through NSS/NCC/Red cross/Youth Red Cross (YRC) etc., during the year

Title of the Activities Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency

No. of teachers coordinated in such activities

No. of students participated in such activities

Seminar DST INSPIRE Camp, Dayanand Science College, Latur

1 0

Tiny Machines, Big Tasks. DST-INSPIRE camp, Pandit Ravishankar Shukla Univ, Raipur.

1 0

Eureka with Roop Mallik . Rajya Sabha TV 1 0

Neuroscience Then and Now, Ruia College, Mumbai 1 0

Whose your partner for life TEDx Talk, NMIMS, 1 0

Fear and Learning, Centre for Learning, Bangalore 1 0

The Social Brain, Mumbai Local, Junoon Somaiya College 1 0

Profeciency workshop on Proteomics for lecturers TIFR & Jai Hind College 1 0

Why we age and how we age? Indian Academy of Sciences & MLA college, Bangalore

1 0

Public talk and interaction, The D. D. Kosambi Festival of Ideas, Kala Academy, Goa

1 0

5 Different Outreach activites conducted with RSC. All dealing with Chemistry outreach.

RSC - West India Section 3 0

Fronteirs of Science; National Science Day and Chai & Why

TIFR 7 0

Chai and Why? TIFR SPPOC 14 18

Lec-dems at schools (urban) TIFR SPPOC 6 13

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Lec-dems at schools (rural) TIFR SPPOC 5 6

Frontiers of Science TIFR SPPOC 38 228

National Science Day Programmes TIFR SPPOC 32 98

Asking Questions Institute of Mathematics Education, Thane; K. C. Gandhi School, Kalyan

1 0

Monthly series of articles “Maharashtra Times” daily 1 0

Old units, new definitions Marathi Vigyan Parishad 1 0

Olympiad Orientation cum Selection Camps (OCSC) in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science and Physics, and International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp (IMOTC)


Olympiad Pre-Departure Camps (PDCs) in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science, Mathematics and Physics


Olympiad Resource Generation Camps (RGCs) for Teachers and Resource Persons in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Junior Science, and Physics


Olympiad Exposure Camps for Teachers in Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry and Physics

For Astronomy: Public Outreach Committee of Astronomical Society of India, Vigyan Prasar, Science Teachers Association of Kashmir, Directorate of School Education (Govt. of J&K), Kashmir University, Navanirmiti, Kothibaug High School

6 0

NIUS exposure cum enrichment camps in Physics (including Astronomy), Chemistry and Biology


CUBE Workshops for Students and Teachers Agharkar Research Institute, Pune, Asian Association for Biology Education Conference, R. J. Jhunjhunwala college, and many colleges across India.

1 1

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Miscellaneous Student Camps on Science, Maths and Design


Summer Course in Experimental Physics (SCEP) 2016 for 41 students (HBCSE, May 9 - 20, 2016);


Mumbai Science Teachers Association and HBCSE's Dr Homi Bhabha Young Scientist Camps for 110 Grade 6 students

Mumbai Science Teachers Association 4 1

Summer camp on “Learning integers through Integer Mall”, for 30 students from Nutan Vidyamandir, Mankhurd (HBCSE, April 14-30, 2016);


Summer camp on “Learning integers through Integer Mall”, for 17 students from Al-Kausar School, Govandi (Mumbai, April 16-30, 2016);


Teaching camp on “Learning algebra through patterns”, for 40 students, St. Xavier’s Institute of Education, Churchgate (Mumbai, April 25-28, 2016);


One day workshop on mathematics: What it is?, for 150 undergraduate students of Vikas college, Ghatkopar (Mumbai, February 23, 2017)


Workshops at two-day activity-based science enrichment program, for 90 class IX students, Chinmaya Vidyalya (Tarapur, April 18-19, 2016);


Workshops on waste, health, development, and political literacy, for 20-30 early tenth-grade students from Gayak Rafi Nagar Municipal Urdu Night High School (Mankhurd, April 20- 29, 2016; Govandi, Mumbai, July 15- August 20);


Summer camp for 12 Deonar colony students on ICT skills, Municipal English 39School (Mumbai, April 25-May 25, 2016);


One month SSRD summer camp for 15 students from Nutan Vidya Mandir (HBCSE, May 1- 31, 2016);


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Junior science olympiad (JSO) students' workshop for Atomic Energy Central Schools (AECS) for 60 participants (Mumbai, October 17-22, 2016);

Atomic Energy Education Society 1 0

One day “INSPIRE students workshops on science activities” for collectively over 160 students (S. P. College, Pune, December 1, 2016; Mahatma Phule A. S. C. College, Panvel, December 29, 2016; Y. C. College, Satara, December 30, 2016);


Workshop on science activities, Magic Bus Science and Maths Exhibition, for 100 participants, University of Mumbai (Mumbai, December 13-14, 2016);


Science demonstrations workshop, for 100 students and 25 teachers at New English School, Murbad (Thane, February 21, 2017);


Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx) Workshops for Teachers


Workshops for Kendriya Vidyalaya teachers Zonal Institute of Educational Training, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

4 0

Teacher Training Programmes along with Bombay Association for Science Education

Bombay Association for Science Education

1 0

Miscellaneous Teacher Professional Development Programs in Science and Maths


Workshop on “Mathematics knowledge for teaching” for 40 teachers of St.Stanislaus High School, Bandra (Mumbai, April 11, 2016);


Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s elementary teacher workshop for 39 elementary teachers (HBCSE, June 20-24, 2016);


One day workshop on “Development of mathematics lab in schools- Hands on mathematics” for 60 primary and secondary school


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teachers of Rayat Education Society, Raigad (HBCSE, November 28, 2016);

Three-day Workshop on “Teaching lab for algebraic thinking”, for 8 pre-service teachers, Xavier’s Institute of Education, Churchgate (Mumbai, April 25-28, 2016);


Workshop on problem solving of open ended questions and its approaches, for 11 pre-service teachers of St. Xavier's Institute of Education (Mumbai, June 21-23, 2016);


One day workshop on 'Use of learning resources', organized by St. Lord College of Education, Malad, Mumbai, for 48 pre-service teachers (Mumbai, June 29, 2016);


Workshop on understanding science education, for 34 D.Ed students of Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s (HBCSE, January 16, 2017);


Swami Vivekanada Youth Movement’s Karnataka D.Ed students workshop, for 57 pre-service teachers from Karnataka (HBCSE, February 10, 2017);


Two day biology teachers workshop on ‘Teaching biology- The missing link’, jointly organized by Department of Biology & EVS, Seth Anandram Jaypuriya School, Kanpur, and HBCSE, for 34 science teachers (Kanpur, July 2-3, 2016);

Department of Biology & EVS, Seth Anandram Jaypuriya School, Kanpur

1 0

Teacher training workshop by JSO cell for 32 teachers, South Gujarat University (Surat, July 8-10, 2016) and for 29 teachers, Pilukula Science Centre (Mangalore, July 19-21, 2016);


Akola district science teacher association workshop for 65 teachers, at New English School (Akola, September 6, 2016);


Pre-conference workshop on “Simple model systems and sophisticated research questions”, for 30


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teachers and college students, 26th AABE conference (Goa, September 20, 2016); Follow-up workshop on “Simple model systems and sophisticated research questions”, for 30 teachers and college students, 26 th AABE conference (Goa, September 22, 2016);

Science demonstration workshop, for around 40 teachers, M. H. High School, (Thane, September 27, 2016);


Two-days residential teacher professional development workshop on Module development for around 200 in-service science and mathematics teachers of secondary and higher secondary schools, GCERT, Gujarat (HBCSE, September 29-30; October 17-18, 2016);


Science and mathematics teachers workshop, jointly organized by Deepshikha Gurukul Sainik School, Chikhaldara, Amravati, Maharashtra, and Department of Education, Amravati Division, for 100 teachers (Chikhaldara, October 3-4, 2016);

Deepshikha Gurukul Sainik School, Chikhaldara, Amravati, Maharashtra, and Department of Education, Amravati Division

1 0

One day TPD workshop for 50 Raje Chhatrapati Sambhaji High School Teachers, Deonar Mumbai (HBCSE, October 5, 2016);


Fifteen YCMOU workshops for around 100 Post Graduation Research Programme students who are professionals and teachers (HBCSE, October 23, 2016; November 27, 2016; December 18, 2016; January 15, 2017; January 29, 2017; February 12, 2017; March 5, 2017, March 19, 2017);

Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU)

1 0

Somaiya teachers workshop, for 40 science and maths teachers (HBCSE, November 8-10, 2016);


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Workshop on Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning for 45 teachers, Baburao Gholap College (Pune, November 26, 2016);


Three-day workshop on “Teaching undergraduate biology through history of science”, for 3 teachers from Vivekanand Education Society's College of Arts, Science, and Commerce (HBCSE, December 1-3, 2016);


Workshop for BMC (M-Ward) 152 elementary school teachers on science and mathematics Education (HBCSE, December 8-9, 2016);


One day experimental workshop, as part of UGC-HRD University of Mumbai Refresher Course for 31 junior college teachers (HBCSE, December 19, 2016);


Three day science and mathematics education workshops at the fourth Shri Shivaji Vidnyan Parishad, for 65 science teachers, Shivaji Science College (Nagpur, December 20-22, 2016);


Four-day workshop on 'Central forces' for 32 undergraduate physics teachers (HBCSE, February 28-March 3, 2017);


Connected Learning Initiative (CLIx) Workshops for Resource Persons, Trainers


Miscellaneous Training Programs for Resource Persons


A short course to enhance Science Education in Sri Lanka, a two-week workshop for 20 science teachers and education officers from Sri Lanka (HBCSE, July 17-31, 2016);


A short course to enhance Science Education in Sri Lanka, a two-week workshop for 30 science teachers and education officers from Sri Lanka (HBCSE, November 13-26, 2016);


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Five day workshop on the design training programme for 29 lecturers of District Institute of Education Training, Navsari, Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (HBCSE, February 13-17, 2017)


Science Day at GMRT NCRA 12 20

Science Day at Ooty Radio Telescope Local schools, colleges. 2 2

Advance Instructional School on Linear Partial Differential Equations

CAM along with NCM 8 38

IFCAM2017 International IFCAM conference on nonlinear PDEs

CAM along with IFCAM 2 20

Kaapi with Kuriosity Outreach Activities: J N Planetarium & Undergraduate Colleges

10 0

Public Lecture ICTS 2 0

Einstein Lectures ICTS 6 0

Abdus Salam Lecture ICTS 2 0

S N Bhatt Program Bhatt Memorial Trust 12 18

Long Term Visiting Student Program ICTS 3 5

Visit of students from National Degree College National Degree College and ICTS 3 0

Visit of JBNSTS Scholars from West Bengal ICTS 4 5

School outreach visits to TSWREIS Narsingi TIFR Hyderabad and Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS), Narsingi

3 24

Visit of KVRSS awardee students to TIFR Hyderabad TIFR Hyderabad with K.V. Rao Scientific Society

3 13

School/college outreach visits at TIFR-H TIFR Hyderabad 5 12

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3.6.2 Awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government and other recognized bodies during the year

Name of the Activity Award/recognition Awarding bodies No. of Students benefited


3.6.3 Students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-Government Organisations and programmes such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. during the year

Name of the scheme

Organising unit/agency/ collaborating agency

Name of the activity

Number of teachers coordinated in such activities

Number of students participated in such activities


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


3.7 Collaborations

3.7.1 Number of Collaborative activities for research, faculty exchange, student exchange during the year

Name of the scheme Participant Source of financial support Duration

Scientific research-Ultrascructure of Actomyosing ring

Mithilesh Mishra DBS, Grant Jenson, Caltec

NIH 5 years

Scientific research-Epigenetics of early life stress

Vidita Vaidya DBS and Sanjeev Galande, IISER Pune

DBT, Govt of India 5 years

Scientific Research - Electrophysiology of Early stress

Vidita Vaidya and James Chelliah, JNCASR

DBT, Govt of India 3 years

Scientific Research - Serotonin and Stress

Vidita Vaidya and Patricia Gaspar, CNRS

TIFR-DAE 3 years

Scientific collaboration visit from Prof. Ravi Sundaresan lab at IISc

Ullas Kolthur and Ravi Sundaresan

TIFR-DAE 1 year

Scientific collaboration Anne Gonzalez-de-Peredo ((IPBS) Toulouse), John M Denu (University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health)

Ullas Kolthur, Anne Gonzalez-de-Peredo, John M Denu

TIFR-DAE, Indo French Centre for the Promotion of Advanced Research

3 years

Scientific Collaboration with Dr S. Kamat, IISER Pune

Roop Mallik and Siddhesh Kamat DBT-Wellcome Fellowship 5 years

Scientific Collaboration with Dr Jomon Joseph, NCCS, Pune

Mahendra Sonawane and Jomon Joseph

TIFR-DAE and DBT 3 years

Scientific Collaboration with Dr. Gaia Pigino, Max-Planck Institute in Dresden

Mahendra Sonawane and Gaia Pigino

WT-DBT - MPG 2 years

Visit of Dr. Satu Kujawski from Max Planck Institute, Dresden

Mahendra Sonawane and Elisabeth Knust

DST- DAAD 1 month

Visit of Prateek Arora from TIFR to Max Planck Institute, Dresden

Mahendra Sonawane and Elisabeth Knust

DST- DAAD 1 month

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Visit of Dr. Mahendra Sonawane to Max-Planck Institute, Dresden

Mahendra Sonawane and Elisabeth Knust

DST- DAAD 2 weeks

Visit of Dr. Elisabeth Knust to TIFR Mahendra Sonawane and Elisabeth Knust


Collaboration on Catalysis Prof. Sayam Sengupta (IISER Kolkata); TIFR: Rahul Gera(student), Jyotishman Dasgupta DCS

Department of Atomic Energy 1 year

Collaboration on Organic Electronics

Prof. Satish Patil (IISc Bangalore); TIFR: Arup Kundu; Jyotishman Dasgupta DCS

DAE/Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

1 year

Research on the development of MRI contrast agents

Collaborator: Prof. Michal Neeman (WIS); TIFR: Anindita Sarkar(student), Ankona Datta (PI) DCS

Department of Atomic Energy 1 year

Research on the development of autophagy sensors

Collaborator: Prof. Ravi Manjithaya (JNCASR); TIFR: Sayani Das (student), Ankona Datta (PI) DCS

Department of Atomic Energy 2 yrs

Collaborators shared dyes Dr. Andrey Klymchenko (Univ. Strasbourg); TIFR: Samsuzzoha Mandal (student); Ankona Datta (PI) DCS

DAE/Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

1 yr

Shared sensors synthesized at TIFR with collaborators

Dr. Karin Tuschl (Kings College, UK); TIFR: Anindita Sarkar, Aromal Asokan, Sayani Das, Kaustav Khatua (Students), Ankona Datta (PI) DCS

DAE/Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

4 yr

Shared sensors synthesized at TIFR with collaborators

Dr. Karl Swann (Cardiff Univ.); TIFR: Samsuzzoha Mondal (student), Ankona Datta (PI) DCS

DAE/Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

1 yr

Discovery/Development of ProCharTS, a new UV-vis optical band to probe proteins

Prof. Rajaram Swaminath (IIT-Guwahati)

TIFR-DAE 1 year

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Molecular Electronics: Proposal of Molecular Electronic Breadboards

Dr. Veerabhadrarao Kaliginedi (Univ of Berne, Switzerland) and Prof. Guy Royale (Université Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS, France)

TIFR-DAE 1 year

Partner group with Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany

Rishi Khatri, Sandeep Acharya, Rashid Sunyaev

Max Planck Society, Germany 5 Years

Indo-Russian Joint Project (DST-RFBR)

IAP, RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

DST, New Delhi 24 months

Max-Plank Partner Group Program Shravan Hanasoge, Jishnu Bhattacharya, Krishnendu Mandal, Dattaraj Dhuri

Max Planck Society and DST several weeks per participant

International Collaboration (CMS experiment at CERN)

7 faculty+2 postdoc+5 student+1 JRF


International Collaboration (Belle experiment at KEK)

2 faculty+1 postdoc+1 student+1 JRF


International Collaboration (LIGO Scientific Collaboration)

1 faculty TIFR

Collaboration between the Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nagoya University and the GRAPES-3 group

2 faculty ISEE 1 year

Research collaboration Umang Bhaskar (TIFR) STCS, Varsha Dani (U of New Mexico), Abheek Ghosh

Ramanujan Fellowship (Umang), VSRP (Abheek Ghosh)

1 year

Research collaboration Prahladh Harsha (TIFR) STCS UGC and Israel Science Foundation 3 years from 2014

Adjunct Associate Professor, Interdisciplinary Program in Educational Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai, India

Sanjay Chandrasekharan IIT Bombay 1 year

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Development of Learning Unit and Teacher Handbook for Proportional Reasoning

Shweta Naik HBCSE Mathematics Education Team / Connected Learning Initiatives (CLIx), TISS

4 years

YCMOU Post Graduate Research Programmes

Sugra Chunawala Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik

4 years

RGSTC- Science and Innovation Activity Centres (SIAC) Project

N.D.Deshmukh Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Government of Maharashtra

4 years

Mentorship of NIUS projects Rajesh Khaparde, Anwesh Mazumdar, Praveen Pathak, Indrani Das Sen, Ankush Gupta, Savita Ladage, Anupama Ronad, Rekha Vartak, and 26 faculty researchers from multiple institutions in the country

DAE On going

Kumar Vishwakosh Project involves the development of Marathi Junior Encyclopedias, comprising various articles. Some volumes have become available online, in print as well as audio format.

H. C. Pradhan, V. D. Lale Maharashtra Rajya Vishwakosh Nirmiti Mandal, Mumbai

On going

Observing proposals on international telescopes

Ruta Kale, Bhaswati Bhattacharyya, Preeti Kharb, Divya Oberoi, Nissim Kanekar

Jansky Very Large Array, Murchison Widefield Array, Lovell Telescope, Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, Keck Telescope, Green Bank Telescope, Chandra X-ray Observatory, European VLBI Network, e-MERLIN telescope, FERMI observatory, Very Long Baseline Array.

1 year

Research proposal Divya Oberoi Air Force Office of Scientific Research, USA

2 years

Research proposal Tirthankar Roy Choudhury DST, India, and NRF-South Africa 3 years

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Research proposal Dharam Vir Lal, C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, Yogesh Wadadekar, Yashwant Gupta

DST, India, and NRF-South Africa 3 years

Research proposal Yashwant Gupta DST, India, and NRF-South Africa 3 years

Collaborative project titled ``Bistatic towed synthetic aperture sonar image formation"

V.P. Krishnan(TIFR-CAM) and A.S. Vasudeva Murthy(TIFR-CAM)

NPOL, Cochin 01 Apr 2015 to 31 Dec 2016

Collaborative project titled `` Conical Radon transforms and their applications in tomography"

Gaik Ambartsoumian(Univ. of Texas, Arlington), Venkateswaran P. Krishnan(TIFR-CAM)

US National Science Foundation August 2016-July 2019

Collaborative project on "PDE-control"

Mythily Ramaswamy(TIFR-CAM); Sylvain Ervedoza(University of Toulouse, France)

IFCAM For three years starting from 2013.

Collaborative project on ``Geometry of excursion sets of random fields".

Sreekar Vadlamani(TIFR-CAM); Marie Kratz(ESSEC Business School, France)

IFCAM For three years starting from 2014.

Collaborative project on ``Stochastic PDEs with Levy noise"

Imran H Biswas(TIFR-CAM),Ujjwal Koley(TIFR-CAM), Adimurthi(TIFR-CAM); Guy Vallet(University of Pau, France)

IFCAM For two years starting from April, 2016.

Visit for research collaboration P. Ajith Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Hannover, Germany Research collaboration (Max Planck Partner Group)

Sep 2016

Visit for research collaboration Anirban Basak Stanford University 17-31 Mar 2017

Visit for research collaboration Rajesh Gopakumar Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC Cargèse), Corsica, France

24-28 Jul 2017

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Visit for research collaboration Rajesh Gopakumar Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

3-7 Jul 2017

Visit for research collaboration Rajesh Gopakumar International Centre for Theoretical Physics-South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), Sao Paulo, Brazil

25 May-3 Jun 2017.

Visit for research collaboration Rajesh Gopakumar ITP-Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

5-16 May 2017

Visit for research collaboration Rajesh Gopakumar University of Amsterdam 17-20 Apr 2017

Visit for research collaboration Vijaykumar Krishnamurthy BIOTEC, TU Dresden 1 Mar 2017

Visit for research collaboration Vijaykumar Krishnamurthy Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden

1 Feb 2017

Visit for research collaboration Manas Kulkarni School of Physical Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou (Research collaboration with Jian-Hua Jiang)

15-24 Dec 2016

Visit for research collaboration Manas Kulkarni Department of Physics at City College of the City University of New York, New York (Research collaboration with Alexios Polychornakos)

20-24 Mar 2017

Visit for research collaboration Anupam Kundu Research collaboration with D. Mukamel, Visiting scientist position, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

May-Jun 2016

Visit for research collaboration Anupam Kundu Research collboration with P. Pradhan, SN Bose National Centre for Basic Science, SNBNCBS, Kolkata

1 Apr 2016

Visit for research collaboration Anupam Kundu Research collaboration with D. mukamel, Visiting scientist position, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

1 May 2017

Visit for research collaboration Anupam Kundu Visitor, IIT Gandhinagar 2016

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Visit for research collaboration Anupam Kundu S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences

almost once a year since 2016

Visit for research collaboration Vishal Vasan Research collaboration and conference, Dept of Mathematics, Penn. State University, University Park, PA USA

2-7 Aug 2016

Visit for research collaboration Vishal Vasan Research collaboration and conference, Penn State, Dept of Mathematics, Seattle University, Seattle, WA USA and SIAM Nonlinear waves and coherent structures conference

15-27 Aug 2016

Visit for research collaboration Vishal Vasan Research collaboration, Dept of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, TN India

18-19 Jan 2017

Visit for research collaboration Vishal Vasan Research collaboration, Dept of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York,NY USA

8-9 Mar 2017

Visit for research collaboration Vishal Vasan Semester program/workshop for collaborative research, ICERM Research Visitor for semester program on Singularities and Waves in Incompressible Fluids, Providence, RI USA

30 Jan-5 May, 2017

Visit for research collaboration Vishal Vasan Research collaboration and conference, Dept of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY USA

28-30 Mar 2017

Visit for research collaboration Spenta Wadia Tsinghua University, China 1-5 Aug 2016

Research collaboration Axel Brockmann DBT - twinning grant 36 months

International Research collaboration

Madan Rao Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum

24 months

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International Research collaboration

Uma Ramakrishnan DTRA, USA 33 months

Collaborative visit Parul Singh Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 45 days

To attend Conference A.T Sabareesan Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 6 days

To attend Conference Ananthamurthy Gundu Kambadur Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 5 days

To attend Conference Radhika Sudhir Joshi Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 4 days

To attend Conference Mohini Sengupta Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 5 days

To attend Conference Shlesha Rajesh Richhariya Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 6 days

To attend Workshop Gissele Fernandes Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 15 days

To attend Conference Rajesh Dattaram Gunage Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 5 days

Collaborative visit Calvin Rodrigues Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 2 Months

To attend Conference Avishek Ghosh Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 7 days

To attend Conference Anup Ashok Parchure Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 6 days

Collaborative visit Akshit Goyal Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 2 months

To attend Conference Somya Mani Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 15 days

To attend workshop Srishti Batra Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 12 Days

To attend Conference Aparna Agarwal Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 5 days

To attend Conference Gaurav Agavekar Infosys Foundation Endowment fund 11 days

Collaborative Research Dr. Smarajit Karmakar TIFRH, Prof. Chandan Dasgupta, Prof. Srikanth Sastry, Prof. Itamar Procaccia

TIFR Intramural funds Full Year

Collaborative Researh, Faculty exchange

P. K. Madhu, TIFR-H, Matthias Ernst, ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich Two months

Collaborative Research Dr. Anukul Jana, Dr. Debdeep Mandal, Mr. Avijit Maiti, Dr. Debabrata Dhara, TIFRH Prof.

Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Foundation, Germany

Jan 2017 to Jul 2017

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Dr. David Scheschkewitz, and Mr. Lukas Klemmer

Research Collaboration Dr. Kalyaneswar Mandal TIFRH, Dr. Maruti Uppalapati, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada

DBT/ Wellcome Trust India Alliance and TIFR (DAE)

Full Year

Developing New NMR methods Dr. Pramodh Vallurupalli TIFR H, Prof L E Kay (Univ of Toronto)

TCIS Intramural funds Full Year

Collaborative Research Dr Adish Dani TIFRH & Prof. Mark Rutherford, Washington University

NIH, USA Full Year

3.7.2 Linkages with institutions/industries for internship, on-the-job training, project work, sharing of research facilities etc. during the year

Nature of linkage

Title of the linkage

Name of the partnering institution/ industry /research lab with contact details

Duration (From-To)


Hosting students for M.Sc. projects

MSc Project Student Exchange

St. Xavier's College, Mumbai every academic year from December to March

1-3 (depending on the availability of the lab)

Hosting students for M.Sc. projects

MSc Project Student Exchange

Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, Mumbai Every academic year from June to December

1-3 (depending on the availability of the lab)

Hosting students for M.Sc. projects from state and

MSc Project Student Exchange

IISERs, NISER, IITs, Pune University, VIT, CMC Vellore, etc

As per the university requirement

1-3 as per the availability in the labs

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


national universities

Reading projects

CEBS-TIFR joint projects

CEBS, Mumbai 01 Aug 2016 to 31 Jul 2017

CS Rajan

Partner Group Max Planck Partner group on cosmology

Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Prof. Rashid Sunyaev, sunyaev@mpa-garching.mpg.de

2016-2021 3

TCS Scholarship for PhD students

TCS Research Scholar Program

TCS Foundation (contact: 9th Floor, Nirmal Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (contact: School of Technology and Computer Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Homi Bhabha Road, Navy Nagar, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005, India)

Scholarship tenure: 4 years

All students who have registered for PhD

Short term Project

Project work Amulakh Amichand Bhimji Vi vidhalakhshi Vidyalaya School, Matunga and AECS 6 school respectively

May 2016 to February 2017

Ajita Banerjee and Y. Vasanti

Internship Internship (Learning Sciences Research Group)

Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 01 Dec 2016 Harshit Agrawal

Internship Internship (Learning Science Research Group)

St. Xavier's College, Mumbai 03 Oct 2016 to 31 Mar 2017

Dibyanshee Mishra

Short Term Visitor

Short Term Visitorship

Central University of Karnataka 20 Jun 2016 to 31 Oct 2016 and 10 Jan 2017 to 07 Apr 2017

Amogh Sirnoorkar

Short Term Visitor

Short Term Visitorship (Learning

National Institute of Design, Gandhinagar 15 Jan 2017 to 15 Jul 2017

Priyanka Borar

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Sciences Research Group)

Short Term Visitor

Short Term Visitorship-Lecture series

Azim Premji University Second week of February 2017

Abhijeet Bardapurkar

Visitor Visitors Oregon State University, USA 15 Mar 2017 to 17 Mar 2017

Corinne Manogue and Tevian Dray

Internship Internship (Maths Education Group)

Wilson College, Mumbai 09 May 2017 to 23 May 2017

Sonu Yadav, Pradeep Pandey

Short Term Project

Project work on NayaNa Script (Gnowledge Lab)

Thadomal Shahani Engineering College Mumbai July 2017; Jan 2018 - May 2018

Four students

Short Term Project

Project work on ChatBot (Gnowledge Lab)

SNDT College July- December 2017

Five students

Collaboration with industry

Towards efficient handling of big data in Radio Astronomy

Thoughtworks (India) June - December 2017


Research Internship

Internship MIT International Science & Technology Initiatives Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MI, USA E-mail: mghosh@mit.edu<mailto:mghosh@mit.edu>

19 Jun 2017-01 Sep 2017

Susan Mullan

Research Internship

Internship Department of Education Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala-176215

15 Jun 2017 -15 Jul 2017

Tsewang Tsamchoe

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Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh E-mail: academic@tibet.net; education@tibet.net

Research Internship

Internship Department of Education Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala-176215 Distt. Kangra, Himachal Pradesh E-mail: academic@tibet.net; education@tibet.net

23 Jun 2017-23 Jul 2017

Migmar Tsamchoe

Research Internship

Internship Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Pilani Campus Email: deepa@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in

04 Jul 2017-16 Dec 2017

Suma Chinta

Research Internship

Internship Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Pilani Campus Email: deepa@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in

04 Jul 2017-16 Dec 2017

Mudrika Singhal

Research Internship

Internship Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani Pilani Campus Email: deepa@pilani.bits-pilani.ac.in

04 Jul 2017-16 Dec 2017

Shivi Jain

Research Internship

Internship Deputy Registrar-Academics (Health Sciences), Manipal University E-mail: shyamala.hande@manipal.edu

01 Jun 2017-31 Aug 2017

Guruprasad Nayak

Institutional Partnership for Collaborative Resaerch

Research Group Linkage Programme

TIFR Hyderabad, India and University of Saarland, Germany

Jan 2017 to Dec 2019

Dr. Anukul Jana, Dr. Debdeep Mandal, Mr. Avijit Maiti, Dr. Debabrata Dhara, Prof. Dr. David Scheschkewitz, and Mr. Lukas Klemmer

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3.7.3 MoUs signed with institutions of national, international importance, other universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the year

Organisation Date of MoU signed

Purpose and Activities Number of students/ teachers participated under MoUs

Tata Communications 01 Aug 2016 Sharing of information between TCL and NCRA about the ARVI antennas.

Teachers: 1

Infosys ICTS Named Lecture Series MOU

07 Oct 2016 To provide lectures by distinguished experts from abroad and within India

Teachers: 2

TIFR - JGEEBILS 01 Jan 2017 Establishment of a combined entrance test for PhD and MSc in life Sciences and interdisciplinary streams

Students: 42

Chubu University, Japan 08 Mar 2017 Analysis of the GRAPES-3 data and publications Teachers: 3

Infosys Foundation International Exchange Program at ICTS-TIFR

10 Mar 2017 To aid in Asian Winter School 2018, Strings Meeting 2018, International visit of faculty, postdocs, students, and foreign visitors for programs and discussion meetings.

Teachers: 2

NCBS-Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata

20 Mar 2017 Academic and Research Collaboration Student: 1 Teacher: 1

NCBS-Wildlife Conservation Society-India (WCS)

01 Apr 2017 Promote joint research and development activities of mutual interest

Student: 1 Teacher: 1

CSIR (Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow - NCBS

17 Apr 2017 Host-Pathogen interactions during Plasmodium liver stage development

Students: 3 Teacher: 1

Infosys Homi Bhabha Chair Professorship at ICTS-TIFR

24 Apr 2017 To support the research & mentoring activities of the Chair.

Teachers: 1

Kavli Foundation 22 Jun 2017 Kavli Asian Winter School (Jan 8-18, 2018) Teachers: 2

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


4.1 Physical Facilities

4.1.1 Budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year

Budget allocated for infrastructure augmentation in lakhs Budget utilized for infrastructure development in lakhs

3.518.15 3.518.15

4.1.2 Details of augmentation in infrastructure facilities during the year

Facilities Existing Newly added

Campus area (Acres) 941.9 0

Classrooms 38 1

Laboratories 175 1 8739 sqm open lab at NCBS, 1887 sqm facilities NCBS

Seminar Halls 39 0

Classrooms with LCD facilities 36 1

Classrooms with Wi-Fi/ LAN 37 0

Seminar halls with ICT facilities 34 0

Video Centre 9 2

No. of important equipment purchased (≥ 10 lakh) during the current year.

946 125

Value of the equipment purchased during the year (lakh Rs.)

84,857 5,731


Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


4.2 Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1 Library is automated {Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)}

Name of the ILMS software

Nature of automation (fully or partially)

Version Year of automation

Libsys7, KOHA, Libsys, Libsys, KOHA, LibSys, NewGenLib

F, F, F, F, F, F, Partially

EJB, Rel 1.0,, 7, 7,, 4.7, 3.1.2

1990, 2014, 2015, 1995, 2016, 2000, 2016

TIFR Main Campus

Libsys7 Fully EJB, Rel 1.0 1990

HBCSE KOHA Fully 2014

NCRA Libsys Fully 7 2015

CAM Libsys Fully 7 1995

ICTS KOHA Partially 2016

NCBS Libsys Fully 4.7 2000

TIFR-Hyderabad NewGenLib Partially 3.12 2016

4.2.1 Library Services

Existing Newly added Total

No Value No Value No Value

Text Books 56826 19,714,624 2349 4,804,973 59175 24,519,597

Reference Books 71770 5,646 237 1,131,318 72007 1,136,964

e-Books 47176 1,664,947 6682 17,332,420 53858 18,997,367

Journals 88613 29,565,030 344 28,270,056 88957 57,835,086

e-Journals 7082 33,777,120 5065 96,363,113 12147 130,140,233

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Digital Database 9 207,885 5 11,788,532 14 11,996,417

CD & Video 3388 0 48 162,747 3436 162,747

Library Automation 0 427,000 3 76,700 3 503,700

Weeding (Hard & Soft) 0 0 0 0 0 0

HBSCE Publications, TIFRH Library Furniture

2816 90,408 6 40 2822 90,448

4.2.2 E-content developed by teachers such as e-PG-Pathshala, CEC (under e-PG-Pathshala CEC (Under Graduate) SWAYAM other MOOCs platform NPTEL/NMEICT/any other Government initiatives & institutional (Learning Management System (LMS), etc

Name of the teacher Name of the module Platform on which module is developed

Date of launching e-content

P Ajith and G Srinivasan (Raman Research Institute - Retired & Visiting Professor, Indian Institute for Astrophysics)

A Journey through the Universe

Using lifesize UVC server for the lectures recording and filmora software for the video processing

17 May 2017

G Nagarjuna Invitation to CLIx (Connected Learning Initiative)

metaStudio (GNOWSYS Studio) 01 June 2017

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


4.3 IT Infrastructure

4.3.1 Technology Upgradation (overall)

Total Computers

Computer Labs

Internet Browsing Centres

Computer Centres

Office Departments

Available bandwidth (GBPS)


Existing 4082 880 2508 21 99 372 2710 3.954 1310

Added 214 36 102 0 18 14 146 0 200

Total 4296 916 2610 21 117 386 2856 3.954 1510

4.3.2 Bandwidth available of internet connection in the Institution (Leased line): 3.954 GBPS

4.3.3 Facility for e-content

Name of the e-content development facility Provide the link of the videos and media centre and recording facility

No dedicated facility. A multimedia production team exists.


Tandberg MXP 1700 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TIFRCAM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TIFRCAM

Tandberg MXP 6000 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TIFRCAM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TIFRCAM

LifeSize Room 220 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TIFRCAM Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TIFRCAM

Lifesize UVC Video Centre, OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), Lifesize Codec, Filmora video editor, Adobe Suite, iMovies, YouTube editor, etc

- live.icts.res.in - youtube.com/ictstalks

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


4.4 Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities, excluding Guidelines of IQAC and submission of AQAR for Universities Page 22 salary component, during the year

Assigned budget on academic facilities in Rs (lakhs)

Expenditure incurred on maintenance of academic facilities in Rs

Assigned budget on physical facilities in Rs

Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities in Rs

2,010.98 2,010.98 5,636.51 5,636.51

4.4.2 Procedures and policies for maintaining and utilizing academic, physical, and support facilities - laboratories, library, sports complex, computers, classroom, etc. (Max 500 words) Information to be available in the institutional website, provide a link

TIFR has different dedicated sections that help in the maintenance and utilization of academic, physical, and support facilities

that help in smooth operations of its research as well as teaching. The physical infrastructure such as buildings, power supply,

air-conditioning, and ventilation, water supply is looked after by the Technical Services (TSR) section in Mumbai. Similar

technical committees are present in all the off campuses at Mumbai, Pune, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad. For building

sophisticated scientific equipment there is a dedicated Central Workshop (CWK) apart from smaller workshops in different

academic departments. The Central Workshop is equipped with precision fabrication facilities including several computer-

controlled CNC machines. There is also a separate Low-Temperature facility (LTF) that provides cryogenic liquids (helium and

nitrogen) for scientific experiments to all users in the institute. The state-of-the-art equipment present in all the campuses are

maintained by specific academic departments but are available for all users across the institute. The advanced equipment for

research and education is maintained by a 100-strong highly skilled permanent scientific personnel attached to various

departments. For all the departments on the main campus, TIFR provides common computing facilities through its Computer

Centre and Communication Facilities (CCCF). It hosts an email server, web-server, High-performance computing (HPC), and

several workstations. It also provides seamless WiFi connectivity throughout the campus. The section also supervises the

activities of Lecture Theater and Auditorium given the increasing importance of ICT in organizing lectures/seminars/virtual

meetings over the internet. Similar facilities are also available at each of the campuses. For any technical work to be carried out

by the centralized technical team, an institute member can make an online request through the DataNet, a dedicated centralized

management portal which has been developed in-house. Laboratory space is allocated by the Space Allocation Committee,

which keeps track of the needs of the Departments and their research programs for space. The space for laboratory and offices

are allocated based on scientific merit and equitable distribution. Upon the retirement of a faculty member or the winding up of

a laboratory, space is returned to the committee for further allocation. This ensures efficient utilization of space. The Main

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Campus has a gymnasium, indoor badminton court, Yoga rooms, and two large playgrounds for football /cricket athletics. These

facilities are maintained by the TIFR Sports Club. Similarly, the hostel, canteen, and other facilities are looked after by the

respective committees comprised of representations from faculties, administrative, technical, and scientific staff as well as

students. Similar arrangements are also in place at all the off campuses.

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


5.1 Student Support

5.1.1 Scholarships and Financial Support

Name /Title of the scheme No. of students

Amount in Rs.

Financial support from the institution Research Fellowship 482 16,88,74,387

Financial support from other sources

a) National

International Student Travel Grant by Department of Biotechnology; DST International Travel Support; DBT International Travel Award

3 3,00,000

TCS Research Scholar Program 1 4,35,000

Infosys Foundation Excellence Program of ICTS 5 7,22,309

Shyama Prasad Mukherjee fellowships (SPMF), CSIR 1 6,15,242

b) International

Conference grants 2 54,000

Nature Travel Grant Award; Biophysical Society Travel Award; GRC financial aid 3 1,70,000

The International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Travel Scholarship Award 2016, National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore

1 56,000

DST + SAOO grant 2 2,00,000

Conference/school organisers 1. IAU Symposium, France, 2. 8th Coronal Loops Workshop, Italy 2 87,000

Partial support for visting University of Wurzburg 1 30,000

Visting fellowship from National University of Taiwan 1 1,26,000

IFCAM sponsored visit to University of Pau, France 1 2,85,000

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


5.1.2 Number of capability enhancement and development schemes such as Soft skill development, Remedial coaching, Language lab, Bridge courses, Yoga, Meditation, Personal Counselling and Mentoring etc.,

Name of the capability enhancement scheme

Date of implementation

Number of students enrolled

Agencies involved

Personal Counselling 2016-2020 Available to all students Counsellor visits campus weekly and available on appointment basis

Yoga Sessions 2016-2020 Available to all students as per registration

Summer Camp organsied by Kaivalya Dham

Soft Skill Development 2016-2020 All students Oral presentation skills and Science communication

Cultural Classes 2016-2020 Available to students as per registration

Kathak, Odissi, Bharatnatyam, Guitar, Western and Indian Classical Music, Photography, Bird Watching

Sports Activities 2016-2020 Available to students as per registration

Badminton, Tennis, Table-tennis, Football, Zumba, Cricket, Basketball, Multi-gym facilities with instructors

Cultural Colloquia 01 Aug 2016 80 TIFR Hyderabad

Personal Counselling 1 Sep 2016 15 TIFR Main campus

Kathamanch (Reading Club)

05 Jun 17 41 In house Students PDF Council

5.1.3 Students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution during the year

Year Name of the scheme

Number of benefited students by Guidance for Competitive examination

Number of benefited students by Career Counselling activities

Number of students who have passed in the competitive exam

Number of students placed


5.1.4 Institutional mechanism for transparency, timely redressal of student grievances, Prevention of sexual harassment and ragging cases during the year

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Total grievances received No. of grievances redressed Average number of days for grievance redressal

1 1 2

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5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 Details of campus placement during the year

On Campus Off Campus

Name of Organizations Visited

Number of Students Participated

Number of Students Placed

Name of Organizations Visited

Number of Students Participated

Number of Students Placed


5.2.2 Student progression to higher education in percentage (like MSc studnets to PhD, PhD to PDF etc approx) (Add rows if needed)

Year Number of students enrolled into higher education

Programme Graduated from

Dept graduated from

Name of the institution joined Name of the programme admitted to

2016 6

Integrated PhD/PhD in Biology

DBS Weill Cornell Medicine, NY; Univ. Wisconsin, Madison; Vienna Institute of Technology; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston; Univ. of Minnesota

Post-Doctoral Research

2016 5 MSc in Biology DBS Max-Planck Institute, Frankfurt; Cornell University; NCBS, Bangalore, Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore; Scripps Institute, USA;

Ph.D. programme

2016 2 Ph.D. in Physics DAA Pen State University, USA, Aarhus University, Denmark Post-Doctoral Fellowship

2017 1 Integrated PhD in Physics

DNAP Goethe University, Germany Post-Doctoral Fellowship

2016 4 Ph.D in Computer and System Science

STCS Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Israel; Open University- Israel; National University of Singapore, Singapore; Hebrew University, Israel

Post-doctoral Fellow

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2016 4 PhD in Physics NCRA University of Cambridge (UK), McGill University (Canada), IUCAA (Pune), Technion - Israel Institute of Technology (Israel)

Post-Doctoral Research

2016 1 MSc in Mathematics CAM Technische Universitat, Berlin. PhD

2016 4 I-PhD/PhD in Mathematics

CAM Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Norway; EPFL Switzerland, University of California, Santacruz.

Post-Doctoral Research

2016 16 PhD in Biology NCBS Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Johns Hopkins, Columbia Unviersity, University of Edinburgh, UK. University of Massachusetts Medical School, Stanford University, University of Southern California, College of Medicine, Texas, UMASS, WORCESTER, University of California, Santa Barbara, Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore, University of California, San Diego, Washington University, Texas University, International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw

Postdoctoral Fellow; Visiting Faculty; Assistant Professor

2016 1 MSc(Integrated PhD exit option) Biology

NCBS IISc, Bangalore JRF

2016 5 MSc in Wildlife Conservation

NCBS Okinawa University, Japan-(2), University of Singapore (1), , NIAS Bangalore (1), University of Utah, USA(1)


2016 1 MSc in Wildlife Conservation

NCBS Alfred-Wegener Institue Germany Masters course

2016 1 Ph.D. in Physics TIFR-H Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (Nordita), Stockholm

Post-Doctoral Fellowship

5.2.3 Students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations during the year (eg:NET/SET/SLET/GATE/GMAT/CAT/GRE/TOFEL/Civil Services/State Government Services)

Examination No. of Students selected/ qualifying Registration number/roll number for the exam

NET 3 129111, 521181, 521921

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


SET 0 -

SLET 0 -

GATE 1 MA17S46021003

GMAT 0 -

CAT 0 -

GRE 0 -


Civil Services 0 -

State Government Services 0 -

Any other 0 -

5.2.4 Sports and cultural activities / competitions organised at the institution level during the year

Activity Level Participants

Founder's Day Sports Tournaments, Main Campus In-house 200

Badminton Match Series (Mixed Doubles), ICTS In-house 55

ICTS Triathlon 2016 In-house 25

Cricket Match with NCBS In-house 30

Football Tournament, ICTS In-house 22

Cricket Tournament, NCBS In-house 105

Republic run 5km, NCBS In-house 126

Badminton league, NCBS In-house 76

Swimming competition, NCBS In-house 45

NCBS through my eyes In-house 35

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TCIS Talent Jan 27, 2017 TIFR-H members, Hyderabad In-house 80

Poetry Reading Feb 24, 2017 Friday Young poets, TIFR-H In-house 80

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5.3 Student Participation and Activities

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at national/international level (award for a team event should be counted as one)

Year Name of the award / medal National / International Sports Cultural Student ID number Name of the student


5.3.2 Activity of Student Council & representation of students on academic & administrative bodies/committees of the institution (maximum 500 words)

TIFR Students' Society (TSS) on the Main Campus is an elected student body that serves as a point of contact between the students and the institute administration. The elected members of TSS (a sports secretary, a canteen secretary, a hostel secretary, a cultural secretary, a library in-charge and a mov.in-charge) look after the maintenance of students' hostels and also supervise day-to-day operations of the students' canteen in TIFR residential colony. Apart from that, TSS monitors library facilities in the institute and also organizes numerous recreational and cultural activities for students. It arranges private screening of movies every week. TSS holds annual sports tournament for Football, Volleyball, Cricket, Badminton, Chess, Table Tennis, etc., and promotes cultural events like celebrations of various festivities, Freshers' party, Music events, Student-faculty interaction dinner, etc. Students contribute to most of these activities although TIFR supports some activities that deal with the improvement of infrastructure. HBCSE also has a Students’ committee, consisting of three members selected by the students and appointed by the Centre Director, which liaises with the faculty and administration to resolve student-related issues. In HBCSE, the Annual Research Meet is an informal and supportive forum for presentation, discussion, sharing, and debate over academic research which is organized entirely by Research Scholars. TIFR has student representation on • Canteen Committee, Science Popularization and Public Outreach Committee, Founder’s Day Committee at TIFR • Canteen Committee, Sports Committee, Library Committee, Hostel Committee at HBCSE •The Hostel Committee, Library Committee, Canteen Committee, and Computer Facilities Committee at NCRA •Canteen Committee at CAM • Campus Services Cell (looking after issues related to the canteen, Fitness centre, Health Promotion Centre, safety issues and Transport), Sports and Recreation Committee, and Cultural Committee at ICTS

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5.4 Alumni Engagement

5.4.1 Whether the institution has a registered Alumni Association? Yes/No, if yes give details (maximum 500 words)

Yes. TIFR Alumni Association (TAA) is registered as a Society. It was formally established on April 29, 2000. The Institute has already received crucial support from its members towards fulfilling its main objectives. It has become one of the most important driving forces for the TIFR Endowment Fund. In years to come, the natural bond between the Institute and its alumni is expected to be further strengthened. We will remain highly indebted to our alumni for their continued commitment towards our objectives and our mission of learning, research, and teaching. The day to day affairs of TAA is managed by an Executive Committee. It conducts lectures of public interest which is open to all. It also actively partners with the TIFR Endowment Fund to institute awards to students and members of TIFR. An annual e-newsletter is published and distributed to all its members via email. Efforts are on to enroll new members and take up additional activities to further the interest of its parent institute, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

5.4.2 No. of registered Alumni: 488

5.4.3 Alumni contribution during the year (in Rupees): 0

5.4.4 Meetings/activities organized by Alumni Association :

Awards for Faculties and Students

Award in Science Education - Given to any serving or past member (still active in the field of

Science Education) of the institute - biennially

Prof. Sukumar Biswas Ph.D. Student Award - a yearly award given to students pursuing a Ph.D. in


Shri Ramakrishna Cowsik Medal and Smt. Saraswathi Cowsik Medals - given to a regular or past

member for contributions to an outstanding research paper - Yearly

TAA Excellence Award - given to a faculty member for outstanding work in his/her field - Yearly

TAA Patent Award - given to a member for contribution to outstanding work in applied science

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


TAA Zita Lobo Memorial Award - Given to a non-academic member of the Department of Biological

Sciences for outstanding supportive work

TAA Excellence in Teaching Award - given to a faculty member for excellence in teaching and

guiding Ph.D. Students - Yearly

TAA Geeta Udgaonkar Award - given to a Ph.D. student for the best thesis in Physics - Yearly

TAA harish Chandra Memorial Award - given to a Ph.D. student for the best Ph.D. thesis in

mathematics or computer sciences

TAA Zita Lobo Award - given to a student of the Department of Biological Sciences for the best

Ph.D. thesis - Yearly

TAA Sasken Award - Given to a student for the best Ph.D. Thesis in Technology and Computer

Sciences - Yearly

TAA B. M. Udgaonkar Award - given to a Ph.D. student for the best thesis in Science Education -


Public Lectures National Science Day Lecture on "The top scientific breakthrough of 2016: The detection of gravitational waves by LIGO: February 26, 2017

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6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership

6.1.1 Mention two practices of decentralization and participative management during the last year (maximum 500 words)

The constitution of Subject Boards is decentralized. It is ensured that each Subject Board has at least one representative from each campus that it has a presence in. In addition, the academic issues of the students on individual campuses are mostly handled by the Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) on that campus, which coordinates with multiple subject boards. The centres are also given the freedom to structure the courses and syllabi for the graduate school component under various subject boards. These are approved by the respective subject boards and the Academic Council.

The Faculties of all schools and centres have a continuous peer-review system for all aspects, including the development of curricula, appointments, promotions, choice of research programs, funding, etc. This leads to a distributed leadership, ensures accountability, and at the same time assuring academic freedom that is essential for a research institution to grow to its full potential. Particularly, the process of the appointment of a new faculty member in the institute involves consultation and evaluation at various levels. This includes scrutiny of the research proposal and research credentials at the individual department level in terms of evaluation of the job talks given by the applicant, assessment based on the reports on the candidate’s credentials, and proposal from external reviewers who are leading experts in the subject. At a later stage, the application and the collected reviews are scrutinized in the larger committee that is comprised of senior faculty members from various departments. Ultimately, the application is discussed at the faculty level in Natural Science Faculty for the Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects and Mathematics Faculty, Computer Science Faculty for their respective subjects before giving a formal recommendation to the institute’s Governing Council through Director. This methodology is followed across all centres of the institute.

6.1.2 Does the institution have a Management Information System (MIS)? Yes/No/Partial:


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6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following (within 100 words each):

Curriculum Development TIFR selects its students via a nationwide competitive examination followed by interviews, for which more than 20000 students appear every year. As a result, we get very good students, and our challenge is to make them even better, and to help them develop their latent scientific talent so that they become comparable to their peers in the best universities across the world. From the teaching perspective, this involves keeping a continuous tab of new developments in the subjects and going on modifying our course contents in their light. Besides this continuous development, every few years the various Subject Boards revisit their own syllabi and update them. We also introduce graduate students to the research groups in the institute working in the frontline areas of research in the form of lab visits and semester-long projects. This helps in molding their scientific talent to absorbs the ways of doing frontline scientific research.

Teaching and Learning From the learning perspective, the TIFR endeavors to provide an enabling environment to our students, which is rich in intellectual stimulation, and at the same time has enough interaction with scientists in the area and supervision and feedback by the teachers. The time they spend in the excellent library and laboratories that we have built over the years are of great help to the students to learn their discipline, in conjunction with our formal courses and examinations. We always try to bring a sense of creative play to all our teaching/learning interactions. Short laboratory orientations and semester-long projects are part of these efforts where students are introduced to the ways of carrying out the front line scientific research. This also helps students get familiar with the research area closest to their choice.

Examination and Evaluation

The rules for extensions of students were formalized, in the background of the increase in the student fellowships and restriction on the time that be taken for PhD. The coursework related rules for PhD registration are strictly adhered to.

Research and Development

Each faculty of the institute is encouraged to apply for grants to fund their research activities. This includes the periodic plan proposals to the Department of Atomic Energy. These proposals are vetted at the institute level before their submission to the funding agencies. Moreover, a periodic review is carried out for various departments and Centres where the external subject experts’ committee comprised of the world-renowned scientists visits the institute and interacts with the institute members, and gives a detailed assessment of the activities of the departments. Institute strongly encourages collaborations and research visits by the members.

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Library, ICT and Physical Infrastructure / Instrumentation

The library committee oversees the functioning of the library, and a computer committee oversees the ICT infrastructure. Continuous efforts are made to expand access to online journals as well as the book collection. Members are encouraged to suggest new reference books and textbooks be added to the existing collection. Efforts are made to connect all the libraries pan-TIFR via VPN. The computer committee is responsible for the upgrade the ICT infrastructure both in terms of hardware and software. Campus-wide WiFi connectivity is also implemented on all the campuses. Video conferencing units are added for remote meeting organization.

Human Resource Management

Our recruitment of the faculty entirely focusses on research achievements and scholarship of the candidates. This way, we are able to recruit the best scientific manpower in the country, and also the cream of returning young Indian scientists who have been awarded their Ph.D.s or postdoctoral fellowships abroad. TIFR follows the Tenure Track system for the young faculty members joining the institute. Once a young faculty member joins TIFR, he/she begins to take part in the nurture of students, and by and by assumes more responsibilities including lecturing and being the formal guide of a student. Thus, our faculty members begin as excellent scientists and then grow into the role of active and enthusiastic teachers. Besides the Faculty, we have a large support staff. Our policy is to treat them as partners in our larger aims and to encourage them to take responsibility, to make innovations, and to grow with the job.

Industry Interaction / Collaboration

There have been some research projects funded by the industry, and some industries have formal MoUs with TIFR that facilitate collaborations. Internships of people from the industry in TIFR, and access to industry-level technology to TIFR members, has been of mutual benefit.

Admission of Students The Subject Board for Mathematics discontinued the oral interviews for admissions, instead started giving shortlisted students another written test. This is expected to lead to more objective student selection.

6.2.2 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operations:

Planning and Development

TIFR has an internal Information Systems Development Group, with dedicated staff. The ISDG looks after the information technology requirements and plan of execution for the Institute, developing online procedures for various academic, administrative, and financial processes in the Institute, including the Colaba campus and the Centres and Field Stations. The ISDG works in close collaboration with the

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relevant Sections of the Institute, adapting existent systems for online functioning and developing new procedures, if necessary to facilitate these.

Administration The movement of files with approval from authorities at successively higher levels is gradually being moved to Datanet and LDAP, though the process is not complete. This includes applications, such as leave, reimbursement, LTC applications, etc. On the financial side, the tendering process is now largely electronic. Most bookings of rooms, accommodation, transport, canteen facilities, photographic cell, etc. are now done electronically. Bidding for residential accommodation in Institute quarters is done purely electronically.

Finance and Accounts

TIFR has built its own Integrated Information System (TIIS), which is an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution for TIFR which includes Personal Information System, Payroll, Pension, Provident Fund, Procurements, Material Receipts, Inventory, Budget, Accounting, Finance, and Accommodation. TIIS was implemented at TIFR Main Campus, and other campuses are in the process of transferring from Tally and a few other software to TIIS.

In addition to TIIS, Datanet provides information to staff members on their desktops, e.g. service record, salary, purchase orders, indent status, etc.

Financial transactions of some of the government departments are done through the PFMS software.

Student Admission and Support

The web-based admission portal was adopted in collaboration with M/s Embitel, Bengaluru in the year 2008. This is used exclusively for managing the application process for the admission written test. We continuously keep upgrading it based on the experiences of candidates as well as institute administration.

Examination Since the student to faculty ratio is very small pan-TIFR, the need for adopting e-governance has not been felt so far.

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6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1 Teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year

Year Name of teacher Name of conference/ workshop attended for which financial support provided

Name of the professional body for which membership fee is provided

Amount of Support

2016 Gotam Jarori Gordon Research Conference on Tropical Infectious Diseases, 03/12/2017 - 03/17/2017 Galveston TX United States.


2016 Krishanu Ray EMSI 2016 Annual Meeting, Varanasi, June 1-3, 2016 11,267

2016 Shubha Tole ComBio-2016 17,069

2016 Shubha Tole SFN-2017 106,125

2016 Shubha Tole Cortical Development- 2017 213,310

2016 Vidita Vaidya Indo-Irish Meeting, Dublin, Ireland 64,464

2016 Vidita Vaidya Indian Academy of Neurosciences Annual meeting, New Delhi


2016 Vidita Vaidya Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA; Academic visit to San Francisco


2016 Ullas Kolthur-Seetharam

Asian Epigenomics Meeting at Bengaluru 11,335

2016 Ullas Kolthur-Seetharam

Symposium on Mitochondria at NIMHANS, Bangalore-India 10,835

2017 Ullas Kolthur-Seetharam

Annual Meeting of SBC(I) at CFTRI, Mysore-India 10,444

2017 Sandhya Koushika Israeli Neuroscience meeting, Eilat, Israel Dec 3-5, 2016 85,199

2017 Sandhya Koushika HHMI Investigator meeting, USA Aug 5-7, 2016 90,526

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2017 Mahendra Sonawane 7th Asia-Oceania Zebrafish Meeting, Singapore, October 1-4, 2016


2017 Sandhya Koushika International C. elegans meeting, Los Angeles, USA June 21-24, 2017


2017 Sandhya Koushika Model organisms in Human Health, Yarra Valley, Australia June 27-29, 2017


2017 Gotam Jarori Malaria Vaccine Symposium, April 25, 2017 at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health


2017 Roop Mallik Indian-Birmingham University Interaction Meeting, 20th July 2017, Birmingham (UK)


2017 Krishanu Ray International Conference and Annual Meeting of the EMSI, Mamallapuram, Chennai, July 16-19, 2017


2016 Amalendu Krishna Workshop on `Generalizations of $A^1$-Homotopy Invariance in Algebraic Geometry and Homotopy Theory', Freie Universit\"at Berlin, Germany


2016 Arvind Nair Conference on `Algebraic Cycles and Moduli, Canada, Conference on `Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups' in honour of J. Schwermer , Germany


2016 Anish Ghosh Beijing University and Nankai University, China,


2016 Indranil Biswas Yau Mathematical Centre,Beijing, China, 55,000

2016 Indranil Biswas Program on Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Moduli Space


2016 Mahan Mj Chern Institute of Mathematics,China, University of Toronto, Canada and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, USA,


2016 A.J. Parameswaran ICTS Program on `Higgs Bundles’, Bangalore 10,000

2016 A.J. Parameswaran Program on Geometry, Topology and Dynamics of Moduli Space, Singapore


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2016 S.K. Roushon Conference on the `Topology of Manifolds, Portugal.


2016 A. Sankaranarayanan Kerala School of Mathematics, Kerala 15,000

2016 Tanmay Deshpande Workshop on ``Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory', Italy


2016 Tanmay Deshpande Workshop on ``Geometry and Representatin Theory'', Austria


2016 V. Trivedi CAAG Meeting, IISER, Mohali 25,000

2016 V. Trivedi Symposia at the AMS-India 2016 meeting, Varanasi 20,000

2016 D. K. Ojha The Russian-Indian joint workshop on radio astronomy and star formation, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia


2016 Sudip Bhattacharyya High throughput X-ray Astronomy in the eXTP era conference, Rome, Italy, and associated academic visits in University of Pisa and Rome


2017 Sudip Bhattacharyya RETCO-III 2017 conference, IIST, Thiruvanantapuram 10,000

2016 Manoj Puravankara Star and planet formation: insights & intricacies, IIST, Thiruvananthapuram, December 2016


2017 Manoj Puravankara IAU workshop on Star Formation, B. M. Birla Science Center, Hyderabad, 23 February, 2017


2017 Manoj Puravankara 35th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of India held in Jaipur, March, 2017


2016 M. N. Vahia 24th SEAC Conference : The Marriage of Astronomy and Culture: Theory and Method in the Study of Cultural Astronomy


2016 P. S. Joshi Varying Constants and Fundamental Cosmology, Poland 100,000

2016 J. S. Yadav SPIE Astronomy telescope & instrument meeting, Edingburgh, UK


2016 A. R. Rao Shining from the heart of darkness: black hole accretion and jets, Kathmandu, Nepal


2016 A. Gopakumar LSC Virgo meeting 50,000

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2016 K. P. Singh SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation Symposium: Edinburgh, UK


2016 B. Mookerjea SOFIA Spectroscopy Meeting, Germany 53,000

2016 Gagan Mohanty Winter School on Astroparticle Physics, Dec 21 - 29, 2016, Ooty


2016 Gagan Mohanty XXII DAE-BRNS High Energy Physics Symposium 2016, Dec 12 - 16, 2016, Delhi


2016 Pravata Mohanty TeV Particle Astrophysics (TeVPA-2016), Sep 12-16, 2016, CERN, Geneva


2016 Deepankar Misra Asian International Symphosium on Atomic Molecular Physics


2017 Deepankar Misra International Conference on Highly Charged Ions 150,000

2016 L C Tribedi Charged Particle Collisions in Atoms, Molecules IIT Dhanbad


2016 L C Tribedi XXI National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics 16,000

2016 L C Tribedi International Conference MPS Moscow 2016 80,000

2016 L C Tribedi International Conf: HCI- Kielce, Poland (2016), 120,000

2016 R. Palit SSNET 2016 workshop, Gif sur Yvette, France, 7 - 11 Nov, 2016


2016 R. Palit Advance development in applied physics, College of Engineering and Technology, Techno Campus, Bhubaneswar, 21 - 25 Oct 2016


2017 Vaibhav S. Prabhudesai

Spectroscopy and dynamics of molecules and clusters 20,000

2016 Vaibhav S. Prabhudesai

From Ultrafast to Ultraslow Dynamics of Molecules and Clusters


2017 Vaibhav S. Prabhudesai

XXI National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics 16,000

2016 Vaibhav S. Prabhudesai

12th National Symposium of Radiation and Photochemistry 14,000

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2016 Sushil A Mujumdar Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Munich, Germany


2016 Sushil A Mujumdar Frontiers in Light Matter Interaction, IIT Ropar 11,000

2016 Kedar Damle ICTS School and Workshop on Current Frontiers in Condensed Matter Research, Bangalore


2016 Kedar Damle Meeting of Indian Academy of Science, IISER Bhopal 12,845

2016 Kedar Damle Workshop on frustrated magnetism in IMSC, Chennai 16,000

2016 Kedar Damle Workshop on “Recent Progress in Lowdim Quantum Megnetism”, Lausanne, UK


2016 Basudeb Dasgupta Dark side of the Universe, Bergen Univ., Norway 75,000

2016 Saumen Datta CNT workshop on quarkonia, Calcutta University. 18,622

2016 Amol Dighe Astronomical Society of India meeting, Srinagar 30,000

2016 Rajiv Gavai DAE-BRNS HEP Symposium, Delhi University 27,562

2016 K. Sridhar LHC String- 2017 30,000

2016 K. Sridhar HEP Int. Conference in QCD 16 Montpellier, France 76,409

2016 K. Sridhar Strings to LHC IV, Chalsa 16,616

2016 Sourendu Gupta To attend Quark Matter 2017 194,326

2016 Rishi Khatri CMB Spectral Distortions from cosmic Baryon Evolution, RRI, Banglore


2016 Rishi Khatri ASM Meetiung, Jaipur 14,248

2016 Subhabrata Mazumdar Workshop on structure formation in cosmology', BITS-PILANI


2016 Subhabrata Mazumdar Workshop on Aspects of Early Universe Cosmology, SINP, Kolkata


2016 Gautam Mandal String Theory Conference, Bangalore 11,153

2016 Nilmani Mathur International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Univ. Of Southampton, UK and Workshop on Hadron Spectrum, Univ.of Cambridge, UK


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2016 Tuhin Roy Jets@LHC , ICTS-TIFR, Bengaluru 10,187

2016 Tuhin Roy Attending conference RECAPP, HRI 13,628

2016 Tuhin Roy MITP Workshop, Mainz, Germany 26,577

2016 Tridib Sadhu Attending Indian Statistical Physics meeting, ICTS, Bangalore


2016 Sreerup Raychaudhuri LHC String- 2017, Chalsa 29,908

2016 Rajdeep Sensarma Programme on Current frontiers in Condensed matter research, Bengalore


2016 Rajdeep Sensarma KITP Programme on Synthetic Quantum Matter, Santa Barbara, USA


2016 Rishi Sharma DAE-BRNS HEP Symposium, Delhi University 5,821

2016 Vikram Tripathi Disorder, interactions and coherence: warps and delights (FOCUS Workshop), MPIPKS, Dresden,Germany


2016 Vikram Tripathi DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, Bhubaneswar 16,976

2016 Vikram Tripathi National Conference on Electronic Structure, Bhopal 11,974

2016 Arkadev Chattopadhyay

1) Dagstuhl Invitational Workshop on "Algebraic Methods in Computational Complexity" held in SchlossDagstuhl, Germany, October 9--14, 2016,


2017 Arkadev Chattopadhyay

ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), in Barcelona, Spain, Jan 16-19, 2017,


2016 Arkadev Chattopadhyay

Visit to Mysore, India from Aug 13-17, 2016 9,847

2016 Prahladh Harsha Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Complexity of Discrete Problems (Dagstuhl, Germany March 19 – 24, 2017)


2016 Sandeep K. Juneja Visit to Stanford 135,683

2016 Sandeep K. Juneja Visit to Chicago 187,149

2016 Sandeep K. Juneja Visit to Delhi, India 22,924

2016 T. Kavitha SODA 2017 at Barcelona, Spain 111,105

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2016 T. Kavitha Visit to Germany 50,000

2016 Vinod Prabhakaran 1) Visit to (Singapore & Germany) 39,668

2016 Vinod Prabhakaran Visit to Mumbai, India, 10,162

2016 Vinod Prabhakaran Visit to Kolkata, India 20,697

2016 N. Raja 1) Fifth World Congress on the Square of Opposition, Rapa Nui, Chile, & Conference on Assertoric and Modal Logics, Santiago, Chile


2016 N. Raja Workshop on Diagram Logics, Kolkata, India, & International Conference on Accessibility to Digital World, Guwahati, India


2016 Ramprasad Saptharishi Visit in Aug'16 53,459

2016 Ramprasad Saptharishi visit to RIGA in July'17 54,927

2016 Ramprasad Saptharishi Visit to Mysore, India from Aug 13-17, 2016 10,593

2016 Piyush Srivastava 1) Counting Complexity and Phase Transitions Reunion meeting, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA.


2016 Rahul Vaze ITA, San Diego, Feb 2017: Paper: Capacity of Cellular Wireless Networks,


2016 Rahul Vaze INFOCOM 2017, Atlanta, April 2017, Paper: Online knapsack problem and budgeted truthful bipartite matching.


2016 Hariharan Narayanan Visit to London 47,851

2016 Ashutosh Gupta Visit to Mandi, India 28,781

2016 Ashutosh Gupta Visit to Chennai, India 22,571

2016 Paritosh K. Pandya 1) Visit to Mandi, India, 2) Visit to Kanpur, India, 3) Visit to Chennai, India


2016 Savita Ladage The 24th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education (ICCE 2016) in Kuching Malaysia held during August 15 to 20, 2016.


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2017 Aniket Sule The International Symposium on Education in Astronomy & Astrobiology (ISE2A) held during July 3 to 7, 2017 at University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.


2017 Ankush Gupta The International Conference on 'Integrated Solid Waste Management Practices in Developing Countries' held during April 11 to 12, 2017 at the CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur, India.


2017 Rajesh Khaparde The GIREP-ICPE (International Conference on Physics Education)-EPEC 2017 conference on 'Bridging Research and Practice in Physics Teaching & Learning' held during July 3 to 7, 2017 at Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.


2017 Savita Ladage The 1st National Conference for Advanced POGIL Practitioners (NCAPP 2017) held during June 26 to 28, 2017 at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Philadelphia, USA.


2016 Bhaswati Bhattacharyya

Conference "The Broad Impact of Low Frequency Observing", Italy


2016 Dharam Vir Lal "Kick-off uGMRT-MIGHTEE discussion meeting", South Africa


2016 C. H. Ishwara Chandra "SPARCS VII: The Precursors Awaken", Australia 101,729

2016 Dharam Vir Lal "The X-ray Universe: Broad Impact of Low Radio Frequencies", Italy


2016 Nissim Kanekar "Science at Low Frequencies", California, USA 114,062

2016 Preeti Kharb "When Brandeis met Jansky: Astrophysics and beyond", USA


2016 P. K. Manoharan "AOGS 2016 meeting", Beijing, China 123,005

2016 Divya Oberoi "MWA Project Meeting", Italy 166,501

2016 Poonam Chandra "IAU Symposium 331: SN1987A 30 years later", France 83,548

2016 Preeti Kharb "Low Frequency Observations of S7 Seyfert Galaxies", SPARCS meeting, Goa


2017 Yashwant Gupta Astronomical Society of India meeting-2017, Jaipur 11,462

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2017 S. K. Ghosh ASTROSAT/UVIT Meeting, Bangalore 10,565

2017 Dharam Vir Lal "Wide band spectral and timing studies of cosmic X-ray sources", Mumbai


2017 Tirthankar Roy Choudhury

"29th Meeting of the Indian Association of General Relativity and Gravitation", Guwahati


2017 Poonam Chandra RETCO-III, Thiruvananthapuram 17,978

2017 Preeti Kharb "Wide Band Spectral and Timing Studies of Cosmic X-ray Sources", Mumbai


2016 P.K. Srinivasan To participate in a research activity in Partial Differential equations and Nonlinear Analysis, To visit Prof. Jacques Giacomoni, To participate in "Numerics for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and its Applications" conference


2016 Imran H Biswas Collaborative visit, funded by IFCAM and invited by Prof. Andreas Prohl, To participate in "Numerics for Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and its Applications" conference


2016 Sandeep K To give a talk at the "National Seminar on Algebra and Analysis", To give series of lecture on PDE, To deliver a colloquium talk




2016 Aravinda C.S Academic Visit 150,000

2016 Shyam Sundar Ghoshal To give a talk 20,458

2016 Sreekar v As part of joint IFCAM project with Prof. Kratz and to participate in "RARE Conference" at La Baule, France


2016 Adimurthi conference in Italy 186,361

2016 V.P. Krishnan To attend a conference and deliver a 30-minute talk 150,000

2016 V.P. Krishnan To attend the IAS Workshop on Inverse Problems, Imaging and Partial Differential Equations

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2016 G.D.Veerappa Gowda N/A 31,616

2016 Praveen C Collaborative work with Prof. Klingenberg at University of Wurzburg, Germany, Research collaboration with Prof. Harish Kumar (IIT Delhi), To attend PDES workshop at paris


2016 Agnid Banerjee Invited talk at IISER, Pune 10,150

2016 Amit Apte SIAM 5,725

2016 Amit Apte AMS 1,110

2016 P Ajith

LIGO collaboration - Caltech


2016 P Ajith Presidency University, Kolkata Invited lectures in the AK Raychaudhuri School


2016 P Ajith University of the Balearic Islands, Spain Visiting lecturer (professors convidats)


2016 P Ajith St Stephens College, Delhi Popli Memorial Lectures (Invited)


2016 P Ajith Aspen Center for Physics, USA Workshop 205,311

2016 P Ajith Advanced school on gravitational wave astronomy, Presidency University, Kolkata


2016 P Ajith Aspen Winter Conferences “The Dawning Era of Gravitational Wave Astrophysics"


2016 P Ajith XXIX IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics, Paris 115,178

2016 P Ajith Amsterdam,Geneva-Nikhef Amsterdam, University of Pisa, CERN Geneva Research Collaboration, Conference, LIGO collaboration meeting


2016 Amit Apte Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics, Berlin, Germany 37,609

2016 Amit Apte Oberwolfach meeting “Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Atmosphere-Ocean Data Assimilation,” Oberwolfach, Germany


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2016 Amit Apte Solicited talk in NP5.1 “Inverse Problems, Data Assimilation and Error Dynamics” in European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria


2016 Pallab Basu Speaker at String Theory Seminar, IIT Kanpur 22,817

2016 Pallab Basu ICTP Winter School 54,426

2016 Pallab Basu Speaker at String Theory seminar, IIT Kanpur 12,758

2016 Pallab Basu Collaboration at IACS, Kolkata 11,705

2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee Taipei, Taiwan: To attend and deliver invited talk at the 8th Internal conference on Highly frustrated Magnetism (HFM), Kagome chiral spin liquid as gauged U(1) SPT at the 8th International Meeting on Highly frustrated magnetism (HFM) in Taipei, Taiwan


2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee IISER Bhopal : Attending Annual Meeting of Indian Academy of Sciences.


2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee XXZ antiferromagnets on Kagome lattice at the IACS-APCTPKIAS Joint conference on Emergent phenomena in Novel oxide materials and low dimensional systems at APCTP, Pohang, South Korea, APCTP, Pohang, South Korea : To participate and deliver invited talk at the 8th APCTP-IACS-KIAS Joint conference on Emergent Phenomena in Novel Oxide materials and low dimensional systems.


2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee IISER Mohali, To participate and deliver Invited talk at Max Planck Parter Group Meeting.


2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee IACS-Kolkata Acdemic visit 18,444

2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee Talk at Ab-Initio Holography & BIQH and chiral spin liquids TIFR, Mumbai and Quantum Hall Effect of Bosons, Invited Talk at IIT, Bombay


2016 Rukmini Dey Talk at ICTIMC, BHU, Varanasi, on the topic ``Quillen bundle and Geometric Quantization''.


2016 Rukmini Dey Collaboration at HRI 10,745

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2016 Abhishek Dhar Program on “New Approaches to Non-equilibrium and Random Systems: KPZ Integrability, Universality, Applications and Experiments", KITP, Santa Barbara


2016 Abhishek Dhar WE Heraeus Seminar on “Quantifying complex transport with Lvy walks: from cold atoms to humans and robots", Bad Honnef, Germany


2016 Abhishek Dhar 26th IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics", Lyon, France


2016 Abhishek Dhar Workshop on Nonequilibrium processes at the nanoscale, at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics China at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, xvi


2016 Abhishek Dhar International Workshop "Thermal and Electronic Transport in Nanostructures", at the International Institute of Physics, Natal, Brazil


2016 Abhishek Dhar DDAP9 (9th Dynamics Days Asia Pacic), Baptist University, Hong Kong


2016 Abhishek Dhar International Conference on Complex Quantum Systems, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai


2016 Abhishek Dhar Conference on "Numerical aspects of nonequilibrium dynamics" [IHP trimester "Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium"], Institut Henri Poincare, Paris


2016 Abhishek Dhar Department of Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, INDIA, Collaboration, Invited Seminar


2016 Abhishek Dhar Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical Physics - “QUANTUM SYS- TEMS IN AND OUT OF EQUILIBRIUM: Fundamentals, dynamics and applica- tions", Granada, Spain


2016 Abhishek Dhar Mumbai-International Conference on Complex Quantum Systems, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai


2016 Rajesh Gopakumar String Theory in London (STiL 16), King’s College London, UK


2016 Rajesh Gopakumar Plenary Talk, Strings 2016, Beijing 137,170

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2016 Rajesh Gopakumar Recent Developments in String Theory, Ascona, Switzerland


2016 Rajesh Gopakumar Plenary Talk, PASCOS 2016, Vietnam 81,565

2016 Rajesh Gopakumar Strings Seminar HRI Allahabad 11,795

2016 Rajesh Gopakumar TIFR, Mumbai for Andystrominger's lecture and interview 85,776

2016 Rama Govindarajan ASIRI-OMM (Indo-US, stands for Air-Sea-Interactions in the Northern Indian Ocean, Regional Initiative) Discussion Meeting, Corvallis, Oregon,


2016 Rama Govindarajan IUCAA Pune 13,889

2016 Rama Govindarajan Conference at IIT Indore, Bhopal 17,237

2016 Rama Govindarajan Professeur Invitee in the Ecole Centrale de Lyon and University of Toulouse Paul Sabatier


2016 Vijaykumar Krishnamurthy

ICTP Winter School 91,067

2016 Manas Kulkarni Recent progress in non-equilibrium physics with Light and Matter, 35th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas Physics Conference, Cebu City, PHILIPPINES


2016 Manas Kulkarni Sub-diffusion and non-equilibrium probes of phases in Aubry-André-Harper Model, Conference on Dynamics and Hydrodynamics of Certain Quantum Matter, Graduate Centre of CUNY, New York, USA


2016 Manas Kulkarni Sub-diffusion and non-equilibrium probes of phases in incommensurate lattice models in low dimensions, Department of Theoretical Physics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, INDIA


2016 Manas Kulkarni Entanglement in light-matter systems, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, CHINA, Entanglement in light-matter systems, School of Physical Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou, CHINA


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2016 Manas Kulkarni Driven-Dissipative Quantum-dot circuit-QED systems, International Conference on Complex Quantum Systems, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, INDIA


2017 Anupam Kundu Mumbai, Tel Aviv-Visiting scientist position at the Weizmann Institute of science, Israel, May 2017


2016 Loganayagam R Strings Attached (International Workshop on String Theory at IIT Kanpur)


2016 Suvrat Raju Invited speaker at international conference: “ERC and Solvay workshop on Holography for Black Holes and Cosmology” Belgium 2016


2017 Suvrat Raju Invited speaker at international conference: Strings 2017 (Tel Aviv)


2016 Suvrat Raju First Mandelstam School on Theoretical Physics (MITP), South Africa


2016 Suvrat Raju Conference at TIFR Mumbai 11,362

2016 Suvrat Raju Conference at Guwahati 15,845

2016 S.S.Ray Toulouse-Visiting Professor, Federation Doeblin, University of Nice, Sophia-Antipolis France


2016 S.S.Ray Comflu 2016, Hyderabad 12,566

2016 Spenta Wadia 27th General Meeting of TWAS held in Kigali, Rwand) 16,041

2016 Spenta Wadia Strings 2017, Tel Aviv, Israel 132,817

2016 P Ajith Einstien lecture at MG University, Kerala 6,200

2016 P Ajith To deliver Talk at NSS College, Kochi 7,279

2016 P Ajith Invited talk at the Astronomical Society of India meeting, Pune


2016 P Ajith TIFR, Mumbai-Founders' Day Colloquim at TIFR 5,025

2016 Amit Apte Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Dynamics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Kolkata, India


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2016 Amit Apte Collaboration of Prof.Bovkar, IIT Bombay 9,318

2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee IISER Bhopal, To deliver colloquium at the Physics department.


2016 Subhro Bhattacharjee IMSc Chennai, To participate and deliver invited talks in school and conference on frustrated magnetism and XXZ antiferromagnets on Kagome lattice at the conference on Frustrated magnetism at IMSc, Chennai


2016 Rajesh Gopakumar MukhiFest, IISER-Pune 8,899

2017 Rajesh Gopakumar Simons workshop - Bootstrap 2017, ICTP-SAIFR, Sao Paulo, Brazil


2016 Rajesh Gopakumar TWAS 27th General meeting at Kigali, Rwanda 2,090

2016 Rama Govindarajan Turbulence (Pedagogical lecture) ASISI-OMM Discussion meeting, Chennai


2016 Rama Govindarajan Colloquium on Women in Science, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad


2016 Rama Govindarajan Conference at TCIS Hyderabad 8,166

2016 Rama Govindarajan Colloquium on Women in Science, Tata Institute of Social Sciences


2016 Rama Govindarajan Conference at Secunderabad 2,460

2016 Manas Kulkarni Entanglement in light-matter systems, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences (IMSc), Chennai, INDIA


2016 Suvrat Raju Invited speaker at NORDITA program “Black Holes and Emergent Spacetime” Sweden Aug 2016


2016 Suvrat Raju TEDX, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Goa 4,177

2017 Suvrat Raju Invited speaker at NORDITA program “Black Holes and Emergent Spacetime” Sweden


2016 M K Mathew DBS Annual Talks, TIFR-DBS, Mumbai 10,483

2016 Ranabir Das Invited seminar: Structural and Functional analysis of PALB2, IISER Pune


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2016 Aswin Sai Narain Seshasayee

Meeting on Molecular Biology of Microbes, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad


2016 Rajesh Kumar Ladher Morphogenesis of the Inner Ear, IIT Kanpur 11,183

2016 Sudhir Krishna Seminar, Wellcome Trust Liverpool Glasgow Centre for Global health, Liverpool, UK


2016 Upinder S. Bhalla Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Asia meeting, Suzhou, China


2016 Sanjay Sane International Conference for Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Xi’an, China


2016 Shannon Olsson Young Ecologists Talk and Interact, Tezpur, Assam 14,692

2016 Deepa Agashe Symposium on Evolutionary Biology, IIT-Bombay 8,434

2016 Sandeep Krishna Aspects of Gene and Cellular Regulation meeting, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai


2016 Krushnamegh Kunte Annual Meeting of the Butterfly Society of Japan, University of Tokyo


2016 Shashi Thutupalli Advances in Mathematics and Computational Biology, IIT-Ropar


2016 Shashi Thutupalli Institute Seminar, LaCONES, CCMB, Hyderabad 5,151

2016 M K Mathew Indian Biophysical Society, IISER Mohali 15,033

2016 P. V. Shivaprasad Ramanujan Fellows Conclave, Alibaug, Mumbai 8,657

2016 Gaiti Hasan Plenary speaker at the Indian Academy of Neurosciences 34th Annual meeting, National Brain Research Centre, Manesar


2016 Gaiti Hasan Modulation of Neuronal Function by intracellular calcium signaling, IISER, Mohali


2016 Rajesh Kumar Ladher Morphogenesis of the Inner Ear, Mahabaleshwar Seminar (Alibaug) - Morphogenesis, Alibaug


2016 Sudhir Krishna Queen Mary University, London 113,318

2016 Sudhir Krishna 3rd International conference on perspectives of cell signaling and molecular medicine, Bose Institute, Kolkata


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2016 Sudhir Krishna 36th IACR meeting, Thrissur, Kerala 7,443

2016 Upinder S. Bhalla HHMI Janelia Research Campus: Collaborative Development of Data-Driven Models of Neural Systems, US


2016 Sanjay Sane DST SERB school of Insect Biology, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab


2016 Vatsala Thirumalai 4th Imaging and Structure in the Zebrafish Brain Meeting, Munich, Germany


2016 Vatsala Thirumalai December 2016 Annual BSBE winter workshop, IIT Kanpur 22,657

2016 Deepa Agashe Invited seminar: The evolution of bacterial codon use and tRNA genes, Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad


2016 Deepa Agashe Annual meeting of the Indian Society for Cell Biology, Jiwaji University, Gwalior


2016 Shashi Thutupalli Soft Matter Young Investigators Meeting, Goa 6,058

2016 Shashi Thutupalli International Conference on Soft Matter, Jaipur 21,498

2016 Gaiti Hasan To fly or not to fly – decision making in a small brain, Seminar at the Univ. of Bourgogne, Dijon, France


2016 Varadharajan Sundaramurthy

The intersection of intracellular mycobacterial trafficking routes with host endocytic pathways, Cold Spring Harbour Asia


2016 Upinder S. Bhalla TCIS Hyderabad symposium, Hyderabad 7,488

2016 Gaiti Hasan DST-INSPIRE Camp, Punjab University, Chandigarh 21,245

2016 Rajesh Kumar Ladher Annual Meeting of the Indian Society for Developmental Biology, Pune


2016 Sandeep Krishna India iGEM Meetup, IISER Pune 6,600

2016 Sandeep Krishna Diversity in bacteria-virus ecosystems may be facilitated by restriction-modification systems, Dept. of Biology, IISER Pune


2016 Shannon Olsson Biodiversity of the Himalayas, Kargil 16,246

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2016 Upinder S. Bhalla Japan Neuroscience Society meeting, Makuhari Messe, Japan


2016 Deepa Agashe Evolution Symposium 12,837

2017 Tamal Das BioPhysMorph 2017 10,000

6.3.2 Number of professional development / administrative training programmes organized by the University for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year

Year Title of the professional development programme organised for teaching staff

Title of the administrative training programme organised for non-teaching staff

Dates (from-to)

No. of participants (Teaching staff)

No. of participants (Non-teaching staff)


6.3.3 No. of teachers attending professional development programmes, viz., Orientation Programme, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programmes during the year

Title of the professional development programme Number of teachers who attended Date and Duration (from – to)


6.3.4 Faculty and Staff recruitment (no. for permanent/fulltime recruitment):

Teaching Non-teaching

Permanent Fulltime Permanent Fulltime

16 0 33 0

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6.3.5 Welfare schemes for

Teaching All permanent teachers and their dependents are members of a Contributory Health Services Scheme (CHSS) which provides medical support. This access is also extended to the retired members. A free annual medical checkup is provided to all the teachers. Apart from this, the following activities were taken up towards the welfare of the teaching staff in the institute:

Main Campus:

• Conducted First Aid Program for staff members in coordination with St. John Ambulance (India), Indian Red Cross Society.

• Organized lecture on “Homeopathy and emerging lifestyle diseases”

• Lecture by Ms. Parishi Mazumdar from Tata Memorial Hospital on the eve of “World No Tobacco Day”

HBCSE: All teaching staff has access to the community centre in neighbouring Anushaktinagar with a swimming pool and other facilities.

CAM: • A General Physician is made available for consultation on campus two times a week.

ICTS: • Sports initiatives like Marshal Art training for students and staff members.

• Health screening camps being arranged periodically.


All permanent non-teaching staff members and their dependents are members of a Contributory Health Services Scheme (CHSS) which provides medical support. This access is also extended to the retired members. A free annual medical checkup is provided to all the teachers. Apart from this following activities were taken up towards the welfare of the teaching staff in the institute:

Main Campus:

• Organized a workshop to train staff members for acting in a play

• Conducted First Aid Program for staff members in coordination with St. John Ambulance (India), Indian Red Cross Society.

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• Organized lecture on “Homeopathy and emerging lifestyle diseases”

• Lecture by Ms. Parishi Mazumdar from Tata Memorial Hospital on the eve of “World No Tobacco Day”

• Financial support to two staff members for participating in sports competitions.

HBSCE: All non-teaching staff has access to the community centre in neighbouring Anushaktinagar with a swimming pool and other facilities.

ICTS: • Sports initiatives like Marshal Art training for staff members.

• Health screening camps being arranged periodically.

Students Students are provided with the free medical facilities that are existing in the institute.

Main Campus: The students have access to the select panel of specialists from the city of Mumbai for medical treatments with the subsidized fees. Financial help towards medical treatment is also provided on a case by case basis. Students have access to the recreation centre on the campus.

HBCSE: Students have free medical care for OPD and hospitalization. They have access to sports and gym facilities

NCRA: All students are enrolled in the institute medical scheme

CAM: The students are covered via a separate health insurance scheme that is fully paid from the centre's budget. In addition, a GP is made available for consultation on campus two times a week.

ICTS: • Health insurance scheme for all the students in which there is a provision of general OPD facilities and Annual Health Check-up without any waiting period. • Sports initiatives like Marshal Art training for students. • Health screening camps being arranged periodically.

NCBS: Students are covered under the Group Mediclaim policy wherein inpatient treatment up to Rs. 3 lakh is covered.

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6.4 Financial Management

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly (Max 100 words).

The Institute has its pre-audit cell for internal financial audits. The Statutory Auditors, appointed with the approval of the Council of Management of TIFR perform half-yearly as well as a yearly financial audit. M/s. G D. Apte and Company has performed the audit work of the Institute from F.Y. 2016-17. The Statutory auditor visits every Centre & F.S for yearly as well as a half-yearly audit. Additionally, the Internal Inspection Wing (IIW) of the Department of Atomic Energy conducts an annual audit of the Institute. Moreover, a team of Auditors of Comptroller and Auditor General of India also conducts the annual audit.

6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from management, non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropies during the year (not covered in Criterion III)

Name of the non-government funding agencies/individuals Funds / Grants received in Rs. in lakhs



Total Corpus Generated:

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6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?

Audit Type External Internal

Yes / No Agency Yes / No Authority

Academic No Yes DAE, through Director, TIFR (Plan Project Presentations)

Administrative No No

6.5.2 What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the affiliated/constituent colleges? (if applicable)

Not applicable as there are no affiliated colleges

6.5.3 Activities and support from the Parent-Teacher Association (at least three)

As the TIFR Graduate School caters to only post Graduate students, the institute does not have a Parent-Teacher Association.

6.5.4 Development programmes for support staff (at least three)

The institute organized an Intensive Training Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting programme for the security staff from June to

November 2016 for better preparation to handle the related emergencies.

Administrative Training was organised for the support staff with the help of instructors from DAE

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6.5.5 Post Accreditation initiative(s) (mention at least three)

Procedures needed to have the Hyderabad off-campus of TIFR (called TIFR-H) approved by the UGC were completed. The visit of the UGC team to Hyderabad took place in April 2017, and TIFR-H was approved as an off-campus in August 2017.

The course structure for new programmes to be started at TIFR-H was designed by the respective Subject Boards.

The major task of the initial IQAC (which was formed before the 1st NAAC accreditation of TIFR) was to prepare the SSR for NAAC accreditation and oversee the process of Accreditation. The SSR was completed in June 2016, and the NAAC accreditation was obtained in Dec 2016.

6.5.6 a. Submission of Data for AISHE portal : Yes

b. Participation in NIRF No

c. ISO Certification No

d. NBA or any other quality audit No

6.5.7 Number of Quality Initiatives undertaken during the year

Year Name of the quality initiative by IQAC Date of conducting activity Duration (from-----to------) Number of participants


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7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities

7.1.1 Gender Equity (Number of gender equity promotion programmes organized by the institution during the year)

Title of the programme Period (from-to) Participants

Female Male

One day gender sensitization workshop 20 5

Trainning session on Gender Equality 35 110

Parents' gender roles and the child's future - Dr. Bhooshan Shukla (NCRA) 12 Aug 2016 30 50

What is Gender? - Sadhana Dadhich (at GMRT) 16 Sep 2016 20 40

Women's day talk 08 Mar 2017 42 8

Play "Main Aurat Hoon" directed by Manjul Bhardwaj) 08 Mar 2017 50 50

A Public Lecture on “Women in sciences” as part of celebrations for International Women's Day 2017 (Speaker: Corinne A. Manogue, Oregon State University) (HBCSE)

16 Mar 2017 50 50

Why is there a Gender Gap in the Science profession? - Prof. Prajval Shastri (IIA-Bangalore) (NCRA)

29 Mar 2017 30 50

A programme titled "Why 'whisper' when we can talk?” (मासिक-पाळी बददल बोलणयात

िकोच किला?)" on the occasion of 'World Menstrual Hygiene Day' (May 28)

[Speakers: Anita Patil (Ex-Medical Social Worker, BARC Hospital) and Rohini Karandikar (Visiting Fellow, HBCSE)]

02 Jun 2017 50 50

Orientation program (NCBS) one day participants depend on the intake for that year

7.1.2 Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability/Alternate Energy initiatives such as Percentage of the power requirement of the University met by the renewable energy sources

In the Main Campus, the institute Guest House uses the solar heaters for hot water supply. 3% of the total power requirement at the CAM Centre is met by solar power whereas in the ICTS about 4.3% (15kW) of power requirement is met by the solar and wind power. At the NCBS about 1.7% (28kW) of power requirement is met by solar energy. At the ICTS Bengaluru, a

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Sewage treatment plant of capacity 11.5kLD is commissioned. At all the centres, the hazardous chemicals are collected and disposed of with the help of certified professional vendors.

7.1.3 Differently-abled (Divyangjan) friendliness

Items Facilities Yes/No No. of Beneficiaries

Physical facilities Yes 35

Provision for lift Yes 37

Ramp/ Rails Yes 38

Braille Software/facilities Yes 0

Rest Rooms Yes 5

Scribes for examination Yes 0

Special skill development for differently-abled students Yes 0

Any other similar facility No 0

7.1.4 Inclusion and Situatedness

Enlist most important initiatives taken to address locational advantages and disadvantages during the year

Year Number of initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages

Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community

Date and duration of the initiative

Name of the initiative

Issues addressed

Number of participating students and staff


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7.1.5 Human Values and Professional Ethics

Code of conduct (handbooks) for various stakeholders

Title Date of Publication

Follow up (maximum 100 words each)

Guidelines on Academic Ethics

04 Jun 2012 The link to the guidelines is made available on the institute website (Weblink: https://www.tifr.res.in/webdocs/TIFR-doc-ETHICS.pdf). Besides, every year, the new batch of research scholars who take admission to the institute programmes are made familiarised with these guidelines and a special orientation is carried out which is also a part of the research methodology course in graduate school.

7.1.6 Activities conducted for promotion of universal Values and Ethics

Activity Duration (from ------to-----)

Number of participants

Observance of ‘Sadhbhavana Diwas’ on 20th August to promote National Integration and Communal Harmony among people of all religions, languages, and regions. The idea behind the observance of ‘Sadhbhavana Diwas is to eschew violence and to promote goodwill among the people. All staff members of TIFR, its Centres, and Field Stations were administered pledge in Hindi and English at 11.00 hrs. on 19th August 2016 (20.08.2016 being Saturday – Holiday), at their respective offices. In TIFR this it was organized on 19th August 2016 at 11.00 hrs. in D-405.

19 Aug 2016 1232

On the occasion of Hindi Day, a drama based on the work of Rabindranath Tagore named “Aparichita” was staged by the students of the Dept. of Biological Sciences on 22nd September 2016 at 3.00 p.m. in AG66.

22 Sep 2016 209

Rashtriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day) was observed on 31st October 2016 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. A pledge was administered in Hindi and English to all staff members of TIFR, its Centres, and Field Stations in their respective sections.

31 Oct 2016 1291

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The pledge was observed to foster and reinforce our dedication to preserve and strengthen the unity, integrity, and security of our nation.

Vigilance Awareness Week was observed from 29th October to 4th November 2016 by TIFR, its Centres, and Field Stations. The theme for the Week was “Public participation in promoting integrity and eradicating corruption. As part of Vigilance Awareness Week, a pledge was administered in Hindi and English to all the members on 02.11.2016 at 1130 hrs in Room No.AG-66 in TIFR.

2 Nov 2016 26

Death Annv Father of the Nation Mr. M K Gandhi -Observance of two minutes silence at 11.00 a.m. on 30th January every year in the memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for India’s freedom. Two minutes' silence was observed in TIFR, its Centres, and Field Stations in their respective sections. It TIFR was observed from 1100 hrs. to 1102 hrs. by the staff in their respective sections.

30 Jan 2017 1302

Swachhta Pakhwada was observed during the period from 1st – 15th June 2017. The cleanliness drive was conducted at TIFR Premises and its colonies. The staff members and their family members participated enthusiastically in the cleanliness drive.

1st to15 Jun 2017


7.1.7 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly (at least five)

1. Herbal pesticides were introduced for campus

2. The usage of paper cups, plastic water bottles, and tissues were reduced.

3. Composting of leaves in the pit was initiated.

4. The campus continues to use the pre-existing facility of the Solar Water Heating System in the hostel and in the canteen with an installed capacity of 8500 liters per day.

5. Use of solar heating for water heating wherever possible.

6. Changing CFL lights to LEDs.

7. Commissioning of Solar and WInd based power and sewage treatment plant in ICTS Campus.

8. Rainwater harvesting pits were made in NCBS campus

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7.2 Best Practices

Describe at least two institutional best practices

Upload details of two best practices successfully implemented by the institution as per NAAC format in your institution website, provide the link

Best Practice 1: TIFR Integrated Information System (TIIS) and Datanet

1. Title of the Practice TIFR Integrated Information System (TIIS) and Datanet

2. Objectives The main objective of this system is to automate TIFR’s core administrative functions like payroll, pension, PF, establishment, accounts, budget, procurements, and materials management with an integrated approach, thereby reducing the effort required of staff members, avoiding data redundancy, and increasing overall work efficiency and transparency in the functioning of the institute. All administrative information and records are available to authorized users of the institutes through a web-based interface available on the institute’s intranet. An up to date record of financial progress and budget status is also available. Many of the paper-based processes have been replaced with computerised workflows on the TIFR Datanet. The institute canteen operations are also computerised and made cashless with a unique QR-code based authentication system that allows deductions from employees’ salary directly.

3. The Context or challenging issues: TIFR was one of the first institutes to adopt such practices. The inherent complexities of government processes and the academic setup provided hardly any alternatives for adopting/customizing any ‘known’ standard package from the market. The system was therefore built in-house. The challenge has been in defining the complex processes, with little documentation available, and then designing the system keeping in mind the diverse user groups in the institute with varying levels of computer skills. The architecture is complex as it supports other Centres, field stations, and campuses of TIFR at various locations connecting and using the system over the network. It allows 24-hour operations and ensures backups at different locations.

4. The Practice a. TIFR has built its TIIS (TIFRs Integrated Information System) which is an integrated Enterprise Resource Planning

(ERP) solution for TIFR which includes Personal Information System, Payroll, Pension, Provident Fund, Procurements, Material Receipts, Inventory, Budget, Accounting, Finance, and Accommodation.

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b. TIFR Datanet is a web-based information and workflow portal built in addition to TIIS. It provides information to staff members on their desktops, e.g. service record, salary, purchase orders, indent status, etc.

c. Most of the administrative workflows are automated and provided under Datanet. These include Online indent requisitions, online guesthouse bookings, lecture room bookings, transport (vehicle) bookings, canteen service, gate-pass management, cash purchases, and workshop requests.

d. Accommodation Allotments are also automated where users bid for available flats and flats are allotted according to the user's seniority using this computerized system.

e. Datanet also includes a facility for generating appraisal forms online by fetching employee details. The system provides various notifications to staff members via emails including bank credits, claims processing, etc.

f. Since the system is in-house, it is very responsive to changes in rules and user requests for modifications. There is no dependence on outside vendors.

5. Evidence of Success The process of automating any administrative process includes a study and analysis of the overall workflow. In developing the systems for TIIS, BPR (Business Process Re-engineering) was included as the first step in this process wherein the process flow was analyzed and re-engineered taking into account the technology and system capabilities and the use of best practices. Many of the processes at TIFR like budgetary approvals, cash purchases, gate passes, procurements, etc., are now well defined and documented with little scope for errors. The system ensured a uniform application of rules like leave, payments, budgetary approvals, etc., at all locations. Many of the systems became very efficient. For example, allotting of housing flats earlier required scheduling and arranging a physical meeting. This was replaced by online bidding and allotment of housing flats through the system automatically. Similarly, the period for closing of accounts and having the audit was reduced from several months to less than a month. Operations like canteen systems became streamlined with the introduction of a cashless system running on Android-based tablets.

6. Problems encountered and resources required The main problems encountered include lack of well-documented systems and processes. Hence, most of the systems had to undergo several changes even after release. Connectivity issues with centres (located in other cities) is another bottleneck that needs to be constantly monitored. The lack of manpower for the development of systems contributed to the delay in releasing systems.

7. Notes: This system is adapted to an environment that combines research and teaching, and hence would be useful even for other academic and research institutions.

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Best Practice 2: Synopsis scrutiny and feedback

1. Title of the Practice Synopsis scrutiny and feedback

2. Objectives Ph.D. theses written by the students of TIFR are the culmination of their years of research in TIFR. It is important that the final products of this work, viz., the synopsis, and the thesis, should be of high quality. Not just the advisor and the thesis committee, but also other experts in the field, as well as faculty members in the general subject area but not necessarily experts in the specific field, should be convinced of the high quality of the thesis work. This acts as the final internal quality control from the university before the thesis goes out to the external examiner.

3. The Context or challenging issues: While the advisor and the Thesis Committee of a student strive to ensure a quality thesis, it is always advisable to have an outside perspective on the importance of the work done. Moreover, TIFR policy is that for students getting a Ph.D. from the university, it is not enough to be able to talk with peers in their specific subjects; they should also be able to address scientists from other areas and convince them of the importance of their work. To gauge the understanding of the student, a seminar is a good method. Of course, a final thesis viva-voce is given by the student, however, that is too late by then to take any corrective measures that do not jeopardize the career of the student. Therefore, it is advisable to have an internal mechanism that ensures that any lacunae in the synopsis and thesis work are identified and corrected well in time.

4. The Practice While the general practice in universities is to have a Thesis Committee that approves the submission of Synopsis, the practice adopted by many TIFR Departments is:

a. There is an open Synopsis seminar that is well advertised, where any member of the institute can be present and ask questions.

b. The Synopsis Seminar Evaluation Committee consists of local experts in the area of work, as well as at least one faculty member from a different area. The committee is a mix of theorists and experimentalists to provide a comprehensive overall perspective. The advisor is not a part of the evaluation committee.

c. The Evaluation Committee members have the responsibility of examining the work thoroughly. Even after the actual seminar, they are given 5 days within which they can give written feedback to the student and the advisor via an online form provided for this purpose, which may be anonymous. They may also contact the student/advisor directly and ask for certain changes to be made in the thesis.

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d. The Synopsis is accepted by the University only after all the evaluation committee members have agreed to the Synopsis, with changes made, if any.

e. This process is overseen by the Subject Board Convener.

5. Evidence of Success As a result of this practice, the quality of the Synopses (and hence consequently, the theses), increases. In some cases, comments from the evaluation committee members have acted as a wake-up call to the student, who has then improved the contents and the presentation substantially, sometimes also redoing some of the experimental checks. Another important visible result is that most of the theses sent to the external examiners are accepted in their current form, or with only minor changes requested. The last quality-control stage, in the form of Synopsis scrutiny, has surely played an important role in this.

6. Problems encountered and resources required This Best Practice has been in operation since the inception of the TIFR Deemed University and has been well-accepted. Although it means an additional responsibility for the faculty members, however, the student-faculty ratio in TIFR is rather small, and this is not a large burden, given the net advantages. Also, it was necessary to ensure that this process of extensive feedback does not result in unnecessary delays in the submission of the Synopsis. To minimize the time delay and make the process easier for evaluation committee members and the students, we developed a web-based form, which would be accessible to only the evaluation committee members.

7. Notes: This Practice is adaptable in institutions that have wide in-house expertise. It utilizes this expertise for the benefit of the students as well as the university as a whole.

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7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness

Provide the details of the performance of the institution in one area distinctive to its vision, priority, and thrust Provide the web link of the institution in not more than 500 words

Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics houses the experimental facilities that are unique to TIFR and not easily available in labs around the world. It fashions laser pulses from a 100 terawatt, femtosecond laser to suit experiments that probe the evolution of the excited matter (plasma) on femtosecond scales simultaneously with micrometer spatial resolution, unmatched anywhere else. All experimental setups are built at TIFR and several innovations are implemented for temporal and spatial measurements. The laser itself is manipulated to obtain maximum flexibility in its parameters and achieve the best focusing conditions. The laser has been upgraded locally to powers of 150 TW this year and with the recently implemented adaptive focusing the intensity can now reach 1020 W/cm2, matching some of the best laboratories around the world. The success of these efforts also reflects in the vibrant collaboration with groups from Europe, Japan, and the US which use this state-of-the-art laser system for their experiments.

The major physics interest in this area arises from the fact that we can create extremely hot plasmas that are simultaneously ultra-dense: A highly excited state of matter found otherwise only in stellar atmospheres. For instance, it is possible to create plasmas with temperatures of a few keV which have free electron densities of the order of 1024/cm3! In addition, these plasmas contain ‘hot electrons’ that are extremely energetic, going all the way up to tens of MeV energies (relativistic electrons). These hot electrons can propagate out of the plasma as a highly directional beam or they can transfer their energy to the ions leading to MeV and GeV ion generation. They can also lose their energy by way of ultra-hard x-ray radiation. The interesting aspect of all these emissions is that they are of femtosecond duration, thus leading to a variety of ultrafast radiation sources. These hot electrons are also responsible for the generation of the largest magnetic fields known on the earth- hundreds of Megagauss! And these magnetic fields also have ultrafast duration. Research in this area not only addresses cutting edge questions in basic science on matter and radiation, but is also enormously important for laser fusion, laboratory astrophysics, novel x-ray sources, particle acceleration, and so on. Using this system, the UPHILL group at TIFR Mumbai has demonstrated the turbulent giant magnetic fields in intense laser produced dense plasma which has been acknowledged to be capable of simulating astrophysical magnetic turbulence in the laboratory (Nature Commun 2017, the highlight in Nature Physics 2017). The group has also demonstrated the efficient, high energy, compact tabletop terahertz radiation source using this laser system (Nature Commun 2017). These intense (~ few MV/cm), broad-band (> 30 THz) terahertz pulses can drive major advances in ultrafast dynamics, nonlinear THz optics, and bio-material imaging. The group has demonstrated the generation of broad-band (~ 70 THz), high energy (~ 76 mJ/pulse) THz pulse in non-polar liquids with remarkably high conversion efficiency > 10-3.

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


8 Future Plans of action for the next academic year (500 words)

1. To start participating in the NIRF scheme for Indian University ranking: TIFR has so far participated in the National Institute Ranking Framework of MHRD. With the NAAC accreditation obtained, it was decided to start participating in this yearly exercise.

2. To start a course on Scientific Writing for graduate students across the subjects: It is observed that, while most of the TIFR students do excellent research during their Ph.D., the writing skills of many of them may not be as good. This is sometimes noticed and remarked by the examiners of project reports as well as thesis reports. In any case, an important skill for a scientist is to be able to convey their research to peers as well as the public. While TIFR students are all postgraduate or doctoral students, and hence do not have to do any language courses, a refresher course focusing on scientific writing would be very important.

3. To get one lecture room furnished with facilities like lecture-recording, videoconferencing, and live-streaming: Two new classrooms had recently been furnished in TIFR Mumbai, where lectures for small classes of about 20 students each can be held. While the facilities of projectors and wifi connectivity were already available, one of these classrooms could be converted into a video-conferencing room, which can be used especially for lectures that can be transmitted live to other institutions, for example to the other TIFR campuses.

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Annexure A

List of Publication: (For 3.4.5 and 3.4.6)

Title of the Pubication Author Title of the Journal

Details Year Affiliation

A parabolic analogue of the higher-order comparison theorem of De Silva and Savin

Agnid Banerjee with Nicola Garofalo

J Differential Equations

260 (2016) no 2 1801–1829

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Quantitative uniqueness for elliptic equations at the boundary of C^{1 Dini} domains

Agnid Banerjee with Nicola Garofalo

J Differential Equations

261 (2016) no 12 6718–6757

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Quantitative uniqueness for zero-order perturbations of generalized Baouendi-Grushin operators

Agnid Banerjee with Nicola Garofalo

Rend Istit Mat Univ Trieste

48 (2016) 189–207

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Elliptic problems in $\R^N$ with critical and singular discontinuous nonlinearities

Prashanth K Shrinivasan with R Dhanya S Tiwari and K Sreenadh

Complex Var Elliptic Equ

61 (2016) no 12 1668 - 1688

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Adams inequality on the hyperbolic space

Debabrata Karmakar and Sandeep Kunnath

J Funct Anal 270 no 5 1792-1817 2016

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Well-balanced unstaggered central schemes for the Euler equations with gravitation

R Touma U Koley and C Klingenberg SIAM

J Sci Comput 38 no 5 pp B773-B807 2016

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Entropy stable schemes on two-dimensional unstructured grids for Euler equations

Communications in Computational Physics

Deep Ray Praveen Chandrashekar Ulrik S Fjordholm and Siddhartha Mishra

vol 19 issue 5 May 2016 pp 1111-1140

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Generalized Riemann Problem-based Upwind Scheme for the Vorticity Transport Equations

Parish E Duraisamy K and Chandrashekar P

Computers and Fluids

Vol 132 pp 10-18 June 2016

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Finite volume discretization of heat equation and compressible Navier-Stokes equations with weak Dirichlet boundary condition on triangular grids

Praveen C International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics

vol 8 issue 3 pp 174-193 Sep 2016

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Entropy stable finite volume scheme for ideal compressible MHD on 2-D Cartesian meshes

Praveen C and C Klingenberg SIAM J Numerical Analysis

vol~54 issue 2 pp 1313-1340 2016

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Simulating turbulence using the astrophysical discontinuous Galerkin code TENET

Andreas Bauer Kevin Schaal Volker Springel Praveen Chandrashekar Rudiger Pakmor and Christian Klingenberg

Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering

vol~113 pp 381-402 2016 Springer

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Godunov-type numerical methods for a model of granular flow on open tables with walls

Adimurthi Aggarwal Aekta Gowda G D Veerappa

Commun Comput Phys

20 (2016) no 4 1071–1105 65M08 (35L65 65M12 76M12 76T25)

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Global Trudinger-Moser inequality on metric spaces

Adimurthi Górka Przemysław Math Inequal Appl

19 (2016) no 3 1131–1139 46E35 (30L05)

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Defect of compactness in spaces of bounded variation

Adimurthi Tintarev Cyril J Funct Anal 271 (2016) no 1 37–48 (Reviewer: Wolfgang Knirsch) 46B50 (26B30 35H20 35J92)

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Uniqueness of positive solutions of a n-Laplace equation in a ball in Rn with exponential Nonlinearity

Adimurthi Karthik A Giacomoni Jacques

J Differential Equations

260 (2016) no 11 7739–7799 (Reviewer: Shingo Takeuchi) 35J92 (35A02 35B09 35J25)

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

On the convergence of a second order approximation of conservation laws with discontinuous flux

Adimurthi Kumar K Sudarshan Veerappa Gowda G D Bull

Braz Math Soc (NS)

47 (2016) no 1 21–35 (Reviewer: Alessandra Jannelli) 65M06 (35A35 35L45 35L65 65M12)

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Godunov-type numerical methods for a model of granular flow

Adimurthi A Aggarwal Aekta Veerappa Gowda G D

J Comput Phys 305 (2016) 1083–1118 (Reviewer: Ali R Soheili) 65M08 (65M06 76T25)

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

On the differentiability of the solutions of non-local Isaacs equations involving ½-Laplacian with

Indranil Chowdhury Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis

15(2016) no 3 907-927

2016 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

A variational approach to estimate incompressible fluid flows

Praveen C Roy Vasudeva Murthy

Proc Indian Acad Sci (Math Sci)

Vol 127 175-201 2017

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Higher regularity of the free boundary in the parabolic Signorini problem

Agnid Banerjee with Mariana Smit Vega Garcia and Andrew Zeller Calc Var

Partial Differential Equations

56 (2017) no 1 Art 7 26 pp

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Existence and global analytic bifurcation for singular biharmonic equation with Navier boundary condition

Prashanth K Shrinivasan with with J Giacomoni and GWarnault

Proc AMS 145 (2017) No 1 151-164

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Dissipative boundary conditions for 2 x 2 hyperbolic systems of conservation laws for entropy solutions

SSGhoshal J-M Coron S Ervedoza O Glass and V Perrollaz in

BV Journal of Differential Equations

262 no1 1-20 (2017)

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Local discontinuous Galerkin schemes for a nonlinear variational wave equation modelling liquid crystals

P Aursand and U Koley J Comput Appl Math

317 pp 478-499 2017

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

High-order energy stable numerical schemes for a nonlinear variational wave equation modeling nematic

P Aursand and U Koley IJNAM Vol 14 no 1 pp 20-47 2017

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


liquid crystals in two dimensions

Continuous dependence estimate for a degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equation with Lévy noise Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations:

U Koley A K Majee and G Vallet

Analysis and Computations

Vol 5 Issue 2 pp 145-191 2017

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

A second order well-balanced finite volume scheme for Euler equations with gravity

Praveen C and C Klingenberg SIAM J Sci Comp Vol 37 Issue 3 pp 382-402

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

A Hardy-Sobolev inequality for the twisted Laplacian

Adimurthi Ratnakumar P K Sohani Vijay Kumar

Proc Roy Soc Edinburgh Sect A

147 (2017) no 1 1–23 35A23 (33C50 35A08 35J15)

2017 Centre for Applied Mathematics TIFR

Numerical analysis of the lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of linear acoustic waves,

Dhuri, D., Hanasoge, S. M., Perlekar P. and Robertsson, J.

Physical Review E

(2016). 2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

The Physical Environment around IRAS 17599-2148: Infrared Dark Cloud and Bipolar Nebula.

L.K. Dewangan, D.K. Ojha, I. Zinchenko, P. Janardhan, S.K. Ghosh & A. Luna,

Astrophys. J., Vol. 833, Issue 2, article id. 246 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Star Formation around Mid-Infrared Bubble N37: Evidence of Cloud-Cloud Collision,

T. Baug, L.K. Dewangan, D.K. Ojha & J.P. Ninan,

Astrophys. J., Vol. 833, Issue 1, article id. 85 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Star-forming Activity in the H II Regions Associated with the IRAS 17160-3707 Complex.

G. Nandakumar, V.S. Veena, S. Vig, A. Tej, S.K. Ghosh & D.K. Ojha,

Astron. J., Vol. 152, Issue 5, article id.

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


146 (2016).

A multiwavelength investigation of the H II region S311: young stellar population and star formation,

R.K. Yadav, A.K. Pandey, S. Sharma, D.K. Ojha, M.R. Samal, K.K. Mallick, J. Jose, K. Ogura, A. Richichi, P. Irawati, N. Kobayashi & C. Eswaraiah,

Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.,

Vol. 461, p. 2502 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Star-formation Activity in the Neighborhood of W-R 1503-160L Star in the Mid-infrared Bubble N46,

L.K. Dewangan, T. Baug, D.K. Ojha, P. Janardhan, J.P. Ninan, A. Luna & I. Zinchenko,

Astrophys. J., Vol. 826, Issue 1, article id. 27 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Episodic High-velocity Outflows from V899 Mon: A Constraint On The Outflow Mechanisms,

J.P. Ninan, D.K. Ojha & N.S. Philip,

Astrophys. J., Vol. 825, Issue 1, article id. 65 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Structural Studies of Eight Bright Rimmed Clouds in the Southern Hemisphere,

S. Sharma, A.K. Pandey, J. Borissova, D.K. Ojha, V.D. Ivanov, K. Ogura, N. Kobayashi, R. Kurtev, M. Gopinathan & R.K. Yadav,

Astron. J., Vol. 151, Issue 5, article id. 126 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Optical and NIR observations of the nearby type Ia supernova SN 2014J,

S. Srivastav, J.P. Ninan, B. Kumar, G.C. Anupama, D.K. Sahu, D.K. Ojha & T.P. Prabhu,

Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.,

Vol. 457, p. 1000 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Astronomy of the Korku tribe of India,

M N Vahia, Ganesh Halkare and Purshottam Dahedar,

Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage,

19(2), 216–232 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Population Dynamics of Early Human Migration in Britain,

Vahia MN, Ladiwala U, Mahathe P, Mathur D, ,

PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154641 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Radiocarbon dating of charcoal samples from Rakhigarhi using AMS,

Mayank N Vahia, Pankaj Kumar, Abhijeet Bhogale, D C Kothari, Sundeep Chopra,

Current Science, 111, 27-28 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Vasant Shinde, Nilesh Jadhav and Ranvir Shastri,

Evolution of science II: Insights into working of Nature,

M N Vahia, Current Science, 111, 1465 – 1472 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Evolution of science I: Evolution of Mind,

M N Vahia, Current Science, 111, 1456 – 1464 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Quantum discord as a tool for comparing collapse models and decoherence,

Shreya Banerjee, Sayantani Bera and T. P. Singh,

Phys. Lett. A 380, 3778 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Quantum nonlocality and the end of classical space-time,

Shreya Banerjee, Sayantani Bera and T. P. Singh,

Int. J. Mod. Phys. D

25, 1644005 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

SpaceInn hare-and-hounds exercise: Estimation of Stellar Properties using Space-based Asteroseismic Data,

D. R. Reese, W. J. Chaplin, G. R. Davies, A. Miglio, H. M. Antia, W. H. Ball, S. Basu, G. Buldgen, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, H. R. Coelho, S. Hekker, G. Houdek, Y. Lebreton, A. Mazumdar, T. S. Metcalfe, V. Silva Aguirre, D. Stello and K. Verma,

Astron. & Astrophys.,

592, A14 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Asteroseismic Determination of Fundamental Parameters of Sun-like Stars using Multilayered Neural Networks,

K. Verma, S. Hanasoge, J. Bhattacharya, H. M. Antia and Ganapathy Krishnamurthi,

Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc.,

461, 4206-4214 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Revisiting the OH-CH correlation in diffuse clouds,

B. Mookerjea, MNRAS, 459, 2822 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Anisotropy of partially self-absorbed jets and the jet of Cyg X-1,

Zdziarski, A. A., Paul, D., Osborne, R. and Rao, A. R.,

MNRAS, 463,1153 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


AstroSat CZT Imager Observations of GRB 151006A: Timing, Spectroscopy, and Polarization Study,

Rao, A. R., Chand, V., Hingar , M.K., Iyyani, S., Khanna, R., Kutty, A.P.K., Malkar, J.P., Paul, D., Bhalerao, V.B., Bhattacharya, D., Dewangan, G. C., Pawar, P., Vibhute, A.M., Chattopadhyay, T., Mithun, N.P.S., Vadawale, S.V., Vagshette, N., Basak, R., Pradeep, P., Samuel, E., Sreekumar, S., Vinod, P., Navalgund, K.H., Pandiyan, R., Sarma, K.S., Seetha, S., Subbarao, K.,

Astrophysical Journal,

833, 86 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Line profile modelling for multi-pixel CZT detectors,

Chattopadhyay, T., Vadawale, S.V., Rao, A.R., Bhattacharya, D., Mithun, N.P.S., Bhalerao, V.

SPIE, 9905, 4 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

In-orbit performance AstroSat CZTI,

Vadawale, S.V., Rao, A.R., Bhattacharya, D., Bhalerao , V.B., Dewangan, G.C., Vibhute, A.M. and Mithun, N.P.S., Chattopadhyay, T., Sreekumar, S.,

SPIE, 9905, 1 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

The Multi-wavelength Characteristics of the TeV Binary LS I +61 303,

Saha, L., Chitnis, V.R., Shukla, A., Rao, A.R., Acharya, B.S.,

Astrophysical Journal,

823, 134 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Soft gamma-ray repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars as highly magnetized white dwarfs,

Mukhopadhyay, B. and Rao, A.R,

JCAP, 5, 7 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Study of a Sudden QPO Transition Event in the Black Hole Source XTE J1550-564,

Sriram, K., Rao, A.R. and Choi, C.S.,

Astrophysical Journal,

823, 67 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


The evolution of far-infrared CO emission from protostars,

P. Manoj, J. D. Green, S. T. Megeath, N. J. Evans, A. M. Stutz, J. J. Tobin, D. M. Watson, W. J. Fischer, E. Furlan & T. Henning,

Astrophysical Journal,

831, 69 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Herschel/PACS far-IR spectral imaging of a jet from an intermediate mass protostar in the OMC-2 region,

B, Gonzalez-Garcia, P. Manoj, D. M. Watson, R. Vavrek, S. T. Megeath, A. M. Stutz, M. Osorio, F. Wyrowski, W. J. Fischer, J. J. Tobin, M. Sanchez-Portal, A. K. Diaz Rodriguez & T. L. Wilson,

Astronomy & Astrophysics,

596, 26 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Interstellar Medium and Star Formation Studies with the Square Kilometre Array,

P. Manoj, S. Vig, G. Maheswar, U. S. Kamath & A. Tej,

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

37, 38 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Evolution of Mass Outflow in Protostars,

D. M. Watson, N. Calvet, W. J. Fischer, W. J. Forrest, P. Manoj, S. T. Megeath, G. J. Melnick, J. Najita, D. A. Neufeld, P. D. Sheehan, Stutz, A. M. & Tobin, J. J.,

Astrophysical Journal,

828, 52 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Near-infrared imaging of barred halo-dominated low surface brightness galaxies,

Honey, M., Das, M., Ninan, J. P. & P. Manoj,

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

462, 2099 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Characterizing the Youngest Herschel-detected Protostars Molecular Outflows from the Millimeter and the Far-infrared,

J. J. Tobin, A. M. Stutz, P. Manoj, S. T. Megeath, A. Karska, Z. Nagy, F. Wyrowski, W. J. Fischer, D. M. Watson & T. Stanke,

Astrophysical Journal,

831, 36 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Neutron Star Physics in the Square Kilometre Array Era: An Indian Perspective,

Sushan Konar, ..., S. Bhattacharyya, et al.,

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

37, 36 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


On the evolution of the inner disk radius with flux in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary Serpens X-1,

Chia-Ying Chiang, Robert A. Morgan, Edward M. Cackett, Jon M. Miller, Sudip Bhattacharyya, Tod E. Strohmayer, ,

Astrophysical Journal,

831, 45 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Fast spinning strange stars: possible ways to constrain interacting quark matter parameters,

Sudip Bhattacharyya, Ignazio Bombaci, Domenico Logoteta, Arun V. Thampan, ,

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

457, 3101-3114 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

A Test of the Nature of the Fe K Line in the Neutron Star Low-mass X-Ray Binary Serpens X-1,

Chia-Ying Chiang, Edward M. Cackett, Jon M. Miller, Didier Barret, Andy C. Fabian, Antonino D'Ai, Michael L. Parker, Sudip Bhattacharyya, Luciano Burderi, Tiziana Di Salvo, Elise Egron, Jeroen Homan, Rosario Iaria, Dacheng Lin, M. Coleman Miller,

Astrophysical Journal,

821, 105 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

PALOMA: A magnetic CV between Polars and Intermediate Polars,

Arti Joshi, J. C. Pandey, K. P. Singh, and P.C. Agarwal,

The Astrophysical Journal,

830, 56 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Evidence for two Lognormal States in Multi-wavelength Flux Variation of FSRQ PKS 1510-089,

Pankaj Kushwaha, Sunil Chandra, R. Misra, S. Sahayanathan, K. P. Singh, and K. S. Baliyan,

The Astrophysical Journal Letters,

822, L13 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR


J. S. Yadav, Ranjeev Misra, Jai Verdhan Chauhan, P. C. Agrawal, H. M. Antia, Mayukh Pahari, V. R. Chitnis, D. K. Dedhia, T. Kotoch, P. Madhwani, R. K. Manchanda, B. Paul, P. Shah

Astrophysical Journal

2016, 833, P27 (2016).

2016 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Discrete wave equation upscaling,

Fichtner, A. and Hanasoge, S. M.,

Geophysical Journal International Express Letters,

(2017). 2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Radio and infrared study of the star-forming region IRAS 20286+4105,

V. Ramachandran, S.R. Das, A. Tej, S. Vig, S.K. Ghosh & D.K. Ojha,

Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc.,

Vol. 465, p. 4753 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Multiwavelength Study of the Star Formation in the S237 H II Region,

L.K. Dewangan, D.K. Ojha, I. Zinchenko, P. Janardhan & A. Luna,

Astrophys. J., Vol. 834, Issue 1, article id. 22 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Spread of People and Crops In Prehistoric India: Computer simulation of population dynamics,

M N Vahia, Uma Ladiwala and Deepak Mathur,

Purattatva, 46, 77 – 92 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Clustering Indus Texts using K-means,

Nisha Yadav, Ambuja Salgaonkar and Mayank Vahia,

International Journal of Computer Applications

162(1):16-21 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Bounce and cyclic cosmology in weakly broken galileon theories,

Shreya Banerjee and Emmanuel N. Saridakis,

Phys. Rev. D 95, 063523 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Standing on the Shoulders of Dwarfs: the Kepler Asteroseismic LEGACY Sample I --- Oscillation Mode Parameters,

Mikkel N. Lund, Victor Silva Aguirre, Guy R. Davies, William J. Chaplin, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, G. Houdek, T. R. White, T. R. Bedding, W. H. Ball, D. Hubeer, H. M. Antia, Y. Lebreton, D. W. Latham, R. Handerg, K. Verma, S. Basu, L. Casagrande, A. B. Justesen, H. Kjeldsen and J. R. Mosumgaard, '',

Astrophys. J., 835, 172 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Standing on the Shoulders of Dwarfs: the Kepler Asteroseismic LEGACY Sample II --- Radii, Masses and Ages,

Victor Silva Aguirre, M. N. Lund, H. M. Antia, W. H. Ball, S. Basu, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, Y. Lebreton, D. R. Reese, K. Verma, L. Casagrande, A. B. Justesen, J. R. Mosumgaard, W. J. Chaplin, T. R. Bedding, G. R. Davies, T. R. White, H. R. Coelho, A. Miglio and B. Rendle,

Astrophys. J., 835, 173 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Seismic Measurement of the Locations of the Base of Convection Zone and Helium Ionization Zone for Stars in the Kepler Seismic LEGACY Sample,

K. Verma, K. Raodeo, H. M. Antia, A. Mazumdar, S. Basu, M. N. Lund and V. Silva Aguirre,

Astrophys. J., 837, 47 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Deuterium fractionation of a distant cold dark cloud along the line of sight of W51,

C. Vastel, B. Mookerjea, J. Pety & M. Gerin,

A&A, 597, 45 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

The molecular gas mass of M 33,

P. Gratier, J. Braine, K. Schuster (including B. Mookerjea) et al.,

A&A, 600, 27 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

The Effect of Transient Accretion on the Spin-Up of Millisecond Pulsars,

Sudip Bhattacharyya, Deepto Chakrabarty,

Astrophysical Journal,

835, 4 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Multiwavelength temporal variability of the blazar 3C 454.3 during 2014 activity phase,

Pankaj Kushwaha, Alok C. Gupta, Ranjeev Misra and K. P. Singh,

MNRAS, 464, 2046 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR


Ranjeev Misra, J. S. Yadav, Jai Verdhan Chauhan, P. C. Agrawal, H. M. Antia, Mayukh Pahari, V. R. Chitnis, D. K. Dedhia, T. Kotoch, P. Madhwani, R. K. Manchanda, B. Paul, P. Shah

Astrophysical Journal (2017)

Vol 835, p 195 (2017).

2017 Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Isolation of Latex Bead Phagosomes from Dictyostelium for in vitro Functional Assays

Ashwin D’Souza, Paulomi Sanghavi, Ashim Rai, Divya Pathak and Roop Mallik

Bio-protocol 6(23): e2056 (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Lipid - Motor Interactions : Soap Opera or Symphony?

Divya Pathak and Roop Mallik Current opinion in Cell Biology

-2016 2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Inositol hexakisphosphate kinase 1 (IP6K1) activity is required for cytoplasmic dynein-driven transport.

Chanduri M, Rai A, Malla AB, Wu M, Fiedler D, Mallik R, Bhandari R

.Biochem J. 473(19):3031-47 (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Regulation of Tlx3 by Pax6 is required for the restricted expression of Chrnα3 in Cerebellar Granule Neuron progenitors during development.

Thulasi D, Soundararajan L, Surendran P, Chandramohan S, Sanalkumar R, Sivadasan D, Vazhanthodi R, Mundackal D, Tole S, and James J

Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/srep30337 (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Lateral Thalamic Eminence: A Novel Origin for mGluR1/Lot Cells.

Ruiz-Reig N, Andres B, Huilgol D, Grove EA, Tissir F, Tole S, Theil T, Herrera E, Fairén A.

Cerebral Cortex 0.1093/cercor/bhw126 (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Teratogenicity of Artemether-Clindamycin Nanostructured Lipid Carriers in Rats. ,

Jain SA, Awale M, Pathak S, Vanage G, Patravale VB, Sharma S.

Int J Toxicol. 35, 420-8. (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Host Metabolic Responses to Plasmodium falciparum infections in Eastern India evaluated by 1H NMR Metabolomics.

Sengupta A, Ghosh S, Das BK, Panda A, Tripathy R, Pied S, Ravindran B, Pathak S, Sharma S, Sonawat HM. ,

Molecular BioSystems

12, 3324-3332. (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Nanostructured lipid carriers of artemether-lumefantrine combination for intravenous therapy of cerebral malaria.

Prabhu P, Suryavanshi S, Pathak S, Patra A, Sharma S, Patravale V. ,

Int J Pharm. 513, 504-517. (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Artemether-lumefantrine nanostructured lipid carriers for oral malaria therapy:Enhanced

Prabhu P, Suryavanshi S, Pathak S, Sharma S, Patravale V. ,

Int J Pharm., 511, 473-487. (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


efficacy at reduced dose and dosing frequency.

Acute and Chronic Electroconvulsive Seizures (ECS) Differentially Regulate the Expression of Epigenetic Machinery in the Adult Rat Hippocampus.

Pusalkar M, Ghosh S, Jaggar M, Husain BF, Galande S, Vaidya VA*

Int J Neuropsychopharmacol

21;19(9) (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Early Stress History Alters Serum Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 and Impairs Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Adult Male Rats.

Ghosh S, Banerjee KK, Vaidya VA*, Kolthur-Seetharam U*

J Neuroendocrinol.

28(9) (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Early stress evokes dysregulation of histone modifiers in the medial prefrontal cortex across the life span.

Pusalkar M, Suri D, Kelkar A, Bhattacharya A, Galande S, Vaidya VA*

Dev Psychobiol. 58(2):198-210. (2016).

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Chromosome territory relocation during DNA repair requires nuclear myosin1β recruitment to chromatin mediated by Υ-H2AX signaling..

Mugdha Kulashreshtha, Ishita S. Mehta, Pradeep Kumar, Basuthkar J. Rao

Nucleic Acids Research.

pii: gkw573, Jun 30 2016.

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Sequence/structural analysis of xylem proteome emphasizes pathogenesis-related proteins, chitinases and β-1,3-glucanases as key players in grapevine defense against Xylella fastidiosa.

Sandeep Chakraborty, Rafael Nascimento, Hossein Gouran, Paulo A. Zaini, Basuthkar J. Rao, Luiz R. Goulart, Abhaya M. Dandekar.

Peer J. eCollection.

24;4:e2007. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2007 , May 2016

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Regulation of starch, lipids and amino acids upon nitrogen sensing in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: a 13C NMR study.

Himanshu Singh, Manish R Shukla, Basuthkar J Rao*, Kandala V R Chary*

Algal Research 18, 33-44 (2016).

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Spatial Arrangement of Chromosomes in Human Interphase Nuclei is Self-organized by Inter-chromosomal Systemic Couplings.

Sarosh N. Fatakia*, Ishita S. Mehta and Basuthkar J. Rao

Nature Scientific Reports

| 6:36819 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36819 (2016).

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

A conditional Orco requirement in the somatic cyst cells for maintaining spermatids in a tight bundle in Drosophila testis.

Dubey P, Joti P, and Ray K*. Journal of Bioscience

41(2):1-11 (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Localized, Reactive F-actin Dynamics Prevents Abnormal Somatic Cell Penetration by Mature Spermatids.

Dubey P, Shirolikar S and Ray K

Developmental Cell, ‘2017 Inspiring Science Award’ by Cell Press-TNQ India.)

*.38:507–521. (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Manifestation of anharmonic resonance in the interaction of intense ultrashort laser pulses with microstructured targets.

Dalui M, Kundu M, Madhu Trivikram T, Ray K, and Krishnamurthy M

Physics of Plasmas

23, 103101 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4963849 (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

The Tradition of Drosophila Research in India has Attained a Critical Mass,

Ray K*– Proc Indian Natn Sci Acad

82 No. InDRC 2015 1 March 2016 pp.1-3 Page, Year (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Cloning expression, purification and characterization of Plasmodium spp

Prakash B. Sangolgi, C. Balaji, Sneha Dutta, Nitin Jindal, Gotam K. Jarori1

Protein Expr. Purif.

17, 17-25.( 2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.


EWGWS Insert in Plasmodium falciparum ookinete surface enolase is involved in binding of PWWP containing peptides: Implications to mosquito midgut invasion by the parasite.

Debanjan Mukherjee, Pushpa Mishra, Prasoon Kumar Thakur, Mamata Joshi, Ramakrishna V. Hosur and Gotam K. Jarori.

Insect Biochem & Mol Biol

68,13-22. (2016)

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Teratogenicity of Artemether-Clindamycin Nanostructured Lipid Carriers in Rats.

Jain SA, Awale M, Pathak S, Vanage G, Patravale VB, Sharma S.

Int J Toxicol. 35, 420-8. 2016

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Metabolic Responses to Plasmodium falciparum infections in Eastern India evaluated by 1H NMR Metabolomics.

Sengupta A, Ghosh S, Das BK, Panda A, Tripathy R, Pied S, Ravindran B, Pathak S, Sharma S, Sonawat HM.

Molecular Host BioSystems

12, 3324-3332. 2016

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Nanostructured lipid carriers of artemether-lumefantrine combination for intravenous therapy of cerebral malaria

Prabhu P, Suryavanshi S, Pathak S, Patra A, Sharma S, Patravale V..

Int J Pharm. 513, 504-517. 2016

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Artemether-lumefantrine nanostructured lipid carriers for oral malaria therapy:Enhanced efficacy at reduced dose and dosing frequency.

Prabhu P, Suryavanshi S, Pathak S, Sharma S, Patravale V..

Int J Pharm., 511, 473-487. 2016

2016 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Centralmetabolic sensing remotely controls nutrient-sensitive endocrine response inDrosophila via Sir2/Sirt1-upd2-IIS axis.

Banerjee KK, Deshpande RS, Koppula P, Ayyub C, Kolthur-Seetharam U.

J Exp Biol. Apr 1;220(Pt7):1187-1191. doi: 10.1242/jeb.150805 (2017)

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Identification of a Tissue-Restricted Isoform of SIRT1 Defines a Regulatory Domain that Encodes Specificity.

Deota S, Chattopadhyay T, Ramachandran D, Armstrong E, Camacho B, ManiyadathB, Fulzele A Gonzalez-de-Peredo A, Denu JM, Kolthur-Seetharam U.

Cell Rep. 18(13):3069-3077. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.03.012. . Mar 28 2017

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

LHX2 Interacts with the NuRD Complex and Regulates Cortical Neuron Subtype Determinants Fezf2 and Sox11.

Muralidharan B, Khatri Z, Maheshwari U, Gupta R, Roy B, Pradhan SJ, Karmodiya K, Padmanabhan H, Shetty AS, Balaji C, Kolthur-Seetharam U, Macklis JD, Galande S, Tole S.

J Neurosci. :194-203. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2836-16.2017, Jan 4 2017

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Force spectroscopy of the Plasmodium falciparum vaccine candidate circumsporozoite protein suggests a mechanically pliable repeat region.

Patra AP, Sharma S and Ainavarapu SRK.

J. Biol. Chem. 292, 2110-2119. (2017)

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Vesicles target glutathione peroxidase-like thioredoxin peroxidase to the apicoplast membrane in Plasmodium falciparu.,

Choudhary R, Narayan A, Dey V, Sharma S and Patankar S

Peer J 2017 2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Noradrenergic regulation of plasticity marker expression in the adult rodent piriform cortex.

Vadodaria KC, Yanpallewar SU, Vadhvani M, Toshniwal D, Cameron Liles L, Rommelfanger KS, Weinshenker D, Vaidya VA*

Neurosci Letters -2017 2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Editorial: Evolution acting on the same target, but at multiple levels: Proteins as the test case.

Basuthkar J Rao J Biosci. 42(1): 1-3. Mar 2017

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


The C-terminal tails of heterotrimeric kinesin-2 motor subunits directly bind to α-tubulin1.

Girotra M, Srivastava S, Kulkarni A, Barbora A, Bobra K, Ghosal D, Devan P, Aher A, Jain A, Panda D, Ray K*.

Traffic 18(2):123–133 (2017)

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Heterotrimeric kinesin-2, together with kinesin-1, steers vesicular acetylcholinesterase movements toward the synapse.

Kulkarni A, Khan Y and Ray K FASEB J, *.31(3):965-974. (2017)

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Axonal transport of Rab4-associated vesicles by heterotrimeric kinesin-2 down regulates synapse assembly in Drosophila.

Dey S, Banker G, Ray K*. Cell Reports 18:1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.02.034 (2017)

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Force spectroscopy of the Plasmodium falciparum vaccine candidate circumsporozoite protein suggests a mechanically pliable repeat region.

Patra AP, Sharma S and Ainavarapu SRK.

J. Biol. Chem. 292, 2110-2119. 2017

2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Vesicles target glutathione peroxidase-like thioredoxin peroxidase to the apicoplast membrane in Plasmodium falciparu

Choudhary R, Narayan A, Dey V, Sharma S and Patankar S.

Peer J 2017 2017 Department of Biological Sciences, TIFR

Degradation and Regeneration of Hybrid Perovskites,

C. Seth and Deepa Khushalani, RSC Advances 6, 101846 (2016)

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Nanostructured MoS2/BiVO4 Composites for Energy Storage Applications,

Y. Arora, A. P. Shah, S. Battu, C. B. Maliakkal, S. Haram, A. Bhattacharya, D. Khushalani,

Scientific Reports 6, 36294 (2016).

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Enhancement in Rate of Photocatalysis Upon Catalyst Recycling,

K. Sorathiya, B. Mishra, A. Kalarikkal, K. P. Reddy, C. S. Gopinath, D. Khushalani,

Scientific Reports,

6, 35075 (2016).

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Measurement of 1H NMR Relaxation Times in Complex Organic Chemical Systems: Application of PSYCHE,

Veera Mohana Rao Kakita, Vaibhav Kumar Shukla, Mandar Bopardikar, Tannistha Bhattacharya, Ramakrishna V. Hosur,

RSC Advances, 6, 100098-100102 (2016)

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Hadamard homonuclear broadband decoupled TOCSY NMR: Improved efficacy in detecting long-range chemical shift correlations,

Veera Mohan Rao Kakita and Ramakrishna V. Hosur,

ChemPhysChem 17, 4037 – 4042 (2016)

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Synergistic inhibition of protein fibrillation by proline and sorbitol: Biophysical investigations,

Sinjan Choudhary, Shreyada N. Save, Nand Kishore and Ramakrishna V. Hosur,

PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166487 (2016). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166487

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Design of CO2 Sorbents using Functionalized Fibrous Nanosilica (KCC-1): Insights into the Effect of Silica Morphology on CO2 Capture Efficiency (KCC-1 vs MCM-41). “Emerging Investigator issue”

Baljeet Singh, and Vivek Polshettiwar*

J. Mat. Chem. A. 2016, 4, 7005.

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

A Detailed Analysis of the Morphology of Fibrils of Selectively Mutated Amyloid beta (1-40),

Juliane Adler; Monika Baumann; Bruno Voigt; Holger Scheidt; Debanjan Bhowmik; Tilmann Haupl; Bernd Abel; Perunthiruthy K. Madhu Madhu; Jochen Balbach; Sudipta Maiti; Daniel Huster,

ChemPhysChem, Volume 17, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 2744–2753

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Cell Permeable Ratiometric Fluorescent Sensors for Imaging Phosphoinositides,

Samsuzzoha Mondal, Ananya Rakshit, Suranjana Pal, and Ankona Datta*,

ACS Chem. Biol., 11, 1834-1843 (2016).

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Acid−Base Formalism Extended to Excited State for O−H•••S Hydrogen Bonding Interaction,

Surjendu Bhattacharyya, Ved Prakash Roy, and Sanjay Wategaonkar*,

J.Phys.Chem. A 120, 6902 (2016).

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Water bridges anchored by a C–H•••O hydrogen bond: the role of weak interactions in molecular solvation,

Aditi Bhattacherjee and Sanjay Wategaonkar*,

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.

18, 27745 (2016).

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Mono-nuclear copper complexes mimicking the intermediates for the binuclear copper center of the subunit II of cytochrome oxidase: a peptide based approach

Dwaipayan Dutta Gupta, Dandamudi Usharani and Shyamalava Mazumdar,

Dalton Trans., 45, 17624–17632, (2016)

2016 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Force Spectroscopy of the Plasmodium falciparum vaccine candidate circumsporozoite protein suggests a mechanically pliable repeat region,

Aditya P. Patra, Shobhona Sharma*, and Sri Rama Koti Ainavarapu*,

J. Biol. Chem., Vol. 292 (2017), p2110-2119.

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Mechanical Unfolding Studies on Single-Domain SUMO protein and Multi-Domain Periplasmic Binding Proteins,

Hema Chandra Kotamarthi* and Sri Rama Koti Ainavarapu*,

Biophysical Review Letters,

Vol. 12 (2017), p1-10.

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

An Unfolding Intermediate of CPR3 has Structural Resemblance to Its Functionally Relevant State,

Vaibhav K Shukla, Jai Shankar Singh, Neha Vispute, Basir Ahmed, Ashutosh Kumar and Ramakrishna V. Hosur,

Biophys J, 112 (4), (2017)

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Organosilane Oxidation with a Half Million Turnover Number using Fibrous Nanosilica Supported Ultrasmall Nanoparticles and Pseudo-Single Atoms of Gold.

Mahak Dhiman, B. Chalke and Vivek Polshettiwar*

J. Mat. Chem. A 2017, 5, 1935-1940.

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Nanostructured Silica-Titania Hybrid using Fibrous Nanosilica as Photocatalysts.,

Nisha Bayal, R. Singh and Vivek Polshettiwar*

ChemSusChem 2017, doi 10.1002/cssc.201700135.

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Conductance in a Bis-Terpyridine Based Single Molecular Breadboard Circuit,

Seth, C., Kaliginedi*, V., Suravarapu, S., Reber, D., Hong, W., Wandlowski, T., Lafolet, F., Broekmann, P., Royal, G.*, Venkatramani, R.*

Chem. Sci., 2017,8, 1576 –1591

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Stereoisomers Probe Steric Zippers in Amyloid-β,

Bappaditya Chandra; Alexander Korn; Barun Kumar Maity; Juliane Adler; Anoop Rawat; Martin Krueger; Daniel Huster; Sudipta Maiti,

Journal of Physical Chemistry B,

2017, 121, 1835-1842

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Emerging structural details of transient Amyloid-β oligomers suggest designs for effective small molecule modulators,

Bappaditya Chandra; Swagata Halder; Juliane Adler; Alexander Korn; Daniel Huster; Sudipta Maiti,

Chemical Physics Letter,

2017, 675, 51-55

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Development of multifunctional heterocyclic Schiff base as a potential metal chelator: a comprehensive spectroscopic approach towards drug discovery,

Manojkumar Jadhao; Chayan Das; Anoop Rawat; Himank Kumar; Ritika Joshi; Sudipta Maiti; Sujit Kumar Ghosh,

Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry,

2017, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp 47–59

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

A macrocyclic 19F-MR based probe for Mn2+ sensing,

Anindita Sarkar, Inbal Biton, Michal Neeman, and Ankona Datta*,

Inorg. Chem. Commun., 78, 21-24 (2017)

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Spectroscopic Evidences for Strong Hydrogen Bonds with Selenomethionine in Proteins,

V. Rao Mundlapati, Dipak Kumar Sahoo, Sanat Ghosh, Umesh Kumar Purame, Subhant Pandey, Rudresh Acharya, Nitish Pal, Prince Tiwari, and Himansu S. Biswal,

J.Phys. Chem. Lett.

8 , 794–800, (2017).

2017 Department of Chemical Sciences, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Dielectric anomalies and magnetodielectric coupling behavior of single crystalline Ca3Co2O6, a geometrically frustrated magnetic spin-chain system,

Tathamay Basu, Kartik K Iyer, P.L. Paulose, and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

J. Alloys & Comp. 6, 364 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Frustrated Ising chains on the triangular lattice in Sr3NiIrO6,

S. Toth, W. Wu, D.T. Adroja, S. Rayaprol and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

Phys. Rev. B 93, 174422 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Magnetic behavior of Gd3Ru4Al12, a layered compound with distorted Kagome net,

Venkatesh Chandragiri, Kartik K Iyer and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter.

28, 286002 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Magnetism of a rhombohedral-type pyrochlore-derived Kagome series, Mn2R3Sb3O14 (R= Rare-earths),

Venkatesh Chandragiri, Kartik K Iyer, K. Maiti, and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

Mater. Res. Express

3, 066102 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Insight into the magnetism of a distorted Kagome lattice, Dy3Ru4Al12, based on polycrystalline studies,

Venkatesh Chandragiri, Kartik K Iyer and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

Intermetallics, 76, 26 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Interrupted magnetic first order transitions and kinetic arrest probed with in-field neutron diffraction,

V. Siruguri, S.D. Kaushik, S. Rayaprol, P.D. Babu, P. Chaddah, E.V. Sampathkumaran, A. Hoser, and C. Ritter,

J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.

746, 012063 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

A rock-salt-type Li-based oxide, Li3Ni2RuO6, exhibiting a chaotic ferrimagnetism with cluster spin-glass dynamics and

Sanjay Kumar Upadhyay, Kartik K Iyer, S. Rayaprol, P.L. Paulose, and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

Scientific Reports,

6, 31883 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


thermally frozen charge carriers,

Spin-glass behavior and pyroelectric anomalies in a new lithium-based oxide, Li3FeRuO5,

Sanjay Kumar Upadhyay, P.L. Paulose, Kartik K Iyer, and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,

18, 23348 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Effect of rare-earth (Er and Gd) substitution on the magnetic and multiferroic properties of DyFe0.5Cr0.5O3,

Mohit K. Sharma, TathamayBasu, K. Mukherjee, and E. V. Sampathkumaran,

J. Phys. Condens. Matter,

28, 426003 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Metal-insulator transition in Ba3Fe1−x Ru2+x O9: an interplay between site-disorder, chemical percolation, and electronic structure,

S. Middey, PayelAich, C. Meneghini, K. Mukherjee, E. V. Sampathkumaran, V. Siruguri, P. Mahadevan, and Sugata Ray,

Phys. Rev. B 94, 184424 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Evidence for two distinct defect related luminescence features in monolayer MoS2,

Nihit Saigal, and Sandip Ghosh,

Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 122105 (2016)

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Multiscale flow in an electro-hydrodynamically driven oil-in-oil emulsion,

Atul Varshney, SmitaGohil, MayurSathe, Seshagiri Rao R V, J. B. Joshi, S. Bhattacharya, AnandYethiraj and Shankar Ghosh,

Soft Matter 12, 1759 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Electronic nature of the lock-in magnetic transition in CeXAl4Si2,

J. Gunasekera, L. Harriger, A. Dahal, A. Maurya, T. Heitmann, S.M. Disseler, A. Thamizhavel, S.K. Dhar, D.J. Singh and D.K. Singh,

Phys. Rev. B 93, 155151(2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Exploring metamagnetism of single crystalline EuNiGe3 by neutron scattering,

X. Fabrèges, A. Gukasov, P. Bonville, A. Maurya, A. Thamizhavel and S.K. Dhar,

Phys. Rev. B 93, 214414 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Gold in the layered structures of R3Au7Sn3: From relativity to versatility,

Alessia Provino, Simon Steinberg, Volodymyr Smetana, Uday Paramanik, Pietro Manfrinetti, Sudesh K Dhar, and Anja-Verena Mudring,

Cryst. Growth Des.

16, 5657 (2016). DOI:10.1021/acs.cgd.6b00478.

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

New R3Pd5 compounds (R = Sc, Y, Gd-Lu): Formation and stability, crystal structure, and antiferromagnetism,

Alessia Provino, Nediadth S. Sangeetha, Sudesh K Dhar, Volodymyr Smetana, Karl A. Gschneidner, Jr., Vitalij K. Pecharsky, Pietro Manfrinetti, and Anja-Verena Mudring,

Cryst. Growth Des.

16, 6001 (2016). DOI:10.1021/acs.cgd.6b01045.

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Synthesis, physical properties and band structure of non-magnetic Y3AlC,

S.S. Ghule, C.S. Garde, S. Ramakrishnan, S. Singh, A.K. Rajarajan and Meena Laad,

Physica B 498, 98–103 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Development of NTD Ge Sensors for Superconducting Bolometer,

A. Garai, R. G. Pillay, S. Mathimalar, S. Ramakrishnan, V. Singh, N. Dokania, A. Shrivastava, V. Nanal, K. C. Jagadeesan, S. V. Thakarem,

J Low Temp Phys

184:609–614 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Coexistence of superconductivity and a charge density wave in LaPt2(Si1-xGex)2 (0 < x <= 0.5),

Ritu Gupta, U. B. Paramanik, S. Ramakrishnan, K. P. Rajeev and Z. Hossain,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter

28, 195702 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Switching effect in the magnetization response in a

M. Suresh Babu, A. Thamizhavel,

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.

49, 185502 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


superconducting specimen of Ca3Rh4Sn13,

S. Ramakrishnan, A. K. Grover and D. Pal,

Material Science, TIFR

The Mechanism of Ni-Assisted GaN Nanowire Growth,

Carina B. Maliakkal, Nirupam Hatui, Rudheer D. Bapat, Bhagyashree A. Chalke, A. Azizur Rahman, Arnab Bhattacharya,

Nano Lett., 16, 7632–7638 (2016); DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b03604.

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Nanostructured MoS2/BiVO4 Composites for Energy Storage Applications,

Yukti Arora, Amit P Shah, Shateesh Battu, Carina B Maliakkal, Santosh Haram, Arnab Bhattacharya, Deepa Khushalani,

Sci. Reports., 6, 36294 (2016); DOI: 10.1038/srep36294.

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Synthesis and Characterization of ReS2 and ReSe2 Layered Chalcogenide Single Crystals,

Bhakti Jariwala, Damien Voiry, Apoorv Jindal, Bhagyashree A. Chalke, Rudheer Bapat, Arumugam Thamizhavel, Manish Chhowalla, Mandar Deshmukh, and Arnab Bhattacharya,

Chem. Mater., 28, 3352 (2016); DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b00364

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

A rock-salt-type Li-based oxide, Li3Ni2RuO6, exhibiting a chaotic ferrimagnetism with cluster spin-glass dynamics and thermally frozen charge carriers,

Sanjay Kumar Upadhyay, Kartik K Iyer, S. Rayaprol, P.L. Paulose, and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

Scientific Reports 6, 31883 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Spin-glass behavior and pyroelectric anomalies in a new lithium-based oxide, Li3FeRuO5,

Sanjay Kumar Upadhyay, P.L. Paulose, Kartik K Iyer, and E.V. Sampathkumaran,

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

18, 23348 (2016).

2016 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Enhancement of magnetic ordering and magnetodielectric coupling by hole doping in a multiferroic DyFe0.5Cr0.5O3,

Mohit K. Sharma, TathamayBasu, K. Mukherjee, and E. V. Sampathkumaran,

J. Phys.: Condensed Matter

29, 085801 (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Mechanics of a granular skin, Somnath Karmakar, Anit Sane, S. Bhattacharya, Shankar Ghosh,

Physical Review E

(2017). 2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Rheology of hydrating cement paste: Crossover between two aging processes,

Atul Varshney, Smita Gohil, B.A. Chalke, R.D. Bapat, S. Mazumder, S. Bhattacharya, Shankar Ghosh,

Cement and Concrete Research

95, 226 (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Gapped excitation in dense Kondo lattice CePtZn,

L. Harriger, S.M. Disseler, J. Gunasekera, J. Rodriguez-Rivera, J. Pixley, P. Manfrinetti, S.K. Dhar and D.K. Singh,

Phys. Rev. B 95, 041102(R) (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Crystal structure and anisotropic magnetic properties of new ferromagnetic Kondo lattice compound Ce(Cu,Al,Si)2,

A. Maurya, A. Thamizhavel, S.K. Dhar, A. Provino, M. Pani, G.A. Costa,

J. Magn. Magn. Mater.

426, 144 (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Probing the magnetic ground state of single crystalline Ce3TiSb5,

M. Matin, R. Kulkarni, A. Thamizhavel, S.K. Dhar, A. Provino and P. Manfrinetti,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter

29, 145601 (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Strong electronic interaction and multiple quantum Hall ferromagnetic phases in trilayer graphene,

Biswajit Datta, Santanu Dey, Abhisek Samanta, Hitesh Agarwal, Abhinandan Borah, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Rajdeep Sensarma, and Mandar M. Deshmukh,

Nature Communications

8, 14518 (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Abrupt p-n junction using ionic gating at zero-bias in bilayer graphene,

Sameer Grover, Anupama Joshi, Ashwin Tulapurkar and Mandar M. Deshmukh,

Scientific Reports (2017). 2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Nodeless superconductivity and the peak effect in the quasiskutterudites Lu3Os4Ge13

and Y3Ru4Ge13,

Z. F. Weng, M. Smidman, G. M. Pang, O. Prakash, Y. Chen, Y. J. Zhang, S. Ramakrishnan and H. Q. Yuan,

Phys. Rev. B 95, 184501 (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Spin reorientation transition and exchange bias in Co(Cr1-x Fex )2O4 (x=0.00–0.125),

R Padam, Swati Pandya, S Ravi, S Ramakrishnan, A K Nigam, A K Grover and D Pal,

J. Phys.: Condens. Matter

29, 055803 (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Evidence for bulk superconductivity in pure bismuth single crystals at ambient pressure,

Om Prakash, Anil Kumar, A. Thamizhavel and S. Ramakrishnan,

Science 355, 52–55 (2017).

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

a-BiPd: a clean non-centrosymmetric superconductor,

S. Ramakrishnan, Bhanu Joshi and A. Thamizhavel,

Philosophical Magzaine B: Condensed Matter,

March. 03, 2017.

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

ReSe2: a reassessment of crystal structure and thermal analysis,

Bhakti Jariwala, Arumugam Thamizhavel, and Arnab Bhattacharya,

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.

50, 044001, (2017); DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aa5062.

2017 Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Long-term study of Mkn 421 with the HAGAR Array of Telescopes,

A. Sinha, A. Shukla, L. saha, B. S. Acharya, G. C. Anupama, P. Bhattacharjee, R. J. Britto, V. R. Chitnis, T. P. Prabhu, B. B. Singh, P. R. Vishwanath,

Astronomy & Astrophysics,

591, A83, 2016

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

The Multi-wavelength Characteristics of the TeV Binary LS I +61° 303,

L. Saha, V. R. Chitnis, A. Shukla, A. R. Rao, B. S. Acharya,

The Astrophysical Journal,

823, 134, 2016

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Detection of very hard gamma-ray spectrum from the TeV blazar Mrk 501,

A. Shukla, K. Mannheim, V. R. Chitnis, J. Roy, B. S. Acharya, D. Dorner, G. Hughes and A. Biland,

The Astrophysical Journal,

832, 177, 2016

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Transient Weakening of Earth's Magnetic Shield Probed by a Cosmic Ray Burst,

P.K. Mohanty, K.P. Arunbabu, T. Aziz, S.R. Dugad, S.K. Gupta, B. Hariharan, Y. Hayashi, P. Jagadeesan, A. Jain, S. Kawakami,H. Kojima, S.D. Morris, A. Oshima, B.S. Rao, S. Shibata, S. Raha, P. Subramanian,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 (2016) 171101

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

A QCD analysis of CMS inclusive differential Z production data at 8 TeV.

Rajdeep M Chatterjee, M.Guchait, Ringaile Placakyte,

Phys. Rev. D 94(2016)034035[arXiv:1603.09619].

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for long-lived charged particles in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PRD 94 (2016) 112004.

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and Z→ℓ+ℓ−ℓ′+ℓ′−branching fraction in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 763 (2016) 280.

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Search for new physics in final states with two opposite-sign, same-flavor leptons, jets, and missing transverse momentum in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 12 (2016) 013.

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for resonant production of high-mass photon pairs in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=8 and 13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PRL 117 (2016) 051802.

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for supersymmetry in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV in the single-lepton final state using the sum of masses of large-radius jets,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 08 (2016) 122.

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the double-differential inclusive jet cross section in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

EPJC 76 (2016) 451.

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for new physics in same-sign dilepton events in proton-proton collisions atsqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

EPJC 76 (2016) 439.

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the inclusive tt production cross section in pp collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV and determination of the top quark pole mass,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. D 94, 092004 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the Top Quark Mass using the Matrix Element Technique in Dilepton Final States,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. D 94 , 032004 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Evidence for a Bs0π± state, (B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 022003 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Bs0 lifetime measurement in the CP-odd decay channel Bs0→ J/ψ f0(980),

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. D 94, 012001 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of spin correlation between top and antitop quarks produced in pp collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Lett. B 757, 199 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Study of double parton interactions in diphoton + dijet events in pp collisions at √s=1.96 TeV,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. D 93, 052008 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Evidence for simultaneous production of J/ψ and Υ mesons,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 082002 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of Λ and Λ production in pp collisions,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. D 93, 032002 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Precise measurement of the top quark mass in dilepton decays using optimized neutrino weighting,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Lett. B 752, 18 (2016).

2016 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

On the Spectral Curvature of VHE Blazar 1ES 1011+496: Effect of Spatial Particle Diffusion,

A. Sinha, S. Sahayanathan, B. S. Acharya, G. C. Anupama, V. R. Chitnis, B. B. Singh,

The Astrophysical Journal,

836, 83, 2017

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

A review of the recent results from the GRAPES-3 experiment,

S.K. Gupta, Advances in Space Research,

-2017 2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Diphoton Signal of light pseudoscalar in NMSSM at the LHC,

M. Guchait, Jacky Kumar, Phys. ReV D. arXiv: 1608.05693

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for new physics with dijet angular distributions in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 07 (2017) 013

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Search for third-generation scalar leptoquarks and heavy right-handed neutrinos in final states with two tau leptons and two jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV ,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 07 (2017) 121.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for dark matter produced with an energetic jet or a hadronically decaying W or Z boson at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 07 (2017) 014.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for standard model production of four top quarks in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 772 (2017) 336.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of prompt and nonprompt J/ψ production in pp and pPb collisions at sqrt(sNN)= 5.02 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

EPJC 77 (2017) 269.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the inclusive energy spectrum in the very forward direction in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 08 (2017) 046.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into a b quark and a W boson in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 772 (2017) 634.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying to a Z boson and a top or a bottom quark in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 05 (2017) 029.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for supersymmetry in the all-hadronic final state using

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G.

PRD 96 (2017) 012004.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


top quark tagging in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

Search for dark matter and unparticles in events with a Z boson and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 03 (2017) 061.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for massive resonances decaying into WW, WZ or ZZ bosons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 03 (2017) 162.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurements of the charm jet cross section and nuclear modification factor in pPb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=5.02 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB. 2017 2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for heavy gauge W' bosons in events with an energetic lepton and large missing transverse momentum at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 770 (2017) 278.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for electroweak production of a vector-like quark decaying to a top quark and a Higgs boson using boosted topologies in fully hadronic final states,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 04 (2017) 136.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Searches for pair production of third-generation squarks in sqrt(s)=13 TeV pp collisions,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

EPJC 77 (2017) 327.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Search for heavy neutrinos or third-generation leptoquarks in final states with two hadronically decaying τ leptons and two jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 03 (2017) 077.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for supersymmetry in events with photons and missing transverse energy in pp collisions at 13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 769 (2017) 391.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for heavy resonances decaying to tau lepton pairs in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 02 (2017) 048.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the tt¯ production cross section using events in the eμ final state in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

EPJC 77 (2017) 172.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for dijet resonances in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV and constraints on dark matter and other models,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 769 (2017) 520.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Charged-particle nuclear modification factors in PbPb and pPb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=5.02 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 04 (2017) 039.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Relative modification of prompt ψ(2S) and J/ψ yields from pp to PbPb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=5.02 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PRL 118 (2017) 162301.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Suppression of Υ(1S), Υ(2S), and Υ(3S) quarkonium states in PbPb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=2.76 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 770 (2017) 357.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


A search for new phenomena in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV in final states with missing transverse momentum and at least one jet using the αTvariable,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

EPJC 77 (2017) 294.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Searches for invisible decays of the Higgs boson in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7, 8, and 13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 02 (2017) 135.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for heavy resonances decaying into a vector boson and a Higgs boson in final states with charged leptons, neutrinos, and b quarks,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 768 (2017) 137.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of differential cross sections for top quark pair production using the lepton+jets final state in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PRD 95 (2017) 092001.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for high-mass Zγresonances in e+e−γ and μ+μ−γ final states in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=8 and 13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

JHEP 01 (2017) 076.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Observation of charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in pPb collisions and its implication for the search for the chiral magnetic effect,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PRL 118 (2017) 122301.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for supersymmetry in events with one lepton and multiple jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PRD 95 (2017) 012011.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Inclusive search for supersymmetry using razor variables in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PRD 95 (2017) 012003.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Search for high-mass diphoton resonances in proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV and combination with 8 TeV search,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 767 (2017) 147.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the total and differential inclusive B+hadron cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB. 2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the WZ production cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV,

(T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, S.R. Dugad, M. Guchait, G. Majumder, K. Mazumdar, G. Mohanty)

PLB 766 (2017) 268.

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of the direct CP violating charge asymmetry in B± → μ± νμ D0 decays,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. D 95, 031101 (2017).

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Measurement of top quark polarization in ttlepton+jets final states,

(B.S. Acharya, S. Banerjee) Phys. Rev. D 95, 011101 (2017).

2017 Department of High Energy Physics, TIFR

Deep Sarkar, Sheroy Tata, Moniruzzaman Shaikh, Amit D. Lad, Amitava Adak, Subhrangsu Sarkar, Pushan Ayyub, and G. Ravindra Kumar

“Efficient Fast Electron Generation in an Interaction of Intense, Ultrashort Laser with Metal Nanoparticle coated Dielectric Target”.

Journal of Physics: Conference Series

717, 012077 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Moniruzzaman Shaikh, Amit D. Lad, Kamalesh Jana, Deep Sarkar, Indranuj Dey, and G. Ravindra Kumar

Megagauss Magnetic Fields in Ultra-Intense Laser Generated Dense Plasmas

Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

59, 014007 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Amitava Adak, Prashant Kumar Singh, Amit D. Lad, Gourab Chatterjee, Malay Dalui, P. Brijesh, A. P. L. Robinson, John Pasley, and G Ravindra Kumar

Efficient Transport of Femtosecond Laser-Generated Fast Electrons in a Millimeter Thick Graphite

Applied Physics Letters

109, 174101 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Indranuj Dey, Amitava Adak, Prashant Kumar Singh, Moniruzzaman Shaikh, Gourab Chatterjee, Deep Sarkar, Amit D. Lad, and G. Ravindra Kumar

“Intense Femtosecond Laser Driven Collimated Fast Electron Transport in a Dielectric Medium–Role of Intensity Contrast”

Optics Express 24, 28419 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Malay Dalui, M. Kundu, T. Madhu Trivikram, Krishanu Ray, and M. Krishnamurthy

“Manifestation of Anharmonic Resonance in the Interaction of Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses with Microstructured Targets”

Physics of Plasmas

23, 103101 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

C. M. Petrache, S. Guo, A. D. Ayangeakaa, U. Garg, J. T. Matta, B. K. Nayak, D. Patel, M. P. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, R. V. F. Janssens, F. G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, D.Seweryniak, S. Zhu, S. S. Ghugre, and R. Palit,

Triaxiality and exotic rotations at high spins in 134Ce,

Phys. Rev. C 93, 064305 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

C. M. Petrache, Q. B. Chen, S. Guo, A. D. Ayangeakaa, U. Garg, J. T. Matta, B. K. Nayak, D. Patel, J. Meng, M. P. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, R. V. F. Janssens, F. G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, D. Seweryniak, S. Zhu, S. S. Ghugre, and R. Palit,

Triaxial-band structures, chirality, and magnetic rotation in 133La

Phys. Rev. C 94, 064309 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

B. Das, N. Rather, S. Chattopadhyay, S. Rajbanshi, A. Goswami, P. Datta, S. Roy, R.Palit, S. Pal, S. Saha, J. Sethi, S. Biswas, P. Singh, and H. C. Jain,

Three proton hole structure in 106Ag

Phys. Rev. C 93, 064322 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

V. Singh, S. Sihotra, S. S. Malik, G. H. Bhat, R. Palit, J. A. Sheikh, S. Kumar, N. Singh, K. Singh, J. Goswamy, J. Sethi, S. Saha, T. Trivedi, and D. Mehta,

Structure of dipole bands in doubly odd 102Ag,

Phys. Rev. C 94, 044320 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


S. Rajbanshi, Sajad Ali, Abhijit Bisoi, Somnath Nag, S. Saha, J. Sethi, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Bhattacharyya, S. Chattopadhyay, G. Gangopadhyay, G. Mukherjee, R. Palit, R. Raut, M. Saha Sarkar, A. K. Singh, T. Trivedi, and A. Goswami,

Shears mechanism and development of collectivity in 141Sm,

Phys. Rev. C 94, 044318 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Naveen Lumar, Suresh Kumar, V. Kumar, S.K. Mandal, R. Palit, S. Saha, J. Sethi, T. Trivedi, S.C. Pancholi, P.C. Srivastava,

Polarization measurements and high-spin states in 8638Sr48, Nuclear

Physics A 955 1 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

A. D. Ayangeakaa, U. Garg, C. M. Petrache, S. Guo, P. W. Zhao, J. T. Matta, B. K. Nayak, D. Patel, R. V. F. Janssens, M. P. Carpenter, C. J. Chiara, F. G. Kondev, T. Lauritsen, D. Seweryniak, S. Zhu, S. S. Ghugre, and R. Palit,

In-beam spectroscopy of medium- and high-spin states in 133Ce ,

Phys. Rev. C 93, 054317 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Md. A. Asgar, T. Roy, G. Mukherjee, A. Dhal, Soumik Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharyya, C. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya, A. Chaudhuri, K. Banerjee, S. Kundu, S. Manna, R. Pandey, J. K. Meena, R. Palit, S. Biswas, S. Saha, J. Sethi, P. Singh, and D. Choudhury,

Return of backbending in 169Tm and the effect of the N=98 deformed shell gap

Phys. Rev. C 95, 031304(R) (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Krishnendu Gope, Vishvesh Tadsare, Vaibhav S Prabhudesai, Nigel Mason and E. Krishnakumar

“Negative ion resonances in carbon monoxide: Probing dissociative electron

Eur. Phys. J. D 70, 134 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


attachment in CO by velocity slice imaging”

Jonathan Tennyson, E. Krishnakumar, et. al.

“QDB: a new database of plasma chemistries and reactions”

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.

2016 2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Madhusree Roy Chowdhury, C. R. Stia, C. A. Tachino, O. A. Fojon, Roberto D. Rivarola and Lokesh C. Tribedi,

Ionization of N2 in collisions with fast electrons: Evidence of an interference effect,

Phys. Rev. A, 94, 052703 (2016).

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

L. Yan, S. Pal, and J.-Y. Ollitrault,

“Nonlinear hydrodynamic response confronts LHC data”,

Nuclear Physics A

596 (2016) 340.

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Randhir Kumar and Sushil Mujumdar,

Intensity correlations in metal films with periodic-on-average random nanohole arrays,

Opt. Comm., 380, 174-178 (2016)

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Temperature dependence of the giant dipole resonance width in 152Gd,

C. Ghosh, G. Mishra, A.K.R. Kumar, N. Dokania, V. Nanal, R.G. Pillay, Suresh Kumar, P.C. Rout, Sandeep Joshi, and P. Arumugam,

Physical Review C

94, 014318 (2016)

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Characterization of PARIS LaBr3 (Ce)-NaI (Tl) phoswich detectors upto Eg~22 MeV,

C. Ghosh, V. Nanal, R.G. Pillay, Anoop K. V., N. Dokania, Sanjoy Pal, M.S. Pose, G. Mishra, P.C. Rout, Suresh Kumar, Deepak Pandit, Debasish Mondal, Surajit Pal, S.R. Banerjee, P.J. Napiorkowski, O. Dorvaux, S. Kihel, C. Mathieu, A. Maj,

Journal of Instrumentation

11, P05023 (2016)

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Structure of 5280Te132: The two-particle and two-hole spectrum of 5082Sn132,

S. Biswas, R. Palit, A. Navin, M. Rejmund, A. Bisoi, M. Saha Sarkar, S. Sarkar, S.Bhattacharyya,D.C. Biswas, M. Caamaño, B. Jacquot, A. Lemasson, S. Mukhopadhyay, V. Nanal, R.G. Pillay, S. Saha, J. Sethi, Purnima Singh, P.C. Srivastava, S.K. Tandel,

Phys. Rev. C 93, 034324 (2016)

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Evolution of fusion hindrance for asymmetric systems at deep sub-barrier energies,

A. Shrivastava, K. Mahata, S.K. Pandit, V. Nanal, T. Ichikawa, K. Hagino, A. Navin, C.S. Palshetkar, V.V. Parkar, K. Ramachandran, P.C. Rout, Abhinav Kumar, A. Chatterjee, S. Kailas,

Physics Letters B 755, 332 (2016)

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Probing the fusion of 7Li with 64Ni at near-barrier energies,

Md. M. Shaikh, S. Roy, S. Rajbanshi, A. Mukherjee, M.K. Pradhan, P. Basu, V. Nanal, S. Pal, A. Shrivastava, S. Saha, R.G.Pillay,

Phys. Rev. C 93, 044616 (2016)

2016 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Malay Dalui, M. Kundu, S. Sarkar, Sheroy Tata, John Pasley, Pushan Ayyub, and M Krishnamurthy

“Mass Selection in Laser-Plasma Ion Accelerator on Nanostructured Surfaces “

Physics of Plasmas

24, 010703 (2017).

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Naveen Lumar, S. Kumar, S.K. Mandal, S. Saha, J. Sethi, R. Palit,

Magnetic rotation phenomenon in the dipole (ΔI=1) bands of transitional strontium (Sr) isotopes near N=50 shell closure,

Eur. Phys. J. A 53 (2017) 2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


S. Das, S. Samanta, R. Bhattacharjee, R. Raut, S.S. Ghugre, A. K. Sinha, U. Garg, R. Chakrabarti, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Dhal, M. Kumar Raju, N. Madhavan, S. Muralithar, R.P. Singh, K. Suryanarayana, P.V. Madhusudhana Rao, R. Palit, S. Saha, J. Sethi,

Extending the application of DSAM to atypical stopping media,

Nucl. Inst. Meth. A

841, 17 (2017).

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Soumik Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharyya, S. Das Gupta, H. Pai, G. Mukherjee, R. palit, F. R. Xu, Q. Wu, A. Shrivastava, Md. A. Asgar, R. Banik, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Chanda, A. Chatterjee, A. Goswami, V. Nanal, S. K. Pandit, S. Saha, J. Sethi, T. Roy, and S. Thakur,

Deformed band structures at high spin in 200Tl ,

Phys. Rev. C 95, 014301 (2017).

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Arnab Khan, Lokesh C. Tribedi, and Deepankar Misra,

Three-body fragmentation of multiply charged nitrous oxide induced by Ar8+- and Xe15+-ion impact,

Phys. Rev. A 96, 012703 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Shehla, Ajay Kumar, C. Bagdia, Anil Kumar, D. Misra, Sanjiv Puri and L.C. Tribedi,

Measurements of the line resolved M-shell X-ray production cross sections for 79Au, 82Pb and 83Bi by 100 keV/u proton, C, N, O ions:

Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B

399, 74 (2017).

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Shubhadeep Biswas, C. Champion and L. C. Tribedi ,

“Differential electron emission from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules under fast ion impact”,

Nat. Sci. Rep. 7, 5560 (2017).

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Ashwin Boddeti, Randhir Kumar and Sushil Mujumdar,

Figures-of-merit of Anderson localization cavities in membrane-based periodic-on-average random templates,

Optics Communications,

397, 39-43 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Shashank Pandey, Barun Gupta, Sushil Mujumdar and Ajay Nahata,

Direct observation of Anderson localization in plasmonic terahertz devices,

Light: Science and Applications (Nature),

6, e16232 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

K. Sudarshan, R. TRipathi, S. Sodaye, S.K. Sharma, P.K. Pujari, J. Gehlot, n. Madhavan, S. Nath, G. Mohanto, I. Mukul, A. Jhingan, I. Mazumdar,

Spin distributions and cross sections of evaporation residues in the 28Si+176Yb reaction,

Phys. Rev. C 95, 024604 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Is neutrino its own antiparticle, V. Nanal, Current Science 112, 1375 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

New limit for the half-life of double beta decay of 94Zr to the first excited state of 94Mo,

N. Dokania, V. Nanal, G. Gupta, S. Pal, R. G. Pillay, P. K. Rath, V.I. Tretyak, A. Garai, H. Krishnamoorthy, C. Ghosh, P. K. Raina and K. G. Bhushan,

Eur. Phys. J. A 53, 74 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Radiative proton capture to low lying T= 0 and T= 1 states in 10B, D. R. Chakrabarty,

V.M. Datar, Suresh Kumar, E.T. Mirgule, G. Mishra, P.C. Rout, C. Ghosh, V. Nanal, S. Joshi, and R. Kujur,

Physical Review C

95, 014614 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Deformed band structures at high spin in 200Tl,

S. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharyya, S. DasGupta, H. Pai, G. Mukherjee, R. Palit, F. R. Xu, Q. Wu, A. Shrivastava, Md. A. Asgar, R. Banik, T. Bhattacharjee, S. Chanda, A. Chatterjee, A. Goswami, V. Nanal, S. K. Pandit, S. Saha, J. Sethi, T. Roy, and S. Thakur

Physical Review C

95, 014301 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Survival of cluster correlation in dissipative binary breakup of 24,25Mg*,

S. Manna, T. K. Rana, C. Bhattacharya, S. Bhattacharya, S. Kundu, K. Banerjee, Pratap Roy, R. Pandey, Vishal Srivastava, A. Chaudhuri, T. Roy, T. K. Ghosh, G. Mukherjee, J. K. Meena, S. K. Pandit, K. Mahata, A. Shrivastava, and V. Nanal,

Physical Review C 94,

051601 (2017)

2017 Department of Nuclear and Atomic Physics, TIFR

Sign-Problem-Free Monte Carlo Simulation of Certain Frustrated Quantum Magnets,

Fabien Alet, Kedar Damle, and Sumiran Pujari,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 197203 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

A Detailed Analysis of Flavour-changing Decays of Top Quarks as a Probe of New Physics at the LHC,

Debjyoti Bardhan, Gautam Bhattacharyya, Diptimoy Ghosh, Monalisa Patra and Sreerup Raychaudhuri,

Phys.Rev. D 94, 015026 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

A Charged Membrane Paradigm at Large D,

S. Bhattacharyya, M. Mandlik, S. Minwalla and S. Thakur,

JHEP 1604, 128 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Quantum cluster algorithm for frustrated Ising models in a transverse field,

Sounak Biswas, Geet Rakala, and Kedar Damle,

Phys. Rev. B 93, 235103 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Self-induced temporal instability from a neutrino antenna,

F. Capozzi, B. Dasgupta and A. Mirizzi,

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics

10, 1604 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Diphoton Resonance at 750 GeV in the Broken MRSSM ,

Amit Chakraborty, Sabyasachi Chakraborty and Sreerup Raychaudhuri,

Phys.Rev. D 94, 035014 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Probing (g - 2)μ at the LHC in the paradigm of R-parity violating MSSM,

Amit Chakraborty, Sabyasachi Chakraborty,

Physical Review D

93, 075035 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Soft tracks to trap new physics, Amit Chakraborty, Sabyasachi Chakraborty and Tuhin S. Roy,

Physical Review D (Rapid)

94, 111703 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Chasing New Physics in Stacks of Soft Tracks,

Amit Chakraborty, Sabyasachi Chakraborty and Tuhin S. Roy,

Phys. Rev. D 94, 11, 111703 (2016), doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.94.111703, [arXiv:1606.07826 [hep-ph]].

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Diphoton resonance at 750 GeV in the broken R-symmetric MSSM,

Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Amit Chakraborty and Sreerup Raychaudhuri,

Physical Review D

94, 035014 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Can Dark matter be an artifact of extended theories of gravity?,

Sayantan Choudhury, Manibrata Sen and Soumya Sadhukhan,

European Journal of Physics C,

76, 494 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

The large D black hole Membrane Paradigm at first subleading order,

Yogesh Dandekar, Anandita De, Subhajit Mazumdar, Shiraz Minwalla, Arunabha Saha,

JHEP, Page:113, (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Unstable `black branes' from scaled membranes at large D,

Yogesh Dandekar, Subhajit Mazumdar, Shiraz Minwalla, Arunabha Saha,

JHEP, 140, (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Kondo route to spin inhomogeneities in the honeycomb Kitaev model,

S. D. Das, K. Dhochak and V. Tripathi,

Phys. Rev. B 94, 024411 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Statistical tweaks and meson masses,

S. Datta, S. Gupta, A. Lahiri and P. Majumdar,

Phys. Rev. D 94 054506 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Role of trap-induced scales in non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly interacting trapped bosons,

A. Dutta, R. Sensarma and K. Sengupta,

J. Phys. Cond. Mat.

28, 30LT01 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Estimating transport coefficients in hot and dense quark matter,

P. Deb, Guru Prakash Kadam and H.Mishra,

Physical Review D

94, 094002 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Bilayer honeycomb lattice with ultracold atoms: Multiple Fermi surfaces and incommensurate spin density wave instability,

S. Dey and R. Sensarma, Phys. Rev. B 94, 235107 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Probing Higgs-radion mixing in warped models through complementary searches at the LHC and the ILC,

Mariana Frank, Katri Huitu, Ushoshi Maitra and Monalisa Patra,

Physical Review D

94, 055016 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

The QCD critical point: an exciting Odyssey in the Femto-world'',

Rajiv V. Gavai, Contemp. Phys. 57, 350 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Thermal SZ fluctuations in the ICM: probing turbulence and thermodynamics in Coma cluster with Planck

R. Khatri, M. Gaspari, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

463, 655, 2016.

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Ward identities for scale and special conformal transformations in inflation,

Nilay Kundu, Ashish Shukla and S.P. Trivedi,

JHEP 1601, 046 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Cautionary tale of mismeasured tails from q/g bias,

Adam Martin and Tuhin S. Roy, Phys. Rev. D 94, 014003 (2016) doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.94.014003, [arXiv:1604.05728 [hep-ph]].

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

A Higgs in the warped bulk and LHC signals,

F. Mahmoudi, U. Maitra, N. Manglani, K. Sridhar,

Journal of High Energy Physics

11, 075 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Revisiting AdS/CFT at a finite radial cut-off,

G. Mandal and P. Nayak, JHEP 1612, 125 (2016),[arXiv:1608.00411 [hep-th]].

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Probing the clumping structure of giant molecular clouds through the spectrum, polarisation and morphology of X-ray reflection nebulae,

M. Molaro, R. Khatri, R. Sunyaev,

Astronomy & Astrophysics,

589, A88 (2016)

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Classical Spin Liquid on the Maximally Frustrated Honeycomb Lattice,

J. Rehn, Arnab Sen, Kedar Damle, and R. Moessner,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 167201 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Superconductivity from Doublon Condensation in the Ionic Hubbard Model,

A.Samanta and R. Sensarma, Phys. Rev. B 94, 224517 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Vacancy-Induced Low-Energy States in Undoped Graphene,

Sambuddha Sanyal, Kedar Damle, and Olexei I. Motrunich,

Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 116806 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Low-field magnetoresponse of strongly disordered two-dimensional superconductors,

S. Sankar and V. Tripathi, Phys. Rev. B 94, 054520 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Kaluza–Klein gluon + jets associated production at the Large Hadron Collider,

K. Sridhar, A.M. Iyer, F. Mahmoudi and N. Manglani,

Phys.Lett. B 759, 342-348 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

A Higgs in the Warped Bulk and LHC signals,

K. Sridhar, F. Mahmoudi, U. Maitra and N. Manglani,

JHEP 1611 (2016) 075.

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Aspects of entanglement entropy for gauge theories,

Ronak M. Soni and S.P. Trivedi,

JHEP 1601, 136 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Symmetry constraints in inflation, α-vacua, and the three point function,

Ashish Shukla, S.P. Trivedi and V. Vishal,

JHEP 1612, 102 (2016).

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Parity-time symmetry breaking mechanism of dynamic Mott transitions in dissipative systems,

Vikram Tripathi, Alexey Galda, Himadri Barman and Valerii M. Vinokur,

Phys. Rev. B 94, 041104(R) (2016) [Rapid Communications].

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Dynamic structure factor of a strongly correlated Fermi superfluid within a density functional theory approach,

Peng Zou, Franco Dalfovo, Rishi Sharma, Xia-Ji Liu and Hui Hu,

New Journal of Physics,

Volume 18, November 2016

2016 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Neutrino mixing and RK anomaly in a class of U(1)X models: a bottom-up approach,

Disha Bhatia, Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Amol Dighe,

Journal of High Energy Physics,

1703, 117 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Currents and Radiation from the large D Black Hole Membrane,

S. Bhattacharyya, A.K. Mandal, M. Mandlik, U. Mehta, S. Minwalla, U. Sharma and S.Thakur,

JHEP 1705, 098 2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Effects of strong disorder in strongly correlated superconductors,

D. Chakraborty, R. Sensarma and A. Ghosal,

Phys., Rev. B 95, 014516 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Bell violation in the Sky, Sayantan Choudhury, Sudhakar Panda and Rajeev Singh,

European Journal of Physics C,

77, 60 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Fast neutrino flavor conversions near the supernova core with realistic flavor-dependent angular distributions,

B. Dasgupta, A. Mirizzi, and M. Sen,

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics,

Vol. 02, 019 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Strong electronic interaction and multiple quantum Hall ferromagnetic phases in trilayer graphene,

B. Datta, S. Dey, A. Samanta, H. Agarwal, A. Borah, K. Watanabe,T. Taniguchi, R. Sensarma and M. M. Deshmukh,

Nat. Comm. 8, 14518 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Quark number susceptibilities and equation of state at finite chemical potential in staggered QCD with N t =8,

S. Datta, R.V. Gavai and S. Gupta,

Phys. Rev. D 95 054512 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Dissecting new physics models through kinematica edges,

Abhishek Iyer, Ushoshi Maitra, Physical Review D,

95 035039 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Little evidence for entropy and energy excess beyond r_500 - an end to ICM pre-heating?

Asif Iqbal, Subhabrata Majumdar, Biman B. Nath, Stefano Ettori, Dominique Eckert and Manzoor A. Malik,

MNRAS Letters, 465, 99 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

An alternative validation strategy for the Planck cluster catalogue and y-distortion maps, Astronomy & Astrophysics,

R. Khatri, 592, A48, 2016 2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

The Wilsonian revolution in statistical mechanics and quantum field theory,

G. Mandal, Resonance 22, 15 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Dynamic transition from Mott-like to metal-like state of the vortex lattice in a superconducting film with a periodic array of holes,

I.Roy, P. Chauhan, H. Singh, S. Kumar, J. Jesudasan, P. Parab, R. Sensarma, S. Bose and P. Raychaudhuri ,

Phys. Rev. B 95, 054513 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Landau damping of gluons in the two-flavor color superconducting Fulde-Ferrell phase,

Rishi Sharma, Eur. Phys. J. A (2017) 53: 63, https://doi.org/10.1140/epja/i2017-12249-x

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Constraining the X-ray AGN halo occupation distribution: implications for eROSITA,

Priyanka Singh, Alexandre Refregier, Subhabrata Majumdar and Biman B. Nath,

MNRAS, 466, 3961 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Exploring the Inert Doublet Model through the dijet plus missing transverse energy channel at the LHC,

K. Sridhar, P. Poulose and S. Sahoo,

Phys.Lett. B 765 300-306 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Entanglement entropy in (3 + 1)-d free U(1) gauge theory,

Ronak M. Soni and S.P. Trivedi,

JHEP 1702, 101 (2017).

2017 Department of Theoretical Physics, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Carneiro, G., Parulekar, T., Shridhar, G., & Ladage, S.

Experimenting with the teaching of organic chemistry: The process-oriented guided inquiry learning way.

Current Science, 111(7), 1152-1155, (2016).

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Clifton, P. G., Chang, J. S. K., Yeboah, G., Doucette, A., Chandrasekharan, S., Nitsche, M., Welsh, T., & Mazalek, A.

Design of embodied interfaces for engaging spatial cognition.

Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications,

1, 24. doi: 10.1186/s41235-016-0032-5 (2016).

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

D’Souza, R.. Where did/ do mathematical concepts come from?

For the Learning of Mathematics,

36(1), 25-27. (2016)

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

D’Souza, R. Ableism and the ideology of merit.

For the Learning of Mathematics,

36(3), 21-23. (2016).

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

De, P.. The arithmetic mean - geometric mean - harmonic mean: Inequalities and a spectrum of applications.

Resonance, 21(12), 1119–1133. (2016)

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Joshi, P. K., Singh, B., Singh, S., & Jain, A. K.

Nuclear data sheets for A=139. Nuclear Data Sheets, 138, 1-292 (2016)..

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Kumar, A. J., Shridhar, G., Ladage, S., & Ravishankar, L.

Synthesis of 1, 4- dihydropyridine esters using low melting sugar mixtures as green solvents.

Synthetic Communications,

46(24), 1989-1998 (2016). doi: 10.1080/ 00397911.2016.1242750

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Pande, P., & Chandrasekharan, S.

Representational competence: Towards a distributed and embodied cognition account.

Studies in Science Education,

53(1), 1-43. doi: 10.1080/03057267.2017.1248627 (2016).

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Pathak, P., & Singh, V. Yet another encounter with the golden ratio: Balancing laminar bodies on the edge.

European Journal of Physics,

37(5), 55001-55009 (2016)..

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Pathare, S. R., & Kurmude V. V.

Low cost Michelson-Morley interferometer.

Physics Education,

51(6), 1-6 (2016)..

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Pradhan, H., & Singh, V. Students' conceptions in heat and elementary thermodynamics.

Physics News, 46(3-4), 53-62 (2016)..

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Reese, D. R., and coauthors, including Mazumdar, A.

SpaceInn hare-and-hounds exercise: Estimation of stellar properties using space-based asteroseismic data.

Astronomy & Astrophysics,

592, A14 (2016)..

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Singh, S., Suman, S. P., & Singh, V. A.

Quantum-classical correspondence for a particle in a homogeneous field.

European Journal of Physics,

37(6), 065405-065421 (2016)..

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Vaidya, S., Shridhar, G., Ladage, S., & Ravishankar, L.

A facile synthesis of isoxazolone derivatives catalyzed by cerium chloride heptahydrate in ethyl lactate as a solvent: A green methodology.

Current Green Chemistry,

3(2), 160-167. doi:10.2174/2213346103666160526130509 (2016).

2016 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Chakravarti, B. C., Pathare, S. R., & Huli, S. H.

Determination of the dimensions of the two co-axial cylindrical cavities hidden inside a mechanical black box.

Physics Education,

33(1), 9-19 (2017).

2017 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Dutta, D. P., Ramakrishnan, M., Roy, M., & Kumar, A.

Effect of transition metal doping on the photocatalytic properties of FeVO4 nanoparticles.

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry,

335, 102-111 (2017).

2017 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Sirnoorkar, A., Mazumdar, A., & Kumar, A.

Students’ epistemic understanding of mathematical derivations in physics.

European Journal of Physics,

38(1), 015703 (2017)..

2017 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Verma, K., Raodeo, K., Antia, H. M., Mazumdar, A., Basu, S., Lund, M. N., & Silva Aguirre, V.

Seismic measurement of the locations of the base of convection zone and helium ionization zone for stars in the Kepler seismic LEGACY sample.

The Astrophysical Journal,

837(1), 47 (2017).

2017 Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education TIFR

Testing general relativity using golden black-hole binaries,

Abhirup Ghosh, Archisman Ghosh, Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel, Chandra Kant Mishra, Parameswaran Ajith, Walter Del Pozzo, David A. Nichols, Yanbei Chen, Alex B. Nielsen, Christopher P. L. Berry, and Lionel London.

Physical Review D

94, 021101(R) (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

GW151226: Observation of Gravitational Waves from a 22-Solar-Mass Binary Black Hole Coalescence,

LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaboration.

Phys Rev Lett 116, 241103 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Attraction-induced jamming in the flow of foam through a channel.

Karthik Menon, Rama Govindarajan and Shubha Tewari.

Soft Matter, 2016. 12, 7772-7781.

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Proximate Kitaev quantum spin liquid behaviour in a honeycomb magnet,

A. Banerjee, C. A. Bridges, J.-Q. Yan, A. A. Aczel, L. Li, M. B. Stone, G. E. Granroth, M. D. Lumsden, Y. Yiu, J. Knolle, Subhro Bhattacharjee, D. L. Kovrizhin, R. Moessner, D. A. Tennant, D. G. Mandrus, S. E. Nagler,

Nature materials 15, 733 (2016).

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Eigenstate Gibbs ensemble in integrable quantum systems,

S Nandy, A Sen, A Das, Abhishek Dhar,

Phys. Rev. B 94 (24), 245131 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Equilibrium dynamical correlations in the Toda chain and other integrable models,

Aritra Kundu, Abhishek Dhar, Phys. Rev. E 94 (6), 062130 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Out-of-equilibrium open quantum systems: A comparison of approximate quantum master equation approaches with exact results,

A. Purkayastha, Abhishek Dhar, M. Kulkarni,

Phys. Rev. A 93, 062114 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Waiting for rare entropic fluctuations,

K.Saito and Abhishek Dhar, Euro Phys Lett., 114, 50004 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Nonlinear transport in an out-of-equilibrium single-site Bose-Hubbard model: Scaling, rectification, and time dynamics,

A Purkayastha, Abhishek Dhar, M Kulkarni,

Physical Review A

94, 052134 (2016).

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Exact correlations in a single-file system with a driven tracer,

Anupam Kundu, J. Cividini. Euro. Phys. Lett. 115, 5, (2016).

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Diffusion under time-dependent resetting,

A. Pal, Anupam Kundu, M. Evans.

J. Phys A: Mathematical and Theoretical,

49, 22, (2016).

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Long range correlations in stochastic transport with energy and momentum conservation,

Anupam Kundu, O. Hirschberg, D. Mukamel.

J. Stat. Mech: Theory and Experiment

(3), 033108, (2016).

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Correlation and fluctuation in Random Average Process on an infinite line with a driven tracer,

J. Cividini, Anupam Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel,

J. Stat. Mech. 053212, (2016).

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Elastic turbulence in a shell model of polymer solution.

Samriddhi Sankar Ray and D. Vincenzi.

Europhysics Letters

114, 44001 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Lagrangian Statistics for Navier-Stokes Turbulence under Fourier-mode reduction: Fractal and Homogeneous Decimations

M. Buzzicotti, A. Bhatnagar, L. Biferale, A. Lanotte and Samriddhi Sankar Ray.

New Journal of Physics

18, 113047 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Dynamic multiscaling of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence,

Samriddhi Sankar Ray, G. Sahoo, and R. Pandit.

Physical Review E

94, 053101 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Intermittency in Fractal Fourier Hydrodynamics: Lessons from the Burgers Equation,

M. Buzzicotti, L. Biferale, U. Frisch, and Samriddhi Sankar Ray.

Physical Review E,

93, 033109 (2016).

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Abrupt growth of large aggregates by correlated coalescences in turbulent flow,

J. Bec, Samriddhi Sankar Ray, E.-W. Saw, and H. Homann.

Physical Review E (Rapid),

93 031102(R) (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Phases of global AdS black holes,

Pallab Basu, C. Krishnan, P.N. Bala Subramanian.

JHEP 139 (2016)

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Hairy Black Holes in a Box. Pallab Basu, C. Krishnan, P. N. Bala Subramanian.

JHEP 11(2016)041.

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

String Theory as a Higher Spin Theory,

M.R. Gaberdiel and Rajesh Gopakumar.

JHEP {\bf 1609}, 085 (2016) doi:10.1007/JHEP09(2016)085

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

A toy model of black hole complementarity,

Souvik Banerjee, Jan-Willem Bryan, Kyriakos Papadodimas and Suvrat Raju,

JHEP 1605 (2016) 004, 10.1007/JHEP05(2016)004

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Seeing the universe in a new light,

Rajesh Gopakumar and Spenta Wadia,

Current Science, Volume 110 - Issue 07 | 10 April 2016

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Chern–Simons theories with fundamental matter: A brief review of large N results

Spenta Wadia, Int. J.Mod.Phys. A

31 (2016) no.32, 1630052

2016 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


including Fermi–Bose duality and the S-matrix,

Testing general relativity using gravitational wave signals from the inspiral, merger and ringdown of binary black holes,

Abhirup Ghosh, Archisman Ghosh, Nathan K. Johnson-McDaniel, Chandra Kant Mishra, Parameswaran Ajith, Walter Del Pozzo, Christopher P. L. Berry, Alex B. Nielsen, Lionel London,

Classical and Quantum Gravity

-2017 2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Degenerate Kalman Filter Error Covariances and Their Convergence onto the Unstable Subspace,

Marc Bocquet, Karthik S. Gurumoorthy, Amit Apte, Alberto Carrassi, Colin Grudzien, and Christopher K. R. T. Jones.

SIAM J. Uncertainty Quantification

-2017 2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Rank Deficiency of Kalman Filter Error Covariance Matrices in Linear Time-varying Systems with Deterministic Evolution,

Karthik S. Gurumoorthy, Colin Grudzien, Amit Apte, Alberto Carrassi, and Christopher K. R. T. Jones.

SIAM J. Control Optimization

-2017 2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Effects of viscosity and conductivity stratification on the linear stability and transient growth within compressible Couette flow,

Bijaylakshmi Saikia, Ashwin Ramachandran, Krishnendu Sinha and Rama Govindarajan,

Physics of Fluids, 29, 024105 (2017).

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Caustics-induced coalescence of small droplets near a vortex,

P. Deepu, S. Ravichandran, and Rama Govindarajan,

Physical Review Fluids,

2, 024305 (2017).

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Lift-induced vortex dipole collapse,

S. Ravichandran, Harish N. Dixit, and Rama Govindarajan,

Physical Review Fluids,

2, 034702 (2017).

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Born-Infeld Solitons, Maximal surfaces and Ramanujan’s identities,

Rukmini Dey, Rahul Kumar Singh.

Archiv der Mathematik.

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Geometric Quantization of the Hitchin system,

Rukmini Dey. International Journal of Geometric Method in Modern Physics.

-2017 2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Acoustic signatures of the phases and phase transitions in Yb2Ti2O7,

Subhro Bhattacharjee, S. Erfanifam, E. L. Green, M. Naumann, Zhaosheng Wang, S. Granovsky, M. Doerr, J. Wosnitza, A. A. Zvyagin, R. Moessner, A. Maljuk, S. Wurmehl, B. Büchner, and S. Zherlitsyn.

Phys. Rev. B 93, 144412

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Bridging coupled wires and lattice Hamiltonian for two-component bosonic quantum Hall states,

Yohei Fuji, Yin-Chen He, Subhro Bhattacharjee, and Frank Pollmann.

Phys. Rev. B 93, 195143

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Step Density Profiles in Localized Chains,

W. De Roeck, Abhishek Dhar, F. Huveneers, M Schuetz,

J Stat Phys , 1 (2017). 2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Driven inelastic Maxwell gas in one dimension,

VV Prasad, S Sabhapandit, Abhishek Dhar, O Narayan,

Phys. Rev. E 95 (2), 022115 (2017).

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

How Active Mechanics and Regulatory Biochemistry Combine to Form Patterns in Development, Peter Gross,

K. Vijay Kumar, Stephan W. Grill,

Annual Reviews in Biophysics


2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Giant photon gain in large-scale quantum dot-circuit QED systems,

Bijay Kumar Agarwalla, Manas Kulkarni, Shaul Mukamel, and Dvira Segal.

Phys. Rev. B 94, 121305(R)

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Temperature profile and boundary conditions in an anomalous heat transport model,

J. Cividini, Anupam Kundu, A. Miron and D. Mukamel.

J. Stat. Mech. (2017) 013203.

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Semi-flexible particles in isotropic turbulence,

A. Ali, E. L. C. M. Plan, Samriddhi Sankar Ray, and D. Vincenzi.

Physical Review Fluids (Rapid Communications)

1, 082402(R)

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

The onset of thermalisation in finite-dimensional equations of hydrodynamics,

D. Venkataraman and Samriddhi Sankar Ray.

Proceedings of the Royal Society A

473, 20160585 (2017)

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Chaotic dynamics of strings in charged black hole backgrounds,

Pallab Basu, Pankaj Chaturvedi, Prasant Samantray.

Phys.Rev. D (2017) no.6, 066014.

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Conformal Bootstrap in Mellin Space,

Rajesh Gopakumar, Apratim Kaviraj, Kallol Sen, Aninda Sinha. Sep 2, 2016. 7 pp.

Phys.Rev.Lett. 118 (2017) no.8, 081601.

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

BPS spectrum on AdS$_3\times $S$^3 \times $S$^3 \times $S$^1$,

L.Eberhardt, M.R.Gaberdiel, Rajesh Gopakumar and W.Li, JHEP {\bf 1703}, 124 (2017) doi:10.1007/

JHEP 03(2017)124.

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Higher Spins and Yangian Symmetries,

M. R. Gaberdiel, Rajesh Gopakumar, W. Li and C. Peng,

JHEP (2017). 2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Towards a second law for Lovelock theories,

Sayantani Bhattacharyya, Felix M. Haehl, Nilay Kundu, R.Loganayagam, Mukund Rangamani.

JHEP 03(2017)065

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

The Breakdown of String Perturbation Theory for Many External Particles,

Sudip Ghosh and Suvrat Raju, Phys.Rev.Lett. 118 (2017) no.13, 131602, 10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.131602.

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Clustering of heavy particles in vortical flows: a selective review,

S Ravichandran, P Deepu and Rama Govindarajan,

Sadhana, Invited paper, doi:10.1007/s12046-017-0621-0 (2017).

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Cloud Microatlas, Rama Govindarajan and S Ravichandran.

Resonance Volume 22 Issue 3 March 2017 pp 269-277 (2017)

2017 International Centre for Theoretical Sciences TIFR

Actomyosin dynamics drive local membrane component organization in an in vitro active composite layer,

Köster DVasco, Husain K, Iljazi E, Bhat A, Bieling P, R Mullins D, Rao M, Mayor S.,

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

113(12):E1645-54, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Agatoxin-like peptides in the neuroendocrine system of the honey bee and other insects,

Sturm S, Ramesh D, Brockmann A, Neupert S, Predel R.,

J Proteomics. 132:77-84, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Analysis of Residue Conformations in Peptides in CSD and Protein-peptide Structural Complexes,

Raghavender Usurya., Chem Biol Drug Des.

89(3): 428-442, (2016).).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

An Approach to Function Annotation for Proteins of Unknown Function (PUFs) in the Transcriptome of Indian Mulberry,

Dhanyalakshmi KH, Naika MBN, Sajeevan RS, Mathew OK, K Shafi M, Sowdhamini R, Nataraja KN.,

PLoS One. 11(3):e0151323, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Brain regions and molecular pathways responding to food reward type and value in honey bees,

McNeill MS, Kapheim KM, Brockmann A, McGill TAW, Robinson GE.,

Genes Brain Behav.

15(3):305-17, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Choice and destiny: the substrate composition and mechanical stability of settlement structures can

Yadav S, Rathod P, Alcoverro T, Arthur R.,

Coral Reefs. 35(1):211-222, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


mediate coral recruit fate in post-bleached reefs,

Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and initial crystallographic analysis of FleN from Pseudomonas aeruginosa,

Harshita C, Jain D., Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun.

72(Pt 2):135-8, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Comparative analyses of low, medium and high-resolution HLA typing technologies for human populations,

Gowda M., Ambardar S., Dighe N., Manjunath A., Shankaralingu C., Hallappa P., Harting J., Ranade S., Jagannathan L., Krishna S,

Journal of Clinical & Cellular Immunology.

7(2): 2-9, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Cortical actin and the plasma membrane: inextricably intertwined,

Köster DV, Mayor S., Curr Opin Cell Biol.

38:81-9, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Editorial overview: Folding and binding: Dynamic conformational heterogeneity is pivotal to cell life,

Nussinov R, Udgaonkar JB., Curr Opin Struct Biol.

36: iv-vi, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

First record of a bat from the Lakshadweep archipelago, southwestern India,

Deshpande K., Gangal M, Kelkar N.,

Mammalia. 80(2):223-225, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Functionally Relevant Specific Packing Can Determine Protein Folding Routes,

Yadahalli S, Gosavi S, J Mol Biol. 428(2 Pt B):509-21, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Genome scale patterns of supercoiling in a bacterial chromosome,

Lal A, Dhar A, Trostel A, Kouzine F, Seshasayee ASN, Adhya S.,

Nat Commun. 7:11055, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Genome-wide data reveal cryptic diversity and genetic introgression in an Oriental cynopterine fruit bat radiation,

Chattopadhyay B, Garg KM, Kumar AKVinoth, D Doss PSwami, Rheindt FE, Kandula S, Ramakrishnan U.,

BMC Evol Biol. 16:41, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


A genome-wide resource for the analysis of protein localisation in Drosophila,

Sarov M, Barz C, Jambor H, Hein MY, Schmied C, Suchold D, Stender B, Janosch S, Kj VVikas, Krishnan RT et al,

Elife. 5, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Genome-wide survey of putative RNA-binding proteins encoded in the human proteome,

Ghosh P, Sowdhamini R., Mol Biosyst. 12(2):532-40, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Glial and neuronal Semaphorin signaling instruct the development of a functional myotopic map for Drosophila walking,

Syed DSakeena, Gowda SBM, O Reddy V, Reichert H, VijayRaghavan K.,

Elife. 5, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

GPI-anchored protein organization and dynamics at the cell surface,

Saha S, Anilkumar AAmbika, Mayor S.,

J Lipid Res. 57(2):159-75, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Immunosenescence and the ability to survive bacterial infection in the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum,

Khan I, Prakash A, Agashe D., J Anim Ecol. 85(1):291-301, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The N(2)-Furfuryl-deoxyguanosine Adduct Does Not Alter the Structure of B-DNA,

Ghodke PP, Gore KR, Harikrishna S, Samanta B, Kottur J, Nair DT, Pradeepkumar PI.,

J Org Chem. 81(2):502-11, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A New Miocene-Divergent Lineage of Old World Racer Snake from India,

Mirza ZA, Vyas R, Patel H, Maheta J, Sanap RV.,

PLoS One. 11(3):e0148380, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A new species of the genus Thaicharmus Kovařík, 1995 (Scorpiones: Buthidae) from northeast India,

Mirza Z.A, Sanap R.V., Kunte K.,

Euscorpius. 215:1-11, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Nonequilibrium phase transitions, fluctuations and correlations in an active contractile polar fluid,

Gowrishankar K, Rao M., Soft Matter. 12(7):2040-6, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Non-invasive assessment of fecal progestagens and pregnancy detection in Himalayan musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster),

Mithileshwari C, Srivastava T, Kumar V, Kumar A, Umapathy G.,

Theriogenology. 85(2):216-23, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

PASS2 database for the structure-based sequence alignment of distantly related SCOP domain superfamilies: update to version 5 and added features,

Gandhimathi A, Ghosh P, Hariharaputran S, Mathew OK, Sowdhamini R.,

Nucleic Acids Res.

44(D1):D410-4, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The pathogenic mutation T182A converts the prion protein into a molten globule-like conformation whose misfolding to oligomers but not to fibrils is drastically accelerated,

Singh J, Udgaonkar JB., Biochemistry. 55(3):459-69, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Phase Segregation of Passive Advective Particles in an Active Medium,

Das A, Polley A, Rao M., Phys Rev Lett. 116(6):068306, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

PIMA: Protein-Protein interactions in Macromolecular Assembly - a web server for its Analysis and Visualization,

Mathew OKaleeckal, Sowdhamini R.,

Bioinformation. 12(1):9-11, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Plasticity in Repressor-DNA Interactions Neutralizes Loss of Symmetry in Bipartite Operators,

Jain D, Narayanan N, Nair DT., J Biol Chem. 291(3):1235-42, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Rapid and enhanced remote homology detection by cascading hidden Markov model searches in sequence space,

Kaushik S, Nair AG, Mutt E, Subramanian HPrasanna, Sowdhamini R.,

Bioinformatics. 32(3):338-44, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Reactive Oxygen Species Play an Important Role in the Bactericidal Activity of Quinolone Antibiotics,

Kottur J, Nair DT., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.

55(7):2397-400, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A reassessment of Melanophidium Günther, 1864 (Squamata: Serpentes: Uropeltidae) from the Western Ghats of peninsular India, with the description of a new species,

Gower DJ, Giri V, Captain A, Wilkinson M.,

Zootaxa. 4085(4):481-503, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Re-discovery of Calinaga aborica Tytler, 1915 (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Calinaginae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India,

Sondhi S., Karmakar T., Sondhi Y., Jhaveri R., Kunte K.,

Journal of Threatened Taxa.

8(3):8618–8622, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The role of wet-zone fragmentation in shaping biodiversity patterns in peninsular India: insights from the caecilian amphibian Gegeneophis,

Gower DJ, Agarwal I, K. Karanth P, Datta-Roy A, Giri VB, Wilkinson M, San Mauro D.,


43(6):1091-1102, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Seed size predicts community composition and carbon storage potential of tree communities in rainforest fragments in India’s Western Ghats,

Osuri A.M, Sankaran M., Journal of Applied Ecology

. 53:837-845, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A simple non-invasive technique for venom milking from a solitary wasp Delta conoideum Gmelin (Hymenoptera: Vespidae),

Bhagavathula NChaitanya, Kumar M, Krishnappa C,

Toxicon. 109:4-6, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Spatial vegetation patterns and neighborhood competition

Dohn J, Augustine DJ, Hanan NP, Ratnam J, Sankaran M.,

Ecology. 98(2):478-488, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


among woody plants in an East African savanna,

Systematics and phylogeny of Sitana (Reptilia: Agamidae) of Peninsular India, with the description of one new genus and five new species,

Deepak V., Giri VB, Asif M, Dutta SKumar, Vyas R, Zambre AM, Bhosale H, K. Karanth P.,

Contributions to Zoology.

85(1):67-111, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Universal Poisson Statistics of mRNAs with Complex Decay Pathways,

Thattai M., Biophys J. 110(2):301-5, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Unraveling the Molecular Mechanism of pH-Induced Misfolding and Oligomerization of the Prion Protein,

Singh J, Udgaonkar JB., J Mol Biol. 428(6):1345-55, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Using the folding landscapes of proteins to understand protein function,

Rao VHemanth Gi, Gosavi S., Curr Opin Struct Biol.

36:67-74, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Active fluidization in dense glassy systems,

Mandal R, Bhuyan PJyoti, Rao M, Dasgupta C.,

Soft Matter. 12(29):6268-76, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Airflow and optic flow mediate antennal positioning in flying honeybees,

Khurana TRoy, Sane SP., Elife. 5, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The Antsy Social Network: Determinants of Nest Structure and Arrangement in Asian Weaver Ants,

Devarajan K., PLoS One. 11(6):e0156681, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

On the Archaeal Origins of Eukaryotes and the Challenges of Inferring Phenotype from Genotype,

Dey G, Thattai M, Baum B., Trends in Cell Biology.

26, (7):476–485, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Blue protein with red fluorescence,

Ghosh S, Yu C-L, Ferraro DJ, Sudha S, Pal SKumar, Schaefer WF, Gibson DT, Ramaswamy S.,

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

113(41):11513-11518, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Butterflies (Lepidoptera) of the Kameng Protected Area Complex, western Arunachal Pradesh, India,

Sondhi S., Kunte K., Journal of Threatened Taxa.

8(8): 9053–9124, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Cancer Stem Cells and Radioresistance: Rho/ROCK Pathway Plea Attention,

Pranatharthi A., Ross C., Srivastava S.,

Stem Cells Int. (5785786), (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Capturing the Membrane-Triggered Conformational Transition of an α-Helical Pore-Forming Toxin,

Rao VVHemanth, Desikan R, K Ayappa G, Gosavi S.,

J Phys Chem B. 120(47):12064-12078, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

CD66 and CD49f expressing cells are associated with distinct neoplastic phenotypes and progression in human cervical cancer,

Ammothumkandy A, Maliekal TThomas, Bose MVahanan, Rajkumar T, Shirley S, Thejaswini B, Giri VG, Krishna S.,

Eur J Cancer. 60:166-178, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Changing shape and shaping change: Inducing the inner ear,

Ladher RK., Semin Cell Dev Biol.

65: 39-46, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Chronic but not acute immobilization stress stably enhances hippocampal CA1 metabotropic glutamate receptor dependent Long-Term Depression,

Sengupta T, Das R, Chattarji S.,

Neurosci Lett. 633:101-105, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka: an annotated provisional catalogue, regional checklist and bibliography,

Price BWills, Allan ELouise, Marathe K, Sarkar V, Simon C, Kunte K.,

Biodivers Data J. (4):e8051, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Comparative Genomics of Interreplichore Translocations in Bacteria: A Measure of Chromosome Topology?,

Khedkar S, Seshasayee ASai Narain.,

G3 (Bethesda). 6(6):1597-606, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Computational Analysis of the Domain Architecture and Substrate-Gating Mechanism of Prolyl Oligopeptidases from Shewanella woodyi and Identification of Probable Lead Molecules,

Patil P, Skariyachan S, Mutt E, Kaushik S.,

Interdiscip Sci. 8(3):284-93, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Contrasting effects of defaunation on aboveground carbon storage across the global tropics,

Osuri AM, Ratnam J, Varma V, Alvarez-Loayza P, Astaiza JHurtado, Bradford M, Fletcher C, Ndoundou-Hockemba M, Jansen PA, Kenfack D et al.,

Nat Commun . 7:11351, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Control of diverse subcellular processes by a single multi-functional lipid phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PI(4,5)P2],

Kolay S, Basu U, Raghu P., Biochem J. 473(12):1681-92., (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Control of Stem Cell Fate and Function by Polymer Nanofibers.

Rana D, Leena M, Nithyananth M, Pasricha R, Manivasagam G, Ramalingam M.,


16(9):9015-9021, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The delayed strengthening of synaptic connectivity in the amygdala depends on NMDA receptor activation during acute stress,

Yasmin F, Saxena K, McEwen BS, Chattarji S.,

Physiol Rep. 4(20), (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Determiants of dry season habitat use by Asian elephants in the Western Ghats of India,

Lakshminarayanan N., Karanth K.K., Goswami V.R., Vaidyanathan S., Karanth U.,

Journal of Zoological.

298(3):169–177, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Divergent immune priming responses across flour beetle life stages and populations,

Khan I, Prakash A, Agashe D., ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION.

6(21):7847-7855, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Divergent morphological and acoustic traits in sympatric communities of Asian barbets,

Krishnan A, Tamma K., R Soc Open Sci. 3(8):160117, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Drosophila larval to pupal switch under nutrient stress requires IP3R/Ca(2+) signalling in glutamatergic interneurons,

Jayakumar S, Richhariya S, O Reddy V, Texada MJ, Hasan G.,

Elife. 5, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The Drosophila photoreceptor as a model system for studying signalling at membrane contact sites,

Yadav S, Cockcroft S, Raghu P.,

Biochem Soc Trans.

44(2):447-51, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Dysregulation of mRNA Localization and Translation in Genetic Disease,

Wang ET, J Taliaferro M, Lee J-A, Sudhakaran IP, Rossoll W, Gross C, Moss KR, Bassell GJ.,

J Neurosci. 36(45):11418-11426, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Early hippocampal volume loss as a marker of eventual memory deficits caused by repeated stress,

Rahman MMostafizur, Callaghan CK, Kerskens CM, Chattarji S, O'Mara SM.,

Sci Rep. 6:29127, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Effects of nutrient addition and soil drainage on germination of N-fixing and non-N-fixing tropical dry forest tree species,

Varma V, Iyengar SB, Sankaran M.,

Plant Ecology. 217(1043–1054):1043–1054, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Efficient Integration of Coupled Electrical-Chemical Systems in Multiscale Neuronal Simulations,

Brocke E, Bhalla US, Djurfeldt M, Kotaleski JHellgren, Hanke M.,

Front Comput Neurosci.

10:97, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Endocytosis of Wingless via a dynamin-independent pathway is necessary for signaling in Drosophila wing discs,

Hemalatha A, Prabhakara C, Mayor S.,

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

113(45): E6993-E7002, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Environmental gradients structure tropical tree assemblages at the regional scale,

KKrishnadas M, Kumar A, Comita LS.,


27(6):1117-1128, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Ethanolic extract of Moringa oleifera Lam. leaves protect the pre-pubertal spermatogonial cells from cyclophosphamide-induced damage,

Nayak G, Honguntikar SD, Kalthur SGuruprasad, D'Souza ASylvan, Mutalik S, Setty MM, Kalyankumar R, Krishnamurthy H, Kalthur G, Adiga Skumar.,

J Ethnopharmacol.

182:101-9, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Flower specialization of butterflies and impacts of non-native flower use in a transformed tropical landscape,

Jain A., Kunte K, Webb E.L., Biological Conservation.

201:84–191, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

For traditional island communities in the Nicobar archipelago, complete no-go areas are the most effective form of marine management,

Patankar V, D'Souza E, Alcoverro T, Arthur R.,


133:53-63, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The Frequency of Internal Shine-Dalgarno-like Motifs in Prokaryotes,

Diwan GD, Agashe D., Genome Biol Evol.

8(6):1722-33, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Genome-Wide Analysis of Polyadenylation Events in Schmidtea mediterranea,

Lakshmanan V, Bansal D, Kulkarni J, Poduval D, Krishna S, Sasidharan V, Anand P, Seshasayee A, Palakodeti D.,

G3 (Bethesda). 6(10):3035-3048, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Genome-Wide Prediction and Analysis of 3D-Domain Swapped Proteins in the Human Genome from Sequence Information,

Upadhyay AKumar, Sowdhamini R.,

PLoS One. 11(7):e0159627, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Genome-wide survey and phylogeny of S-Ribosylhomocysteinase (LuxS) enzyme in bacterial genomes,

Rao RM, Pasha SNaseer, Sowdhamini R.,

BMC Genomics. 17(1):742, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The Glide/Gcm fate determinant controls initiation of collective cell migration by regulating Frazzled,

Gupta T, Kumar A, Cattenoz PB, VijayRaghavan K, Giangrande A.,

Elife. 5, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Host-specific, spatial and temporal variation in culturable gut bacterial communities of dragonflies,

Nair A, Agashe D., Current Science. 110(8):1513-1523, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

How cooperative are protein folding and unfolding transitions?,

Malhotra P, Udgaonkar JB., Protein Sci. 25(11): 1924-1941, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Human T cell responses to Japanese encephalitis virus in health and disease,

Turtle L, Bali T, Buxton G, Chib S, Chan S, Soni M, Hussain M, Isenman H, Fadnis P, Venkataswamy MM et al.,

J Exp Med. 213(7):1331-52, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Identification of Complete Repertoire of Apis florea Odorant Receptors Reveals Complex Orthologous Relationships with Apis mellifera,

Karpe SD, Jain R, Brockmann A, Sowdhamini R.,

Genome Biol Evol.

8(9):2879-2895, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

An in silico approach towards the identification of novel inhibitors of the TLR-4 signaling pathway,

Mahita J, Harini K, Pichika MRao, Sowdhamini R.,

J Biomol Struct Dyn.

34(6):1345-62, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Interpreting functional effects of coding variants: challenges in proteome-scale prediction, annotation and assessment,

Shameer K, Tripathi LP, Kalari KR, Dudley JT, Sowdhamini R.,

Brief Bioinform. 17(5):841-62, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Intracellular regulation of the insect chemoreceptor complex impacts odour localization in flying insects,

Getahun MN, Thoma M, Lavista-Llanos S, Keesey I, Fandino RA, Knaden M, Wicher D, Olsson SB, Hansson BS.,

J Exp Biol. 219(Pt 21):3428-3438, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The Intracellular Signaling Molecule Darpp-32 Is a Marker for Principal Neurons in the Cerebellum and Cerebellum-Like Circuits of Zebrafish,

Robra L, Thirumalai V., Front Neuroanat. 10:81, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Large mammal use of protected and community-managed lands in a biodiversity hotspot,

Velho N, Srinivasan U, Singh P, Laurance WF.,


19(2):199-208, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Large-Effect Beneficial Synonymous Mutations Mediate Rapid and Parallel Adaptation in a Bacterium,

Agashe D, Sane M, Phalnikar K, Diwan GD, Habibullah A, Martinez-Gomez NCecilia, Sahasrabuddhe V, Polachek W, Wang J, Chubiz LM et al.,

Mol Biol Evol . 33(6): 1542-53, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Leaf traits of African woody savanna species across climate and soil fertility gradients: evidence for conservative versus acquisitive resource-use strategies,

Wigley BJ, Slingsby JA, Diaz S, Bond WJ, Fritz H, Coetsee C.,

Journal of Ecology.

104: 1357-1369, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Long-term memory consolidation: the role of rna-binding proteins with prion-like domains, Sudhakaran IP,

Ramaswami M., RNA Biol., (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Microsecond rearrangements of hydrophobic clusters in an initially collapsed globule prime structure formation during the folding of a small protein,

Goluguri RReddy, Udgaonkar JB.,

J Mol Biol. 428(15): 3102-17, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Modelling biome shifts in the Indian subcontinent under scenarios of future climate change,

Rasquinha DN, Sankaran M., Current Science. 111(1):147-156, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Molecular crowding causes narrowing of population heterogeneity and restricts internal dynamics in a protein,

Mondal S, Kallianpur MV, Udgaonkar JB, Krishnamoorthy G.,

Methods and applications in fluorescence.

4(1), (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Molecular data in conjunction with morphology help resolve the Hemidactylus brookii complex (Squamata: Gekkonidae),

Lajmi A, Giri VB, K. Karanth P., Organism Diversity and Evolution.

16(3):659-677, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Structural Analysis to Decipher Functional Impact of a Twenty Residue Insert in the Ternary Complex of Mus musculus TdT Isoform,

Mutt E, Sowdhamini R., PLoS One. 11(6):e0157286, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Molecular modelling of human 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor (5-HT2A) and virtual screening studies towards the identification of agonist and antagonist molecules,

Gandhimathi A, Sowdhamini R.,

J Biomol Struct Dyn.

34(5):952-70, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The Multifaceted Roles of Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Drug Discovery,

Fox SJohn, Li J, Tan YSing, Nguyen MN, Pal A, Ouaray Z, Yadahalli S, Kannan S.,

Curr Pharm Des. 22(23):3585-600, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Mutant IP3 receptors attenuate store-operated Ca2+ entry by destabilizing STIM-Orai interactions in Drosophila neurons,

Chakraborty S, Deb BK, Chorna T, Konieczny V, Taylor CW, Hasan G.,

J Cell Sci. 129(20): 3903-3910, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Neotype designation for Calotes versicolor Daudin, 1802 (Sauria: Agamidae) with notes on its systematics,

Gowande G, Mishra A, Mirza ZA.,

Zootaxa. 4126(2):271-9, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Neurobiology and biomechanics of flight in miniature insects,

Sane SP Curr Opin Neurobiol.

41:158-166, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A new species of the Cyrtodactylus (Geckoella) collegalensis (Beddome, 1870) complex (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Western India,

Agarwal I, Mirza ZA, Pal S, Maddock ST, Mishra A, Bauer AM.,

Zootaxa. 4170(2):339-354, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


New status for Fraser's forgotten Aciagrion approximans krishna, stat. nov (Odonata: Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) from the Western Ghats of India,

Joshi S, Kosterin OE, Kunte K., International Journal of Odonatology.

19(1-2):41-51, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Nonequilibrium description of de novo biogenesis and transport through Golgi-like cisternae,

Sachdeva H, Barma M, Rao M., Sci Rep. 6:38840, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Notch1 regulated autophagy controls survival and suppressor activity of activated murine T-regulatory cells,

Marcel N, Sarin A., Elife. 5, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

NSDF: Neuroscience Simulation Data Format,

Ray S, Chintaluri C, Bhalla US, Wójcik DK.,

Neuroinformatics. 14(2):147-67, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Observing a late folding intermediate of Ubiquitin at atomic resolution by NMR,

Surana P, Das R., Protein Sci. 25(8): 1438-50, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Olfaction: Minority odors get equal say, Gupta P, Bhalla US, Elife. 5, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Orientation in high-flying migrant insects in relation to flows: mechanisms and strategies,

Reynolds AM, Reynolds DR, Sane SP, Hu G, Chapman JW.,

Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.

371(1704), (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The Pathogenic A116V Mutation Enhances Ion-Selective Channel Formation by Prion Protein in Membranes,

Sabareesan AThody, Singh J, Roy S, Udgaonkar JB, Mathew MK.,

Biophys J. 110(8):1766-76, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Pathogenic mutations within the disordered palindromic region of the prion protein induce structure therein and accelerate

Sabareesan AT, Udgaonkar JB.,

J Mol Biol. 428(20): 3935-3947, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


the formation of misfolded oligomers,

Phospholipase D activity couples plasma membrane endocytosis with retromer dependent recycling,

Thakur R, Panda A, Coessens E, Raj N, Yadav S, Balakrishnan S, Zhang Q, Georgiev P, Basak B, Pasricha R et al.,

Elife. 5, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

PIMADb: A Database of Protein-Protein Interactions in Huge Macromolecular Assemblies,

Mathew OK, Sowdhamini R., Bioinform Biol Insights.

10:105-9, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Protein Domain-Swapping Can Be a Consequence of Functional Residues,

Mascarenhas NManuel, Gosavi S.,

J Phys Chem B. 120(28):6929-38, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Protein sequence design and its applications,

Sandhya S, Mudgal R, Kumar G, Sowdhamini R, Srinivasan N.,

Curr Opin Struct Biol.

37:71-80, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Quantum dot-loaded monofunctionalized DNA icosahedra for single-particle tracking of endocytic pathways,

Bhatia D, Arumugam S, Nasilowski M, Joshi H, Wunder C, Chambon V, Prakash V, Grazon C, Nadal B, Maiti PK et al.,

Nat Nanotechnol. 11(12): 1112-1119, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Rational design of a quantitative, pH-insensitive, nucleic acid based fluorescent chloride reporter,

Prakash V, Saha S, Chakraborty K, Krishnan Y.,

Chemical Science .

7:1946-1953, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Rational elicitation of cold-sensitive phenotypes,

Baliga C, Majhi S, Mondal K, Bhattacharjee A, VijayRaghavan K, Varadarajan R.,

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.

113(18):E2506-15, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Regulation of Store-Operated Ca(2+) Entry by Septins,

Deb BK, Hasan G., Front Cell Dev Biol.


2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Regulation of VDAC trafficking modulates cell death,

Dubey AK, Godbole A, Mathew MK.,

Cell Death Discov.

2:16085, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Revisiting Myosin Families Through Large-scale Sequence Searches Leads to the Discovery of New Myosins,

Pasha SNaseer, Meenakshi I, Sowdhamini R.,

Evol Bioinform Online.

12:201-11, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

On the rocks': reproductive biology of the endemic toad Xanthophryne (Anura: Bufonidae) from the Western Ghats, India,

Gaitonde N, Giri VB, Kunte K., Journal of Natural History.

50(39-40):2557-2572, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Role of DARPP-32 and ARPP-21 in the Emergence of Temporal Constraints on Striatal Calcium and Dopamine Integration,

Nair AG, Bhalla US, Kotaleski Jhellgren.,

PLoS Comput Biol.

12(9):e1005080, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

RStrucFam: a web server to associate structure and cognate RNA for RNA-binding proteins from sequence information,

Ghosh P, Mathew OK, Sowdhamini R.

BMC Bioinformatics.

17(1):411, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Savannahs of Asia: antiquity, biogeography, and an uncertain future,

Ratnam J, Tomlinson KW, Rasquinha DN, Sankaran M.,

Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci.

371(1703), (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Secondary Structural Change Can Occur Diffusely and Not Modularly during Protein Folding and Unfolding Reactions,

Malhotra P, Udgaonkar JB. J Am Chem Soc. 138(18):5866-78, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Selection Maintains Apparently Degenerate Metabolic Pathways due to Tradeoffs in Using Methylamine for Carbon versus Nitrogen,

Nayak DD, Agashe D, Lee M-C, Marx CJ.

Curr Biol. 26(11):1416-26, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Sensory specificity and speciation: a potential neuronal pathway for host fruit odour discrimination in Rhagoletis pomonella,

Tait C, Batra S, Ramaswamy SSubha, Feder JL, Olsson SB.,

Proc Biol Sci. 283(1845), (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

sigma(2)-Adaptin Facilitates Basal Synaptic Transmission and Is Required for Regenerating Endo-Exo Cycling Pool Under High-Frequency Nerve Stimulation in Drosophila,

Choudhury SDey, Mushtaq Z, Reddy-Alla S, Balakrishnan SS, Thakur RS, Krishnan KS, Raghu P, Ramaswami M, Kumar V.,

GENETICS. 203(1): 369-385, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Silver based nanomaterial, as a selective colorimetric sensor for visual detection of post harvest spoilage in onion,

Sachdev D., Kumar V., Maheshwari PH, Pesricha R.,

Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.

228(2):471–479, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Single nucleotide polymorphism in sugar pathway and disease resistance genes in sugarcane,

Parida SK, Kalia S, Pandit A, Nayak P, Singh RKushal, Gaikwad K, Srivastava PShankar, Singh NK, Mohapatra T.,

Plant Cell Rep. 35(8):1629-53, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Stacking the odds for Golgi cisternal maturation,

Mani S, Thattai M., Elife. 5, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Store-independent modulation of Ca(2+) entry through Orai by Septin 7.,

Deb BK, Pathak T, Hasan G. Nat Commun. 7, (2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Structural and mechanistic insights into human splicing factor SF3b complex derived using an integrated approach guided by the cryo-EM density maps,

Rakesh R, Joseph APraveen, Bhaskara RM, Srinivasan N.,

RNA Biol. 13(10):1025-1040, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Structural and temporal dynamics of the bee curtain in

Bhagavan H, Muthmann O, Brockmann A.,

Apis florea. Apidologie,

47(6):749-758, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


the open-nesting honey bee species,

Synergism and Combinatorial Coding for Binary Odor Mixture Perception in Drosophila,

Kundu S, Ganguly A, Chakraborty TSubhra, Kumar A, Siddiqi O.,

eNeuro. 3(4), (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A tale of two paralogs: human Transformer2 proteins with differential RNA-binding affinities,

Ghosh P, Grellscheid SNagaraja, Sowdhamini R.,

J Biomol Struct Dyn.

34(9):1979-86, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Three-dimensional modelling of the voltage-gated sodium ion channel from Anopheles gambiae reveals spatial clustering of evolutionarily conserved acidic residues at the extracellular sites,

Vinekar RS, Sowdhamini R., Curr Neuropharmacol.

14, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Topological organisation of the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-phospholipase C resynthesis cycle: PITPs bridge the ER-PM gap,

Cockcroft S, Raghu P. Biochem J. 473(23):4289-4310, (2016).\

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Transcriptional regulatory networks in Arabidopsis thaliana during single and combined stresses,

Barah P, N MNaika B, Jayavelu NDoni, Sowdhamini R, Shameer K, Bones AM.,

Nucleic Acids Res.

44(7):3147-64, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Understanding protein domain-swapping using structure-based models of protein folding,

Mascarenhas N Manuel, Gosavi S.

Prog Biophys Mol Biol.,

(2016). 2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A unique mating strategy without physical contact during fertilization in Bombay Night Frogs (Nyctibatrachus humayuni) with the description of a new form of amplexus and female call,

Willaert B, Suyesh R, Garg S, Giri VB, Bee MA, Biju SD,

PeerJ. 4:e2117, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Unraveling the association between genetic integrity and metabolic activity in pre-implantation stage embryos,

D'Souza F, Pudakalakatti SM, Uppangala S, Honguntikar S, Salian SRaj, Kalthur G, Pasricha R, Appajigowda D, Atreya HS, Adiga Skumar.

Sci Rep. 6:37291, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Use of evolutionary information in the fitting of atomic level protein models in low resolution cryo-EM map of a protein assembly improves the accuracy of the fitting,

Joseph AP, Swapna LS, Rakesh R, Srinivasan N.

J Struct Biol. 195(3):294-305, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Wine glasses and hourglasses: Non-adaptive complexity of vesicle traffic in microbial eukaryotes,

Mani S, Thattai M, Mol Biochem Parasitol.

209(1-2): 58-63, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

σ2-Adaptin Facilitates Basal Synaptic Transmission and Is Required for Regenerating Endo-Exo Cycling Pool Under High-Frequency Nerve Stimulation in Drosophila,

Choudhury SDey, Mushtaq Z, Reddy-Alla S, Balakrishnan SS, Thakur RS, Krishnan KS, Raghu P, Ramaswami M, Kumar V.

Genetics. 203(1):369-85, (2016).

2016 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Back from the dead! Resurrection and revalidation of the Indian endemic snake genus

Wallophis Werner, Mirza ZA, Patel H.,

1929 (Squamata: Colubridae) insights from molecular data.. Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal.

:1-7, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Genetics, morphology and ecology reveal a cryptic pika lineage in the Sikkim Himalaya,

Dahal N, Lissovsky AA, Lin Z, Solari K, Hadly EA, Zhan X, Ramakrishnan U.

Mol Phylogenet Evol.

106:55-60, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Graded Structural Polymorphism in a Bacterial Thermosensor Protein,

Narayan A, Campos LA, Bhatia S, Fushman D, Naganathan AN.,

J Am Chem Soc. 139(2):792-802, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Lévy flights in the presence of a point sink of finite strength,

Janakiraman D., Phys Rev E. 95(1-1):012154, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

MiRNA182 regulates percentage of myeloid and erythroid cells in chronic myeloid leukemia,

Arya D, Sachithanandan SP, Ross C, Palakodeti D, Li S, Krishna S.

Cell Death Dis. 8(1):e2547, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Sedative effect of Clozapine is a function of 5-HT2A and environmental novelty,

Joshi RS, Quadros R, Drumm M, Ain R, Panicker MM.,

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol.

27(1):70-81, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Signatures of Mechanosensitive Gating,

Morris RG., Biophys J. 112(1):3-9, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Specificity and stability of transient protein-protein interactions,

Vishwanath S, Sukhwal A, Sowdhamini R, Srinivasan N.,

Curr Opin Struct Biol.

44:77-86, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

2017. Two new genera of songbirds represent endemic radiations from the Shola Sky Islands of the Western Ghats, India,

Robin VV, Vishnudas CK, Gupta P, Rheindt FE, Hooper DM, Ramakrishnan U, Reddy S.,

BMC Evol Biol. 17(1):31, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Intramolecular Backbone, Toniolo C, Crisma M, Formaggio F, Alemán C, Ramakrishnan C, Kalmankar N, Balaram P. ,

Backbone Hydrogen Bonds in Polypeptide Conformations. The Other Way Around: ε-Turn..

Biopolymers. 108(1): e22911, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Alternative reproductive tactics and inverse size-assortment in a high-density fish spawning aggregation,

Karkarey R, Zambre A, Isvaran K, Arthur R.,

BMC Ecol. 17(1):10, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Emergent Structures in an Active Polar Fluid: Dynamics of Shape, Scattering, and Merger,

Husain K, Rao M., Phys Rev Lett. 118(7):078104, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Eppur si vola (and yet it flies), Sane SP., J Exp Biol. 220(Pt 4):514-

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516, (2017).

Genotoxic Effects of Culture Media on Human Pluripotent Stem Cells,

MPrakash, Adhikarla S, Mukherjee O, Panicker MM.,

Sci Rep. 7:42222, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Hunting or habitat? Drivers of waterbird abundance and community structure in agricultural wetlands of southern India,

Ramachandran R, Kumar A, Sundar KSGopi, Bhalla RSingh.,

Ambio. (2017). 2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Identification of Host Fruit Volatiles from Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus), Attractive to Rhagoletis zephyria Flies from the Western United States,

Cha DH, Olsson SB, Yee WL, Goughnour RB, Hood GR, Mattsson M, Schwarz D, Feder JL, Linn CE.,

J Chem Ecol. 43(2): 189-197, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Merging paleobiology with conservation biology to guide the future of terrestrial ecosystems,

Barnosky AD, Hadly EA, Gonzalez P, Head J, P Polly D, A Lawing M, Eronen JT, Ackerly DD, Alex K, Biber E et al,

Science. 355(6325), (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Motor control of Drosophila feeding behavior,

Schwarz O, Bohra AAsgar, Liu X, Reichert H, VijayRaghavan K, Pielage J.,

Elife. 6, (2017). 2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A pupal transcriptomic screen identifies Ral as a target of store-operated calcium entry in Drosophila neurons,

Richhariya S, Jayakumar S, Abruzzi K, Rosbash M, Hasan G.,

Sci Rep. 7:42586., (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A saposin deficiency model in Drosophila: Lysosomal storage, progressive neurodegeneration and sensory physiological decline,

Hindle SJ, Hebbar S, Schwudke D, Elliott CJH, Sweeney ST.,

Neurobiol Dis. 98:77-87, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Spatio-temporal interactions facilitate large carnivore sympatry across a resource gradient,

K Karanth U, Srivathsa A, Vasudev D, Puri M, Parameshwaran R, N Kumar S.,

Proc Biol Sci. 284(1848), (2017)

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

A DNA-Based T Cell Receptor Reveals a Role for Receptor Clustering in Ligand Discrimination,

Taylor MJ, Husain K, Gartner ZJ, Mayor S, Vale RD.,

Cell. 169(1):108-119.e20, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Early-life inflammation, immune response and ageing,

Khan I, Agashe D, Rolff J., Proc Biol Sci. 284(1850), (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Generation of an induced pluripotent stem cell line from chorionic villi of a Turner syndrome spontaneous abortion,

Parveen S, Panicker MM, Gupta Pkumar.,

Stem Cell Res. 19:12-16, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Identification and structural characterization of the precursor conformation of the prion protein which directly initiates misfolding and oligomerization,

Moulick R, Udgaonkar JB., J Mol Biol. 429(6): 886-899, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The mystery of membrane organization: composition, regulation and roles of lipid rafts,

Sezgin E, Levental I, Mayor S, Eggeling C.,

Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol.

(2017). 2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Packing energetics determine the folding routes of the RNase-H proteins,

Yadahalli S, Gosavi S., Phys Chem Chem Phys.

19(13): 9164-9173,(2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Evolutionary Assembly of Communities in Butterfly Mimicry Rings,

Joshi J, Prakash A, Kunte K., Am Nat. 189(4):E58-E76, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Integrative modelling of TIR domain-containing adaptor molecule inducing interferon-β

Mahita J, Sowdhamini R., Biol Direct. 12(1):9, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


(TRIF) provides insights into its autoinhibited state,

IP3R mediated Ca(2+) release regulates protein metabolism in Drosophila neuroendocrine cells: implications for development under nutrient stress,

Megha M, Hasan G. Development. 144(8): 1484-1489, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

The lysine deacetylase Sirtuin 1 modulates the localization and function of the Notch1 receptor in regulatory T cells,

Marcel N, Perumalsamy LR, Shukla SK, Sarin A.,

Sci Signal. 10(473), (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Mechanics of the thorax in flies, Deora T, Gundiah N, Sane SP., J Exp Biol. 220(Pt 8):1382-1395, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Methylglyoxal detoxification by a DJ-1 family protein provides dual abiotic and biotic stress tolerance in transgenic plants,

Melvin P, Bankapalli K, D'Silva P, Shivaprasad PV.,

Plant Mol Biol. (2017). 2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Spontaneous Ca(2+) Influx in Drosophila Pupal Neurons Is Modulated by IP3-Receptor Function and Influences Maturation of the Flight Circuit,

Chakraborty S, Hasan G., Front Mol Neurosci.


2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Synaptic input sequence discrimination on behavioral time-scales mediated by reaction-diffusion chemistry in dendrites,

Bhalla Usingh., Elife. 6, (2017). 2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Big concerns with small projects: Evaluating the socio-ecological impacts of small hydropower projects in India,

Jumani S, Rao S, Machado S, Prakash A.,

Ambio. 46 (4): 500-511, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Conformational Dynamics and Allostery in E2:E3 Interactions Drive Ubiquitination: gp78 and Ube2g2,

Chakrabarti KS, Li J, Das R, R Byrd A.,

Structure. 25(5): 795-805, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Multirate method for co-simulation of electrical-chemical systems in multiscale modeling,

Brocke E, Djurfeldt M, Bhalla US, Kotaleski JHellgren, Hanke M.,

J Comput Neurosci.

42(3):245-256, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Serological Evidence of Lyssavirus Infection among Bats in Nagaland, a North-Eastern State in India,

Mani RS, Dovih DP, Ashwini MA, Chattopadhyay B, Harsha PK, Garg KM, Sudarshan S, Puttaswamaiah R, Ramakrishnan U, Madhusudana SN.,

Epidemiol Infect. 145(8):1635-1641, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences TIFR

Space Weather Research: Indian perspective (Review Article),

Bhardwaj,A., T.K. Pant, R.K. Choudhary, D. Nandy, P.K. Manoharan,

Space Weather, 14, (2016) 2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

First Season MWA EoR Power spectrum Results at Redshift 7,

Beardsley, A. P., Hazelton, B. J., Sullivan, I. S., Carroll, P., Barry, N., Rahimi, M., Pindor, B., Trott, C. M., Line, J., Jacobs, D. C., …… Oberoi, D., et al.,

Astrophysical Journal,

833, 102 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Time-domain and spectral properties of pulsars at 154 MHz,

Bell, M. E., Murphy, T., Johnston, S., Kaplan, D. L., Croft, S., Hancock, P., Callingham, J. R., Zic, A., Dobie, D., Swiggum, J. K., Rowlinson, A., ….. Oberoi, D., et al,

Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,

461, 908—921 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

On modelling the Fast Radio Burst population and event rate predictions,

Bera A., Bhattacharyya S., Bharadwaj S., Bhat N. D. R., Chengalur J. N.,

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

457 ,2530, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


A high reliability survey of discrete Epoch of Reionization foreground sources in the MWA EoR0 field,

Carroll, P. A., Line, J., Morales, M. F., Barry, N., Beardsley, A. P., Hazelton, B. J., Jacobs, D. C., Pober, J. C., Sullivan, I. S., Webster, R. L., Bernardi, G., …….. Oberoi, D., et al.,

Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,

461, 4151—4175 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Gamma-Ray Bursts: A Radio Perspective Invited Review,

Chandra, Poonam, Advances in Astronomy,

vol. id.296781 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Explosive and Radio-Selected Transients: Transient Astronomy with Square Kilometre Array and its Precursors,

Chandra, Poonam; Anupama, G. C.; Arun, K. G.; Iyyani, Shabnam; Misra, Kuntal; Narasimha, D.; Ray, Alak; Resmi, L.; Roy, Subhashis; Sutaria, Firoza,

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

37, 4, article id.30, 24 pp (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Explosive and Radio-Selected Transients: Transient Astronomy with Square Kilometre Array and its Precursors,

Chandra, P.; Anupama, G. C.; Arun, K. G.; et al. including S. Roy,

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

37, 30, 2016

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Detection of Polarized Quasi-periodic Microstructure Emission in Millisecond Pulsars,

De, K.; Gupta, Y.; Sharma, P.; The Astrophysical Journal,

833, L10 (2016).

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Fast Transients with the Square Kilometre Array and its Pathfinders: An Indian Perspective,

Gupta, Yashwant; Chandra, Poonam; Bagchi, Manjari; Ramanujam, Niruj M.; Maan, Yogesh; Deshpande, Avinash A.; Bhattacharyya, Siddhartha,

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

37, 4,.37 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Fast Transients with the Square Kilometre Array and its Pathfinders: An Indian Perspective,

Gupta, Y.; Chandra, P.; Bagchi, M.; Ramanujam, N.M.; Maan, Y.; Deshpande, A.A.; & Bhattacharyya, S.;

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

37, p. 37 (2016).

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


First limits on the 21 cm power spectrum during the Epoch of X-ray heating,

Ewall-Wice, A.; Dillon, J. S.; Hewitt, J. N.; Loeb, A.; Mesinger, A.; Neben, A. R.; Offringa, A. R.; Tegmark, M.; Barry, N.; Beardsley, ……. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,

460, 4320—4347 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

The 154 MHz radio sky observed by the Murchison Widefield Array: noise, confusion, and first source count analyses,

Franzen, T. M. O.; Jackson, C. A.; Offringa, A. R.; Ekers, R. D.; Wayth, R. B.; Bernardi, G.; Bowman, J. D.; Briggs, F.;…….. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,

459, 3314—3325 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

High-energy sources at low radio frequency: the Murchison Widefield Array view of Fermi blazars,

Giroletti, M.; Massaro, F.; D'Abrusco, R.; Lico, R.;……. Oberoi, D.; et. al.

Astronomy and Astrophysics,

588, A141 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

HIghMas:High HI Mass, HI-rich Galaxies at z ~ 0: Combined HI and H2 Observations,

Hallenbeck G.; Huang S.; Spekkens K.; Haynes M. P.; Giovanelli R.; Adams E. A. K.; Brinchmann J.; Carpenter J.; Chengalur J.N.; Hunt L. K.; Masters K. L.; Saintonge A.;

The Astronomical Journal,

152 ,225, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

The radio spectral energy distribution of infrared-faint radio sources,

Herzog, A.; Norris, R. P.; Middelberg, E.; Seymour, N.; Spitler, L. R.; Emonts, B. H. C.; Franzen, T. M. O.; Hunstead, R.; Intema, H. T.; ….. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Astronomy and Astrophysics,

593, A130 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

A Large-Scale, Low-Frequency Murchison Widefield Array Survey of Galactic H ii Regions between 260 < | < \ 360,

Hindson, L.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Hurley-Walker, N.; Callingham, J. R.; Su, H.; Morgan, J.; Bell, M.; Bernardi, G.; Bowman, J. D.; Briggs, F.; Cappallo, R. J.; Deshpande, A. A.; Dwarakanath, K. S.; ….. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Publications of Astronomical Society of Australia,

33, 20 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


The Murchison Widefield Array 21 cm Power Spectrum Analysis Methodology,

Jacobs, D. C.; Hazelton, B. J.; Trott, C. M.; Dillon, J. S.; Pindor, B.; Sullivan, …….. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Astrophysical Journal,

825, 114 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

An Intense Flare-CME Event in 2015: Propagation and Interaction Effects between the Sun and Earth’s Orbit,

Johri, A.; Manoharan, P.K.; Solar Physics, 291, 5, 1433-1446, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Insights into the evolution of symbiotic recurrent novae from radio synchrotron emission: V745 Scorpii and RS Ophiuchi,

Kantharia, N.G.; Dutta, P.; Roy, N.; Anupama, G.C.; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Chitale, A.; Prabhu, T.P.; Banerjee, D.P.K.; Ashok, N.M.;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

456, L49-L53, 2016.

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Cluster of galaxies and the cosmic web with Square Kilometre Array,

Kale, R.; Dwarakanath, K.S.; Lal, D.V.; et al.;

Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (JapA),

37, 31, 2016

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

From nearby low luminosity AGN to high redshift radio galaxies: Science interests with Square Kilometre Array,

Kharb, P.; Lal, D.V.; et al.; Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (JapA),

37, 34, 2016

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

From Nearby Low Luminosity AGN to High Redshift Radio Galaxies: Science Interests with Square Kilometre Array,

Kharb, P.; Lal, D. V.; Singh, V.; Bagchi, J.; Ishwara Chandra, C. H.; Hota, A.; Konar, C.; Wadadekar, Y.; Shastri, P.; Das, M.; Baliyan, K.; Nath, B. B.; Pandey-Pommier, M.;

Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics,

37, 34, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

A GMRT study of Seyfert galaxies NGC 4235 and NGC 4594: evidence of episodic activity?,

Kharb, P.; Srivastava, S.; Singh, V.; Gallimore, J.F.; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Ananda, H.;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ,

459, 1310-1326, 2016.

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Neutron Star Physics in the Square Kilometre Array Era: An Indian Perspective,

Konar, S.; Bagchi, M.; Bandyopadhyay, D.; Banik, S.; Bhattacharya, D.; Bhattacharyya, S.; Gangadhara, R. T.; Gopakumar, A.; Gupta, Y.; Joshi, B. C. , Maan, Y.; Maitra, C.; Mukherjee, D.; Pai, A.; Paul, B.; Ray, A. K.; and Sutaria, F. K.;

Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics ,

37, 36 , 2016

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

A database of phase calibration sources and their radio spectra for the GMRT,

Lal, D.V.; Dubal, S.S. & Sherkar, S.S.;

Experimential astronomy (ExA),

42, 319, 2016

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

The frequency and properties of young tidal dwarf galaxies in nearby gas-rich groups,

Lee-Waddell, K.; Spekkens, K.; Chandra, Poonam; Patra, N.; Cuillandre, J.-C.; Wang, J.; Haynes, M. P.; Cannon, J.; Stierwalt, S.; Sick, J.; Giovanelli, R.;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Letters

460, 2945 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Low-frequency Observations of Linearly Polarized Structures in the Interstellar Medium near the South Galactic Pole,

Lenc, E.; Gaensler, B. M.; Sun, X. H.; Sadler, E. M.; Willis, A. G.; Barry, N.; Beardsley, A. P.; Bell, M. E.; Bernardi, G.; Bowman, J. D.; Briggs, F……. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Astrophysical Journal,

830, 38 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Division E Commission 49: Interplanetary Plasma and Heliosphere,

Mann,Y, P.K. Manoharan, N. Gopalswamy, et al.;

International Astronomical Union,

11, T29A, 300-315, (2016 )

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Search for pulsed radio emission from SWIFT J174540.7-290015,

Maan, Y.;M.P. Surnis, M.A. Krishnakumar, B.C. Joshi, P.K. Manoharan,

The Astronomer's Telegram,

No. 8729, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Interplanetary Consequences of Coronal Mass Ejection Events Occurred During 18-25 June 2015,

Manoharan, P.K.; Maia, D.; Johri, A.; Induja, M.S.;

Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series,

504, 59-66, 2016.

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Multi-frequency observation of high mass X-ray binary Cygnus X-3 during flares, 41st COSPAR

Pal, S.; Patra, D.; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Rao, A.P.;

Scientific Assembly,

41, 2016 2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

FIGGS 2: An HI survey of extremely faint irregular galaxies,

Patra N. N.; Chengalur J. N.; Karachentsev I. D.; Sharina M. E.;

Astrophysical Bulletin,

71 ,408, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Delay Spectrum with Phase-tracking Arrays: Extracting the HI Power Spectrum from the Epoch of Reionization,

Paul, S.; Sethi, S. K.; Morales, M. F.; Dwarkanath, K. S.; Udaya Shankar, N.; Subrahmanyan, R.; Barry, N.; Beardsley, A. P.; ……. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Astrophysical Journal,

833, 213, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

ARep, of inhomogeneities in the interstellar plasma in the directions of three distant pulsars from observations with the RadioAstron ground-space interferometer,

60, 792, (2016) 2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

The Detection of Diffuse Extended Structure in 3C 273: Implications for Jet Power,

Punsly, B. and Kharb, P.; Astrophysical Journal,

833, 57, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Amplitude of solar wind density turbulence from 10 to 45 solar radii,

Raja, K.S.; M. Ingale, R. Ramesh, P. Subramanian, P.K. Manoharan, P. Janardhan,

Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics,

121, 12, pp.11605--11619, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

High-mass Star Formation Toward Southern Infrared Bubble S10,

Ranjan Das, S.; Tej, A.; Vig, S.; Ghosh, S.K.; Ishwara Chandra, C.H.;

The Astronomical Journal ,

152, 152, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations of neutral atomic hydrogen gas in the COSMOS field at z &tilde; 0.37,

Rhee J.; Lah P.; Chengalur J. N.; Briggs F. H.; Colless M.;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

460 ,2675, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Probing Magnetic Fields with Square Kilometre Array and its Precursors,

Roy, S.; Sur, S.; Subramanium K.; et al.;

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (JApA),

37, 42, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Limits on Fast Radio Bursts and other transient sources at 182 MHz using the Murchison Widefield Array,

Rowlinson, A.; Bell, M. E.; Murphy, T.; Trott, C. M.; Hurley-Walker, N.; Johnston, S.; Tingay, S. J.; ………. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,

458, 3506—3522 (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

A Radio Galaxy with Three Episodes of AGN Jet Activity,

Singh, V.; Ishwara-Chandra, C.H.; Kharb, P.; Srivastava, S.; Janardhan, P.; J1216+0709:

The Astrophysical Journal,

826, 132.; (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Radio Pulsation Search and Imaging Study of SGR J1935+2154,

Surnis, M.P. B.C. Joshi1, Y. Maan, M.A. Krishnakumar, P.K. Manoharan, A. Naidu,

The Astrophysical Journal,

826, 2,, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Upper limits on the pulsed radio emission from SGR candidate SGR 0755-2933,

Surnis, M.P.; Y. Maan, B.C. Joshi, P.K. Manoharan,

The Astronomer's Telegram,

No. 8943, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Radio Pulsation Search and Imaging Study of SGR J1935+2154,

Surnis, M. P.; Joshi, B. C.; Maan, Y.; Krishnakumar, M. A.; Manoharan, P. K.; and Naidu, A.;

The Astrophysical Journal,

826, 184, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

New lessons from the HI size-mass relation of galaxies,

Wang J.; Koribalski B. S.; Serra P.; van der Hulst T.; Roychowdhury S.; Kamphuis P.; Chengalur J. N.;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

460 ,2143, (2016)

2016 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope detection of associated HI 21-cm absorption at z=1.2230 towards TXS 1954+513,

Aditya, J. N. H. S., Kanekar, N., Prochaska, J. X., Day B. et al,

Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,

465, 5011 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

FRB Event Rate Predictions for the Ooty Wide Field Array,

Bhattacharyya S., Bera A., Bharadwaj S., Ramesh Bhat N. D., Chengalur J. N.,

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

38 ,17, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Towards Real-time Impulsive RFI Mitigation for Radio Telescopes,

Buch, K.D., Bhatporia, S., Gupta, Y., Nalawade, S., Chowdury, A., Naik, K., Aggarwal, K. & Ajithkumar, B,

Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation,

05, 1641018 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

VizieR Online Data Catalog: G29.37+0.1 610MHz image (Castelletti+, 2017),

Castelletti, G., Supan, L., Petriella, A., Giacani, E., and Joshi, B.C.,

yCat, 360, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Reducing Effects of Cross-Talk in a Radio Telescope using Walsh Modulation,

Chaudhari, S.C.; Gupta, Y.; Ajithkumar, B.; Shinde, N.D.; Gupta, S.; & Vishwakarma, A,

Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation,

06, 1641017, (2017).

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

UGC 3672: an unusual merging triplet of gas-rich galaxies in the Lynx-Cancer void,

Chengalur J. N.; Pustilnik S. A.; Egorova E. S.;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

465, 2342, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

A Matched Filter Technique for Slow Radio Transient Detection and First Demonstration with the Murchison Widefield Array,

Feng, L.; Vaulin, R.; Hewitt, J. N.; Remillard, R.; Kaplan, D. L.; Murphy, T.; Kudryavtseva, N.; Hancock, P.; Bernardi, G.; Bowman, J. D.; Briggs, F.; …….. Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Astronomical Journal,

153, 98 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array (GLEAM) survey - I. A low frequency extragalactic catalogue,

Hurley-Walker, N.; Callingham, J. R.; Hancock, P. J.; Franzen, T. M. O.; Hindson, L.; Kapinska, A. D.; Morgan, J.; Offringa, A. R.; …… Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,

464, 1146—1167 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Radio light curve of the galaxy possibly associated with FRB 150418

Johnston, S.; Keane, E. F.; Bhandari, S.; Macquart, J.-P.; ... Chandra, Poonam; et al.;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

465, 2143 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Spectral energy distribution and radio halo of NGC 253 at low radio frequencies,

Kapinska, A. D.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Crocker, R.; Meurer, G. R.; Bhandari, S.; Hurley-Walker, N.; Offringa, A. R.; Hanish, D. J.; ……… Oberoi, D.; et al.;

Astrophysical Journal,

838, 68, March, 2017

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


A JVLA survey of the high-frequency radio emission of the massive magnetic B- and O-type stars,

Kurapati, Sushma; Chandra, Poonam; Wade, Gregg; Cohen, David H.; David-Uraz, Alexandre; Gagne, Marc et al.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

465, 2160 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

[CII] 158-micron emission from the host galaxies of damped Lyman-alpha systems,

Neeleman, M..; Kanekar, N.; Rafelski, M.; Carilli, C. L.; Wolfe, A. M.;

Science, 355, 1285 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Space Weather and Solar Wind Studies with OWFA,

Manoharan P. K.; Subrahmanya C. R.; Chengalur J. N.;

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

38 ,16, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

325 & 610 MHz Radio Counterparts of SNR G353.6-0.7 aka HESS J1731-347,

Nayana, A. J.; Chandra, Poonam; Roy, Subhashis; Green, David A.; Acero, Fabio; Lemoine- Goumard, Marianne; Marcowith, Alexandre; Ray, Alak K.; Renaud, Matthieu,

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ,

467, 155 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Seyfert 1 composite spectrum using SDSS Legacy survey data,

Pol, N.; & Wadadekar, Y.; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

465, 95, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

PSR B0329+54: substructure in the scatter-broadened image discovered with RadioAstron on baselines up to 330000 km,

Popov, M. V.; Bartel, N.; Gwinn, C. R.; Johnson, M. D.; Andrianov, A.; Fadeev, E.; Joshi, B. C. , Kardashev, N.; Karuppusamy, R.; Kovalev, Y. Y.; Kramer, M.; Rudnitskiy, A.; Shishov, V.; Smirnova, T.; Soglasnov, V. A.; and Zensus, J. A.;

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

465, 978, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Distribution Popov, M. V.; Andrianov, A. S.; Bartel, N.; Gwinn, C.; Joshi, B. C.; Jauncey, D.; Kardashev, N. S.; Rudnitskii, A. G.; Smirnova, T. V.; Soglasnov, V. A.; Fadeev, E. N.; and Shishov, V. I.;

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


The kinetically dominated quasar 3C 418,

Punsly, B. and Kharb, P.; Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters,

468, 72 (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

A Wideband Digital Back-End for the Upgraded GMRT,

Reddy, S.H.; Kudale, S.; Gokhale, U.; Halagalli, I.; Raskar, N.; De, K.; Gnanaraj, S.; Ajithkumar B.; Gupta, Y.;

Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation,

06, 1641011 (2017).

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

A candidate dual AGN in a double-peaked emission-line galaxy with precessing radio jets,

Rubinur, K.; Das, M.; Kharb, P.; Honey, M.;

Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,

465, 4772, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

The Ooty Wide Field Array, Subrahmanya C. R.; Manoharan P. K.; Chengalur J. N.;

Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy,

38 ,10, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

Particle re-acceleration at galaxy cluster shocks

van~Weeren, R.J.; ... Lal, D.V.; et al.;

Nature Astronomy,

1E, 5, (2017)

2017 National Centre for Radio Astrophysics TIFR

A note on real algebraic groups Biswas Indranil Hassan Azad Forum Mathematicum

Vol 28 No 3 (2016) 539--543

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

On a smooth compactification of PSL(nC)/T

Biswas Indranil S Senthamarai Kannan and D S Nagaraj

Kyoto Journal of Mathematics

Vol 56 No 1 (2016) 165--175

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

On the Gieseker Harder-Narasimhan filtration for principal bundles

Biswas Indranil Alfonso Zamora Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques

Vol 140 No 4 (2016) 58--69

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Unitary representations of the fundamental group of orbifolds

Biswas Indranil Amit Hogadi Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences (Math Sci)

Vol 126 No 4 (2016) 557--575

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

On the fundamental group scheme of rationally chain connected varieties

Biswas Indranil Marco Antei International Mathematics Research Notices

Vol 2016 (2016) 311--324

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Yang-Mills-Higgs connections on Calabi-Yau manifolds

Biswas Indranil Ugo Bruzzo Beatriz Graña Otero and Alessio Lo Giudice

Asian Journal of Mathematics

Vol 20 No 5 (2016) 989--1000

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Equivariant principal bundles and logarithmic connections on toric varieties

Biswas Indranil Arijit Dey and Mainak Poddar

Pacific Journal of Mathematics

Vol 280 No 2 (2016) 59--69

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Integrable systems and Torelli theorems for the moduli spaces of parabolic bundles and parabolic Higgs bundles

Biswas Indranil Tomás L Gómez and Marina Logares

Canadian Journal of Mathematics

Vol 68 No 3 (2016) 504--520

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Moduli spaces of vector bundles on a singular rational ruled surface

Biswas Indranil Usha N Bhosle Geometriae Dedicata

Vol 180 No 1 (2016) 399--413

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Pseudo-real principal G-bundles over a real curve

Biswas Indranil Oscar García-Prada and Jacques Hurtubise

Journal of the London Mathematical Society

Vol 93 No 1 (2016) 47--64

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

The period-index problem for the canonical gerbe of orthogonal and symplectic bundles

Biswas Indranil Emre Coskun and Ajneet Dhillon

Journal of Algebra

Vol 446 (2016) 400--425

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Isomonodromic deformations of logarithmic connections and stability

Biswas Indranil Viktoria Heu and Jacques Hurtubise

Mathematische Annalen

Vol 366 No 1 (2016) 121--140

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

On formality of Sasakian manifolds

Biswas Indranil Marisa Fernández Vicente Muñoz and Aleksy Tralle

Journal of Topology

Vol 9 No 1 (2016) 161--180

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Homogeneous holomorphic hermitian principal bundles over hermitian symmetric spaces

Biswas Indranil Harald Upmeier New York Journal of Mathematics

Vol 22 (2016) 21--47

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Vector bundles over a real elliptic curve

Biswas Indranil Florent Schaffhauser

Pacific Journal of Mathematics

Vol 283 No 1

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


(2016) 43--62

The Weil-Petersson current for moduli of vector bundles and applications to orbifolds

Biswas Indranil Georg Schumacher

Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Vol 25 No 4 (2016) 895--917

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Automorphisms of C* moduli spaces associated to a Riemann surface

Biswas Indranil David Baraglia and Laura P Schaposnik

Symmetry Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications

Vol 12 (2016) 007 14 pages

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Genus one enumerative invariants in del-Pezzo surfaces with a fixed complex structure

Biswas Indranil Ritwik Mukherjee and Varun Thakre

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (Paris) -- Mathématique

Vol 354 No 5 (2016) 517--521

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Holomorphic Cartan geometries and rational curves

Biswas Indranil Benjamin McKay

Complex Manifolds

Vol 3 No 1 (2016) 145--168

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

A splitting theorem for good complexifications

Biswas Indranil Mahan Mj and A J Parameswaran

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

Vol 66 No 5 (2016) 1965--1985

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Hermitian symmetric space flat bundle and holomorphicity criterion

Biswas Indranil Hassan Azad C S Rajan and Shehryar Sikander

Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques

Vol 140 No 1 (2016) 1--10

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Invariants from Symmetric Spaces

Biswas Indranil Niels Leth Gammelgaard Vassiliev

Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications

Vol 25 No 10 (2016) 1650055

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

On the Kähler metrics over Symd(X)

Biswas Indranil Anilatmaja Aryasomayajula Archana S Morye and Tathagata Sengupta

Journal of Geometry and Physics

Vol 110 (2016) 187--194

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Holomorphic affine connections on non- Kähler manifolds

Biswas Indranil Sorin Dumitrescu

International Journal of Mathematics

Vol 27 (2016) no 11 1650094

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Crossed S-matrices and character sheaves on unipotent groups to appear in

Deshpande Tanmay Advances in Mathematics

Volume 312 Pages 64–-106

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Alan Projective metric number theory

Ghosh Anish Haynes J Reine Angew Math

712 (2016) 39—50

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Beverly Badly approximable vectors C1 curves and number fields

Einsiedler Manfred Ghosh Anish Lytle

Ergodic Theory Dynam Systems

36 (2016) no 6 1851—1864

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Semiconjugacies between relatively hyperbolic boundaries

Das Shubhabrata Mj Mahan Groups Geom Dyn

10 (2016) no 2 733–752

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

character relationship on GLn Prasad D A Israel Journal of Mathematics

211 (2016) 257-270

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Half the sum of positive roots the Coxeter element and a theorem of Kostant

Prasad D Forum Math 28 (2016) 193-199

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Multiplicity formula for restriction of representations of

Prasad D with Shiv Prakash Patel

Proceedings of the AMS

144 (2016) 903-908

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

On the splitting fields of generic elements in Zariski dense subgroups

Rajan CS with Pisolkar Supriya J Algebra 457 (2016) 106-128

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Weyl modules associated to Kac-Moody Lie algebras

S Eswara Rao V Futorny Sharma Sachin

Comm in Algebra Vol 44 (2016) No 12 5045-5057

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Manifold Topology: A prelude SK Roushon Math Student 85 (2016) no 3-4 73-98

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


On multiplicative functions resembling the Mjöbius function

Sankaranarayanan A H Maier J Number Theory 163 75-88 (2016)

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Additive problems with smooth integers

Sankaranarayanan A H Ki and H Maier

Acta Arith 175 no:4 301-319 (2016)

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Contributions of Ramachandra to the Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function

Sankaranarayanan A Hardy-Ramanujan J

39 46-62 (2016)

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Remark on a Theorem of A Atzmon regarding uniform approximation

Swagato K Ray JSengupta J Ramanujan Math Soc

31 (2016) no4 431-438

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Étale motivic cohomology and algebraic cycles

Rosenschon Andreas Srinivas V

J Inst Math Jussieu

15 (2016) no 3 511–537

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

Non-Properness of the Functor of F-trivial Bundles

Subramanian S ProcIndian AcadSciMathSci

126 (2016) no2 179-186

2016 School of Maths, TIFR

The Nori fundamental gerbe of tame stacks

Biswas Indranil Niels Borne Transformation Groups

Vol 22 (2017) 91--104

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

H1-semistability for projective groups

Biswas Indranil Mahan Mj Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society

Vol 162 No 1 (2017) 89--100

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

On connections on principal bundles

Biswas Indranil Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

Vol 23 (2017) 32--43

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Restricted simultaneous Diophantine approximation

Baier Stephan Ghosh Anish Mathematika 63 (2017) no 1 34-52

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Cannon-Thurston Maps for Kleinian Groups to appear in

Mj Mahan Forum of Mathematics Pi

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Series Caroline Limits of limit sets II: Geometrically infinite groups Geom

Mj Mahan Topol 21 (2017) no 2 647–692

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Horospheres in Degerate 3-manifolds arXiv:160607185 to appear in

Cyril Lecuire and Mahan Mj Int Math Res Not IMRN

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Height Graded Relative Hyperbolicity and Quasiconvexity arXiv:16020083

Mj Mahan Francois Dahmani Journal d'Ecole Polytechnique

vol 4 (2017) p 515-556

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Higgs bundles on Sasakian manifolds arXiv:160707351

Mj Mahan Biswas Indranil Int Math Res Not IMRN

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Lefschetz properties for noncompact arithmetic ball quotients II

Nair Arvind manuscripta mathematica

Volume 152 Issue 3 pp 443—457

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

refined notion of arithmetically equivalent number fields and curves with isomorphic Jacobians

Prasad D A Advances in Mathematics

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Euler Poincare Characteristic for the Oscillator Representation arXiv:160407794

Prasad D Jeff Adams and G Savin

Conference Proceedings in honor of Roger Howe

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Restriction of representations of metaplectic GL2(F) to tori arXiv:170102515

Prasad D with Shiv Prakash Patel

Israel Journal of Mathematics

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Distinguishing Galois representations by their normalized traces

Rajan CS with Vijay M Patankar

J Number Theory 178 (2017) 118-125

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Homotopy and commutativity principle

Ravi A Rao Sampat Sharma Journal of Algebra

484 (2017) 23--46

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Classification of irreducible integrable highest weight modules for Kac-Moody Lie algebras

S Eswara Rao Punita Batra Journal of Algebra and Applications

vol 16 No5 (2017)

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Nilpotence of Frobenius action and the Hodge filtration on local cohomology

Srinivas Vasudevan Takagi Shunsuke

Adv Math 305 (2017) 456–478

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Hypergeometric Groups of Orthogonal Type

TNVenkataramana Journal of the European Math Society

19 (2017) 581-599

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

On Descent and the Generic Packet Conjecture

Sandeep Varma Forum Math 29 (2017) no 1 111-155

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

On Residues of Intertwining Operators in cases with Prehomogeneous Nilradical

Sandeep Varma Canadian Journal of Mathematics

2017 School of Maths, TIFR

Capacity Results for Multicasting Nested Message Sets Over Combination Networks,

Bidokhti S., Prabhakaran V. and Diggavi S.,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,

62(9), pp. 4968-4992, September 2016.

2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Upper and Lower Bounds on the Power of Advice,

Chattopadhyay A., Edmonds J., Ellen F. and Pitassi T.,

SIAM Journal of Computing

45(4), pp. 1412-1432, (2016).

2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Circuit Complexity of Powering in Fields of Odd Characteristic,

Chattopadhyay A., Green F. and Straubing H.,

Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science

(2016). 2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

An LP Characterization of the Secret-message Capacity of Three Erasure Networks with Feedback,

Czap L., Prabhakaran V., Fragouli C. and Diggavi S.,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,

62(5), pp. 2430-2480, May 2016.

2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Communication and Randomness Lower Bounds for Secure Computation,

Data D., Prabhakaran V. and Prabhakaran M.,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,

62(7), pp. 3901-3929, July 2016.

2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Online Energy-Efficient Packet Scheduling for a Common

Deshmukh A. and Vaze R., IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,

bf 34(12), pp. 3661-3674,

2016 School of Technology and

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Deadline With and Without Energy Harvesting,

Dec. 2016.

Computer Science, TIFR

Model Checking the Evolution of Gene Regulatory Networks,

Giacobbe M., Guet C.C., Gupta A., Henzinger T.A., Paixao T. and Petrov T.,

Acta Informatica (2016). 2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

To Lounge or to Queue Up, Juneja, S. and Manjunath D., ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review,

44(2), pp. 39-41, 2016.

2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Efficiently Decoding Reed-Muller Codes From Random Errors,

Volk B.L., Saptharishi R. and Shpilka A.,

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,

63(4), pp. 1954–1960, 2016.

2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Multiple Transmitter Localization and Whitespace Identification Using Randomly Deployed Binary Sensors,

Vaze R. and Murthy C.R., IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking,

2(4), pp. 358-369, Dec. 2016.

2016 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Super-polylogarithmic Hypergraph Coloring Hardness via Low-degree Long Codes,

Guruswami V., Harsha P., Hstad J., Srinivasan S, and Varma G.,

SIAM Journal of Computing,

(Preliminary Version in 46th STOC, 2014), 46(1), pp. 132-159, 2017.

2017 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Achieving Non-Zero Information Velocity in Wireless Networks,

Iyer S. and Vaze R., Annals of Applied Probability,

27(1) , pp. 48-64, 2017.

2017 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Wiretapped Oblivious Transfer, Mishra M., Dey B., Prabhakaran V. and Diggavi S.,

IEEE Transactions on

63(4), pp. 2560-

2017 School of Technology and

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Information Theory,

2595, April 2017.

Computer Science, TIFR

Optimally Approximating the Coverage Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks,

Pananjady A., Bagaria V.K. and Vaze R.,

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking,

25(1), pp. 98-111, Feb. 2017.

2017 School of Technology and Computer Science, TIFR

Assembly of NHC-Stabilized 2-Hydrophosphasilenes from Si(IV) Precursors: A Lewis Acid-Base Complex"

Debabrata Dhara, Debdeep Mandal, Avijit Maiti, Cem B. Yildiz, Pankaj Kalita, Nicolas Chrysochos, Carola Schulzke, Vadapalli Chandrasekhar and Anukul Jana

Dalton Trans. 45, 19290‒19298, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

1H, 13C and 15N NMR assignments of an unusual Ca2+-binding protein from Entamoeba histolytica in its apo form.

Verma D, Mutyala S, Aruna Murmu, Bhattacharya, A and Chary, K V R

Biomol. NMR Assign.,

1-5. 2016 2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Differential accumulation and mobilization of starch and lipid in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,

Himanshu Singh, Manish R Shukla, Basuthkar J Rao, Kandala V R Chary,

Algal Research, , 18, 33-44. 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Five decades of homonuclear dipolar decoupling in solid-state NMR: Status and outlook,

K. R. Mote, V. Agarwal, P. K. Madhu ,

Prog. Nucl. Magn. Reson. Specy.

97, 1-39, 2016.

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

A suite of pulse sequences based on multiple sequential acquisitions at one and two radiofrequency channels for solid-state magic-angle spinning NMR studies of proteins,

K. Sharma, P. K. Madhu, K. R. Mote,

J. Biomol. NMR, 65, 127-141, 2016.

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Systematic evaluation of heteronuclear spin decoupling in solid-state NMR at the rotary-resonance conditions in the regime of fast magic-angle spinning,

K. Sharma, P. K. Madhu, V. Agarwal ,

J. Magn. Reson. 270, 136-141, 2016.

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

A detailed analysis of the morphology of fibrils of selectively mutated amyloid b (1-40), ,

J. Adler, M. Baumann, B. Voigt, H. A. Scheidt, D. Bhowmik, T. Hüpl, B. Abel, P. K. Madhu, J. Balback, S. Maiti, D. Huster,

Chem. Phys. Chem.

17, 1-11, 2016.

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Positron annihilation and nuclear magnetic resonance study of the phase behavior of water confined in mesopores at different levels of hydration,

P. Maheswari, D. Dutta, S. Mukherjee, P. K. Madhu, K. R. Mote, P. K. Pujari,

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.

18, 12886-12895, 2016.

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Relative merits of rCWA and XiX heteronuclear spin decoupling in solid-state magic-angle-spinning NMR spectroscopy: A bimodal Floquet analysis,

Equbal, M. Leskes, N. C. Nielsen, P. K. Madhu, S. Vega,

J. Magn. Reson. 263, 55-64, 2016.

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Heteronuclear decoupling in MAS NMR in the intermediate to fast sample spinning regime,

Equbal, M. Bjerring, K. Sharma, P. K. Madhu, N. C. Nielsen,

Chem.Phys. Lett. 633, 243-249, 2016.

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Deviation-angle and trajectory statistics for inertial particles in turbulence,

Akshay Bhatnagar, Anupam Gupta, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Michael Wilkinson, and Rahul Pandit.

Phys. Rev. E, 94, 063112, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Coherent structures and extreme events in rotating multiphase flows,

Luca Biferale, Fabio Bonaccorso, Irene M. Mazzitelli, Michel A.T. van Hinsberg, Alessandra S. Lanotte, Stefano Mussachio, Prasad Perlekar, and Federico Toschi,

Phys. Rev. X, 6, 041036, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


How long do particles spend in vortical regions in turbulent flows?,

Akshay Bhatnagar, Anupam Gupta, Dhrubaditya Mitra, Rahul Pandit, and Prasad Perlekar,

Phys. Rev. E, 94, 053119, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Front structure and dynamics in dense colonies of motile bacteria: Role of active turbulence,

Rayan Chatterjee, Abhijeet A. Joshi, and Prasad Perlekar,

Phys. Rev. E, 94, (2016), 022406, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Dynamics of circular arrangement of vorticity in two dynamics,

Rohith V. Swaminathan, S. Ravichandran, Prasad Perlekar, Rama Govindarajan.

Phys. Rev. E, 94, (2016), 013105, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Binary-fluid turbulence: Signatures of multifractal droplet dynamics and dissipation reduction,

Nairita Pal, Prasad Perlekar, Anupam Gupta, and Rahul Pandit.

Phys. Rev. E, 93, 063115, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Enhancing the Sensitivity of CPMG Relaxation Dispersion to Conformational Exchange Processes by Multiple-Quantum Spectroscopy.

Tairan Yuwen, Pramodh Vallurupalli, Lewis E. Kay,

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl.

55, 11490-4., 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Excess Vibrational Density of States and the Brittle to Ductile Transition in Crystalline and Amorphous Solids,

Jeetu S Babu, Chandana Mondal, Surajit Sengupta and Smarajit Karmakar,

Soft Matter, 12, 1210 , 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Colloids Exposed to Random Potential Energy Landscapes: from Parti-cle Number Density to Particle-Potential and Particle-Particle Interactions ,

Jorg Bewerunge, Ankush Sengupta, Ronja F. Capellmann, Florian Platten, Surajit Sengupta, and Stefan Egelhaaf,

J. Chem. Phys. 145, 044905, 2016 (Editor's choice)

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

How does a hydrophobic macromolecule respond to mixed to a mixed osmolyte environment?

I. Tahand J. Mondal, J. Phys. Chem. B, 120, 10969, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Understanding the Dynamics of Glass-forming Liquids with Random Pinning within the Random First Order Transition Theory,

S Chakrabarty, R Das, Smarajit Karmakar, C Dasgupta,

J. Chem. Phys. 145, 034507, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

An Overview on Short and Long Time Relaxations in Glass-forming Supercooled Liquids,

Smarajit Karmakar, Journal of Physics: Conference Series

759 (1), 012008,


2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

The glass susceptibility: growth kinetics and saturation under shear,

S K Nandi, S Ramaswamy, Phys. Rev. E 94, 012607 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

On the development of Multifunctional Luminescent Supramolecular Hydrogel of Gold and Egg White,

Sudeshna Patra, Sathyavathi Ravulapalli, Myung Gwan Hahm, Kiran Kumar Tadi, and T. N. Narayanan,

Nanotechnology 27, 415603, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Bifunctional Luminomagnetic Rare-Earth Nanorods for High-Contrast Bioimaging Nanoprobes,

Bipin Kumar Gupta, Yean Lee, Satbir Singh, Pawan Kumar, GarimaKedawat, T. N. Narayanan, Sajna Antony Vithayathil, LiehuiGe, XiaoboZhan, Sarika Gupta, Angel A. Marti, Robert Vajtai, Pulickel M. Ajayan and Benny Abraham Kaipparettu,

Scientific Reports,

6, 32401, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Controllably Alloyed, Low Density, Free-standing Ni-Co and Ni-Graphene Sponges for Electrocatalytic Water Splitting,

T. V. Vineesh, M. Suhail, Myung Gwan Hahm, V. Prabu, S. Alwarappan and T. N. Narayanan,

Scientific Reports 6, 31202, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Single step, bulk synthesis of engineered MoS2 quantum dots for multifunctional electrocatalysis,

Kiran Kumar Tadi, Anil M. Palve, Shubhadeep Pal, P. M. Sudeep, and T. N. Narayanan,

Nanotechnology, 27, 275402, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


A Generalized Theoretical Framework for the Description of Spin Decoupling in Solid-State MAS NMR: Properties of Low-Power Experiments.

Kong Ooi Tan, Vipin Agarwal, Beat H. Meier and Matthias Ernst,

J. Chem. Phys., 145, 094201, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Radio frequency assisted proton-proton spin diffusion in perdeuterated proteins at 100 kHz MAS.

Johannes J. Wittmann, Vipin Agarwal, Beat H. Meier, Matthias Ernst,

J. Biomol. NMR, 66, 1-10, 2016

2016 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Structure of Ca2+-binding protein-6 from Entamoeba histolytica and its involvement in trophozoite proliferation regulation,

Verma D, Aruna Murmu, Gourinath S, Bhattacharya, A and Chary, K V R,

PLOS Pathogens, 2017 (in press)

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

The significance of symmetry in the nuclear spin Hamiltonian for efficient heteronuclear dipolar decoupling in solid-state NMR: A Floquet description of sypercycled rCW schemes,

A. Equbal, R. Shankar, M. Leskes, S. Vega, N. C. Nielsen, P. K. Madhu ,

J. Chem. Phys. 2017 2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Two-dimensional turbulence in symmetric binary-fluid mixtures: Coarsening arrest by the inverse cascade,

Nairita Pal, and Rahul Pandit , Scientific Reports,

7, 44789, 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Probing conformational dynamics in biomolecules via chemical exchange saturation transfer: A primer.

Pramodh Vallurupalli, Ashok Sekhar, Tairan Yuwen, Lewis E. Kay,

J Biomol NMR. 2017 2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Simultaneous NMR characterisation of multiple minima in the free energy landscape of an RNA UUCG tetraloop,

Aditi N. Borkar, Pramodh Vallurupalli, Carlo Camilloni, Lewis E. Kay and Michele Vendruscolo,

Chem Chem Phys

19, 2797-2804. 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Machine learning, quantum mechanics, chemical space,

Raghunathan Ramakrishnan, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld,

Reviews in Computational Chemistry,

Vol.30, 225-250 , 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Research Hyderabad

Genetic optimization of training sets for improved machine learning models of molecular properties,

Nicholas J. Browning, Raghunathan Ramakrishnan, O. Anatole von Lilienfeld, Ursula Röthlisberger,

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters,

8 1351-1359, 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Chromatin as active matter, Ankit Agrawal, Nirmalendu Ganai, Surajit Sengupta and Gautam I Menon

J. Stat. Mech. P014001, 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Equilibrium and dynamic pleating of a crystalline bonded network,

Saswati Ganguly, Jϋrgen Horbach, Peter Sollich, Parswa Nath, Smarajit Karmakar and Surajit Sengupta,

J. Chem. Phys. 146, 124501, 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Covalently Connected Carbon Nanotubes as Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction through Band Engineering,

Shubhadeep Pal, Mihir Sahoo, Vineesh T. Veettil, Kiran K. Tadi, Arnab Ghosh, Satyam Parlappalli, Ravi K. Biroju, P. M. Ajayan, Saroj K. Nayak, and T. N. Narayanan,

ACS Catalysis 7, 2676-2684, 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Fluorographene :Synthesis and Sensing Applications,

T. N. Narayanan,* Ravi K. Biroju, and V. Renugopalakrishnan,

Journal of Materials Research

2017 (Focused Issue on Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for Biosensors, Invited Article)

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research AQAR 2016-17


Defluorination of fluorographene Oxide via Solvent Interactions,

Kiran K. Tadi, Santosh Kumar Bikkarolla, Kapil Bhorkar, Shubhadeep Pal, Narayan Kunchur, Indulekha N, Sruthi Radhakrishnan, Ravi Kumar Biroju, and T. N. Narayanan,

Particle & Particle Systems Characterization

1600346 (1-7) 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Stacking Sequence Dependent Photo-Electrocatalytic Performance of CVD Grown MoS2/Graphene van der Waals Solids,

Ravi K. Biroju, Shubhadeep Pal, P. K. Giri, and T. N. Narayanan,

Nanotechnology 28, 085101, 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad

Temperature Assisted Shear Exfoliation of Layered Crystals for the Large Scale Synthesis of Catalytically Active Luminescent Quantum Dots,

Shubhadeep Pal, Kiran Kumar Tadi, P. M. Sudeep, Sruthi Radhakrishnan, and T. N. Narayanan,

Materials Chemistry Frontiers

1, 319-325, 2017

2017 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad
