2016 Green Transition Scoreboard® Report: “Ending Externalities:...


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2016 Green Transition Scoreboard® Report: “Ending Externalities: Full-Spectrum Accounting Clarifies Transition Management” Authors: Hazel Henderson, Rosalinda Sanquiche, Timothy Jack Nash Reference suggestion: Henderson, H., Sanquiche, R. and Nash, T. “Ending Externalities: Full-Spectrum Accounting Clarifies Transition Management”, 2016 Green Transition Scoreboard® Report, Ethical Markets Media, April 2016. © 2016 Ethical Markets Media, LLC This report does not contain investment advice. For full disclosure: principals of Ethical Markets Media, LLC, are personal investors in green companies (see Appendix 2). Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil) PO Box 5190, St. Augustine, FL 32085 Tel: 904.829.3140 Fax: 904.826.0325 office@ethicalmarkets.com

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Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ ii

Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 1

Global Transition Management .......................................................................................................... 1

Global Civic Society Empowered ....................................................................................................... 4

Values and Paradigms Bifurcating ..................................................................................................... 5

Full-Spectrum Accounting Tracking Global Transition Goals ............................................................. 7

Developing Countries “Leapfrog”........................................................................................................ 9

Africa Rising ...................................................................................................................................... 10

COP21 Country Pledges (INDCs) .................................................................................................... 12

Fintech: The Good and Bad News ................................................................................................... 13

Action Plan for Decarbonization ....................................................................................................... 15

Climate Deniers at Bay ..................................................................................................................... 16

Global Finance at Bay ...................................................................................................................... 18

Sectors Covered ................................................................................................................................... 21

What's Included ................................................................................................................................ 22

What’s Omitted ................................................................................................................................. 23

Renewable Energy ............................................................................................................................... 25

Energy Efficiency .................................................................................................................................. 28

Life Systems ......................................................................................................................................... 30

Water, Land & Water Remediation, Waste & Recycling .................................................................. 30

Community Investing, E-Learning and Fintech ................................................................................ 32

Future Sub-Sectors .......................................................................................................................... 34

Green Construction .............................................................................................................................. 34

Corporate Green R&D .......................................................................................................................... 35

Appendix 1 - Tallies .............................................................................................................................. 38

Appendix 2 – Positions Held By Principals of Ethical Markets Media .................................................. 41

Appendix 3 – Research Team .............................................................................................................. 42

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Executive Summary

For 2015, the Green Transition Scoreboard® (GTS) focuses on transition management’s top

priority: “externalities” which amount to $7.3 trillion worldwide. Since 2007, companies tracked by the

GTS are those avoiding negative externalities and focused on transition management in the context

of the UN sustainability goals, SDGs, and COP21. For 2015, the GTS totals $7,130,521,000,000 in

non-government investments and commitments in the green transition.

The GTS tracks Renewable Energy,

Energy Efficiency, Life Systems,

Green Construction and Corporate

Green R&D, representing broad

areas of investment in green

technologies. Each sector covers

an area of substantial capital

investment in technologies which

Hazel Henderson's years of

research as a science advisor and

which the Ethical Markets Advisory

Board expertise indicate are continuing to contribute to the growing green economy. Life Systems

gained a new category for Fintech for sustainability, including peer-to-peer lending and crowdfunding,

in addition to other subsectors tracking the system-wide interconnections among information and

digitization, water, food, education and health.

The upward trend in investments since 2007 aligns with our recommendation to invest at

least 10% of institutional portfolios directly in companies driving the global Green Transition, updating

strategic asset allocation models both as opportunities and as risk mitigation. Excluding government

investments to the extent possible, the $7.13 trillion in private investments and commitments as of

2015 puts private investors on track to reach $10 trillion in green sectors investments by 2020.

We strictly define 'green' by omitting technologies such as nuclear, clean coal and most

biofuels while carefully assessing rapidly advancing technologies such as nanotech and IoT (Internet

of Things). Sources of financial data are screened by rigorous social, environment and ethical

auditing standards.

Renewable Energy – Growing strongly as fossil fuel becomes less appealing in light of cost parity of

renewables, limiting carbon emissions and driving evolution to sustainable societies.

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Energy Efficiency – Widespread ripple effects positively impact jobs creation, manufacturing and

other metrics tracked by traditional GDP and integral to transition management, quality of life metrics

reported in Life Systems.

Life Systems – This encompasses broad areas systemically linked, including water, remediation,

waste and recycling, green infrastructure and info-structure, education, community investing and the

myriad of digitization opportunities and obstacles, investments often overlooked as too small, such as

the Fintech 100, 2015.

Green Construction – This sector ranges from “low-tech” passive solar buildings to “high-tech” flow

3D printing. For consistency, we omit labor, thus undercounting a form of capital which intrinsically

increases the value of green construction.

Corporate Green R&D – Powered by the automotive industry, this sector is also heavily weighted in

favor of energy generation, conservation and distribution with a precipitous decline in fossil fuels P&E.

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By Hazel Henderson

Since 2015, the watershed agreements between the 195 member countries of the United Nations

are now accelerating the global transition from the fossil-fueled Industrial Era to the Solar Age. As we

have emphasized since our Green Transition Scoreboard® (GTS) launched in 2009, this global transition

is the next stage of human socio-technical evolution. Examples of these transitions are now underway

from local to global, as we described. Some pioneer macro-projects such as the Club of Rome’s

DESERTEC Industrial Initiative (Dii) launched in 2009 encountered roadblocks, including the financial

crisis of 2008 (see Renewable Energy). Others, such as the energy efficient “Industrial Ecology” model

pioneered by the City of Kalundborg in Denmark (see Building a Win-Win World, Henderson, H., 1996)

are now working models of macro-efficiency. Even deeper transition management is that of Janine

Benyus and her Biomimicry Institute and B 3.8 consulting firm helping companies redesign their products

and processes since the 1990s and now showcased in Businessweek.1

Global Transition Management

The new term “transition management” sums up the decision-making challenges to both public

and private sectors as they are confronted with demands from their publics and the increasingly powerful

1 Scanlon, J. “Janine Benyus Looks to Nature for Design Inspiration”. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 7, 2016. For full disclosure: Hazel Henderson is a lead investor in B 3.8.

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third sector: civic, non-profit organizations, public opinion and social media worldwide. Indeed, founder of

survey research firm Globescan Doug Miller calls public opinion “the new global superpower” in Can the

World Be Wrong? 2 Incumbent industries and finance are being forced to reevaluate their business

models and assets after Carbon Tracker’s reports on the extent of their reserves that are now un-

burnable, including their latest report on Shale and the Price Roller Coaster.3 Popular uprisings

worldwide challenge elites and their policies subsidizing 19th and 20th century fossilized sectors,

corporations and the enabling financial system. Politicians responded in 2015 by ratifying the broadly

grassroots agenda codified in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) building on the earlier

Millennium Development Goals.

As far back as 2000, OPEC was exploring alternatives to oil, as in their seminars and reports on

New World Trends and the Future of Oil, co-chaired by Venezuela’s former ambassador to India Dr.

Frank Bracho and Ethical Markets founder Hazel Henderson, which explored the transition from fossil

fuels to renewable solar-based energy.4 Fast forward to the game-changing failure of the Doha meeting

and announcement by Saudi Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that oil giant Aramco

will transform itself by 2018 from an oil producer to a $2 trillion diversified sovereign wealth fund investing

2 Miller, D. Can The World Be Wrong? Where Global Public Opinion Says We're Headed. Greenleaf Publishing,

Sheffield, UK, 2016.

3 Beyond the Shale: Aboard the Price Rollercoaster. Carbon Tracker Initiative, April 2016.

4 Statement on New World Trends and the Future of Oil & Energy. Center for OPEC Studies and Presidential Preparatory Commission for II OPEC Summit, Venezuela, and Blue Energy Canada and Venture Resources, Canada. May and June 2000. www.FutureOfOil.com. For full disclosure: Frank Bracho is an Ethical Markets Advisory Board member.

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in non-oil industrial development.5 Even oil major BP

forecasts a decline in oil as a share of the world’s primary

energy mix from its high of almost 50% down to 30% by

2035, replaced primarily by renewables, hydro and gas.6

Global financial players began responding, beginning

to acknowledge their over-investments in fossil fuels and

fossilized sectors: legacy central power-generation electric

utilities, coal mining, industrial food production and other

fossil-reliant industries, now being forced to disclose their

carbon-footprints. Cheap debt fueled the US boom in shale

now with $112 billion in junk bonds as cheap oil turned into

today’s bust.7 In 2015, 26 shale drillers went bankrupt with

more to follow in 2016

and expected to rise to

73 in 2017.8 Fracking-related earthquakes in Oklahoma caused by

injection of wastewater led to new regulations on its 4,000 disposal

wells.9 Led by Ceres, the UN Inquiry: Design of a Sustainable

Financial System, UNPRI, SASB, GRI and others shifting to

successful fossil-free portfolios, mainstream finance is beginning to

catch up, as we describe herein.10 ShareAction’s March 20, 2016,

report Transforming Our World Through Investment surveyed 52

institutional investors worldwide with £4 trillion AUM on their

response to the UN’s SDGs with 95% of respondents planning to

engage with investee companies; 84% will allocate capital to

investments supporting regulatory reforms.11 Money Morning’s

Nick O’Connor called the transition “The Age of the Sun Guzzler”

correctly linking oil’s decline to the electric vehicle revolution,12

5 Micklethwait, J. “Saudi Arabia Plans $2 Trillion Megafund for Post-Oil Era”. Bloomberg, April 1, 2016.

6 BP Energy Outlook 2016 Edition: Outlook to 2035. BP, 2016. www.bp.com/energyoutlook

7 Loder, A. “Gone with the Boom”. Bloomberg Businessweek, March 14, 2016.

8 “Fracking companies: DUC and cover”. The Economist, March 12, 2016.

9 “Fracking: Regulations Dry Up Wastewater Wells”. Bloomberg Businessweek, March 12, 2016.

10 “Ceres’ Response to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Scoping Report.” Press release, Ceres, April 1, 2016.

11 “Investors can play a central role in achieving the SDGs”. Press release, ShareAction, March 21, 2016.

12 O’Connor, N. “The Age of the Sun Guzzler”. Money Morning, April 13, 2016.

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Investopedia reported that the jump in oil stocks in response to oil’s price rebound was “Another Case of

Too Fast Too Soon” – we agree.13 And the largest global sustainability NGO, the Green Economy

Coalition, announced its launch of its State of the Global Transition communications product (which will

feature this GTS report).14 The current fintech disruption of finance will accelerate this transition.

Global Civic Society Empowered

The release in April 2016 of the Panama Papers accelerated the OECD’s naming and shaming of

companies and elites using tax shelters, estimated at $7.6 trillion worldwide by Gabriel Zucman in The

Hidden Wealth of Nations (2015). 15 A group of NGOs led by Global Witness announced their Global

Beneficial Ownership Register to illuminate tax avoiders and their shelters,16 including in the USA where

anonymous corporations register in Delaware, Nevada, South Dakota and Wyoming.

Global civic networks also succeeded in challenging the status quo economic models of GDP-

growth and the defenders’ claim that “there is no alternative” (TINA) to their “austerity”: cuts in public

services, safety nets, pension and jobs, following the 2008 financial meltdown and taxpayer bailouts of

Wall Street. Values were bifurcating in many countries, seemingly favoring long-term versus current

short-termism in stock markets. The global grassroots visions of many alternatives for prosperity based

on inclusive sustainable forms of cleaner, healthier, greener, knowledge-rich societies broke through in

2015. All this disruption of existing norms

and models culminated in December,

2015, with 195 countries agreeing at

COP21 in Paris to accelerate the global

transition to low-carbon, solar and

renewably resourced green economies.

The pledges made by 189 countries to

accelerate shifts to low-carbon strategies

was codified in their Intended Nationally

Determined Contributions (INDCs).17 The

UN called for an international tax on

carbon and a .005% levy on financial

13 Saintvilus, R. “Oil Stocks Jump on Promised Production Freeze”. Investopedia, April 13, 2016.

14 Benson, E. Personal communication, Green Economy Coalition, March 30, 2016.

15 Zucman, G. The Hidden Wealth of Nations. University of Chicago Press, 2015.

16 “New Global Register to Shine Light on Anonymous Companies”. Press release, Global Witness, April 4, 2016.

17 Carbon Brief, December 24, 2015. http://tinyurl.com/ozmpa4z

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trading, while earmarking a portion of the proposed European Union’s financial transaction taxes so as to

raise $400 billion for financing these investments.18 Trading in financial markets is increasingly seen as

excessive and a form of addiction similar to gambling. As reported by neuroscientist John Coates in his

DNA sampling of traders’ saliva, their elevated testosterone levels and endocrine imbalances indicate that

these traders are in fact a clinical population.19 Male dominance of finance persists as documented by

Marto Capital.20

Bill Gates and other investors announced a multi-billion dollar fund for clean energy technologies

– the Breakthrough Energy Coalition.21 Many institutional investors and banks attended the Ceres

Conference at the UN, January 2016, and joined in pledges to shift to green development, and our GTS

goal of $1 trillion annually was adopted by many. A report was released, Mapping the Gap: the Road

from Paris, which provides a roadmap.22 Further pledges by 117 global companies set emissions

reduction targets; 52 companies pledged to work toward use of 100% renewable energy. Another 156

companies pledged “Positive Action” on climate while 400 cities pledged similar action.23 A recent survey

by GreenBiz indicated that 75% of global businesses with $10 billion or more in sales do not think a price

on carbon would affect them significantly while 39% think it would help them.24

Values and Paradigms Bifurcating

This millennial shift has ushered in the paradigm shift in economic and financial models augured

in Politics of the Solar Age (Henderson, H., 1981) and tracked in the paper “Politics of the Solar Age:

1975-2015”.25 The UN Principles for Responsible Investment signatory pension funds have grown to $56

trillion under management. UNPRI Managing Director Fiona Reynolds makes the business case for

18 World Economic and Social Survey 2012: In Search of New Development Finance. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, New York, 2012. http://tinyurl.com/9gzx66e

19 Coates, J. The Hour Between Dog and Wolf: Risk-taking, Gut Feelings and the Biology of Boom and Bust. Penguin, NY, 2012.

20 Stefanova, K., Teten, D. and Beardsley, B. ”Who Will Disrupt Asset Management and How”, DisruptInvesting.com, April 2016.

21 Nussbaum, A., Talev, M., and Morales, A. “Gates to Announce Multibillion Dollar Clean-Energy Fund”. Bloomberg Businessweek, November 29, 2015.

22 Zindler, E. and Locklin, K. “Mapping the Gap: The Road from Paris”. Bloomberg New Energy Finance and Ceres, January 27, 2016.

23 Strassner, K. “The Paris Climate Agreement: Implications for Business”. Presenation, AHC Group, Ballston Spa, NY, December 2015.

24 State of Green Business Report 2016, GreenBiz and Trucost. http://tinyurl.com/ze8ojoa

25 Henderson, H. “Politics of the Solar Age: 1975-2015”. Cadmus Journal, October 13, 2015; SAGE World Future Review, November 2015.

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ethical investing as practical not political.26

The 2015 report of the UN Inquiry: Design of a

Sustainable Financial System includes Ethical

Markets’ report “Perspectives on Reforming

Electronic Markets and Trading.”27 Beyond

traditional money-denominated GDP-

measured economic growth, models initiated in

the European Union (www.beyond-gdp.eu),

and the new inclusive sustainable development

models are based on new metrics measuring 6

forms of capital: finance, built, intellectual,

social, human and natural capital.

These new auditing standards (SASB, IIRC, CDSB, GRI) all use multi-disciplinary research and

incorporating statistics measuring progress in health, education, human rights, gender equality, poverty

reduction, environmental protection and regeneration. New certification for accountants based on Global

Management Accounting Principles® of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and

the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) embrace these new

values, focusing their journal beyond cost accounting to Financial

Management on integrative thinking and metrics for intangible

assets: intellectual property, brands and reputation.28 The Global

Initiative for Sustainability Ratings (GISR) provides a broad

overview of this expanding field.29 In our GTS report “Green

Bonds Growing Green Infrastructure”, we cover the expansion of

this important public sector and the global issuance of green

bonds led by China. The importance of physical indicators

beyond money-based abstraction is the global tracking of oil

tankers which signal oil gluts in advance of financial models.30

Visuals highlight key issues, such as the cover of Bloomberg

Businessweek, February 15, 2016.

26 Reynolds, F. “Fiona Reynolds: Looking at ESG is practical not political”. Investment & Pensions Europe, February 17, 2016.

27 Henderson, H. “Perspectives on Reforming Electronic Markets and Trading.” UNEP Inquiry: Design of a Sustainable Financial System, November 2015.

28 Joining the Dots: Decision Making for a New Era. Financial Management, CIMA and AICPA, February 2016.

29 GISR Insight, March 2016.

30 “Energy: The Art and Science of Tanker Tracking”. Bloomberg Businessweek, March 4, 2016.

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Thus, the new global focus on transition management leaves behind obsolete, myopic, economic

textbooks and such misleading terms as “externalities”. This terminology is now revealed as an

accounting strategy used by companies to ignore those social and environmental costs imposed on

others: taxpayers, the public, future generations and the environment. A recent study commissioned by

the UN found that if these costs had been internalized and properly accounted on company balance

sheets, they amounted to $7.3 trillion worldwide and reduced or eliminated stated corporate profits to

shareholders.31 Those companies which support the Paris climate agreement now will demand that other

companies relying on business models based on “externalizing” costs disclose their carbon emissions.

Former US Chair of the SEC Mary Schapiro is leading this disclosure initiative for the Financial Stability

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures.32 The 2° Investing Initiative, CDP and other

research and NGO groups will be monitoring these disclosures and the pledges on INDC promises by

those 189 countries at COP21. The IMF estimates the annual cost to governments and consumers of

“externalities”, subsidies and social impacts at $5.3 trillion annually.33

The confusing concepts and terminology of “externalities” are still ubiquitous in economic

analyses, textbooks, company accounting, government policies and public debates. Even the OECD’s

Policy Challenges for the Next 50 Years contains only one reference to greenhouse gas emissions, and

its entire analysis is based on GDP-measured economic growth models.34 While the vast majority of so-

called “externalities” are negative and impact human health, safety and the environment, corporate-

friendly economists point to “positive externalities”, i.e., jobs, company training programs, benefits and

charitable contributions. The time has clearly come to clarify these claims by finally closing the books on

this confusing historic term: externalities. The American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC) is

focusing on how US Congress members, their corporate supporters and conservative think tanks rely on

these obsolete assumptions, terms and analyses.35

Full-Spectrum Accounting Tracking Global Transition Goals

Going forward we can focus instead on the goals and outcomes we want: the SDGs and the

COP21 outcome. Both are accelerating the global transition now underway and the opportunities they

present for a more equitable cleaner, greener future for all. This requires organizations and all

government agencies and national accounts to adopt genuine full spectrum accounting, as we have

31 Natural Capital At Risk: the Top 100 Externalities of Business. Trucost and TEEB, 2013.

32 “Phase I Report.” Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures”. March 31, 2016. https://www.fsb-tcfd.org/

33 “Counting the Cost of Energy Subsidies”. IMF Survey Magazine, July 17, 2015.

34 “Policy Challenges for the Next 50 Years”. Economic Policy Papers, No. 9, OECD, 2014.

35 Lawton, R. and Lederer, R. “Freeing the Market: Accounting for the True Cost (and Benefit) of Doing Business”. ASBC, January 21, 2016.

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advocated for decades (see for example in our suite of financial standards: Green Transition

Scoreboard®, Ethical Biomimicry Finance®, EthicMark® Awards for Advertising, EthicMark® GEMS,

Transforming Finance initiative and TV series, Ethical Money Directory and TCR® (developed by our

colleague Frank Dixon of Global System Change).36 Some accounting firms claim to perform full-

spectrum accounting – but within the traditional accounting profession frameworks. The State of Green

Business 2016 states that this year provides the best time for companies to position their business

models to capitalize on sustainable growth opportunities.37 The Circular Economy 100 created by the

Ellen MacArthur Foundation reached similar conclusions in its research, partnered with the World

Economic Forum and McKinsey & Company. The

Financial Times reported in January 2016 that ETFs

tracking social responsible investing (SRI) indices

outperformed their benchmarks over the past 5 years.38

Meanwhile, climate scientists warn that the

COP21 goals may already have been breached by

underestimating planetary feedback loops that increase

ocean temperatures and by melting in Antarctica such that sea levels will rise faster than anticipated.39

Thus, the historic dodging of responsibility to society by carbon and other pollution emitters permitted by

such narrow economic models is now at an end. Their doctrine of “externalities” has been challenged by

many other reformers for decades. The pioneering report “Clocks and Lenses” by IISD and UNEP

documents the extent that externalities in the form of subsidies to powerful favored interests had distorted

full-cost accounting by fossil fueled industrial economies across the globe.40 Today, many of these

interest groups are colliding with the new realities. The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)

global conference in Lima, Peru, was boycotted by NGOs as mining externalities continue.41 The shift

away from national grids and central electricity to local and distributed generation and micro-grids set old

utilities against new sources and their own customers.42 The report “Nation’s Top Utility Companies Take

Varied Approaches to Business Risk Posed By Climate Change” offers details.43 For example, the fight

36 Dixon, F. “TCR: Leading-Edge Corporate and Financial Sector Sustainability Strategies”. Ethical Markets Review, December 1, 2015.

37 State of Green Business Report 2016, op. cit.

38 Faurschou, J. “SRI indices outperform over past five years”. Financial Times Adviser, January 29, 2016.

39 “Catastrophic Antarctic melting”. New Scientist, April 2, 2016; Gillis, J., “Climate Model Predicts West Antarctic Ice Sheet Could Melt Rapidly”. New York Times, March 30, 2016.

40 Clements- Hunt, P. “Lenses and Clocks.” IISD, June 2012.

41 “Natural Resources: Flare-up”. The Economist, February 27, 2016.

42 Energy Democracy Initiative, ILSR, March 2016. http://tinyurl.com/zrvnxes

43 Nation’s Top Utility Companies Take Varied Approaches to Business Risk Posed By Climate Change. Press release, IRRC Institute, April 14, 2016.

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between Elon Musk and Warren Buffett in Nevada pits the local utility owned by Berkshire Hathaway

against Solar City and Nevada’s solar consumers.44 Utilities fight back through state legislatures and by

urging the wider use of electric vehicles, i.e., those using their fossil-fuel generated electricity to substitute

for lost consumers.45 Other disciplines and scientific research document pollution, resource depletion,

climate change, health effects on urban and rural populations, toxic wastes, earthquakes, mountain-top

removal, mining injuries and fatalities. This broader research has now invalidated most of the core tenets

of conventional economics as I document in Mapping the Global Transition to the Solar Age.46 As

mentioned, the latest estimation of these costs to societies of fossil fuel subsidies by the IMF is a

staggering $5.3 trillion annually.47

The historic drop in oil prices

presents opportunities to cut these wasteful

subsidies – without any visible effects on

consumers, and major progress has been

made in Indonesia and other countries. The

drive to put prices on carbon or enact

pollution taxes illuminates the absurdity of

simultaneously both subsidizing and taxing

carbon! Once prices reflect these social and

environmental costs formerly “externalized”,

the public can see that renewables win.

Fossil fuel divestments in 2015 grew to 2,476 institutions and individuals representing $2.6 trillion in

assets, according to Trucost.48 Globally as of 2014, more than $21 trillion in assets were invested under

ESG principles, up from $13 trillion in 2013.49 However, global greenhouse gas emissions increased by

5% from US and global firms.50

Developing Countries “Leapfrog”

44 Buhayar, N. “Who Owns the Sun?” Bloomberg Businessweek, January 28, 2016.

45 EVs & the Grid Summit: Transport Meets Power. Infocast, April 19-21, 2016.

46 Henderson, H. Mapping the Global Transition to the Solar Age. ICAEW and Tomorrow’s Company, 2014.

47 Coady, D., Parry, I., Sears, L. and Shang, B. “How Large Are Global Energy Subsidies?” IMF Working Paper, Fiscal Affairs Department, May 2015.

48 State of Green Business Report 2016, Trucost, op. cit.

49 Ibid

50 Ibid

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Even in this still tilted playing field, solar and wind are now competitive with nuclear and coal for

electricity generation. As subsidies to fossilized sectors are cut further and genuine full spectrum

accounting illuminates real costs, the green transition will continue accelerating, particularly in developing

countries. In my many visits to China in the 1980s and 1990s, I emphasized how developing countries

could bypass the costly wasteful infrastructure and technologies of the earlier Industrial Era and leapfrog

directly to the Solar Age. This “leapfrog” strategy is now the mantra in many developing and emerging

economies in Asia, Latin America and Africa, summarized in “The Developing World Can Leapfrog Dirty

Coal and Go Straight to Clean Energy”.51 Professor Daniel Kammen, director of the Renewable and

Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL) at UC Berkeley, a member of our Advisory Board, applies these

“leapfrog” strategies in African and other developing economies, described in “The Energy To Change the

World”.52 Such strategies in India are best exemplified by Development Alternatives, operating in

thousands of Indian villages since 1983 and facilitating sustainable livelihoods for 12.4 million people.53

This pioneering enterprise is headed, for full disclosure, by our Advisory Board member Dr. Ashok

Khosla. Ending energy poverty is one of the worldwide goals of the SDGs, as examined by The


Africa Rising

The “leapfrog” to renewable-resourced, democratized, distributed forms of development is now a

major focus, particularly after the COP21 agreements in Paris. The 54 countries in the continent of Africa

have been largely overlooked by investors except as a source of raw materials. In The Next Africa

(2015), authors Jake Bright and Aubrey Hruby focus on how conventional Western models of economic

growth relied too heavily on macro-statistics that ignored the informal unpaid and barter sectors which, as

I have pointed out for decades (Henderson 1981, 1990, 1996) is a “Grossly Distorted Picture”. In the 54

countries in Africa, informal productive activities are basic and account for roughly 55% of sub-Saharan

African (SSA) countries’ economic activity and 80% of its labor force. Bright and Hruby cite three

important themes in Africa’s contemporary growth story:

Increased formalization of Africa’s informal economies. This shows that statisticians have been

missing large amounts of economic activity. Today, GDP revisions are underway to overhaul

outdated practices.

Efforts to quantify all the new business activity alongside existing commerce.

51 Jacobson, M. “The Developing World Can Leapfrog Dirty Coal and Go Straight to Clean Energy”. Fast Company, February 4, 2016. http://tinyurl.com/h4occ3d

52 Kammen, D. “The Energy To Change the World”. Imagine, June 2015. http://tinyurl.com/z2n33oc

53 “A Business Eco-system for the Rural Indian Economy.” TARA Enterprises Pvt Ltd, 2015.

54 “Power to the powerless”. The Economist, February 27, 2016.

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The constraints of (obsolete) GDP measurements still determining which countries are moving

forward and delivering dividends to their people.

Thus, the authors are scanning formerly overlooked economic progress and seeing African

economies with new eyes and better lenses. Their chapter on Kenya describes how its new M-Pesa

(SCOM on the Nairobi Stock Exchange) cell phone banking created a new “fintech” financial model which

bypasses the old banking models still operating in the global casino. This, in step with the explosion of IT

(information technology) and broadband, has made Kenya the internet provider for other East African

countries. The chapter on Nigeria, which has now overtaken South Africa as the continent’s biggest

economy, describes a thriving IT sector, movie industry and increasingly global music and entertainment

sector. Nigeria’s stock exchange capitalization of $84 billion and 193 listings is second only to South

Africa’s $1.01 trillion and 392 listings, with Kenya in third place with $25 billion and 65 listings. Kenya’s

M-Pesa mobile phone network carries 25% of its GDP.55 IT infostructure is the new African norm with

$5.86 billion of foreign direct investment (FDI) into SSA IT infostructure in 2014, according to cited data

from the Financial Times. Other chapters cover capital investment and the “leapfrog” strategies now

prevalent in emerging economies. These skip obsolete industrial models: from leaky expensive national

electricity grids and centralized fossil fueled and nuclear power plants to distributed on-site solar and wind

power as we cover in our Green Transition Scoreboard®. Most emerging economies are going beyond

old telephone land lines to mobile phones and computing models. The South African government has set

a target of 8.4 GW of solar PV capacity by 2030 and so far 2.3 GW has been procured.56 In February

2016, 26 African countries launched a trading block, the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA), with 620

million consumers with a combined GDP measure of $1.2 trillion.57

In spite of these optimistic views, African countries still face huge challenges as described in The

Economist “More a marathon than a sprint”.58 Chinese investments in Africa present huge challenges.59

Much corruption remains to be tackled as measured by Transparency International’s Corruption

Perception Index, ranking 174 countries worldwide. Population growth outpacing world estimates further

stresses fragile resources. A report in Scientific American finds that a fertility decline can only be

achieved by empowering women educationally, economically, socially and politically.60 Such strategies

55 Ross, A. The Industries of the Future. Simon and Schuster, 2016, p. 86.

56 Hashem, H. “South African PV projects mitigate land rights risks amid strong growth.” PV Insider, March 2, 2016.

57 Kamal, B. and Mahdy, F. “Africa Launches Largest Trading Block with 620 Million Consumers”. IPS, February 22, 2016; El-Sheikh, S. “Trade with Africa: Tear down these walls”. The Economist, February 27, 2016.

58 “More a marathon than a sprint”. The Economist, November 7, 2015.

59 “Not as easy as it looks”. The Economist, November 21, 2015.

60 Engelman, R. “Africa's Population Will Soar Dangerously Unless Women Are More Empowered”. Scientific American, February 2016.

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are evident in, for example, Rwanda and Mauritius where fertility rates fell from 6 to 1.5 children. A Club

of Rome computer model indicates that providing women in developing countries with solar-powered

lighting and micro-credit could result in some 3 billion avoided births.61 Yet, women remain an underclass

in many African countries, as well as worldwide. Journalists remain threatened as do media when

problems are exposed.62 Climate change threatens Africa with more droughts. African scientists were

prominent at the Next Einstein Forum convened in Dakar, Senegal.63 COP21 was a focus of mitigation

and adaptation strategies and financing of distributed renewable energy. France committed €6 billion

between 2016-2020 for development of renewable energy in Africa. President Hollande noted “Although

Africa is not responsible for emitting greenhouse gasses, it suffers the consequences of climate

change”.64 I introduced the concept of “ecological debt” in Paradigms in Progress (1991, 1995). The

commitments made in COP21 in the 189 INDCs can help redeploy investments away from fossil-fueled

electric power and broaden the trend to distributed solar wind and other renewables. The PV Insider

conference in Cape Town, June 8-9, 2016, is sponsored by many green media and international

providers.65 Agriculture in African countries is receiving much attention and innovation.66

COP21 Country Pledges (INDCs)

Similar progress is evident in Brazil where over 70% of electricity is hydro-powered, while local

biofuels from sugarcane wastes power farms and flex-fuel cars. Brazil is now one of the world’s fastest

growing solar markets and has added 7 GW of installed wind capacity since 2009. Recent droughts

threatened hydro-electricity and led to this focus on Brazil’s huge solar and wind resources, as well as 1-2

GW of utility scale solar with net-metering to credit local small solar generation. The Brazilian

Development Bank (BNDES) has been a leader in supplying low-cost financing for renewable energy.67

Financial markets still based on obsolete models continue mispricing energy and risk, since they are

wedded to fossilized sectors and oil prices. For such reasons, as well as the corruption scandals over

Petrobras, Brazil is oversold since its natural resources and human capital are still unpriced. In fact,

Brazil’s scandals are intertwined with global corruption and US banks which inflated Petrobras’ debt

61 Khosla, A. “Worlds to Dream About”. Tällberg Forum, 2009.

62 “Press freedom in east Africa: Pencil blunted”. The Economist, March 26, 2016.

63 “African science: Crucible”. The Economist, March 12, 2016.

64 Poulson, T. “Closing Africa’s energy gap”. RenewableEnergyWorld.com, March 3, 2016.

65 PV Insider South Africa 2016. NewEnergyUpdate, CSP Today, PV Insider, Wind Energy Update, June 8, 2016.

66 “Foreign Investment: Sowing the Seeds of a Farm Boom in Africa”. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 4, 2016; “Briefing African agriculture: A green revolution”. The Economist, March 12, 2016.

67 Figueiredo, R. and Pascal, L. “New Developments in Brazil’s Solar Power Sector.” RenewableEnergyWorld.com, February 18, 2016.

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burden. New York judge Jed Rakoff consolidated all lawsuits against Petrobras and its bankers Citigroup

Global Markets, JP Morgan Securities and Morgan Stanley into one class action.68

New tools beyond conventional economics will now compare the INDC pledges countries made

at COP21 in Paris. The ECIU Comparator Tool is produced by the non-profit Energy and Climate

Intelligence Unit (ECIU) and uses information from the World Bank, the World Resources Institute and will

be regularly updated. 69 Another tool developed by our partner Paris-based HELIO International is the

HELIO Index for Investors (HIFI), which complements our GTS.70 HIFI helps investors in renewable

energy assess which countries have conditions most conducive to develop such projects to shift to low-

carbon economies and prioritize the general welfare of their citizens and environmental quality. Energy

efficiency continues to provide the best returns in the USA, and the American Council for an Energy-

Efficient Economy (ACEEE) sees the market at $100 billion.71 Clean Edge now ranks global companies

which are leading in low-carbon, clean energy, tracking six different indicators to create these rankings.72

Global Management Accounting Principles® promulgated jointly by the CIMA and AICPA promote the

integrated management and reporting model covering social, environmental and governance

performance criteria, and certifying Chartered Global Management Accountants.73 Even Wall Street

traders and bankers are under pressure to report their ethical missteps in a proposed registry by the

Federal Reserve Bank of New York.74 Disclosures like the Panama Papers also illuminate financial

predators such as Wall Street creditors of Argentina’s and Puerto Rico’s debt, with such hedge funds

labelled as “hedgehogs”. Argentina’s new President Mauricio Macri, lauded by Wall Street for repaying

creditors, was named as holding concealed funds in Panama.

Fintech: The Good and Bad News

An ingenious method of monitoring the ethical performance of financial intermediaries is offered

by finance critic Brett Scott, using Blockchain models.75 This and other applications by Silicon Valley

68 Prins, N. “Think Brazil’s scandals have nothing to do with US banks? Guess again”. All the President’s Bankers blog. March 14, 2016.

69 Hower, M. “New Tool Compares Countries’ Low-Carbon Progress and Pledges”. Sustainable Brands Issues in Focus, December 22, 2015.

70 HELIO Index for Investors. Press communique, HELIO International, December 2, 2015.

71 Stickles, B. “Meet the $100 billion market of energy efficiency financing”. ACEEE, February 17, 2016.

72 “Clean Edge Launches Rankings of Corporate Clean Energy Leaders,” Press release, Clean Edge, March 1, 2016.

73 “Global Management Accounting Principles.” Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, October 2014.

74 Katz, I. “This Is Going on Your Record”. Bloomberg Businessweek, pp. 37-38, January 11, 2016.

75 Scott, B. “Blockchain Technology for Reputation Scoring of Financial Actors”. Finance and the Common Good,

September 2015.

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startups, the “unicorns” with sky-high valuations prior to IPO are all part of the disruption of many sectors

of 20th century industrial societies and finance called “fintech”. The good news for sustainability are such

financial platforms that enhance efficiency and transparency and democratize financial transactions.

These are companies we now include in our GTS which are revolutionizing payments, banking, lending,

microfinance, community development and crowdfunding of new models of renewable energy and

efficiency. All were overlooked by incumbent legacy financial firms, now desperately trying to catch up

their models, partner with or acquire these startups. Ethical Markets will be tracking all these more

democratic, transparent and sustainable companies, including those reforming stock markets, such as the

revolutionary electronic platform Investors’ Exchange

(IEX) which invented the electronic “speed bump” slowing

down high-frequency trading (HFT). We reported this in

our UN report and how HFT firms use this kind of “front-

running” of investors’ orders. IEX also innovated more

transparent order types – all of benefit to pension funds,

college endowments, foundations and other institutional

investors, many of which now choose to trade on IEX. The UNPRI counts these as its signatory members

and invited the founder of IEX, Canadian Brad Katsuyama, to address their academic conference at the

London School of Economics, September 2015. Ethical Markets has sent support letters to the SEC

which has been holding up accreditation of IEX due to pressure from opposing competitors, including the

NYSE, Nasdaq, BATS, Citadel and other big players.

This brings us to some of the bad news about fintech, documented in Raw Deal (2016) by Steven

Hill; Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus (2016) by Doug Rushkoff and others. These include the jobs lost

to these disruptive companies which economists surveyed by the World Economic Forum released at

Davos indicate that in four years such companies could destroy more than 7.1 million jobs. While 2

million new jobs can be created, the net loss would still be 5 million 76 (e.g., the some 2 million US drivers

dis-employed by driverless vehicles, and millions of white-collar jobs in legal, medical, educational and

financial professions). Google, General Motors and other auto firms petitioned the US Congress for $3.9

billion of taxpayer subsidies to accelerate adoption of driverless vehicles, while Professor of Mechanical

Engineering Mary Cummings revealed all of the downplayed problems, risks and hype by the auto

industry.77 Thus, GTS will continue sorting out the good and bad news of fintech which banks foresee as

taking some 25% of their current markets. We will be working with the next 2-year phase of the UN

Inquiry, focusing on “Fintech for Sustainability”.

76 Hayes, A. “Economists Say 7M Jobs Lost to Computers by 2020”. Investopedia, January 19, 2016.

77 Cummings, M. and Ryan, J. “Who Is In Charge?” TR News, May-June 2014; Cummings, M. “Hands Off: The

Future of Self-Driving Cars”. Testimony before Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, March 15, 2016.

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Action Plan for Decarbonization

The G-20, presided over by China for 2016 has set an ambitious calendar through October with

multiple meetings on Green Finance, Climate Finance, Energy Sustainability and the International

Financial Architecture reforms.78 China’s solar and wind capacity soared in 2015 by 74% and 34% over

2014, while coal use dropped by 3.7% and imports down by 30%.79 Clearly, 2016 will see acceleration of

all the reforms needed if CO2 is to stay within the official “carbon budget” to keep global warming within

the 2 °C limit. However, there is no time to lose and action plans are laid out to deliver on the

Decarbonization Roadmaps of COP21, such as the joint conference in London convened by BIS, Forum

for the Future and other groups, March 7, 2016.80 As we have reported, the official “carbon budget” used

at COP21 is questioned by scientists who think it is overstated. Some say this “carbon budget” is only half

as big as thought, while others believe that due to unacknowledged long feedback loops, that the world is

already facing a “carbon deficit”.81 The “De-carbonize Green Paper, released by a group of financial

firms, provides a roadmap for institutional investors.82 Beyond capping CO2 emissions, efforts to curb

soot and particulates, particularly in cities, pay big benefits in avoided healthcare costs. Also, ultra-small

particles known as aerosols are receiving more attention.83

All this focuses on possible ways to limit global warming to 1.5 °C. Many proposals to sequester

carbon from coal-fired power plants, which we reported in GTS, are too expensive and cut energy

efficiency by up to 40%.84 The best way to sequester carbon is in properly-managed land use and

forestry practices as we have reported. Now efforts to capture CO2 directly from the air are proposed in

various projects to accelerate vegetable growth in greenhouses, produce cement and jewelry85 and to

inject into exhausted oil and shale deposits. Most of these schemes, including chemically absorbing CO2

from the air are costly.86 New interest is emerging in 35 year old schemes to collect solar energy from

satellites and beam electricity to Earth. Previous assessments make these projects doubtful.87 Other

78 G20 2016 China, G20.org, http://tinyurl.com/h9gvbwp

79 “Winds of Change.” New Scientist, p. 7, March 5, 2016.

80 “Joint Actions to Deliver the 2050 Decarbonisation Roadmaps,” conference briefing pack, Shaping the Future, BIS, London, March 7, 2016.

81 “Carbon budget is only half as big as thought”. Eco-Business, February 26, 2016.

82 “Decarbonise/Re-energise 2016 Green Paper”. Responsible-Investor.com, March 2016.

83 Ramanthan, V., Seddon, J. and Victor, D. “The Next Front on Climate Change”. Foreign Affairs, pp.135-142, March/April 2016.

84 Biello, D. “Cheap Oil Undermines Climate Cleanup”. Scientific American, March 2016.

85 Budds, D. “This Tower Gobbles Up Air Pollution, Turns It Into Jewelry”. Fast Company, July 30, 2015.

86 Pearce, F. “Hello, cool world”. New Scientist, February 20, 2016.

87 Marks, P. “Star power”. New Scientist, February 13, 2016.

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projects include the pilot plant at the University of Newcastle, Sydney, to bind CO2 into concrete.88

Shifting some agriculture from fresh-water plants (glycophytes) which make up most of human food

supplies to salt-loving plants (halophytes) including algae-based fuel from seawater, would use four

currently wasted resources: 10,000 varieties of these halophytes for food, fiber and fuel; some 40% of

desert and scrubland; 97% of the planet’s water which is salty; and abundant free photons from our Sun

(see GTS’s Plenty of Water).

Climate Deniers at Bay

Meanwhile, in the USA, the many climate deniers in Congress and fossil-dependent states are

still fighting a rearguard action. The corporate-friendly US Supreme Court blocked the Environmental

Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan – putting it on hold, despite much support from US companies and

ASBC. Clean energy powered states fought back, and the ACEEE created a SUPR2 calculator,

providing policy makers and stakeholders with an estimate of some of the costs and benefits of different

policies and technologies that could help all states meet air quality goals.89 Oregon’s Senate passed a

bill to abandon coal power by 2030. Coal’s decline continued on April 13, 2016, with the bankruptcy of

Peabody Coal so as to restructure its $10.1 billion of debt, which includes the $4 billion it paid to acquire

MacArthur Coal, LTD, of Queensland.90 This Australian government has approved of the coal mine

adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef planned by India’s Adani company.91 The “divest-invest” movement

has now persuaded over 60 cities and 500 organizations to divest from fossil fuels.92 In the UK, the

electricity sector came around to the transition management challenge, offering Pathways to 2030 for its

80 power supplying company members.93 The International Hydropower Association reports total

installed hydro capacity reached 1,211 GW in 2015 and 33GW of new hydro was commissioned.94

We reported on storage and batteries in the GTS 2015 report and pointed to new sources and

technologies beyond the over-reliance on lithium. We predicted that markets targeting lithium were over-

shooting and would lead to the price spikes that have occurred since. The use of chemical storage of

88 Schiffman, R. “Emissions reveal a constructive side”. NewScientist, April 2, 2016.

89 Kubes, C., Hayes, S. and Kelly, M. “State and Utility Pollution Reduction Calculator Version 2 (SUPR 2)”. Research Report E1601, ACEEE, January 19, 2016.

90 Kary, T. “Coal Slump Sends Mining Giant Peabody Energy Into Bankruptcy”. Bloomberg.com, April 13, 2016.

91 “Greenlight for giant mine”. NewScientist, April 9, 2016.

92 Koch, W. “World’s Cities Join Growing Push to Divest From Fossil Fuels”. National Geographic, December 2, 2015. http://tinyurl.com/h7cmecp

93 Pathways for the GB Electricity Sector to 2030. Energy UK, February 2016.

94 Ingram, E. “IHA says 33 GW of new hydropower commissioned in 2015”. Hydroworld.com, March 1, 2016.

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energy in transparent polymer film is a new material developed by MIT researchers.95 Internet devices

can be powered by Wi-Fi by repurposing radio signals.96 More efficient solar devices can combine silicon

with perovskites.97 The expansion of solar EV chargers is extending the range of electric vehicles along

with increasing use of inductive charging through the air and via braking systems, as reported by Envision

Solar.98 Large capacity storage batteries are available, for example from Mitsubishi Electric

Corporation.99 As national electrical grids become targets of cyberattack as reported by Ted Koppel in

Lights Out: A Cyberattack (2015), distributed renewable energy systems become more attractive vis a vis

national security concerns. Rural electric cooperatives, like the 900 serving small communities in the

USA, have operated for over 80 years but 75% of them are trapped in long-term coal contracts which are

now slowly shifting to renewables.100

Carbon Tracker’s latest report sees oil

becoming another stranded asset with oil majors

Chevron and Exxon-Mobil seen as particularly

vulnerable.101 Investors in Exxon-Mobil asked

the SEC to deny the company’s request to block

their shareholder proposal for information on

how the company will weather the COP21 global

agreement to rein in climate change.102 Under

COP21 and the SDGs, commitments will require

some $10 trillion in annual capital investments

from public and private sources. Much of this

will come from green bonds as we reported in

the GTS 2014 report. The symposium Global

and National Perspectives on Implementation of

SDGs in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February

2016, addressed the global paradigm shifts

95 Chandler, D. “A ‘Battery’ for Solar Heat”. MIT News, March/April 2016.

96 Harris, M. “Power from the Air”. MIT Technology Review, vol. 119, no. 2, 2016.

97 Orcutt, M. “A Boost for Solar”. MIT Technology Review, vol. 119, no. 2, 2016.

98 For full disclosure: Ethical Markets principal Hazel Henderson is a shareholder of Envision Solar.

99 “NAS - Making Renewables More Renewable”. Advertisement, NGK Insulators, LTD. The Economist, March 26,


100 Farrell, J. “Re-Membering the Cooperative Way”. ILSR Energy Democracy Initiative, March 2016.

101 Why Chevron Needs to Stress-Test the Business at Two-Degrees. Carbon Tracker, March 2016; McKibben, B. “Exxon’s Never Ending Big Dig: Flooding the Earth with Fossil Fuels”. TruthOut, February 18, 2016.

102 “Church Commissioners Among Investors Challenging ExxonMobil’s Attempt to Silence Climate Change Questions”. News release. Church Commissioners for England, February 24, 2016.

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occurring. These 17 Goals require systemic integrated approaches and the “circular economy” model

(internalizing all social and environmental costs), i.e., ending the use and terminology of “externalities”.

Educating politicians on these new scientific models was emphasized.103 Similarly, the 2016 International

Summit on Finance Leadership and New Approaches to Sustainable Growth embodied this integrated

approach to finance and accounting.104

Groups with “sustainability” agendas

and terminology are exploding as we report

in Life Systems. Groups including the term

“ethics” in their names publish rankings of

corporate ethical, social and environmental

performance, including Ethical Corporation

and Ethisphere, with its 2016 list of the

World’s Most Ethical Companies®, with 131

companies in 21 countries and 45 industries.

This global ethical auditing industry covers a

wide range of criteria ranging from strict

standards and definitions to those self-

congratulatory such as Fortune’s World’s

Most Admired Companies or outright

greenwashing.105 Our EthicMark® Awards

for Advertising sets the highest bar for this

$500 billion global industry (see our 10th

Annual Awardees’ campaigns at www.ethicmark.org). Active engagement by concerned shareholders

who attend company annual meetings and vote their proxies has driven many reforms, forcing companies

to fully account for their social and environmental harm – rather than hiding behind “externalities” omitted

from their balance sheets.106

Global Finance at Bay

The focus is also moving to challenge the global financial system which drives global business

activity worldwide. Corporations are now “puppets of finance” pushed into short-term thinking to please

103 “Briefing Note on SDSN Symposium and Workshop”. IISD Reporting Services, March 4, 2016. http://tinyurl.com/jpas3z6

104 2016 International Summit: Finance Leadership: New Approaches to Sustainable Growth. Accounting for Sustainability and CIMA. March 10, 2016.

105 “The World’s Most Admired Companies.” Fortune, February 2016.

106 Smith, T. “Impact Through Shareholder Engagement”. Journal of Environmental Investing, vol. 7, no. 1, 2016.

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stock analysts and their focus on quarterly reports and fossilized asset allocation models still mispricing

risk.107 The power of global financial networking and their interconnectedness was a cause of the 2008

financial crisis and the danger to Main Street of banks becoming too big to fail and their costly bailouts in

the USA and Europe by taxpayers. The US Treasury announced on April 13, 2016, that five US banks,

JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon and State Street had failed

their “living will” plans and now have until October 2016 to revise them.108 The UN Inquiry: Design of a

Sustainable Financial System is one of the few direct challenges to conventional financial models and the

enormous costs their “externalities” impose on societies, including exacerbating inequality and capturing

regulators and political power in many countries. Stock markets are dominated by computers and

algorithmic trading at blinding speeds, these cause “flash crashes” and daily volatility as we reported to

the UN Inquiry in our paper “Perspectives on Reforming Electronic Markets and Trading,” part of the bad

news of fintech. The speedups caused by digitization also increase vulnerability of all electronic systems

and devices as reported on 60 Minutes, April 17, 2016. Thus security can be achieved by retaining old-

fashioned mechanical systems.109 Meanwhile, humans are more efficient, as attributed to NASA in a

1965 report: “Man is the lowest-cost, 150 pound, non-linear, all-purpose computer system which can be

mass-produced by unskilled labor”.110

Thus, in spite of the progress in reforming accounting, business and finance obsolete economic

models are still taught in many business schools (see “How Adam Smith and Charles Darwin Got

Hijacked”, Ethical Markets TV). The dysfunctional language of “externalities” still blinds politicians,

citizens, taxpayers and consumers about the true costs they pay. Many unsustainable industrial

activities, products and services based on polluting technologies and energy sources are still not

accounted for in company balance sheets or national accounts. Media reporting of business and finance

perpetuates the myths of “externalities”. For example, we are still told that coal is “cheaper” than clean

energy sources and that industrial agriculture produces “cheaper” food than organic farms. Media editors

rarely question macro-indicators like GDP – assuming that GDP-growth is an unalloyed good and the

measure of national progress. Conventional thinking pervades societies, and new paradigms have

required decades to change obsolete theories and practices. As Thomas Kuhn, author of The Structure

of Scientific Revolutions (1962), responded to a question of when his “new paradigm” would be accepted,

Kuhn answered, “one funeral at a time”.111

107 Henderson, H. “Fossilized Asset Allocation Still Mis-Pricing Energy and Risk”. SeekingAlpha.com, January 22, 2015.

108 Hamilton, J. “Five Big Banks' Living Wills Are Rejected by U.S. Regulators”. Bloomberg.com, April 13, 2016.

109 Sax, D. “State-of-the-Art Safeguards”. Bloomberg Businessweek, March 14, 2016.

110 Brynjolfsson, E. “Will Humans Go the Way of the Horses?” Foreign Affairs, July-August 2015.

111 Personal communication, Princeton, NJ, 1962.

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Meanwhile, prior to the Panama Papers, the power of international banks and finance has been

examined by many scholars, including Nicholas Shaxon in Treasure Islands (2011); John Kay in Other

People’s Money (2015); John Perkins in New Confessions of an Economic Hitman (2016); and Adair

Turner in Between Debt and the Devil (2015). Brazilian economist Ladislau Dowbor summarizes these

issues of financial scale and global interconnected networks in “Corporate Governance: the chaotic power

of financial giants”.112 Dowbor has studied the extractive activities of US and European banks in Brazil

and their usurious interest rates for extended payments on consumer goods. Dowbor collates much

research on this global financial system, identifying 147 groups (75% of them banks) which control 40%

of this system, while 16 groups control most of the planet’s commodities.113 These interconnected

networks now dominate nation states and their politics and are studied by Robin Lumsdaine as these

levels of complexity are as crucial as size in identifying “systemically important financial institutions”

(SIFIs) as required by the Dodd-Frank Law in 2010.114 Central bankers “quantitative easing” (printing

money) becomes ever less effective, and negative interest rates punish savers. Monetary reform

activists, NGOs and politicians now ask “Why not QE for people?” or “for solving climate change?”115

Why not indeed! (see our TV special “The Money Fix”). This deeper dive into the politics of money-

creation and credit-allocation, as well as structure of global finance and its myriad subsidies to favored

companies and sectors, explains why the global transition to cleaner, green, inclusive economies has

been lagging for 30 years. Sustainable societies now clarified in the UN’s 17 SDGs also have been

stalled for decades in many countries, including the USA as I described in “The Politics of the Solar Age


At last, after the historic agreements by 195 countries on the UNs 17 SDGs and the COP21

climate agreements of 2015, the model of GDP-measured economic growth is giving way to the new

integrated model of sustainable, inclusive human development. As the textbooks and courses are

updated, the irresponsible accounting allowed under the “externalities” rubric is becoming obsolete, and

full-spectrum accounting and integrated thinking and reporting are becoming the new norm. Tracking and

projecting all these changes is the purpose of our GTS.

112 Dowbor, L. “Corporate Governance: the chaotic power of financial giants.” Ethical Markets Review, March 2016.

113 Ibid.

114 Lumsdaine, R., Rockmore, D., Foti, N., Leion, G and Farmer, J. “The Intrafirm Complexity of Systemically Important Financial Institutions”. Social Science Research Network, May 9, 2015.

115 Kroll, M. “We print money to bail out banks. Why can’t we do it to solve climate change?” The Guardian, January

30, 2016.

116 Henderson, H. Cadmus 2015, op. cit.

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Sectors Covered

The Green Transition Scoreboard® (GTS) tracks private investments growing the green economy

worldwide since 2007, totaling in Q4 of 2015 $7,130,000,000. The Green Transition Scoreboard® tracks

five sectors: Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Life Systems, Green Construction and Corporate

Green R&D.

Governments and investors at all

levels are turning their focus to growing

greener economies as evidenced by the

explosive increase in green bonds

worldwide reported in August 2014’s

GTS report, “Green Bonds Growing

Green Infrastructure.” At the institutional

level, we have long recommended

investing at least 10% of institutional

portfolios directly in companies driving

the global Green Transition, thus updating strategic asset allocation models – both as opportunities and

as risk mitigation. Examples seen in 2015 include Norway which holds the world’s largest sovereign

wealth fund and CalPERS and CalSTRS, two of the world’s largest pension funds held in California.117

These government mandated shifts from fossilized sectors happened in part from concern for the

environment and in part to mitigate holding stranded assets which will increase as low-carbon regulations

are implemented. Now Saudi oil giant Aramco is making this shift, as described in the Overview.

Investments also serve as risk mitigation due to oil, coal and gas markets’ volatility sensitive to politics,

wars and dated infrastructure.

This growing consensus validates models indicating that investing $1 trillion annually until 2020

can scale and reduce costs of wind, solar and other renewables, energy and material efficiency, green

construction; can increase corporate green R&D, sustainable land-use, smart infrastructure, transport and

urban re-design globally. Ceres Clean Trillion campaign118 aligns with a strategy recognized in the 2012

117 Carrington, D. and Howard, E. “Institutions worth $2.6 trillion have now pulled investments out of fossil fuels”. The Guardian, September 22, 2015.

118 Clean Trillion: Closing the Clean Energy Investment Gap. Ceres. Accessed on April 18, 2016, http://tinyurl.com/mf3bnt5

Sector Amount US$

Renewable Energy 3,167,439,374,995$

Energy Efficiency 1,698,230,838,007$

Life Systems 1,030,740,404,335$

Green Construction 745,227,254,757$

Corporate Green R&D 488,883,488,787$

Grand Total 7,130,521,360,881$

Ethical Markets Media © 2016

2016 Sector Totals

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report by Mercer which suggests 40% of portfolios should be in Green Transition sectors.119 While the

GTS tracks highly targeted sectors within the green economy, there is more than $21.4 trillion of assets

under management incorporating environmental, social and governance factors in investment selection,

representing 30.2% of the professionally managed assets in Asia, Australasia, Canada, Europe and the

United States.120

What's Included

Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Life Systems, Green Construction and Corporate Green

R&D represent broad areas of green technologies, covering substantial capital investment in technologies

which Hazel Henderson's years of research as a science advisor and which the Ethical Markets Advisory

Board expertise indicate are continuing to contribute to a sustainable future.

The sectors evolve as

the Green Transition takes hold.

Last year the GTS added the Life

Systems sector. The system-

wide transition toward efficiency,

information and digitization can

best be viewed through a Life

Systems lens as detailed in the

2015 GTS Report “Breakdowns

Driving Breakthroughs”,

highlighting the interconnections

between energy, water, food, education, health and quality of life.121

Companies, organizations and the sources of financial data are screened by social, environment

and ethical auditing standards. Accounting organizations IIRC, SASB, ICAEW, Tomorrow’s Company,

Long Finance, CIMA Global and others are applying sustainability auditing standards making it easier to

value these more comprehensive and rigorous screens. Increasingly, we are finding companies which

aspire to the even more demanding metrics of the Principles of Ethical Biomimicry Finance®. Data can

be found in indexes such as Calvert, Domini and Pax World, the PowerShares Cleantech Portfolio, MSCI,

119 "Through the Looking Glass: how investors are applying the results of the climate change scenario study". Mercer, LLC, New York, 2012.

120 2014 Global Sustainable Investment Review, Global Sustainable Investment Alliance, February 2015.

121 Henderson, H., Sanquiche, R. and Nash, T. “Breakdowns Driving Breakthroughs : 2015 Green Transition Scoreboard® Report”, Ethical Markets Media, April 2015.

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Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes, London's FTSE4GOOD, NASDAQ OMX Green Economy Global

Benchmark Index, ASPI Eurozone, as well as the many newsletters from around the world posted daily at

www.ethicalmarkets.com. Data sources include Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, Reuters and many UN and

other international studies, reports such as the Roen Financial Report, Sonen Capital and other asset

managers and companies listed free in our public service Ethical Money Directory, and findings from

CSRHub and StockSmart, as well as individual company reports.

What’s Omitted

International investments in the GTS tally are reported in US dollars, based on conversions from

XE.com on March 26, 2016. Because the GTS focuses on private sector investments, government

funded projects and initiatives are heavily discounted. Despite a common misperception, sustainable

technologies can stand alone, without government subsidies. Fossil-fuel consumption subsidies

worldwide are four times greater than subsidies to renewables.122 Renewable energy and efficiency are

competitive even in this hostile environment. The GTS purposefully discounts government investments so

as to bypass the continuing political debate over the allocation of subsidies. Even limiting government

funding, the GTS still exceeds $7.1 trillion, showing that green technologies are competitive in today’s

market and that renewables specifically are already cheaper than nuclear power,123 as well as coal and oil

when their external costs are included.

Our definition of 'green' is quite strict, omitting clearly unsustainable sectors as well as certain

technologies having unsubstantiated claims, negative EROI or unexplored or untested consequences.

For example, nuclear energy is not a sustainable option when EROI from mining, construction, uranium

enrichment, processing, transportation, waste disposal and decommissioning costs are taken into

account. Nuclear has enormous taxpayer subsidies. In the US, loans to nuclear power are secured by

the Price-Anderson insurance provision of government underwriting because the insurance market

cannot internalize the risk.124

Several emerging technologies have been purposefully omitted either because of controversy or lack

of consensus that they will make a long-term contribution to sustainability.

Most proposals for “geoengineering” are speculative with unknown consequences perhaps more

dire than the problem they aim to resolve.

122 World Energy Outlook: Energy Subsidies, International Energy Agency, accessed April 2015.

123 Blackburn, J. "Solar and Nuclear Costs – the Historic Crossover". NC WARN, July 2010.

124 "Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act". Title 42 U.S. Code, Ch. 23.A.XIII (2006).

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Recognizing its potential and obstacles, the European Commission is investing in

nanotechnology with research, financing of responsible innovation and upgrading of the

regulatory framework to render it capable of addressing new challenges.125

3-D printing has enormous potential, however its use to manufacture destructive products such

as weapons and drones and the toxicity of its many chemical components require prudent

observation and inclusion only on a case by case basis.

The internet of things (IoT) is widely lauded for increasing efficiency but security, privacy and

future repercussions are still to be seen. For example, already Aetna is using sleep monitoring to

“reward” its employees.126

Similarly, we exclude genetic engineering and artificial life-forms.

We omit so-called clean coal, still unproven, given coal carbon sequestration (CCS) reduces the

efficiency of coal-fired plants by as much as 30%-40%.127 Despite major government subsidies, in the US

there are only seven demonstration projects and no operational large-scale CCS projects out of 1300

coal-fired power plants.128 As mentioned in the 2014 GTS report, efforts to set fire to underground coal

deposits to capture their methane are even more preposterous.129 In addition, carbon is only one

pollutant from coal, along with many other emissions including mercury and particulates damaging to

health and the environment. We recommend pollution taxes (including on carbon emissions) as the most

efficient way to curb such external costs to society.130

Biofuels are limited in the overall GTS tally even though their use worldwide is growing. While local

use of biomass recycled sustainably on small farms and other traditional uses in developing countries will

continue, too much is invested in industrial-scale facilities and exporting, as well as in genetically modified

microbes to produce fuels – dubious propositions for long-term sustainability. Biofuel crops require water

and land better suited for range or agriculture food production. The future of transport is more likely to be

electrically powered as super capacitors which store electricity differently from batteries are used in

electric and hybrid cars to store braking energy.131 As noted in Life Systems sector, exceptions are made

for biofuels from algae or halophyte plants grown on seawater.

125 Dawson, K. “Nanomaterials' functionality”. Thematic Issues, European Commission Science for Environment Policy, February 2015.

126 Anderson, L.V. “Aetna Is Paying Its Employees to Sleep More. Is That Really a Good Idea?” Slate.com, April 11, 2016.

127 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL). Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage RD&D Roadmap, DOE/NETL 2010.

128 Carbon Capture and Sequestration Technologies Program at MIT, sequestration.mit.edu.

129 Pearce, Fred. “Beyond Fracking”. NewScientist, February 15, 2014.

130 Brodwin, D. “A Carbon Tax Everyone Can Love”. American Sustainable Business Council, September 1, 2014.

131 “Exploring Super Capacitors to Improve Their Structure,” www.sciencedaily.com, Feb. 18, 2013.

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Renewable Energy

Investments in Renewable Energy include private technology development, equipment

manufacturing, project finance and M&A activity. The sector is divided into current investments by year of

funding and future commitments. Many of the current investment numbers are based on global trends

reported by Bloomberg New Energy Finance under contract with UNEP132 as well as other international

studies. This is the largest sector in

this report which from 2007 to 2015

reached $3.16 trillion in investments

and commitments.

Commitment numbers have

been compiled project by project

from daily monitoring by Hazel

Henderson, online research and

other sources, posted at

www.ethicalmarkets.com on our

Green Prosperity, Energy Efficiency, GreenTech, SRI News, Trendspotting and Earth Systems Science

pages. Future commitments include those from US banks such as Bank of America, Goldman Sachs,

CitiGroup and Wells Fargo and includes Apple’s new $1.5 billion green bond, minor compared to Tesla,

Siemens, IKEA, Samsung and other retailers’ commitments which received far less fanfare.

Coal India expects to save 30% on fuel from the 1,000 megawatts of combined solar capacity.133

India is working toward its goals in part using green bonds with Yes Bank offering a bond for INR 500

Crores ($80m).134 These moves support Pegasus Capital Partners belief that utilities will benefit

substantially from wind and solar development.135

132 McCrone, A., Usher, E., Sonntag-O'Brien, V., Moslener, U., Andreas, J. and Grüning. C. "Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2011", United Nations Environment Programme, Frankfurt School UNEP Collaborating Center and Bloomberg, 2011.

133 Rakshit, A. “Coal India's 1,000-MW solar project may help it save 30% power costs”. Business Standard, February 20, 2016.

134 Kidney, S. “Yes Bank going for India’s first green bond / India’s amazing renewables buzz”. Climate Bonds Initiative, February 19, 2015.

135 “State of Green Business 2015.” Op. cit.

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The commitments line item is adjusted regularly as projects move from concept to implementation

or are removed from consideration. The $542 billion Desertec (Dii) project (a Club of Rome initiative to

provide 15% of energy needs to the European Union from the Sahara) is a good example of this process.

The Desertec Foundation persists as do a few ongoing projects started before the investment arm Dii

went from 50 participating companies and organizations to 3 in late 2014. Some of its projects continue,

providing energy locally, in Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria.

Renewables are challenging fossil fuels from unexpected places. The US Navy Secretary Ray

Mabus cites supply chain concerns as it transitions from fossil fuels and is taking the bold step of

requiring vendors to report carbon emissions and to set lower targets.136 Coal faces encroachment from

natural gas, hydroelectric, solar PV, onshore wind, biofuels and geothermal which, together with other

renewables, provide 20% of global power generation and are predicted to provide 25%, according to the

International Energy Agency, by 2018.137 Massive shifts from coal to locally produced natural gas by US

utilities are risky given lower oil costs and price spikes due to lack of pipelines and water shortages from

fracking.138 New geothermal technology designs address intermittency, normally managed with coal or

gas, providing flexibility in delivering energy to the grid without imposing significant cost.139 New

transmission lines for direct current (DC) are more efficient for renewable electricity than AC lines. Micro-

grids and “islanding” of electricity generation are upending utility business models.140

Other challenges to fossil fuels: finance, manufacturing and functionality flaws as acknowledged

by the corporate world.141 Walmart, Procter & Gamble, Google, Facebook, General Motors, Dow

Chemical, have all signed fixed-priced contracts.142 Goldman Sachs cautions that coal mining and

infrastructure “projects will struggle to earn a positive return,” based on environmental regulations

discouraging coal-fired generation, energy efficiency improvements and strong competition from gas and

renewables, for example, recognizing onshore wind power as a mature technology.143 Existing nuclear

infrastructure is losing capacity because many nuclear reactors face “economic abandonment.”144

136 Knickmeyer, E. “Navy to require climate change reporting from vendors”. Associated Press, April 12, 2016.

137 “Renewable Energy 2013: Market Trends and Projections to 2018,” International Energy Agency, 2013.

138 Deyette, J., et al. The Natural Gas Gamble, Union of Concerned Scientists, March 2015.

139 Trabish, Herman. “California Grid Operator Asks Geothermal to Help ‘Feed the Duck,’” GreenTechMedia, June 28, 2013.

140 Rader, B. “The Finance Industry on DERs: Solar and Batteries are Coming,” RMI Outlet, Aril 14, 2015.

141 Sanquiche, R. “Renewable Energy: Profiting from Fossil Fuel Woes”. CSRWire, October 18, 2013.

142 Brady, D. “Why companies like Google and Walmart are buying so much wind power”. Washington Post, April 12, 2016.

143 “Window for thermal coal investment is closing”. Rocks & Ores, Goldman Sachs, July 24, 2013.

144 Cooper, M. “Renaissance in Reverse: Competition Pushes Aging US Nuclear Reactors to the Brink of Economic Abandonment”. Institute for Energy and the Environment, Vermont Law School, July 18, 2013.

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Reactors in two major US cities, Syracuse and Boston, will close within the decade because, even with

their subsidies, it costs more to operate the plants than the revenue they generate.145

Subsidies to fossil-fuel generated energy continue as an obstacle. The IMF estimates petroleum,

coal and gas receives $1.9 trillion worldwide through direct subsidies, consumer rebates and avoided

taxes on pollution.146 Yet the IMF agrees that reducing subsidies “can lead to a more efficient allocation

of resources, which will help spur higher economic growth over the longer term,” as per David Lipton of

the IMF.147 The tremendous waste of capital to fossil-fuel subsidies will continue until energy efficiency

and exergy are included in economic models (see GTS 2014 report). Pollution taxes, including on

carbon, need to take hold. External costs need to be fully reflected in financial models, corporate balance

sheets and national accounts. Egypt has reduced its deficit by making deep cuts to fuel subsidies.148

India has moved from subsidizing oil to taxing it, taking advantage of low oil prices.149 Reducing fuel

subsidies is also part of China’s Greening Financial System plan.150

Inclusion of biofuels is limited because production competes with food production and because

studies, such as that from Cornell and Berkeley, show that biofuels have a negative EROI.151 The US

Navy has proudly launched its “Great Green Fleet”, running on biofuels, however it’s based on beef tallow

that must be subsidized to be competitive. As an exception, we include biofuels grown from algae on

saltwater, as in the Boeing-Masdar project which yields better quality fuel for aircraft than petroleum

distillates (see 2014 GTS report).152

As a rule, Corporate R&D is omitted here and reported in Corporate Green R&D to avoid double-

counting.153 Government R&D is discounted in our practice of limiting public investments as part of the


145 Wernick, A. “Nuclear reactor closings in the US continue to roil the energy industry”. PRI, November 22, 2015.

146 Clements, B., et. al. “Energy Subsidy Reform: Lessons and Implications”. IMF, January 28, 2013.

147 Lipton, D. “Energy Subsidy Reform: The Way Forward”. International Monetary Fund, March 27, 2013.

148 Raval, A. “Egypt reduces budget deficit with cuts to fuel subsidies”. Financial Times, November 9, 2015.

149 Cunningham, N. “Low Oil Prices Enable India To Abolish Subsidies And Start Taxing Fuels”. Oilprice.com, July 29, 2015.

150 Henderson, H. “China: The Emerging Green Giant”. CSRWire, April 3, 2015.

151 Pimentel, D. and Patzek, T. "Ethanol Production Using Corn, Switchgrass and Wood; Biodiesel Production Using Soybean and Sunflower". Natural Resources Research, vol. 14, no. 1, March 2005.

152 “Exclusive report – Boeing reveals ‘the biggest breakthrough in biofuels ever’.” www.energypost.eu, February 8, 2014.

153 Note: the Renewable Energy tallies for 2010, 2011 and Commitments (Appendix 1) are aggregates from industry and company press releases, limiting our ability to remove all Corporate R&D.

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Energy Efficiency

Investments in Energy Efficiency include

conservation efforts and initiatives and products

focused on lowering energy needs or using less

energy than a comparable product, reaching

$1.69 trillion in 2015.

The definition of energy efficiency is in flux.

Energy efficiency broadly counts: heat, power, waste

to energy; improvements in construction materials

such as windows, insulation and lighting; hybrid

vehicles and charging stations; waste management,

smart grid and supply chain efficiencies. The ripple

effect of energy efficiency includes: energy savings,

jobs creation, increased productivity, improved product

quality, improved system reliability and optimizing manufacturing processes.154

Energy efficiency metrics must include exergy efficiency, energy which could have been

converted into work but was wasted instead. We use the overall exergy model of system-wide efficiency

developed by our Advisory Board member Dr. John “Skip” Laitner.155 The ACEEE estimates $80 billion of

the $156 billion dollars’ worth of energy used in production in 2013 was lost through inefficient

conversion.156 For example, using combustion to heat releases far more energy than is used – exergy


Smart grid technologies, anything used on the grid that enhances use of renewable energy,

largely electrical components and equipment, are included in Energy Efficiency. Researchers have been

careful when including Smart Grid investments. Too often, companies use those costs to increase rates

rather than provide the promised lower costs to customers based on improved efficiency, touting instead

154 Russell, C. Multiple Benefits of Business-Sector Energy Efficiency: A Survey of Existing and Potential Measures, ACEE, January 7, 2015.

155 Laitner, J. “Linking Efficiency to Economic Productivity, Recommendations for Improving the Robustness of the American Economy”. ACEEE, Washington, DC, July 2013.

156 “Evaluating the Market for Industrial Energy Service Outsourcing”. press release, ACEEE, March 19, 2014.

Year Amount US $

2007 85,994,451,247$

2008 94,107,749,303$

2009 103,011,531,368$

2010 112,784,229,050$

2011 148,667,945,000$

2012 228,240,600,000$

2013 233,883,200,000$

2014 262,299,000,000$

2015 270,514,250,000$

Commitments 158,727,882,039$

TOTAL 1,698,230,838,007$

Ethical Markets Media © 2016

2016 Energy Efficiency Investments

and Commitments

Page | 29

power reliability, avoided outages and faster restoration times.157 An advantage of smart grid has been to

help emerging markets leapfrog technology for energy infrastructure.158

This sector also includes investments in batteries for electric vehicles and charging infrastructure,

new storage technologies such as passive green off-grid buildings and super capacitors. The 2013 GTS

report covered many of these innovations in energy storage.159 Morgan Stanley predicts falling costs of

batteries presents a tipping point encouraging households, vehicles and businesses to go off grid and off

the pump.160 This interest has driven up tremendously the use and hence the cost of lithium, as we

predicted this overshoot, and however imperfect and toxic this commodity is.161

Widely considered the lowest hanging fruit for investors, efficiency provides remarkable ROI. The

EU’s efforts toward 20% energy savings by 2020 has already resulted in EU buildings consuming half the

energy used in the 1980s.162 Highlighting strides in production, the share of refrigerators meeting the

highest energy efficiency classes increased from less than 5% in 1995 to more than 90% in 2010.163 The

US Energy Star program has developed a Cash Flow Opportunity calculator to create a sense of urgency

for manufacturers to change their processes and the products offered.164

Supply chain efficiency is recognized as a key component of energy efficiency as noted by

McKinsey & Co. in 2009.165 Companies are realizing the value of providing services specific to meeting

this need such as Johnson Controls which is specifically targeting scaling up its program to help small

and medium-sized enterprises.166 The numbers reported by the GTS are certainly understated as these

smaller company efforts do not meet our $100 million investment accounting threshold.

157 Wong, G. “ComEd files for rate increase to help cover Smart Grid program”. Chicago Tribune, April 14, 2016.

158 Southeast Asia Smart Grid: Market Forecast: 2016-2026. Northeast Group, LLC, March 2016.

159 Henderson, H. “Introduction and Overview: Batteries Super Capacitors and More”. Green Transition Inflection Point: Green Transition Scoreboard® 2013 Report, Ethical Markets Media, February 2013.

160 Parkinson, G. “Morgan Stanley: Tipping point nears for going off grid”. RenewEconomy.com.au, March 26, 2014.

161 Stafford, J. “Tesla And Other Tech Giants Scramble For Lithium As Prices Double”. OilPrice.com, April 12, 2016.

162 Energy Efficiency, European Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency, accessed April 13, 2105.

163 Ibid.

164 US EPA. Calculate returns on energy efficiency investments. http://tinyurl.com/jcg3qwh

165 Meyer, T. “Increasing the energy efficiency of supply chains”. McKinsey Quarterly, August 2009.

166 “Johnson Controls teams up to scale energy efficiency in corporate supply chains”. Press release, ACEEE, June 11, 2015.

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Life Systems

Technologies other than renewable energy and efficiency enhance quality of life, protect nature,

provide for education, healthcare and food, protect and enhance ecosystem services. A system-wide

transition toward efficiency, information and digitization can best be viewed through a Life Systems lens.

Infrastructure from past eras no longer fit for purpose require redesign of urban infrastructure whether it

be transit, healthcare, food and water delivery, education and information systems.

The Green Transition Scoreboard® collects investments in these areas under Life Systems.

When we started tracking for 2014, Water, Community Investment, E-Learning, VC/PE/M&A, Land &

Water Remediation and Waste & Recycling reached threshold minimums for inclusion in the GTS, totaling

$876 billion in investments since 2007. For 2015, we have added Fintech VC and Peer-to-Peer Lending,

including crowdfunding of sustainability, as described further in the Overview, reaching the new total of

over $1.03 trillion invested since 2007.

Water, Land & Water Remediation, Waste & Recycling

Water is the most important commodity for life originating on this planet. The GTS totals private

investments in water since 2007 at $728 billion.

Most water infrastructure when working well goes unnoticed for decades. These investments

include pipes, valves, filters, membranes, meters and biological systems. We omit the bottled water

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industry, privatization, large-scale hydroelectric dams. The GTS does count investments by utilities in

water and wastewater systems. Given many utilities are owned and operated by various levels of

government, a 60% discount has been applied. Despite what the GTS omits and the discount applied,

investments in Water are comparable to Green Construction and greater than Corporate Green R&D.

Fresh water accounts for only 3% of water on the planet, and it is unequally distributed. Droughts

cost billions in lost economic activity, with taxpayers often paying to remedy the resource depletion in a

way which falls far short of what healthy ecosystem services can provide, with climatologists warning

there is worse to come.167, 168

As fresh water becomes increasingly scarce,

questions arise as to the use of water in mining and fracking

when fields and livestock are in distress or abandoned.169 A

concern based on the enormous waste in mining, including

water waste and contamination, led to the creation of Ethical

Markets’ initiative the EthicMark® GEMS standard seeking

to shift consumption from mined gems to lab-created gems

from human ingenuity.170 For mining deemed “necessary”,

methods to reduce water use reduce the cost of production

as well.171

In Europe, 44% of fresh water consumption is used

in energy production, mostly to cool thermal and nuclear

power plants. In the US, a comparable 41% of freshwater

used goes to generate electricity, beating out agriculture at

37%.172 Investments in water include infrastructure and

clean drinking water and sanitation. While in 2013 it was

estimated it would take over $384 billion over 20 years to

ensure safe drinking water in the US, resolving the lead

167 “Australia’s Queensland hit by record drought”. BBC News Asia, March 7, 2014.

168 Romm, J. “Leading Scientists Explain How Climate Change is Worsening California’s Drought”. ThinkProgress.org, January 31, 2014.

169 Carroll, R. “Exclusive: California used 70 million gallons of water in fracking in 2014”. Reuters, April 3, 2015.

170 “Scio Diamond receives another patent for lab-grown diamonds”. IP Frontline, February 9, 2016.

171 “Mining: Reducing water usage, reducing costs”. Eco-Business.com, April 3, 2016.

172 Power and Water at Risk. Union of Concerned Scientists, 2012.

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contamination disaster in Flint, Michigan, alone is estimated by Fitch Ratings at $275 billion.173, 174 The

World Water Council and K-Water see “Water and Green Growth” as a new path to sustainability and

opportunities for economic growth.175 Imagine where we would be if the 2004 World Health Organization

recommended annual investment of only $22.6 billion had been implemented to improve water and

sanitation services globally.176

Largely overlooked, saline water constitutes 97% of available supply. As reported in “Plenty of

Water” (GTS 2014), enormous opportunities are under-appreciated in desert-greening and in growing

food, fiber and biofuels from algae on seawater from the 10,000 varieties of halophyte (salt-loving) plants

which are grown in many countries, on desert lands using solar energy. The UAE is pursuing aquaculture

both for biofuel and food security.177 Our TV program “Investing in Desert Greening” reviews the


Land & Water Remediation and Waste & Recycling subsectors are reported individually based

on specific project financing, totaling $66 billion combined. VC, PE, M&A refer to the same subsectors

but reference market transactions. Much of the data comes directly from company reports. Site

remediation in particular is on track to grow to a $40 billion market by the end of 2015, led in large part by

remediation of contaminated land in China and the former Soviet Union.178

Community Investing, E-Learning and Fintech

Community Investing refers to capital specifically directed to traditionally underserved

individuals or communities, totaling $114.6 billion. In 2014, community investing across just the US,

Europe, Asia, Canada and Australia/NZ totaled $109 billion.179 A more in-depth look needs to be taken at

Latin America and Africa. Traditional markets still overlook the millions of cooperative enterprises which

employ more people than all traditional for-profit, commercial companies combined.180

173 Cart, J. “US water infrastructure needs $384-billion upgrade”. Los Angeles Times, June 4, 2013.

174 Dolan, M. “US could face a $300 billion lead pipe overhaul”. Detroit Free Press, March 5, 2016.

175 Water and Green Growth: A New Path to Sustainability, announced at 7th World Water Forum, Daegu, Korea, World Water Council and K-water, April 13, 2015.

176 “Costs and benefits of water and sanitation improvements at the global level”. World Health Organization, 2004.

177 Casey, T. “Aquaculture Meets Biofuel For Food Security In UAE”. CleanTechnica, March 17, 2016.

178 $40 Billion World Site Remediation Annual Market by 2015, news release, The McIlvaine Company,

179 2014 Global Sustainable Investment Review, op. sit. 2015.

180 International Year of Cooperatives 2012, Cooperatives in Social Development, UN DESA-DSPD, accessed at http://social.un.org/coopsyear/, April 16, 2015.

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E-Learning accounts for $66.4 billion in Life Systems. This subsector covers all forms of online

and mobile education from MOOCs (massive open online courses) to education platforms to learning

management systems (LMS) to for-profit institutions. The GTS research focuses on the first three,

avoiding when possible investments in “for-profit” colleges and universities because of the many

controversies over government subsidies, predatory lending, enormous student debt, poor graduation and

employment results. Free MOOCs and other self-directed learning methods are popular despite low

“graduation” or certificate earning rates, instead being self-paced and self-realized, where learners can

absorb what is needed to solve local and personal challenges. Growth in the market is estimated at 7%

per year.181

Fintech as a subsector is described at length in the overview, Fintech: The Good and Bad News.

Fintech, totaling $42.5 billion, facilitates the rise of the digital economy, including community investing and

peer-to-peer lending. Global VC investments in fintech for 2015 reached 860 deals totaling $12.5 billion in


Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending, a subset of fintech, is often overlooked while adding $13.4 billion to

the overall Life Systems total. Much of its investments came first from VC looking to invest in peer-to-

peer enterprises. Investments surfacing in 2007 included online tools for collaboration, for example, the

rise of Airbnb. Etsy was an early entrant to the retail marketplace, now trading on Nasdaq and a Certified

B Corporation. P2P investments share in the e-learning boom with software development which allows

online and mobile collaboration among students and between them and instructors. 183

A current P2P hot topic is financial services which facilitate actual peer-to-peer investing. In 2015,

BlackRock bought £12.7 million worth of shares in UK’s Funding Circle investment trust.184 In spite of

much optimism, a lack of accountability has led to the prediction from Adair Turner, former chair of

London’s Financial Services Authority, that peer-to-peer lending losses “will make the worst bankers look

like lending geniuses”.185 A counter positive, considered a form of green banking, funds transferred via e-

remittances are an important component in local investments.186 The remittance market brings increased

transparency and competitiveness, lowering the costs of sending money in part because of online money

transfers which can easily be done from ones phone.

181 E-Learning Market Trends & Forecast 2014 - 2016 Report, Docebo S.p.A, 2014.

182 “The 2015 Fintech Investment Landscape”. Innovate Finance, February 2016.

183 Jones, D. “Venture Capital Investments in P2P Companies”. P2P Foundation, January 29, 2012.

184 Williams, A. “BlackRock backs P2P with £12.7m investment”. Financial Times, April 15, 2016.

185 Farrell, S. “Former City regulator warns of potential peer-to-peer lending crisis”. The Guardian, February 10, 2016.

186 Bjuggren, P., Dzansi, J. and Shukur, G. “Remittances and Investment”. Department of Economics and Statistics, Jönköping University and Centre for Labour Market Policy, Växjö Universit, Sweden, 2009.

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Future Sub-Sectors

Investments in Life Systems are as wide-ranging as life on earth. Many subsectors other than

those reported by the GTS receive green investment but do not have projects meeting the GTS $100

million reporting threshold.

Agriculture: organics and non-GMO, vertical farming

Forest and farmland remediation: natural methods of carbon sequestration, investing in protecting

land for intrinsic value and to increase values of adjacent lands for development

Aquaculture: fisheries, seaweed for food and feedstock, halophyte farming

Healthcare: waste reduction,187 energy reduction and efficiency,188 quality of life for patients and

healthcare workers 189

Green Construction

From 2007 to 2015 Green Construction reached $745 billion in investments and commitments.

The sector is divided into current investments by year of funding. Since public-sector information is not

reported separately, the total has been discounted to account for government projects.

The GTS does not restrict green construction solely to LEED buildings and other certifications,

wanting to give credit for effort and to recognize new innovations, given that established standards often

experience a lag behind entrepreneurs. For example, the startup Carbon has raised $140 million for 3D

printers which are faster and less-energy intensive than most 3D printers on the market.190

Amounts are calculated using the value of the green construction market, defined as construction

built to LEED standards or that incorporate multiple green building elements, structural materials such as

timber, steel and other metals, concrete, glass, insulation and green rooftops and broad application

187 Howard, J. “10 reasons health care needs sustainability treatments”. GreenBiz.com, February 12, 2014.

188 Bendewald, M. and Tupper, K. “A positive diagnosis: How hospitals are reducing energy consumption“. Rocky Mountain Institute and GreenBiz.com, November 21, 2013.

189 Sutter, K. “How Healthcare Pros Can Build the Business Case for More Sustainable Hospitals”. Sustainable Brands, April 16, 2015.

190 Clark, J. “An Object Rises From the Goop”. Bloomberg Businessweek, April 4, 2016.

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categories of framing, insulation, roofing, exterior siding and interior finishing.191 Figures include

innovations in green roofs, eco-friendly carpets, recycled tiles, VOC-free glues and paints and cement-

making that uses CO2. Projected CARG through 2019 is 12.5%.192

Green construction also

applies to creating greener cities

rather than just greener buildings, for

example, Guangzhou in China and

the long-term symbiosis in

Kalundborg, Denmark, which started

in the 1970s 193 (see visual p. 1).

The GTS only counts green

construction materials, not including

labor, making this the most

conservatively under-reported sector of the GTS as explained in the 2014 GTS Report.194

Aggregate data on green construction for countries other than the USA are a challenge to

compile. To provide country-specific sources on green construction and efficiency not included here,

please contact the GTS research team.

Corporate Green R&D

The data collected for the GTS is the most comprehensive assessment of Corporate Green R&D

available. The GTS research team reviews press releases, sustainability reports, and financial

statements. The team has identified over 190 corporations and organizations responsible for the green

R&D tallied in this report. From 2007 to 2015, Green R&D reached $489 billion in investments and


191 Green Building Materials Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2013 – 2019, Transparency Market Research, January 2014.

192 “Green Building Materials Market to Reach $235bn by 2019”, Environmental Leader, January 12, 2015.

193 Moore, J. “Considering Impacts of Scale: Reflections on Guangzhou, China,” Ecocities Emerging, Ecocity Media, December 2014.

194 Sanquiche, R. “Green Construction,” 2014 Green Transition Scoreboard® Report: “Plenty of Water!”, Ethical Markets Media, p. 25, March 2014.

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The $489 billion likely understates by half actual global Corporate Green R&D, considering how

much goes unreported for competitive reasons. International companies' R&D does not make it into the

media. In most countries, companies are not required to report, and tens of thousands of middle-market

and smaller companies have R&D budgets below the GTS reporting threshold.195

Investing in green R&D shows that a company integrates sustainability into its core strategy. This

data helps identify innovative companies ahead of the curve in responding to heightening environmental

risks and regulations.196 Green R&D serves as a strong indicator to investors, alert to the green transition

to the Solar Age, that a company is both long-term and forward-looking. Green R&D provides a

competitive advantage, preparing companies for market trends reflecting rising energy costs, water

scarcity, demographic changes, and new regulations. 197

Once again, the GTS data shows the automotive industry is the largest investor in green R&D.

The top six have investments ranging from $14 billion to $98 billion. Despite its image woes, Volkswagen

leads, followed by Robert Bosch, an automotive industry supplier, Toyota, BMW, Volvo and Audi. The

sector total of $248.8 billion does not capture the entire global investment. Many automobile companies,

such as GM and Daimler, do not publicly disclose how much of their R&D is directed towards greening

vehicles or production.

195 Note: some companies’ numbers for 2015 have yet to be counted because they have different year-end reporting cycles.

196 See for example, "Through the Looking Glass: how investors are applying the results of the climate change scenario study". Mercer, LLC, New York, 2012; Deutsche Bank, "Sustainable Investing: Establishing Long-Term Value and Performance". DB Climate Change Advisors, June 2012.

197 Shapiro, A. “Make Green R&D a Competitive Advantage”. Harvard Business Review, August 11, 2008.

Page | 37

Energy generation, conservation and distribution account for the next large investment input.

Combining smart grid and smart metering, this subsector accounts for $36.3 billion in R&D. The

combination of solar, wind, biofuel from seawater algae and heat exchange benefits from $17 billion

invested in R&D. The bad news is that there is still plenty invested in oil and gas exploration and

production. The good news is that the 2016 spending outlook for oil and gas forecasts reductions of 15%

globally after a decline of 23% in 2015.198

In keeping with GTS attention to Life Systems, R&D for water is at $12.5 billion, up over $5 billion

in just one year. See Life Systems: Water for trends in water investments.

Again for 2015, battery technology is a hot topic, foreseen by Hazel Henderson in her introduction

to the 2013 GTS report.199 The automotive industry for EVs is pushing battery manufacturing, driving up

the cost of key components such as lithium, mentioned previously. Storage R&D accounts for $10 billion

of the R&D total.

For more depth on Green R&D, see the August 2012 GTS update focused on Corporate R&D.

198 “Barclays: Global E&P budgets to see double-dip in 2016”. Oil and Gas Journal, January 13, 2016.

199 Henderson, H. “Introduction and Overview” op. cit. 2013.

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Appendix 1 - Tallies

Renewable Energy US $

Year Amount US$

2007 $ 170,200,000,000

2008 $ 224,200,000,000

2009 $ 209,500,000,000

2010 $ 267,300,000,000

2011 $ 334,700,000,000

2012 $ 282,100,000,000

2013 $ 281,000,000,000

2014 $ 322,200,000,000

2015 $ 397,000,000,000

Commitments $ 679,239,374,995

TOTAL $ 3,167,439,374,995

Sector Amount US$

Renewable Energy 3,167,439,374,995$

Energy Efficiency 1,698,230,838,007$

Life Systems 1,030,740,404,335$

Green Construction 745,227,254,757$

Corporate Green R&D 488,883,488,787$

Grand Total 7,130,521,360,881$

Ethical Markets Media © 2016

2016 Sector Totals

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Energy Efficiency

Year Amount US $

2007 $85,994,451,247

2008 $94,107,749,303

2009 $103,011,531,368

2010 $112,784,229,050

2011 $148,667,945,000

2012 $228,240,600,000

2013 $233,883,200,000

2014 $262,299,000,000

2015 $270,514,250,000

Commitments $158,727,882,039

TOTAL $1,698,230,838,007

Life Systems

Water $727,691,493,669

Community Investments $114,638,600,000

E-Learning $66,449,826,667

FinTech VC $42,500,040,000

Land & Water Remediation $42,101,660,000

Waste + Recycling $23,943,664,000

Peer-to-Peer Lending $13,415,120,000

TOTAL $1,030,740,404,335

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Green Construction

Year Amount US $

2007 $50,464,262,053

2008 $56,701,418,037

2009 $63,709,458,468

2010 $71,583,661,200

2011 $80,431,080,000

2012 $90,372,000,000

2013 $101,668,500,000

2014 $108,375,000,000

2015 $121,921,875,000

TOTAL $745,227,254,757

Corporate Green R&D

Year Amount

2007 $ 28,584,453,309

2008 $ 29,109,592,219

2009 $ 32,049,053,183

2010 $ 33,414,873,761

2011 $ 46,843,034,537

2012 $ 59,273,472,511

2013 $ 55,283,846,063

2014 $ 57,639,355,119

2015 $ 62,009,785,998

Commitments $ 84,676,022,087

Total $ 488,883,488,787

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Appendix 2 – Positions Held By Principals of Ethical Markets Media

For full disclosure: members of the GTS research team and other principals of Ethical Markets

Media, LLC, are invested in companies supporting the green transition or mentioned in this report, many

of which are privately held, early stage, pre-IPO companies.

As of April 2016

Acuity Brands



Biomimicry 3.8


Domini Social Investment Fund


Equal Exchange




Generate Capital


Green Garmento


Hannon Armstrong

Johnson Control

LightPath Technologies


Natcore Technology

NRG Yield

Pax World Fund

PowerShares Cleantech Portfolio


Solar City



Wells Fargo

Western Union

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Appendix 3 – Research Team

Research and Writing

Hazel Henderson, D.Sc.Hon., FRSA, founder and president of Ethical Markets Media (USA

and Brazil), chair of the Advisory Board, is a futurist, evolutionary economist, author of Mapping the

Global Transition to the Solar Age, of award-winning Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy

and many other books. She founded the EthicMark® Awards for Advertising, created the Green

Transition Scoreboard®, co-developed with Calvert the Ethical Markets Quality of Life Indicators and

with Biomimicry 3.8 developed the Principles of Ethical Biomimicry Finance®. In 2012, she received

the Award for Outstanding Contribution to ESG & Investing at TBLI Europe; was inducted into the

International Society of Sustainability Professionals Hall of Fame in 2013, and in 2014 was again

honored as a "Top 100 Thought Leader in Trustworthy Business Behavior" by Trust Across America.

She is a Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, an Honorary Member of the Club of Rome,

holds many honorary doctorates and is listed in Who’s Who in the World.

Rosalinda Sanquiche, MA, Executive Director of Ethical Markets Media, Director of Ethical

Biomimicry Finance®, Managing Director of the EthicMark®, began her environmental career with the

American Wind Energy Association in Washington, DC, in research and communications. She has

written and is a public speaker on the construction industry, the environment, sustainability and the

media. She has taught environmental policy and team-taught field classes combining ecology and

policy. Rosalinda’s childhood hiking through Puerto Rico’s El Yunque National Forest informed her

belief that we must preserve the world we inhabit for generations to come. At the North Florida Land

Trust, she focused on protecting environmentally significant places through B2B, educational and

private/public easements. She serves on the board of the International Society of Sustainability


Timothy Jack Nash, MSc, Strategic Leadership Towards Sustainability, Blekinge Institute of

Technology, Sweden, is a senior advisor for Ethical Markets Media, and, as director of sustainability

research, lead researcher for this report. He teaches Economics at Sheridan College and is the

principal of SSI – Strategic Sustainable Investments in Toronto, Canada.

Praise For the Green Transition Scoreboard®

“Over twenty years ago, Hazel Henderson talked of a most implausible goal: to both encourage Green

investing and to track its growth worldwide. The remarkable $5.3 trillion [2014] now invested in Green

still challenges the imagination. The world needs to know of this triumph and its significance to all our

futures.” – Carson E. Beadle, former Director, Mercer; Executive Committee Chairman, Security

Mutual Life Insurance of NY

“No leader, from the CEO of the smallest of corporations to the president of the largest of nations, could

do better than internalizing the principles of Ethical Markets and always keeping a sharp eye on the

Green Transition Scoreboard.” — Ashok Khosla, Chairman, Development Alternatives and

pioneer social entrepreneur.

“The GTS adopts a much more comprehensive and therefore effective working definition of a green

economy than is usually the case, and provides a robust and consistent framework for measuring our

progress towards it.” — Matthew Kiernan, founder, Innovest; CEO, Inflection Point Capital

Management; author, Investing in a Sustainable World

“We usually do manage what we measure; so the GTS is an important contribution from Ethical

Markets Media in getting to the future our polling suggests people intend for their children.” — Doug

Miller, Chairman, GlobeScan Inc.; President, GlobeScan Foundation

“Wonderful initiative. Finally an overview of the amount of private money invested and committed to

Impact Investing.” – Robert Rubinstein, CEO, TBLI GROUP™

“Because it enables tracking of the global macro-shift from the Industrial Era to the emerging

sustainable economies of the 21st century the GREEN TRANSITION SCOREBOARD® is an important

innovation. Check it out!” Don Tapscott, author of the bestsellers Wikinomics and


“Since 1987, we have guided our investors towards companies leading the growing green economy:

the Sustainability Sector. The GTS is an important milestone in measuring the increasing economic

viability of this CleanTech universe.” – Stuart Valentine, Founder, Centerpoint Investment


Our Green Transition Scoreboard® is trademarked by the US Patent and Trademark Office,

available for license to select non-profit groups to carry information to their members. © 2016

Our turnkey manual, Principles of Ethical Biomimicry Finance® - co-developed with our partner,

Biomimicry 3.8, is available for licensing to socially responsible asset managers.

Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil), Certified B Corporation

PO Box 5190, Saint Augustine, FL 32085 Business 904.829.3140, fax 904.826.0325

office@ethicalmarkets.com Twitter @ethicalmarkets #greenscore
