2016 February Tidings Edition2016 February Tidings Edition First Presbyterian Church 5 court St.,...


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2016 February Tidings Edition

First Presbyterian Church

5 court St., Towanda PA 18848



Facebook—Fans of Towanda Presbyterian

From Pastor Rachel

Last month, I shared with you the challenge the Lord has laid before us this year as a con-

gregation: to grow in our practice of group prayer. Maybe you enjoyed being in a prayer group

before, or maybe the whole idea makes you tremble because you don’t like to pray out loud. No

worries. Whatever your past experiences, good or not so much, I do pray that you make it your

priority to take part. A concerted effort is considerably important for our church.

A few years ago, I came across a book titled The Lost Art of Praying Together by James

Banks (it is available to download from CBD). Banks’ approach is highly Biblical while also being

highly user-friendly—you don’t have to be, or pretend to be, super-spiritual to take part in group

prayer. All you need is a heart that is open to loving the Lord more, and open to loving others in

our fellowship better.

In Banks’ introduction, he asks a simple question: “If God invited you to meet with Him,

would you take Him up on it? That’s exactly what He’s done. Jesus promised that ‘where two or

three are gathered in my name, there am I with them’ (Matthew 18:20).” Banks goes on to ex-

plain that praying together is a privilege, not a burden or something only elders and pastors do.

He proceeds to elaborate how group prayer changed his life as a young man.

His point in the early chapters is that any discomfort or awkwardness we may feel praying in

groups is due to a sad reality: praying together has become a “lost art” that used to be common

practice in Christ’s Church. “God loves when His children pray, and He wants our prayers to-

gether to be a constant source of life-transforming encouragement and hope. God has great plans

for our prayers, and our ‘skill’ at prayer has nothing to do with it. …True prayer has much more to

do with God’s faithfulness in response to waiting hearts than with our ability to string words to-

gether.” God loves to be at work in our world in response to His children praying in heartfelt

unity. Banks even proposes a theory that the decline of Christian influence in America coincided

with the decline of united prayer in our churches. Interesting point to think about!

(continued from front page)

Though Banks does not mention this in his early chapters, another major dimension of praying

together involves something we sometimes struggle with: really listening to God, and to each other.

The most powerful part of a prayer meeting may be when no one is saying anything…except the

Lord. When we are still before Him, our hearts together expectantly waiting for His guidance in the

quiet, wonderful and amazing things come from His hand and heart to us. But when we also listen to

each other with heartfelt sincerity, and put our own agendas and opinions aside, wonderful growth

happens as well. When we pray together, it shouldn’t be all about us, because there are other people

in the room! There is a marvelous dimension of servanthood in group prayer when we defer to oth-

ers, and ultimately defer to the One who’s brought us all together.

In a short while, you will be hearing more about the prayer groups we are in the process of orga-

nizing. They will be at different times and various locations to enable as many people as possible to

take part. Please do participate as often as you can. The Lord will do glorious, transformative, and

maybe even miraculous things in our midst—when we make the time and the effort to join as one in

coming before His throne. When we listen to each other, and above all listen to Him, our Heavenly

Father will delight to shower our community with blessings.

Day of Prayer - February 3

For the Lord’s will to be honored and done in upcoming elections.

For the kids we are ministering to in Kids’ Club and the Knight Life youth group to commit

themselves to Christ and grow spiritually.

For this year’s Elders, Deacons, and Trustees to lead us with wisdom, prayerfulness, and love.

For our paid staff to be encouraged and blessed as they serve all of us.

For our homebound members and friends to have good health and draw close to the Lord. Send

them a card, or give them a call!

For our witness of Christ’s Gospel to be loud and clear through our actions and words.

February Elders on Call

February 7 - Dave Guffey (570-265-7518) February 14 - Craig Wollenberg (570-265-0679)

February 21 - Alice Stickler (570-537-6886 ) February 28 - Claudia Mehalchick (570-265-8269)

The Fellowship Team of 2016 would like to invite other teams of the Towanda Presbyterian Church

to assist in supporting the Welcome Center. We have coverage for setting up every week, but need

additional support in providing nourishment and clean up each week. Simple items such as cheeses

and crackers, muffins, and easy snack items would suffice and clean up is maybe 5 – 10 minutes.

Should your team be unable to assist please notify the Fellowship Team members.

January - Choir

February - Fellowship Team

March - Adult Sunday School Class

April - Christian Education Team

May - Deacons

June - Trustees

July - Worship Team

August - T/B/A

September - Stewardship Team

October - Fellowship Team

November - Choir

December - Congregation at Large

The Welcome Center serves as an invaluable fellowship tool and all efforts are truly appreciated.

Thank you again for your kind assistance.


Parents’ Night Out Coming in March

In recent years, we have held our Parents’ Night Out

event around Valentine’s Day to give parents a little

time for some romance. This year, we have moved the

date to March 4. Parents will have the option of either

departing when they’ve dropped off their kids, or they

can stay and enjoy dinner and the movie “War Room”

in the DeWitt Room. Please check next month’s news-

letter for more details!

How To Serve God

When we encounter opportunities to serve God, we don’t always respond in the way He desires. Per-

haps we think we can’t because our schedule is too busy or we don’t feel qualified.

Those knee-jerk reactions slam a door closed before we’ve discovered whether or not the Lord wants

us to go through it. You’ve probably never thought of a refusal to serve God as a type of idolatry, but

that’s what it is—bowing down to self instead of submitting to Him.

The Lord desires that His servants be willing to do anything—and that they will seek His specific plan

for them. He uniquely gifts followers to serve according to His will. But when we’ve already decided

what we can’t do, won’t do, or are ill-equipped to do, then we’re acting by our own will. That doesn’t


You may serve the Lord as a godly parent, as a factory worker who shares the Gospel with coworkers,

or as a friend who takes time to listen to the hurting. No restriction exists on what God can do

through the life of a willing helper. The strength of His Spirit overcomes human limitations. Don’t

have enough courage? God can fix that. Don’t have the right skills? God can fix that.

Laying down our excuses is the wisest thing to do when serving the Lord. Trust that He will empower

you to do whatever He calls you to do—and will see to it that you’re properly equipped and trained to

do it (Eph. 2:10; 2 Tim. 3:16-17). All He asks is that you say yes.

Titus 3:4-8: “4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not be-

cause of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of

rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ

our Savior, 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of

eternal life. 8 This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who

have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are ex-

cellent and profitable for everyone.”

From intouch.org, January 21, 2016.

Special Sunday School Classes in February

We are excited to offer a Sunday school series during Lent that will use

Adam Hamilton’s DVD titled “24 Hours That Changed the World.” Ham-

ilton takes us to the Holy Land sites where it is thought the last days of

Jesus’ earthly life were spent. Topics include the Last Supper, the Garden

of Gethsemane, Jesus and Pilate, Jesus’ torture and crucifixion, and His

burial and resurrection. You will surely enjoy this opportunity to remind

yourself of the historical power of the Holy Week events.

On February 20 and 27, Pastor Rachel will also lead a Sunday school class to examine what

the Bible has to say about its own authority and several issues related to controversies in our

denomination. We will meet in the DeWitt Room.

February Birthdays

1 - Phyllis Blanchard

2 - Clayton Mount

15 - Linda Ferrario

Camilla Farmer

18 - Patti Rieth

21 - Charlotte Sullivan

24 - Margaret McManus

25 - Kennedy Walsh

26 - Robert Kopetan

27 - Danica McLaud

28 - Danise Fairchild

3G Sleep Over for Youth Group Girls

God, girls, and glamour sleepover

Friday February 5 at 5:30

At 5197 Millstone Rd Monroeton Pa

Call for directions 570.265.0673

Sponsored by Knight Life Youth

Group counselors for the evening will be Juanita Smith and Pastor Rachel

Bring your favorite pajamas, make-up and nail polish!

Everything else will be provided.

We’re making our own pizzas, playing games, watching movies, doing make-up and nails and learning what God wants us to look like inside and out!

Please note that our MOMs Group which meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month has

decided to take a winter break. They will meet again on March 16 at 9AM in the Welcome

Center. Thanks to everyone who has given their time and talents to this outreach.

See you soon!

E.M.P.C.C. Baby Bottle Campaign

It’s time to save those coins!

This year’s campaign will kick off on February 14

with a Minute for Mission from an E.M.P.C.C.

representative during morning worship. Bottles will

be available and donations will be accepted through

the months of February and March.

Ash Wednesday - February 10 - 7 PM

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lenten

discipline for observant Christians. It is traditionally a

time of fasting and prayer in preparation for receiving

or reaffirming baptism at Easter.

Join us this year for our annual Ash Wednesday

Service to prepare your heart for our Lord’s


Pastor Rachel to Lead Membership Exploration Class

On February 6 and 13, Pastor Rachel will lead sessions for those who are con-

sidering becoming members of our congregation. We will meet in the DeWitt

Room after worship. During the first meeting, we will explore what it means to

belong to Christ and His Church. The second meeting will examine what it

means to belong to this particular congregation. If you are planning to take

part, please speak with Pastor Rachel at your earliest convenience.

Reflect on God’s Mercy This Lent

We will begin Lent this year with Ash Wednesday worship on February 10 at 7 PM. On sub-

sequent Sundays, Pastor Rachel’s sermons will revolve around the theme of God and His amazing

mercy. We will consider the mercy God showed to the Israelites in the Old Testament; God’s

mercy in disciplining King David; His mercy in sending Jesus to live as one of us humans; and

the mercy in Jesus’ teachings and miracles. On Palm Sunday, we will consider how Jesus is a

merciful King to us. God’s mercy is most apparent when we contrast His holiness with our un-

worthiness, so take time to reflect on God’s vast love for us despite our sin.

The yearly Lenten lunches will continue to be held at the Towanda Methodist church and

also pick up on the theme of God’s mercy. The first luncheon will be on February 17, and all the

luncheons will run from noon to 1 PM. As before, local pastors will take turns speaking at each

event, and your donation for the meal will benefit local ministries for the disadvantaged.

We will also be having Maundy Thursday worship on March 24, which will either be a Seder

or a communion service. On Good Friday, we will examine “The Story” materials in Lesson 26,

and Lesson 27 will cover our theme for Resurrection Sunday. If you are an early riser, our church

will host the sunrise service this year. Please check your bulletins or the church web site for the

times of these worship events. And please take advantage of all of these opportunities to grow in

your faith and closeness with Jesus.


3 eggs

1/2 cup 2% milk

1/4 cup all purpose flour

1/8 teaspoon salt

1/8 teaspoon pepper

1/2 cup diced fully cooked ham

3/4 cup shredded Colby-Monterey jack cheese, divided

2 bacon strips, cooked and crumbled


1. In a small bowl, whisk the eggs, milk, flour, salt and pepper. Pour into an 8 inch square baking dish coated with cooking spray.

2. Bake, uncovered at 450 degrees for 7-9 minutes or until eggs are set. Sprinkle with ham and 1/2 cup cheese. Bake 3-5 minutes longer or until cheese is melted.

3. Loosen edges of omelet from baking dish with a knife. Using two small spatulas, carefully roll up tightly, jelly-roll style, leaving it in the dish. Sprinkle bacon and remaining cheese over omelet roll. Bake for 3-4 minutes or until cheese is melted. Yield: 2 servings

Ham & Cheese Omelet Roll for Valentine’s Morning or Supper

Youth To Hold Spaghetti Fundraiser

On February 14, you can have a delicious Valentine’s

dinner and support our youth group at the same time!

Come to Patterson Hall anytime between 5-7 PM and

enjoy a spaghetti dinner for the cost of your donation. All

proceeds will help the youth raise funds for their summer

trip to Kingdom Bound and an upcoming mission trip.

Spread the word with your friends and neighbors!

Youth To Go Tubing!

On February 20, our youth group will head over

to Sawmill to go snow tubing (assuming it is cold

enough). All kids in 7 - 12 grades are welcome,

even if they are not currently part of our youth

group. Please contact Pastor Rachel ASAP for

details or to sign up!

Unique Hockey Fundraiser for Our Youth Group

If you or someone you know is a sports fan, here is a fundraiser for

you! On Sunday, March 6, at 4 PM, the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Pen-

guins will host the Hershey Bears, and it should be a great game. For

those who mention our Knight Life Youth Group, $4 from each

ticket will be refunded to us. If you would like to carpool with our

church group, please contact Pastor Rachel.

Tickets are $17, $20, or $22, and can be purchased over the phone

by calling Alex Ellsworth at 570-208-5415. You may also order tick-

ets through the mail by sending your check to the Wilkes-Barre/

Scranton Penguins, ATTN: Alex Ellsworth, 40 Coal St., Wilkes-Barre

18702. Tickets must be purchased by March 1. Please spread

the word to your friends and coworkers who like hockey!

I often encounter people who want to begin a daily quiet time, but they aren’t sure how. It really isn’t

as complicated as we often make it out to be. The main thing is simply to do something, but in case

you are one of those still wanting to but not sure how…

Here are 5 easy steps to begin a daily quiet time:

Place - Pick a definite place where you’ll be everyday for your quiet time. Obviously if you travel fre-

quently this is more difficult, but the more routine you can make this the better. It should be as free

of distractions as possible. This place will soon become very comfortable to you.

Schedule Time - Pick a reasonable amount of time and put it on your schedule. If you use an elec-

tronic calendar like I do, you can set it to repeat the appointment everyday. Start with 15 minutes,

maybe even 10. The key at this point is consistency, so make sure you don’t burden yourself with

something you will not do. By the way, it most likely will seem like a sacrifice at first, but keep the

objective in mind. You need this. As you accomplish discipline in a little time it will be easier to in-

crease the time you spend.

Format - Decide basically how you will structure your quiet time. You may ask first what you hope

to achieve and base your format around that. If developing intimacy with God in prayer is your goal,

then certainly choose to spend more time in prayer. If Bible knowledge is your goal, then you may

want to choose to do a Bible study. You can change the format over time and do combinations of

each of these.

Activities – Decide what you will specifically do in your time. Will you do a Bible study or simply

read Scripture and pray? If your time is 15 minutes, for example, you could spend 6 minutes reading

the Bible; 3 minutes talking to God; 2 minutes in silence, asking God to speak to you; and 4 minutes

writing your thoughts at the time. If you choose the structure of a Bible study, you may need to allow

more time, but again, the key is that you decide before you start what you are going to do during this

time. The goal is not to be mechanical or punch a clock here, but rather to provide structure, which

will lead to productivity in your building your God rela-

tionship. Don’t worry as much about what activities you

are doing at this point, just do something.

Discipline – Commit to doing something consistently for

at least 30 days. Every day… without exception… do it…

whether you “feel” like it or not. If you miss the exact time,

make it up later in the day. Again, it will require sacrifice.

Habits and lifestyles form this way and you’ll need this

discipline, because as soon as you attempt this dozens of

obstacles will stand in your way.

Now I realize “easy” is not the best choice of words for this post, but I did want you to read it. Form-

ing this time into your daily schedule will not be easy. Nothing of value is ever easy. The main objec-

tive for any of us, including pastors, is disciplining ourselves to do something every day. Over time, it

becomes a habit that is easily repeated. Even better, it will soon become the best and most produc-

tive part of your day.

How to Begin a Daily Quiet Time In 5 Easy Steps

by Ron Edmondson from CrossWalk.com


5PM Trustees

5:45PM Worship Team

6:30PM Scouts

6:30PM WBS


9AM Prayer Group

1PM Seekers

Pastor Rachel on


3 Day of Prayer

8AM H.H. @ The Cup

5:30PM Kid’s Club


5PM Adult Bible Study

6PM Stewardship Team

7PM Choir



5:30PM -Youth Group Girls Overnighter


10AM Presbytery at First Presbyterian in Hawley

7 Communion

10AM Worship

11AM Welcome Center

11:30AM S.S. Classes

6PM Youth Group


6:30PM Scouts

6:30PM WBS


9AM Prayer Group

6:15PM Outreach Team

6:30PM Christian Ed. Team

10 Ash Wednesday

5:30PM Kid’s Club

7PM Ash Wednesday Service


5PM Adult Bible Study

7PM Choir



1PM Fellowship Team

6PM - 9PM Tween Night in Welcome Ctr.


10:30AM Praise Team

14 1st Sunday of Lent

10AM Worship

11AM Welcome Center

11:30AM S.S. Classes

5PM - 7PM Youth Group Spaghetti Dinner

15 No School

6:30PM Scouts

6:30 WBS


9AM Prayer Group


5:30PM Kid’s Club


5PM Adult Bible Study

7PM Choir




Youth Group Snowtubing

11AM - 7PM

21 2nd Sunday of Lent

TACO Collection

10AM Worship

11AM Welcome Center

11:30AM S.S. Classes

6PM Youth Group


6:30PM WBS

6:30PM Scouts


9AM Prayer Group



5:30PM Kid’s Club


5PM Adult Bible Study

7PM Choir




10:30AM Praise Team

28 3rd Sunday of Lent

10AM Worship

11AM Welcome Center

11:30AM S.S. Classes

6PM Youth Group


6:30PM WBS

6:30PM Scouts

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Gaining a Big SMILE Through Amazon

Our congregation has been approved to take

part in the AmazonSmile fundraiser program. When

you shop through the AmazonSmile portal, 0.5% of

your purchase total will be automatically donated to

our church at no extra cost to you. While not all

Amazon products qualify, millions do. Qualifying

items will mention their eligibility.

So how do you do this?

BEFORE you begin shopping, go to smile.amazon.com.

Type in First Presbyterian Towanda as your charity choice, and click on it to confirm.

Shop away! That’s all you need to do. If you are a registered Amazon user, our church will

remain as your chosen charity.

Bookmark smile.amazon.com so you don’t forget!

We will keep you informed about the total funds we receive through this program
