2015 MEDIA PLANNER - POWER-GEN India · 2015 MEDIA PLANNER www ... They turn to us for the...


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The MosT Powerful way To ConneCT To Power IndusTry



Coal Fired | Gas & oil Fired | NuClear | reNewables | smart Grid | traNsmissioN & distributioN | distributed eNerGy & oN-site Power

Power Engineering International’s in-depth magazine, convenient biweekly email newsletter, and content-rich website are seen by more than 50,000 power industry decision makers each month.

These influential professionals rely on Power Engineering International for technical and business information to keep them up to date on emerging market trends and current best practices. They turn to us for the independent nsight that helps inform their decisions every day.

As the leading integrated media brand focused on the international power industry, Power Engineering International offers the optimum vehicles for delivering your message content to influential and engaged decision makers. Our advertising and sponsorship options help increase purchase consideration for your products among these buyers by:

• Increasing your brand visibility

• Driving traffic to your site

• Capturing targeted sales leads

• Promoting your thought leadership and expertise through syndication of your content

we look forward to the opportunity to work with you in 2015!

Power Engineering International ensures the content and your message reach buyers in the formats they want.

OvErvIEwInfluence the most-qualified and engaged community of decision makers in the international power industry


The magazine for the international power industry

Magazine Online Newsletter

89% of our readers said that online and/or print advertising makes them more aware of a company and its products/services Source: 2013 Reader Survey

•MagazIne: Our qualified audience of buyers relies on our in-depth technical articles and case studies to help make technology and design decisions, influencing their choice of product and supplier.

15,000 subscribers

•eMaIl newsleTTers: Power industry professionals stay informed each week by subscribing to the biweekly PEi Digest e-newsletter for important industry news, product information, technology updates and more.

16,700 opted-in readers

•websITe: Purchase influencers research suppliers and products online using PowerengineeringInt com’s informative newscasts, original articles covering nine essential market segments and links to a comprehensive buyer’s guide.

45,000 unique monthly visitors

MagazInE SubScrIbEr DEMOgraPhIcSRaise the profile of your company and your products among qualified decision makers

Power Engineering International is the leading international publication of the electric power generation industry.

• Circulation: 15,000* plus trade show distribution (see Editorial Calendar) • Audited: Yes (BPA) * BPA June 2014 Circulation Statement • Frequency: Monthly

brand awarenessStrengthen your company brand by aligning your message with targeted content, helping to create consideration and affinity among power industry professionals.

TraffIC drIVerProminent links and QR codes in your advert push decision makers directly to your website or your sales team.

ThoughT leadershIPPosition your company as a forward-thinking market leader to build business through advocacy and referral.

The magazine for the international power industry


Magazine Online Newsletter

34.6% Consulting Engineer/ Constructor Firm27.6% Electric Utility/Power Generation Company17.2% Industrial/Independent Power/ Combined Heat & Power9.7% Others Allied to the Field7.3% OEM Speci�er3.6% Government Energy Department

50.6% Europe29.4% Asia/Asia Paci�c12.3% Middle East/Africa6.3% South America0.9 % Central America/Caribbean0.5% North America

34.6% Consulting Engineer/ Constructor Firm27.6% Electric Utility/Power Generation Company17.2% Industrial/Independent Power/ Combined Heat & Power9.7% Others Allied to the Field7.3% OEM Speci�er3.6% Government Energy Department

50.6% Europe29.4% Asia/Asia Paci�c12.3% Middle East/Africa6.3% South America0.9 % Central America/Caribbean0.5% North America

Qualified Circulation by Industry sectorSource: BPA Worldwide Circulation Statement, June 2014

subscribers by regionSource: BPA Worldwide Circulation Statement, June 2014

what actions have you taken as a result of viewing an adVerTIseMenT in this print magazine?

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Went to a link on the advertisement

Visited the company website

Contacted the advertisier for more information

Recommended and / or purchased the product or service

Saved the ad for future reference

Source: 2014 Reader Survey






grOw yOur buSInESS wIth Our unIquE LEaD gEnEratIOn SyStEMPower Engineering International magazine delivers qualified leads directly to you. The lead generation system enhances your brand advertising investment and delivers immediate sales and one-on-one relationship opportunities.

how our lead generaTIon sysTeM works

1. The business lead capture process begins with an email from Power Engineering International to all subscribers offering free product and service information about magazine advertisers.

2. Subscribers choose the types of products and services they are interested in.

3. After selection subscribers are shown a list of advertisers relevant to the selected categories.

4. They can either see your advertisement by selecting the camera icon

5. They can also simply press submit and ask you to tell them more.

6. Upon submitting their interest, we deliver subscribers contact information via email to you each month.


The magazine for the international power industry

Magazine Online Newsletter

Gas Turbines Filtration Controls & Instruments

Readers select the category your product appears in, or by your company name

They can click on a the camera icon to see

advertisement as it appears in the magazine

our audience give their permission to connect directly with you when they are ready

to be contacted. advertising in Power engineering International

provides hot leads and measurable value for your marketing investment

Request information

We send you their contact details

Controls & Instruments


RIn thE LaSt 12 MOnthS wE gEnEratED OvEr 3,700 buSInESS SaLES LEaDS fOr Our cuStOMErS.

Source: Hot IMS June 2013 - June 2014

Magazine Online Newsletter


aDvErtISIng ratES

EURO € 1X 3X 6X 9X 12X 18X 24X 36X 48X

Double Page Spread 13,221 12,713 12,454 12,062 11,742 11,279 10,614 9,916 9.232

1/2 Page Spread 10,091 9,708 9,504 9,205 8,959 8,603 8,099 7,562 7,045

Full Page 6,958 6,702 6,551 6,342 6,175 5,922 5,584 5,210 4,854

1/2 Page 4,785 4,604 4,512 4,364 4,258 4,095 3,846 3,583 3,329

1/4 Page 3,056 2,968 2,894 2,834 2,714 2,616 2,464 2,289 2,126

1/3 Page 3,642 3,491 3,435 3,329 3,241 3,106 2,908 2,714 2,501

1/6 Page 1,836 1,759 1,731 1,678 1,634 1,566 1,466 1,368 1,261

STERLING £ 1X 3X 6X 9X 12X 18X 24X 36X 48X

Double Page Spread 10,577 10,170 9,963 9,649 9,393 9,023 8,491 7,933 7,386

1/2 Page Spread 8,073 7,766 7,603 7,364 7,167 6,883 6,479 6,050 5,636

Full Page 5,566 5,362 5,241 5,073 4,940 4,737 4,467 4,168 3,883

1/2 Page 3,828 3,683 3,610 3,491 3,406 3,276 3,076 2,867 2,663

1/4 Page 2,445 2,374 2,315 2,267 2,172 2,093 1,971 1,831 1,701

1/3 Page 2,914 2,793 2,748 2,663 2,593 2,485 2,326 2,172 2,001

1/6 Page 1,423 1,363 1,342 1,300 1,266 1,213 1,136 1,060 977

DOLLARS $ 1X 3X 6X 9X 12X 18X 24X 36X 48X

Double Page Spread 16,526 15,891 15,567 15,077 14,677 14,099 13,267 12,395 11,540

1/2 Page Spread 12,614 12,135 11,88 11,506 11,199 10,754 10,124 9,453 8,806

Full Page 8,697 8,378 8,189 7,927 7,719 7,402 6,980 6,513 6,067

1/2 Page 5,981 5,755 5,640 5,455 5,322 5,119 4,807 4,479 4,161

1/4 Page 3,820 3,710 3,617 3,542 3,393 3,270 3,080 2,861 2,658

1/3 Page 4,553 4,364 4,294 4,161 4,051 3,883 3,635 3,393 3,126

1/6 Page 2,295 2,199 2,164 2,097 2,042 1,957 1,832 1,710 1,576

PreMIuM PosITIonsInside Front Cover - Rate plus 15%

Outside Back Cover - Rate plus 20%

Inside Back Cover - Rate plus 10%

Other guaranteed positions - Rate plus 10%

Power Engineering International is the official flagship sponsor of the highly-respected international POWER-GEN Events Power engineering International magazine is the official magazine for international Power-gen events

The Editors of Power Engineering International, working with Advisory Boards comprising industry experts, create POWER-GEN the agendas at each POWER-GEN event and bring together the speakers and VIPs at POWER-GEN conference tracks.

Power Engineering International is first with reporting show news online and in print, highlighting valuable decision makers in the market.

As POWER-GEN audiences grow, so do the growing marketing opportunities available to companies to build brand awareness and generate leads.

Power Engineering International is the media you need to use to get your message to delegates and visitors. With its ownership of all primary media distribution channels, magazines will be handed out to all attendees, as well as other media opportunities.

It is the leading media amongst power industry decision makers with over 15,000 qualified subscribers worldwide.

Advertising in Power Engineering International is the most powerful way to connect with the people you want to meet at POWER-GEN Events, as well as the wider international power community and the power community on the wider world.


The magazine for the international power industry

Magazine Online Newsletter


advertising in Power engineering International is the most powerful way to connect with the people you want to at Power-gen, as well as the wider global power community

thE POwEr bEhInD POwEr-gEnPOWER-GEN Europe

book In May 2015 Issue

POWER-GEN Russia book In January 2015 Issue


book In July/augusT 2015 Issue

POWER-GEN India & Central Asia book In PeI MarCh 2015

POWER-GEN Africa book In June 2015 Issue

POWER-GEN Middle East book In PeI sePTeMber 2015

POWER-GEN Brasil book In sePTeMber 2015 Issue

book your CoMPany Message In show CoPIes of Power

engIneerIng InTernaTIonal




February 2014The magazine for the international power industry




Rich resources, abundant opportunities


Official Media Partner:

POWER-GEN Africa 2014

The magazine for the international power industry





June 2014






Official Media Partner for POWER-GEN Asia 2014


A new dawn for Japan’s power sector

July-August 2014The magazine for the international power industry



The magazine for the international power industry

Magazine Online Newsletter

EvEnt cataLOguE aDvErtISIng Improve your ability to reach your potential customers at key shows worldwide If you are exhibiting at a POWER-GEN event or want to target exhibitors at the event, then booking directly in the POWER-GEN Event Guides can significantly improve your ability to reach your potential customers.

• Stand out at POWER-GEN exhibitions• Highlight your presence to visitors and delegates • Enhance your company profile • Reinforce your key messages to a prime target audience • Stay ahead of your competition

Sponsor Benefits:brand awarenessStrengthens your company image and helps define how power generation professionals perceive your company and increase consideration and preference for your products.

TraffIC drIVer

Pushes users to your website or directly to your sales team to learn more about your company and products, and ultimately increase purchase intention and activity.

Sponsorship Gross Rate:full-page spread $8,250 - €6,250 - £5,500

full-page $5,000 - €3,250 - £3,000

half-page page $3,000 - €2,120 - £2,000

Sponsorship Specifications:Trim (210mm x 297mm.) Allow (6mm) all round

double Page spread full Page 1/2 Vertical 1/2 horizontal

size width height width height width height width height

Trim 420mm 297mm 210mm 297mm 88mm 248mm 180mm 122mm

bleed 430mm 307mm 220mm 307mm

Type area 390mm 267mm 180mm 267mm

9-11 June 2015 amsterdam, The netherlands

3-5 March 2015 Moscow, russia

1-3 september 2015 bangkok, Thailand

14-16 May 2015 new dehli, India

15-17 July 2015 Cape Town, south africa

4-6 october 2015 abu dhabi, uae

20-22 october 2015

sao Paulo, brasil


Attending a POWER-GEN Show or want to be in the Event Guide, then click here for more information

4 reasons why you should book a VIdeo

Drive traffic to your booth and gain exposure for your business at POWER-GEN Events with the Show Daily Video Package.

The PaCkageDuring the show, our TV production team can record a 3 minute on-site interview or demo on your stand to create immediacy for your latest initiative.

The ProMoTIonYour company message will be broadcast daily to all attendees at the POWER-GEN Event and 16,700 PEi Digest readers, via the Show Daily e-newsletter.

The PosT-show MarkeTIngExtend your company exposure after the show to continue to influence thousands of power engineers and executives after the event.

Your video will be hosted on www.PowerengineeringInt.com for an additional 3 months. You will also have access to the video for use on your very own website.

The PrICePackages cost $3,000So make an impact, enhance perception and grow sales at Power-gen events

VIdeo geTs you noTICed

1.Drive traffic to your booth

3.Discuss a new product you are offering

2.Reinforce your company’s brand

4.Invite prospects to attend a networking event you are hosting at a POWER-GEN Event

View video promotions from POWER-GEN Europe at www.PowerengineeringInt.com under our Newscast section.

The magazine for the international power industry

Magazine Online Newsletter


The magazine for the international power industry

Magazine Online Newsletter

POwEr-gEn PrE-ShOw EMaIL bLaStDirect promotion to attract customers before the show starts

This gives you the opportunity to send a direct email communication to visitors prior to the event. You can start attracting visits and appointments at your booth before the exhibition has even started with a targeted email.

Report included in the price• Number of emails delivered• Number of emails opened• Number of click-thrus

Sponsor Benefits:

brand awareness

Strengthens your company image by developing an email creative that highlights the features and benefits of your solutions to help create an affinity with your company and products among targeted industry professionals.

lead generaTIon

Generates leads from a targeted audience of industry professionals through the use of landing pages.


Links in the body of the email push decision makers directly to your website or to secure an appointment at the show.

ThoughT leadershIP

Enables you to differentiate yourself from the competition at the show through the direct promotion of your high-value thought-leadership oriented content to our targeted audiences.


Sponsorship Gross Rate:

Power-gen europe 12,000 $3,750 - €2,500 - £2,250

Power-gen asia 7000 $3,750 - €2,500 - £2,250

Power-gen India & Central asia

6000 $3,750 - €2,500 - £2,250

Power-gen russia 5000 $2,250 - €1,500 - £1,250

Power-gen Middle east 2000 $2,250 - €1,500 - £1,250

Power-gen africa 2000 $2,250 - €1,500 - £1,250

Power-gen brasil 2000 $2,250 - €1,500 - £1,250

eVenT esTIMaTed aTTendanCe CosT

over 60% of visitors are

pre-registered 3 weeks before Power-gen




The magazine for the international power industry

Magazine Online Newsletter

PennWell International LtdThe Water TowerGunpowder MillPowdermill LaneWaltham Abbey, EssexEN9 1BN, United Kingdom

advertising sales

resT of The world

Tom Marler, group sales ManagerT: +44 1992 656 608E: tomm@pennwell.com


rick huntzicker, national sales Manager, usAL,AR,DC,FL,GA,KS,KY,LA,MD,MO,MS,NC,SC,TN,TX,VA,WV

T: +1 (770) 578 2688E: rickh@pennwell.com

dan Idoine, regional sales Manager, usCT,DE,IL,IN,MA,ME,MI,NB,NH,NJ,NL,NS,NY,OH,ON,PA,QC,RI,VT

T: +1 (330) 875 6581E: dani@pennwell.com

natasha Cole, regional sales Manager, usAB,AK,AZ,BC,CA,CO,HI,IA,ID,MB,MN,MT,ND,NE,NM,NT,NV,OK,OR,SD,UT


T: +1 (713) 499 6311 E: natashac@pennwell.com


liu zizhenChina Exhibition World Co.,LtdT: +86 10 65924277D: +86 13910435166E: liuzizhen@world-fairs.org

Marketingella Coulson, Marketing Coordinator T: +44 1992 656 652 E: ellac@pennwell.com

editorialkelvin ross, senior editorT: +44 1992 656 605E: kelvinr@pennwell.com

Tildy a. bayar, associate editor T +44 1992 656 603 E: tildyb@pennwell.com

diarmaid williams, digital editorT +44 1992 656 681 E: diarmaidw@pennwell.com

group Publisherdr. heather Johnstone, Publisher T: +44 1992 656 606 E: heatherj@pennwell.com
