2015 08 sammss newsletter



সুন্দরবন আদিবাসী মুন্ডা মহিলা সমবায় সমিতি 2015 08 SAMMSS NEWSLETTER

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    Year: 02 SSSAAAMMMMMMSSSSSS NNNEEEWWWSSSLLLEEETTTTTTEEERRR Number: 08 Place: Jisur Nam Ashram Date: 31-08-2015

    Dear readers, here on the first page we put for your convenience just the

    BREAKING NEWS! Please also read the full contents of our eighth Newsletter of 2015!

    Memorable speech delivered by Ms. Nilima Munda in the occasion of the International Day of the Indigenous People (August 9, 2015).

    In a meeting with development workers among the tribal Munda people of the Sunderban Forest, practical aspects of the guidelines proposed by Nilima Munda in her Speech were discussed in a propositional way.

    Afforestation and renovations in

    JisurNam Ashram. Two new guests

    gave a hand.

    Replacement staff during the trip to EXPO 2015 of three lucky ladies of SAAMMS which are ready for leaving to Italy.

    Comments, advice and suggestions about our Newsletter are welcome and can be sent to


    Our Newsletters are online at


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    2015 International Tribal Day

    The Ninth of August is a very important day for the indigenous

    community scattered around the world. Also the tribal Munda people of

    the Sunderban Forest celebrate that day with due solemnity. Every year a

    special theme is fixed by the UNO (United Nations Organization). The

    theme of this year was: Ensuring good health and well being to all indigenous people. Ms. Nilima Munda, SAMMSS Directress, delivered a very important Speech on this theme telling the audience the various

    guidelines to be followed to reach that goal.

    Location: Zila Shilpokola Academy, Satkhira.

    Nilima Munda speaking in front of the Authorities and a large audience.

    At the bottom of this Newsletter you find the full text of the Speech in

    Bengali and relevant summary (care of Fr. Luigi Paggi) in Italian and

    English, and a press release by SAMS (in Bengali).

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    Meeting with development workers

    On August 28, 2015, a very important meeting was arranged at Jisur Nam

    Ashram to discuss the guidelines of the Speech delivered by Nilima

    Munda. Around 15 educated young people (boys and girls) were present.

    First of all and the following agreement was reached: overall development

    of the Munda people can be done only by the Munda themselves.

    Father Luigi took part in the Meeting. Location: Jusur Nam Ashram.

    Then, during the meeting, also this important decision was taken: all the

    tribal Munda people will be invited to join the Health Insurance

    Scheme. Minoti Munda (in the red circle) will be in charge of this project.

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    Finally, showing us some pictures taken with his computer, Father Luigi

    spoke about the correlation between two points of Nilimas Speech (also see the Summary):

    (Third tip) Take advantage of information technology and communication to be well-educated and skilled.

    (Fourth tip) Munda should voice their concerns by themselves, otherwise those to ensure the development of their own life will

    remain just words on paper.

    Stack for SAMMSS

    at M.E.C. Library on ISSU.

    We started in January 2014 to publish our Newsletter, of which Chompa and

    Chandona write the plain text. Usually

    from Satkhira or Khulna, where he can

    find a broad band connection to the

    Internet, Fr. Luigi sends to our Italian

    friends Dino Kaka and his wife Lella

    Kaki both text and relevant pictures to be

    edited, and to be put online on ISSUU. We can only watch our own

    Newsletter when Fr. Luigi can download

    it into his computer: hard copies would

    be too expensive. We watch the screen.

    From Jisur Nam Ashram at present it is

    practically impossible for us to connect to

    the Internet, and in any case we have no

    hardware, no software, and no skill like

    that of Dino and Lella, of course.

    They also produce since many years

    movies about our Tribe to be put on

    YouTube, and take care of the page of

    Mundaland on Facebook.

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    The page of Mundaland on Facebook.

    Example of a movie on YouTube

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    For most of us, it was quite impossible at first to understand what Fr. Luigi

    was talking about in the meeting, and later he had also to help us in

    writing this note filled with so many technological terms!

    Anyway, we understood that Internet and Social Network are since long a

    reality in any developed country.

    So we, the Munda Tribe, must at first learn to voice our concerns

    by ourselves, not only in our language, but also in English.

    Soon or later technology will arrive.

    Quoting the Conclusion of Nilimas Speech: It 's like when you have to pull out of the mud a mired car: you have to pull it from the front while

    pushing it from behind. For that of Munda, it is desirable that the

    Government will pull, and Tribals push.

    One of us asked Fr. Luigi: That all seems so far to be reached! Will we ever have a chance?.

    Minoti Munda in 2011

    The answer came from

    Minoti, who recalled her

    own experience when she

    was the speaker on August

    9, 2011 in the same place

    than that of this year. But

    in 2011 the Government

    forbade the Authorities to

    attend the program for

    celebrating the Tribal Day

    in Satkhira! Actually in

    2015 Nilima spoke in front

    of the Authorities!

    So, in just four-five years,

    the Munda of the Sunderban Forest made a big step forward. Isnt it? Lets go ahead, trying harder!

    Fr. Luigi did agree upon Minotis good answer.

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    Afforestation in JisurNam Ashram compound

    The rainy season in Bangladesh is the most suitable season for

    afforestation, that is planting new trees. From Chuknagar, the previous

    Mission of Fr. Luigi, we got 150 meogoni gacher chara free of cost. Our farmer will plant them, and within 7-8 years those trees will be a very

    valuable asset.

    Our meogoni gacher chara ready to be planted. We are not able to translate, but the picture is self-explanatory!

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    Following architect Elia and his friend engineer Fabios advice, a tin roof has been placed on the two new buildings. In this way the two new

    buildings should be long-lasting, and moreover plenty of rain water will be


    The tin is placed over the roof of reinforced concrete.

    From the 20th to the 25th of August we welcomed new guests from Italy:

    two Italian girls named Irene and Elisa. They continued the work initiated

    by Chiara and Francesca, Fabio and Elias future wives. Hope they will come again, we thank them very much!

    Irene Elisa

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    Suitcases ready for leaving

    The three lucky Munda young ladies invited to visit the EXPO in Milan

    are almost ready to leave Bangladesh and start the new adventure of facing

    a world completely new and a culture completely different from theirs.

    What they will tell us after their return will be reported in our Newsletter,

    of course!

    The Three Lucky Ladies will be Ambassadors of our Tribe at EXPO 2015!

    Nilima, Shaionti and Chompa Munda will stay in Italy for almost one

    month. During their absence, their work at SAMMSS will be carried out

    by Bahamoni Munda (Vice Directress) and Konika Munda (Secretary).

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    Bahamoni and Chandona Konika

    Suitcases ready for leaving!

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    2015 L'ordine del giorno:

    garantire lo sviluppo dei Munda!


    Indifferenza all'istruzione

    Maledetti matrimoni precoci


    Mancanza di unit

    Mancanza di leadership


    Primo consiglio: Considerare come

    ricchezza l'Umanit anzich il denaro.

    Secondo consiglio: Rinunciare ad ogni

    partigianeria ed egoismo.

    Terzo consiglio: Sfruttare la tecnologia

    dell'informazione e della comunicazione

    per essere ben istruiti e qualificati.

    Quarto consiglio: Dar voce ai pi

    deboli, altrimenti quelle per garantire lo

    sviluppo della vita dei Munda

    rimarranno solo parole scritte sulla



    E' come quando si deve tirar fuori dal

    fango un'automobile impantanata:

    bisogna tirarla dal davanti e

    contemporaneamente spingerla dal

    dietro. Per quella dei Munda,

    auspicabile che a tirarla s'impegni il

    Governo e a spingerla siano i Tribali



    2015 Agenda: ensuring the

    development of Munda!


    Indifference to education

    Cursed child marriages


    Lack of unity

    Lack of leadership


    First tip: Consider Humanity as wealth

    Humanity, instead of money.

    Second tip: Give up on any partisanship

    and selfishness.

    Third tip: Take advantage of

    information technology and

    communication to be well-educated and


    Fourth tip: Munda should voice their

    concerns by themselves, otherwise those

    to ensure the development of their own

    life will remain just words on paper.


    It 's like when you have to pull out of the

    mud a mired car: you have to pull it

    from the front while pushing it from

    behind. For that of Munda, it is

    desirable that the Government will pull,

    and Tribals push.

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