2013 Get Organized Challenge Workbook



2013 Get Organized Challenge Workbook

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Spring Fling Get Organized

Challenge Workbook

Tiffany Spaulding Triple-T Designs, Inc.

(253) 284-9200 CustomerService@TheScrapRack.com


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Table of Contents

organize or·gan·ize (ôr'gə-nīz') To put together into an orderly, functional, structured whole.

Challenge #1 3

Get Ready to Get Organized

Challenge #2 6

Piles of Paper

Challenge #3 9

A container at a time

Challenge #4 11

A Plethora of Pictures

Challenge #5 13

Memorabilia, Journaling Notes, Creating a Holding Album

Challenge #6 15

Stamps, Punches, and Cutting systems

Challenge #7 18

Inks, Chalks, Pens and More

Challenge #8 20

Preparing for a Crop

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Challenge #1 Get Ready to Get Organized

Why Resolutions to get organized fail • Goals are too big – there is a lack of instant gratification. • When life becomes stressful our “Will Power” disappears. • The Big Goal isn’t broken down into smaller goals and so becomes unattainable • Set-Backs happen. Most “resolutions” don’t allow room for these. • Most resolutions lack a “rewards along the way” plan. • Lack of positive association with the end result. How will you feel when the task is done

– what is the BIG BENEFIT(S)? What’s the Big Benefit?

I’ll be able to use both my crafting time and materials, joyfully and without frustration. I’ll be able to spend my crafting budget wisely, without buying duplicates of things I

already own. I’ll feel great about having friends over to Scrap. I’ll be able to go to crops and classes without spending hours getting ready to go. I’ll be able to get so much more done in so much less time. I’ll be able to create cards and gifts quickly and easily. I’ll be able to FIND MY STUFF!!! My husband will be able to eat his dinner at the dining room table. I’ll feel like I have control.

Step 1 – Learn the 4 Section System This is the foundation of your organization system. It is your mental map or plan for how to put things away.

• Section 1 – Alphabets, Numbers, Punctuation • Section 2 – Themes and Sentiments A-Z • Section 3 – The Calendar Year • Section 4 – The Rainbow

*****There is NO Miscellaneous!!!!****** Step 2 - Themes and Sentiments Index

Write a “Themes/Sentiments” Index and put it into alphabetical order.

Your “Themes/Sentiments” index is going to guide you through much of the organization process. This is an alphabetized list of all the things you think you scrap about or own materials to scrap about.

Create your index on the computer.

Your mantra “Keep things together I would use together.” This might mean combining categories.

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Step 3 – Gather Together

Gather items that are floating around your work area. They may be piles of leftovers from your last project, shopping bags from the last convention you attended, things tucked away in closets or drawers. Unpack crop totes. As you’re pulling things out try to group them together with like items. They can be added to existing drawers, boxes, etc. Your goal here is to get everything in one area.

Step 4 – Prepare to Purge • Purging your crafting area of things you won’t use is a huge part of organizing. Purging

will be different for each of us, both in the types of things we Purge and the quantity of things.

• Know what kind of crafter you are. • Set a goal of how much you’ll purge and when it will leave your home. • Find a place to donate or sell your purge • Once something goes into your purge box it doesn’t come out.

Step 5 – Storage Tools and Space The most important aspects of storage are visibility and accessibility.

• Put some thought into your space, how will you store things so they are the most visible and accessible? This could mean removing cupboard doors or adding shelves.

• What tools will you use? A ScrapRack, Binders, File Folders, Large zip-lock type bags.

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Challenge #1 – Checklist

Use your craft supplies to create a “Big Benefit(s)” reminder, and a reward list for each of the 8 challenges you complete. Hang it up somewhere you’ll see it every day.

Read the 4 Section System Article on the ScrapRack Website. Email me if you have questions. Read the 4 Section System Article on the websitewww.TheScrapRack.com. Choose: Watch and Learn, Scroll Down to Articles and Instructions, Click on: The 4 Section System of Scrapbook Supply Organization

Create your “Themes/Sentiments” Index.

Gather your supplies together in one room or space.

Set your Purge Goals, Get a Purge box, Find a home for your Purge – where will you send it, take it, etc?

Evaluate your space for Visibility and Accessibility. Make changes and prepare the space for your supplies.

Join the 2011 Get Organized Challenge Group on our Facebook Page.

When you complete this challenge celebrate with Reward #1

Things you’ll need to complete the challenge:

1. Time to create your Big Benefit / Reward Board 2. Time to read through the 4 Section System Article 3. A computer w/ printer or a piece of paper and a pencil 4. An empty box that is larger than 12x12 for purge stuff 5. Time to search and gather supplies that might be “spread around” 6. Time to evaluate your space – send photos if you need suggestions. 7. Storage Tools / Supplies

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Challenge #2 Piles of Paper

• At the end of this session you should….. • Have a solid understanding of how to categorize your paper stash - Mental • How to do the Physical task of sorting paper • Know what to do with “Kit Stuff,” “Stacks,” and scraps. • Understand the importance of why you need to designate an “organized only” space.

What is an “Organized Only” space?

This is the area to the left or right of where you sit to work that will be reserved for the items

you have organized. If you don’t have a set area to work this needs to be an easily accessible

storage area.

You will actually begin sorting and storing products this week, so you need to prepare a space

that is ONLY for these organized items.

How to sort paper – Mental

There are only 3 Sections of the 4 Section System used when organizing paper. Themes,

Calendar Year and Rainbow.

Themes and Calendar year are generally pretty easy for us to get our brains around.

Rainbow presents a challenge. What do we do with all of those printed papers, and what about

papers with multiple colors?

Prints, Patterns, and Multi-Colored

A general rule of thumb for organizing your colored papers is to start with the solid colors first

and follow with prints/patterned papers.

Sort your prints into groups within the color: Distressed, Dots, Flowers, Plaids, Prints, Stripes,

etc. – stay consistent. Store these behind the solid color.

With most multi-colored papers there is one dominate color. Use that color.

If you’ve got papers that are a “rainbow” of colors, you can add a Mulit-Color Tab to the end of

your Rainbow section.

What are the exceptions?

Remember that one of your biggest goals is to be able to find things quickly and easily. That

means keeping things together you will use together. This is true with colored/printed papers

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as well. As an example, if you bought pink floral paper for your daughter’s ballet pages, you

want to store that paper with the rest of the Ballet stuff so you’ll be able to find it.

What to do with “kits” and “Stacks”?

If you’re a member of a kit club like Club Scrap, you’ll get a pizza box full of goodies every

month. Instead of trying to take the kit apart, use the packing list to represent the kit in your 4

Section System. Number the box and number the packing slip so you can easily find what you

need when you’re ready to use it. You might want to print multiple copies so you can represent

the kit in more than one section. You may also want a section that is just kit images/lists.

Paper Stacks: “It was such a great deal.” “I loved all the papers.”

“It was a limited edition.”

Look around at the Paper Stacks in your collection. How many sheets of paper have you used

out of the stack? How much was the stack? Divide the number of papers you’ve used by the

cost of the stack. What are you paying on average for a sheet of paper from the “stack?” I

suspect most of you will find the price per sheet is no bargain.

How to organize the “Stacks” you’ve got.

Don’t spend time pulling these apart. Instead, try to put a label on them – self adhesive tab and

incorporate them into your paper storage in the correct category. When you’ve worked your

way through the majority of the stack, then take it apart and incorporate it into your other


How to sort paper - Physical

Two ways to sort

1.) Using templates – these will be used to sort your other materials as well. 12x18 works


2.) Using “dividers” – In a paper storage box. Chipboard, cardboard even unwanted



Choose a minimum size.

Toss out extras when your project is complete.

How to Store - 3 ways to store your paper

8 www.TheScrapRack.com Spring Fling Get Organized Challenge 2013

The First:

Use Paper Storage Boxes with file folders for scraps

The Second:

Use a ScrapRack with pocket pages for scraps.

The Third:

A little bit of both. Minor themes will have all their papers stored in The ScrapRack and all

scraps in The ScrapRack. Major themes will be in Paper Storage Boxes. (Stay in the 3 Sections!!)

Week #2 Checklist

1 – Create an “Organized Only” space in your craft area or storage area.

2 – Choose a Storage Tool for your paper.

3 – Create Templates or Dividers for sorting

4 – Sort at least 8” of Paper.

5 – Sort your Scraps – throw away scraps that don’t meet your minimum requirement.

6 – Put your newly organized paper into the “Organized Only” area of your room/space.

7 – Post to the FB group!

When you complete this challenge, celebrate with reward #2

Tips for Success

• Do things in small pieces. Be sure you have enough time to complete the task you are doing.

• Set your “Scrap” minimum size before you begin. • If you’re using Paper Storage boxes and dividers to sort use “sticky notes” to label the

dividers. You may want to make changes.

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Challenge #3 – Start Sorting, A Container at a time

• Understand how to combine your Embellishments for easy access. • Why combining your embellishments is the best way to get the most use out of the

embellishments. • Begin the process of sorting stickers, diecuts, buttons, brads, beads, ……

Step 1 – Gather the things you need

• Gather the things you need to complete the challenge. Sorting Templates, Ziploc bags, file folders, ScrapRack pages, totes.

• Have a plan, where will the things go once they have been sorted, stored, cataloged? – Organized Only Zone.

• PURGE box. Sorting Templates

• Create them out of 12x18 paper if possible. • Write the main category in the top left corner and your list of subcategories down the

side beneath it. Step 2 – Start Sorting

• Spread your sorting templates out; across the floor, over the furniture, on the counter tops where ever you have room.

• Sort just one container (or less) at a time. • Once it is sorted, group the items in each category by size. • Put them into Storage pages, big zip lock bags, or file folders with the smallest items in

the front. • Put each storage page, bag or file folder into the appropriate section of your 4 Section

System. • Then start on your next container.

Why are we doing one container at a time?

• You want to avoid getting everything spread out and then having to quit. • Work in a range that you can finish in the time allotted. • Avoid becoming overwhelmed or frustrated.

Buttons, Brads, Eyelets

• The best way to store these items is in small zip lock type bags. • They’re inexpensive, reusable, lightweight, easy

Ribbon and Fiber

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• Don’t reinvent the wheel. If you’ve got Ribbon and fiber that are already on rolls you

don’t need to take them off the roll. You just need to get them into 3 sections, on a

dowel – much like the paper stacks, before you buy another roll of ribbon, think about

how much you will use it.

• For loose ribbon, wrap it around a 12x12 or 12x6 piece of chipboard. Use a paper clip or

repositionable glue dot to hold the ends in place.

Stickers, and Diecuts

Start small with a stack; container, half a container, whatever is manageable in a short amount

of time

Challenge #3 - Checklist

Sort and Store one container a day for 4 out of the next 7 Days.

Set a Purge Goal

Sort 4”-6” of Paper

Post on FB

When you complete this challenge, celebrate with reward #3

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Challenge #4 – A Plethora of Pictures

What will you need?

• Software for storing and sorting your digital images. • Photo Storage boxes for printed photos • A Perpetual calendar either physical or on your computer • Paper / sticky notes for labeling.

Step 1 – Gather your Photos

• Your first step is to gather all of your printed photographs together into one place. • Gather all of your digital photos together into one place. Microsoft Office Picture

Manager is easy to use and may already be on your computer. • Picasa can help you too.

Step 2 – Physical Photos

• Label each of the boxes of photos you’ve got. • To and From Dates – Sorted • To and From Dates – Need to be Sorted • Need to be sorted.

Step 3 – Create sorting guides

• Choose either boxes or sheets of paper • Note dates and major events on the sorting guides: Ages, Events, Trips, Etc. • Sticky notes work great and can be transferred to the photos once the sorting is done.

Step 4 – Sort into /onto your sorting guides

• Start with the year • Don’t worry about groups of pictures from particular events unless they are already

together – Just get everything in the right “year” pile. • This is a completely “subjective” exercise, you can recruit family members to help – it

will be FUN! Step 5 – Sort stacks into “events”

• Sort each Year Stack by event; Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Vacation, etc. • Create folders for each event you are going to Scrap about. • Choose the number of layouts and note it on the folder • Select the pictures you will use for the layouts ______ # of photos per page. • Put the photos you will use into the folder. Put the remaining photos into the picture

box use sticky notes to tag them. • Put the photos in the pink folders into a box labeled “Photos to Scrap”. Include notes

about where memorabilia is stored. Include journaling notes/ bullet points. Digital Photo Storage

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Download into the right folder – The First Time!

Inside the My Photos file create files for each year.

Within each year, create files for each event.

Microsoft Picture Manager is an easy to use option that is included on most PCs

Digital Photo Storage - Tagging Photos

Choose the number of Layouts you will do for each “event” prior to looking at the pictures.

Choose the photos you are going to use for your layouts. Move all of the Photos into a “just okay” folder or DELETE them.

*Tag just a few of the images in your folder. Just be sure you’ve got at least one tag with each person’s name, place, event, etc.

Tagging Tips

Use a perpetual calendar to “aid” your memory. Be consistent – Date 20100709, Main Subject, or Event, People Keep keystrokes to a minimum Don’t do ALL of the pictures – it’s not necessary Be REALISTIC!

Not every group of photos needs to be sorted and organized.

Worry about the things that are Most important to you

Perpetual Calendars make it easy to stay consistent. Create one on your computer or

purchase one from your nearest Close to My Heart rep.

Challenge #4 Checklist

Establish your Physical and computer filing systems.

Sort 2 boxes/Piles/Drawers of photos. Add one additional box for each “family” helper

you recruit.

Sort one year of Digital Photos.

Sort 1 container of other supplies into your 4 Section System.

Sort 4” of paper

Post on FB

When you complete this challenge, celebrate with reward #4

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Challenge #5 – Memorabilia, Journaling Notes and Creating a Holding Album

Goals for this Challenge

• Make it easy to find Journaling Notes and Memorabilia • Adding Journaling and Memorabilia to your Digital Photos • Learn to create a “Holding Album” for maximum efficiency.

Step 1 – Gather

Gather your memorabilia together in one spot.

Step 2 – Memorabilia - Choose your storage system

• Use a file folder • Use oversized manila envelopes • Use the flat 12x12 boxes you’ve emptied during the sorting process. • Scan it and add it to your Digital Photos file

Step 3 – Sort and Label

• Add labels to your file folder, manila envelope or plastic box and put them in chronological order.

• Sort memorabilia into “containers” by event. • Info to include: Event Name, Date, Location of Pictures (physical and/or digital), Location

of Journaling Notes • File or Store (if boxes) chronologically.

Step 4 - Creating a Holding Album

• What is a “Holding Album” • What supplies do you need to create one? • How do you organize it? • Tips on how to keep track of multiple albums. A Holding Album provides a place for everything you need in one easy to access “book”.

For creating multiple albums; Family, Grandparents, Individual Children – use a chart to

reference main events and number of layouts.

Sort pictures into “pockets” as actual layouts – I use 6 pictures per 12x12 page as my

guide. Add a label indicating the album and the number of layouts you are planning.

Use pocket pages to hold all of your memorabilia

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12x12 pocket pages work great for adding any “special” products you’ve purchased to

go with your pictures and memorabilia.

Use “Sticky Notes” to tag each “event in your holding album.

Put your chart in the front of the Spinder. When you complete each layout you can

cross it off the list. You’ll know you’re done with all of the albums when your pockets

are empty. Then you can reload the pockets and start again. You can store your

“holding album” spinder in your TravelPack.

Benefits of using a Holding Album

• Ease of access • No duplication of handling materials • Easy to go to a crop or scrap at home • Perfect when shopping for coordinating products. • You don’t have to rely on your memory for multiple-albums with similar layouts.

Challenge #5 Checklist

Sort your memorabilia into a Filing or Storage System.

Label memorabilia with location of coordinating pictures and journaling notes.

Create an on-line Journal on your “desktop” so you can easily add to it. If you use a

smart phone, include the journal in your “sync” function so you can add notes using

your phone.

Start a “Holding Album” for your next or current Scrapping project.

Sort 1 container of “stuff”

Sort 4” of Paper

Post on FB

When you complete this challenge, celebrate with reward #5

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Challenge #6 – Stamps, Punches, and Cutting Systems

Goal for the Challenge

• Establish a system for sorting, storing and organizing your Stamps, Punches, and Cutting

Systems that enables you to get the most use out of them with the least frustration.

The Challenges of Organizing these items.

The different shapes and sizes of these products make it difficult to bring them all together.

The little Cricut Cartridges, Wood mounted Stamps, Sizzix Dies, etc.; all seem to require a

different method of organization. Or do they? We think not. They only require a different

method of storage.

Are you a Gottalittle or a Gottalot?

• Gottalittles have a few of a variety of different things. If you’re a Gottalittle, you like the

stuff you have, but you’re not likely to accumulate large amounts of any of. You’re

more likely to use the products available at your LSS when you’re there to crop.

• Gottalots LOVE all these fun “toys” and feel almost like collectors. If you’re a Gottalot,

you’re very likely to continue to add to your collection. Your cropping pals rely on you

to a huge variety of tools/toys to share.

• If you’re somewhere in the middle, you can choose either method of storage. Base your

decision on where you’re hobby will go in the future.

What are the methods?

Gottalittles – You’ll integrate product representations and in some cases the actual products

right into your 4 Section System.

GottaLots – You’ll create a standalone catalog to keep with your 4 Section System.

Gottalittles Representation: You’ll create representations of each thing and put the

representation into your 4 Section System. As an example: If you have this stamp of a “gift

box” – it will work in a number of categories, Birthday, Christmas, Hanukah, Wedding, Baby,

Graduation, etc…. in this case 6 categories, you would make 6 impressions of that stamp.

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Gottalittles Number, Label, and Integrate

1. Number the Stamp, Diecut, or Punch.

2. Write the number, in this case a stamp number on the impressions.

3. Separate the impressions, and put one impression into each of the six categories where

it belongs.

4. Store the Stamp in its proper place.

Why are we numbering.

Numbering things like Stamps, Punches, Cricut, etc. prevents constantly “re-arranging” to “fit” like products into the correct area.

Numbering allows you fast easy access when you need to find something and also makes it really easy to put things away in their proper place.

Gottalots - Create your catalog, Label and Store

Creating a catalog that’s an actual “stand alone” catalog of your stuff is the way to go. Your

catalog is going to follow the 4 Section System – it’s actually only 3 sections because you don’t

have the Rainbow section. The catalog can easily be transported to crops, classes, and even on

shopping trips. You’ll buy products that complement rather than duplicate what you already


Gottalots: Step 1 – Decide your catalog format

You can use either a 12x12 format or an 8.5x11 format.

You’ll need paper, page protectors, hole reinforcers, tabbed dividers, etc.

Gottalots: Step 2 – Gather

If you’re a “Gottalittle” you should bring all of your Stamps, Punches, Etc. together in one place.

If you’re a “Gottalot” start with on type of products, bring those together and work in small groups of products.

Gottalots: Step 3 – Storage Decisions

How and where are you going to store your sorted items?

Get those items together: Boxes, ScrapRack Pages, Drawers, Shelves,

Prepare an “Organized Only” space for your sorted items.

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Gottalots: Step 4 – Create your “Codes” List

• Here are a few examples of coding: • WB – Woodblock • WBK – Woodblock Kit • AU – Acrylic Unmounted • SU – Stamp’in Up • CTMH – Close to my heart • SZ – Sizzix • CC – Cricut • PN – Punch • PK – Punch Kit • SP - Spellbinders

Gottalots: Step 5 – Start the Process

Go through one container at a time, stamping, punching, copying, etc. onto the catalog sheets and coding and numbering the products, and their representations.

When you’re finished label the containers where you’ve stored the cataloged items.

Start a catalog page even if you only have 1 thing that fits that category.

Challenge #6 Checklist

Catalog 20 things a day for the next 7 days – 140 items over the course of the next


Sort 4” of Paper

Sort one more container of other supplies.

When you complete this challenge, celebrate with reward #6

Continuing the process:

You can proceed through the process by doing a little each week until everything is cataloged,

or you can catalog things as you use them. Two schools of thought on “catalog as you use.”

First is – If I haven’t used it, I don’t need it. Second is – I didn’t use it because it wasn’t in my

catalog, so I didn’t remember that I had it.

18 www.TheScrapRack.com Spring Fling Get Organized Challenge 2013

Challenge # 7 – Inks, Chalks, and Pens

A good tip from Ginny H.

I have completed this Challenge over a period of several months.

I had read about it on the ScrapRack site last fall and decided to try it. I already had a ScrapRack

set up in the 4 categories, so it seemed like the logical thing to do.

This is the catalog table of contents pages of samples of stamps, punches, cuttlebug, and Cricut

tools that I have.

I also set up a station to enter new items into the system easily.

I have a 12' x 12' plastic box with scrap paper, a small ink pad, pens, glue, extra catalog and

ScrapRack sheets to add when needed. Now, it is easy to shop, bring home and immediately or

soon after, add the new samples to the system!!

Webinar Goals

Have quick easy access to your Inks, Chalks, Pens and other “coloring” agents.

Be able to purchase new products without duplicating what you already own.

Step 1 – How will you store your items?


Different sizes and shapes.

Variety of products

Options Included:

Baskets, Cases, Towers,

I support things that are easy access like baskets with no lids. Things you can bring to your work


Step 2 – Gather your Products

• Gather all of your products together. • Sort them by brand and product type. • Give each of them a number.

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You may want to give your products a manufacturer code as well, i.e. Quick Quotes = QQ

Step 3 – Create Color Catalog

Group products by type, record the number and manufacturer name; Chalks, Pens, Inks, and

even colored pencils. You may want to create 2 of each, one for your rainbow Section and one

for your “shopping” adventures.

Step 4 – Create Manufacturer Catalog Sheet

Gottalots – Creating catalog sheets by manufacturer/product type will really help when you’re

shopping for new products.

Step 5 – Store Products

Step 5 – Store Products ore products together by type.

Gottalittles – Store by Color

Store products by color, an option for Gottalittles

Other Options – Ideas

Get product lists/grids from manufacturers.

Companies like Tsukineko and Copic Markers have lists you can use to keep track of the

products your own.

Challenge #7 Checklist

Decide on and purchase a Storage Tool – Baskets, Clamshells, Towers, etc.

Gather all of your coloring agents together by type and brand.

Create catalog sheets by color

Create catalog sheets by manufacturers

When you complete this challenge, celebrate with reward #7

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Challenge #8 - Preparing for a Crop

Preparing for a Crop or Class

• Too much will equal too little – the less you pack the more you’ll get done. If it helps

you to think in terms of percentages – if you take 500 pictures and you only get 90 of

them scrapped, that’s less than 20%. However if you take 100 pictures and you get 90

scrapped, you’ve completed 90%.

Step 1 – Gather information

Before you can prepare efficiently, you have to have some basic information.

What is being provided by the crop host?

What are your friends bringing? Tools and equipment that can be shared doesn’t need to be

duplicated. Who has the easiest transport system?

What tools can be left at home and used to “finish up” projects?

How many hours will you be….Cropping, Shopping, Dining, …..Sleeping?

Step 2 – Decisions, Decisions

• Is your motivation for this crop “photo-based” or project based?

Project Based:

• If your plan is to complete specific projects rather than Scrapbook Pages – like mini-

albums, you will likely need different products. Think these project through by

gathering the basic pieces for the project, i.e., the mini album, spray adhesive – or other

special adhesives, special tools needed, etc. If the project includes photos, then move

on to the “photo based” options.

Photo Based:

• Choose your photos. • Sort them by layout or at least by number of pictures you will need to complete the

layouts. This requires choosing the number of layouts first!!! Don’t take ALL the photos, just what you need.

• Gather the memorabilia. • Put the photos and memorabilia together. • Don’t take ALL the photos.

21 www.TheScrapRack.com Spring Fling Get Organized Challenge 2013

Step 3 – Gather Supplies

• If you’ve completed all the previous steps of the challenge, this should be an easy step.

You’ll be able to pull together the right themes, colors, etc. in just a couple of minutes. If

you haven’t completed the challenge, you may have to “hunt” through your stuff for the

things you need, but once you’ve gathered everything, you can integrate into your 4

Section System – so you’ll be moving forward with organizing.

Step 4 – Pack it up

• Pack in reverse. Think about how you will arrange yourself at the crop. • Layout a packing table, the same way you would lay clothes out when you’re packing for

a trip. • When you put things into your tote, be sure the things you need to “set up” your

cropping space are on the top. Keep an empty Paper Storage Box just for going to crops – it makes it easy to pack up the

papers you need

What do I use?

I’m a minimalist and usually limit myself to one tote.

Challenge #8 Checklist

Find a tote you want to use for going to crops – exclusively for crops if possible.

Create a packing list of crop “must haves.” These are the things you will take every time.

Spend some time thinking about how to pack these items and how they will be used.

Keep the list in your tote so you can use it every time you crop. If you find that there are

things you always take, but never use, cross them off the list.

Decide how much you can do in an hour a crop. Add 20% to that amount just in case you

are able to skip eating and sleeping. This should include the number of “pages” or

quantity of projects you can accomplish – cards, mini-albums, etc. Use this list as your

guide for packing to go to an actual crop.

Post on FB

When you complete this challenge, celebrate with reward #8

22 www.TheScrapRack.com Spring Fling Get Organized Challenge 2013





































