20090523 porting open_suse_to_mips_cp1


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My GSoC 2009:Porting OpenSuSE to MIPS

Chapter One: 

Preparation and 


 guaneryu@gmail.com 2009-5-23


1. Why GSoC2. Apply for GSoC Project3. The Goal of the Porting Project4. HOWTO5. Mistakes 6. Problems with/without Solutions7. Where I am 8. The Future

Why GSoC

  ● Job hunting  ● Improve Myself   ● Interest   ● What can I do  ● US Dollars

Apply for GSoC Project

 ● Winter Vacation : Coly's Message ● Feb. : First Gathering This Year ● Mar.-Apr. : Write Proposal ● 21th Apr. : Be Selected

Goal of Project

Porting OpenSuSE to MIPS Platform  ● Gdium ● Loongson2f  ● mipsel ● Prototype ● rpmbuild


1. Cross-Compile the Whole System  ● Build cross-compiling environment ● Build cross-rpmbuild environment ● Cross-rpmbuild RPM packages ● Install RPM packages

(Do NOT think about it deeply)

HOWTO (cont.)

2. Cross-Compile RPM-Building Env.  ● Build cross-compiling environment ● Cross-compile base building env. ● Build RPM pkgs using qemu ● Install RPM packages 

(This is what I've written in proposal)

HOWTO (cont.)

3. Cross-Compile RPM-Installing Env.  ● Build cross-compiling environment ● Cross-compile base system with rpm(1) ● Build RPM pkgs using qemu (Debian) ● Install RPM packages 

(This is a big mistake!)

HOWTO (cont.)

4. Details. ● Cross tool-chain (gcc,binutils)    --target=mipsel-suse-linux    --host=i386-cross-linux    --with-sysroot=/media/sda10

HOWTO (cont.)

4. Details. ● Cross-Compile    --build=i386-cross-linux    --host=mipsel-suse-linux    --target=mipsel-suse-linux


1. Build Cross-Compile Env. for Loongson2f2. Build RPM Packages in Debian 3. Cross-Compile Base System Using Non-SuSE


Problems solved

 ● Howto build cross-compile env.    CLFS2.0 《手把手》  ● Howto setup qemu-mips emulation env.    Debian Demo ● Howto build RPM packages    Maximum RPM  spec file rpmbuild(1) ● Several problems when building rpm on Debian    System/RPM configuration     

Problems unsolved

 ● OpenSuSE's kernel patch ● Complex dependencies ● Some errors when building RPMs  ● Cross-compile Perl etc.  ● Segmentation fault(halt) ● Boot process (readonly fs)    

Where I am

 ● Before May : Make Mistakes  ● 9th May : Cross-Compile Environment ● 17th May : Basic Bootable System ● Now : Hello World

The Future

 ● Before 15th Jun. :     RPM-Build Environment (at least) ● Before 15th Jul. :    Build all needed RPMs ● Before 1st Aug. :    Install RPMs & Mid-term evaluation ● Before 10th Aug. :    Running Gdium ● Before 20th Aug. :    Documents

Q & A

The EndThanks