2009· Vol. XLI NO · 2009· Vol. XLI NO.6 September 81h Csrtucd Restaurant -Downers Grove Menu ami...


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2009· Vol. XLI NO.6

September 81h Csrtucd Restaurant - Downers Grove

Menu ami Directions Inside on page 3. Please RSVP to Amy Fu by September 4th.

1----- - ---------- --------------1 afu@alberlo.com or 708-450-3679. Members $35, Non-Members $45. There will be a $10 no-show fee. Midwest Chapter of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists

Abbedoodle ....... ...... ... 2

Meeting Venue ............ 3

Chapter Events ......... 4 & 5

Golf Outing Photos ... 6 & 7

Chapter News ... ............ 8

Member Benefits ... 9 & 1 a Help Wanted .... ......... ... 1 1

SCCoop Is ptbIIshed 8 times per year lor members of the Midwest Chapter oflhe Society of Cosmetic: Chemists.

Newsletter editor is Sandy Tschantz: $Tscbantt@18rnbeotcorp,CQDlOf Phone 847-249-6743

Advertising rates Bill $400 annually for each 2 X 2 space.

manager GaJy Neudahl "'_t

Printing by Flash Printing, Inc. Franklin Part<, Il. (847) 288-91 01



B. THOMAS CARR Carr Consulting

Wilmette, IL

Statistical Design of Experiments (DOE) is a powerful tool for researchers to use to belter understand and optimize every aspect of their products. DOE can be used effectively at every stage of the product development cycle. Earty on It can be used to efficiently Identify the ingredients, process parameters and packaging variables that Impact the quality of the finished product. That allows researchers to focus on high-Impact variables and to avoid wasting time on studying variables that have Illtle or no Impact on the quality of the product. Later in the development cycle, DOE can be used to understand how multiple variables work together to deliver synergistic benefits or antagonistic detriments.

A successful product is more than the sum of its parts. Understanding how the product variables Interact with each oth8f is crucial to developing highly successful products. Ultimately, DOE can be used to identify the ingredient levels, the optimal conditions and the sensitivity of the product to deviations from the optimal conditions, This allows developers to understand how to achieve the best compromise, for example, of maximum consumer satisfaction with maximum efficacy and optimal stability while at the same time staying within the practical constraints imposed by regulatory and cost factors.

Examples will be used to illustrate the advantages DOE provides over other research approaches and to dispel some of the myths about the weaknesses and disadvantages of DOE.

SPEAKER BIO Tom Carr has over twenty-five years experience in applying statistical techniques to all phases of research on consumer products. Prior to founding Carr Consulting in 1995, he held a variety of business and technical positions in the food and food ingredient Industries. He also is actively involved in the continuing education of researchers and SCientists, both In the United States and Internationally.

Tom Is co-author of Sensory Evaluation Techniques, 4th Ed, and Sensory Evaluation in Quality Control and is a member of the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Sensory Studies. In addition, he serves In Chainnan and Delegate capacities for the ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) and the ISO (International Standards Organization). Through his work with ASTM, Tom has extensive experience in the design and analysis of data collected to support advertising claims and has served as an expert witness for ad·claim disputes.

Tom earned his SA Degree in Mathematics from the University of Dayton and his M,S. In Statistics from Colorado State University. He is a member of the Sensometric SOCiety, the American Statistical Association, and the Institute of Food Technologists.

2009 Attendance Contest· Don't Forget All members who attend every meeting through November will be eligible for big prizes! Game cards were handed out at the January meeting . All you have to do is show up to all the regular meetings with your card­Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Sep, and Nov. If you complete your game card at the November meeting, you win a prize! Additionally, there will be bonus prizes for the mid-year meeting in June, the Golf Out ing in July, and the Technical Symposium in October.



i-+ f f It.s hard to believe, but the "official" summer season is already winding down!! And as you all know, that means things are ramping up here at MWSCC Central. We've had our break and now we're ready to bring you more fantastic educational opportunities.

For our next event we will return to our regular scientific dinner meetings with a talk about Design of Experiments at Carlucci Restaurant in Downers Grove. DOE Is a great way to maximize the power of the work you do in the lab for product or process optimization. The fundamentals of DOE apply all the way from raw material to finished good development, so don't miss out on this one. Carlucci also happens to be a great restaurant, so you can't go wrong! As always we'll be continuing our attendance contest, trivia, and raffles.

In October we'JI have our annual Technical Symposium. This year's theme Is "Natural? Green? Sustainable? Fact versus Flctlon from a Formulator's Perspective." Rather than having yet another forum for folks to pitch their latest greenwashed offerings, we're going to be diving deep into what these buzzwords really mean and exploring many of the contradictions and challenges facing suppliers and formulators today in this fast evolving field.

Also In October we' JI be having our election for Chapter and National Officers. This year we're filling the offices of Chair-Elect, Treasurer-Elect, and Secretary. This is a great way to get more involved in our organization (and boost your resume, which never hurts!) [f you're interested in running for a MWSCC office, please talk to Cinda Carlson or me.

Are you aware of all the benefits your membership affords you? Aside from all the educational opportunities (Journal of Cosmetic Science, IFSCC Magazine, Continuing Education Program, monthly meetings, etc.) we also provide a number of Insurance and employment assistance benefits. We have a lot of benefits for unemployed members and even prospective members. You can find more information in this issue of SCCoop or the " Join the sec" area of our website or you can contact me. We're here for you!

5OO~y DrMo _ brook, L fIOOS2 TIl: (15<'1) 281..a300 File (841) 281·1217 Wf/b' _ ,belft.com

{lBeli Flavors & Fragrances

Coo""" J_ Piodio. jpindaClbel1'f.oom K9ra EnV&! . ken(r&I@beIIlf.eom Hany label. hiabelO belllf.com Ted Heinz. lhei nz O be ltll'.oom

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tt.e~etic a care ...

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Don't forget to visit our website regu larly, particularly the events ,------------, page so that you can get full details on all our great events throughout the year. Finally, remember I'm available any time at chajr@mjdwestscc.org

Microbiological Testing & Consulting. Inc.

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Wl N. Collin, SUm, SuM 1 Joliet, .. 6(4)1

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SCCoop Seplember 2009 • Vol XLI· No. 6

st::1:: Next Chapter ~eeting Venue

- ?1tePer-t -Sodat -;;V"'"

()pe.. &. S""""9 go.,.., 'l(/bu ad s~ 'D'1iJ4 AHtijz44U 'Ptna Ad6'ttiti . Handmade seasonal pizza

'l1l44f4f4 1tt4at4f4 "Della {jt:ua . Organic field greens, grape tomatoes

and balsamic dijlon vinaigrette

e..- (~"'I p~ at '?Jta.'l44ta. . Sauteed chlkcen breast with a marsala wine

and mushroom sauce

tJ~ ~ Sal4«d4 - Uttle ear shaped pasta

with mild Italian sausage ragu and baby spinach

'l)e4«1/t 7~ ~ Expresso and marsala-soaked lady fingers layered

with marscarpone cheese

SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI. No. (.

OSILlfT® • Try the exceptlon.1 tensor effect

of n.tural polyoses Broken records:

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I> Short and long term anti-wrinkle 'Clion

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September 8th , 2009 MWSCC Chapter Meeting

Carlucci Restaurant 1801 Butterfield Road Downers Grove, IL (630) 512-0990

Schedule 5:15 Board Meeting 5:30 Social Hour (Open Bar) 6:30 Speaker 7:30 Dinner (Cash Bar)


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EMOCMmlabInc. 480 South o..notr.t Aood Gbbstown,N10ec)l7 _~ICII .... om

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Chapter Events . . S'e't:

TRI -K •

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TrllebeiUty tomes from within - and from the be§t Ingredients.

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2010 Teamworks Tradeshow Registration is up and running

March 31 , 2010 12-7 PM Donald E. Stephens Convention Center

Rosemont, IL (Chicago) Social Night March 30, 2010

The Premier Industry Trade Show for the Personal Care Industry in Mid- America is now open to exhibitor registration with attendee registration to follow.


Are you interested in attending the show, but not sure if you'll find what you're looking for?

Our new online registration features an up-to-date listing of all exhibitors as well as an online map to ensure you know where to find them. Justification for your visit can be easier with opportunities to meet your suppliers of choice or find some new suppliers. Each exhibitor provides contact information allowing you to set up prescheduled meetings with them or to request specific infonnation to be brought to the show, helping you find exactly what you need!

Check it out at http;//www.mvtradeshows.uslMWSCCl .


Teamworks 2010 is proud and excited to announce its new online exhibitor registration process. Exhibitors now have the ability to choose the booth or booths of their choice using our online Exhibitor Map.

Please follow this link to view the Exhibitor Map. htlp://www.mytradeshows,uslMWSCC , Once you complete the registration, view the map to see your company infonnation displayed. As part of our new online Exhibitor Map we are now also able to display the Teamworks 201 0 Exhibitor Guide - live through the day of the show for all potential attendees to view at their leisure. This is marketing for your company beginning the day of your registration for Teamworks 201 O!

Payment is easy using your credit card and our PayPal system. To register you will need the following infonnation:

1. company contact and company address, uri, and phone number 2. 50 words describing products and services 3. credit card - if paying by check complete the registration but don't pay.

Checks can be mailed payable to Midwest sec.

If you have any questions, please contact Darrell Zehner at (708) 534-6200 or DarreII.Zehoer@us.rhod ja.com. We hope you enjoy the ease of this new process and the marketing opportunity for your company.

Registration opened to all exhibitors at 8:00 AM Monday, August 10. Register now!

SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI. No, 6

S'e't: . Chapter Events

Announcing The Midwest Chapter of the SCC 2009 Fall Technical Symposium

Natural? Green? Sustainable?

Fact versus Fiction from a Formulator's Perspective

Tuesday, October 27th at the Westin Chicago Northwest (Itasca ILl

8:00 am 8:45 am 3:15 pm

Check In and Continental Breakfast Program Begins Program Ends

"Natural", "green" and "sustainable" are three of the hottest Industry terms today - yet they are also some of the most controversial for cosmetic formulators. This year's symposium approaches these terms from a formulator's perspective for "Fact versus Fiction." We will not rehash the paraben controversy nor portray "Naturals" In terms of botanicals used strictly for label claims. What we will do is tie these trends together to address what the consumer (and our marketers) really expect - and how to navigate the various definitions, standards and approaches related to the "Green" movement

We will use a similar format to prior years, with a bit of a twist: Our morning session focuses on the perspective of the ingredient supplier. This session includes experts from Cognis, Croda, Rhodia and Stepan - followed by a joint panel Q&A session. The speakers will address such questions as:

• What criteria do suppliers use when considering "green" or "natural" ingredients?

• What tools and resources do suppliers offer cosmetic chemists for Ingredient selection when considering "green" or "natural"?

• What part does "sustalnability" play? How are suppliers meeting this challenge In their products, processes, packaging, transport, etc?

Our aftemoon session includes three more speakers, including Steve Schnittger, Estee Lauder's Executive Director for Microbiology Research & Development. Steve has expertise on a variety of topics related to "Green" formulating. Blastmails and our chapter website provide details on our other speakers and topics.

Registration, company sponsorship and additional information can be found at www.midwestscc.QIP. In recognition artha challenging economy, we are keeping our price point the same as fast year: $105 for sec members and $120 for non·members who register prior to September 30. The first 10 paid registrants will be automatically entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card, so you don 't want to miss out!

SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI. No. 6 5

Midwest Chapter Golf Outing S'e't: Golf outing a big success by

D.Abbeduto Chair, Midwest SCC

I wanted to give a big thanks to our Inaugural Golf Outing planners and attendees. "was a great showing by everyone involved and I think a great time was had by all. The weather couldn't have been nicer, the food was great, and great prizes were had by all. Judging by turnout during this time of economic doom and gloom, this is going to be a huge regular event! We're still trying to get a feel for if this should be an annual or biennial event. Please send me your feedback on this - your opinion counts!

MWSCC thanks our


Prize Donors SCC Midwest Chapter

BASF Univar

Actives International Evonik

Laurichem Ajinomoto

Corn Products Avatar

Lubrizol Glenn Corp

Rhodia Geo-Copia

Acid Products Stepan Abitec Tri-K

Givaudan Judtih Krautz

Fitzchem Seppic Lonza

SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI • No.

S'e't: . . N\idwest Chapter Golf Outing

Hole Sponsors ~

:hodia V . ,, Chemistry is our world, Responsibility is our way U n I VAR

{lBell ~ @, EVq!J.I.~ Flavors & fragrorKOes


,~ ~~m~~~ ~ TRI - K Stepan S.

SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI • No.6 7

Chapter News S'e'E


Chemicals· Minerals Colors • Surface Treatments

Lambent t IC ••• l •• , II .-~- ...

3111 POI9It on... • aun-, IL Il0031,'''1 Phone (800) 43.2-7117 • Fax (847) 2U.c712

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Advanced Pigment Technologies

• •

A few paragraphs about Lisa Hilson the new House Chairperson by

Usa Hilson Consumer Care Manager, T H Hilson

I am happy to be serving the sec Midwest Chapter as your new House organizer. I was former1y the Social Night Chairman several years ago for 4 years.

I received my Bachelor's degree from Northern Illinois University in 1986 and joined the T H Hilson Company, a Midwest Specialty Ingredient Distributor, in 1989. I am proud to say that this is my 20th year selling specialty raw materials in the Chicago markel. T H Hilson Company has been selling into the personal care market for about 10 years. I was promoted to Consumer Care Manager in 2004, which I very much enjoy.

My husband Gregg Kobelinski and I live on Crystal lake. My hobbies include horseback riding, golfing, gardening, traveling overseas, skiing, bike riding, swimming, boating and being with friends and family.

I do not have any children of my own, but enjoy other families' children who spend time with us often. My animal family consists of my loyal companion Sparky - an 8 year old Papillon who I admit loves to run all my errands with me - and my 3 horses Badger, Cocamo, and Troy. They are all my big babies and demand "Mom's" attention!

I look forward to playing a larger role in the SCC Midwest Chapter and getting to know everyone better. I welcome any suggestions you have for unique dinner venues so please feel free to share your Ideas with mel Lisa@THHilson,com

MWSCC to Participate In ACS Chemistry Day

American Chemical Society will be holding their Chemistry Day event at Depaul University in their new Chemistry building on Saturday, October 24t, 2009. The theme will be ·Chemistry-It's Elemental!~

The elements are the basis of the entire universe and of life on Earth. The elements are an important part of everyday life. They compose the graphite in pencils, the tungsten in light bulbs, neon lights, copper for cooling applications, the sodium in table salt-the list literally never endsl The year 2009 is the 140th anniversary of Mendeleev's Periodic Table of the Elements, and is a wonderful opportunity to investigate and appreciate the discovery and use of the elements in every aspect of our lives.

The Society of Cosmetic Chemists will have a table at the event to demonstrate some principles of chemistry used in the manufacture of personal Care Products. If interested in

volunteering, children are welcome, please contact Chris Daraska at christine,daraska@eyonjk.com or 630-548-4632.

o , Integritv Ingredients Comormion

0IIc:IFa.. IntegriQUAr . - PcIyqua! I. 1. 7PF & 11 c;;- .. I"t~rtty C,rt>omers - C!MCI. C904O PNC

W .. eo.ta.cli 1"I~rtLIPID'a-Na!ural l EIIOIic 011.

........... IntegrlVtTAMIN . D.Dl&Dl.~~

C31O)l124M2 MlaullanecMn ~ :s

I ~ 1I0lAIOI.B "I..->!IIOItlCIQt 15

lta<lng~oI Mil .... !ng(fd ltn!1 to< cot­....bQ. cruMg ..:Iv...c>ed C<lfICePIIIn:! ou\at.ndln~. ~~to<$kIn • .... ...:I Cdot Cosmot!Ic:I --

SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI. No. 6

st:.t: Member Benefits

see Benefits to Unemployed Members by

Cinda Carlson Chair-elect, Midwest sec

There are multiple benefits available to our unemployed members that you may not be aware of. Below is a listing of the opportunities the Society of Cosmetic Chemists provides to assist you during the challenge of finding employment whi le maintaining your skill set, network. and health benefits for you and your family.

sec National provides a monthly job listing upon request. You can receive a copy by calling Nalional al (212) 668-1500.

MWSCC provides a job listing in our SCCoop Newsletter and on our Web Site http://www.mjdwestscc.org/careers/. In addition you can aiso post a situation-wanted ad on the site and in the newsletter. Contact our newsletter editor Sandy at newsletter@mjdwestscc,org

All Society members may take advantage of a group insurance program which offers plans for Life Insurance, Disability Income, High Limit Accident, In-Hospital, and Excess Major Medical. We will have brochures available at our future meetings.

The Midwest Chapter allows unemployed members the opportunity to attend monthly meetings for free. Just let us know when you register and at the door. This is a wonderful way to stay in touch with colleagues, to meet new people in the industry and is a great way to network.

The sec National web site has a list of approved recruiters, who specialize in our industry. http://www,scconline,orglwebsiteleducationlindex_education.shtml.

Unemployed members who have been paid sec members for the last 5 years may also get a waiver of dues for one year to continue their sce membership by submitting the renewal form with unemployment details to National. In addition you may also attend the National Annual Meeting and Seminar free of charge, Just contact National.

The National Office also maintains a Resume Bank for its members. If you are seeking a position. please send your resume to Helen McCarren, Membership Services HMcCarren@SCConline.org. This is a great opportunity for members who are searching for a job and a good source for companies seeking the right person to fill a position.

Natural Performan(e Ingredients Natur,11 Botanical Extra(ts

AJoe Vera

active organics

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SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI • No. 6

In Vitro I Alternative Toxicology



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Member Benefits S'C'Z::

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see Member Insurance Benefits

sec is continually thinking of ways to provide benefits to their members. National sec has a group insurance plan.

There are 8 choices: 1. Group Term Life Insurance Plan 2. Group 10-Year Level Term life Insurance Plan 3. Group Short-Term Recovery Insurance Plan 4. Group Catastrophe Major-Medical Insurance Plan 5. Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans 6. Disability Income Insurance Plan 7. Group High-limit Accident Insurance Plan 8. Members Health Insurance Benefit

We will have brochures at our future meetings. You can also call 1-800-424-9883 to speak with an insurance representative.

Beaker's Boggle By

S. Tschantz

Beaker, my new kitten, Just walked across my keyboard to chew on my hair. Since she's insisting on -helping" me this month, I've decided to make her the new Newsletter mascot and let her have her way with my keyboard for awhile. She came up with the following word search. We found 18 different words. How many cosmetic science- related words can you find? We'll show you the easyone.

A Y N I L L G E E T 0 R E 0 L A S U I S G C C E H A S M I I D R A E L T D I E U V B U T T E R Z E C M @ A 0 M F L A E S P I L A P 0 R E Q S B

Will.. nwnmuUru of irmot'(llj,'t! thi,w11l. }w(' soars aOOt:e 1M cloud.!.



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end cydcwT'etlicone

450 E. De ...... A. ........ SulM 171, 1IMca. a.. 1101~ PH : UO~~ ..... IItachtom....,."

Amino Acids: Natural Solutions

iNl!e Science of Personal Care ~ _ UInUIw lUte II{ -u.:.1ICitJ-dtriwtl

~.~""'~ ""..u .. for pmott(IIOII'I'~.

dlJINOMOTo. T ~U.''''''. 1no.

Ta:~·I5I2"\IO' r. : tcl·~ ------SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI. No. 6

S-Cc Help Wanted

Organic Synthesis Chemist

Lambent Technologies has an Immediate opening for an experienced synthesis chemist In the R&D Department located In Gurnee, IL (Northern Suburb Chicago). We are a growth oriented specialty chemical manufacturer with a diverse product offering that includes industrial cleaning agen1s. fuel and oilfield products, natural oils and waxes, commodity and specialty surfactants, emulsifiers, and esters.

The qualified individual will provide general short and long term research and development support for the company's products andlor processes, primarily in the development and application of existing products Into new and existing target markets. Assist with the development of new and improved chemical manufacturing processes for exIsting products and determining usefulness and applicability of new products and processes to better meet customer needs.

Education and/or Experience: 1. One to 3 years demonstrated R&D experience In the chemical Industry. 2. Experience should include esterification andlor alkoxylation and a familiarity with productton methods and scale up from the laboratory to manufacturing. 3. Experience in ollfleld, textiles, water treatment, lubes, personal care, HI&!, andlor coatings desired. 4. Advanced degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering needed.

At Lambent Technologies we offer a competitive salary plus bonus opportunity and comprehensive benefit package.

Qualified candidates should email: jbarreU@petroferm.com and submit recent resume outlining qualifications and salary requirements.

We are an equal opportunity employer

We' re goi ng

further w ith PI LOT care

We're dedicated 10

providing you 'III'iIh environrMnlally

friendly .nd "'WnI'~ derlved ,urf8C\.llnla .nd .peei.ltle, for

your per-.on81 eare ,.,.....

SCCoop September 2009 • Vol XLI · No

Director Research & Development


Watkins, Inc., a Midwest based manufacturer and mari<etar of natural personal care, homecare, OTC Remedies, spices and extracts is currenUy accepting resumes for a ReS8arch and Development Director. This position could be based out of sittler Winona or Minneapolis, Minnesota.

As Research and Development Director you will be responsible for achieving corporate and departmental initiatives through 8 staff 01 Chemists and Tect\nicians.

Applicants have a Bachelor's degree In chemistry (masters preferred) along with a minimum of 7· 10 yaars experience encompassing roles as a chemist, lab supervisor and manager in an R& D environment The selected appticant will be responsible for the overall direction and leadership of the Research and Development Department. managing research programs and projects from inillal concept to final approval and launch. The position requires a thorough knowledge of business practices and the ability to facilitate the integraUon of the rasearch function into a rapidly growing and divarse business environment. Applicants with experience In natural based home cere and I Of natural based personal cara will receiv9 highest priority In the recruitment process.

Watll.ins Inc. offers a competitive compensation and benefits package. Qualified candidates should submit a resume by September 30, 2009, to:

watkins Incorporated Human Resource Department

150 LIberty St. P.O. Box 5570

Winona, MN 55987 o.


"Equal OpportunIty Employer"

IGICares Belter fonnulation.llut with IGI Care.

Hybrid Petroleum ISO-Polymers

Accumelt WaIes

USP Petroleum Paraffin Wax Microcrystalline Wax

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Amt rc ho l • BASF Ca lu met Penreco · CP K elc o

Croda • Oow Corn ing ' DuPo nt Hilyashlba . a • OilN" t • Pu rac

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In the Midwest Region: TH Hilson Company

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