2009 Homecoming Newsletter



Homecoming issue

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By Tiana Quinney

The last three years have

changed my life in so

many different ways.—

both good and bad ,

happy and

sad. Being in

high school is

getting me

prepared for

the outside

world. I will

miss my true


Victoria, Brit-

tany, Tiff and

a couple of

other friends

as well (love

y’all). They

are the reason

that I come to

school. Another reason I

come to school is to see

my baby Jeffrey Prince.

Thinking about this be-

ing my last homecoming

is really sad. Not having

the class of 2010 around ,

all together, just won’t

feel the same. After

you’ve gotten use to see-

ing the same people

over and over each day,

they kind of grow on

you. Even the teach-

ers make you want to

stay in school even if

you fail or pass their

classes .

I will remember

this homecoming

the most, because

it’s mine. This

homecoming is not

like the others. At

the other ones, you

have fun. But after

seeing my class-

mates this year for

the last few times,

and actually having

fun representing our

class, It kind of

brings tears to your

eyes because this

will be our last


You don’t want no Orange and Green! You don’t want none!

Yah! Yah!

Homecoming Memories: I Miss Huffman


W h a t ’ s U p ! Mon.-Thurs. Sept. 28-

Oct. 2-


Mon.-Thurs. Sept. 28-

Oct. 2-Teachers

decorate your

doors (Winners

announced at Pep-


Tues., Sept. 29-Choir

concert 7:00p.m.

Fri., Oct. 2-Doors

judged at 9:00 a.m.

Fri., Oct. 2-Pep-Rally


court Revealed)

Fri., Oct. 2-Game



T’is the Season to Catch the Flu: Don’t Let It Happen to You!

The flu is on the rise. Experts

and neighborhood doctors are

echoing the call for everyone to

practice safe flu prevention

techniques. The following are

ways to prevent yourself from

contracting this contagious vi-


Wash your hands. Wash your

hands in hot soapy water for the

amount of time it takes you to sing

"Happy Birthday" twice (15-20


Be Aware of public surfaces.

When you've shaken hands with

someone, or when you're using

something like a pen that others

have recently used--and don't touch

your face until you've had a chance to wash

your hands.

Keep hydrated. Drink 8-10 8-oz. glasses

of water each day to flush toxins from your

system and maintain good moisture and

mucous production in your sinuses.

Eat immune boosting foods. Fatty foods

can slow your metabolism, make you feel

sluggish, and compromise your immune

system. Stick with whole grains, colorful

vegetables, and vitamin-rich fruits.

Avoid Alcohol. Alcohol is an immune

suppressant that can actually decrease

your resistance to viral infections like

swine flu.

Stay physically fit. Exercise—supports

the immune system by increasing circula-

tion, oxygenating the body, purging toxins

through sweat, and releasing tension and stress.

So get moving!

Know when to get help. Swine flu can look

like regular flu, so don't feel like you necessarily

are infected if you're exhibiting flu-like symp-

toms. But do go to your doctor if you live in an

area where there are documented cases, or if

your symptoms are severe.

Keep it in perspective. Stress releases hor-

mones into our bodies that can compromise our

immune systems and actually make us more

susceptible to viruses like swine flu. So keep your

concern and vigilance over swine flu in perspec-

tive to keep it from taking over your mind and


If you follow these steps, your immune

system will be ready to fight the infection. Info courtesy of :www.beliefnet.com

V olu me 1 , Iss ue 1

Se ptember 3 0 , 20 09 VIKING VOICE

Homecoming Week Agenda:

Theme—”Cage the Panthers”

Monday —Nerd Day

Tuesday –-College Day

Wednesday—Generation Day

Thursday —Decade Day

Friday —Spirit Day

Ms. Ethel Knight, Principal Huffman High School

Homecoming Candidates


Christianna Bates

Jasmine Banner

Mya Reese


Joseph Moultrie

Kevin Crawford

D’Angelo Cooper

Miss Senior:

Amber Gibbs

Kelsey Wright

Rosalyn Adams

Ayanna Perkins

Mr. Senior:

Lamar Evans

Kevin Crawford

Vikings With Voices!

Are you a Viking with a

voice? Do you have an

opinion to express, a po-

em you’ve written, a pho-

to you’ve taken, or a shout out you

would like to give? If so, then you

are a “Viking With a Voice! The

staff of the Viking voice would like to

personally invite you to submit your

entry—poem, photo, essay, caught

doing goods, etc.– to our editorial

section of the this newsletter, and we

will spotlight you as a Viking with a

Voice. You may submit your entries

by email or flash-drive (Please in-

clude your name, grade, and title/


Also, if your club or organization has

special events, please do not hesitate

to submit your special event to us.

Your news is our news, and our news

is Huffman High School news!

We look forward to hearing from you


950 Springville Road

Birmingham, AL 35215

Huffman High School

I ask for grace

enough to listen to

the tales of others’

pains. Help me en-

dure them with pa-

tience. Seal my lips

on my own aches

and pains – even

though they are

increasing, and my

love of rehearsing

them is becoming

sweeter as the

By. Unknown Author

Lord, you

know me bet-

ter than I know

myself. That I

am growing

older, and that

someday I will

be old.

Keep me from

getting talka-

tive, and from

the habit of

thinking that I

must say

something on eve-

ry occasion.

Release me from

the craving to

straighten out eve-

ryone’s affairs.

Keep my mind free

from the ritual of

endless details,

and give me wings

to get to the point.

years go by.

Teach me the glori-

ous lesson that it is

possible to be mis-

taken. Keep me

reasonably sweet. I

don’t want to be a

saint – some of

them are hard to

live with, but a sour

old person is one of

the crowning works

of the devil.

Make me thought-

ful, but not moody;

helpful, but not

bossy. But with my

vast store of wis-

dom, it seems a

pity not to use it all.

But you know, Lord, I

want a few friends at

the end.

Senior Prayer

Phone: 205-231-5000

E-mail: hcenglish@bhamcityschools.org

(Tiana Quinney) lilmissprince@gmail.com

YOUR news is our news, and

OUR news is Huffman High

School news!

Pictures courtesy of al.com

Cage those


Ms. Ethel Knight, Principal

Mrs. Hope English, Co-Sponsor

Mrs. Kristin Kinstler, Co-Sponsor

V Feature Teacher: Meet Mrs. D. Hicks-Stewart

Interviewed by: Jerenisha Freeman

Jerenisha: What is it like being a history teacher at HHS?

Mrs. Hicks: I enjoy being a teacher here at HHS because the students

that I interact with on a daily basis are eager and willing to learn, and add

on more knowledge to what they already know.

Jerenisha: What is your philosophy on teaching?

Mrs. Hicks: My philosophy on teaching is the belief that every child

graduating from high school should be equipped with the basic infor-

mation needed to survive in the real world. This includes building

relationships with people, never giving up when things do not go the way

it is expected, never turning your back on people because you never

know when they are needed, as well as survival skills.

Jerenisha: Why did you decide to teach?

Mrs. Hicks: I decided to teach because I had always been told (from

church members, pastors, and mentors) that I have the gift of teaching.

Jerenisha: How do you encourage students to learn?

Mrs. Hicks: Encouraging students to learn is a hard job. The only thing I

tell them is how important it is to receive and education. Not all educa-

tion is free, so take advantage of what you do have right now.

Someone once said:

Homecoming means football,

festivities, and friendship.

October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds

came - The Chestnuts, Oaks, and

Maples, And leaves of every name.

The Sunshine spread a carpet,

And everything was grand,

Miss Weather led the dancing,

Professor Wind the band. ~George Cooper, "October's Party"


Carlene Woods

Miss Junior

Special Thanks To:

Tiana Quinney

Newspaper staff

Students who contributed last minute info.

Teachers who gave exceptional input

We appreciate the hard work. Love ya! You’re the

