2009 Forecast for the year of Ox - FengShui-Hacks Prediction...Qi Men Dun Jia forecast is different...


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2020 Forecast for the year of Rat


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Prediction by Master Calvin Yap

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Year 2020 This year, 2020 is Geng Zi (庚子) Rat Year. The Rat year starts on 4th February 2020 at 17:03 hour.

However, for Qi Men Dun Jia yearly prediction, we will be using the date and time of Chinese New

Year Eve to plot the chart and perform the analysis. The main reason is that the human Qi during this

time is strong as every Chinese will be celebrating the Chinese New Year. This is to be in line with the

Heaven, Earth and Human concept (天时, 地利, 人和). This year, Chinese New Year happens earlier

on 25th Jan 2020.

This Year general Prediction The Chinese New Year Eve chart as follow:

This year there will be a lot of conflicts and disagreements among the countries. For example, the

problems with Brexit and trade war between USA & China will continue. There will be complicated

trade discussion between countries.

There will be high volatility in world economy where there will be major fluctuations. We will see

new highs as well as new lows.

There will be more people falling sick in 2020 and people are more concern with their health. The

medical industries will see booming with business (both TCM and Western Medicine). This will

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include business that is health related; for example, electronic shops that sell air purifier or air

cleaner will see an increase in demand.

This year, we will see more cloud/fog/sand related type of weather. the haze issue in South East

Asia will probably come back and it will be worsen. We will also see more brutal winter for the year


Job market is more volatile this year with more retrenchment as well as expansion.

The divorce rate for this year will increase as compared to last year.

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Individual forecast Qi Men Dun Jia forecast is different from other animal year forecast. This is because Qi Men Dun Jia

uses the “Heavenly Stems” or Heaven Qi for prediction. Therefore, please refer to the following

table using your year of birth to see which group you are in and read the prediction according to the

group. It is grouped by the ending year. For example, those born in 1935, 1945, 1955 etc will be

grouped under Group 1.

Group 1 (Yi) Group 2 (Bing)

1935 Feb 5th – 1936 Feb 4th

1945 Feb 4th – 1946 Feb 3rd

1955 Feb 4th – 1956 Feb 4th

1965 Feb 4th – 1966 Feb 3rd

1975 Feb 4th – 1976 Feb 3rd

1985 Feb 4th – 1986 Feb 3rd

1995 Feb 4th – 1996 Feb 3rd

2005 Feb 4th – 2006 Feb 3rd

2015 Feb 4th – 2016 Feb 3rd

1926 Feb 4th – 1927 Feb 3rd

1936 Feb 5th – 1937 Feb 3rd

1946 Feb 4th – 1947 Feb 3rd

1956 Feb 5th – 1957 Feb 3rd

1966 Feb 4th – 1967 Feb 3rd

1976 Feb 5th – 1977 Feb 3rd

1986 Feb 4th – 1987 Feb 3rd

1996 Feb 4th – 1997 Feb 3rd

2016 Feb 4th – 2017 Feb 2nd

Group 3 (Ding) Group 4 (Wu)

1937 Feb 4th - 1938 Feb 3rd

1947 Feb 4th – 1948 Feb 4th

1957 Feb 4th – 1958 Feb 3rd

1967 Feb 4th - 1968 Feb 4th

1977 Feb 4th – 1978 Feb 3rd

1987 Feb 5th – 1988 Feb 4th

1997 Feb 4th – 1998 Feb 3rd

2007 Feb 4th – 2008 Feb 3rd

2017 Feb 3rd – 2018 Feb 3rd

1928 Feb 5th – 1929 Feb 3rd

1938 Feb 4th – 1939 Feb 4th

1948 Feb 5th – 1949 Feb 3rd

1958 Feb 5th – 1959 Feb 3rd

1968 Feb 5th – 1969 Feb 3rd

1978 Feb 4th – 1979 Feb 3rd

1988 Feb 4th – 1989 Feb 3rd

1998 Feb 4th – 1999 Feb 3rd

2008 Feb 4th – 2009 Feb 3rd

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Group 5 (Ji) Group 6 (Geng)

1939 Feb 5th – 1940 Feb 4th

1949 Feb 4th – 1950 Feb 3rd

1959 Feb 4th – 1960 Feb 4th

1969 Feb 4th – 1970 Feb 3rd

1979 Feb 4th – 1980 Feb 4th

1989 Feb 4th – 1990 Feb 3rd

1999 Feb 4th – 2000 Feb 3rd

2009 Feb 4th – 2010 Feb 3rd

1930 Feb 4th – 1931 Feb 4th

1940 Feb 5th – 1941 Feb 3rd

1950 Feb 4th – 1951 Feb 3rd

1960 Feb 3rd – 1961 Feb 3rd

1970 Feb 4th – 1971 Feb 3rd

1980 Feb 5th – 1981 Feb 3rd

1990 Feb 4th – 1991 Feb 3rd

2000 Feb 4th – 2001 Feb 4th

2010 Feb 4th – 2011 Feb 3rd

Group 7 (Xin) Group 8 (Ren)

1931 Feb 5th – 1932 Feb 4th

1941 Feb 4th – 1942 Feb 3rd

1951 Feb 4th – 1952 Feb 4th

1961 Feb 4th – 1962 Feb 3rd

1971 Feb 4th – 1972 Feb 4th

1981 Feb 4th – 1982 Feb 3rd

1991 Feb 4th – 1992 Feb 3rd

2001 Feb 4th – 2002 Feb 3rd

2011 Feb 4th – 2012 Feb 3rd

1932 Feb 5th – 1933 Feb 3rd

1942 Feb 4th – 1943 Feb 4th

1952 Feb 5th – 1953 Feb 3rd

1962 Feb 4th – 1963 Feb 3rd

1972 Feb 5th – 1973 Feb 3rd

1982 Feb 4th – 1983 Feb 3rd

1992 Feb 4th – 1993 Feb 3rd

2002 Feb 4th – 2003 Feb 3rd

2012 Feb 4th – 2013 Feb 3rd

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Group 9 (Gui) Born in year ending 4

1933 Feb 4th – 1974 Feb 3rd

1943 Feb 5th – 1944 Feb 4th

1953 Feb 4th – 1954 Feb 3rd

1963 Feb 4th – 1964 Feb 4th

1973 Feb 4th – 1974 Feb 3rd

1983 Feb 4th – 1984 Feb 3rd

1993 Feb 4th – 1994 Feb 3rd

2003 Feb 4th – 2004 Feb 3rd

2013 Feb 4th – 2014 Feb 3rd

1934 Feb 4th – 1935 Feb 4th – see Group 5

1944 Feb 4th – 1945 Feb 3rd – see Group 6

1954 Feb 4th – 1955 Feb 3rd – see Group 7

1964 Feb 5th – 1965 Feb 3rd – see Group 8

1974 Feb 4th – 1975 Feb 3rd – see Group 9

1984 Feb 5th – 1985 Feb 3rd - see Group 4

1994 Feb 4th – 1995 Feb 3rd – see Group 5

2004 Feb 4th – 2005 Feb 3rd – see Group 6

2014 Feb 4th – 2015 Feb 3rd - see Group 7

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2019 Overview

2020 Overview

2020 Lucky Colour

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Group 1 (Yi)

1935, 1945, 1955, 1965, 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005, 2015

Like last year, overall, this is a good year for those born in the Yi year. This year, you are less stressful

and will take things more easily. However you need to take care of your health.

Health: Your health is generally not good this year. You need to take care of your liver and you need to sleep

early (before 11pm) and reduce intake of alcohol. In particular, the month of April and May

timeframe when the problem becomes more serious.

Career: Career is generally good this year. However, there is a lot of back-stabbing happening in your office.

In addition, your boss is not very supportive in you, so you need to take extra care of petty people.

Try to avoid being embroiled in office politics.

Wealth: This year your wealth luck is good and very much better than last year. The increment and/or bonus

that you have been waiting for is finally here. However, it is advisable to be prudent in your spending.

If you are doing business, this year business will be on the up side and a good opportunity to expand

your business.

Relationship: Relationship is below average this year. For those who are married, there will be a lot of argument

with your spouse. Therefore, you need to spend more time with your spouse and establish a better

communication between both of you. Most of the time, marriage failure is due to lack of

communication and understanding.

For those who are not married, for male, your peach blossom luck is good this year. You may meet

someone you like in your office. For female, your peach blossom is not good this year. The chance of

meeting someone you like is low.

Study: For those who are studying or taking examination this year, your study luck is not good this year. You

need to put in a lot of effort to pass your exam.

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Group 2 (Bing)

1926, 1936, 1946, 1956, 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996, 2006, 2016

This year is not a good year for people who are born in the Bing year. There is a lot of stress and in

general, things are not smooth. You may be spending unexpected money and this will cause more

stress to you.

Health: With all the stress, you need to take care of your respiratory tract. In particular, this year, you are

prone to cough, flu and for worst case, pneumonia. As such, you need to do more exercise to take

care of your health. In particular, during haze month where the haze will cause problems to your

respiratory tract.

Career: Like last year, this year’s career is not smooth. However, your boss will continue to support you.

However, you need to pay more attention to the task given. You need to plan all the possible

scenarios as the chance of things not working out is high. When things are not working, it will cause

more stress to you and affect your health.

Wealth: Your wealth luck is bad this year. As such, you need to be prudent in major items. In addition, this

year is not a good year to go into major investment. There is a tendency that your investment will be

stuck and you could not recover from it.

If you are doing business, things will appear to be good but that is only smoke screen. If you have

any expansion plan, it is advisable to hold back first. Be careful when someone come with hard-to-

believe expansion or investment plan as it may be a scam that may cause you to lose money.

Relationship: As compared to last year, relationship is getting better this year but there will still be argument and

miscommunication with your spouse. In addition, you will feel that your spouse is bossier this year.

So, it is better to have more open communication with your spouse.

For those who are not married, for females, your peach blossom luck continue to be bad. It will be

difficult to find someone whom you like. For males, your peach blossom luck is bad as well. There is

tendency that your girlfriend may want to break-off with you. So, if you have someone in mind,

please be patient in your courtship.

Study: For those who are still schooling, your study luck is good but not as good as last year. So, you may continue to spend some money on your education.

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Group 3 (Ding) 1937, 1947, 1957, 1967, 1977, 1987, 1997, 2007, 2017

As compared to last year, this year your health will get better. However, you still need to continue

with your health regime and not to let your guard down. As such, it is advisable to continue to take

things in more relax manner.

Health: As mentioned above, your health will get better but you cannot be complacent on your health. It is

advisable to be careful with your food intake. Do not eat food that is too oily or too spicy. Cut down

on food intake as well as there is sign of indigestion. In addition, you tend to get more irritated this

year, so you need to learn to take things in a more relax manner. Practising Qigong exercise will help.

Career: Your career luck continues to be good this year but lack of support from boss this year. Therefore,

before you do anything, please check and verify with your boss first. In addition, you also need to be

very clear with your boss about the task assigned so that there is no miscommunication or

misinterpretation by both parties.

Wealth: As similar to last year, your wealth luck will continue to be good and you will continue to gain some

wealth from your investment.

If you are doing business, you are all gear up for expansion but you need to be careful of gossip and

scandal. There may be petty people who are not happy with your success and create trouble for you.

Relationship: If you are married, your relationship is above average but you need to continue to foster an open

communication with your spouse to ensure that there is no misinterpretation.

For those who are not married, for females, your peach blossom luck is not good at all. For those

who are single, it will be difficult for you to find someone whom you like. For males, your peach

blossom luck is not so good too. If you are single, you may meet someone but she may not be to

your liking. Nevertheless, you are encouraged to open up your social circle. For those who are

attached, your girlfriend may not have time for you, so you need to exercise cautions of potential 3rd


Study: For those who are still studying, your study luck will continue to be not good. You need to do a lot of

preparation and put in a lot of effort to be able to pass the exam. As such, you are advised to start

early preparation and not to wait until the last minute.

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Group 4 (Wu)

1928, 1938, 1948, 1958, 1968, 1978, 1984, 1988, 1998, 2008

Although things start to get better in 2019, it may not last as 2020 is an extremely bad year for you.

This year there is potential accident or injury. In addition, your relationship is not good as well.

Health: This year, you need to be careful with your urinal tract or kidney problem. In particular, women may

have issue with their reproduction organ. As such, it is advisable to go for pap smear screening if you

have not done so. For men that are over 50 years old, you may want to consider going for prostate


Career: Your Career luck is not as good as last year. For this year, your boss is not supportive of you and

there may be misunderstanding between you and your boss. As such, you need to foster a more

open and straightforward communication with your boss.

Wealth: Your wealth luck is bad this year. If you have any plan for major investment, it is advisable for you to

hold back and wait.

For those who are doing a business, your business is stagnant and there may be drop in your

business. If you plan to expand, then it is better to hold on first.

Relationship: For those who are married, this year will be a tough year for you. There is high chance of major

argument between you and your spouse that may result in divorce. As such, it is advisable to

continue to foster better and open communications. You should be patient and honest with your

spouse to minimise miscommunication.

For those who are not married, for males, your peach blossom luck is good but there is potential

that your girlfriend may not pay much attention to the relationship. If you have already someone in

mind, please cherish your relationship and maintain strong relationship. For females, your peach

blossom luck is no good. If you are attached, spend more time with your boyfriend as he may feel

that you are stressing him in this relationship. Therefore, you need to give him some space . For

those who are not attached, your chance of meeting someone you like is slim.

Study: Your study luck is not so good this year. As such, you need to work extra hard to ensure you get good

results. You may be spending some monies in your education this year.

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Group 5 (Ji)

1934, 1939, 1949, 1959, 1969, 1979, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2009

This year, you may have legal issue due to documentation problem. As such, you need to be careful

with documentation when handling matters.

Health: Your health is not so good this year as compared to last year. You need to be careful with your

digestive system and your food intake.

Career: Your career luck continues to be bad this year. However, this year is slightly better as your boss is

slightly more supportive of you but you still need to be careful when handling matters especially

documentation that may result in legal issue that cause you your job.

Wealth: Your wealth luck continues to be good this year in particular your windfall luck is extremely good.

However, it is advisable to be moderate in your gambling as people may be jealous with you and rob


If you are doing your own business, this is the year for you to expand. However, you need to pay

attention to details in the contract as it may cause legal issue later.

Relationship: Relationship is not good this year. For those whose are married, there will be misunderstandings

between husband and wife. You are advised to foster open communications with each other as

there is potential of divorce happening.

For those who are single, for males, your peach blossom luck is not good this year. Those who are

unattached, the chances of meeting someone are very low. For females, your peach blossom luck is

good this year. For those who are attached, please spend more time with your boyfriend and build a

better communication with each other. For those who are not attached, the chance of meeting

someone you like is low.

Study: If you are still studying, this year’s study luck is good as compared to last year. However, do not be

complacent in your preparation. You need to spend time preparing and studying for examination.

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Group 6 (Geng)

1930, 1940, 1944, 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2004, 2010

This year is not as good as last year. There may be potential health issue.

Health: Your health takes a turn this year from good to bad. It could be due to all the enjoyment you had last

year. You need to take care of your liver but cutting down on oily food and alcohol intake. In

addition, you are advised to exercise regularly to build up your health.

Career: This year’s Career luck is slightly better than last year but not significantly good. Tasks are smoother

than last year but your boss still continue to be non-supportive of your decision. As such, you need

to exercise restraint when handling matters, especially when dealing with your boss. You may not be

happy with you job this year and you may quit your job.

Wealth: Your wealth luck is not as good as last year. So, with all the investment done last year, it is time for

you to cash it out, hold back or keep as long term investment.

If you are a business owner, you can continue with your expansion if it was already planned. If you

are looking at massive expansion, then it is advisable to be cautious on this.

Relationship: This year relationship is better than last year. However, there may be minor argument with your

spouse on trivial matters. As such, it is advisable to continue to foster open a communication and

resolve the miscommunication early before it escalated.

For those who are not married, for males, your peach blossom luck is good. If you are not attached,

your chances of getting hitch are high. However, you need to be careful with your approach as the

other party may be stressed by you.

For Females, your peach blossom luck is not good. For those who are not attached, your chance of

getting hitch is very low. For those who are attached, please spend more time with your loved ones

as there may be 3rd party coming to steal your boyfriend.

Study: For those who are still studying or intent to study, this year study luck is not good at all. You need to

continue to put in a lot more effort in your study to ensure smooth passing, similar to last year.

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Group 7 (Xin)

1931, 1941, 1951, 1954, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2001, 2011, 2014

There is a drastic change in your luck this year as compared to last year. However, you need to be

careful when travelling as there is potential traffic accident happening to you. Even you are not

driving, you need to be extra careful when taking someone else car or taking public transport. For

safety precaution, please put on safety belt when available.

Health: Your health starts to get better this year but your stomach related issue will persist. As such, you

need to continue with your precaution like what you did last year. In addition, you need to continue

with your yearly check-up to detect any problem.

Career: After things start to get better but it does not last long. This year will be a tough year for you.

However, your boss is supportive in your work. You need to continue to drive and innovate in your

work. Talk to your boss more often to gain better support to minimise any issue during your course

of action in delivering your tasks.

Wealth: This year your wealth luck is extremely good. All the hard work you put on for the last few years is

finally paying off. If you are looking at major investment, this is the time for you to put your plan

forward. In addition, your gambling luck is good this year. However, you are advisable not to get into

major gambling activities as such activities will affect your health.

If you are into business, this is the time to execute your expansion plan.

Relationship: For those who are married, like last year, your constant argument between husband and wife

continue to this year. As such, you need to spend more time communicating with each other. Open

communication is important to eliminate misunderstanding and gossip.

For those who are not married, for female, your peach blossom luck is good this year. So, there is a

high chance that you meet someone whom you like but the relationship may not work out as

expected. As such, you need to handle the situation carefully.

For male, your peach blossom luck is not good at all. Your chance of meeting someone is slim. If you

are currently attached, then you need to spend more time with your girlfriend as there is potential

that you may break off this year.

Study: Your study luck is on average this year. As such, to get the passing mark, you still need to put in

effort and plan your strategy properly.

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Group 8 (Ren)

1932, 1942, 1952, 1962, 1964, 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002, 2012

Similar to last year, your luck continues to be good this year. You will be busy with your work and

expecting more opportunity for you. Your boss is very supportive and may give you more

opportunity to perform. However, you need to pay attention to the stress level due to extra

responsibility and work. There may be headache or migraine due to stress/work/boss. In addition,

your relationship may be affected by all these opportunities.

Health: Like last year, you need to continue to take care of your stress level that may cause headache and


Career: If you are working for people, this is a very good year for you. There will be more recognition for

your hard work. However, due to high demand, there will be tremendous stress in handling the

demand. Although your boss is supportive, the demand can be overbearing. You need to take care

of your health and your relationship.

Wealth: Your wealth luck is extremely good this year. All the hard work that you put in is now coming back

with rewards. If you are looking at major investment, it is time for you to do so.

If you are into business, it is time for you to execute your expansion plan.

Relationship: For those who are married, your relationship this year is very bad. Since you are stressed with work,

it is advisable to spend more time with your spouse. You also need to cultivate an open

communication between both of you and try to spend more time with your loved ones. There is high

chance of divorce this year if you do not put in effort in your relationship.

For those who are not married, for female, your peach blossom luck is not good. If you are attached,

you may find that your boyfriend is always stressed by you. It could be that you are busy with all the

good career and wealth luck and neglect your relationship. If you are unattached, your chance of

getting a boyfriend is not high this year.

For male, your peach blossom luck is good this year. So, put on more effort to win her heart.

Study: Your study luck is good this year. However, you will still need to put in effort to get good grades.

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Group 9 (Gui)

1933, 1943, 1953, 1963, 1973, 1974, 1983, 1993, 2003, 2013

As compared to last year, your luck is slightly better but still not optimal. You need to continue to be

strong and move ahead. This year, you need to be careful of blood related calamity.

Health: For this year, you need to take note of your respiratory tract. If you are smoking, try to cut down or

quit smoking altogether. In addition, you need to pay extra attention during the haze months as it

will significantly affect your health. There is also potential blood related calamity this year, so you

need to be extra careful with your health.

Career: Like last year, your career luck continues to be bad this year. However, for this year, it is slightly

better as due to your hard work, your boss begin to be supportive of you. However, you still need to

be careful in performing your task as there may be petty people trying to sabotage you.

Wealth: Your wealth luck this year is not much better than last year; in fact, it will get worst. As such, you are

advised to be prudent and take extra precaution when dealing with big-ticket items. In addition, you

are advised to be low-key in your big purchases as it may invite unnecessary attention from petty


If you are doing business and you plan to expand, this is the time to halt all your expansions and

relook at the strategy again. In addition, you need to be extra careful as there are potential petty

people trying to sabotage you.

Relationship: This year your relationship is still not good. You may feel that your spouse is unreasonable in the

handling of matters and there will be constant argument if matters are not handled carefully. You

need to be patient and communicate more to eliminate misunderstanding. If this minor argument is

not resolved, it can escalate to a major issue. You are being aggressive and unreasonable in your

overall circumstances, so you need to seek understanding from your spouse.

For those who are not married, for male, your peach blossom luck is not good this year. If you are

not attached, your chances of being hitched are very low. If you are attached, please cherish your

current girlfriend. For female, your peach blossom luck is good this year. You may find someone that

you like this year but that person may be stress with the relationship. So, you need to foster more

communication with each other.

Study: Your study luck is getting better this year. However, you still need to put in effort in your study to get

good grades.

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Fengshui enhancement and tips for 2020

Wealth Sector – South Sector For 2019, the wealth sector is at the south sector. You can put a pot of Zamioculcas (金钱树 –

golden money tree) or Pachira aquatica (发财树 – money tree).

Photo Credit: Derrick Lavado

1Zamioculcas (金钱树 – golden money


2Pachira aquatica (发财树 – money tree)

Sickness Sector – SE Sector For 2020, the sickness sector is at the SE sector. You need to put a large 8 inches metal coin at SE


Large 8” coin

1 Picture from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zamioculcas

2 Picture from http://www.easybloom.com/plantlibrary/plant/money-tree

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Good Date to start work after Chinese New Year Below are the good dates and time to start work after Chinese New Year (CNY) break:

Option 1: 26th Jan 2020, Sun 5 – 7pm. The best timing will be 6:40 pm. This is a Sunday and if you

have remote access, you can login to send a simple business email to kick-start the good luck.

This date is specifically good for people who are born in the year of Xin (ends with 1. e.g . 1961, 1971,

etc) . Using this date and time for activation will bring in smooth career. Note: most people can use

this date and time, just that this date/time is better for those born in the year of Xin.

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Option 2: 28th Jan 2020, Tue 9-11pm. The best timing will be 9:20pm. If you have remote access, you can login to send a simple business email to kick-start the good luck.

This date is specifically good for people who are born in the year of Ding (ends with 7. e.g . 1967,

1977, etc) . Using this date and time for activation will bring in smooth wealth luck. Note: most

people can use this date and time, just that this date/time is better for those born in the year of Ding.

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Option 3: 29th Jan 2020, Wed 1pm – 3pm. The best of the best timing will be 1:50 pm.

This date is specifically good for people who are born in the year of Yi (ends with 5. e.g . 1965, 1975,

etc) . Using this date and time for activation will bring in smooth career. Note: most people can use

this date and time, just that this date/time is better for those born in the year of Yi.

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Courses Available: Note: the courses are subject to change.


Road to Fengshui Master

This roadmap is for students who want to become a practitioner Fengshui Master. There are 2 tracks

to this program:

Road to Fengshui Practitioner

Qi Men Dun Jia Program

Road to Fengshui Practitioner This is the zero to master program that is designed to train students to become a Fengshui

Practitioner. This is a full fledge Fengshui course that will cover most of the topics being used by

common Fengshui Masters in the market. You will learn the commonly used Fengshui techniques

employed by Fengshui Masters.

After this track, students can choose between the Xuan Kong Da Gua or the San He Program (or

both). After completing either program, students can continue to join the Fengshui Practitioner

Program where Master Calvin Yap will personally mentor each student to ensure that students can

become a successful Fengshui Master.

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Qi Men Dun Jia Program Qi Men Dun Jia Program consists of a series of Qi Men Dun Jia Mastery Courses and option to

enhance your Qi Men Dun Jia skill using San He (Super-charging QMDJ with SanHe Fengshui).

Qi Men Dun Jia for day-to-day application


QMDJ Date Selection

After completion, students can continue to join the Fengshui Practitioner Program where Master

Calvin Yap will personally mentor each student to ensure that students can become a successful

Fengshui Master.

Specialized Chinese Meta-Physics

For those who have special interest in certain Chinese Meta-Physics topic, a comprehensive

roadmap is available. They are:

Ultimate Destiny Analysis

Qi Men Dun Jia Mastery Program

5-Element Bazi

Zi Wei Duo Shu

There will be follow up workshop/discussion group (including mentorship) to ensure that students

are able to attain the required knowledge.

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Supplementary Classes

Supplementary short classes are provided:

Qi Men Dun Jia for Working Professional

Basic Fengshui for house selection

Ultimate Date Selection

Mei Hua Yi Shu and Yijing Divination

Face Reading

Palm Reading

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Course Details

Qi Men Dun Jia Mastery: Qi Men Dun Jia for day-to-day application

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: Basic Chinese Meta-Physics concept (material will be provided FOC for those who

don't have any background in Chinese Meta-Physics)

The class is divided into 2 parts:

Basic Concept of Qi Men Dun Jia

How to use Qi Men Dun Jia for day-to-day application.

At the end of the class you will know:

Different categories of Chinese Meta-Physics

What is Chinese Solar Calendar

Basic Concept of Qi Men Dun Jia

Using the simplify method of Qi Men Dun Jia to:

o Forecast marriage & relationship

o Forecast wealth and investment

o Forecast interview and academic

o Forecast prospect of investment

o Forecast accuracy of information

o Forecast on Fengshui

o How to use Qi Men Dun Jia in office environment

Qi Men Dun Jia Mastery: Bazi QMDJ

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: Qi Men Dun Jia for day-to-day application

At the end of the class you will know:

How to derive a correct bazi chart of a person

Timezone information

How to use a person birth date/time to generate QMDJ chart

Based on QMDJ chart, how to select a house that matches a person bazi

How to derive the person:

o Academic achievement, Career luck

o Relationship luck, Direct Wealth luck

o Indirect Wealth luck, Potential health issue

o Character

o Relationship of the person with his/her parents, siblings, spouse, offspring,

marriage/relationship (3rd party etc)

o Annual luck

o Potential calamity

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Qi Men Dun Jia Mastery: QMDJ Date Selection

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: Qi Men Dun Jia for day-to-day application

The highest level of Qi Men Dun Jia is Date Selection. You will be taught on the correct way of Qi

Men Dun Jia Date Selection. You will learn how read the outcome based on the date used for certain

important events (e.g. the cause of marriage breakdown, health issue, company issues and financial

difficulties because of wrong date used in move-in, ground breaking or marriage)

Real case studies are being presented on:

Why certain date/time chosen will bring detrimental results

How certain date/time chosen will bring good results.

Learn how to choose a good date for specific outcome for:

Renovation Date Selection

Burial Date Selection

Move-in Date Selection

Opening ceremony Date Selection

Marriage Date Selection

Interview/Exam Date Selection

Seek Wealth Date Selection

The technique of changing luck using the Qi Men Dun Jia bed fixing to improve on Relationship,

Career, Wealth, Health and increase the chance of pregnancy.

At the end of the class you will know:

What are the criteria to look out for when choosing date/time for specific outcome

How to derive what are the events going to happen when wrong date/time is chosen

Fengshui Practioner Program – from zero to master

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: None

This is a full fledge Fengshui courses for someone who has zero knowledge and want to become a

Fengshui master. The class is divided into 3 parts:

Part 1 consists of fundamental concept of Chinese Meta Physics

Part 2 consists of Basic Fengshui fundamentals

o what is Sha Qi

o how to identify Sha Qi

o Bedroom Fengshui

o Kitchen Fengshui

Part 3 will go into some of Fengshui formulas

o BaZhai Fengshui

o Xuan Kong Flying Star Fengshui

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o Basic Water Theory

o Basic Date Selection

o Basic Ziping Bazi

Super-charging QMDJ with San He Fengshui/San He Program

Availability: Classroom (Singapore) (4 days)

Pre-requisite: Completed QMDJ Courses and/or completed Fengshui Practitioner program

At the end of the class you will know:

What is SanHe Fengshui

Basic Fundamental of Fengshui

What is Water Mouth

What is Sha Qi

Qi Movement

Location Selection

SanHe Formula and Application

SanHe application with QMDJ

Fengshui Walkabout

At the end of the class you will know:

How to use SanHe Fengshui techniques in chosing an unit, auditing a place & provide


How to use SanHe with Qi Men Dun Jia to get optimum results.

Xuan Kong Da Gua Fengshui

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: completed Fengshui Practitioner program

This course covers the complete system of Xuan Kong Da Gua:

Luopan Arrangement

Xuan Kong Da Gua Arrangement

The generation of Hexagram

In and Out Gua

Ling Shen & Zheng Shen

Bedroom and Health Hexagram

Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection

Fengshui remedies and pre-caution including fighting San Sha.

Toilet Fengshui

How to perform Fengshui audit and remediation using Xuan Kong Da Gua.

Water Theories

o Inside Castle Gate 内城门 Flying Stars School

o Castle Gate Method (城门)

o 24 Mountain Na Jia Chart (纳甲)

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o Dragon Fan Gua (Mountain Dragon) 山龙反卦

o Dragon Fan Gua (Water Dragon) 水龙反卦

o 5 Ghost Carry Treasure 五鬼运财

o Fu Xing Gua Water Method (辅星卦水法)

o Na Jia Gui Yuan Water Method (纳甲归元水法)

o Husband & Wife Combine 10 Water Method (夫妇合十水法)

o He Tu 4 formation Water Method (河图四像水法)

o Da Xuan Kong Wu Xing (大玄空五行)

o Lo Shu 4 Formation Water Method (洛书四像水法)

Ultimate Destiny Analysis: 5-Element Bazi

Availability: Classroom (Singapore) (2 days)

Pre-requisite: None The missing piece of Ziping Bazi (hidden secret) Most of the practitioner could not read event accurately because of this missing piece Complex structure and bazi interaction is not used – 5-element bazi uses a simplify method

to read events In depth understanding of the basic Yin Yang and 5-element will be taught

At the end of the class you will know:

Correct way of reading Ziping Bazi How to see events using the 5-Element bazi techniques

Course Content:

Lesson 1 – Introducing Destiny Analysis o What is Qi Men Dun Jia Bazi, Zi Wei Duo Shu, Ziping Bazi o What is 5-Element bazi

Lesson 2 – Basic Concept o Five Elements, Tong Guan o Yin & Yang, Yin Yang of 5-element o Timezone information – concept of solar time.

Lesson 3 – Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branches o 10 Heavenly stems, Yin and Yang of Heavenly Stems o Heavenly Stem combo & transformation o 12 Earthly Branches o Earthly Branches combo & transformation o Hidden Combo

Lesson 4 – Chart Plotting o How to plot the chart (the correct way) o Luck Pillar changes and season information

Lesson 5 – Basic concept of 5-Element Bazi o 10 God Concept, Characteristic of 10 God o 10 God in 6-relationship, Structure of Natal Chart o Combo & Clash, combo and/or transformation

Lesson 6 – Waxing and Waning of Qi o Yin and Yang of Qi, The concept of In Command o Heavenly Stem Qi cycle, Earthly Branch Qi cycle o 4 phases of Qi cycle, Concurrent running of Qi

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o When Qi is the strongest, Combo and Transformation revisit – combo transform or don’t transform.

Lesson 7 –Qi flow in Bazi o Qi interaction categories, Qi Characteristic o Reading specific event – Health, putting on weight, peach blossom, children, Officer

luck, Bankrupt, Husband and Wife, Parents, Exam luck. Lesson 8 – How to start and case studies

o How to Start, Rules in reading bazi, Reading Natal Chart o Reading Luck, Annual, Month cycle, Steps in reading bazi o Case Studies

Ultimate Destiny Analysis: Zi Wei Duo Shu

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: None This is the Si Hua Zi Wei Duo Shu method that covers the following:

14 main stars key attributes

4 sub-stars key attributes and functions

What is Si Hua and the basic concept behind Si Hua

Zi Wei Duo Shu Palaces and it’s meaning

Shifting Palace information (Palace interchange)

How to plot chart


Advanced method in reading events

Ultimate Destiny Analysis: Professional Version

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: Qi Men Dun Jia Mastery, 5-Element Bazi and Zi Wei Duo Shu This course is a workshop/discussion type of format where students are being taught to perform destiny reading using Qi Men Dun Jia, 5-Element Bazi and Zi Wei Duo Shu. Case studies shall be presented and discussed with cross reference using these 3 techniques. This will provide a full picture when reading destiny for clients. In addition, students will be taught on how to provide advise and consultancy to client based on the information obtained.

Qi Men Dun Jia for Working Professional

Availability: Classroom (Singapore) (1 day)

Pre-requisite: None

This is a short course that allow you to quickly utilize Qi Men in your work environment.

The course content as follow:

Introduction to Qi Men Dun Jia

Interview and academic – how to gain an upper hand over others.

Job offer, boss condition & situation

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Submit proposal – what to look out for

Asking for favour

Key Take-away:

Introduction Qi Men Dun Jia

o What is Qi Men Dun Jia, History of Qi Men Dun Jia

o How to interpret Qi Men Dun Jia chart

Interview and academic

o how to gain an upper hand over others.

o Where to sit during interview

Job offer, boss condition & situation

o How to find out whether the job is suitable

o Power position

o Condition and situation of job and boss for day to day application

Submit proposal

o what to look out for

o How to choose a date to submit proposal (to ensure success)

Asking for favour

o When is the good time to ask for favour

Basic Fengshui for house selection

Availability: Classroom (Singapore) (1 day)

Pre-requisite: None

What is this course for:

Couples who is planning of buying a house and want to know how to choose a good unit

You already bought a house and want to know what are the precaution, Fengshui wise

You are an Interior Designer and you want to use this knowledge for your work

You are a property agents and want to impress your client with Fengshui knowledge

General knowledge with logical explanation of Fengshui

What this course is not:

Make you a professional Fengshui Master

Selling of items

Key Take-away:

Introduction to Chinese 5-Arts, Fengshui and Qi Men Dun Jia

Basic Fengshui

o 24 mountains

o Best area to stay based on your birth date/time

o Centre of building

o How to determine Facing and Sitting of a house

o How to ensure house doesn’t clash with occupants

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Sha Qi – how to identify and how to avoid

Bedroom Fengshui

o Coffin Position? Ok?

o Placement of bed, headboard or no headboard

o Air con position

o Water in the bedroom

Kitchen Fengshui

o Stove/hob placement

o Myth about stove placement


o Toilet Fengshui

o Mirror placement

o Renovation – what to look out for

o Move-in – what to do

o Annual pre-caution

Ultimate Date Selection

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: Basic Chinese Meta-Physics concept (material will be provided FOC for those who

don't have any background in Chinese Meta-Physics)

At the end of the class you will know:

The various systems available to choose date

10 Officers system and how it is being derived and used (also known as Tong Shu method)

28 Constellation system and how it is being derived and used

Dong Gong method

Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection Method

Qi Men Dun Jia Date Selection Method

Mei Hua Yi Shu and Yijing Divination

Availability: Classroom (Singapore) (1 day)

Pre-requisite: None

Learn how to do divination using Mei Hua Yi Shu (peach blossom) and YiJing method.

Face Reading

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: None

Learn how to read a person like a book by just looking at the face.

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Palm Reading

Availability: Classroom (Singapore)

Pre-requisite: None

Learn how to read a person like a book by just looking at the palm.

Various Workshop and Discussion Group There will be various workshop and discussion group available for students to ask questions, present

case study and share their finding.

Mentorship program Students can join the mentorship program where Master Calvin Yap will personally mentor each

students to ensure that all the students are in the right track.

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