2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 - Jacobs School of...


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Keith Marzullo Rajesh Gupta

2007 2008 2010 2011 2012 20132009

Hires: Ryan Kastner, Hovav Shacham Hire: Yuanyuan Zhou

Departure: Francine Berman

Hires: Jason Mars, Christine Alvarado, Shachar Lovett

Hire: Scott Klemmer

Departures: Jason Mars, George Varghese

Hire: Kamalika Chaudhuri

201001.10 Andrew Kahng named an IEEE Fellow.

03.10 Mihir Bellare is awarded the ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for development of practice-oriented provable security to improve cost-effective cryptogratphy.

05.10 Ten years after publishing “Typechecking for XML Transformers,” Victor Vianu shares in the ACM PODS Alberto O. Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award.

05.10 CSE’s Stefan Savage and alumnus Tadayoshi Kohno report at IEEE symposium on extensive security vulnerabilities in automotive computer systems.

06.10 Dean Tullsen and co-authors of 1965 paper, “Simultaneous Multithreading: Maximizing On-Chip Parallelism,” honored with ISCA Influential Paper Award for enduring paper from 15 years earlier.

06. 10 Ph.D. student Boris Babenko wins Google Fellowship in computer vision.

07.10 In Sort Benchmark competition, computer scientists from CSE and CNS set world record, using TritonSort to sort more than one terabyte of data in just 60 seconds.

08.10 NSF awards $10MN Expedition in Computing grant to a six-university consortium led by principal investigator Rajesh Gupta on “Variability-Aware Software for Efficient Computing with Nanoscale Devices.”

09.10 Inauguration of Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) program in Architecture-Based Enterprise Systems Engineering (AESE), co-directed by CSE’s Ingolf Krueger.

10.10 First meeting of the CSE Alumni Board

10.10 Test deployment of sensors on second floor of CSE Building demonstrates that between 10% and 15% of energy use could be saved with real-time occupancy sensors and ‘smart’ HVAC computer algorithms.

12.10 Stefan Savage and Pavel Pevzner named ACM Fellows for their work, respectively, in computer systems security, and bioinformatics.

201302.13 Victor Vianu elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, for work in database systems and theory.

06.13 Andrew Kahng, elected ACM Fellow, also named one of 10 most-cited authors and third most collaborative author in the 50-year history of the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.

06.13 CSE announces $18.5MN anonymous gift, UC San Diego’s largest-ever gift from an alumnus; department announces Inspiring Imaginations fund-raising campaign.

06.13 Over 170 alumni attend second-ever CSE Tutors Reunion and inaugural CSE Tutor Challenge to raise $250,000 for tutoring program.

07.13 Christine Alvarado (below) wins ABIE A. Richard Newton Educator Award for her work to increase the number of women studying and pursuing careers in computing.

07.13 Bill Griswold and colleagues receive 2013 Impact Paper Award from ACM’s SIG on Software Engineering, for 1999 paper on “Dynamically Discovering Likely Program Invariants to Support Program Evolution.”

08.13 Computer science at UCSD reaches #11 globally in the Academic Ranking of World Universities.

09.13 Nerode Prize awarded to the authors of five papers in the area of multivariate algorithmics, including CSE’s Russell Impagliazzo and Ramamohan Paturi.

200902.09 Alex Snoeren honored with Sloan Research Fellowship for “making fundamental contributions to new knowledge,” bringing to nine the number of Sloan fellows in CSE.

04.09 Ingolf Krueger appointed inaugural Director of the new Bernard and Sophia Gordon Engineering Leadership Center in Jacobs School of Engineering.

06.09 Amin Vahdat and Geoffrey Voelker are among 60 winners of HP Innovation Research Program awards; Vahdat’s award is second in a row.

06.09 CSE Ph.D. student Samory Kpotufe receives Best Student Paper award at the Conference on Computational Learning Theory.

06.09 Special issue of IEEE Spectrum credits UCSD emeritus professor Kenneth Bowles and UCSD Pascal with core idea of virtual machines behind Java, today’s most popular programming language.

08.09 CSE and Purdue researchers develop inexpensive solution for diagnosing delays in data center networks.

10.09 Tajana Rosing (pictured below) and alumna Ayse Coskun win Best Paper Award at 17th IEEE VLSI-SoC conference, for paper on “Modeling and Dynamic Management of 3D Multicore Systems with Liquid Cooling.”

10.09 IEEE Computer Society and ACM jointly honor then-CSE professor Fran Berman with inaugural Ken Kennedy Award for her leadership in building national-scale cyberinfrastructure.

200803.08 Startup company Taaz, co-founded by CSE’s David Kriegman (below left with CSE Ph.D. alumnus Satya Mallick), launches virtual-makeover website to help sell cosmetics and beauty products.

04.08 200 people participate in first-ever CSE Tutor Reunion, including 12 former tutors via videoconference from Google headquarters in Mountain View.

10.08 NIH’s National Center for Research Resources awards $5MN grant to team led by CSE’s Pavel Pevzner to create Center for Computational Mass Spectrometry.

10.08 Andrew Kahng co-authors first of two landmark books on “Nano-CMOS Design for Manufacturability: Robust Circuit and Physical Design for Sub-65 nm Technology Nodes” [John Wiley & Sons]

10.08 U.S. Patent #7,441,211 issued Oct. 21, 2008, to CSE’s Andrew Kahng and grad student Puneet Gupta for gate-length biasing to reduce energy wasted by semiconductors on mobile devices.

11.08 Mihir Bellare is among top 100 most-cited computer science authors for 2005-08 (CiteSeer), and #2 author worldwide for number of articles in Crypto/Eurocrypt publications in same period.

201101.11 Ingolf Krueger co-founds LonoCloud startup to build and deploy cloud services; LonoCloud later sold in 2013 to ViaSat, Inc.

02.11 GreenDroid research team led by Steven Swanson and Michael Taylor publishes first journal article, “GreenDroid: Exploring the Next Evolution in Smartphone Application Processors,” in IEEE Communications.

04.11 CSE students’ “What’s in My Fridge?” app for smartphone or Web browser beats competition in Yahoo! HackU at UC San Diego.

06.11 For second year in row, Dean Tullsen (pictured below), et al., honored with ISCA Influential Paper Award for 1996’s “Exploiting choice: Instruction fetch and issue on an implementable simultaneous multithreading processor,” the most enduring publication from 15 years earlier.

10.11 Temporal Dynamics of Learning Center, led by CSE’s Garrison Cottrell, receives $18MN renewal from NSF.

12.11 Keith Marzullo, Dean Tullsen and Amin Vahdat are named among 46 new ACM Fellows.

201204.12 UCSD’s Women in Computing raise enough funds to send 65 people to the Celebration of Women in Computing in Southern California conference.

06.12 Moxie Center for Student Entrepreneurship created by a gift from The Moxie Foundation of Irwin Zahn.

09.12 Mihir Bellare named Fellow of International Association of Cryptologic Research.

09.12 Serge Belongie and CSE computer-vision alumnus Boris Babenko (Ph.D., ’12), co-founders of Anchovi Labs startup to make software for organizing personal photo collections, agree to sell the company to Dropbox.

10.12 Celebrating its 30th anniversary, International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD) recognizes Dean Tullsen’s “Power-Sensitive Multithreaded Architecture” as one of five “high-impact” papers in the period. The paper published at ICCD 2000 is co-authored by John Seng (Ph.D., ’03), and Intel’s George Cai.

10.12 NSF awards $10MN grant to PI Stefan Savage (pictured below at right with Geoffrey Voelker) and colleagues to explore how illicit activities take place in the cybersecurity underworld.

11.12 Ronald Graham and Fan Chung Graham elected Fellows of the American Mathematical Society.

200701.07 Andrew Chien becomes an IEEE Fellow, cited for “contributions to high-performance cluster and grid computing software.”

01.07 Russell Impagliazzo becomes visiting professor at Institute for Advanced Study, spending several months each year at the prestigious Princeton institute through March 2012.

03.07 IEEE Computer Society bestows on Larry Smarr its Tsutomu Kanai Award for his lifetime achievements in distributed computing systems.

04.07 Jeanne Ferrante receives 2007 Educator Pinnacle Award from Athena leadership organization for women in San Diego’s technology, life sciences and healthcare sectors.

09.07 App2you, founded by CSE Prof. Yannis Papakonstantinou (pictured below at left, with current and former students Gaurav Bhatia, Kian Win Ong, and Keith Kowalczykowski, who worked on the App2you project), selected as one of the TechCrunch 40 hottest startups of the year.





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