1.Who were the first people to occupy the area of the United States? The first people to occupy the...


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1. Who were the first people to occupy the area of the United States? The first people to occupy the U.S. were the Indians.

2. How did they first arrive? They got here by the land bridge theory, Beringia. They came here by sea.

1. What were some reasons for European Exploration that led them to the North American continent? They came here because of religion, starvation, and disease.

2. Who were some of the explorers? The Paleo-Indians, the pilgrims, and Christopher Columbus

3. In what areas did they land in? The pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

1. What impact did the establishment of Colonies by Europe in North America have

on the Native American people who had already lived there? The Europeans made some impacts on the native Americans like when they traded with the native American they traded their goods like herbs, spices, and guns for the native Americans treatments like medicine.

1. What European countries established major colonies in the area of the United States? The Spanish, the French, the British and the Dutch.

2. When was the first English Colony? It was in 1784.

3. Where was the first English colony? It was in Jamestown,Virginia.

1. Which countries fought in the French and Indian War? They are France and New England.

2. What was the cause of this war? Their was conflict for the land.

3. During what years did it occur and which country won? During 1754-1763.British won the war.

1. How did Jefferson manage to double the country’s size? He bought the Louisiana purchase which costed about one million dollars.

2. Who did we acquire this land from? It was France.

3. Whom did Jefferson send to explore the new land? They were Louis and Clark.

1. What areas of land did the United States acquire from 1800-1860 and from what countries did we acquire them? The Louisiana Purchase.

1. What were some reasons that the Southern States had for wanting to split from the United States? They out-lawed slavery everywhere. Also the Southern states had higher taxes than the Northern states.

2. What years did the Civil War occur and what was the result from its ending?1861-1865.It was written into law that no state can leave the Union and the South was destroyed.

1. How did the newly free black population adapt to life in the United States after the Civil War? They became free people.

2. Were they treated fairly in American society? No.

3. What kind of discrimination and hardships did the African-American population face during the period between 1870 and the 1960’s? Segregation.

1. What started World War 1 in Europe? Intertwined factors, as the conflicts and hostility of the four decades leading up to the war.

2. Did president Wilson feel that the USA should become involved in World War 1 when the war began? No.

3. What made the US enter into the war? The Germans sunk the Lusitanian.

4. What countries did we fight against in World War 1? They are Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

1. Give a reason that the Great Depression that began in the 1920’s started. The stock market crashed.

2. What was the unemployment rate of this period? It was 3.3%.

1. What prompted the United States to become involved in World War 2? When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.

2. What countries were we fighting against in the War? They were Germany, Japan, and Italy.

3. What new invention of that time allowed us to end the War on the Japanese front quickly? What happened to Germany after WW2? The atomic bomb. Germany was basically divided into 4 sections, each one under the control of one of the Allied powers.

1. What is communism? A revolutionary socialist movement.

2. Which one is a communist country: The United States or the USSR? The USSR.

3. Aside from the USSR, name 3 other countries that had communist governments between 1950 and 1990.Vietnam, China, and Korea.

4. Name 2 wars or conflicts that the US fought into to try to prevent the spread of communism? The Vietnam War and the Korean War.

1. Find 2 reasons that made the war in Vietnam difficult for the USA to be victorious. Many people in the US didn’t want us to go to Vietnam. Another reason is that China came in and helped North Vietnam.

1. What happened in the United States on September 11th, 2001?Terrorist attacked the twin towers in New York. The attack was on the twin towers.

2. What group of people were responsible for those attacks? The group was called Al-Qaeda.

3. What role does the geography of Afghanistan make it difficult in our search for Osama bin Laden and the Taliban? Afghanistan is a dessert and a lot of people are protecting Osama bin Laden.

1. Who was the brutal dictator that the US removed as leader of Iraq? The brutal dictator was Saddam Hussein.

2. What brutal actions did that dictator take against his own country’s people during his reign? He tortured and murdered some of his own people, he also punished those who opposed him.

1. Who is Barack Obama? Barack Obama is the president of the United States.

2. When did he become president? He became president on January 20,2009.

1. Name the document that created our current government. It was the Declaration of Independence.

2. Name the three branches of government that it created. They are the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch.

3. Name the first leader of our country. It was George Washington.

4. Why was he chosen as our first President? They chose him after his leader in the war.

1. Find three reasons that the Colonists had for wanting their independence from the British Government. They had to pay high taxes, they wanted religious freedom from King George, and they wanted to govern themselves.

1. Name two people who played a major role in declaring and/or gaining independence for the United States. They were John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

2. Describe their role. John Adams was a federalist. Thomas Jefferson composed the original draft of the Declaration of the Independence.

1. Name one advantage that the British Army had over the Colonists. The British were well equipped soldiers and had a large and powerful navy.

2. Name one advantage that the Colonists had over the British Army during the American evolution The colonists had more soldiers.

3. During what years did the war occur? It occurred during 1775-1781.

4. Name a major battle of the war. It is the Lexington and Concord.