1952 January ANCHOR




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Jhe Jhirl'j-SeconJ /Jennia/ Y/aliona/ Panhe//enic Con~rence


WITH the ommemora tion of the 175th an­niversary of Phi Beta K appa by Interfra ter­nity R esearch and Advi. ory Council desig­nated as a "Thanksgiving for Freedom" cele­bra tion, each of the associa ted national Pa n­hellenics must inevitably have found, as did Na tional Pa nhellenic Conference, that its dis­cussions and its decisions, as never before, were ma rked by a deep consciousnes of the importance of the college fraternity as an in tegral, not an isola ted, part of the American way of life and of its responsibility for proving it elf an effective weapon against the forces which would des troy the basic freedoms of America n democracy and for those which would preserve them. NPC, a t its 32nd Biennial M eeting, hel d in W illiam burg, Vir­ginia, November 27 to D ecember 1, 195 1, left no room for doubt of it determination to work towards the goal et by its chairman, Mrs. E . Granville Crabtree, K appa K appa Gamma, when in openi ng the convention she called upon it to "hold fast to its responsibility a nd to implement it more effectively."

F ollowing the admission to full member­ship of the eleven national fra ternities which had h eld associa te membership for four years, Na tional Panhellenic Conference met with the longest list of full member fra ternities­thirty-one- and the greates t number of fra­ternity offi cers present- one hundred and fifty-five-in its history. The good-fellow­ship of the conference again gave proof of the fri endships between fra ternity officers which inevitably lead to understa nding and mutual h elpfulness between fra ternities. The


offi cers of K appa K appa Gamm a, Alpha Phi, and D elta Gamma, the fra tern ities who~c delegates had served as mernb('rs of the Ex­ecutive Commi ttee since 1949, utad c.: up the H os tess Committ c whos · hc.:lpfulncss and thoughtfu l cour t ·sics wer · great ly appre­cia ted . T he spec ia l socia l ·vents und r this comm ittee's direction were a t a at The I nn, honoring the eleven new full rn mb -r frater­ni ties; a dinner a t the Lodge at which Mr. Lloyd Cochran, p resident of lph a igma Phi, spoke inspiringly of the value a nd the service of fra terni tie ; and a formal dinner at The Inn with Miss M argaret Bannist r, of the Office of Public I nformation, D epartmen t of D efense, emphasizing the part \ hich fra­ternity members as individu al citizen mu t play in the defense of America.

The Executive Secretaries d i cus. ed frat<:r­nity convention and gave da ta to how \,·hy fraternities arc being forced to giv . eriou con idera tion to the idea of holding national conventions less often than biennia l! . The Execu tive Secretaries poke on ou•·ce of in­come for convention , on choice of ite . on frequency, and on cost . The tati tica l re­port of one fra terni ty on its convention co t is undoubtedly typical and it howed that in nine years the over-all expen e of it com ·en­tion had increased 222 o, with hotel rate howing an increa e of 300 o · travel , 209 ~' ·

a nd tipping, 628% ! Since, according to the Executive Secreta rie no more than one out of every hundred fra ternity member nor­mally a ttend a na tional con en tion, it i not


VOL. XXVII 0 -? .

NEWSPAPER clippings and stories about fra tcrnity H ell Week substitutes continue to roll in . H ere are a few items that might help LIFE magazine do its contemplated picture article : Ninety University of Pittsburgh fra­ternity students conducted a waste paper col­lection to raise funds for Hill City, a Pitts­btlrgh project to curb juvenile delinquency . . . . Sigma Chi pledges a t Butler Univer ity spent a week cleaning up a boys' camp. . .. Four hundred Purdue University frater­nity active and pledges gave up vacation days to clean up Columbian Park in Lafay­e tte, and earned a commendation from Prexy Hovde and favorable comment in local news­papers .... Sigma Alpha Epsilon stud nts at Bucknell University washed window and cleaned the home of a man crippled in both legs, and mowed the lawn, repaired a grape arbor, bea t rug, carried out ashes, and clea ned windows a t the home of an aged couple, 92 and 89 years of age ... . Several Sigma Phi Epsilon chapters cleaned up city jails.

This coast-to-coast wave of H ell Week sub­stitutes prompted one fraternity wit to say that any morning he expects to see the fol­lowing headlines in his favorite new paper: "Siwash Freshman Injured in Fraternity H ell ·week Stunt. Arm broken Renovating Old L adies' Home. Dean Will Investigate."

Fra ternities at the Univer ity of North Carolina have adopted a new code of rules which seek a total abolition of hazing activi­tic- and provide stiff penalties for infractions through their own Interfraternity Council Court. ·

While their con tructive actiori is not unique, the procedures of investigation and conference which led to the legislation may well serve as a model to general fraternities a t other campuses. Also, the code includes a detailed definition of what constitutes "haz­ing" under the headings of "public display," "physical abuse," and " cholastic interfer­ence."

Local council elsewhere may find it useful to write for a copy of the new Carolina code. Dick J enrette, Chi Psi, has served as chair­m an of the pccial committee on this objec t.

The following notice appeared recently in the I.F.C. New of W ashington University, St. Loui : "Th W ashington University In­terfraternity Council hereby challenges all oth r IFCs in th United State and Canada t equal its r cord of having 41% of all fra-


ternity men on Campus donate blood during a one week period, when 412 fraternity ac­tives and pledges gave pints of blood with 39 others being rejected for one reason or another."

The June i sue of the Alpha Tau Omega Palm has a feature article on H ell W eek sub­stitute program which Alpha Tau Omega chap ters have used.

In recognition of the widespread intcrc t of Alpha Tau Omega chap ters in substituting forms of community servic for objec tionable H ell Week practice, the IC executive com­mittee ha a ked the officer of Alpha T au Omega to con titute themselves a committee to tudy ways in which this new idea can be given orne permanency "without organizing or r<.>gimenting undergraduate spontaneity out of it."

The September i ue of R eader' s Digest carrie an article en titled "The M etamor­phosis of H ell Week," in which the begin­ning of this current practice i de cribed. According to this article the idea was born in the fertile mind of Bob Lollar, pledge trainer of the Alpha Tau Omega chap ter at the niversity of Indiana. The article ay : "Everywhere H elp Week was tried the steadi­ly growing opposition to college fraternities subsided ... . H ell Weeks arc on the wane all over America."

Lombatlintj Lommunijm

Clem W. Collins, D enver, Colo. , a pa t na­tional president of The American In titute of Accountants and former dean of the Col­lege of Busine Administration, University of Denver, and a present member of the Pre i­dent' Loyalty Review Board, recently wrote the following statement to John D. Spark , executive secretary of Alpha Kappa Psi: " I am delighted to ee the interest that i being taken in Fraternity circles and the college . and especially among tudent in the matter of aggre sively meetino- the Communi t threat. Every day I bccom more convinced that ' e must be active in combatting thi influence and, looJ...--ing a t it from the long viewpoint nothing can be quite so effective a etting in motion a movement that will proper! in­doctrinate oung peopl of chool ag with the trong conviction that th economi theory of privat enterpri and th fr dom of the individual i uperior to the faLe

philosophic· that arc being so actively pro­moted."

Th Univer ity of N braska hapter of Alpha K appa P i professional fra ternity in commerce and business admini tration, spon-ored five public lectures in Lov M emorial

Library, Univ r ity of Nebraska in th p riod March 21-April 25, on the th me, "Com­munism--Threat to the American Economy."

Buffalo, New York, an indus,trial city with a high percentage of foreign-born , has long been intere ted in helping their new citi zens to become Americans. The community, the pres and the schools have sponsored projects to ervc that end. Therefore, it is a na tural for the Buffalo rep resentative of the Na­tional organizations connected with the All­American Conference to combat communism to a si t with the Buffalo Know America Week, the last week in October. The hope i th at the program may serve as a guide and in pirat ion to other communities.

~enuer Studenlj Withdraw /rom 11/5_A

Denver University's Student Senate is one of the most recent of such organizations to vote to withdraw from the United States Na­tional Student A sociation. The action was taken, unanimously, in November because it wa decided that "N.S.A. had little or nothing to offer the student body a t Denver."

In urging the severing of all connections with the Association, Dan Sparr, student enator, charged that N.S.A. financ~s were in

a state of chaos. In the past, he sa1d, N .S.A. presidents and vice presidents were paid sums reaching $3,000 for one year's work. Other large sums, he added, were spent with little record of where they went.

The U niversity's student newspaper, The Denver Clarion, called the Association "one of the mo t farcial groups yet to cloak itself under the tit le of a nationwide collegiate or­ganiza tion." It editorialized, "Nothing can be ga ined by our students remaining a. mem­ber of N .S.A. For one thing, the Association d fin itely has a 'pink' cloud hanging over it. Delega tes reported coming in contact with N.S.A . members who openly sported Com­munist party ca rds. Communist literature was handed out freely to convention dele­ga tes.

" Apparently the Red influence is in a definite minority, but a strong minority at that. None of the N .S.A. higher echelon


deni d having b en pia cd on a subv rsiv list last y a r, although th list was n v r id ntified. Th qu stion was brought up at th onv ntion, but myst riously disapp arcd from the s n as quickly as it aros "

Ut'j Panhef/enicj Of the many spl ndid reports pr s nt d to

the d legates of N.P.C., that concern d with City Panhcll nics may serve as an xamplc. The Committe concern d with th ir affilia­tion and ncourag m nt, und r th chair­manship of Mrs. F . Ade Schumach r, Kappa Delta, r ported an almo t 100 % in r as during the past four years in the numb r of such organizations. Th re arc now 164 fun -tioning, and, through them, it is stimat d that some 150,000 frat rnity women hav an opportunity to participate in worthwhil pan­hellenic activiti s in th ir lo a l comm unities. Several uch association on foreign oi l arc now in the process of organization and affi lia­tion, fo llowing the lead of those reported from Seoul, K orea, London, England, Frank­fort, Germany, and Calgary, Canada. A sur­vey of City Panhellenic activitie indicated their creation of loan funds totaling over $27,000 and of scholar hip award in ex e of $17,000 during the past year, along with the sponsorship of a wide variety of ivic and philanthropic projects.

The U. S. Office of Education recently re­ported that more than 17,000 college chol­a r hips, with a total value of more than 4-000,000, went begging, Ia t year along with 1,710 fellow hip worth $1 ,300 000. I t i n't known whether college student didn't know about these scholarships and fellow hip or were unintere ted . It could be that they couldn't meet the pecial requirement et up!

Jhe 32nJ Panhef/enic Conference


to be wondered at that fraternities are weigh­ing the relative value of national convention and of increased chapter inspe tion and re­gional work hops; that orne fraternitie are considering quadrennial na tiona) con ention only, with biennial chapter ' ork hop ; and that some are considering even a ix- ear interim between national onvention . The Executive Secretaries expre ed their belief



that this evaluation of big national conven­tions "is a practical recognition that the infla­tionary trends of today necessitate holding the line" financially.

NPC was delighted to have present at some of its sessions Dean Stamp of the Uni­versity of Maryland, Dean Wynne-Roberts of William and Mary College ; Dean Williams of Tulsa University, and Dean Mason of Northwestern University. Mrs. Mason, as the representative for National Association of D eans of Women, gave an informative, stimu­lating, and inspiring message to fraternities when she spoke on " A D ean Looks at To­day's Campus."

Among the deci ions of NPC which have special significance are those embodied in the following resolutions:

Whereas, NPC recognizes the value of women's tudent organizations as separate entities on the campus and as an e ential part of tudent life, Be it resolved, That this Conference affirm the necessity of making a concerted effort to strengthen the positions of these organizations.

Whereas a fraternity officer in visiting a campus may discover a ituation demanding immediate attention or action, Be it resolved, That NPG formula te procedures to be fol ­lowed for reporting and taking action.

R esolved, That the 1951 NPC reaffirm its belief tha t a short, open rushing season and early pledging best serve the college com­munity.

R esolved, That the NPC continue to em­phasize the importance of (a) Simplifying rushing rules and procedures, and (b) Keep­ing to a minimum the expenses of rushing, social affairs, and campus activities.

R esolved, That the membership of affi­liated City Panhellenics be limited to alumnae members of active and associate member groups of National Panhellenic Conference, with the provision that the action is not retroactive.

Resolved, That each NPC delegate urge

her own fraternity to cooperate in disseminat­ing authentic and pertinent Panhellenic infor­mation to their respective delegates in City Panhellenics, recognizing that the varied and substantial activities of such groups witne s well for Fraternity.

Resolved, That the National Panhellenic Conference reaffirm its position of November 13, 1947, that the "National Panhellenic Con­ference use its influence to assure the position of qualified women in admini trative and policy-making per onnel position on cam­puses of American colleges and univers itie ."

R esolved, Tha t National Panhellenic Con­ference reaffirm the part of the 1949 agree­ment which reads, " that no que tionnaires or requests, oral or written, will be answered during the coming biennium until uch time as these questionnaires or reque t have been reviewed by the NPC Committee on R e earch and Public R elation , and information re­leased as to their validity."

NPC was honored to have it Chairman, Mr . Crabtree, Vice Pre idcnt of IRAC, erve as the presiding officer at the program pre­sented under the au picie of IRAC, which commemorated the 175th anniversary of Phi Beta Kappa, and to have the chairman of its Committee on College Panhellenic , Mrs. H arry H . Power, Alpha Chi Omega, peak as its repre entative on the program. In hon­oring Phi Beta K appa, the first Greek letter college fraternity, all fraternitie expre sed their adherence "to th opinion that the Ame.r;.ican college fraternity, having been con­ceived in an atmo phere of truggle for polit­ical independence, came into b ing a an ex­pression of self-government" and- further to quote Mr. Verling Enteman, Delta Phi, NIC representative-"in defending the individual' right to liberty and equality of opportunity" ha "adhered steadfastly to ocial, economic, religious, and political democracy as the only sound basis for a atisfying per onal and na­tional life," and "with pride in their heritage and courage in their heart , with belief in the_ir country and faith in their God," hai led Ph1 Beta Kappa !

TH~ AJ'!CHOR of Alpha Sigma T!"u is published during the m onths of 'ovember, J anuary, April and July at 2fH2 Uruvers1ty Av!'·· _St. Paul 4, Mmn. , at the. Fraternity Press, official sorori ty publisher. Subscription price $3.00 per year. Ed1tonal Office: M rs. Parry Sch1ppers, 5300a Sutherland St . Lou1s 9. Mo. Entered as second clas matter ovember 25, 1937, a t the pot office at St. Paul, Minn . under the Act of August 24, 1912. " Acceptance Act of February 28, 1925; 39, U. S. Code 283, was authorized October 10, 1949.

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