180DC Spring 2015 - MOMMAS House Final Report


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Completion Date: May 04, 2015 Organization: MOMMAS House 180 Degrees Personnel: Justin Ames, TingTing Cao, Alex Fuller, Chris Walrath Abdullah Bin Wasif


I. Task p.3

II. Initial Situation p.3

III. Decision Makers p.4

IV. Stakeholders p.4

V. Constraints p.4

VI. Success Criteria p.5

VII. Project Scope p.5

VIII. Suggestion One: Branding and Advertising Methods p. 6

IX. Suggestion Two: Volunteer Tracking and Donor Connections p. 12

X. Suggestion Three: Collegiate Connections p. 16

XI. Suggestion Four: Community Interaction and Sponsored Events p. 17

XII. Appendix p. 22



The task of this project is to create a comprehensive plan of action for MOMMAS

House, which will address key data tracking and marketing issues. This plan will provide

MOMMAS House with a greater opportunity to impact the community and make up for a

general lack of permanent staff. Our 180 Degrees team will provide templates and

contacts, discovered through research, to help MOMMAS House meet its goals in the


MOMMAS House is understaffed and is in need of men with handy skills. While

MOMMAS House can find volunteers to staff their charity services and help the mothers,

the facilities have issues such as leaky roofs and unkempt plumbing, which need to be

repaired pro-bono due to limited budgeting. The organization could also use new ideas

to assist in increasing funding. In the past, MOMMAS House has had great success with

their annual charity dinners and is looking for more events such as this in regards to

fundraising. While the organization does have systems for tracking volunteers, they are

all paper systems, which have proven difficult to manage, and they are looking to

update this system. Currently, one person manages all of MOMMAS House’s social media

and while it is doing well, they would like better social media management systems and

social media marketing tactics.




Pat Shea is the Executive Director of MOMMAS House; there is also a board of directors that consists of nine people. Ashley Ross is the volunteer coordinator and the most important person in regards to volunteer management.

The affected parties from this project would include any volunteers, board

members, corporate entities, donors, MOMMAS House itself, the women helped by

MOMMAS House, and the community at large.

MOMMAS House has a limited budgeting value of approximately $4,000.

MOMMAS House also has limited staff so all implementation procedure needs to be

achievable by a select few.

MOMMAS House will consider the project a success under four criteria. Any major

event hosted by MOMMAS House needs a staff of 40 volunteers, thus requiring a way to

attract that many volunteers. There needs to be a consistent stream of 3-6 volunteers on

staff at any given time. MOMMAS House requires an efficient volunteer tracking and






management system. The organization would also like an effective volunteer reward

system to entice its volunteers to return.

The 180 Degrees Consulting team has been encouraged by MOMMAS House to

view this project as an open-ended venture.



The 180 Degrees Consulting team believes MOMMAS House would greatly benefit from general improvements to their current branding and advertising strategies. More specifically, there could be improvements to the website such as video testimonials, or improvements to social media such as better posting methods. In regards to branding, there can be small improvements made to increase the overall image, such as adding the MOMMAS House logo to child accessories, as well as putting the logo in emails. In addition, the need to possibly revamp the MOMMAS House logo is something that the 180 Degrees team feels could increase the overall brand.

A) Hootsuite- Better Posting Methods

The 180 Degrees Consulting team believes that the best way to properly manage MOMMAS House’s social media would be by purchasing Hootsuite Pro ($9.99/month). Hootsuite is an online platform that integrates multiple social networks to help businesses maintain their social media effectively. MOMMAS House would benefit a great deal from purchasing Hootsuite Pro because it encompasses all social media tools into one dashboard. In turn, MOMMAS House will be able to easily deliver their content, measure its impact, and streamline all their efforts on one platform. Through this integration, MOMMAS House should begin to see positive changes in their social media outreach. These efforts are reflected through five key aspects:

1. Engagement- Ability to focus on specific efforts when managing a project, working with clients, or scaling MOMMAS House locally.

2. Analytics- From one dashboard you’ll schedule Tweets and Facebook posts, monitor conversations, and more. Also, there is the ability to create and customize analytics reports to gauge past performance, i.e. viewers, “likes”, “retweets”, demographics, etc.

3. Security- Without sharing passwords, MOMMAS House can add employees and clients to their team. In addition, it’s up to MOMMAS House to determine appropriate permission levels of each employee.



4. Collaboration- The ability to share workload amongst teams and departments throughout the organization. In addition, Hootsuite offers the ability to assign tasks, receive real-time notifications, and have internal conversations right from the dashboard. This thankfully aids in minimizing the length of problem solving, while increasing efficiency due to its ability to be shared throughout the whole organization.

5. Consumer Behavior- Offers MOMMAS House the ability to locate leads, buyers, and influencers while tracking conversations that prove to be critical to current/future business.

When referencing the data, it can be proven that the degree of integration of given efforts, which are chosen by the organization, directly correlates to how the business will perform. As your consultants, we believe that these tips could help market the organization better, as well as increase the social ROI of social media postings. It’s important to keep in mind that other segments may be needed to advocate MOMMAS House as well.

B) Social Networks – When/What to Post

The team believes that MOMMAS House would benefit from a new social media strategy. More specifically, we believe that MOMMAS House would see substantial improvements in both their social/brand awareness if their Facebook page were updated more habitually. We understand that at this point in time you don’t have many volunteers, as well as notably being a smaller staffed non-for-profit. Due to these circumstances, we do take into account that many issues come into play when referencing the implementation of a new social media strategies.


The 180 Degrees Consulting team has developed a basic Facebook status update schedule that will continuously inform the fan page’s followers of upcoming events going on at MOMMAS House. This schedule is always enforced, even when traffic is slow, such as casually posting a picture from an event MOMMAS House hosted in the past. Below, please find the Facebook posting schedule that thought would bring in the most traffic:

Monday – Quick bio of a mom and child that lives in MOMMAS House with a picture of them attached to the post. Every Monday is a new mom.

Tuesday – A fundraiser that MOMMAS House is working on; i.e. “Community Challenge”


Wednesday – A question about a stereotype related to MOMMAS House, with a poll attached to the post so that followers can answer the question. MOMMAS House should reveal the answer to the question the following day.

Thursday – A #tbt post (Throwback Thursday), it can be a picture or video. “Throwback Thursday” is a trendy way to catch the consumer’s eye, and posting a status that highlights past success of an event is a great way to gain followers.

Friday – A summary of MOMMAS House’s corporate identity and mission statement. This will entice and give reason to why followers should get involved with MOMMAS House. We will mention in the post to followers to share these posts to others within their networks, which in turn will raise awareness for MOMMAS House.

Saturday or Sunday– A statistic about MOMMAS House, single mothers, or other relevant data related to MOMMAS House; i.e. “Fun Fact.”

The 180 Degrees team suggests that MOMMAS House should publish these posts only once every other day, rather than daily. For example, with the week starting on Monday, the MOMMAS House social media team would publish a post on Monday, then again on Wednesday, and then on Friday, ending on Sunday. Then, for the next week, the organization would publish a post on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. The cycle would then repeat, beginning on Monday. The 180 Degrees team finds that this posting schedule is mutually beneficial for both MOMMAS House and the followers of their Facebook page.


While the team is aware that MOMMAS House has tried advertising to the professionals in the surrounding area for networking events, the team believes that the organization might find more suitable candidates willing to volunteer or associate with them via LinkedIn. LinkedIn has effective volunteer applications, in addition to consistently retaining the same networking and job-seeking opportunities. Getting the word about MOMMAS House within local area has not fared well overall. In addition, through the use of LinkedIn the team believes that it will increase the retention of obtaining volunteers, future interns, and prospective donors/sponsors. Finally, LinkedIn may also be helpful in tracking down past ‘alumni’ who have either lived in the house or have donated in past, which increases the credence of the organization’s actions and deeds.



The 180 Degrees team believes that better publishing methods in regard to Twitter could increase their social awareness to local communities. The key component to ensuring better publishing methods is to be creative with it. Due to MOMMAS House not having a social media chair, or representative, the team would suggest hiring an intern for this position. The team would suggest that the intern be in the marketing/public relations/publishing fields. The posting schedule would follow the same as Facebook but instead of having a certain type of post each day, the posts should reflect what events or programs MOMMAS House is hosting/attending. The posts should be short, sweet, and to the point. There is a significant difference in a Facebook status and a Tweet, making what it written that much more important. From this, the team believes that their social media presence will increase dramatically. In addition, the integration of creative hashtags will also draw a significant amount of followers in, i.e. #MOMMASHouse, #MOMMASknowsbest.

C) Public Relations- Updated Website

While MOMMAS House has a current website, the 180 Degrees Consulting team agrees that it needs some modification. Most specifically, the 180 team suggests to reorganize the placement of information within some of the pages of the website. The team believes that this rearrangement will increase website conversions by its improvement of overall appeal and navigation of the webpage. Below are a few suggestions of what the team would add, remove, or edit:

Home Page- When MOMMAS House is hosting one of their signature events, i.e. Community Challenge, the team suggests to add a countdown feature which we figure will get the website viewers excited about attending as well as increasing the amount of possible donations.

About Us- We believe that by adding a bio section to this page will make it more personalized and make viewer and potential donors more connected to the MOMMAS House brand. The team suggests that the bio portion incorporates the mothers of the house and their children. This includes a picture of them together and a quick summary of their situation. In addition, the team believes that by doing a monthly ‘spotlight’ of one of the families would also increase public interest and connect to a broader audience. The ‘spotlight’ could be posted on the homepage. In addition, the team believes that the addition of testimonials of past and current residents of MOMMAS House would be a great way to increase and retain viewership by creating a bond


between the mothers of the house and those who are visiting the website. Furthermore, it is also believed that the likelihood of donations would increase as well by showing where all money is going and what it is specifically going toward. Consumers like to know what they’re spending their money on, especially businesses that are the biggest donors to non-for-profits like MOMMAS House. This production would be done in-house, making it a lot cheaper than hiring a film crew. Finally, although it’s not a necessity, the team encourages also updating and or changing MOMMAS House’s logo.

D) Branding- Strategic Branding

In regard to branding, the 180 Degrees team believes there can be small improvements made to increase the overall image such as adding the MOMMAS House logo to child accessories, as well as putting the logo in emails. In addition, the team believes that by implementing a direct mail initiative it would increase brand awareness as well.

In order to do this, the team suggests finding a way to increase social customer service. Thankfully, we already suggested Hootsuite as a component that is cheap and easy. Social customer service is how you personally connect your brand with people. This could be from a help desk, support center, or social community. The team believes that Hootsuite will help MOMMAS House identify customer issues, resolve problems effectively, and create advocates for the brand. More specifically there are three key ways this will benefit the organization:

1. Quickly resolve customer issues 2. Streamline support efforts by assigning support requests 3. Actively measure customer happiness, by having access to real-time brand

sentiment & track mentions.

As previously stated, the team believes that integrating the MOMMAS House logo on children accessories will significantly increase their overall brand awareness. After researching a lot of different options of what accessories and how to place the logo, the team believes that using ThingsRemembered.com is both most cost efficient ($31 including S&H), as well as appealing to consumers. The plan is that when new mothers arrive to the house they will be given either a blanket or bear, their choice. Both items will be embroidered with “MOMMAS House” and they come in either blue or pink. In addition to this, when hosting community engagement events, MOMMAS House could raffle off bears and blankets to the winners too. The team believes that by integrating the MOMMAS House logo within their emails, it will increase responses, donations, and


overall awareness of the brand. The team has decided that sending out a weekly email regarding upcoming events, community engagements, and other information related to the organization will significantly increase attendance size of all events posted. In addition, the team suggests that MOMMAS House sends thank you emails to donors, as well as volunteers to make them feel like they are appreciated and so that they come back and help out again. The 180 Degrees team also suggests that MOMMAS House designs and distributes direct mail to past donors and residents. This will increase overall alumni relations and paint MOMMAS House in a ‘good light’ through showing them what they have coming up and what they have done in the recent past. The team also suggests adding a donation slip into the direct mail with a return envelope inside it so that it entices the receivers to donate immediately. These direct mail letters would be sent out on a monthly basis, coming in at the first of every month.


Volunteers are an integral part of MOMMAS House. They drive the positive

energy and provide a constant form of external family and visitors for the mothers and

their children living in MOMMAS House. The 180 Degrees Consulting team believes that

tracking and managing an effective system for volunteer efforts is crucial for MOMMAS

House - given the importance of volunteers. We have some preliminary suggestions to

improve the volunteer tracking system and two main suggestions on tracking the

volunteer hours.

Preliminary Suggestions:

1. Automatic system: An automatic system can be used to track and record the volunteer efforts. There are

a lot of systems available on the Internet which cater specifically to the tracking of

volunteer hours and efforts. Systems like this give more flexibility compared to the

manual system and can easily integrate many other computer applications with it.

One of the best available volunteer tracking applications out there is track-it-forward. This application allows volunteers to key in their time easily by using a

computer or even their cellphone. It allows the volunteer manager to create tasks

and easily assign tasks to the volunteers as well. It also gives you the opportunity to

email volunteers to invite them to join in the tasks. Applications such as this can be

integrated with social media, making it easier for volunteers to access the tasks and

assign times.

Track-it-forward does not charge any fees for up to 100 volunteers and only requires

an email of the person managing the volunteers, project guidelines and dates, and

the name of the organization to start.

Track-it-forward http://www.trackitforward.com



Other available applications for volunteer management:

Ø TrackSmart

Ø IDoneThis

Ø FreshBooks

2. Manual system:

A daily register can be maintained at the main entrance desk where every volunteer

who arrives needs to check-in. Checking-in would require each volunteer to write out

their assigned ID, name, time-in (time of arrival), and the time-out (time of leaving).

At the end of the day or the week (depends on the volunteer traffic), the person who

manages volunteers can go over the daily register, totaling in the hours committed

by each volunteer and signing off the day’s page. Then, the volunteer manager can

transfer the hours to a separate register, which only maintains the hours committed

by each volunteer to keep track of their completion towards the criteria for


Secondary suggestions:

1. Each volunteer should be assigned a unique keyfield (ID) that will be different for

every volunteer and will be the primary information to look up a particular volunteer

in the records.

A number for each volunteer can be assigned starting from 001, 002, 003, and

continue further. Once the first 100 ID’s are taken, the numbers can continue from

101, 102, 103, and further.

A separate record for the ID’s assigned to each volunteer should be maintained

sorted by the last names, to facilitate the task of looking up the ID for a particular

volunteer. This register can also facilitate to hold information such as contact and

residential address.

2. Criteria should be developed in rewarding the volunteers once the volunteer has

invested a particular amount of hours. The criteria could be every 30 or 40 hours

invested. Once a volunteer fulfills the criterion requirement, Mommas House could

recognize that volunteer by giving out a gift voucher or meal voucher, giving a

certificate of recognition or a shout-out on social media. Recognition is important as


it encourages current volunteers to stay committed and portrays a message to the

potential volunteers.

Regarding volunteer management, the 180 Degrees Consulting team suggests that

MOMMAS House should start by maintaining an effective automatic system for at least

two months and then implement a manual system if need be. A parallel running

technique can be used in which both manual and automatic systems are maintained, so

that if an automatic system is not suitable, then at least information is up to date

through the manual system. Once the automatic system starts running effectively, then

the manual recordings can be stopped. In the future, MOMMAS House can develop a

custom software that will integrate the use of magnetic cards for volunteers to swipe-in

and out their times and the system will automatically manage the volunteer hours and

generate reports. The cards can also be a source of pride for volunteers to highlight and

in-turn a source for the advertisement for MOMMAS House.

Maintaining Alumni Donor Relations

180 Degrees Consulting believes that the alumni are an organization’s most loyal

supporters and the financial backbone. They are the fundraising prospects and can

generate invaluable word-of-mouth marketing within their social circles. They can also

provide expertise in their specific fields. Thus, MOMMAS House should keep its alumni

updated and connected with them to show its dedication:

1. As mentioned above, MOMMAS House should use LinkedIn, where the alumni can

easily stay up-to date with the activities of the organization and add MOMMAS

House in their interests list on their own profiles.

2. MOMMAS House should stay connected with the alumni by wishing them well on

special occasions such as birthdays, holidays and other special days. This is very

crucial, as this makes the alumni feel important and encourages them to give back


the favor in return. For alumni who are active on LinkedIn, the InMail facility can be

used to wish them well, or else an ordinary email can be sent.

Recognizing the alumni on their efforts and donations is also very important,

keeping in mind the concept of giving back. The recognition on their efforts will

make the alumni feel proud and give a sense of belonging towards MOMMAS

House. A thank you card to all the alumni on their efforts can be sent out and

special low-budget gifts can be arranged for the most devoted alumni.


The 180 Degrees Consulting team believes that MOMMAS House could use the

college market as a strong resource.

One of the best ways to gain volunteers is to launch an internship program. A

good internship structure should include learning objectives, responsibilities, short- and

long-term projects, supervisor assignments, evaluation standards, and a starting and

ending date. Next, make sure that the supervisors have enough time to accompany the

interns. Be sure to post the internship program online. You can contact Universities’

career centers or use career boards like Internship.com. Lastly, you should evaluate

candidates and hold post internship interviews.

For repair or construction help, you can contact Habitat for Humanity:1-800-422-

4828. They have certain standards for applicants. Applicants should have good credit,

prove steady income, earn a monthly income that falls within minimum and maximum

limits, and have had a savings account for over a specified period of time. It depends on

the size of the house. Habitat for Humanity at Hofstra University would be a great fit for

MOMMAS House, as they would be able to provide assistance with updating current

houses for the mothers, and possibly planning out building new ones.

In regard to yard sales, as well as getting connected with local universities, you

can sell material items on college campuses. For example, at Hofstra, you can set up a

vendor table at an annual festival, like the Dutch Festival. You can also rent a table on

campus anytime during school hours. Request a vender table online

at http://www.hofstra.edu/studentaffairs/studentactivities/stdact_externalvendor.html

or call 516-463-6914.



Community Service EventsThe best way to gather volunteers and retain them within the community at large is to build as much support as possible. The best way for any organization to do this is to host community service events. Below are a few suggestions the 180 Degrees Consulting Team believes would be the best community service event options for MOMMAS House to host.

A) Community Garden: Cost $2,500 to $5,000

Creating a community garden will bring forth community interaction with MOMMAS house as well as create great testimonials in regard to the work that has been done within the organization.

1) Have your volunteers and one staff member have control over this community event.

Break it down into three main points that focus on community interaction with your organization.

Focus on ideas such as:

• What will you grow?

• Will you grow food or create an ornamental garden?

• Will it be an organic garden?

• What will your members be responsible for? e.g.( keeping track of the garden, gathering the resources)

• Will it be a group effort?

Once these thoughts and questions are in order, create a contract that consists of the motive and reasoning for the community gardens.

What is needed?

a) An application of submission for the community garden

b) Liability waver and indemnification

c) Community garden license



d) Water containment center

e) Design for how you want the garden to look

Once the technical aspect is completed, you will need the assignments for plots and the following community needs: tool sheds, benches and/or picnic tables.

Things that would need to be taken into account would be extra costs and impact on the community environment. If there is no area that has been checked by you, there is a chance you may need to check the fertility of a vacant spot to have the community garden. What also needs to be taken into account is the maintenance of the garden. The cost depends on the labor force employed to check the vacant area. In terms of sponsorship, there can be useful areas such as fundraising, business involvement, donations, grants, membership fees, and supply for labor materials.

MOMMAS House can find programs that involve city owned lots that were previously community gardens. This can be more affordable because of the time and the availability, also on account of the willingness to pay. Then there is the option of negotiation of discounts for supplies and materials needed for the community garden.

B) Host a Run/Walk

The purpose is to market to the community about MOMMAS House and what you represent. To make this happen:

1) Advertisement is a must. Have one staff member and assistant as well as volunteers help make this project start.

2) Take advantage of marketing materials like branding your name on a teddy bear for the children or branding your logo on t-shirts (example “Go momma”).

3) Figure out the theme for this run or walk. One idea might be “Run/Walk for Momma.”

4) Figure out a time and date and location for this event (A nice place would be the beach or the blocks around your vicinity).

Ø Advertise using Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Ø Let people follow your event to gather a fan base.

Ø Instagram would be perfect for the start and end of the runs. More importantly, it can be used as an idea to get sponsors and donations.


Ø Advertise the run on Facebook. The more likes you have, the better the rate of attendance and awareness of your program. Reward the likes with a material award, like a teddy bear with your logo, for example.

C) Fundraiser Dinner/ Give Back

One great way to give back, to say thanks, and to accumulate more donations is an annual dinner at restaurants or even at your own location.

1) Find a location that is affordable.

2) Have a social media link to this event.

3) Survey the community (find the best spot to gain attention and to get more sponsors and donations).

4) Have a theme for this dinner.

5) Give out rewards that give thanks to the community, volunteers and to the sponsors.

How to set it up

Ø Determine the restaurant. Work in deals with the restaurant as well as letting them know the cause for this event if you cannot host it at your place.

Ø If you are hosting it at your place, have catering to ensure the cooking is successful.

Ø Have a simple menu that is broad and to everyone’s taste.

Ø Have events within this fundraiser dinner, such as fundraising games.

Ø Have some entertainment.

Ø Have an estimated amount of people that you think will show up.

Ø Have an emergency store to run to in case you are running out of supplies.

Ø Utilize your volunteers/give them key specific tasks (kitchen duty, set up duty etc.).

Ø Set up entry fees or a donation table.

Ø Have a social media site up for this event.

Ø During this event, use testimonials.


Sponsored Events The purpose of a sponsored event would be to expand so that your organization won’t deteriorate over time.

1) Find a benefactor (different organizations that are much stronger than you or individuals that are willing to sponsor).

2) The commercial gain obtained by a sponsor is in the form of public exposure for its brand. This often takes the form of the sponsor's logo being displayed dominantly. Sponsorships are different from donations in that a donation does not require any reciprocation. Sponsorships can be included as part of marketing strategies, but are not considered advertising. Events or organizations with multiple sponsors often create tiers for the exposure that they offer to their individual sponsors based on the size of the sponsor's support. The 180 Degrees Consulting team believes that this can be a guideline of how you would want to gather your sponsors.

The advantages of sponsorship include publicity, being associated with a positive activity, and increased sales through the additional promotion. Local businesses can also benefit from sponsorship, as it places them in the public eye as part of the community.

From large multinational corporations to small local businesses, many companies use sponsorship as a promotion vehicle.

A good website that can help you find sponsors would be pearup.com.

A group that could be a potential sponsor would be Planned Parenthood. Reaching out to local hospitals would be beneficial as well.

Corporate sponsorships are effective for advertising your organization as it promotes good will. The cost benefit analysis would result in a positive depending on your gains, whereas if the funds are allocated you can make a lucrative amount from donations and much more from sponsors.

Send thank-you letters to sponsors after the event. Let them know how successful the event was, how much money was raised, the final attendance count, etc. For sponsors at high levels (or, if your event was very small, for all sponsors), put together packets that showcase their publicity. Include copies of all the ads they appeared in, photos of their banners at the event, photos of people using their products at the event, etc. If some sponsors had any concerns at any point, give them a call to see how they think things worked out. Even after the final tasks of the event have been taken care of, and that last


thank-you has been sent, keep in touch with your sponsors! Continue sending them your newsletter or updates on your group. Send them your annual report. Invite them to other events at your organization. Send them quick notes if you see their company given a positive mention in the newspaper. You don't want to only contact them once sponsorship solicitation starts up again.

On the other hand, don't go overboard. For example, some sponsors prefer not to receive holiday cards from nonprofits, because they feel as though their money isn't being spent in the best way. It can be a fine line, so use your judgment. The bottom line is recognizing that each sponsor has unique needs and concerns. Do what you can to accommodate your sponsors while striving to make your event a successful continuation of your organization's mission. When the event is over, debrief (with yourself, if you did this alone; with your team if you had help). Make notes on what went well, and what didn't. Think about refining your presentations and your event planning to build on what went well and avoid the bad bits.


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