WordPress.com · 1/5/1979  · larger-than-Iife star. PAMELA salem looks ltom.. A...


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A ,:bnut

illg Or !he.'.'?

11.00 Jazz From Montreux, [.

..1o,oo Wilkie On Wlitor. 10,25 Take A Bow.

10.50 Vou Can Makll It. 11.10 Where The Hell Are We7 11.40 Oscar.

11.55 Sweet Sugar Oollgh-nut. 12.00 A Handful 01 Songs. 12.10 step-ping Stones.

12.30 farmhouslI Kllehm. 1.00 News. 800-th&rn News.

9.30 A HoI& Lot Of Trouble. 10.DO WIII<I. On Water.

10.25 Take A Bow. 10.50 You Can Make ,It.

11.10 Where The Hell Are We? 11.40 Oscar. 11.55 8wI!,et Sugar Doughnut.

12.00 A Handful Of Songl. 12.10 Stopping Ii to nes. 1V17 GUll Honeybun.

12.30 The CUCkoo Waltz. 1.00 News. 1.20 West-ward News. '

1.30 Sounds 01

An ,W,,? . 11.40 Olcar. 11.55 SWell!

Sugar Doughnut. 12.00 flo. Handfu.l Of Songs. n:;g

You. Find II. 1.00 News. 1.20 Roport

W est. 1.25 R II P 0 r t Wales.

1.30 Sounds Of ,Britain. TV

Iloombolt Chase. 4.45 . Magpie. .._ ,._,.

6.15 Friends Of Man. 5.45 I'IeW5. 6.00 westward DiarY.

6.35 n,me ·l.()uL. 1.00 Thll MuPpet ShOw. 7.30 Sale 01 The' Century. '

8.00 Goneral Hospital.

Dain Curse: 10:00 News. 10.30 lIest Sell,r. (cont.l,

11.15 Spill•• ' 12.10 Faith For llf•. 12.16


Magpie. 5.15 lalllilme Ami Shirley. 5.45 News. 6.00 RIIPort WMt. 6.15 Ra-porl Wii\IC!I\"

6.30 Oh No, I\'s Belwyn Froggill. 1.00 ThEI Mup-pel Show.

7.30 Sale Of The Century.S.oo General Hospital.

9.00 SMt Sellers: The DBi!) ('11''''.

10.00 Nows 10.30 Boot Sellers «('(mil.

11.15 Survival 8tJeciai. 12.15 Weather.

9.30 On The Twelfth Day. 10.00 Wilkie On WlIler.

- 10;21> TlIkll A· 80w; 10.50 You can Make It.

11.10 Where.The Hell Are Wo1 11.40 Oscar, 11.55 Sweet Sugar Dough-nut.

12.00 A Handful 01 SOng1;. 12.10 stepping Slones, 1'1.30 'Frlsm16 O{ Mall.

51 10 nI IN

. th 1.11

pe th


!'I6 'Il an M

11.00-11.25 Play School. 3.20. '. 5.15 International Tennis: H, ;,n:!f A,,'''''' '.'S W 0 !' I d I luubl"s Ch;,ml;ioll.,hip,

5.30 News. 5.35 Charlie Chap· lin 1'1 TIl(' ('me, 6.05 Maille· malics Into Pictures.

* 1.,,"011'.

9.50 Plno{lchlo. 10.15 Sur-yival. 10;40 Wilkie On' Walor.

11.011 lord Tramp. 11.l0 The Princllss 01 Tom-b080: /\ j<'rench-Clln1l' dwn fairy tale:

12.00 A . Handful 01 Songs. 12.10 Stepping stones. 12.30 Sounds Of Britain.

1.00 Nows. 1.20 ATV N4iwsdesk'.

1.30 FI LM: Only The Valiant slarnll,k!* HOlld

9.35 [) Ynom u t t. 10.00 Wilkie On water, 10.30 Take Ii Bow.

10.50 You 'can 11.15, Whore

3.20 Heart To Hearl. 3.50 The Pracllce.

4.15 TIll. Doomboll 4.45 Magpil!. 5.15 Days.

5.46 News. 11.00 Today. 1.00 The pet Show.

7.30 Sale 01 The cenlury. 8.0 Glln'ral HOS,lilal.

1).00 . Bost" Sellers: ·rile n.,in 10.00 "'ews. 10.30 811si Sellers ('unt!.

11.15 Mary Hariman, Mary Harllnan.

11.46-12.45 The Mill Brooks Inlerwlew.

3.20 Hearl To Hearl. The Sullivan... 4.15 Doombolt Chase.

WARD frXC..,t: 1,00 Report At $!x. ELlS TIA: 12.10

We.,thtt< In 'Ntnch.


12.45 1.00 'Pebble' Mill, including Dig This;' That Was the Circlls.

1.45 Trumplon. 2.40 Plygam. ""3.30 The Sky AI Night. Venus Explored, 3.63

Regional News. (except London). '3.55 Play School. 4.20 Hong Kong Phooey: 4.30

'dackanory. with Michael Hordcl'll, 4.45 Horses Galore; Britain's

'6.10 Grange Hill. Trisha call for Ihe',ul1punelunl

News, _. vary unlil 6,20). 7.00

Tom And Jerry. 7.05' Wonder

Waggoner. part in a 50 trappeci by an

7.55 The Superstars. 0.00 News.

1*'., 11.00 Play School. 6.00" Horl·

zoo. Icarus' Children: the storY 6f man· pbwercc,1 fiight.

11.60 Prize Cats. The National Cat Club Championship Show, A charicc to see" and compalX' the very best cats in Brllain" Not only pedi-gr.,,, cuts cornpc'.te for the hOllour of being top of lheir

" class" buL" pels. too"

7.15 Animal World. Follow-ing the TundrnWolt"

8.00 News And Weather. 8.05 Delia Smith's Cookery

Course: Vegt"tablcs,

'!"u'N¢ II 9.30 London Hones. 9,66 A .'fOountry.

ftILM: Happy 18 The Bride (1959), starring Inn CUITQlchnel, JaneUe Scott.·Cecil* Parker. Janel's prosperolls father eanhol.

work up enthusiasm about his future son-in-law.

j1.46 Time." 12.00 A " Han!!f\ll "Of

News' wilh Peter Sissoml.

1.1l0·"Thames News, with Robin Hou"ton, ·'.aO"loundeO'·Britllin. 2.00 After Noon Pit,!•• "

3.20 Hoart To Heart. 3.50' The Sullivans. World War II drama

tnmur arr"Australinn famjly. " 4.15 ThtiDoombolt Chase, 4.46 MagpIe, with

Jenny Hanley, Miek Robertson. Tommy Boyd. .

11.15 'Thames Sport. 6.45 News. 11.00 Thames At 6 wilh Andrew Gardner.

S.30 Er.:merdale Farm. 7.00 The Muppet Show. The guest is American

singer-actress Ann-Warren. whom Ker'rrtil mistakes' for n knife-throwing net.

7.30 Sale Of The Century, with NicholaS Parsons.

11.00 General Hospital, starring Tony Adams and Anton Phillips. Susan is Ilxpc"ting Ii baby and fe<>ls she will not be able to cope.

D.OO Vegas: Milliken's Stash, Robert Urich, Private eye Dan '!'anna track down !\ mysterious girl who turns to be n mnn--and dead! "

10.00 News. 10.30 Poliee 6, with Shaw Taylor. 10.40 Soap, starring Billy CrystaJ; Jodie prepares fOI\ his date with a woman,

11.10 The London- Programme, pre-sented by Godfrey Hodgson.

12.10 George Hamilton· IV. 12.40. Close: Painting by LeonardO' Da Vinci with music hy.r. S. Bac-h.

9.30 Grlel!o" 10;10thing Special.Dylan Thomas.

U;45 Osoar.·· 12.00 A Handful Of SOngs.--12.10Daisy. Daisy. '12.30 Th. Cedar Tree. "

1.45 Day.ElllIt.

1.00. Newl. 1.30 Sille Ilf the. Century.

::::.".... Of-Drltalnr-i.OO·farm-

house Kltohan. Southernerll. -A profile 1130 TV FILM H I'm I)f Agnes Croutool' who

...* 11.05 Southern Newl Ilhe fTozen Yukon Extra. 11.15 Soap. wilderness. '11.411 'The Lllte, Lati'

3.50 The .SullIvans. Show.,tn,,1M'-l-0.85 Survival: Messengers conducting tests

Of The Gods. 10.20 on Nurse Gib-Eleanor And frllnkllm bons. Part Two.' Frllnk D. 4.16 The Qoombolt Chase;'

5.15 Happy , lIon/Jll. 5.45 Naws. II.OO .... ATY

Daisy. Today. 7.00 lillie Of Tree. The Century.

1.00 News. 1.20 ATY 8.0:'00 . ·"Newldesk. 1.30 Sounds 10.30 ..Mary Hartman,

01 lIrltaln. Mary Hartman. 1t.00 After Noon . Plus. '11.00·12.45 FILMII Love

&\10 He.rt 'ToH.art. My Wife (1970), .tar-dPs: *

covers that his doctor Comedy about modern Ron. David. I. sectetly marrla.!!le.

'1·N3aUh'· ......

Oscar. 10.15 Tarzan: 11.10 Win-

ners And Losers. 11.36 Tell Me Why•. '

12.00 A· Handful Of Songs.12.10 DaIsy. Daisy. 12.30 . ·:nnrC.darTl'llll;--:"-

1.00. New8.1.20 Calendar News. 1.30 Sound. Of B r I tal Arter

OIlP1ta!.ll.Oil 1.311 Report_

I Lilli, The ler (1974).)1 c k .Vltn 1it .CacHo. A jouJ'!1<!-the bottle to accept

18 .any-"11 lllthi ""berlleeget.·;;o.uiilieii'''''''i,··''a

king of the key. boards, has played many a duet in ,his time,

But with a dog.

The Muppet Show (lTV, 7pm) changes pH that when Mr !;ihow-manship teams up with

,o,o.. ' HowU, 111 MUPPllt puppet hound.

Liberace. !i8. has .been e Century. in' . showbusiness for 44

Hospital: years;, And he reckons. Iitch. Dr hlS }"ith Rowlf Ight up in "to ,be the '. most, extra-hlttcould- •..

his career-as well as a howling .00 Newi. piano-player

Hartman. EAGLE style," n. -0 The whole of the second Love And 'Re saya: ali my half of tonight's shawls

. Vellr, in showbusiness r given ,over. to Liberace as haven't exnericncerl any- a . tribute to America's 'jE: SrrHth. larger-than-Iife star.thing Uke it. PAMELA salem looks

terrible tonight, Andltom.. A "Nevel'" before have 1 In QUick succession he she's pteued about It. ory. g!ayed piano with a r eel 5 . off ChoJ)!;ticn. Special make-up tookhound, been of!' bv Misty, Five Foot Two. a away all her glamour forpiee-e by Chopin. and thean and: danced the' Charleston, her part In Tectmlc:alCharleston with six-feet Hitch. the General Hospi.let 'Show. the Liberacl!. who boasts talst.ory (lTV, 8Qm)•. The C.n-: the most, outrageously Pamela saYSI .. I I 00 " I.ral Hos- " But have. t6 admit garish wardrobe of· any dreadful towards the end.

I takes professiooal in- star, ,first took up' the Dead-white face. 8edrag· .::I1I Welt· terest in .Row!f. He is a pfano when he was four. hair. . ,pianist after my own He . 0 m·e' s from ", a'landa 'or heart. " musical . famify -' father

; tll"n J e y a I (l974). played French .horn in symphonylrt Whit. bother. ;'1 Cllr..

lIving the It plane


Lite. Co.untrY -

THE SUN. Friday. January 19. 1979 1.

11':1 0'" The L.C/fldon >, Prog(amme, G(,dfr,,:v '

George IV. 12,40 elOlle, with P"'HT-Jol1{'s:

