15. the Infinitive




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  • The infinitive.The base form of the verb.

  • Full Infinitive.The Infinitive Bare Infinitive.

  • The Full infinitive :

    - To is used before the verb.

    The Bare infinitive :

    - When there isnt to.

  • The full infinitive :-Used after: afford, agree, appear, ask, choose, expect, help, hope, intend, prefer, promise, pretend, seem, want.

    e.g. : I hope to see you again. We prefer to stay at home.

  • After impersonal:

    It + be + adjective.* It was awsome to meet you today. It is important to remember the good things.

    * The adjective describes the event that follows.

  • -After verbs which follow the pattern:

    verb + someone + to do something.

    verbs: allow, ask, beg, encourage, force, persuade, teach.

    e.g. They forced me to leave the bar. She begged us to go with her.

  • Used with the same verbs but with passive form.

    e.g. I was forced to go to the dentist.

    We are asked not to come to class when weve got a cold.

  • - After be: Meaning of a formal instruction. Information about the future. e.g. You are to leave tomorrow very soon.

    To express purpose: e.g. She is working to pay her studies.

  • The bare infinitive:After verbs which follow the pattern : verb + someone + do something.

    e.g. My friend helps me study Maths. I'll have my mum/dad bring us more cake.

  • After modal auxiliary verbs.*

    e.g. I must pay the bill. You should study abroad.

    * some modals contain to by its regular form: have to do, ought to do and need to do.

  • Done by :Fernando de la Asuncin.Zara Ililet.Ana V. Padilla.Maria da Costa.M del Carmen Gil.

  • and now is time to have fun, so here are some exercises.

    Do your best !!!

  • Complete:

    I would help you _________ your geography exam. (study)Its better _________. (not smoke)My family persuaded me _________ to London in summer. He was planning _________ a holiday in the USA. (take)She is ___________ on holidays from Sweden. (arrive)We are studying now __________ a good job in the future. (have)I let my sister ________ my clothes. (get)They should _________ a big car if all of them want _________. (get/go)I learn _________ a car this year. (drive)It has been very interesting __________ to the conference. (assist)
