12 th Edition of FITAG TIMES



12th Edition of FITAG TIMES

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Dear Fitagians,

Greetings !!

12th edition of FITAG

times is delayed by 15

days and is being published

on 1st of August due to two

valid reasons.

1. FITAG Times is complet-

ing 12 months i.e. 1 year

of publication is com-


2. New Body has taken over

FITAG leadership on

24th July.

1st edition of Fitag times was

published on 15h August

2013 and since then we have

been coming out with

monthly e-editions of FITAG

Times. With this latest 12th

edition, we will complete 12

splendid months of a wide

spreading Information

Technology monthly maga-

zine. It has happened for the

first time that such a maga-

zine is being published by an

association body without

help of any outside agency

from publication world.

FITAG Times is completely

designed, developed and

published by the members of

FITAG. I, as editor of FITAG

Times, am extremely happy

to present the 12th edition of

FITAG Times to the readers.

It is my humble request to

promote this magazine to the

Mr. Kaushik PandyaEditor

Best WishesTVS Solution,


- Editorial

www.fitag.inTuesday Ahmedabad, Gujarat

15 07 2014Vol. 1, Issue No. 12, Pages 8

Monthly Edition


For Space Booking in


Sejal: 98240 53863

Dhaval: 98240 66111





Contined on page 4...



http://fitag.in/subscribe.phpClick here to Register yourself to

get Free copy of Fitag Times

Information Technology (IT)

has made possible information

access at gigabit speeds. It has

created a level playing

field among nations

and created has a

positive impact on

the lives of millions.

Today, a


IT poten-

tial is


for its march

towards global competi-

tiveness, healthy gross

domestic product (GDP) and

meeting up the energy and envi-

ronmental challenges.

The Indian IT and

Information Technology enabled

Services (ITeS) sectors go hand-

in-hand in every aspect. The

industry has not only trans-

formed India’s image on the

global platform, but also fuelled

economic growth by energising

the higher education sector

(especially in engineering and

computer science). The industry

has employed almost 10 million

Indians and, hence, has con-

tributed significantly to social

transformation in the country.

India is one of the fastest-

growing IT services markets in

the world. It is also the world’s


s o u r c i n g

des t ina t ion ,

accounting for approxi-

mately 52 per cent of the US$

124–130 billion market. The

country’s cost competitiveness

in providing IT services contin-

ues to be its USP in the global

sourcing market.

India has the potential to

build a US$ 100 billion software

product industry by 2025,

according to Indian Software

Product Industry Roundtable

(iSPIRT). The software products

market in India, which includes

accounting software and cloud

computing-based telephony

services, is expected to grow at

14 per cent in 2014.

The Department of

Electronics and Information


is coordinating

strategic activities, promoting

skill development programmes,

enhancing infrastructure capa-

bilities and supporting research

and development (R&D) for

India’s leadership position in IT

and ITeS.

Indian IT and ITeS industry

is divided into four major seg-

ments – IT services, business

process management (BPM),

software products and engineer-

ing services, and hardware. The

IT services sector accounted for

the largest share of the IT and

ITeS industry, with a total

market size of US$

56.3 billion during

FY13, followed by

BPM sector (US$

20.9 bil-

lion), and

s o f t w a r e

products and

e n g i n e e r i n g

services (US$ 17.9

billion); the market size

for hardware was US$ 13.3 bil-

lion during FY12.

The Indian IT-BPM industry

is expected to add revenues of

US$ 13–14 billion to the exist-

ing revenues by FY15, accord-

ing to National Association of

Software and Services

Companies (NASSCOM).

The industry grew at a com-

pound annual growth rate

(CAGR) of 13.1 per cent during

FY08–13.Total exports from the

Market Size


Contined on page 3...

IT & ITeS Industry in

IndiaIT & ITeS Industry in




FITAG Committee -2014-2015President

Mr. Gaurang VyasCompugarage

Mo. +91 98240 66777



Member Assocation: ACMA

Mr. Sejal Patel Online InfotechMo. +91 98240 53863


Member Assocation: MCMA


Mr. Hitesh Patani National Trading Co.Mo. +91 9227702576


Member Assocation: BITA


Mr. Pranav ParikhDesktop CreatorsMo. +91 9825031617


Member Assocation: CHITA


Mr. Vinod PatelKeval Infocom Pvt. Ltd.Mo. +91 9099053507


Member Assocation: RCTA


Mr. Dipal ShahDazzle Computer MediaMo. +91 98250 68128



Member Assocation: GCHA


Mr. Nilesh BhattTriotronick SystemsMo. +91 9426913150


Member Assocation: JITA


Advisory Committee

Mr. Kaushik PandyaKalp Systems Mo. +91 98250 31502


Member Assocation:



Mr. Paurav Chokashi Maa Trading Co.Mo. +91 9376237488


Member Assocation: BITA



Mr. Mitesh Dave Apurva Computers Tech. Pvt. Ltd.Mo. +91 98242 08215



Member Assocation: ZITA


Mr. Narendra BhetariaHarsh Systems Pvt. Ltd.Mo. +91 98240 77386


Member Assocation:



Mr. Yogesh ThakkerRhythm ElectronicsMo. +91 98240 09359


Member Assocation: BITA


Past President

Mr. Kamal ThakkarLotus Enterprise Mo. +91 9904111115


Member Assocation: NCMA


Mr. Bhanu SoniJalpari Mo. +91 99241 23163


Member Assocation: PCMA


Mr. Dharmesh ShuklaAPS InfosysMo. +91 9377561741


Member Assocation: ABITA


Mr. Virat PandyaVeepra EnterpriseMo. +91 9824211423


Member Assocation: BITA


Mr. Manish PatelDynamic InfosysMo. +91 9099945499


Member Assocation: GITA


Mr. Nitesh Senghani

Nice Infotech & Cafe

Mo. +91 9879159191





Mr. Ketan DoshiVersion ComputerMo. +91 8980004319


Member Assocation: RCTA

ExecutiveMr. Yogesh Patel

Patel InfosysMo. +91 9898247179



Member Assocation:



Mr. Yagnesh Somaiya

Unitech Computer

Mo. +91 9898021906



Member Assocation:



Mr. Vimal PatelInside SolutionMo. +91 9824441627



Member Assocation:


Fitag Spoke




retailers / dealers across Gujarat

reaches to


Fitag TimesFitag Times

For Space Booking in


Sejal: 98240 53863 Dhaval: 98240 66111


Fitag thanks all member

associations to support

antipiracy drive & author-

ize FITAG to deal in this

regard in future.

FITAG exe. committee


FITAG is now on Facebook. Please like Fitag page

https://www.facebook.com/Fitag23IT-BPM sector (excluding

hardware) were estimated at

US$ 76 billion during FY13,

Export of IT services has been

the major contributor, account-

ing for 57.9 per cent of total IT

exports (excluding hardware) in

FY13. BPM accounted for 23.5

per cent of total IT exports dur-

ing the same fiscal. The IT out-

sourcing sector is expected to

see exports growing by 13–15

per cent during FY15.

The technology industry of

India will have a US$ 37 billion

of CMO opportunity by 2020,

according to a report titled

'Marketing, Disrupted:

Opportunities for the Indian

technology industry' by NASS-

COM and SapientNitro.

Indian IT's core competen-

cies and strengths have placed it

on the international canvas,

attracting investments from

major countries.

According to data released

by the Department of Industrial

Policy and Promotion (DIPP),

the computer software and hard-

ware sector attracted foreign

direct investment (FDI) worth

Rs 59,381.64 crore (US$ 9.89

billion) between April 2000 and

February 2014.

Some of the major invest-

ments in Indian IT and ITeS sec-

tor are as follows:

Tata Consultancy Services

(TCS) plans to merge its two

units in Japan with Mitsubishi

Corp’s IT subsidiary to create a

joint venture (JV) company with

a revenue base of US$ 600 mil-

lion in the world’s second-

largest market for software serv-


Private equity (PE) firm TPG

Growth and India's Smile Group

will jointly invest US$ 100 mil-

lion to help internet and e-com-

merce companies build and

scale their businesses across the

Asia–Pacific region and West


Synechron plans to invest

US$ 30–35 million on the

expansion of its Hyderabad and

Bengaluru facilities. “We have

decided to expand our presence

in India by setting up facilities in

Hyderabad and Bangalore. The

idea is to get closer to the bigger

talent pool and clients,” said Mr

Faisal Husain, Founder and

Global CEO, Synechron.

Bharti Airtel, India's largest

telecom operator, has renewed

its technology outsourcing con-

tract with software major IBM

for a period of five years.

Infosys has partnered with

telecom company Orange to

provide Internet TV to its cus-

tomers. Infosys will deliver a

portfolio of interactive TV apps

on the Orange Livebox Play.

The TV apps will be powered by

Infosys DigitizeEdge, a digital

asset and experience platform

for TV operators, media compa-

nies, advertisers and content


The Government of India

played a key role with public

funding of a large, well trained

pool of engineers and manage-

ment personnel who could

forge the Indian IT industry.

The Central Government

and the respective State

Governments are expected to

collectively spend US$ 6.4 bil-

lion on IT products and servic-

es in 2014, an increase of 4.3

per cent over 2013, according

to a study by Gartner.

Some of the major initia-

tives taken by the Government

to promote IT and ITeS sector

in India are as follows:

The Government of Bihar

has unveiled 20 km free Wi-Fi

zone in Patna, the longest

across the planet, making a

strong impression on the

world's infotech map.

The Government of India

has given an in-principle

approval for setting up of the

first electronic system design

and manufacturing (ESDM)

cluster development in

Electronics City, Bengaluru.

The ESDM project will come

up on a 1.16 acre of land at an

investment of approximately

Rs 85 crore (US$ 14.16 mil-


More than 20 small and

medium enterprises (SMEs) in

the IT sector have recently

received land allotment letters

from the Government of

Punjab to set up their units

with an investment of Rs 500

crore (US$ 83.24 million).

The Government of India is

planning to announce a nation-

al policy on cloud computing,

as per Mr Kapil Sibal, Minister

of Communications and

Information Technology.

The Governments of

Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu

are in talks with NASSCOM

to set up ‘start-up warehouses’

for incubation of start-ups. The

centres are expected to come

up in Mumbai and Chennai

and are likely to be operational

by December 2014.

Road Ahead

India is the most preferred

location for engineering off-

shoring, according to a cus-

tomer poll conducted by Booz

and Co. Companies are now

offshoring complete product

responsibility. Increased focus

on R&D by IT firms in India

has resulted in rising number

of patents filed by them.

India’s IT sector is gradual-

ly moving from linear models

(rising headcount to increase

revenue) to non-linear ones.

In line with this, IT compa-

nies in the country are focus-

ing on new models such as

platform-based BPM services

and creation of intellectual


Tier II and III cities are

increasingly gaining traction

among IT companies aiming

to establish business in India.

Cheap labour, affordable

real estate, favourable gov-

ernment regulations, tax

breaks and special economic

zone (SEZ) schemes are

facilitating their emergence

as new IT destinations.

Indian insurance compa-

nies also plan to spend Rs

12,100 crore (US$ 2.01 bil-

lion) on IT products and serv-

ices in 2014, a 12 per cent

rise over 2013, according to

Gartner. This forecast

includes spending by insurers

on internal IT (including per-

sonnel), software, hardware,

external IT services and


Contined from page 1...


Government Initiatives


ReviewHello Fitag,

Respected Fitag

President &

General Secretary,

Fitag Times is the

best e news paper

which awares IT

people with new

hardware devices as

well as software solu-

tions. Fitag Times also

helps to create aware-

ness of various associ-

ations activities. This is

also the best platform

to give advertisement

as its so cheaper com-

pare to other IT maga-

zines or newspaper.Thanking You

Mr.Akil MemonPalanpur Fitag Coordinator




non-members also to make it

more and more popular.

On the other hand FITAG's

new body has taken over dur-

ing the AGM held on 24th July,

2014. Few very important

things were resolved in this

AGM which I think I must

mention and elaborate here.

< In spite of continuous rain18 associations have

reached to Ahmedabad to

participate in the meeting.

This shows the level of

integrity amongst

FITAGIANs as well as their

eagerness to come forward

for FITAG. There were

many people who showed

their willingness to work

for FITAG either with cen-

tral body or at regional

level. Therefore, current

body has announced few

new posts of regional coor-

dinators who will work

within their region as a

node between member

associations as well as the

governing body of FITAG.

< Six years has been passedsince the inception of

FITAG on 16th July 2008.

FITAG is now an estab-

lished and one and the only

of its kind of body in entire

India. We must capitalise

and focus on the possibility

of expanding FITAG as a

regional body of western


< We did our first con-vention on 19th December

2009. On this day actually all

the FITAGIANs came together

on a common platform for the

first time. About 400 - 450 peo-

ple remained present in this

convention and made it a grand

success. I propose 19th

December to be celebrated as

"FITAG Day" and some com-

mon activity should take place

across the state by all the asso-

ciations to endorse any of the

five point agenda of FITAG i.e.

Flourish, Knowledge,

Networking, Strength and


< New committee formationand selection of its mem-

bers by the President is

expressing maturity as

well as boldness at the

same time. Combination

of these newly elected

team members will deliv-

er the metal, onus lies

upon us also to make them

a success by supporting

them in all the desired

manner. My personal

wishes are always with


Lastly, in my personal

capacity I have worked for

FITAG for continuous six

years. I am retiring myself

from day to day activities of

FITAG. Although I will con-

tinue to work as an editor of

FITAG Times till I find an

individual from the communi-

ty who can handle this. I wel-

come people from member

associations who can work

dedicatedly for FITAG Times.

In this edition of FITAG

Times we have included

information related to the

new body of FITAG as well as

glimpses of all the 11 earlier

editions of FITAG Times. Your

suggestions are welcome, send

it on editor@fitag.in

Presenting you 12th edition

of FITAG Times! Enjoy the

life!. <

Contined from page 1...




FITAG Wi-Mentor MantraMentor Mantra 5FITAG Wi-5Nandak Pandya E-mail :-nandakpandya1@gmail.com

Mo:- 09824024017

Resilience is our ability to regain original form and to thrive and

fulfill potential in spite of adversity or difficult circumstances.

When life situations get out of kilter, it is the one quality and

skill we need most to get us through the difficult times. To be resilient

means we are able to remain stable and function in the face of disrup-

tion and chaos.It means we can continue with every day tasks, remain

balanced, and bounce back quickly from hard times.Resilience can be

described as an emotional muscle which we all posses to some degree.

With determination and practice we can develop and strengthen it

even further. Being aware of why we need it and how important it is

can encourage us to work on increasing it.

You can Build

Resilience by:8 Maintaining balance and

flexibility in your life

8 Taking care of your physi-

cal and mental health; nur-

turing yourself

8 Learning to deal with prob-

lems and stressful situations

8 Maintaining good relation-

ships with loved ones for

support and encouragement

Examples of adversity

that require resilience:

8 Being diagnosed with a

serious illness

8 Losing your job

8 Recovering from a failed


8 Maintaining a balance

between work and family


8 Dealing with difficult peo-


When we are resilient we are

optimistic , confident, proac-

tive and we know we have con-

trol of our lives.

We know that when we

exercise faith, perseverance

and diligence, things

change for the better.

Let s apply these

tested principles on our


have been experiencing a

breakdown in our business

for some time now.

Using these tips , we can

elevate our IT business &



What is it?

4A function of brain activity

4A personal journey

4A learned behavior

4An action PlanService members returning

from a combat zone can reduce

their risk of long term effects

such as Post-Traumatic Stress

Disorder, depression and anxi-

ety. This is done by doing an

honest assessment of your cur-

rent mental health, recognizing

and using your strengths and

researching and utilizing com-

mon skills to build resilience:

Make connectionsGood relationships are

important. Accepting help and

support from others strength-

ens resilience.

Avoid seeing crises

as insurmountable

problemsYou can't change stressful

events, but you can control

how you respond to these


Accept change is a

part of livingAccepting circumstances

that cannot be changed can

help you focus on circum-

stances that you can alter.

Move towards your

(realistic) goals

"What's one

thing I can accom-

plish today that

helps me move

in the direction I

want to go?"

Take decisive actionsAct rather than detach from

problems. Wishing won't make

them go away.

Look for opportunities

for self-discovery

After experiencing loss,

many people report better rela-

tionships, personal growth and

increased self-worth.

Nurture a positive

view of yourselfDeveloping confidence in

problem-solving abilities and

trusting your instincts helps to

build resilience.

Keep things in

perspectiveAvoid blowing events out

of proportion and keep a long-

term perspective.

Maintain a hopeful

outlookThis enables you to expect

that good things will happen.

Visualize what you want,

rather than worrying about

what you fear.

Take care of yourselfPay attention to your own

needs and feelings. Engage in

enjoyable, relaxing activities.

Exercise. Keep your mind and

body primed to deal with situa-

tions that require resilience.

Researchers have

developed 7 fac-

tors to

Resilience:1. Develop Core

Values and


2. Life's Mission

3. Form support systems with

family, friends, community

4. Humor

5. Spirituality

6. Training - in all forms

7. Intellectual flexibility - use

your left brain to alter how

you perceive an event

There are 7 skills of

Resilience:1. Learning Your ABCs

When confronted with a

problem or challenge, are you

ever surprised by how you

react or wish you could

respond differently? Do you

ever assume that you know the

facts of a situation, only to find

out later that you misinterpret-

ed them? If the thoughts run-

ning through your head when

you're faced with adversity are

inaccurate, your ability to

respond effectively to that

adversity will be severely com-

promised. SO…."listen" to

your thoughts, to identify what

you say to yourself when faced

with a challenge, and to under-

stand how your thoughts affect

your feelings and behavior.

2. Avoiding Thinking Traps

When things go wrong, do

you automatically blame your-

self? Do you blame others? Do

you jump to conclusions? Do

you assume that you know

what another person is think-

ing? When faced with adversi-

ty, people regularly make eight

mistakes that undermine

resilience. SO… identify the

ones you habitually make and

how to correct them.

3. Detecting Icebergs

Everyone has deeply held

beliefs about how people and

the world should operate and

who they are and want to be.

We call these iceberg beliefs

because they often "float"

beneath the surface of our con-

sciousness so we're not even

aware of them. Often these

beliefs guide us to behave in

ways that are true to our val-

ues. Sometimes, however,

these deep beliefs interfere

with our ability to live the kind

of life we want, and they

explain why we overreact to

seemingly minor issues or have

a hard time making what seem

like simple decisions. SO…

identify your deep beliefs and

determine when they are work-

ing for you and when they are

working against you.

4. Challenging Beliefs

A key component of

resilience is problem solving.

How effective are you at solv-

ing the problems that you

encounter day to day? Do you

waste time pursuing solutions

that don't work? Do you feel

helpless to change situations?

Do you persist on one prob-

lem-solving path even when

you see that it's not getting

you where you want to be? It's

your thinking style that often

leads you to misinterpret the

causes of a problem, which

then leads you to pursue the

wrong solutions. SO… test the

accuracy of your beliefs about

problems and how to find solu-

tions that work.

5. Putting It in Perspective

Do you get caught in what-

if thinking in which you turn

every failure or problem into a

catastrophe? Do you waste

valuable time and energy wor-

rying yourself into a state of

paralyzing anxiety about

events that have not even

occurred?. SO… stop the what-

ifs so that you're better pre-

pared to deal with problems

that really do exist or are most

likely to occur.

6. Calming and Focusing

Do you feel overwhelmed

by stress? Do your emotions

sometimes come on so quickly

and fiercely that you can't seem

to think straight? Do "off-task"

thoughts make it hard for you

to concentrate?. SO… to stay

calm and focused when you're

overwhelmed by emotion or

stress so you can concentrate

on the task at hand

7. Real-time Resilience

Are there times when coun-

terproductive thoughts make it

hard for you to stay engaged

and in the moment? Do certain

negative thoughts tend to recur

over and over again?. SO…

quickly change your counter-

productive thoughts into more

resilient ones - with immediate


Let s Achieve the PEAK

OF IT business again.

After all, We DESERVE the



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FITAG is now on Facebook. Please like Fitag page


Aslowdown in the growth

rate for tablet and mobile

phone sales and economic

uncertainty in emerging mar-

kets are putting a damper on

global IT spending, according

to IDC.

Worldwide IT spending

will increase 4.1 percent in

constant currency this year, to

$3.7 trillion (about Rs 222)

lakh crore) said IDC. That’s

down from last year’s 4.5 per-

cent growth and from IDC’s

prior forecast of 4.6 percent


The move to cloud technol-

ogy and pent-up demand to

replace old servers, storage and

network gear provides a solid

foundation for IT Spending,

according to IDC. Especially

in the latter half of the year,

enterprises may end up doing

some catch-up spending to

replace old equipment.

But “wild cards” in the

economy for Europe and Asia,

an erosion of mobile phone

prices, and a slowdown in the

tablet market caused IDC to

cut expectations for IT spend-

ing. Part of the problem is that

it is difficult for smart phone

and tablet vendors to maintain

the extraordinary sales growth

they experienced over the past


“As smart phone growth

continues to cool from the phe-

nomenal expansion of the past

few years, tablet shipments

have performed weaker than

expected over the past couple

of quarters,” said Stephen

Minton, vice president in

IDC’s Global Technology &

Industry Research

Organization, in a statement.

In March, IDC forecast the

total tablet market, including

tablets and 2-in-1 devices, to

grow 19.4 percent in 2014,

down from a growth rate of

51.6 percent last year. IDC also

said earlier this year that

worldwide smartphone ship-

ments would be 1.2 billion

units- that’s a 19.3 percent

jump over last year, but repre-

sents a smaller increase in

terms of 2013’s 39.2 percent


Otherwise, the crisis in

Ukraine has provoked a sense

of uncertainty in Eurpoe, and

IDC expects IT spending in

Russia to decline by almost 1

percent this year. The slow-

down in Russia will have an

impact on other countries in

the region, IDC said.

In Asis, “China remains a

wild card,” IDC said in its

report. Demand for IT spend-

ing after the slowdown of 2013

could help buoy IT spending in

the country. However, IDC

noted that some econo mists

are forecasting that chinese

GDP growth could slump

below 7 perent in 2014 and


Based on exchange rates in

the first quarter, the 4.1 percent

growth in constant currency

terms translates to just 3.4 per-

cent growth in US dollars, as

currency volatility hits US-

based vendors,

IDC noted.-By Marc


IDC Cuts ITSpend Forecast

4.1%The increase in global

IT spending this year-

that’s down from last

year’s 4.5 percent


Researchers discover first true

Ransomware that attacks Android users!A new Android mal-

ware has been discov-

ered that can launch a

full-blown ranosom

attack on a user’s

device. According to

reports, security firm

ESET has discovered

what is being called the

first ever malware

capable of encrypt-

ing data files on an

Android smart-

phone, launching a

ransom attack.

The malware,

known as

Simplocker, is a

Russian- language

Trojan that reportedly

scans the SD card of a

user’s device or its

internal storage, and

encrypts data files with

a range of extensions.

This includes files with

extensions. doc, .jpg,

.avi and.mp4. It uses

stron 256-bit AES

encryption to lock the


Reports say that the

splash screen from the

malware states, as

translated from

Russian, “WARNING!

Your phone is locked!

The device is locked

for viewing and distri-

bution of child pornog-

raphy, zoophilia and

other perversions.” The

malware then demands

260 Ukrainian Hryvnia

(which is about 13 pr

$9) that can be paid

using MoneXy, in

exchange for the

stolen data.

According to

ESET, the Current

prevalence of the

malware is ‘very

low’. It is reportedly

targeting Android in

R u s s i a n - s p e a k i n g

countries, where the

virus is contracted after

downloading an app

called ‘Sex xionix’

from a third party app


Google releases Android 4.4.3A new version of Android, 4.4.3, has been released by Google

recently, While, the latest version of Android KitKat will be available

via over-the- air roll- outs, the Android maker has released the factory

images for Nexus 5, Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 10, Nexus 4 and Nexus 10,

Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 (2012) devices.

Google has shard the source code of the Android 4.4.3 release at

Android Open Source Project (AOSP). If the claims of US telecom

operator T-Mobile are to be believed, Android 4.4.3 packs in loads of

security enhancements and bug fixes. Google has included an all new

Google Dialler with Android 4.4.3 on Nexus 5. The updated version of

Google Dialler offers a tweaked user-interface and other changes.




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What you can do with “Google”What you can do with “Google”Blogger is a blog-publishing

service that allows multi-user

blogs with time-stamped entries.

It was developed by Pyra Labs,

which was bought by Google in

2003. Generally, the blogs are

hosted by Google at a subdomain

of blogspot.com. A user can have

up to 100 blogs per account.[3] Up

until May 1, 2010, Blogger

allowed users to publish blogs on

other hosts, via FTP. All such

blogs had (or still have) to be

moved to Google's own servers,

with domains other than

blogspot.com allowed via custom

URLs.[4] Unlike WordPress,

Blogger cannot be installed in

a web server. One has to use

DNS facilities to redirect a

custom URL to a blogspot



On August 23, 1999, Blogger

was launched by Pyra Labs. As

one of the earliest dedicated blog-

publishing tools, it is credited for

helping popularize the format. In

February 2003, Pyra Labs was

acquired by Google under undis-

closed terms. The acquisition

allowed premium features (for

which Pyra had charged) to

become free. In October 2004,

Pyra Labs' co-founder, Evan

Williams, left Google. In 2004,

Google purchased Picasa; it inte-

grated Picasa and its photo sharing

utility Hello into Blogger, allow-

ing users to post photos to their


On May 9, 2004, Blogger

introduced a major redesign,

adding features such as web stan-

dards-compliant templates, indi-

vidual archive pages for posts,

comments, and posting by email.

On August 14, 2006, Blogger

launched its latest version in beta,

codenamed "Invader", alongside

the gold release. This migrated

users to Google servers and had

some new features, including

interface language in French,

Italian, German and Spanish.[6] In

December 2006, this new version

of Blogger was taken out of beta.

By May 2007, Blogger had com-

pletely moved over to Google-

operated servers. Blogger was

ranked 16 on the list of top 50

domains in terms of number of

unique visitors in 2007.

RedesignAs part of the Blogger

redesign in 2006, all blogs associ-

ated with a user's Google Account

were migrated to Google servers.

Blogger claims that the service is

now more reliable because of the

quality of the servers.[8]

Along with the migration to

Google servers, several new fea-

tures were introduced, including

label organization, a drag-and-

drop template editing interface,

reading permissions (to create pri-

vate blogs) and new Web feed

options. Furthermore, blogs are

updated dynamically, as opposed

to rewriting

HTML files.

In a version of the service

called Blogger in Draft,[9] new

features are tested before being

released to all users. New features

are discussed in the service's offi-

cial blog.[10]

Screenshot of blog post com-

pose window of Blogger, April


In September 2009, Google

introduced new features into

Blogger as part of its tenth

anniversary celebration. The fea-

tures included a new interface for

post editing, improved image han-

dling, Raw HTML Conversion,

and other Google Docs-based

implementations, including:

= Adding location to posts viageotagging.

= Post time-stamping at publica-tion, not at original creation.

= Vertical re-sizing of the posteditor. The size is saved in a

per-user, per-blog preference.

= Link editing in composemode.

= Full Safari 3 support andfidelity on both Windows and

Mac OS.

= New Preview dialog thatshows posts in a width and

font size approximating what

is seen in the published view.

= Placeholder image for tags sothat embeds are movable in

compose mode.

= New toolbar with Google aes-

thetics, faster loading time,

and "undo" and "redo" but-

tons. Also added was the full

justification button, a strike-

through button, and an

expanded color palette.

= In 2010, Blogger introducednew templates and redesigned

its website. The new post edi-

tor was criticized for being

less reliable than its predeces-


Available languages

Blogger is avail-

able in these languages:

Arabic, Bengali, Indonesia,

Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese

(Simplified), Chinese

(Traditional), Croatian, Czech,

Danish, Dutch, English, Filipino,

Finnish, French, German, Greek,

Gujarati, Hebrew, Hindi,

Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian,

Japanese, Kannada, Korean,

Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay,

Malayalam, Marathi, Norwegian,

Oriya, Persian, Polish, Portuguese

(Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal),

Romanian, Russian, Serbian,

Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish,

Swedish, Tamil, Telugu, Thai,

Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu

Vietnamese. Nepali, Farashi.

Country-specific blog-

ger addressesStarting in February 2013,

Blogger began integrating user

blogs with multiple country-spe-

cific URLs. For example, exam-


would be automatically redirected

to exampl euser blog name. blog

spot.ca in Canada, exampleuser

blogname.blogspot.co.uk in the

United Kingdom. Blogger

explained that by doing this they

could manage the blog content

more locally so if there was any

objectionable material that violat-

ed a particular country's laws they

could remove and block access to

that blog for that country through

the assigned ccTLD while retain-

ing access through other ccTLD

addresses and the default

Blogspot.com URL. However it

should be noted that if a blog

using a country-specific URL was

removed it is still technically pos-

sible to still access the blog

through Google's No Country

Redirect override by entering the

URL using the regular

Blogspot.com address and adding

/ncr after the.com.

Available designsBlogger allows its users to

choose from various templates

and then customize them.

Users may also

choose to

create their own tem-

plates using CSS. The new

design template, known as

"Dynamic View", was introduced

recently[when?]. It is built with

AJAX, HTML5, and CSS3. The

time for loading is 40 percent

shorter than traditional templates,

and allows user to present blog in

seven different ways: classic, flip-

card, magazine, mosaic, sidebar,

snapshot, and timeslide. Readers

still have the option to choose

preferable views when the blog

owner has set a default view.[13]

Some of the widgets (e.g., Labels,

Profile, Link List, Subscription

Links, Followers and Blog

Archive etc.) are available for

Dynamic Views; other templates

are chosen by the blogger.

In April 2013, Blogger updat-

ed its HTML template editor that

has some improvements to make it

easy for the users to edit the blog's

source code. The editor was

updated with syntax highlight,

number line and jump-to-widget

button for ease of editing the code.

For over half a year dynamic

views users were suffering from a

bug causing custom CSS and page

navigation often not to load prop-

erly. This happened because a

JavaScript routine rendered the

page before it was loaded. A blog-

ger user fixed the template and

published the fix.

IntegrationThe Google Toolbar has a fea-

ture called "BlogThis!" which

allows toolbar users with Blogger

accounts to post links directly to

their blogs.

"Blogger for Word" is an add-

in for Microsoft Word which

allows users to save a Microsoft

Word document directly to a

Blogger blog, as well as edit their

posts both on- and offline. As of

January 2007, Google says

"Blogger for Word is not currently

compatible with the new version

of Blogger", and they state no

decision has been made about sup-

porting it with the new

Blogger.[15] However, Microsoft

Office 2007 adds native support

for a variety of blogging systems,

including Blogger.

Blogger supports Google's

AdSense service as a way of gen-

erating revenue from running a


Blogger also started integra-

tion with Amazon Associates in

December 2009, as a service to

generate revenue.[16] It was not

publically announced, but by

September 2011 it appeared that

all integration options had been

removed and that the partnership

had ended.[17]

Blogger offers multiple author

support, making it possible to

establish group blogs.

Blogger offers a template-edit-

ing feature, which allows users to

customize the Blogger template.

Windows Live Writer, a stand-

alone app of the Windows Live

suite, publishes directly to


Blogger Private Blog: only

accessed by the author or invited

readers/authors or admins only.

Blogger can be optionally

integrated with Google+.

Google+ comments can be

integrated with blogger com-


Blogger on mobile

devicesBlogger has launched mobile

applications for users with mobile

devices. Users can post and edit blogs,

and also share photos and links on

Blogger through their mobile devices.

Not only advanced mobile devices,

such as smartphones, are being con-

sidered, since users can also post

blogs via traditional cell phones by

SMS and MMS.[18]

The major two mobile operation

systems that Blogger focuses on are

Android and iOS.[19][20] Blogger

allow users to edit blogs anywhere

through the app and either publish the

blogs or save them as drafts. Quick

navigation from posts and drafts is

accessible from a list. Users can attach

photos by taking a picture with a

Blogger app or selecting pictures from

their photo galleries. Sharing current

locations on posts is also possible by

tabbing My Location bar and adding

locations. Users can also share photos

and links directly to Blogger.<



Glimpses of earlier EditionGlimpses of earlier Edition FitagTimes
