12 Day Tour · 2020. 11. 11. · Oct 6: Castello di Montalto Today we have the luxury of a free...


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  • Tarot Art & History 12 Day TourNorthern Italy26 Sept – 8 Oct 2011

    Sept 26: Arrive Milan2:00-6:00pm hotel check-in. Those arriving early enough can enjoy the beauty of cosmopolitan Milan and take in the sights of the incredible Duomo (Gothic Cathedral), the famous Piazza, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II (worlds oldest mall) and Libreria Estorica, a metaphysical shop sure to delight with its hard to find tarot. We’ll enjoy a welcome dinner where we’ll meet our fellow tarot travelers. After dinner we’ll take an evening stroll from Castello Sforzesco to the Duomo, both spectacular when lit up at night.(D)

    Sept 27: MilanThis morning we’ll visit the awe inspiring renaissance fortress of Castello Sforzesco where the ancient Visconti tarot cards were found in an abandoned well. We’ll bask in the beauty of frescoes by Leonardo da Vinci and Bonifacio Bembo, creator of the earliest known tarot deck. We’ll meet Dr Milano, tarot historian and expert on ancient decks and card making.

    artworks from around the world, as well as a remarkable collection of decks from the rare to the unusual and most popular awaits us. The 400 year old building of the tarot museum, so lovingly restored, has many hidden treasures including tree trunks that open to reveal shelves of prized tarocchi, and tiny doors with lit windows hidden in stone walls that open to show off precious miniature artworks.The Museo folks have planned a special garden party for us with their artist friends! We’ll travel back to Bologna later in the evening.(B,D)

    Sept 30: BolognaThis morning we’ll tour Chiesa di San Giacomo Maggiore (Church of Saint James) to see Triumph of Honor (symbolically tied to the XXI World card), Triumph of Death (XIII), and also perhaps Basilica di Santo Stefano (Saint Stevens Church), which was originally an ancient Temple of Isis. The rest of the day will be yours to explore on your own. Bologna is an incredible city with many tantalizing aspects. This is also the first night you have dinner on your own, so have fun!(B)

    Oct 1: TuscanyToday we will travel to the enchanting Tuscany region, with its tidy lines of cypress trees, endless olive groves, and lazy sunflowers … like gazing into an immense painting. Medieval castles and villages dot the landscape adding to this picturesque scene. Our

    After lunch we’ll spend time with internationally renowned tarot artist and publisher, Osvaldo Menegazzi and be mesmerized by his shop Il Meneghello. Osvaldo and Dr Milano will join us for dinner at il Rifugio del Ghiottone one of Milan’s finer eateries.(B,D)

    Sept 28: Ferrara, BolognaThis morning our destination is idyllic Ferrara where we will soak in the warm ambiance of a renaissance village. Highlights include the 14th century Palazzo Schifanoia, boasting ‘The Hall of Months’ frescos by Early Renaissance painter Cossa, the Estense Castle, the Romanesque Cathedral (12-14th century) which includes a museum (the interior, entirely remade in Baroque style after a fire in the 18th century) and the Massari Palace with its permanent Boldini exhibition. Later we’ll head for Bologna, home for the next three nights.(B,D)

    Sept 29: Bologna, RiolaThis morning, with Morena Poltronieri, director of Museo dei Tarocchi as our guide, we’ll tour the Basilica di Saint Pedronio to see the fresco of Judgment, enjoying its tarot symbology including the Devil, a Hangman, Death and of course an aura of final Judgment. Onward to Riola, where we will spend the afternoon at the incredible Museo dei Tarocchi nestled in a small hilltop village, surrounded by majestic forests and mountains. An impressive array of original tarot

    fresco, Palazzo Schifanoia, Ferrara Castello di Montalto

    Duomo di Milano

    Museo dei Tarocchi, Riola

    handcrafted boxes, Il Meneghello, Milan

    own private castle awaits in Castello di Montalto, our home while we travel the Tuscany countryside! Tonight we dine at a local restaurant a short trip from the Castello. (B,D)

    Oct 2: PienzaOur excursion today is to the charming renaissance town of Pienza. A delightful place to explore with its darling little shops selling fresh cheeses, meats, olive oils, handmade soaps and candles. Some of the street signs are reminiscent of tarot card titles. The Duomo in the center of the main piazza has beautiful early renaissance architecture. We will also visit Pienza Palio and a local art museum. We will dine before returning to the Castello.(B,D)

    Oct 3: SienaWe will stay for a spell in the marvelous medieval city of Siena which offers much to tantalize the palette and inspire the artist within.


  • Duomo di Siena, which houses mosaics and frescoes with pre-Christian and Pagan imagery and symbology, also found in ancient tarot decks, is designed to fill the visitor with overwhelming awe. The exterior and interior are constructed of black and white marble in alternating stripes; black and white being the symbolic colors of Siena, (linked to the black and white horses of the legendary city’s founders, Senius and Aschius). Adjoining the cathedral is the Piccolomini Library, with

    colorful frescoes (c1500). The ceiling is covered with painted panels of mythological creatures and we’ll see the famous statue of the Three Graces. Gorgeous! Fabulous museums await with some of the greatest masterpieces of all time. Cobblestone paths spiral out from the Campo de Piazza offering wonderful eateries and unusual shops. After lunch we will tour a local art museum, then visit a tobacco shop that carries many unusual, hard to find as well as popular Italian and European tarot decks. A gelato in the piazza is a must here.(B,D)

    Oct 4: CapalbioWe have some free time this morning before we make our spiritual pilgrimage to the Tarot Garden of Niki de Saint Phalle. A breathtaking view of colorful sculptures looms large on the horizon as we draw near. All 22 trumps welcome us to explore and play in sight of the Mediterranean sea, surrounded by a rocky landscape graced with olive and oak trees. Unlike most museums where you’re not allowed to touch or even take photos, the Tarot Garden invites us to interact with the art. We’ll stop for dinner on route back to the Castello.(B,D)

    Oct 5: FlorenceMid morning we will travel to Florence to explore its great and gentle beauty. Since the art museum is not specifically tarot related, and no trip to Europe is complete without shopping, you will have two choices this afternoon. Those who choose will be dropped at the Designer Outlet Mall, the rest will be taken to the Galleria del Accademia (home to Michelangelo’s David, and a gorgeous museum). On return to Castello di Montalto we will enjoy a history tour, and dinner this evening will be served by our gracious host and hostess.(B,D)

    Mosaic Floor, Duomo, Siena

    Michelangelo’s David, Florence

    Hotel FloridaMilanIn: September 26Out: September 28S.r.l. - Via Lepetit, 33 20124 Milano, ITALYtel: +39 02 6705921www.hotelfloridamilan.com

    Hotel DonatelloBolognaIn: September 28Out: October 1Address: via Indipendenza, 65 40121 Bologna, ITALYtel: +39 05 1248174www.hoteldonatello.com

    Castello di MontaltoTuscanyIn: October 1Out: October 7Address: Castello di Montalto, Castelnuovo Berardenga, 53019 Siena, Tuscany, ITALYtel:+39 0577 355675www.castellodimontalto.com

    New York HotelMilanIn: October 7Out: October 8Address: Via G.B. Pirelli 5 20124 Milan, ITALYtel: +39 02 66985551

    The Tarot Garden, Capalbio


    Your Hosts: Arnell Ando and Michael McAteerwith official tour guide Morena Poltronieri (Museo dei Tarocchi)

    www.arnellart.com www.museodeitarocchi.net

    Oct 6: Castello di MontaltoToday we have the luxury of a free day. Perhaps enjoy some relaxing time around the Castello, exchanging tarot stories, readings, decks etc – or enjoy a second visit to Siena. We are on our own for dinner this evening – perhaps a pot luck meal, or for those who wish, maybe a stroll down the road to one of the nice restaurants instead.(B)

    Oct 7: MilanWe bid farewell to Castello di Montalto this morning and travel back to Milan. After check-in at our hotel we’ll have time to explore on our own for any last minute tarot goodies or souvenirs. There may be time to visit the incredible Cimitero Monumentale, so moving and unforgettable –entering through a massive Neo-Medieval style building of marble and stone. This gigantic cemetery has row upon row of breathtaking sculptures from classical to contemporary, Greek temples, and other elaborate monuments dedicated to the long departed and beloved. This evening we have our very own ‘last supper’; a final meal to celebrate our adventures together.(B,D)

    Oct 8: MilanOur tour ends where it began having come full circle. We can bask in the collective experience of a lifetime and go our separate ways, knowing we have made connections for life.(B)

    Cimitero Monumentale, Milan