11i Depot Repair Fundamentals Student Guide


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11i Depot Repair Fundamentals Student Guide

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11i Depot Repair Fundamentals Table of Contents i

Table of Contents

Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process ................................................................................1-1 Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process.................................................................................1-2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................1-3 Agenda...........................................................................................................................................................1-4 The Oracle Depot Repair Solution ................................................................................................................1-5 RMA..............................................................................................................................................................1-6 Service Request to Resolution Flow..............................................................................................................1-7 Service Channels ...........................................................................................................................................1-8 Depot Repair Basics ......................................................................................................................................1-9 WIP and Task Modes ....................................................................................................................................1-11 Basic Return and Repair Flow.......................................................................................................................1-12 Sending Goods in Advance ...........................................................................................................................1-14 Basic Exchange Flows...................................................................................................................................1-15 Basic Replacement Flow ...............................................................................................................................1-16 Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example.................................................................................................1-17 Full Return and Repair Task Mode Example ................................................................................................1-19

Guided Demonstration - Creating and Processing a Repair Order ............................................................1-21 Practice - Creating and Processing a Repair Order....................................................................................1-29 Solution - Creating and Processing a Repair Order ...................................................................................1-35

Summary........................................................................................................................................................1-52 Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite ..............................................................2-1

Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite................................................................2-2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................2-3 Agenda...........................................................................................................................................................2-4 Oracle Depot Repair Integration Footprint ....................................................................................................2-5 Required Applications Setup .........................................................................................................................2-6 Depot Repair Workbench Areas ....................................................................................................................2-7 Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example.................................................................................................2-8 Service Request Dependencies ......................................................................................................................2-10 Top-Level Repair Order Dependencies .........................................................................................................2-12 Repair Order Contract Details .......................................................................................................................2-14 Repair Order RMA Line Dependencies.........................................................................................................2-15 Repair Estimate Dependencies ......................................................................................................................2-17 WIP Mode Repair Job Dependencies ............................................................................................................2-19 Repair Order Ship Line Dependencies ..........................................................................................................2-20 Estimate Charge Line Dependencies .............................................................................................................2-21 Full Return and Repair Task Mode Example ................................................................................................2-22 Task Mode Dependencies..............................................................................................................................2-23 Summary........................................................................................................................................................2-24

Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations..................................................................................3-1 Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integrations.................................................................................3-2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................3-3 Agenda...........................................................................................................................................................3-4 Pre-Implementation Steps Overview.............................................................................................................3-5 Pre-Implementation Steps..............................................................................................................................3-6 Pre-Implementation Steps (continued) ..........................................................................................................3-7 Standard E-Business Suite Setups .................................................................................................................3-9 Depot Repair Implementer ............................................................................................................................3-10 Setup of Related Applications .......................................................................................................................3-11 E-Business Suite Application Module Setups ...............................................................................................3-12 E-Business Suite Application Module Setups (continued) ............................................................................3-13

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11i Depot Repair Fundamentals Table of Contents ii

Applications and Modules Required Only for Specific Repair Modes..........................................................3-14 Setting Up Inventory .....................................................................................................................................3-15 Inventory: Profile Option...............................................................................................................................3-16 Setting Up Bills of Material and Work In Process ........................................................................................3-17 Setups for Receiving and Shipping................................................................................................................3-18 Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Service Requests .........................................................................................3-19 Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Customer Care ............................................................................................3-20 Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Charges .......................................................................................................3-21 Creating Service Business Processes.............................................................................................................3-22 Creating Service Activities ............................................................................................................................3-23 Creating New Billing Types ..........................................................................................................................3-24 Creating Install Base Transaction Subtypes ..................................................................................................3-25 Source and Non Source Information .............................................................................................................3-26 Default Time and Material Labor Schedule...................................................................................................3-27 Creating the Default Labor Schedule.............................................................................................................3-28 Setting Up the Defaulting Rules for Billing Operating Units ........................................................................3-29 Setting Up Oracle Knowledge Management .................................................................................................3-30 Miscellaneous Setups ....................................................................................................................................3-31 Setting Up Oracle Common Application Components..................................................................................3-32 Summary........................................................................................................................................................3-33

Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps.....................................................................................................4-1 Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps ....................................................................................................4-2 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................4-3 Agenda...........................................................................................................................................................4-4 Categories for the Repair Types ....................................................................................................................4-5 Repair Types Setup........................................................................................................................................4-6 Repair Types Form ........................................................................................................................................4-7 Pre-Repair and Post-Repair Service Activities ..............................................................................................4-9 Setting Up Repair Types................................................................................................................................4-10 Reason Codes ................................................................................................................................................4-12 Setting Up Reason Codes ..............................................................................................................................4-13 Defining Lookup Codes.................................................................................................................................4-14 Defining Lookup Codes (continued) .............................................................................................................4-15 Setting Up Profile Options ............................................................................................................................4-17 Setting Up Profile Options (continued) .........................................................................................................4-18 Non-Depot Repair Profile Options ................................................................................................................4-23 Non-Depot Repair Profile Options (continued).............................................................................................4-24

Guided Demonstration - Creating a Repair Type ......................................................................................4-26 Practice - Creating a Repair Type..............................................................................................................4-30 Solution - Creating a Repair Type .............................................................................................................4-34 Practice - Creating a Special Repair Type .................................................................................................4-42 Solution - Creating a Special Repair Type ................................................................................................4-45


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11i Depot Repair Fundamentals Table of Contents iii



Before You Begin This Course

Before you begin this course, you should have the following qualifications:

• Thorough knowledge of <insert information specific to this course>

• Working experience with <insert information specific to this course>


• <insert prerequisites from the course description, including any suggested preparation courses>

• <if there are no prerequisites, insert the following sentence:> There are no prerequisites for this course.

How This Course Is Organized

<Course Title> is an instructor-led course featuring lecture and hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce the concepts and skills introduced.

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11i Depot Repair Fundamentals Table of Contents iv

Conventions in Oracle Application Navigation Paths

This course uses simplified navigation paths, such as the following example, to direct you through Oracle Applications.

Oracle Application

(N) Invoice > Entry > Invoice Batches Summary (M) Query > Find (B) Approve

Oracle Form

• The first line in the Box is always the name of the application.

• The second line is the path to the form. This simplified path translates to the following:

1. (N) From the Navigator window, select Invoice then Entry then Invoice Batches Summary.

2. (M) From the menu, select Query then Find.

3. (B) Click the Approve button.


(N) = Navigator

(M) = Menu

(T) = Tab

(B) = Button

(I) = Icon

(H) = Hyperlink

(ST) = Sub Tab

• The last line is always the name of the window that appears on the top left corner of the Oracle form.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 1

Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 2

Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process

Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 3



After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:• Explain how Depot Repair flows fit within the overall

Service Request to Resolution process• Create and process a WIP Mode repair order

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 4



• Oracle Depot Repair solution• Service Request to Resolution flow• Depot Repair basics• Main repair types and basic flows• Full Repair and Return WIP Mode example• Full Repair and Return Task Mode example

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 5

The Oracle Depot Repair Solution

The Oracle Depot Repair Solution



Estimate and




Repair and


Ship andBill


Manage Resources

Oracle Depot Repair(and associated Oracle application modules)

Self-Service Agent-Assisted Field Service Depot Walk-In

Service Channels

The Oracle Depot Repair Solution Oracle’s Depot Repair solution lets service organizations with the ability to manage repair and returns to minimize the negative impact on their customer’s production. It tracks repair activities from the moment the depot receives an item to when it ships a corresponding item to the customer, either repaired, exchanged, replaced, or loaned, and invoices the customer. It enables repair centers to create and track repair orders, generate return material authorizations (RMAs), assign repair work orders to the appropriate technicians, capture and process the repair activity, ship the repaired/refurbished/new/loaned products, and invoice customers in accordance with contractual provisions for work delivered. Oracle Depot Repair integrates with Oracle Inventory, Oracle Order Management, Oracle Work In Process (WIP), and other Oracle applications to deliver complete views of the customer, products, and service histories to anyone involved in the repair process. As the preceding slide shows, there are several service channels through which you can initiate the use of Oracle Depot Repair, all of which can use the full set of features of Oracle Depot Repair. This course concentrates on the agent-assisted channel, which begins with a call to a service agent, and follows the processing path introduced in the course 11i Service Request Fundamentals.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 6



Industry-standard term for

• Permission for a customer to return goods

In Depot Repair, each return requires an RMA

You can create an RMA using the following modules:• Oracle Order Management• Oracle TeleService• Oracle Depot Repair

Return Material Authorization

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 7

Service Request to Resolution Flow

Service Request to Resolution Flow

Identify Potential SolutionTelephone

Depot RepairDispatch









Resolve Service Request

WorkService Request

Service Request to Resolution Overview The slide illustrates a high-level view of the overall Service Request to Resolution flow. Remember that your company may handle some of these tasks in a different order depending on your company’s job roles and business processes. In the slide, the Depot Repair channel is highlighted. This course covers the Service Request to Depot Repair path, which leverages functionality from Oracle Depot Repair and is a subset of the Service Request to Resolution flow. The Identify Potential Solution box shows that the service request can be handled by telephone, dispatch, or depot repair. Note: Although it does not appear on the slide, customers can also follow the self-service path, and identify potential solutions using the Web. In the self-service model, which uses Oracle iSupport, customers search a company knowledge base for potential solutions without the assistance of a service agent.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 8

Service Channels

Service Channels

Identify Potential Solution


Depot Repair


Service Request to Resolution

Depot Repair Flows

Service Request to Dispatch

Service Channels The slide lists the common processing flow types associated with a service request. This course covers only the flows relevant to Oracle Depot Repair. Important: A service request must be created, through one of the channels introduced on an earlier slide, either by a service agent or by a customer using Oracle iSupport, before any depot repair processing begins.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 9

Depot Repair Basics

Depot Repair Basics

Faulty Goods


New or Repaired Goods

or a Loaner or a Replacement


Depot Repair Basics The basic principle underlying all Oracle Depot Repair flows is the concept of replacing faulty goods at a customer site with a useful alternative. The replacement may be a new product, a product loaned to the customer while the faulty goods are being repaired, or the original goods themselves sent back to the customer after they have been repaired at the depot.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 10

Repair and Return

Repair Flows and Repair Types



Loaner, Repair and Return

Short Customer

Repair Cycle

Long Customer

Repair Cycle


Not Repaired


Each Depot Repair flow is based on an Oracle Depot Repair repair type

Internal Repair

Major Depot Repair Flows The repair type is a central concept in Oracle Depot Repair. Repair types categorize the different ways of processing in Oracle Depot Repair which cater for and satisfy the conditions of different sets of real-world requirements, as shown on the slide. The following pages show details of each of the major Oracle Depot Repair processing flows.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 11

WIP and Task Modes

WIP and Task Modes

WIP Mode• Series of Sequential steps• Material and cost management

– Uses Oracle Costing• Example:

– Repairing test equipment which involves multiple resources, and with many items to repair

Task Mode• Minimal steps• Sequence not enforced• Example:

– Swapping a battery

WIP and Task Modes When faulty goods are either sent or delivered to a depot for repair, the actions that occur at the depot may vary considerably due to many factors. For example, there may be a contractual obligation to ship out a replacement part immediately or to send a replacement free of charge. If a product has extensive faults, which require the repair of a number of component parts, possibly at different locations, the actual repair process may have to be split into smaller units, which then have to be managed and coordinated before the product is repaired completely. To manage the different kinds of repair jobs, Oracle Depot Repair has two modes for handling the repair process, WIP (Work in Process) Mode and Task Mode. WIP Mode is recommended for use when the repair jobs require a series of sequential steps and materials management. Task Mode is recommended for use when the repairs require minimal steps, and the sequence of steps is not enforced. WIP Mode leverages the costing of items through Oracle Costing, while Task Mode does not integrate with Oracle Costing. WIP Mode or Task Mode is associated with a repair type during implementation. Note: Though a service organization can have different repair types associated with different repair modes, it is recommended that a service organization select only one repair mode for all repair types to enhance usability.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 12

Basic Return and Repair Flow

Basic Return and Repair Flow* You can perform this task any time

after the repair order is created

Receive Defective Item into Inventory

Ship Repaired Product

Close Repair Order

Create Repair Order

Create and Approve Repair Estimate *

Create, Process, and Complete

Repair Job

WIP Mode

Create, Process, and Complete


Task Mode

Basic Repair and Return Flow The basic Repair and Return flow is one of the Depot Repair business flows that acts as a sub-process of the Service Request to Resolution flow. The slide shows a high-level view of the steps in the Repair and Return flow. Notes: 1. Remember that before the first step of each of the Depot Repair flows, either you or the customer must have created a service request. 2. When you create a repair order, you choose a repair type (in this case, Repair and Return). 3. The Oracle Dept Repair repair type always has a repair mode associated with it, either WIP or Task, and this specifies what type of processing is required during the repair phase. 4. Usually you create and approve estimates in advance of actually repairing any defective items, but you may perform these operations any time after the repair order has been created.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 13

Loaner, Repair and Return

1. ShipLoaner

4. ReceiveLoaner

2. Receive DefectiveProduct

3. Ship RepairedProduct



Loaner, Repair and Return The processing flow that involves the most real-world and data processing steps is Loaner, Repair and Return. In this situation, the depot sends a loaner product to the customer before the defective product is received at the depot. After the defective product has been repaired and sent back to the customer, the customer then returns the loaner product to the depot.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 14

Sending Goods in Advance

Sending Goods in Advance

If the contract with the customer allows it, you can …

… in advance of …

… receiving the defective part

… send out an exchange part …



Sending Goods in Advance In most of the Depot Repair flows, the defective goods that need to be repaired must arrive at the depot before any product can be sent out to the customer. In the flows that involve loaning a product to the customer, you send out the loaner product as the first step. This slide introduces the concept of exchange and advance exchange. If allowed by the contract, this allows the depot to send out an “exchange” part in advance of receiving the defective goods.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 15

Basic Exchange Flows

Basic Exchange Flows

Receive Defective Iteminto Inventory

Ship Repaired Product

Close Repair Order

Create Repair Order

Ship Product

Exchange Advance Exchange

Create Repair Order

Close Repair Order

Receive Defective Iteminto Inventory

Basic Exchange Flows In the standard Exchange flow, defective items must be received into inventory before any goods are shipped back to the customer. In the Advance Exchange flow, a product may be shipped out to the customer before the customer sends the defective item to the depot for repair.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 16

Basic Replacement Flow

Basic Replacement Flow

Ship Product

Close Repair Order

Create Repair Order

Basic Replacement Flow In the Replacement flow, no goods are received at the depot. Instead the depot sends the customer a product to act as a replacement for the goods that they already have. In this case, there is no requirement for the customer to return any goods to the depot.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 17

Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example

Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example

1. Create Repair Job2. Process Repair Job3. Complete Repair Job

Search knowledge base for previous similar cases

Ship Repaired Product

Close Repair Order and Service Request

Create Service Request

Create Repair Order

Verify Contract Entitlements

Receive Defective Item into Inventory

View product status in the installed base

View product status in the installed base

Update counters

1. Create Repair Estimate2. Approve Repair Estimate

Submit Charges

Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example [Notes on the slide contents: 1: The lighter box, highlighted in bold, represents the WIP Mode part of the complete process. 2. The dotted boxes represent optional steps.] A real-world Repair and Return WIP Mode example, as shown on the slide, could be as follows: 1. Andre Beaulie from Business World contacts the Vision Help desk regarding a faulty hard

disk. 2. Service agent John Daugherty answers the call and creates a Service Request. 3. John searches the knowledge base for any possible solutions and from the solution list

identifies this as a Depot issue. 4. John creates a Repair Order and assigns it to Depot technician Paul Williams. 5. John requests Andre to return the product and provides him with a RMA number. 6. John verifies the entitlements in the contracts that are applicable to the Repair Order. 7. Paul receives the product into inventory, inspects the damage, and provides an estimate. 8. Andre approves the estimate, and Paul creates a WIP Mode job for the repair and completes

the repair process.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 18

9. After the product is repaired the depot ships the item back to the customer. 10. The depot submits the charges, if any, for invoicing the repair job. 11. The service agent closes the repair order and the service request.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 19

Full Return and Repair Task Mode Example

Full Return and Repair Task Mode Example

1. Create Tasks 2. Process Tasks 3. Complete Tasks

Search knowledge base for previous similar cases

Ship Repaired Product

Submit Charges

Create Service Request

Create Repair Order

Verify Contract Entitlements

Receive Defective Iteminto Inventory

View product status in the installed base

View product status in the installed base

Update counters

Close Repair Order and Service Request

1. Create Repair Estimate2. Approve Repair Estimate

Full Repair and Return Task Mode Example [Notes on the slide contents: 1: The lighter box, highlighted in bold, represents the Task Mode part of the complete process. 2. The dotted boxes represent optional steps.] This generalized example shows the steps involved in processing a repair and return scenario for

a customer using Task Mode: 1. A customer calls the depot with a product issue. 2. The service agent creates a Service Request. 3. The service agent reviews the contract and notices that customer is eligible for repair. 4. The service agent searches the knowledge base and finds an applicable solution. 5. The service agent creates a repair order with a repair type which uses Task Mode. 6. The service agent authorizes the product return and provides a RMA number. 7. The depot receives the product. 8. The depot uses a pre-defined task template to manage the repair effort. 9. The depot completes the repair and ships the product back to the customer.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 20

10. The depot submits the charges, if any, for invoicing the repair. 11. The service agent closes the repair order and the service request.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 21

Guided Demonstration - Creating and Processing a Repair Order

This demonstration shows how to perform the following tasks:

• Create a service request

• Create a repair order

• Verify contract entititlements and set up a default contract for the repair order

• Receive an item into inventory

• Create and approve a repair estimate

• Create a WIP (Work In Process) repair job

• Issue a component for the WIP job

• Complete the WIP job

• Ship the repaired product

• Submit charges for the repaired product

• Close the repair order and service request

Creating a Service Request

Notes: Unless otherwise stated, all the steps are to be performed in your first connection session.

1. Navigate to the Repair Orders Search form.

• (N) Depot Repair > Repair Orders

2. Click (B) New.

In the Repair Orders window, in the Service Request Information area, enter the following data: Installed Products Only On

Account 1608

Contact ID 2817

Serial Num EM600000 (If this serial number is not available, select one of the other serial numbers starting with EM60000.)

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 22

Summary Hard Disk Failure

Note that entering some values causes several other fields to be populated.

3. Click (I) Save.

The Request Num field gets populated with the Service Request Number.

Creating a Repair Order

4. In the Repair Order Information area, in the Repair Type field, select Repair and Return (the default value).

Note that product details are copied into the Repair Order Information area from the service request that you just created.

5. In the Details tab, select the following values: Promise Date Day following the current date

Owner Hopkins, Jack

6. Click (I) Save.

The repair order is created and the Repair Num field is populated with the repair order number.

Note that the Repair Mode, in the Details tab, is WIP.

Creating the repair order also activates the Receive/Ship tab.

7. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

Two charge lines have been created: − A RMA line for receiving the damaged product into inventory − A SHIP line for shipping out the repaired product to the customer

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 23

Verifying Entitlements and Applying Contracts

8. Click (T) Product Coverage.

9. Select the marker box (the first field) on the line with contract number 21278.

10. Click (B) View Coverage.

The Service Contracts Coverage window is launched.

11. Verify the entitlements and exit out of the page by clicking the top right-hand X.

12. Back in the Product Coverage tab, click (B) Apply.

The selected contract is attached to the repair order.

13. Verify this by clicking the Details tab.

In the Contract field you can see contract 21278 attached to the repair order.

Receiving the Item into Inventory

14. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

15. In the RMA line, note the Order Number.

16. Select the Process Txn checkbox in the RMA line.

17. Click (B) Receive.

The Find Expected Receipts window appears.

18. Click (T) Customer.

19. Enter the Order Number from the Receive/Ship tab into the RMA Num field.

20. Click (B) Find.

The Receipt Header and Receipts windows appear.

21. Minimize the Receipt Header window.

22. In the Receipts window, select the checkbox next to the receipt line for item AS99689.

23. In the Destination Type field, change the value from Receiving to Inventory.

24. Scroll to the right, and in the Subinventory field, select Depot.

25. Click (B) Lot - Serial.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 24

The Serial Entry window appears.

26. Select the Individual radio button.

27. Enter EM600000 (or the serial number that you intend to receive) in the Start Serial Number field.

28. Click (B) Done.

29. Click (I) Save.

This submits a Receiving Transaction Processor concurrent process.

You should make sure that it completes successfully before running the Update Receiving process.

30. In the window for your second connection session, navigate to the Find Requests window.

• (N) Service Request > Others > View Requests

31. Click (B) Find.

In the Requests window, you should see that the Receiving Transaction Processor process has completed (if not, click Refresh Data periodically until the process has completed).

You will be using the Requests window later in the practice.

32. For the time being, minimize the Requests window.

33. Back in the Receipts window for your first session, close the Receipts window, by clicking the top-right-hand X.

34. From the top menu, select (M) Tools > Update Receiving.

When this completes, the Activity tab appears with RMA Received details.

Creating and Approving a Repair Estimate

35. Click (T) Repair Estimate.

36. Enter values for the following fields: Lead Time 2


37. Click (B) Save Estimate.

This saves the estimate header.

38. Enter the following values for the estimate details:

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 25

Billing Category Material

Product Material

Pricelist Corporate

Qty 1

39. Click (B) Save Estimate.

The estimate is saved and the Material, Charge, Profit Margin and Profit Margin% are calculated based on the contract selected during the creation of the repair order (these fields can be seen if you click the Line Details button).

At this point, the repair technician contacts the customer and verbally obtains the approval to start the repair job.

40. Change the Status of the estimate from New to Accepted.

41. Click (B) Freeze Estimate.

42. Click (B) OK.

The estimate is frozen and the product is ready to be repaired.

Creating A WIP (Work In Process) Repair Job

43. Click (T) Repair Jobs.

44. Click (B) Repair Job.

The Organizations window appears.

45. Select M1 - Seattle Manufacturing.

46. Click (B) OK.

The Submit Repair Jobs (207 Seattle Manufacturing) window appears.

47. Enter values for the following fields: Accounting Class Rework

Start Current date (this also sets the Complete date, which you can change if required)

48. Click (B) Submit Job.

This submits the WIP Mass Load concurrent process. Make sure that this completes successfully.

49. Restore your minimized Requests window, and click (B) Refresh Data.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 26

50. Minimize the Requests window.

51. In the Submit Repair Jobs (207 Seattle Manufacturing) window, click (B) Close.

52. From the top menu, select (M) Tools > Update Repair Job.

When this completes, the Activity tab appears with repair job creation details.

Issuing a Component for a WIP Job

53. Click (T) Repair Jobs > (B) Material Txn.

This launches the Material Transactions (M1) window with the Transaction Type defaulted to WIP component issue.

54. Select the Specific Component radio button.

55. Click (B) Continue.

The WIP component issue (M1) window appears for the associated repair job.

56. Enter the following data:

Item AS99689 (click OK for the pop up note)

Subinventory Depot

Quantity 1

57. Click (B) Done.

This closes the WIP component issue window.

58. Close the Material Transactions (M1) window by clicking the top right-hand X.

Completing the WIP Job

59. Click (T) Repair Jobs > (B) Complete Jobs.

The Completion Transactions (M1) window appears.

60. Note the Job Number in the Repair Jobs tab, and select this number in the Job field of the Completion Transactions (M1) window.

61. Click (B) Continue.

The WIP Assy Completion (M1) window appears.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 27

62. Enter the following data: Subinventory FGI (This is the place from where you ship your orders)

Quantity 1

63. Click (B) Done.

This closes the WIP Assy Completion (M1) window.

64. Close the Completion Transactions window by clicking the top right-hand X.

65. From the top menu, select (M) Tools > Update Repair Job.

66. When this completes, the Activity tab appears with the repair job completion details.

Shipping the Repaired Product

67. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

68. Select the Process Txn checkbox next to the Ship Line.

69. Enter a valid serial number in the Serial Num field, for example, EM600000 or the serial number you selected previously.

70. Select the "Automate Order processing steps through:" checkbox.

71. Select the Ship Confirm radio button.

72. Click (B) Process.

A Note window appears requesting to verify that all the OM processes have completed successfully.

73. Click (B) OK.

74. Click (B) OK twice on the Caution window that appears.

Notice that the status of the ship line has changed to Shipped, and that an order number has appeared in the ship line.

This submits the Interface Trip Stop concurrent process. Make sure that this completes successfully.

75. Restore your minimized Requests window, and click (B) Refresh Data.

76. Minimize the Requests window.

77. From the top menu of the Repair Orders window, select (M) Tools > Update Shipping.

When this completes, the Activity tab appears with Shipment details.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 28

Submitting Charges for the Repaired Product

For a WIP Mode job, the process of submitting charges is performed from the Estimate Charge Line Details window.

78. Click (T) Repair Estimate.

79. Click (B) Line Details.

80. In the Estimate Charge Line Details window, click (B) Submit Charges.

A message informs you that all repair estimate lines have been submitted to order management.

81. Click (B) OK.

Closing the Repair Order and Service Request

82. Click (T) Details > (B) Update RO Status.

The Update Status window appears.

83. Select the Close radio button.

84. Select an appropriate Reason from the list of values.

85. Click (B) OK.

This closes the repair order and the associated service request. Note the Closed statuses in the Service Request Information and Repair Order Information areas.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 29

Practice - Creating and Processing a Repair Order


In this practice you will perform the following operations:

• Create a service request

• Create a repair order

• Verify contract entititlements and set up a default contract for the repair order

• Receive an item into inventory

• Create and approve a repair estimate

• Create a WIP (Work In Process) repair job

• Issue a component for the WIP job

• Complete the WIP job

• Ship the repaired product

• Submit charges for the repaired product

• Close the repair order and service request


• Depot Repair Super User responsibility

• Sign-on information: User - sanderson, Password - welcome

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

• Note: At several points in the following practice, you are asked to check if a concurrent process has completed. For convenience, at the start of the practice, you should log in twice to the database, perform the main practice steps in the first session, and use the second session window to view and check the progress of the concurrent requests.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 30


Create a Service Request

Create a service request as follows:

Installed Products Only (checkbox)


Account 1608

Contact ID 2817

Serial Num EM600000 (If this serial number is not available, select one of the other serial numbers starting with EM60000.)

Save the service request.

Create a Repair Order

Create a repair order as follows:

Repair Type Repair and Return

Promise Date Day following the current date

Owner Hopkins, Jack

Save the repair order.

After you have created and saved the repair order, look at the contents of the Receive/Ship tab.

Verify Entitlements and Set Up a Default Contract

Starting from the Product Coverage tab, view the coverage for the contract 21278.

In the Product Coverage tab, select 21278 as the default contract, and click Apply. This sets up the contract 21278 to be the default contract for repair estimate lines.

Receive an Item into Inventory

Starting from the Receive/Ship tab, process the RMA line as follows:

(a) Select the Process Txn checkbox for the RMA line.

(b) Click Receive.

(c) In the Find Expected Receipts window, click the Customer tab, and find the receipt for the RMA number on the RMA line.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 31

(d) In the Receipts window (you can minimize the Receipt Header window that also appears), highlight the single line, and set the following values:

Destination Type Inventory

Subinventory Depot

(e) Click Lot - Serial.

(f) In the Serial Entry window, click the Individual radio button, enter EM600000 (or the serial number that you selected previously), then click Done.

(g) Save your changes.

Note that this submits a concurrent process, Receiving Transaction Processor. Verify that this completes successfully, in your second session window.

Hint: use the navigation path Service Request > Others > View Requests.

(h) From the top menu, select Tools > Update Receiving.

The results appear in the Activity tab.

Create and Approve a Repair Estimate

Create and save a repair estimate header as follows:

Lead Time 2


Create and save the following estimate details:

Billing Category Material

Product Material

Pricelist Corporate

Qty 1

Change the status of the estimate from New to Accepted, then freeze the estimate.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 32

Create a WIP (Work In Process) Repair Job

Starting from the Repair Jobs tab, create a WIP repair job as follows:

(a) Click Repair Job, and then select M1- Seattle Manufacturing for your organization.

(b) In the Submit Repair Jobs window, select the following data:

Accounting Class Rework

Start Current date

(c) Click Submit Job.

This submits a concurrent process, WIP Mass Load. Verify that this completes successfully, in your second session window.

(d) Close the Submit Repair Jobs window.

(e) From the top menu, select Tools > Update Repair Job.

The results appear in the Activity tab.

Issue a Component for the WIP Job

Starting from the Repair Jobs tab, issue a component for the WIP Job, as follows:

(a) Click Material Txn.

(b) In the Material Transactions window, select the Specific Component radio button, and click Continue.

(c) In the WIP component issue window, enter the following data:

Item AS99689 (click OK for the pop up note)

Subinventory Depot

Quantity 1

(d) Click Done, then close the Material Transactions window.

Complete the WIP Job

Starting from the Repair Jobs tab, complete the WIP job as follows:

(a) Click Complete Jobs.

(b) In the Completion Transactions window, select the Job Number that appears in the Repair Jobs tab, and click Continue.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 33

(c) In the WIP Assy Completion window, enter the following data:

Subinventory FGI (This is the place from where you ship your orders)

Quantity 1

(d) Click Done, then close the Completion Transactions window.

(e) From the top menu, select Tools > Update Repair Job.

The results appear in the Activity tab.

Ship the Repaired Product

Starting from the Receive/Ship tab, process the Ship line as follows:

(a) Select the Process Txn checkbox for the Ship line.

(b) In the Serial Num field, enter EM600000 (or the serial number that you selected previously).

(c) Select the "Automate Order processing steps through:" checkbox, and select the Ship Confirm radio button.

(d) Click Process.

(e) Click OK on the Note window, and click OK twice on the Caution window that appears subsequently.

This submits a concurrent process, Interface Trip Stop. Verify that this completes successfully, in your second session window.

(f) From the top menu, select Tools > Update Shipping.

The results appear in the Activity tab.

Submit Charges for the Repaired Product

For a WIP Mode job, the process of submitting charges is performed from the Estimate Charge Line Details window. Starting from the Repair Estimate tab, submit charges as follows:

(a) Click the Line Details button.

(b) In the Estimate Charge Line Details window, click Submit Charges.

A message informs you that all repair estimate lines have been submitted to order management.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 34

Close the Repair Order and Service Request

Starting from the Details tab, close the repair order and service request as follows:

(a) Click Update RO Status.

(b) In the Update Status window, select the Close radio button, and select a Reason from the list of values.

(c) Click OK.

This closes both the repair order and the service request.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 35

Solution - Creating and Processing a Repair Order

Creating a Service Request

Notes: Unless otherwise stated, all the steps are to be performed in your first connection session.

1. Navigate to the Repair Orders Search form.

• (N) Depot Repair > Repair Orders

2. Click (B) New.

The Repair Orders window appears.

In the Service Request Information area, enter the following data: Installed Products Only On

Account 1608

Contact ID 2817

Serial Num EM600000 (If this serial number is not available, select one of the other serial numbers starting with EM60000.)

Summary Hard Disk Failure

Note that entering some values causes several other fields to be populated.

3. Click (I) Save.

The Request Num field gets populated with the Service Request Number.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 36

Creating a Repair Order

4. In the Repair Order Information area, in the Repair Type field, select Repair and Return (the default value).

Note that product details are copied into the Repair Order Information area from the service request that you just created.

5. In the Details tab, select the following values: Promise Date Day following the current date

Owner Hopkins, Jack

6. Click (I) Save.

The repair order is created and the Repair Num field is populated with the repair order number.

Note that the Repair Mode, in the Details tab, is WIP.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 37

Creating the repair order also activates the Receive/Ship tab.

7. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

Two charge lines have been created: − A RMA line for receiving the damaged product into inventory − A SHIP line for shipping out the repaired product to the customer

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 38

Verifying Entitlements and Setting Up a Default Contract

8. Click (T) Product Coverage.

9. Select the marker box (the first field) on the line with contract number 21278.

10. Click (B) View Coverage.

The Service Contracts Coverage window is launched.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 39

11. Verify the entitlements and exit out of the page by clicking the top right-hand X.

12. Back in the Product Coverage tab, click (B) Apply.

The selected contract is attached to the repair order, and acts as the default contract for repair estiamte lines.

13. Verify this by clicking the Details tab.

In the Contract field you can see contract 21278 attached to the repair order.

Receiving the Item into Inventory

14. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

15. In the RMA line, note the Order Number.

16. Select the Process Txn checkbox in the RMA line.

17. Click (B) Receive.

The Find Expected Receipts window appears.

18. Click (T) Customer.

19. Enter the Order Number from the Receive/Ship tab into the RMA Num field.

20. Click (B) Find.

The Receipt Header and Receipts windows appear.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 40

21. Minimize the Receipt Header window.

22. In the Receipts window, select the checkbox next to the receipt line for item AS99689.

23. In the Destination Type field, change the value from Receiving to Inventory.

24. Scroll to the right, and in the Subinventory field, select Depot.

25. Click (B) Lot - Serial.

The Serial Entry window appears.

26. Select the Individual radio button.

27. Enter EM600000 (or the serial number that you intend to receive) in the Start Serial Number field.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 41

28. Click (B) Done.

29. Click (I) Save.

This submits a Receiving Transaction Processor concurrent process.

You should make sure that it completes successfully before running the Update Receiving process.

30. In the window for your second connection session, navigate to the Find Requests window.

• (N) Service Request > Others > View Requests

31. Click (B) Find.

In the Requests window, you should see that the Receiving Transaction Processor process has completed (if not, click Refresh Data periodically until the process has completed).

You will be using the Requests window later in the practice.

32. For the time being, minimize the Requests window.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 42

33. Back in the Receipts window for your first session, close the Receipts window, by clicking the top-right-hand X.

34. From the top menu, select (M) Tools > Update Receiving.

When this completes, the Activity tab appears with RMA Received details.

Creating and Approving a Repair Estimate

35. Click (T) Repair Estimate.

36. Enter values for the following fields: Lead Time 2


37. Click (B) Save Estimate.

This saves the estimate header.

38. Enter the following values for the estimate details: Billing Category Material

Product Material

Pricelist Corporate

Qty 1

39. Click (B) Save Estimate.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 43

The estimate is saved and the Material, Charge, Profit Margin and Profit Margin% are calculated based on the contract selected during the creation of the repair order (these fields can be seen if you click the Line Details button).

At this point, the repair technician contacts the customer and verbally obtains the approval to start the repair job.

40. Change the Status of the estimate from New to Accepted.

41. Click (B) Freeze Estimate.

42. Click (B) OK.

The estimate is frozen and the product is ready to be repaired.

Creating a WIP (Work In Process) Repair Job

43. Click (T) Repair Jobs.

44. Click (B) Repair Job.

The Organizations window appears.

45. Select M1 - Seattle Manufacturing.

46. Click (B) OK.

The Submit Repair Jobs (207 Seattle Manufacturing) window appears.

47. Enter values for the following fields: Accounting Class Rework

Start Current date (this also sets the Complete date, which you can change if required)

48. Click (B) Submit Job.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 44

This submits the WIP Mass Load concurrent process. Make sure that this completes successfully.

49. Restore your minimized Requests window, and click (B) Refresh Data.

50. Minimize the Requests window.

51. In the Submit Repair Jobs (207 Seattle Manufacturing) window, click (B) Close.

52. From the top menu, select (M) Tools > Update Repair Job.

When this completes, the Activity tab appears with repair job creation details.

Issuing a Component for a WIP Job

53. Click (T) Repair Jobs > (B) Material Txn.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 45

This launches the Material Transactions (M1) window with the Transaction Type defaulted to WIP component issue.

54. Select the Specific Component radio button.

55. Click (B) Continue.

The WIP component issue (M1) window appears for the associated repair job.

56. Enter the following data:

Item AS99689 (click OK for the pop up note)

Subinventory Depot

Quantity 1

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 46

57. Click (B) Done.

This closes the WIP component issue window.

58. Close the Material Transactions (M1) window by clicking the top right-hand X.

Completing the WIP Job

59. Click (T) Repair Jobs > (B) Complete Jobs.

The Completion Transactions (M1) window appears.

60. Note the Job Number in the Repair Jobs tab, and select this number in the Job field of the Completion Transactions (M1) window.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 47

61. Click (B) Continue.

The WIP Assy Completion (M1) window appears.

62. Enter the following data: Subinventory FGI

(This is the place from where you ship your orders)

Quantity 1

63. Click (B) Done.

This closes the WIP Assy Completion (M1) window.

64. Close the Completion Transactions window by clicking the top right-hand X.

65. From the top menu, select (M) Tools > Update Repair Job.

66. When this completes, the Activity tab appears with the repair job completion details.

Shipping the Repaired Product

67. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

68. Select the Process Txn checkbox next to the Ship Line.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 48

69. Enter a valid serial number in the Serial Num field, for example, EM600000 or the serial number you selected previously.

70. Select the "Automate Order processing steps through:" checkbox.

71. Select the Ship Confirm radio button.

72. Click (B) Process.

A Note window appears requesting to verify that all the OM processes have completed successfully.

73. Click (B) OK.

74. Click (B) OK twice on the Caution window that appears.

Notice that the status of the ship line has changed to Shipped, and that an order number has appeared in the ship line.

This submits the Interface Trip Stop concurrent process. Make sure that this completes successfully.

75. Restore your minimized Requests window, and click (B) Refresh Data.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 49

76. Minimize the Requests window.

77. From the top menu of the Repair Orders window, select (M) Tools > Update Shipping.

When this completes, the Activity tab appears with Shipment details.

Submitting Charges for the Repaired Product

For a WIP Mode job, the process of submitting charges is performed from the Estimate Charge Line Details window.

78. Click (T) Repair Estimate.

79. Click (B) Line Details.

80. In the Estimate Charge Line Details window, click (B) Submit Charges.

A message informs you that all repair estimate lines have been submitted to order management.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 50

81. Click (B) OK.

Closing the Repair Order and Service Request

82. Click (T) Details > (B) Update RO Status.

The Update Status window appears.

83. Select the Close radio button.

84. Select an appropriate Reason from the list of values.

85. Click (B) OK.

This closes the repair order and the associated service request.

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Overview of Service Request to Depot Repair Process Chapter 1 - Page 52



In this lesson, you should have learned how to do the following:• Explain how Depot Repair flows fit within the overall

Service Request to Resolution process• Create and process a WIP Mode repair order

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 1

Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 2

Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite

Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 3



After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:• Show how the Service Request to Depot Repair process

depends on E-Business Suite applications

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 4



• Oracle Depot Repair integration footprint• Required applications setup• Main Depot Repair Workbench• Full Repair and Return flows• Application dependencies related to main

Workbench areas

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 5

Oracle Depot Repair Integration Footprint

Oracle Depot Repair Integration Footprint

Purchasing– Receiving

Common Application Components – Assignment Manager– Resource Manager– Task Manager– Notes

Knowledge Management

Service Contracts

Bills of Material

Work In Process

Oracle Depot Repair

Order Management Shipping ExecutionInventory

Install Base– Counters


– Customer Care– Charges

– Service Requests

Oracle Depot Repair Integration Footprint Note: on this and subsequent slides, in boxes where more than one name appears in a box, the top element in the box is an Oracle application, and the elements below, each preceded by a “-”, are modules within the application. This course generally refers to the component modules by their module name independently of the application that they belong to. The slide shows the main applications and application modules that Oracle Depot Repair connects to within the Oracle E-Business Suite. Some of these Oracle applications themselves depend on other Oracle applications, not shown on the slide; the slide shows those applications and application modules that have the most direct connections and relationships with Oracle Depot Repair.

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 6

Required Applications Setup

Required Applications Setup

• Inventory

• Bills of Material

• Work in Process

• Order Management

• Shipping Execution

• Purchasing

– Receiving

• TeleService

– Service Requests

– Customer Care

– Charges

• Install Base

– Counters

• Service Contracts

• Common Application Components

– Notes

– Task Manager

– Assignment Manager

– Resource Manager

Knowledge Management is also required if you want Depot Repair to connect to a knowledge base

Required Applications Setups Notes 1. To use the full functionality of Oracle Depot Repair, you must install all the applications and

application modules shown on the slide. 2. Knowledge Management is only required if you wish to use an Oracle knowledge base to

help you look up solutions to assist in repair resolution. 3. If you want to use WIP Mode processing for any repair order, you must install Oracle Work

in Process and Oracle Bills of Material. These applications are not required for Task Mode processing.

4. If you want to use Task Mode processing for any repair order, you must install the modules Task Manager, Assignment Manager, and Resource Manager within Oracle Common Application Components, and, in addition, Oracle Advanced Scheduler. These applications are not required for WIP Mode processing.

5. It is not recommended that a customer use both WIP and Task mode in a single install. The rest of this chapter describes, in outline form, how these Oracle applications and

application modules are used when you create and process repair orders.

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 7

Depot Repair Workbench Areas

Depot Repair Workbench Areas

Service Request InformationService Request identifier and summary data

Repair Order InformationRepair Order identifier and summary data

Main Tabs


Service History

Product Coverage

Other Tabs

Customer initiatesservice request

You can have multiple repair orders per service request

DetailsRepair order details

Receive/ShipRMA and Ship lines

Repair EstimateEstimate data

The correct logistics lines are automatically createdbased on repair type when you create the repair order

Repair TasksTask Mode details

Repair JobsWIP Mode details

You view and edit repair order details

Depot Repair Workbench Areas The Depot Repair Workbench is the central window is the central reaction point for a customer support agent who needs to create and process depot repairs. For example, when you create a service request you enter details in the top area, the Service Request Information area. Then when you create a repair order, you enter details in the Service Request Information area and the Details tab. Then, as you process the Repair Order, you basically enter information in the other main tabs, working from left to right. Subsequent slides in this module show in more detail the usage of the screen areas, buttons, and fields as you perform each step of a depot repair, The slides also point out which of the dependent applications are used during the processing of each step. [Note: the header bar of the Depot Repair Workbench displays the title Repair Orders, so the screen is more formally known as the Repair Orders form. To be consistent with terms used in other documentation, this course refers to this screen as the Depot Repair Workbench.]

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 8

Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example

Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example

7. Ship Repaired Product

9. Close Repair Order and Service Request

1. Create Service Request

2. Create Repair Order

3. Verify Contract Entitlements

4. Receive Item into Inventory

8. Submit Charges

5. Create & Approve Repair Estimate

6. Create, Process, and Complete Repair Job

Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example This slide shows a typical process flow for managing the repair and return of faulty goods at a depot. Remember that, although in general there are several channels by which a depot repair can be initiated, this course assumes that the starting point for the depot repair process is a call to a service agent. This largely follows the same scenario as introduced earlier in the course; this time, the processing steps are described in greater detail.

1. The service agent first creates a service request, specifying that the service request type is Depot Repair. The agent may then examine the knowledge base to see if any similar problems have been recorded there, and to examine the solutions for possible relevance to the current problem.

2. The service agent then creates a repair order, specifying the repair order type (in this case, Repair and Return). Each repair order type has a repair mode associated with it by default. In this case, the default mode is WIP Mode, and the service agent does not change this mode.

3. The service agent looks up any existing contracts to verify entitlements, such as discounts and warranties, and attaches this information to the repiar order.

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 9

4. When the depot receives a RMA from the customer, the faulty goods can be received into inventory. For items that are tracked in the install base, any person with the correct responsibility can check the status information in the install base for the faulty product.

5. The customer is then given an estimate of how much the repair will cost. Once the customer accepts the estimate, it can be approved and the repair can be started. Note: to cover many different real-world situations, estimates are not mandatory. Also, estimates may be provided any time after the repair order is created.

6. This step is specifically for WIP Mode processing. As a typical example of WIP Mode processing, the faulty product requires a new repair job to be created, a new component to be issued for a repair job, and finally, the repair job must be certified as complete

7. The depot now ships the repaired product. If the product is being tracked in the install base, the newly-changed product status can be seen there.If the product has a counter associated with it, the new counter reading can be recorded.

8. After the product is shipped out to the customer, the depot submit charges, if any, for the repair job.

9. After the charges have been submitted, the service agent closes the repair order. Closing the repair order automatically closes the associated service request.

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 10

Service Request Dependencies

Service Request Dependencies

Service Request Information area (main fields only)





Business World


Andre Beaulie




Installed Products Only


IB Ref Num

Serial Num

Request Num


Request Type



Hard disk failure

Depot Repair




Inventory Install Base

1. Create Service Request

Service Request Dependencies You can create both a Service Request and a Repair Order in the Depot Repair Workbench. The Service Request Information area occupies the top part of the Depot Repair WorkBench, and contains all the fields required to create a Service Request . When you create a Service Request, you execute procedures in Oracle TeleService, Oracle Inventory, and Oracle Install Base. Notes on the main Service Request Information area fields Request Num: automatically generated when you create a service request. Summary: A short description of the problem. Request Type: Unless you have created more service request types to further categorize your depot repair requests, use the standard value Depot Repair. Status: Main field to show the progress of work on a service request. . Installed Products only checkbox: This identifies a product which is trackable by Oracle Install Base. Product, IB Ref Num, and Serial Num: For Install Base trackable items, you can identify, and search for, the item instance using these fields.

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 11

Notes on the general usage by Oracle Depot Repair of the main associated Oracle applications shown on the slide Oracle Depot Repair uses Oracle Inventory to perform the following functions:

• Manage depot spare parts • Manage warehouse new and used products • Manage depot subinventories • Manage customer broken and repaired products

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 12

Top-Level Repair Order Dependencies

Top-Level Repair Order Dependencies

Repair Order Information area (main fields only)

Details tab (main fields only)


Repair Mode WIP



NotesServiceRequestDepot Repair



View IB Config Update Counters


Install Base Counters Service ContractsOrder Management Notes

Default Price List


Repair Type Repair Status Repair Num Product UOM QtyOpenRepair and Return AS9968910311 Each 1

2. Create Repair Order

Repair NumProduct

IB Ref NumSerial Num

Top-Level Repair Order Dependencies Notes on creating a repair order 1. After you have created the Service Request, certain fields are copied down into other Depot

Repair Workbench areas, such as product-related details. 2. The main part of the Depot Repair Workbench consists of the Repair Order Information area

and several tabs, which group fields together for different processing steps. 3. When you create a Repair Order, you must do the following: • In the Repair Order Information area, select a Repair Type (the default is Repair and

Return). • In the Details tab, select a Repair Mode (the default is the value associated with your

chosen Repair Type). 4. Other values may already be set up by default, such as default values in the fields Contract

and Default Price List. 5. The Repair Num is generated automatically when you create the Repair Order. 6. The slide indicates which fields and buttons are connected to values in other Oracle

applications or application modules, as follows:

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• When you click View IB Config, you can search for statuses in Oracle Install Base. • When you click Counters, you can update counter readings in the Counters module of Oracle

Install Base. • When you click Notes, you can create, view, and edit notes set up in Notes (part of Oracle

Common Application Components). Notes on the general usage by Oracle Depot Repair of the main associated Oracle

applications shown on the slide 1. Oracle Depot Repair uses Oracle Install Base to perform the following functions: • Create new records • View existing records • Update product status • Update a configuration • Track repair history • Transfer product ownership 2. Oracle Depot Repair uses Oracle Service Contracts to perform the following functions: • View contract entitlements • Validate a service contract • Create a new contract • Renew an expired contract • Edit an existing contract

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 14

Repair Order Contract Details

Repair Order Contract Details3. Verify Contract Entitlements

Product Coverage tab (main fields only)

Details tab


Service End Date Contract Number Coverage

View Active ContractsView All Contracts

View Coverage Apply

Start Date Default

Gold21278 PC Server 20-JUL-200821-JUL-2003Gold21279 PC Server 20-JUL-200821-JUL-2003Gold30128 PC Server 17-DEC-200318-DEC-2002

21278 Service Contracts

Repair Order Contract Details When you click the Product Coverage tab, you can view either all contracts or just the active contracts, as set up in Oracle Service Contracts. You can also set a default contract for the repair order, by highlighting a contract line, then clicking Apply, as shown on the slide.

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 15

Repair Order RMA Line Dependencies

Repair Order RMA Line Dependencies

Receive/Ship tab (main fields only)

4. Receive Item into Inventory

ProcessIB Txn Details Receive




Order Num

Return Repaired

SHIP CustomerProduct

Product SerialNum Price



Automate order processing steps through:Enter Order Book Order Pick Release Ship Confirm


Install BaseOrder




Return forRepair

RMA CustomerProduct

56069 EM600.00AS99689

Repair Order RMA Line Dependencies The Receive/Ship tab is one of the main tabs of the Depot Repair Workbench. When you create a repair order, your choice of Repair Type dictates how many lines are created for charging purposes. Details of this association and the setup of other fields that initially appear in this tab are described in a later module of this course, Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps. The slide shows two charge lines (indicated by the value in the Action Type column), a RMA line and a Ship line. When the RMA line is highlighted, the Receive button at the bottom of the screen is enabled and the Ship button is disabled. If you check the checkbox “Automate order processing steps through:”, you choose up to which stage in Order Management the charge line will be automatically processed. The buttons at the bottom of the screen enable you to view Oracle Install Base details, and to enter more details for processing the RMA line in Oracle Receiving and Charges, such as specifying that the defective product has been received into inventory. Notes on the general usage by Oracle Depot Repair of the main associated Oracle applications shown on the slide Oracle Depot Repair uses Receiving (part of Oracle Purchasing) to perform the following functions:

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• Find an expected RMA • Create RMA receipts • Receive customer products • Record a received quantity • Record serialized products

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Repair Estimate Dependencies

Repair Estimate Dependencies

Repair Estimate tab (main fields only)

ProductBillingCategory Qty Material Material 1



5. Create & Approve Repair Estimate KnowledgeManagement

Line Details Save Estimate Freeze Estimate

Knowledge Base



Summary of Estimated Charges

Material, Labor, Expenses, and Total charges



AcceptedStatusSummary Hard Disk


Work InProcess



Service Contracts

Repair Estimate Dependencies The Repair Estimate tab is the central work area for creating and approving repair estimates. When you click the Line Details button, you launch an estimate worksheet that allows entry of details or changes to charge lines entered in the Repair Estimate tab. This also enables access to other Oracle applications, such as Oracle Service Contracts for contract details.When a service request record exists, the Repair Estimate tab also provides access to the Knowledge Base. A repair order record is not necessary for you to access the Knowledge Base. Notes on profile options: There are two profile options connected with this tab, CSD: Enable Estimates and CSD: Enable Knowledge Management. CSD: Enable Estimates allows your organization to enable or to disable the Repair Estimate tab in the Repair Orders window. If CSD: Enable Knowledge Management is set to No, the Knowledge Base section in the Repair Estimate tab is disabled. Notes on the general usage by Oracle Depot Repair of the main associated Oracle applications shown on the slide Oracle Depot Repair uses Oracle Work In Process to perform the following functions:

• Facilitate repair jobs

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 18

• Submit repair jobs • Release repair jobs • Stage repair jobs • Review WIP summary reports • Run material completion transactions

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 19

WIP Mode Repair Job Dependencies

WIP Mode Repair Job Dependencies

6. Create, Process, and Complete Repair Job

Repair Jobs tab (main fields only)

Work InProcess

Bills of Material

View JobComplete Job Material Txn

Group IDJob Organization Qty Seattle CenterCSD70068 70068 1

Qty CompletedStatusReleased0

Repair Job

WIP Mode Repair Job Dependencies The Repair Job tab is the central work area for WIP repair jobs processing. When you click the Repair Job button, you launch the Submit Repair Jobs window, which enables you to create repair jobs. When you click the Material Txn button, you launch the Material Transactions window, which permits you to issue the material and WIP components needed to stage and perform the WIP repair job. The Complete Job button allows you to complete the WIP repair job. Repair job and material transaction processing is performed in Oracle Work In Process and Oracle Bills of Material.

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Repair Order Ship Line Dependencies

Repair Order Ship Line Dependencies

Receive/Ship tab (main fields only)

ProcessIB Txn Details Receive




Order Num Product

SerialNum Price


Automate order processing steps through:Enter Order Book Order Pick Release Ship Confirm

7. Ship Repaired Product

Return forRepair

RMA CustomerProduct


Return Repaired

SHIP CustomerProduct


AS99689 4999.00

Install BaseOrder

Management Shipping ExecutionCharges


Repair Order Ship Line Dependencies After the defective item has been repaired, it is ready to be shipped back to the customer. In the Receive/Ship tab, when you highlight the Ship line, the Ship button is enabled and the Receive button is disabled. By default, for a Ship line, the checkbox “Automate order processing steps through:” is set, and the “Ship Confirm” stage is selected. When you set up repair types in Oracle Depot Repair, you may change these initial default settings for a Ship line. The buttons at the bottom of the screen enable you to view Oracle Install Base details, and to enter more details for processing the Ship line in Charges, Oracle Shipping Execution, and Oracle Order Management. Notes on the general usage by Oracle Depot Repair of the main associated Oracle applications shown on the slide Oracle Depot Repair uses Shipping Execution to perform the following functions:

• Ship repaired products • Ship exchanged products • Ship replacement products • Ship loaner products

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Estimate Charge Line Dependencies

Estimate Charge Line Dependencies

Estimate Charge Line Details (main fields only)

8. Submit Charges for a WIP Mode Job

Save Close


Submit Charges


Estimate Line DetailsFurther estimate fields

including Discount, PO Number,

Profit Margin, and Profit Margin %

Contract InformationContract Number and

Description fields

Service Contracts

ProductBilling Category Qty Unit Price Material Material 1 30.00 75.00

ContractEst. Charge

Estimate Charge Line Dependencies You submit charges for a WIP Mode repair job from the Estimate Charge line Details window. You access this window when you click the Line Details button on the Repair Estimates tab.

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Overview of Oracle Depot Repair in the Oracle E-Business Suite Chapter 2 - Page 22

Full Return and Repair Task Mode Example

Full Return and Repair Task Mode Example

Ship Repaired Product

Close Repair Order and Service Request

Create Service Request

Create Repair Order

Verify Contract Entitlements

Receive Item into Inventory

Submit Charges *

Create, Process, and Complete Tasks

* - For a Task Mode repair, you submit charges from the Repair Tasks tab

Full Repair and Return Task Mode Example This slide follows the same basic flow as the earlier slide, Full Repair and Return WIP Mode Example. The lighter-highlighted box shows the main difference, and represents the Task Mode processing.

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Task Mode Dependencies

Task Mode Dependencies

Repair Tasks tab (main fields only)

Create, Process, and Complete Tasks

Number StatusCompleted17506

Actual End





Repair ItemName


Use Template


Launch Workflow

Submit Charges

DatesStart and End of Planned,

Scheduled, and Actual Dates


4 Estimate HourActual


NameInspect ItemRepair Item

Actual Start



Task Manager


Resource Manager

Task Mode Dependencies In order to use Task Mode processing for depot repairs, you must first set up tasks, resources, assignments, and schedules in the corresponding modules of Oracle Common Components. Then, for example, after you click Use Template, you may create and complete tasks from a task template group. The list of tasks then appears in the top part of the Repair Tasks tab. As you complete each task, you change its status in the list. When you click Submit Charges, you interface with Charges and Oracle Order Management to create the charge lines for the tasks.

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In this lesson, you should have learned how to do the following:• Show how the Service Request to Depot Repair

process depends on E-Business Suite applications

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integrations

Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integrations

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following:• Confirm the setups in the Oracle applications

which are prerequisites to Oracle Depot Repair

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• Pre-implementation steps• Standard E-Business Suite setups• Setup of related applications• E-Business application module setups

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 5

Pre-Implementation Steps Overview

Pre-Implementation Steps Overview

1. Loading Customer and Contact Information2. Resource Creation 3. Calendar Definition 4. Location Definition 5. Knowledge Base Management 6. Service Request Builder Setup 7. Repair Types Setup 8. Task Mode Versus WIP Mode

Pre-Implementation Steps Overview Details of each of the pre-implementation steps appear in subsequent slides.

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Pre-Implementation Steps

Pre-Implementation Steps

The following are key decisions and actions that are to be made at the start of the implementation process:1. Import customer and contact information from external sources.2. Determine the Depot Repair users that must be created as resources.• Call Center Agents• Service Administrators• Receipt Administrators• Service Technicians

3. Define calendar data.• Determine the shifts, patterns, and time periods

when resources are available to work

• Depot Managers• Field Service Agents• Other employee users

Pre-Implementation Steps Notes

1. Loading Customer and Contact Information Oracle Depot Repair requires that customer information be imported into the system from

already available sources. However, Oracle Depot Repair allows you to capture customer contact data in real-time.

Also, when contact data is already available from other systems, you may want to import available customer information along with relationship data. For example, if a service agency already has extensive data on all the customers in its service area, it may serve the agency better if all such data is imported into the system.

2. Resource Creation You determine the resources that have to be created in the system. All call center agents,

service administrators, receipt administrators, service technicians, depot managers, field service agents, and other employees who will be using Oracle Depot Repair must be created as resources.

3. Calendar Definition You define the shifts, patterns, and time periods when resources are available to work.

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Pre-Implementation Steps (continued)

Pre-Implementation Steps (continued)

4. Define the shipping, delivery, and billing locations.5. Determine how much information will go into the knowledge base.• Identify and list the information sources at the outset

– Technical manuals, parts catalogs, policies, procedures, FAQs6. Define the service request types that require depot repair processing, and the attributes associated with each of them.• For example, default owner for each service request type.

7. Determine the repair types you will need.8. Determine the complexity of each repair type.• Task Mode versus WIP Mode

Pre-Implementation Steps (continued) Notes

4. Location Definition You define the locations where you plan to ship, deliver internally, or bill the goods and

services that you order. This is necessary if you plan to import purchase requisitions from Oracle Depot Repair to Oracle Purchasing.

5. Knowledge Base Management You determine the information that will go into the knowledge base. Oracle recommends

that you identify and list the information sources (for example, the technical manuals, parts catalogs, policies, procedures and FAQs) at the outset.

6. Service Request Builder Setup You define the service request types, profiles, and the attributes associated with each of

them. Also identify the owner for each service request type. You also need to define the criteria based on which duplicate service requests will be identified.

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7. Repair Types Setup When creating repair orders, product transactions are generated based on the default service

activity billing types defined in repair types. You must determine what processing you want to occur for each of your repair types.

Note: while this is a pre-implementation step, the real-world and data processing requirements are fulfilled in straightforward setup steps during the implementation of repair types in Oracle Depot Repair. For more details, see the later module in this course, Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps.

8. Task Mode Versus WIP Mode Determine the complexity of the repair management processes required by your

organization. WIP Mode is generally recommended and may be used when the repair jobs require a series of sequential steps and materials management. Task Mode may be used when the repairs require minimal steps that are not necessarily completed in sequence. Though a service organization can have different repair types associated with different repair modes, it is recommended that a service organization select only one repair mode for all repair types to enhance usability.

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Standard E-Business Suite Setups

Standard E-Business Suite Setups

Setup 1: Oracle Applications System AdministrationSetup 2: Oracle Applications FlexfieldsSetup 3: Oracle General Ledger

- Calendars, Currencies, Set of BooksSetup 4: Oracle PayablesSetup 5: Oracle Receivables Setup 6: Oracle Human Resources

Management System (HRMS)- Organizations, Locations, Employees

Note that these are standard setups for E-Business applications.Apart from creating special users for Oracle Depot Repair,

these applications contain no setup steps specifically for Oracle Depot Repair

Standard E-Business Suite Setups The setups listed in this slide are largely covered in the course 11i Service Request Fundamentals which is a prerequisite to 11i Depot Repair Fundamentals. For more details, please refer to the 11i Service Request Fundamentals course or to the implementation manual for the appropriate Oracle application module.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 10

Depot Repair Implementer

Depot Repair Implementer

Depot Repair Super User responsibility is seeded

Assign the following responsibilities (or their equivalents) to a Depot Repair implementer:

• System Administrator• Depot Repair Super User• Foundation Administrator• Support Administrator• Knowledge Management System Administrator

Depot Repair Implementer

Depot Repair Implementer Use the System Administrator responsibility to create the required Oracle applications user. Depot Repair implementation team members would need access to one or more of the following responsibilities:

• System Administrator • Depot Repair Super User • Foundation Administrator • Support Administrator • Knowledge Management Administrator.

Note that in your implementation, you may have equivalent responsibilities with names different from the ones listed in the slide, for example, CRM Administrator instead of Foundation Administrator, and Customer Support instead of Support Administrator. For detailed instructions on creating application users, please refer to Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 11

Setup of Related Applications

Setup of Related ApplicationsOracle Depot Repair requires that the following Oracle modules are installed and set up:

• Inventory• Bills of Material• Work In Process• Purchasing

- Receiving• Order Management• Shipping Execution• TeleService

- Service Requests- Customer Care- Charges

• Knowledge Management(if you want to use a knowledge base)

• Install Base- Counters

• Service Contracts• Common Application Components

- Notes- Resource Manager- Task Manager- Assignment Manager

Setup of Related Applications The slide shows the full list of Oracle applications and application modules that are required if you want to use all the processing options available in Oracle Depot Repair. Oracle Knowledge Management is only required if you wish to search an Oracle Knowledge Base for solutions to previous problems in order to help you resolve your current problem. Later slides show that certain modules are required only for WIP Mode processing and others only for Task Mode processing.

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E-Business Suite Application Module Setups

E-Business Suite Application Module Setups

Setup 7: Oracle Inventory Setup 8: Oracle Bills of Material *Setup 9: Oracle Work in Process *Setup 10: Oracle PurchasingSetup 11: Oracle Order ManagementSetup 12: Oracle Shipping ExecutionSetup 13: Oracle TeleService - Service RequestsSetup 14: Oracle TeleService - Customer CareSetup 15: Oracle TeleService - Charges

* - Required if you use WIP Mode for any repair type

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E-Business Suite Application Module Setups (continued)

E-Business Suite Application Module Setups (continued)

Setup 16: Oracle Knowledge ManagementSetup 17: Oracle Install BaseSetup 18: CountersSetup 19: Oracle Service ContractsSetup 20: NotesSetup 21: Resource Manager **Setup 22: Task Manager **Setup 23: Assignment Manager **

** - Required if you use Task Mode for any repair type

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 14

Applications and Modules Required Only for Specific Repair Modes

Applications and Modules Required Only for Specific Repair Modes

WIP Mode Task Mode

• Work In Process

• Bills of Material(Resources)

• Task Manager

• Assignment Manager

• Resource Manager

Applications and Modules Required Only for Specific Repair Modes To process repairs in WIP Mode, you must set up Oracle Work In Process and Oracle Bills of Material. To process repairs in Task Mode, you must set up Task Manager and Assignment Manager. If you are processing repairs only in Task Mode, you do not have to set up the WIP Mode applications. Similarly, if you are processing repairs only in WIP Mode, you do not have to set up the Task Mode applications and application modules. Resource management is a feature of both WIP Mode and Task Mode processing. For WIP Mode resource management, you must use Resources within Oracle Bills of Material to create resources (refer to Oracle Bills of Material User’s Guide), and for Task Mode resource management, you must set up resources within the Resource Manager (refer to Oracle Common Application Components Implementation Guide).

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 15

Setting Up Inventory

Setting Up Inventory

Order Management tabCustomer Ordered = On *Customer Ordered Enabled = On *Internal Ordered = On ***Internal Orders Enabled = On ***Returnable = OnShippable = OnOE Transactable = On

for items of type Materialfor items with Material billing categoryto permit an item to be shipped on internal ordersif item is to tracked in Install Base

*** *** ****

Invoiceable Item = OnInvoicing tab

Serviceable = OnBilling Type = MaterialService Request Enabled = EnabledInstall Base Tracking = On ****

Service tab

Inventory tabInventory Item = On*Stockable = On **

Setting Up Inventory Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Inventory > Items > Master Items Standard setup in Oracle Inventory is required for items. The slide shows the tabs and the fields for items that are associated with Depot Repair features, starting from the Master Item window.

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Inventory: Profile Option

Inventory: Profile Option

Ensure that the profile option MO: Operating Unit is set to the operating unit that represents your enterprise.

Fresno Manufacturing Emeryville Manufacturing


Inventory: Profile Option You can define the MO: Operating Unit profile option from the System Administration module (note that you must log on as the System Administrator to do this). MO: Operating Unit is a significant profile option for all Oracle applications processing, including Oracle Inventory. For the charges processing triggered by Oracle Depot Repair, it is especially significant for the defaulting rules for billing operating units, which is described later in this module.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 17

Setting Up Bills of Material and Work In Process

Setting Up Bills of Material and Work In Process

Set up bills for items used for repairsSet up resources and routings for WIP Mode repairs

Required For

WIP Mode

Bills of Material

Work In Process

Depot Repair jobs use the Non-Standard Work in Process functionalityCheck that WIP accounting classes of Expense, Reconfig, and Rework have been set up for the repair jobs

Setting Up Bills of Material and Work In Process Both applications are required if your implementation will have any WIP Mode repairs. Notes on Oracle Bills of Material Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) BOM > Setup > Resource Groups For more details, refer to the Oracle Bills of Material User’s Guide. Notes on Oracle Work In Process Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) WIP > Setup > WIP Accounting Classes For more details, refer to the Oracle Work in Process User's Guide, Volume 1.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 18

Setups for Receiving and Shipping

Setups for Receiving and Shipping

Set up Receipt Routing options to include:• Direct Delivery• Inspection Required• Standard Receipt

The Depot Repair Update Receiving program picks up only the receiving lines that are delivered to a subinventory

Purchasing for Receiving

Order Management and Shipping Execution

For component parts used in WIP Mode repairs:• Ensure that a “Bill Only” line type is set up

for the Order Management line type mapped to the Service Transaction Type for WIP Mode repairs

for Shipping

Setups for Receiving and Shipping Notes on Oracle Purchasing Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Purchasing > Setup > Organizations > Receiving Options or (N) Inventory > Setup > Organizations > Receiving Parameters For more details, refer to the Oracle Purchasing User’s Guide. Notes on Oracle Order Management and Oracle Shipping Execution Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Order Management > Setup > Transaction Types > Define Oracle Work in Process decrements inventory when a component is used in repair, but Oracle Order Management will decrement inventory again when the repaired product is shipped to the customer. To prevent this, ensure that a "Bill Only" line type is set up for the Order Management line type mapped to the service transaction type for repairs performed in WIP Mode. This, however, applies only to component parts, and not to the whole repaired product. For more details, refer to the Oracle Order Management Suite Implementation Manual and the Oracle Shipping Execution User’s Guide.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 19

Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Service Requests

Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Service Requests

Set up a service request type of Depot Repair

You can set up more if you want to break down your depot repair service requests into further categories

Type Business ProcessDepot Repair Depot Repair

Status Group NameDepot Repair


Service Request Types window

Note: Service Requests setup steps are described in the 11i Service Request Fundamentals course. This slide shows the setup step that has particular relevance to Oracle Depot Repair processing.

Setting Up Oracle TeleService – Service Requests Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Setup > Service Requests > Request Types For more details, refer to the Oracle TeleService Implementation Guide and the course 11i Service Request Fundamentals.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 20

Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Customer Care

Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Customer Care

Site and Site Usage of the Customer Party Addresses set up in the Contact Center must be active

This enables them to be seen in the Bill-To and Ship-To address lists in the Receive/Ship tab of a repair order

Customer Care setup steps are described in the 11i Service Request Fundamentals course. This slide shows the setup step that has particular relevance to Oracle Depot Repair processing.

Setting Up Oracle TeleService – Customer Care Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Customer Management > Contact Center For more details, refer to the Oracle TeleService Implementation Guide and the course 11i Service Request Fundamentals.

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Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Charges

Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Charges

3 Create new billing types (optional step)

4 Create Install Base transaction subtypes

5 Create the default time & material labor schedule

Create business processes1

Note: These Charges setup steps are generic to all service request processing, and are described in the 11i Service Request Fundamentals course.

The slides that follow summarize the same topics, with particular relevance to Oracle Depot Repair processing.

6 Set up the defaulting rules for billing operating units

Create service activities 2

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 22

Creating Service Business Processes

A business process is a group of service activities, which are active in one or more of the Oracle application modules: Service Requests, Depot Repair, and Field Service

Creating Service Business Processes

Business Process

Service Activity

Business Process

Service Activity

Simplified model *

Service Business Process window

Service ActivityAdvanced ExchangeReplacementReturn for Replacement

Service Activities

Service Business Processes

Depot Repair

Name Depot Repair

Creating Service Business Processes Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Business Process A business process in Oracle TeleService is a grouping of service activities. For example Customer Support, Field Service and Depot Repair are business processes. An example of a service activity is the return of an item to depot in order to repair it. Each business process consists of one or more service activities.

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Creating Service Activities

When you submit a charge line for a combination of …

Creating Service ActivitiesService Activities and Billing Types window

NameBilling Types

Order Management Header & Line TypesOperatingUnitVision Enterprises

Order TypeMixed

Line TypeStandard (Line Invoicing)

Line Category

Service Activity


Service Activities


Depot Repair Quantity Update

Service Activity

Billing Type

Order Type


… and …

… Order Management creates orders and lines as specified

Creating Service Activities Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Activities and Billing Types Service activities are used to define the orders and lines created when charge line lines are submitted from Oracle Depot Repair to Charges and Oracle Order Management. For each combination of service activity and billing type, you must specify the order types and line types that define the orders that Oracle Order Management generates when you submit charge lines (for example RMA, Ship, Estimate) during depot repair processing. For more details on order types and line types, please refer to the Oracle Order Management User's Guide.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 24

Creating New Billing Types

Creating New Billing Types

1. Create a new value in the service lookup table

Oracle Service Lookups window

Type MTL_SERVICE_BILLABLE_FLAGOracle ServiceApplication



Billing Type

Add rows

Billing Category

Billing Type Attributes window


2. Categorize the billing type as one of the three billing categories:

- Expenses- Labor - Material


Creating New Billing Types Notes

1. Create a new value in the service lookup table. Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Others > Service: Lookups Create a new billing type lookup value for lookup type

MTL_SERVICE_BILLABLE_FLAG. Your new Meaning value represents the billing type in the next setup window (Billing Type Attributes), and subsequent lists of values.

2. Categorize the billing type as one of the three allowable billing categories. Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Billing Type Attributes When you create a new billing type attribute in the Billing Type Attributes window, you

must associate your new billing type with one of the three billing categories: Expenses, Labor, or Material. The list of billing categories is fixed, that is, it cannot be extended.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 25

Creating Install Base Transaction Subtypes

Creating Install Base Transaction SubtypesFor each service activity involving an IB-trackableitem, you must create an Oracle Install Base transaction subtype.

Do not checkService Type for non-IB-trackableproducts

Source Transaction TypesApplication NameOracle Order Management


Update IBTransaction TypeOM_SHIPMENT

Transaction Sub Types window

Service Type Name ReplacementTransaction Sub Types

Source InfoInformation about the

instance being transacted, such as a shipped or a

returned item. *

Information about a related instance, such

as the item replaced by the source instance. *

Non Source Info

* - See later slide for details

Check Service Type for IB-trackable products

Creating Install Base Transaction Subtypes Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Install Base Transaction Types Notes 1. For products enabled for Install Base tracking, the service activities associated with the repair

type chosen should have transaction subtypes defined. For products not enabled for Install Base tracking, the service activities associated with the repair type chosen need not have transaction subtypes defined. You may have separate repair types and service activities defined for trackable products and non-trackable products.

2. When you define a transaction subtype for trackable products, the Name of the transaction subtype is the same as the name of the associated service activity. For example, for the Return for Repair service activity, the name of the corresponding transaction subtype is also Return for Repair.

3. Details of the Source Info and Non Source Info fields appear on a later slide. 4. In the Source Transaction Types region, for Oracle Depot Repair usage, only Oracle Order

Management needs to be set up as a source Application Name, and you must select the checkbox Update IB.

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Source and Non Source Information

Source and Non Source InformationSource Info

Revision Reqd

Change Owner To External

Status Replacement

Return Reqd

Change Owner

Reference Reqd

Non Source Info

Change Owner To

Status Replaced

Return Reqd

Change Owner

Reference Reqd

Source and Non Source Information The Source Info and Non Source Info regions enable you to specify details of the item instances in service activities:

• Source Info region - for details of the instance being transacted, such as in a sales order, as a shipped item or a returned item.

• Non Source Info region - for details of an item instance related to the source instance, such as an item being replaced by the source instance.

Some service activities refer to a single item instance, such as Return and Repair, where the same product is sent to the depot, repaired, and then returned to the customer; in this case, only Source Info fields are required. For other service activities, such as Replacement, the Install Base updates of two separate products can be made in a single transaction, and hence both Source Info and Non Source Info fields are used. The slide shows an example for a product being replaced:

• Fields in the Source Info region show details about the product being sent out to the customer.

• Fields in the Non Source Info region show details of the product that is being replaced.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 27

Default Time and Material Labor Schedule

Default Time and Material Labor Schedule

You need a default labor schedule for creating charge lines from Field Service or Depot Repair

For charges, the labor item is selected:- from the Field Service Debrief, if entered there- from the labor schedule in the service contract, if

defined there- from the default labor schedule set up in Charges

You must set up a default labor schedule for each business process that uses labor items

Required For

Task Mode

Default Time & Material Labor Schedule You must set up a labor schedule for each business process only if your organization is charging customers for labor using the Debrief window in Oracle Field Service or Oracle Depot Repair. This setup is required because Debrief does not require agents to select the applicable labor item (the labor rate for the work performed). If agents select a labor item during debrief, the application uses the billing rate specified in that item to calculate how much the customer is going to be charged. If agents do not select a labor item during debrief, the application supplies the item based on the labor schedule entered in the customer’s service contract. If the schedule in the service contract is not completely defined, the application looks at the default labor schedule.

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Creating the Default Labor Schedule

Creating the Default Labor Schedule

Time & Material Labor Schedule window

Labor ItemStartTime

Business Process Depot Repair Validation Completed

EndTime Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Labor Rate

Validate Setup

00:00 DoubleLabor07:59


Labor Overtime20:00 23:59

OvertimeLabor 100:00 23:59

Creating the Default Labor Schedule Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > T&M Labor Schedule Notes

1. Use the checkboxes for the appropriate days of the week for each labor item in the business process.

2. Ensure that your start and end times do not overlap for the same labor item. 3. You may select Validate Setup to check your entries. If your entries do not overlap, a check

appears in the Validation Completed box.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 29

Setting Up the Defaulting Rules for Billing Operating Units

Setting Up the Defaulting Rules for Billing Operating Units

Set the precedence order for the rules to define a default operating unit for charges

Operating Unit of the Contract

Operating Unit of the Installed base product

Profile Option MO: Operating Unit

Operating Unit Stamped on the Service Request

Note: Always set a value for the profile option MO: Operating Unit

Setting Up the Defaulting Rules for Billing Operating Units Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Multi Org. Setup In a multi-org environment, your system administrator uses the Service Request Multi Org. Setup window to assign a sequence to the four available rules to define a default operating unit for Charges. Based on these rules, an operating unit is derived for use in the charge lines. The following describes the rules. Operating Unit of the Contract: If a contract is associated with the service request, then the operating unit of the contract is used. Operating Unit of the Installed Base Product: If an Install Base item is associated with the service request, then the operating unit of the Install Base item is used. Profile Option MO: Operating Unit : The operating unit set in this profile is used. Operating Unit Stamped on the Service Request: The operating unit associated with the service request is used.

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Setting Up Oracle Knowledge Management

Setting Up Oracle Knowledge Management


You can search the knowledge base from the Repair Estimates tab or from the Quick MenuUse Knowledge Management for assistance with the resolution of repairs

Knowledge Management setup steps are described in the 11i Service Request Fundamentals course.There are no implementation steps specifically for Oracle Depot Repair.

Setting Up Knowledge Management Responsibility: Knowledge Base System Administrator Navigation Path: (N) Core Service > Setup > Create Type For more details, please refer to the Oracle Knowledge Management Implementation Guide and the course 11i Service Request Fundamentals.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 31

Miscellaneous Setups

Miscellaneous Setups

Set Up Oracle Install Base• For details of setting up Oracle Install Base transaction

subtypes, see Setting Up Oracle TeleService: Charges

Set Up Counters *

Set Up Oracle Service Contracts *

* Note: These modules have no implementation steps specifically for Oracle Depot Repair

Miscellaneous Setups For more details of setting up Oracle Install Base and Counters, please refer to the Oracle Install Base Implementation Guide and the course 11i Service Request Fundamentals. For details of setting up Oracle Service Contracts, see Oracle Service Contracts Concepts and Procedures.

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Prerequisite E-Business Suite Setups and Integations Chapter 3 - Page 32

Setting Up Oracle Common Application Components

Setting Up Oracle Common Application Components

Set Up Notes *

Set Up Resource Manager *Set Up Tasks• You should set up task status transition rules• Map the task status to the Depot Repair responsibility

being usedSet Up Assignment Manager *

The following three modules are required for Task Mode only, not for WIP

* Note: These modules have no implementation steps specifically for Oracle Depot Repair

Setting Up Oracle Common Application Components For details of the the steps shown in the slide, please refer to the Oracle Common Application Components Implementation Guide.

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In this lesson, you should have learned how to do the following:• Confirm the setups in the Oracle applications which

are prerequisites to Oracle Depot Repair

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 1

Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 2

Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps

Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps

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After completing this lesson, you should be able to do the following tasks specific to Oracle Depot Repair:• Set up repair types and reason codes• Define lookup codes and profile options

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 4



• Set up Repair Types• Set up Reason Codes• Define Lookup Codes• Define Profile Options

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 5

Categories for the Repair Types

Categories for the Repair Types

Each repair type must have one of the following Repair Type Ref values:• Advance Exchange• Exchange• Loaner• Loaner, Repair and Return• Repair and Return• Replacement• Standard

Repair Type Ref

Categories for the Repair Types You may create your own repair types, but each repair type must have one of the Repair Type Ref values shown on the slide. The Repair Type Ref values drive the application processing steps. The list of Repair Type Ref names is not extendable.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 6

Repair Types Setup

Repair Types Setup

Oracle Depot Repair supports the following seeded repair types: - Advance Exchange - Exchange - Loaner - Loaner, Repair and Return - Repair and Return - Replacement - Standard

You can set up your own repair types- Copy and customize a seeded repair type

Repair Types Setup While creating repair orders, product transactions are generated based on the default transaction billing types defined in repair types. Also, the processing of product transaction lines are determined by the definition of the repair types. The parameters that control this background processing are chosen when you set up your repair types. The slide shows the seeded repair types. You can also define your own repair types, each of which must have one of the Repair Type Ref values, by making a copy of a seeded repair type, and customizing the copy as necessary. Note Each of the seeded Repair Types has the same name as its corresponding Repair Type Ref value. Any new repair type that you create will have a different repair type name, but it must one of the allowable Repair Type Ref values.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 7

Repair Types Form

Repair Types Form


Depot Repair

None / NotApplicable


Business Process

Repair Type Ref

Repair Type


Automatically enter and book RMA

Repair andReturn

Depot Repair

Work In Process

Repair and Return

Pre-Repair and Post-Repair Service Activities

Repair Type Details (main fields only)

Repair Type Summary (main fields only)

Expense *Labor *

Material Material Transaction

Billing Type

Service Activity Code


•- tabs with same-namedfields as Material tab

See later slide for details

Repair Types Form Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Depot Repair > Setup > Repair Types The Repair Types form is the main form for setting up the proper processing and management of repair orders by the application and service organization. The Repair Types screen determines, for each repair type, how each seeded repair type is used in the service organization, whether Task Mode or WIP Mode is used in repair management, and whether RMA charge lines are automatically entered and booked when a repair order of the specified repair type is created. A service organization can also make a copy of the selected repair type, and customize as necessary.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 8

Loaner, Repair and Return Activities



Receive DefectiveProduct

Ship RepairedProduct







Loaner, Repair and Return Activities This slide shows the repair type that has the most real-world activities associated with it. This is reflected in the data processing setup – the Loaner, Repair and Return repair type has four service activities defined for it, the first two for the pre-repair stage, the last two for the post-repair stage.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 9

Pre-Repair and Post-Repair Service Activities

Pre-Repair and Post-Repair Service Activities

Repair Type

Pre-Repair Post-Repair

Repair and Return


Loaner, Repair and Return




Return for Repair

Return Exchange

Return for Repair












Return Loaner




Return Repaired

Ship Exchange

Return Repaired


Pre-Repair and Post-Repair Service Activities [The numbers on the slide refer to the step numbers on the previous slide,“Loaner, Repair and Return Activities.”] This slide complements the previous Repair Types Form slide to show the details of how pre-repair and post-repair service activities are set up for the main repair types. Apart from Loaner, Repair and Return, each of the other seeded repair types has at most one pre-repair and one post-repair service activity associated with it.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 10

Setting Up Repair Types

Setting Up Repair Types

For each repair type, set up the following:• Repair Mode• Repair Type Ref• Business Process• Default Pre-Repair and

Post-Repair Service Activities• Billing Types and Service Activities for

material, labor, and expense charge lines • Preferences to control

– the automatic creation and booking of RMA lines

Setting Up Repair Types Use the Repair Types form to perform the following tasks: • Select Repair Modes for Repair Types. A repair order is created with the repair mode defined

in the repair type. • Select Repair Type Ref for custom Repair Types. • Select Business Process for Repair Types. • Select default Service Activity Codes for RMA and Sales Order lines for Repair Type. The

default product transactions are created with the order and line types associated with the service activity Billing Type for the repair type and repair item. This classifies the created sales order and RMA order lines for respective repair types.

• Select Billing Types and enter Service Activity Code for material, labor, and expense charge lines. You can enter more than one Billing Type and Service Activity Code for material and expense charge lines. This classifies the material, labor, and expense charge lines for Order Management processing. This is needed only if using Repair Estimates functionality. [Note: in the Material, Labor, and Expense tabs of the Repair Types form, the term “Service Activity Code” is used – this is the same as “Service Activity”, and the terms can be used interchangeably]

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 11

• Select preferences to process Product Transaction lines for Repair Types by selecting Automatically Enter and Book RMA.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 12

Reason Codes


Reason Codes

Reason Codes are values defined for the different reasons that affect the return of a product for repairDepot Repair provides the following seeded Reason Codes:

Customer approves the RMAEstimate approved Repair on holdProduct not repairableDeclined repair Revised estimate approved Customer contactedAwaiting approval

You can add your own reason codes

Reason Codes Reason Codes are values defined to categorize the different reasons that affect the return of a product for repair. Reason Codes relate to the depot’s repair acceptance, and customer approval of the repair estimate.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 13

Setting Up Reason Codes

Setting Up Reason Codes

Application Object Library Reason Lookups (main fields only)



Depot RepairApplication

Access Level




Meaning To Code From EST Estimate Approved 31-AUG-2000HOLD Repair On-Hold 31-AUG-2000WAIT_1 Customer Contacted 10-AUG-2001

EnabledEffective Dates

Setting Up Reason Codes Responsibility: Depot Repair Super User Navigation Path: (N) Depot Repair > Setup > Reason Set up your own reason codes for the lookup type CSD_REASON.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 14

Defining Lookup Codes

Defining Lookup Codes

From the Application Developer Navigator form, use the followingpath to navigate to the Applications Object Library Lookups form: Application > Lookups > Application Object Library• The general lookups form layout is the same as the

Application Object Library Reason Lookups window, which is used to provide your own Oracle Depot Repair reason codes

The following slides show the lookup types that are seeded in Oracle Depot Repair

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 15

Defining Lookup Codes (continued)

CSD_EVENTRepair Event• Customer Approved, • Charges Recorded,…

CSD_EST_BILLING_TYPEEstimate Billing Type• Material, Labor, Expense

CSD_ESTIMATE_STATUSEstimate Status• Accepted, Bid,…

Defining Lookup Codes (continued)

CSD_APPROVAL_STATUSRepair Approval Status• Approved, Rejected

CSD_REASONReason for current status of repair process• Estimate Approved,• Repair On Hold,…

CSD_PROD_ACTION_TYPEDepot Repair Order Product Transaction Action Types• Return Product, Ship Product,…

CSD_PRODUCT_ACTION_CODEProduct Transaction Action Code for Repair Orders• Customer Product, Exchange,…

CSD_PRODUCT_TXN_STATUSProduct Transaction Line Status• Booked, Entered, Received,…

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Defining Lookup Codes (continued)

Defining Lookup Codes (continued)

CSD_REJECT_REASONEstimate Reject Reasons• Customer Reject,• Machine Not Available,…

CSD_REPAIR_MODERepair Mode for the depot repair processes• Work In Process, Task,…

CSD_REPAIR_STATUSRepair Status• Closed, Open, Hold

CSD_REPAIR_TYPESDepot Repair Types• Advance Exchange,• Return and Repair,…

CSD_RO_TXN_STATUSRepair Order Transaction Status• OM Booked, OM Received,• OM Released,…

CSD_UNIT_OF_MEASURELead Time Unit of Measure• Hour, Week, Day,…

CSD_WIP_JOB_STATUSRepair Job Status• Released, Unreleased

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 17

Setting Up Profile Options

Logging in as the System Administrator, you can change system-wide profile option values as follows:

(1) Navigate to the System Profile Values form: Profile > System.(2) Search for the profile option you want.(3) In the System Profile Values form, change the profile option

at the levels you require.

Setting Up Profile Options

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 18

Setting Up Profile Options (continued)

Setting Up Profile Options (continued)

CSD: Allow Charge Override for Estimates *Whether to allow override of Charge field for Estimate lines.

CSD: Allow Creating WIP Job without RMA *Whether creation of WIP job without RMA is allowed.

CSD: CSD_PRINTER_NAMEPrinter for printing repair estimate report.• <Printer_Name>

CSD: Allow Internal Repair *Whether internal repair is allowed.

CSD: Allow Processing Product Txn w/o Serial Number *Whether to allow processing of product transaction without a serial number.

CSD: CSD_PRINTER_REQUIRED *Whether a printer is required.

* - values are Yes or No

Notes on Profile Options CSD: Allow Internal Repair This allows users to view and select products that are in in-house inventory when they create a repair order. The Serial Number and IB Ref Number LOVs for the repair order will display product instances within the service organization along with the product instances at customer site. Note that a user wishing to create a repair order against an internally owned product instance will need to leave the product-related fields blank in the Service Request Header section of the Depot Repair Workbench. For leaving the Product field blank for the service request, the following profile option “CSD: Require Product For Service Request” should be set to No. CSD: Allow Processing Product Txn w/o Serial Number

1. If the profile option value is No, then the Serial number field is mandatory. If the profile option value is Yes, then the Serial number field is not mandatory. If the Serial number field is not mandatory, the user will not be able to automate the shipping of the sales order directly from Oracle Depot Repair; rather, the user will need to provide the serial number before shipping.

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2. This profile option applies only for product transaction lines of line category Order, that is, it does not apply for product transaction lines of line category Return. Hence it does not apply to RMA lines. This means that, if the product transaction line is of line category “Return”, the Serial number field is mandatory for serialized items, regardless of the value of this profile option.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 20

Setting Up Profile Options (continued)

CSD: Debug LevelDebug level for Depot Repair transactions.• 1 to 10

Setting Up Profile Options (continued)

* - values are Yes or No

CSD: Default Pick Release Rule for Sales OrdersDefault pick release rule for repair order related sales orders.This is a mandatory profile option.• Released or Unreleased

CSD: Default Price ListDefault price list for the Depot Repair application.• <Price_List>

CSD: Default Country CodeDefault country code for phone number fields.• <Country_Code>

CSD: Customer Approval Required *Whether customer approval of the estimate is required for creating repair job.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 21

Setting Up Profile Options (continued)

CSD: Default Return Reason Code for RMAsDefault return reason code for RMA product transaction• Damaged Product, …

Setting Up Profile Options (continued)

CSD: Default Repair TypeDefault repair type for new repair orders• Advance Exchange, Exchange, …

CSD: Default Repair Job StatusDefault status for repair jobs• Standard, …

CSD: Default Sales RepresentativeDefault sales representative for the Depot Repair application.• <Sales_Representative>

CSD: Directory for Depot Repair Log FilesDirectory where Depot Repair places log files. This is a mandatory profile option.• <Value specified at implementation time>

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 22

Setting Up Profile Options (continued)

Setting Up Profile Options (continued)

CSD: Enable Estimates *Whether the Repair Estimate tab appears.

CSD: Enable Knowledge Management *Whether the Knowledge Base section in the Repair Estimate tab is enabled.

CSD: Repair Mode for Depot Repair OrdersRepair mode for Depot Repair processes - site level.• Work In Process, Task, None / Not Applicable, All

CSD: Require Product For Service Request *Whether product is required for service request creation. This defaults to Yes.

* - values are Yes or No

Notes on Profile Options CSD: Require Product For Service Request When this profile option is set to Yes, a product will be required in order to create a service request. When this profile is set to No, no product will be required in order to create a service request. Also, when the profile is set to No, the user can specify an install base product without specifying a reference number in the service request.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 23

Non-Depot Repair Profile Options

The following two profile options either both have to be defined or both have to be NULL. These two profile options, if set, restrict the Service Request Owner LOV by the selected profile values in the Repair Order form

• Service: Default Group Owner for Service Requests• Service: Default Group Owner Type for Service Request

Service Request Owner• Service: Default Service Request Owner

Defaults the service request owner in the Repair Order form. • Service: Default Service Request Owner Type

Defaults the service request owner type. This field is not displayed in the Repair Order form.

Non-Depot Repair Profile Options

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 24

Non-Depot Repair Profile Options (continued)

• Service: Inventory Validation OrganizationIn Oracle Depot Repair, items are validated against the organization specified by this profile. This is mandatory and can usually be set to the master inventory organization

• The following profiles determine the default values for the corresponding fields in the Repair Tasks tab in the Repair Order form:

- Task Manager: Default Task Status - Task Manager: Default Task owner- Task Manager: Default Priority- Task Manager: Default Task Type- Task Manager: Owner Type for a Task

Non-Depot Repair Profile Options (continued)

Notes on Profile Options Task Manager: Default Task Status 1. If a status transition rule is defined and is mapped to the Oracle Depot Repair responsibility

being used, then this profile option is mandatory. This profile option specifies the default starting status for a task in the Repair Tasks tab in the Repair Order form. If this profile option is not set, then when creating a task, the Status LOV will have no values.

2. If no status transition rule is mapped to the Oracle Depot Repair responsibility, then this profile option is not mandatory, and the task status LOV in this case will list all the task statuses.

3. Oracle recommends that you set up status transition rules.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 25

Non-Depot Repair Profile Options (continued)

• Server TimezoneThis profile determines the server timezone, and is mandatory. It is used in the Product Coverage tab to sort the contracts by response resolution time

Logging in as the System Administrator, you can change system-wide profile option values as follows:

(1) Navigate to the System Profile Values form: Profile > System.(2) Search for the profile option you want.(3) In the System Profile Values form, change the profile option

at the levels you require.

Non-Depot Repair Profile Options (continued)

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 26

Guided Demonstration - Creating a Repair Type

This demonstration shows how to perform the following tasks:

• Create a service activity

• Associate the service activity with a business process

• Create an Oracle Install Base transaction sub type related to the new service activity

• Create a repair type using the new service activity

• Create a repair order with the new repair type


Note: all <xx> references in this demonstration represent the initials of your name.

Creating a Service Activity

1. Navigate to the Service Activities and Billing Types window.

• (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Activities and Billing Types

2. In the Service Activities area, enter the following data:

Name Express Replacement <xx>

Line Category Order

Dept Repair Quantity Update On

3. Click (I) Save.

4. In the Billing Types area, enter the following data:

Name Material

5. Click (I) Save.

6. In the Order Management Header & Line Types area, enter the following data:

Operating Unit Vision Operations

Order Type Mixed

Line Type Standard (Line Invoicing)

7. Click (I) Save.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 27

Associating the Service Activity with a Business Process

8. Navigate to the Service Business Process window.

• (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Business Process

9. Search for the Depot Repair service business process.

10. In the Service Activities area, enter a new row as follows:

Service Activity Express Replacement <xx>

11. Click (I) Save.

Creating an Oracle Install Base Transaction Sub Type

12. Navigate to the Transaction Sub Types window.

• (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Install Base Transaction Types

13. Check the Service Type checkbox.

14. In the Name field, select Express Replacement <xx>.

15. In the Source Info area, select the following data:

Change Owner On

Change Owner To External

Status Replacement

16. In the Non Source Info area, select the following data:

Reference Reqd On

Status Replaced

17. In the Source Transaction Types area, enter a row with the following data:

Application Name Oracle Order Management

Transaction Name Order Management - Ship/Fulfill (This automatically populates the Transaction Type and Description fields)

Update IB On

18. Click (I) Save.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 28

Creating a Repair Type

19. Navigate to the Repair Types window.

• (N) Depot Repair > Setup > Repair Types

20. In the Repair Types Summary area, enter a new row as follows:

Repair Type Express Replacement <xx>

Description Express Replacement <xx>

Business Process Depot Repair

Repair Mode None/Not Applicable (select this option)

Repair Type Ref Replacement

Pre-Repair RMA <leave blank>

Pre-Repair Ship <leave blank>

Post-Repair RMA <leave blank>

Post-Repair Ship Express Replacement <xx>

21. In the Repair Type Details area, check the two checkboxes: − Automatically order and book RMA − Automate order process steps through:

22. Select the Ship Confirm radio button.

23. In the Material tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Material

Service Activity Code Material Transaction

24. In the Labor tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Labor

Service Activity Code Labor Transaction

25. In the Expense tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Expense

Service Activity Code Expense Transaction

26. Click (B) Save.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 29

Creating a Repair Order with the New Repair Type

27. Navigate to the Repair Orders Search form.

• (N) Depot Repair > Repair Orders

28. Click (B) New.

In the Service Request Information area, enter the following data:

Installed Products Only On

Account 1608

Contact ID 2817

Serial Num EM600000 (If this serial number is not available, select one of the other serial numbers starting with EM60000.)

Summary Hard Disk Failure

29. Click (I) Save.

You have created a new service request.

30. In the Repair Order Information area, in the Repair Type field, select Express Replacement <xx>.

31. Click (I) Save.

You have created a new repair order, with repair type Express Replacement <xx>.

Creating the repair order has activated the Receive/Ship tab.

32. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

One charge line has been created: − A SHIP line for shipping out the replacement product to the customer

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 30

Practice - Creating a Repair Type


In this practice you will perform the following operations:

• Create a service activity

• Associate the service activity with a business process

• Create an Oracle Install Base transaction sub type related to the new service activity

• Create a repair type using the new service activity

• Create a repair order with the new repair type


• Depot Repair Super User responsibility

• Sign-on information: User - sanderson, Password - welcome

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Oracle Depot Repair Specific Setup Steps Chapter 4 - Page 31


Note: all <xx> references in this practice represent the initials of your name.

Create a Service Activity

Start by navigating the path Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Activities and Billing Types.

In the Service Activities and Billing Types window, create and save a service activity with the following properties:

Name Express Replacement <xx>

Line Category Order

Dept Repair Quantity Update On

In the Billing Types area, create and save a row with the Material billing type.

In the Order Management Header & Line Types area, create and save a row as follows:

Operating Unit Vision Operations

Order Type Mixed

Line Type Standard (Line Invoicing)

Associate the Service Activity with a Business Process

In the Service Business Process window, associate the service activity Express Replacement <xx> with the Depot Repair service business process.

Create an Oracle Install Base Transaction Sub Type

In the Transaction Sub Types window, create and save an Oracle Install Base transaction sub type associated with the service activity Express Replacement <xx>, as follows:

(a) Check the Service Type checkbox.

(b) In the Name field, select Express Replacement <xx>.

(c) In the Source Info area, select the following data:

Change Owner On

Change Owner To External

Status Replacement

(d) In the Non Source Info area, select the following data:

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Reference Reqd On

Status Replaced

(e) In the Source Transaction Types area, enter a row with the following data:

Application Name Oracle Order Management

Transaction Name Order Management - Ship/Fulfill

Update IB On

Create a Repair Type

Create and save a new repair type as follows:

(a) In the Repair Types Summary area, enter a row with the following data:

Repair Type Express Replacement <xx>

Description Express Replacement <xx>

Business Process Depot Repair

Repair Mode None/Not Applicable (select this option)

Repair Type Ref Replacement

Pre-Repair RMA <leave blank>

Pre-Repair Ship <leave blank>

Post-Repair RMA <leave blank>

Post-Repair Ship Express Replacement <xx>

(b) In the Repair Type Details area, check the two checkboxes: − Automatically order and book RMA − Automate order process steps through:

(c) Select the Ship Confirm radio button.

(d) In the Material tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Material

Service Activity Code Material Transaction

(e) In the Labor tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Labor

Service Activity Code Labor Transaction

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(f) In the Expense tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Expense

Service Activity Code Expense Transaction

(g) Click Save.

Create a Repair Order with the New Repair Type

Navigate to the Repair Orders Search form, click New, then in the Service Request Information area, enter and save the following data to create a service request:

Installed Products Only On

Account 1608

Contact ID 2817

Serial Num EM600000 (If this serial number is not available, select one of the other serial numbers starting with EM60000.)

Summary Hard Disk Failure

Create a repair order with the repair type Express Replacement <xx> (you do not need to enter any information in the Details tab).

Click the Receive/Ship tab to see the Ship line created for the replacement product.

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Solution - Creating a Repair Type

Creating a Service Activity

1. Navigate to the Service Activities and Billing Types window.

• (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Activities and Billing Types

2. In the Service Activities area, enter the following data:

Name Express Replacement <xx>

Line Category Order

Dept Repair Quantity Update On

3. Click (I) Save.

4. In the Billing Types area, enter the following data:

Name Material

5. Click (I) Save.

6. In the Order Management Header & Line Types area, enter the following data:

Operating Unit Vision Operations

Order Type Mixed

Line Type Standard (Line Invoicing)

7. Click (I) Save.

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Associating the Service Activity with a Business Process

8. Navigate to the Service Business Process window.

• (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Service Business Process

9. Search for the Depot Repair service business process.

10. In the Service Activities area, enter a new row as follows:

Service Activity Express Replacement <xx>

11. Click (I) Save.

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Creating an Oracle Install Base Transaction Sub Type

12. Navigate to the Transaction Sub Types window.

• (N) Service Request > Setup > Charges > Install Base Transaction Types

13. Check the Service Type checkbox.

14. In the Name field, select Express Replacement <xx>.

15. In the Source Info area, select the following data:

Change Owner On

Change Owner To External

Status Replacement

16. In the Non Source Info area, select the following data:

Reference Reqd On

Status Replaced

17. In the Source Transaction Types area, enter a row with the following data:

Application Name Oracle Order Management

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Transaction Name Order Management - Ship/Fulfill (This automatically populates the Transaction Type and Description fields)

Update IB On

18. Click (I) Save.

Creating a Repair Type

19. Navigate to the Repair Types window.

• (N) Depot Repair > Setup > Repair Types

20. In the Repair Types Summary area, enter a new row as follows:

Repair Type Express Replacement <xx>

Description Express Replacement <xx>

Business Process Depot Repair

Repair Mode None/Not Applicable (select this option)

Repair Type Ref Replacement

Pre-Repair RMA <leave blank>

Pre-Repair Ship <leave blank>

Post-Repair RMA <leave blank>

Post-Repair Ship Express Replacement <xx>

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21. In the Repair Type Details area, check the two checkboxes: − Automatically order and book RMA − Automate order process steps through:

22. Select the Ship Confirm radio button.

23. In the Material tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Material

Service Activity Code Material Transaction

24. Click the Labor tab, and enter the following data:

Billing Type Labor

Service Activity Code Labor Transaction

25. Click the Expense tab, and enter the following data:

Billing Type Expense

Service Activity Code Expense Transaction

26. Click (B) Save.

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Creating a Repair Order with the New Repair Type

27. Navigate to the Repair Orders Search form.

• (N) Depot Repair > Repair Orders

28. Click (B) New.

In the Service Request Information area, enter the following data: Installed Products Only On

Account 1608

Contact ID 2817

Serial Num EM600000 (If this serial number is not available, select one of the other serial numbers starting with EM60000.)

Summary Hard Disk Failure

29. Click (I) Save.

You have created a new service request.

30. In the Repair Order Information area, in the Repair Type field, select Express Replacement <xx>.

31. Click (I) Save.

You have created a new repair order, with repair type Express Replacement <xx>.

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Creating the repair order has activated the Receive/Ship tab.

32. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

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One charge line has been created: − A SHIP line for shipping out the replacement product to the customer

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Practice - Creating a Special Repair Type


When you create a repair type, you can set the checkbox to automatically order and book an RMA line. In the practice that you performed earlier in the course, when you created a repair order with the repair type Return and Repair, the RMA line appeared with the Booked status. This was because the standard Return and Repair repair type, in the Oracle Application Vision database, has the checkbox set to automatically order and book an RMA line.

There may be times when you do not want to have the RMA line automatically booked when the repair order is created for a "repair and return" situation.

In this practice you will perform the following operations:

• Create a special "Return and Repair" repair type, which will not automatically order and book RMA lines

• Create a repair order with the new repair type


• Depot Repair Super User responsibility

• Sign-on information: User - sanderson, Password - welcome

• You must have access to an Oracle Application Vision database or comparable training or test instance at your site on which to complete this practice.

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Note: all <xx> references in this practice represent the initials of your name.

Create a Special "Return and Repair" Repair Type

Create and save a new repair type as follows:

(a) In the Repair Types Summary area, enter a row with the following data:

Repair Type Repair and Return <xx>

Description No Auto Book RMA

Business Process Depot Repair

Repair Mode Work In Process

Repair Type Ref Repair and Return

Pre-Repair RMA Return for Repair

Pre-Repair Ship <leave blank>

Post-Repair RMA <leave blank>

Post-Repair Ship Return Repaired

(b) In the Repair Type Details area, leave the following two checkboxes unchecked: − Automatically order and book RMA − Automate order process steps through:

(c) In the Material tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Material

Service Activity Code Material Transaction

(d) In the Labor tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Labor

Service Activity Code Labor Transaction

(e) In the Expense tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Expense

Service Activity Code Expense Transaction

(f) Click Save.

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Create a Repair Order with the New Repair Type

Navigate to the Repair Orders Search form, click New, then in the Service Request Information area, enter and save the following data to create a service request:

Installed Products Only On

Account 1608

Contact ID 2817

Serial Num EM600000 (If this serial number is not available, select one of the other serial numbers starting with EM60000.)

Summary Hard Disk Failure

Create a repair order with the repair type Return and Repair <xx> (you do not need to enter any information in the Details tab).

Click the Receive/Ship tab to see the two lines created and the line statuses.

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Solution - Creating a Special Repair Type

Creating a Special "Return and Repair" Repair Type

1. Navigate to the Repair Types window.

• (N) Depot Repair > Setup > Repair Types

2. In the Repair Types Summary area, enter a new row as follows:

Repair Type Repair and Return <xx>

Description No Auto Book RMA

Business Process Depot Repair

Repair Mode Work In Process

Repair Type Ref Repair and Return

Pre-Repair RMA Return for Repair

Pre-Repair Ship <leave blank>

Post-Repair RMA <leave blank>

Post-Repair Ship Return Repaired

3. In the Repair Type Details area, uncheck the two checkboxes: − Automatically order and book RMA − Automate order process steps through:

4. In the Material tab, enter the following data:

Billing Type Material

Service Activity Code Material Transaction

5. Click the Labor tab, and enter the following data:

Billing Type Labor

Service Activity Code Labor Transaction

6. Click the Expense tab, and enter the following data:

Billing Type Expense

Service Activity Code Expense Transaction

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7. Click (B) Save.

Creating a Repair Order with the New Repair Type

8. Navigate to the Repair Orders Search form.

• (N) Depot Repair > Repair Orders

9. Click (B) New.

In the Service Request Information area, enter the following data: Installed Products Only On

Account 1608

Contact ID 2817

Serial Num EM600000 (If this serial number is not available, select one of the other serial numbers starting with EM60000.)

Summary Hard Disk Failure

10. Click (I) Save.

You have created a new service request.

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11. In the Repair Order Information area, in the Repair Type field, select Return and Repair <xx>.

12. Click (I) Save.

You have created a new repair order, with repair type Return and Repair <xx>.

Creating the repair order has activated the Receive/Ship tab.

13. Click (T) Receive/Ship.

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Two charge lines have been created: − A RMA line, with Status = Entered − A SHIP line, with Status = Entered

Note that, unlike in the previous practice when you created a repair order of type Return and Repair, this time the RMA line has not been booked, nor does the RMA line contain a value in the Order Num field.

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In this lesson, you should have learned how to do the following tasks specific to Oracle Depot Repair:• Set up repair types and reason codes• Define lookup codes and profile options

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