1 The Sanctuary Lamp is the candle near the … 13, 2019 28th Sun...In the Cathedral of St. Mary of...


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1 The Sanctuary Lamp is the candle near the tabernacle which reminds us of the true presence of

Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in memory of Michael Means

Corpus Christi Parish Office Hours are

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 9—2.

Tuesday 9:45-2.

Articles to the bulletin need to be submitted by 9AM on Monday to bulletin4cc@gmail.com

unless otherwise noted.

October 13, 2019

Altar & Rosary

The Altar and Rosary Society invites everyone to attend its

Fall Salad Luncheon, Bake and Craft Sale on Tuesday, Oc-

tober 22nd. Serving time is from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The

cost, which includes hot chicken casserole, salads and bever-age is $6 for adults and $2 for children.

The luncheon is open to the public, so please invite family and

friends. It will be held at the McAteer Center.

On Tuesday, October 22nd, the Corpus Christi Altar & Rosary

Society will be hosting its annual Fall Salad Luncheon, Bake

and Craft Sales. Donations of salads and workers are

needed. If you can donate a salad and/or work, please call

Mary Helen Davison, 351-2072 or Bev Bryan, 299-9017. If

you can donate for the Bake Sale, please call Donna Ross, 342

-6373. Please, no cream pies or desserts that need refrigera-

tion. For crafts, please call Kay Miller , 289-6340.

October A&R Rosary intention is “Pray that everyone of all

ages have respect for life and for each other. Pray that morali-

ty returns to our society. “ Those praying are: Virginia Fell,

Mary Helen Davison, April Hoefer, Daryls Theobald, Stacy

Monti, and June Verheyen. Remember everyone is welcome

to pray along.

Pray the Rosary

October is the Month of the Rosary. Join our

parish community each night during October

for the praying of the Rosary at 8:00PM at IHM


Please join us for Trunk or Treat at Corpus Christi main

parking lot on Sunday, October 20th from 1-3pm. If you are

interested in coming to pass out candy or having games to play

please contact Brita Wilson at 309-351-1431

or brita_wilson_20@hotmail.com.

This is a fun family event for the kids

so we ask that is kept age appropri-

ate, avoiding the dark and gory.

Thank you!

A Beginner’s Guide to Adoration


The first time I went to adoration I was a

sophomore in college and it was uninten-tional.

Really. I was on vacation with a group of

friends, but I made sure to check online

for the nearest Mass schedule. I pulled

into the parking lot at 10:20—10 minutes

to spare, life was good. Except…the park-

ing lot was empty. I walked to the front of

the church—the doors were locked. I

looked at the sign out front and realized I had missed Mass.

Slightly panicked, I wasn’t sure what to do. I walked around for

a bit and then remembered that this parish had perpetual adora-

tion. Restless: I walked up the hill to this tiny little chapel, opened

the doors, and stepped inside. It was dark, chilly, and extremely

quiet. I slid into a pew, knelt, and began to pray. I thought I

could hear myself thinking. I looked down at my watch…3

minutes had passed. 3 minutes? I could hardly believe it. I

looked next to me at the only other person who was in the chap-

el—a monk, who was sitting, barefooted, eyes closed, and smil-


He made it look so easy, so peaceful. I, on the other hand, was

in agony. I had promised myself I would stay in adoration for

an hour—since that’s about how long Mass was. I closed my eyes, tried to relax. “Pray, Caitlin,” I coached myself, “it’s not

that hard.” I opened my eyes. Another 5 minutes had gone by.

52 minutes to go, but who was counting?

Then it dawned on me that my whole attitude was wrong. God

wasn’t forcing me to be there, to spend an hour with Him be-

cause I had missed Mass. I was choosing to be there. Did I want

to be there? Did I want to spend time with Jesus? I did. So I

asked God for the grace to let me sit there with Him, in silence,


Body, Soul, Blood and Divinity: I gazed upon the monstrance,

containing Jesus — body, soul, blood, and divinity — and

smiled at the intimacy of it all. I closed my eyes for the third time and prayed. This time, when I opened my eyes an hour had

gone by! Halleluiah! I was filled with joy—not because I had

fulfilled my made up requirement, but because God had stilled

my heart.

I left that chapel filled with a peace, contentment, and joy un-

like anything I had felt before.

While it would be six months until I would attend adoration

again, God had placed something on my heart—a desire to

know Him more fully in the most Blessed Sacrament.

Today, I am a much different person than I was the first time I

sat in adoration. I no longer dread the form of prayer, but desire it. I try to go to adoration several times a month. Sometimes, I

am able to sit peacefully and sometimes my heart is more rest-

less. But every time, I am grateful for the opportunity to sit and

gaze upon the Lord.

-continued on page 2

Corpus Christi Parish

Laura Junk ~Cluster D.R.E. 309-337-0301 RELIGIOUS ED OFFICE 309-343-8289

Please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Youth Group Meetings for October: Sunday, October 20th, 7:00 - 9:00PM at IHM Sunday, October 27th, Youth Group will attend the Festival of Life at Bethel Baptist Church.

2726 Costa Drive, Galesburg,

IL 61401


Our Vision: Costa Catholic Academy is Dedicated to the Whole Child; Body, Mind, Spirit and Community! Our Mission: Striving everyday to bring the Living God into the Hearts and Minds of our Students.


Costa Catholic Academy is looking for a Business Manager

to join our team. The individual occupying this position is

responsible for all business activities of the school which

includes billing and collecting all tuition, fees, and fundraisers,

as well as maintaining contracts, accounting records, and

financial statements. Qualified candidates should have a

Bachelor's degree in a related field or professional training in

financial management. The application deadline is October 14,


Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume including three references, college transcripts and three letters

of recommendation to:

Principal Joe Buresh | Costa Catholic Academy

2726 Costa Drive | Galesburg, IL 61401

SAVE THE DATE: Car & Cash Raffle Family Kickoff Night will be November 15th, 2019



Girls Days

with the Apostolic Sisters of St. John

for girls ages 9-14


December 15/ February 23 April 26-Family Weekend

Please go to the link below to sign up.


"The greatest love story of all time

is contained in a tiny white Host." -Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen


All are invited to visit the tomb of



In the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception.

607 NE Madison Ave. in Peoria, IL

Monday-Friday 12:00pm—2:00pm

Saturday 3:00pm—6:00pm

Sunday 9:00am—2:00pm

The Galesburg Vicariate

Harvest Mass

will be Thursday, Oct. 24th, 6:30pm

at Immaculate Conception church

in Monmouth. Refreshments will be served after Mass.

Please bring a dessert to pass.

The Solemnity of All Saint’s on Nov 1

is a Holy Day or Obligation.

Thursday, October 31-

Vigil Mass, 7pm at IHM, rosary to follow at 8PM

Friday, Nov 1:


10 AM: Costa Catholic Academy

12:10 PM: Corpus Christi

6:00 PM: St Patrick

On behalf of St. Pat's parish, the Mexican Fiesta committee

would like to thank you for your support of St. Pat's through

our annual Mexican Fiesta. We are grateful and appreciative

to those of you who bought or sold raffle tickets and attended

the fiesta. The winner of the $500 gas card was Manuel Leon of IHM parish. Congratulations, Mr. Leon!

A Beginner’s Guide to Adoration continued-

5 Ways to be Successful in Adoration

Have you ever gone to adoration? Have you tried, but felt de-

feated like I first did, and occasionally still do? Here’s a list of 5 ways to be successful in adoration:

1. Be Patient

2. Bring Scripture

3. Pray the Rosary

4. Listen to Praise and Worship Music

5. Be Okay with Silence

To read more details on how to be successful in Adoration

visit https://lifeteen.com/blog/a-beginners-guide-to-adoration/

3 Corpus Christi Parish


Groceries are given out to those in need on Wednesdays only between 1 & 2 pm Please DO NOT CALL. Tuesdays 12:30-1:30 Volunteers set up for Wednesday distribution of food.

October 13: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time In today’s Gospel we hear that only one of those healed returned to glorify and give thanks to God. It is true, that when we have a grateful heart we know that everything is a gift from God.

To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?

Next weekend the Society will be collecting monetary donations. St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry needs: bar soap and canned pumpkin or pie filling.

LET US PRAY FOR EACH OTHER Lord, look with loving kindness on the needs of all our

parishioners, and remember especially those who are ill at

home, in the hospitals and nursing homes;

Linda Krueger, Steven Nemeth, Barbara Phillips, Larry Welch,

Adam, Bill Richards, Evelyn Trisilla, Consuelo Howell, Lewis

Nichols, Jim Verheyen, Deb Worden, Patricia & John Kissinger,

Lenard Palmer, Mona (Mendez) Sollom, Kathrin Hall, Ioda

Rayford, Ventura Betty Alva, Mike Reatherford, Horst Eoecker,

Ron Devlin, Father Bill Miller, Boyd Kisler, Herwanna Sawre

Sick & Shut-ins: Please notify the office if a parishioner is

seriously ill or housebound, hospitals are not

allowed to give out this info. Also please call

when the parishioner is well, so we may take

them off the list and say a prayer of thanksgiving.

Pray for Our Military especially for

those from Corpus Christi Parish

Ryan Beil, Joseph Mangieri, Samuel “Max”

Hess, Tony Trisilla, Mark McDowell , Jimmy

Nache, Zach Kaniewski, Kim Becker,

Matthew Schiff, Christopher Edwards*, Sean Hatfield,

Brett Cutts, Maria Blunt, Nathan Jones, Kavan Woodruff,

Timothy Brennan, Jesus Weigand

If you have a family member serving in the Military please

contact Kathy Ensley at 368-7191 when your loved one comes

home, please call and we will remove their name from the list

and offer prayers of thanksgiving for their safe return.

* Serving Combat Duty

Prayer Warriors: Every day is abortion

day now that they are doing chemical

abortions in Peoria.

7x7x7x: 7am, 7pm-7 words “Lord, please

stop abortion in this country.”


26TH: PRO-LIFE PASTORS’ DINNER, at 7:00 p.m. at Corpus




reservations, which are required, please call Pat C, 309-343-2852


at 6:30 at Bethel Baptist Church at 1196 N. Academy

Street. Scott Klusendorf, President of LIFE TRAINING

INSTITUTE, will be the keynote speaker. He trains pro-life

advocates to persuasively defend their views. Come and learn

how to be an effective defender of life. Admission is free.

Refreshments will be served. A free will offering will be

taken. For more information call Pat C., 309-343-2852 or Lisa L.


Mark you calendar for our

Vegetable Soup, Ham & Bean Fundraiser

on November 17th.

Adoration Opportunities in our community:

Did you know that Eucharistic Adoration is of-

fered at St. Patrick’s every Wednesday from 8:30

AM until 5:00 PM, Every Saturday at Corpus

Christi from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM and at the Adoration Chapel at IHM 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please visit our Lord, He is there waiting for you !

October 13, 2019 4


Saturday, October 12th & Sunday, October 13th

5:30 pm Lesli Page Ross

Richard & Donna Ross

7:00 am Joe Vega

Bob & Mary Davison Family

10:00 am Fred & Gerry Burke


Tuesday, October 15th

12:10 pm Mike Cratty Karen & Mark Cratty

Thursday, October 17th

12:10 pm Richard McKillip

Fred & Carol McAlister

Saturday, October 19th & Sunday, October 20th

5:30 pm John Rice Family

7:00 am William J. Miller Kate Larson

10:00 am Pat Hoyt

Beth Foley

Anniversaries of our faithful departed:

John Perardi, Margaret Sullivan, Ray Krupps, John Dolinsek, Virginia Welsh, Gus Hoosen, Anita Graham, Travis Humes, Evelyn Scott, Zachary Durbin, Frank Wells, Vicki Jones,Marie Campbell, Carl Thurman, Jesus Cervantez, Frank McGuire, Judith Poplett, Marjorie Bell, Jacqueline Sexton, Rev. Joseph T.

MacPoland, I.C., Donald Camper, Tom Marry, Maynard Ellison, Anna Jorn, Carl Olson, William Mitchell, Cecil Mixer, Pearl Pillasch, Helen Carr,

Jimmy Larson, Sophia Wells, Matthew McLaughlin, Margaret Peg Risin, Glenn Thurman, Blanche

Freiburg, Guadalupe Alvarado

Eternal Rest, Grant Unto Them O Lord & Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them

Corpus Christi Parish

FOR October 19th & October 20th ALTAR SERVERS

5:30 pm Jacinta & Josie Boynton, Madeline Bond

10:00 am Abby Lingafelter, Faby & Briana Chavez READERS

5:30 pm Diane Kinyon

7:00 am John Kennedy

10:00 am Heather Acerra



5:30 pm Skip Kinyon

7:00 am Jancie Crummer

10:00 am Kristin & Matt Lingafelter


5:30 pm Timothy Jones, Anthony Wilson

7:00 am Tom Egan, Mark McLaughlin & Pat Weigand

10:00 am Jesse Valdez, Bob Dowd

Weekend Collection for Sunday, October 6th

Weekly Expenses: $8400.00

Collection Totals: $7740.90

Shortfall: $659.10

Pennies for Life: $176.24


( please insert Neil Thomas Plumbing ad from back)

CELEBRANT SCHEDULE~ Oct. 19th & Oct. 20th

4:00 p.m.-IHM~ Fr. Jacob Rose

5:30 p.m.-Corpus Christi ~ Fr. Deus

7 a.m. -Corpus Christi ~ Fr. Deus

8 a.m.-IHM~ Fr. Bill Miller

9 a.m. -St. Patrick’s ~ Fr. Pat Riordan

9:30 a.m. -Sacred Heart ~ Fr. Jacob Rose

10 a.m. -Corpus Christi ~ Fr. Bill Miller

11 a.m.-IHM~ Msgr. Ernie

6:00 p.m. Sunday Night–IHM~ Fr. Jacob Rose
