1 st Vice Commander –Membership is currently at 82%. May 5 is the date for us  to reach



The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED. Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385. The Victor’s Voice. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY MARCH 2012. Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org. COMMANDER - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1st Vice Commander –Membership is currently at 82%. May 5 is the date for us to reach our 100% goal, which i think requires us to renew or recruit 236 members into the Post. There is going to be a lot going on over the next couple of months so keep up with the calendar. Don’t forget our American Legion Birthday/St. Patrick’s Day/Member Appreciation Day celebration on Sat 18 Mar. Post will provide Fried Chicken. Bring your favorite dish for the Potluck. Music by Amos. For God and Country.....Mouse

Commander’s Corner - At the General Membership meeting on March 13, we will start taking nominations for Post Officers for 2012 – 2013. As the Legion Convention is on Jun 7, 2011, we must hold our elections at least 10 days before the Convention. So our Post elections will be held on May 8, 2012. Holding office at the Post is not just about filling the position which you are elected for, it’s about volunteering your time and energy to support/help with all of the functions/events held at the Post. Here are the “DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMEN (HOUSE COMMITTEE). The House Committee shall be comprised of the five (5) Executive Committeemen. The Chairman of the House Committee shall be elected by it’s five members. The House Committee is responsible to the Executive Committee for maintaining qualified personnel in the positions of Post Janitorial, Maintenance, and Yard/Grounds work. They are further charged with hiring a qualified Lounge Manager, who must be a Post member in good standing. They also oversee the post Kitchen operations. They will ensure all personnel carry out their assigned duties in accordance with Post policy/directives, job descriptions and local health guidelines. They shall also provide assistance to the Lounge Manager on an as needed basis. They will report all recommended changes and/or discrepancies (except emergencies) to the Executive Committee before a final approval is made.” If you think you can make a difference at Post 240, then run for one of the five House Committeemen. Attendance at the meetings are falling off, please try to attend General Meetings to see what your Post is doing in support of the Veterans. Come support the Member Appreciation Day/American Legion Birthday/St. Patty’s Day in the Lounge on Sunday March 18 at 1:00PM. Please support the Ladies of Unit 240. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin

Nonprofit org.U.S. Postage

PAIDPensacola, FL

Permit No. 385

The American LegionWarrington Post 240

8666 Gulf Beach HighwayPensacola FL 32507-2639


FOR GOD AND COUNTRY MARCH 2012Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org

The Victor’s VoiceCOMMANDERJimmy Martin 982-1947ADJUTANTMichael Munoz 225-34321ST VICE COMMANDERMichael Munoz 225-34322ND VICE COMMANDERVacant3RD VICE COMMANDERBill Eastman 457-8419FINANCE OFFICERHal Eyerly 944-7741HISTORIANChuck Krahn 458-0530SERGEANT-AT-ARMSJake Taffaro 251-987-5848CHAPLAINStu Baker 292-9215SERVICE OFFICERRandy McGhee 698-4171ALR DIRECTORRichard Raborn 380-4814SAL COMMANDERJimmy Martin 982-1947HOUSE COMMITTEEPhil Gist 456-2914Al Rogers 455-2741Ron Woolsey 453-6969Michael Holdener 291-6922John Wyers 453-6735POST LOUNGE 455-6111

LADIES AUXILIARYPRESIDENTKim Edens 229-444-0869CHAPLAINLinda Mackin 455-5392

SAL: Membership is at 78.26 %. I hope someone steps up to run for the SAL Commander position next year. I won’t be the Post Commander or SAL Commander. If no one runs then the SAL may be dissolved and all the Squadron 240 members will have to transfer elsewhere. Please get involved in the SAL if you are member. Jimmy Lee Martin Acting SAL Cdr

Legion Riders, Bike Night is on the third Thursday of the month, come out and support the riders. Our next Bike Night is on March 15th at 6:00 pm; hope to see you all there. Our Fun Run is scheduled for the 24th of March starting at 0900. Come on out and have a little fun with the Rider’s. Our next meeting will be on March 11th at 10:00 am, please try to attend. Remember nominations for all Officers begin this month with the election in May. For God and Country Richard Raborn Director

Adjutant - If any one would be interested in taking over as the Editor of our monthly Victor’s Voice and website by June please contact me for more information. Mouse

POST 240 House Committee -The Post is currently accepting applications for the position of LOUNGE

MANAGER. Applicants must be a member of Post 240 to be considered. Please submit applications to the Lounge

Manager or a Post Officer. House Committee Chairman Al Rogers

Bingo: Bingo turned in $1000.00 to the Post. We are always needing new volunteers to help, if you want to help see me please. Jimmy Lee Martin Chairman

Come Join Us!
