1. Magnetism and the Earth 2. Lightning and Electrostatics 3. The Discovery of Current Electricity...


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1. Magnetism and the Earth2. Lightning and Electrostatics 3. The Discovery of Current Electricity4. Volts, Amps and Ohms5. Electricity and Magnetism6. Electromagnetism

Static Electricity(a little more)

Otto von Guericke - Magdeburg, Germany

Otto von Guericke - Magdeburg, Germany

Otto von Guericke - Magdeburg, Germany

Vacuum pump

Otto von Guericke - Magdeburg, Germany

Otto von Guericke - Magdeburg, Germany


Otto von Guericke - Magdeburg, Germany

Otto von Guericke


Galvani and his frogs

Luigi Galvani (1737-1798)Anatomy ProfLooking for ‘Life Force’Found that electricity made

frog legs twitch(but that wasn’t the important discovery!)

Galvani and his frogs

Galvani and his frogsShowed that contact

between different metals and the muscles also made the legs twitch.

So were the two metals producing electricity somehow?

Alessandro Volta

Took up Galvani’s discoveryShowed that two different

metals were producing the same effect as ‘electricity’

Alessandro Volta

Wondered if static electricity and ‘metal’ electricity were really the same thing.

Invented the ‘Voltaic Pile’First battery

Alessandro Volta

He showed that the ‘Voltaic pile’ had the same effect as static

by collecting both in a ‘Leyden jar’.

Alessandro Volta

Leyden jarCapacitors

J J Thomson showed that ‘cathode rays’ appeared to be negative particles that moved through metals.

Now called ‘electrons’

Electric current: – rate of transfer of positive charge

Mechanically push charges on to dome.

Two ways to get current flowing – 1

Van de Graaff pushes charges up onto the dome until they are so concentratedconcentrated that they jump off as sparks.

HIGH VOLTAGE(high concentration)(high concentration)but low current

Two ways to get current flowing – 1

Batteries push lots of chargesBut not very hardHigh current – Low VoltageLots of charges, but low


Two ways to get current flowing – 2Chemical action:

To flow, a current needs a ‘closed circuit’

The switch completes a path from one end of the battery to the other

Current is flowing charges

A simple ‘closed circuit’.

Path of current:Ammeter Ammeter

measures flow of measures flow of charges (current)charges (current)

Voltmeter Voltmeter measures measures concentration of concentration of charge (voltage)charge (voltage)

Current is flowing charges



2.4 volts

0.25 amps


When charges reach a thin filament they give up energy – as heat and light.

How do they ‘carry’ this energy?

Charges carry energy!

High voltsHigh volts

Low Low voltsvolts




The energy is carried as potential energy due to the concentration of concentration of the chargesthe charges.

Lower concentration lower potential energy

Charges carry energy!

Charges have to go faster when they reach the filament...

hit atoms harder … and so lose more energy.

Charges carry energy!

Low negative concentration (–1 V) Higher negative concentration (–12 V)

A little like water flowing over a waterfall

Big drop (high ‘voltage’)

Charges carry energy!

High gravitational potential energy

Low gravitational potential energy


Less drop, more water

Charges carry energy!

Less potential energy per kilogram ... but more kilograms


Less ‘volts’ but more ‘current’

SummaryHistorical introduction sets scene as a ‘human

adventure’. Follows formation of ideas.Van de Graaff and battery illustrate concepts of

voltage and current well.Voltage as ‘charge concentration’ can be imagined

– and is correct physics. (Sum of kq/r terms)Water flow as analogy for current has problems

due to lack of ‘negative water’ and direction of flow.

Water cycle as driven by Sun’s energy is a reasonable analogy for flow of energy around a circuit – compare the gravitational potential energy with the electrical potential energy.

Sets scene for Power = Volts x Current = E/C x C/t
