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Publ. Mat. 56 (2012), 393–412

DOI: 10.5565/PUBLMAT 56212 06



Fotini Dembegioti, Nansen Petrosyan, and Olympia Talelli

Abstract: For certain contractible G-CW-complexes and F a family of subgroups

of G, we construct a spectral sequence converging to the F-Bredon cohomology of G

with E1-terms given by the F-Bredon cohomology of the stabilizer subgroups. Asapplications, we obtain several corollaries concerning the cohomological and geometric

dimensions of the classifying space EFG. We also introduce, for any subgroup closedclass of groups F, a hierarchically defined class of groups and show that if a group G

is in this class, then G has finite F∩G-Bredon (co)homological dimension if and only

if G has jump F ∩G-Bredon (co)homology.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20J05.

Key words: classifying space, Bredon (co)homology, spectral sequence.

1. Introduction

In [4], Bredon introduced a cohomology theory for equivariant CW-complexes. One of the motivations was to develop an obstruction theoryfor equivariant extension of maps. This cohomology was further studiedby many authors with applications to proper group actions and classify-ing spaces for families of subgroups (e.g. see [18]).

For a collection of subgroups F of a group G that is closed underconjugation and finite intersections, one can consider the homotopy cat-egory of G-CW-complexes with stabilizers in F. A terminal object inthis category is called a model for the classifying space EFG, and onecan show that these models always exist under the given assumptionson F (e.g. see [18]). The augmented cellular chain complex of EFG yieldsa projective resolution which can be used to compute F-Bredon coho-mology of G. In relation to Baum-Connes and Farell-Jones Isomorphismconjectures (see [2], [22], [6]), there has been extensive research on ques-tions concerning finiteness properties of EFG, in particular when F is the

The second author was supported by the Research Fund K.U.Leuven and FWO-

Flanders Research Fellowship.

394 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli

family of finite subgroups or the family of virtually cyclic subgroups (e.g.see [13], [16], [19], [23]).

The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, given a G-CW-complex Xsuch that for each F ∈ F the subcomplex XF is contractible, we con-struct a spectral sequence converging to the F-Bredon cohomology ofG. The E1-terms of the spectral sequence are given in terms of Bredoncohomology of the stabilizer subgroups (see Theorem 3.5). As appli-cations, we obtain several corollaries concerning the cohomological andgeometric dimensions of EFG.

Secondly, using a construction similar to that of Kropholler’s class HX(see [14]), we introduce a new class of groups which is quite suited forapplying this spectral sequence.

Definition 1.1. Let F be a class of groups closed under taking subgroupsand let G be a group. We set F ∩ G = {H ≤ G | H is isomorphic to asubgroup in F}. Let X be a class of groups. Then H

FX is defined as thesmallest class of groups containing the class X with the property that ifa group G acts cellularly on a finite dimensional CW-complex X with allisotropy subgroups in H

FX and such that for each subgroup F ∈ F ∩Gthe fixed point set XF is contractible, then G is in H

FX. LHFX is defined

to be the class of groups that are locally HFX-groups.

If F contains the trivial group only, then LHFX is exactly Kropholler’s

class LHX. Perhaps surprisingly, when F is the class of all finite groups,then LH

FF also turns out to be quite large. It contains all elementaryamenable groups and all linear groups over a field of characteristic zero.It is also closed under extensions, taking subgroups, amalgamated prod-ucts, HNN-extensions, and countable directed unions. In view of this,we propose the following

Conjecture 1.2. Let F be the class of finite or virtually cyclic groups.Then, HF = H


Next, we extend the notion of jump (co)homology to the context ofBredon (co)homology and prove

Theorem (Theorem 6.3, Remark 6.5). An LHFF-group G has jump

F-Bredon cohomology if and only if G has a finite dimensional modelfor EFG, where F is the class of finite groups or the class of virtuallycyclic groups.

We note that the theorem does not hold if one removes the assumptionthat the group G is in LH

FF. Recently, Gandini showed that the firstGrigorchuk group G has jump cohomology of height one for the class

Intermediaries in Bredon (Co)homology and Classifying Spaces 395

of finite groups F (see [10, Proof of 4.7]). Yet he proved that G cannothave a finite dimensional model for proper actions EG since it has infiniterational cohomological dimension (see [10, 4.4]). Interestingly, this factalso allows one to conclude that G is not in LHF (see [10, 4.8], [24, 3.2]).Based on this, we propose

Conjecture 1.3. Let G be a LHF-group. Then G has jump F-Bredoncohomology if and only if G has a finite dimensional model for EFG,where F is the class of finite groups or the class of virtually cyclic groups.

Lastly, we address the applications of our results to elementaryamenable groups. In particular, we show

Theorem (Theorem 7.4). If an elementary amenable group G acts freelyand properly discontinuously on a manifold homotopy equivalent to aclosed manifold, then G has a finite dimensional model for EG.

2. Notations and preliminaries

We begin with some notions and well-established facts concerningmodules over the orbit category. To do homological algebra in the cate-gory of Bredon modules and in particular to define Bredon (co)homology,we follow the approach of Luck in [16, Chapter 9]. Let us briefly recallsome of the elementary notions we will need.

Let G be a group and let F be a collection of subgroups of G closedunder conjugation by every element of G and closed under taking sub-groups. Then for every subgroup S of G, the collection F∩S = {H ∩S |H ∈ F} is contained in F. We refer to F as a family of subgroups of G.

Let OFG denote the orbit category over F. A right OFG-module is acontravariant functor M : OFG → Ab. The category ModFG is definedas follows: the objects are all the OFG-modules and the morphisms areall the natural transformations between the objects. Similarly, a leftOFG-module is a covariant functor N → OFG → Ab and G -ModF isthe category with objects the left OFG-modules and morphisms all thenatural transformations between them.

For M ∈ ModFG and N ∈ G -ModF, we can define their tensorproduct over F by:

M ⊗F N =⊕H∈F

M(G/H)⊗N(G/H)/ ∼

where we identify (m)M(ϕ) ⊗ n ∼ m ⊗ N(ϕ)(n) for each morphism(ϕ : G/H → G/K) ∈ OFG and elements m ∈M(G/K), n ∈ N(G/H).

396 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli

A sequence 0→ M ′ → M → M ′′ → 0 in ModFG is called exact if itis exact after evaluating in G/H, for all H ∈ F. Now, let M ∈ ModFGand consider the left exact functor:

HomF(M,−) : ModFG→ Ab

N 7→ HomF(M,N),

where HomF(M,N) is the abelian group of all natural transformationsfrom M to N . The OFG-module P is said to be projective if the functorHomF(P,−) is exact. Just as for ZG-modules, projective OFG-modulesare flat, i.e. the functor P ⊗F − is exact.

The free ModFG-module PGK = Z[mapG(−, G/K)] based at G/K ∈OFG assigns to each G/H ∈ OFG the free Z-module generated by the setof all G-maps from G/H to G/K. In general, an OFG-module is said tobe free if it is naturally isomorphic to a direct sum of free OFG-modulesbased at objects of OFG. An OFG-module P is projective if and onlyif it is a direct summand of a free module if and only if every exactsequence 0→M → N → P → 0 splits (see [16, 9.20]).

It can be shown that ModFG contains enough projective objects toconstruct projective resolutions. Hence, we can define n-th Bredon ho-mology of G with coefficients in N ∈ G -ModF to be:

HFn(G,N) = TorFn(Z, N) = Hn(P∗ ⊗F N),

where P∗�Z is a projectiveOFG-resolution of the trivialOFG-module Z.Also, n-th Bredon cohomology of G with coefficients in M ∈ ModFG canbe defined as:

HnF(G,M) = ExtnF(Z,M) = Hn(HomF(P∗,M)).

Given M,N ∈ ModFG, we denote by M ⊗ N the right OFG-modulewhich assigns to each G/H ∈ OFG the Z-module M(G/H) ⊗N(G/H)and to each morphism ϕ : G/H → G/K of OFG, the homomorphism:

M(ϕ)⊗N(ϕ) : M(G/K)⊗N(G/K)→M(G/H)⊗N(G/H).

For each subgroup S of G, let I : OF∩SS → OFG be the covariantinclusion functor:

S/HIob7−→ G/H,

(S/Hx→ S/K : H 7→ xK)


7−→ (G/Hx→ H/K : H 7→ xK).

Intermediaries in Bredon (Co)homology and Classifying Spaces 397

As for modules over group rings, associated to I, there are inductionand restriction (additive) functors:

ResGS : ModFG→ ModF∩S S

M 7→M ◦ I,

IndGS : ModF∩S S → ModFG

M 7→M(?)⊗F∩S Z[mapG(−, I(?))].

We will need the following relations between them.

Lemma 2.1 ([20, 3.5]). Let F be any given family of subgroups of G.Suppose S is a subgroup of G, the modules M,Q ∈ ModFG and N ∈ G-ModF. Then, there are natural isomorphisms:

(Q⊗ IndGS Z)⊗F N ∼= ResGS Q⊗F∩S ResGS N,

HomF(Q⊗ IndGS Z,M) ∼= HomF∩S(ResGS Q,ResGS M).

3. Spectral sequence

In this section, we construct a spectral sequence associated to a G-CW-complex which is the Bredon analog of an E1-term spectral sequenceconverging the (co)homology of G (see [5, pp. 173–174]).

We begin with a basic lemma (see the proof of [20, 3.7]).

Lemma 3.1. Let F be a family of subgroups of G. For any given sub-groups F and H of G, there is an isomorphism:

ResGF IndGH Z ∼=⊕


Z[mapF (−, F/Hx−1

∩ F )].

In particular, if F ∈ F or H ∈ F, then the module ResGF IndGH Z is freein ModF∩F F .

Proof: This isomorphism readily follows from the fact that IndGH Z ∼=Z[mapG(−, G/H)] (see [20, 3.3]) and the isomorphism of F -sets, G/H ∼=qx∈F\G/HF/Hx−1 ∩ F .

398 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli

Proposition 3.2. Let F be any given family of subgroups of G. Let R∗�Z be a resolution in ModFG such that, for each i, Ri ∼=


IndGGσ Z,where Σi is an index set and Gσ is a subgroup of G. Then, for modules Nin G-ModF and K, M in ModFG, there are first quadrant spectral se-quences:

E1p,q(N) =


TorF∩Gσq (ResGGσ K,ResGGσ N) =⇒ TorFp+q(K,N),

Ep,q1 (M) =∏σ∈Σp

ExtqF∩Gσ (ResGGσ K,ResGGσ M) =⇒ Extp+qF (K,M).

Proof: We derive the cohomological spectral sequence and note that thehomological part is similar.

Let Q∗ � K be a free resolution of the module K in ModFG. Byfiltering the cochain complex:

C∗,∗∗ = HomF(Q∗ ⊗R∗∗,M)

by rows and by columns, we respectively obtain the E2- and E1-termfirst quadrant spectral sequences:

IEp,q2 (M) = HphHq

v(C∗,∗∗) =⇒ Hp+qF (Tot(C∗,∗∗)),

IIEp,q1 (M) = Hqh(C∗,∗∗) =⇒ Hp+q

F (Tot(C∗,∗∗)).

We claim that, for all q > 0 and p ≥ 0, IEp,q2 (M) = 0 and IEp,02 (M) =Hp(HomF(Q∗,M)) = ExtpF(K,M). Therefore,

Hp+qF (Tot(C∗,∗∗)) ∼= Extp+qF (K,M) for all p, q ≥ 0.To this end, suppose Qi = Z[mapG(−, G/F )] for some G/F ∈ OFG

and i ≥ 0. Then,

Ci,∗∗ = HomF(Z[mapG(−, G/F )]⊗R∗∗,M)

∼= HomF(IndGF Z⊗R∗∗,M)

∼= HomF∩F (ResGF R∗∗,ResGF M).

By Lemma 3.1, it follows that ResGF R∗∗ is free in ModF∩F F . Thus,

ResGF R∗∗ � Z is a free resolution in ModF∩F F . Hence, Hq(Ci,∗∗) =

HqF∩F (F,ResGF M) = 0 for all q > 0.In general, since Qi is a direct sum of free OFG-modules based at

objects of OFG, this argument shows that Hqv(C∗,∗∗) = 0 for q > 0 and

H0v(C∗,∗∗) = HomF(Q∗,M) which finishes the claim.

Intermediaries in Bredon (Co)homology and Classifying Spaces 399

Also, by Lemma 2.1, for each p ≥ 0 we have:

HomF(Q∗ ⊗Rp,M) ∼=∏σ∈Σp

HomF(Q∗ ⊗ IndGGσ Z,M)


HomF∩Gσ (ResGGσ Q∗,ResGGσ M).

Since restriction functor respects projective modules (see [20, 3.7]), thisentails:

IIEp,q1 (M) =∏σ∈Σp

Hq(HomF∩Gσ (ResGGσ Q∗,ResGGσ M))


ExtqF∩Gσ (ResGGσ K,ResGGσ M).

By substituting the new terms into the E1-term spectral sequence, weobtain the desired spectral sequence.

Remark 3.3. When K is the trivial module Z, we obtain the (co)homo-logical spectral sequences:

E1p,q(N) =


HF∩Gσq (Gσ,ResGGσ N) =⇒ HF


Ep,q1 (M) =∏σ∈Σp

HqF∩Gσ (Gσ,ResGGσ M) =⇒ Hp+q

F (G,M).

We will assume throughout that whenever a group G acts cellularlyon a CW-complex, then the action of the stabilizer group of any cell fixesthat cell pointwise.

Lemma 3.4. Let F be any given family of subgroups of G. Suppose Xis a G-CW-complex and denote by CF

∗∗(X,Z) the Bredon chain complexof X. Then, for each i, we have:

CFi (X,Z) ∼=


IndGGσ Z,

where Σi is a set of representatives of all the G-orbits of i-cells of Xand Gσ is the isotropy of σ.

Proof: For each H ∈ F, we obtain:

CFi (X,Z)(G/H) = Ci(X

H ,Z) ∼=⊕σ∈Σi


On the other hand, Z[mapG(−, G/Gσ)]∼=IndGGσ Z, (see [20, 3.3]). Hence,the result is proved.

400 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli

Theorem 3.5. Let F be any given family of subgroups of G. Suppose Xis a G-CW-complex such that for each F ∈ F the subcomplex XF iscontractible. Then, for modules N in G-ModF and K,M in ModFG,there are first quadrant spectral sequences:

E1p,q(N) =


TorF∩Gσq (ResGGσK,ResGGσN) =⇒ TorFp+q(K,N),

Ep,q1 (M) =∏σ∈Σp

ExtqF∩Gσ (ResGGσ K,ResGGσ M) =⇒ Extp+qF (K,M),

where Σp denotes a set of representatives of all the G-orbits of p-cellsof X.

Proof: Let R∗ = CF∗ (X,Z) be the Bredon chain complex associated toX.

By our hypothesis it is exact and thus a resolution of Z. The proof isnow a direct consequence of Lemma 3.4 and Proposition 3.2.

4. Applications

Here we present some immediate corollaries of the constructed spec-tral sequences. Although a number of these results have already beenderived using several different techniques, we reprove them here to illus-trate the versatility of our approach. Throughout this section, cdF(G)denotes the Bredon cohomological dimension of G with respect to thefamily of subgroups F. We substitute cdF(G) by either cd(G) or cd(G)when F is the family of finite or virtually cyclic subgroups, respectively.

As a first application of Theorem 3.5, we generalize the result obtainedin [21, 3.4] to an arbitrary family F and obtain an improved bound.

Corollary 4.1. Let F be a family of subgroups of G. Suppose X is a G-CW-complex such that for each F ∈ F the subcomplex XF is contractible.Suppose also there is an integer b such that cdF∩Gv (Gv) ≤ b where v runsover all the vertices of X. Then,

cdF(G) ≤ b+ dim(X).

Next, we present a new proof of a result of Martınez-Perez (see [20,4.1]) which can be seen as an algebraic analogue of a result of Luck andWeiermann (see [19, 5.1]).

Corollary 4.2. Let G be a group and F ⊆ G be families of subgroupsof G. Suppose that there exists an integer d such that for every H ∈ Gwe have cdF∩H(H) ≤ d. Then,

cdF(G) ≤ cdG(G) + d.

In particular, cd(G) ≤ cd(G) + 1.

Intermediaries in Bredon (Co)homology and Classifying Spaces 401

Proof: Let R∗ � Z be the restriction to ModFG of a free resolution

in ModGG of length cdG(G). Note that R∗ ∼=⊕

σ∈ΣiIndGGσZ, where

Σ∗ is an index set and each Gσ ∈ G. Now, an easy application of thecohomological spectral sequence of Remark 3.3 for the family F provesthe first inequality.

From this and the fact that any virtually cyclic group has a 1-di-mensional classifying space for proper actions we can deduce the secondinequality.

The following corollary has also been recently proven by Fluch andNucinkis in [9, 3.1] using a different method (see also [8, 3.42]).

Corollary 4.3. Let G be a countable directed union of groups Gi. LetF be a family of subgroups of G such that each H ∈ F is a subgroup ofsome Gj, Then,

cdF(G) ≤ 1 + max{cdF∩Gi(Gi)}.

Proof: Since G is countable, it follows by Bass-Serre theory [26] thatthere exists aG-treeX such thatXGi 6= ∅ for everyGi. Since eachH ∈ Fis a subgroup of some Gj , one has that XGj ⊆ XH . In particular, XH isnonempty and hence it is connected, because if an element g ∈ G stabi-lizes two vertices of X then g stabilizes the (unique) path that connectsthem. This implies that XH is contractible for every H ∈ F. Then, byCorollary 4.1, it follows that cdF(G) ≤ dim(X) + max{cdF∩Gi(Gi)} asclaimed.

Remark 4.4. Note that the above conditions on the family of subgroupsare satisfied when F is the class of finite subgroups, virtually cyclic sub-groups, or more generally consisting of groups that are subgroups offinitely generated subgroups of G.

Let gd(G) denote the minimal dimension of all classifying spaces EGof G. As a corollary, we deduce an algebraic analog of a theorem of Luck(see [17, 3.1]).

Corollary 4.5. Suppose 1 → H → Gπ−→ Q → 1 is a short exact

sequence of groups and suppose further there is an upper bound k on theorder of the finite subgroups of Q. Then,

cd(G) ≤ k(gd(H)) + cd(Q).

Proof: For each finite subgroup F of Q, the subgroup π−1(F ) is anextension of H by F . By Serre’s construction (see the proof of Propo-sition 5.4 or [26]), it has a |F |(gd(H))-dimensional model for Eπ−1(F ).

402 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli

Hence, its Bredon cohomological dimension is bounded by k(gd(H)).Now, applying the previous corollary ends the proof.

Next, we derive a long exact sequence first obtained by Martınez-Perez(see [20, 4.2]) which is the Bredon analogue of the long exact sequencein ordinary cohomology arising from a cellular action on a tree.

Corollary 4.6. Suppose F is a family of subgroups of G and X is aG-tree such that for each F ∈ F, XF is nonempty. Denote by Gv thestabilizer of a vertex v and by Ge the stabilizer of an edge e. Let Σ0

and Σ1 be the sets of G-orbit representatives of the vertexes and theedges of X, respectively. Then, for every M in ModFG, there is a longexact sequence:

· · · → HiF(G,M)→


HiF∩Gv (Gv,ResGGv M)


HiF∩Ge(Ge,ResGGeM)→ Hi+1

F (G,M)→ · · ·

Proof: Let us consider the spectral sequence of Theorem 3.5 applied tothe G-CW-complex X and K = Z. On the first page there are only twopossibly nonzero vertical lines, i.e. Ep,q1 (M) = 0 for p > 1. Therefore, wehave a Wang sequence (see for example [28, p. 130]):

· · · → HiF(G,M)→ E0,i

1 (M)→ E1,i1 (M)→ Hi+1

F (G,M)→ · · ·Substituting the E1-terms, yields the desired long exact sequence.

Consequently, we obtain a Mayer-Vietoris sequence for amalgamatedproducts.

Corollary 4.7. Let G = A∗CB, where A, B and C are groups and sup-pose M in ModFG. Suppose, every F in F is a subgroup of a conjugateof A or B. Then, there is a long exact sequence:

· · · → HiF(G,M)→ Hi


→ HiF∩C(C,ResGCM)→ Hi+1

F (G,M) · · ·

Proof: Let X be the Bass-Serre tree of G. The result immediately followsfrom Corollary 4.6.

Remark 4.8. This Mayer-Vietoris sequence has already been derived in[22, 3.32] by a different approach, using a homotopy-push-out of theinduced spaces of the classifying spaces corresponding to the subgroupsin the amalgamated product.

Intermediaries in Bredon (Co)homology and Classifying Spaces 403

5. HFX-groups

We begin with the definition of a class of groups which is analogousto Kropholler’s definition of the class HX (see [14]).

Unless otherwise specified, F will denote a subgroup closed class ofgroups. Note that for any group G the collection:

F ∩G = {H ≤ G | H is isomorphic to a subgroup in F}is then a family of subgroups of G. If F is the class of finite groups, whenreferring to Bredon (co)homology of G with respect to F ∩ G, we willsimply say Bredon (co)homology of G.

Definition 5.1. Let X be a class of groups. HFX is defined as the

smallest class of groups containing the class X with the property that ifa group G acts cellularly on a finite dimensional CW-complex X with allisotropy subgroups in H

FX and such that for each subgroup F ∈ F ∩Gthe fixed point set XF is contractible, then G is in H


Remark 5.2. When F is the trivial class, then HFX is exactly the

Kropholler’s class HX. Also, note that X need not be a model for EFG,because we do not require for XF to be empty if F is not in F. It is, ina way, an intermediary complex.

There is also an inductive definition of HFX-groups, by using ordinal


(a) Let HF0X = X.

(b) For ordinal β > 0, define HFβX to be the class of groups that can

act cellularly on a finite dimensional CW-complex X such that eachisotropy group is in H

FαX for some α < β (α can depend on the

isotropy group) and for each subgroup F ∈ F ∩ G the fixed pointset XF is contractible.

We denote by LHFX the class of locally H

FX-groups, i.e. groups whosefinitely generated subgroups belong to H


Remark 5.3. It immediately follows:

• a group is in HFX if and only if it belongs to H

FαX for some ordi-

nal α;• H

FαX ⊆ HαX for each ordinal α where HαX is the Kropholler’s class

for the ordinal α;• G admits a finite dimensional model for EFG if and only if it is

in HF1F.

Proposition 5.4. HFX is subgroup closed. If F is the class of finite

groups, then HFF is extension closed.

404 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli

Proof: It is obvious that HFαX is subgroup closed for every ordinal α, so

HFX is subgroup closed.The proof that H

FF is extension closed is analogous to the proofof [14, 2.3]. First we prove that H

FαF is closed under finite extensions,

using induction on the ordinal α. This is obvious for α = 0. Assumethat it is true for all β < α and let G be a group with a finite indexsubgroup N that belongs to H

FαF. There is a finite dimensional N -CW-

complex X such that each isotropy group is in HFβF for some β < α and

XF is contractible for any finite subgroup F of N . Serre’s construction(cf. [5]) shows that the G-set Y = HomG(N,X) has the structure of aCW-complex via the bijection ϕ : Y →

∏t∈T X, with ϕ(f) = (f(t))t∈T

where T is a set of coset representatives of N in G. If K is the isotropygroup of an element f of Y then f(g) = f(gk) for all k ∈ K and g ∈ G.In particular f(e) = f(k) = kf(e) for all k ∈ N ∩ K, so N ∩ K is

a subgroup of the isotropy group of f(e), which belongs to HFβF for

some β < α. Since HFβF is subgroup closed it follows from the inductive

hypothesis that K belongs to HFβF. Next we show that Y F is contractible

for every finite subgroup F of G. For this, take a set S of double cosetrepresentatives, such that G = ∪s∈SNsF and let Fs = N ∩ sFs−1.The map ψ : Y F →

∏s∈S X

Fs with ψ(f) = (f(s))s∈S is well defined

because if f ∈ Y F and g ∈ Fs we have s−1gs ∈ F , so gf(s) = f(gs) =f(ss−1gs) = (s−1gsf)(s) = f(s), thus f(s) ∈ XFs . Obviously ψ is abijection and each XFs is contractible, so Y F is contractible.

Now, we prove by induction on the ordinal β that if N is an HFαF-sub-

group of G such that G/N is in HFβF then G is in H

FF. Indeed, theprevious argument proves this claim for β = 0. Let β > 0 and assumethat the claim holds for γ < β. Let X be a G/N -CW-complex withstabilizers in H

FγF for γ < β and XF be contractible for any finite sub-

group F of G/N . Then G acts on X via the projection π : G → G/Nwith cell stabilizers that are extensions of N by H

FγF-groups for γ < β.

It follows from the inductive hypothesis that these belong to HFF. Now,

if F is a finite subgroup of G then XF = Xπ(F ) is contractible sinceπ(F ) is a finite subgroup of G/N . Thus, G belongs to H


Proposition 5.5. If F is the class of finite groups, then HFF is closed

under countable directed unions, amalgamated products and HNN-exten-sions.

Proof: Let G =⋃n∈NGn where Gn ≤ Gn+1 and Gn ∈ H

FF for all n ∈ N.Then it follows from Bass-Serre theory that G acts on a tree T such that

Intermediaries in Bredon (Co)homology and Classifying Spaces 405

TGn 6= ∅ for every Gn. If F is a finite subgroup of G then F ≤ Gn forsome n ∈ N, so TF 6= ∅. Thus TF is contractible.

If G is an amalgamated product A ∗C B or an HNN-extension K∗α,then it follows again from Bass-Serre theory that G acts on a tree Tsuch that TA 6= ∅, TB 6= ∅ and TK 6= ∅, respectively. The same is truefor every conjugate of A, B and K. Now, any finite subgroup F of G isconjugate to a subgroup of A or B, and K respectively, so TF 6= ∅ andhence it is contractible.

Theorem 5.6. If F is the class of finite groups, then HFF contains all

countable elementary amenable groups and all countable linear groupsover a field of characteristic 0.

Proof: Elementary amenable groups: HFF contains all finitely generated

abelian groups. Now, recalling Kropholler, Linnell and Moody’s induc-tive definition of elementary amenable groups (see [15]), by transfiniteinduction, using extensions and countable directed union closure, it fol-lows that H

FF contains all countable elementary amenable groups.

Linear groups: Since HFF is closed under countable directed unions,

it suffices to consider finitely generated linear groups. In [14, 2.5],Kropholler proves that countable linear groups over a field of charac-teristic 0 belong to HF, making crucial use of results of Alperin andShalen (see [1]). Since torsion free HF-groups belong to H

FF, it followsthat torsion free linear groups belong to H

FF. Now, by a theorem ofBorel (cf. Theorem 1.5 in [1]) every finitely generated linear group isvirtually torsion free. Since H

FF is closed under finite extensions, theresult follows.

6. Finiteness properties

A weaker notion than (co)homological dimension called (co)homolog-ical jump height has been introduced in [24] and many of its finitenessproperties have been considered in [25]. When studying group actionson certain complexes, we have seen that it is often more natural to utilizejump height rather than (co)homological dimension. Here, we extend thedefinition of jump (co)homology and jump height to Bredon cohomologyand consider some applications.

Definition 6.1. A discrete group G has jump F-Bredon (co)homologyif there exists an integer k ≥ 0, such that for each subgroup H of G wehave hdF∩H(H) =∞ (cdF∩H(H) =∞) or hdF∩H(H) ≤ k (cdF∩H(H) ≤k). The minimum of all such k is called the jump height and denotedhjhF(G) (cjhF(G)).

406 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli

First, we need a generalization of Benson’s lemma (see [3, 5.6]) thatapplies in our context.

Lemma 6.2. Suppose that Gα (0 ≤ α < γ, G0 = {e}) is an ascendingchain of groups with union G = ∪α<γGα, for some ordinal γ. Let F be afamily of subgroups of G such that every H ∈ F is a subgroup of some Gα.If M is a module in ModFG whose restriction to each subgroup Gα isprojective in ModF∩Gα Gα, then M has projective dimension at mostone.

Proof: Denote ZGα =⊕

δ≥α Z[mapG(−, G/Gδ)]. Since M ⊗ ZGα∼=⊕

δ≥α IndGGδ ResGGδM , by adjointness of induction and restriction anddefinition of projectives, we can deduce that Qα := M ⊗ ZGα is projec-tive.

Given α ≤ β, we define an epimorphism ψβα : ZGα → ZGβ as fol-lows: the summand Z[mapG(−, G/Gδ)] of ZGα is mapped to the sum-mand Z[mapG(−, G/Gµ)] of ZGβ , where µ = max{β, δ}, by the natural

quotient map G/Gδ → G/Gµ. Note that ψβα induces an epimorphismidM ⊗ψβα : Qα → Qβ .

Let Pα be the kernel of idM ⊗ψα0 : Q0 → Qα. If α ≤ β < γ, thenPα ≤ Pβ . Since Qβ is projective, the epimorphism idM ⊗ψβα : Qα → Qβmust split. Then, the kernel which is isomorphic to Pβ/Pα, is projective.

Also, it follows from our hypothesis that for each α, there exists anepimorphism from ZGα onto Z[mapG(−, G/G)] ∼= Z that maps eachsummand Z[mapG(−, G/Gδ)] of ZGα to Z[mapG(−, G/G)] via the trivialquotient map G/Gδ → G/G. This epimorphism induces an epimorphismφα : Qα →M . Note that for each α ≤ β, we have φβ ◦ (idM ⊗ψβα) = φα.

Let Pγ the kernel of the induced epimorphism from Q0 to M . Thefact that lim−→ZGα = Z, implies that lim−→Qα = M . So, we can deduce thatPγ = ∪α<γPα. Now, by using transfinite induction, it is not difficult tosee that,

Pγ ∼=⊕α<γ


and hence it is projective. Since M ∼= Q0/Pγ , it has projective dimensionat most one.

Following the notation of the previous section, let hdF∩G(G)(cdF∩G(G)) denote the Bredon (co)homological dimension of the groupGwith respect to a class of groups F.

The next result is a generalization of Theorem 3.3 of [24], Theorem 8of [27], and of Proposition 3.1 of [12].

Intermediaries in Bredon (Co)homology and Classifying Spaces 407

Theorem 6.3. Let F be a subgroup closed class of groups and let X be aclass of groups with finite Bredon (co)homological dimension with respectto F. Suppose G is in H

FX or F∩G consists of groups that are subgroupsof finitely generated subgroups of G and G is in LH

FX. Then G has finiteBredon (co)homological dimension with respect to F if and only if G hasjump Bredon (co)homology with respect to F.

Proof: We will prove the result for cohomology. The homological versionis analogous.

One direction is trivial. So, let G have jump Bredon cohomology withrespect to F. Suppose G is in H

FX. Since G is in HFαX for some ordinal α,

we can assume by transfinite induction, there exists a finite dimensionalG-CW-complex X such that for each F ∈ F ∩G the subcomplex XF iscontractible and that each isotropy group has finite Bredon cohomologi-cal dimension bounded by cjhF(G). Now, applying Theorem 3.5, we can

deduce that HiF(G,M) = 0 for all i > cjhF(G) + dim(X). Therefore,

G has finite Bredon cohomological dimension equal to cjhF(G).

Suppose G is in LHFX and F∩G consists of groups that are subgroups

of finitely generated subgroups of G. Let P∗ � Z be a projective reso-lution of Z in ModFG and denote d = cjhF(G). We first show that themodule Pd has projective dimension at most 1.

If G is countable, then there is an ascending chain of finitely generatedsubgroups Gi, i ∈ N, such that G = ∪∞i=1Gi. Since, each Gi belongs tothe class H

FX, we have cdF∩Gi(Gi) ≤ d. So, Lemma 6.2 implies thatPd has projective dimension at most 1.

If G is uncountable, we proceed by induction on the cardinality of G.The group G can be expressed as an ascending union of subgroups,G = ∪α<γGα for some ordinal γ, such that each subgroup Gα has strictlysmaller cardinality than G. By induction, cdF∩Gα(Gα) ≤ d for each α.Again, applying Lemma 6.2, shows that the module Pd has projectivedimension at most 1.

Since Pd has projective dimension at most 1, the trivial module Z hasprojective dimension at most d+ 1. It follows that cdF(G) ≤ d+ 1, andhence cdF(G) = d.

Remark 6.4. We give an alternative proof of the first part of this result.Let X be a G-CW-complex such that for each F ∈ F∩G the subcom-

plex XF is contractible and that each isotropy group has finite F-Bre-don cohomological dimension bounded by cjhF(G). Since XF is con-

tractible for each F ∈ F ∩ G, the chain complex CF∗ (X,Z) is exact. By

the induction, plF∩Gσ (Z) ≤ cjhF(G) for each Gσ. Since CFi (X,Z) ∼=

408 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli⊕σ∈Σi

IndGGσ Z, we obtain plF∩Gσ (CFi (X,Z)) ≤ cjhF(G) for each i. It

follows that plF(Z) ≤ cjhF(G) + dim(X). Since G has jump Bredoncohomology, this shows plF(Z) = cjhF(G).

Remark 6.5. Note that by a result of Luck [16], Theorem 6.3 establishesin particular that:

(i) Every HFF-group has jump F-Bredon cohomology if and only if G

has a finite dimensional model for EFG.

(ii) Every LHFF-group has jump F-Bredon cohomology if and only if

G has a finite dimensional model for EFG, where F is the class offinite groups or the class of virtually cyclic groups.

It follows from Theorem 5.6 that when F is the class of finite groups,the class LH

FF contains all elementary amenable groups and all lineargroups of characteristic zero. Applying Theorem 6.3, we obtain thefollowing corollary which is a generalization of a result of Jo and Nucinkis(see [12, 3.2])

Corollary 6.6. Let G be an elementary amenable group or a lineargroup of characteristic zero. Then G has jump F-Bredon cohomology ifand only if G has a finite dimensional model for EFG, where F is theclass of finite groups.

Definition 6.7. A group G has periodic F-Bredon cohomology withperiod q > 0 after k steps, if the functors Hn

F(G,−) and Hn+qF (G,−) are

naturally equivalent for all n > k.

Using the Eckmann-Shapiro lemma it is easily proved that periodicBredon cohomology after some steps is a subgroup closed property, i.e.every subgroup S of G has periodic F ∩ S-Bredon cohomology with pe-riod q after k steps.

Corollary 6.8. Let G be in LHFF, where F is the class of finite groups.

Then G has periodic Bredon cohomology after some steps if and only ifG admits a finite dimensional model for EG.

Proof: Assume G has periodic Bredon cohomology with period q afterk steps, and let S be a subgroup with cd(S) = r. Then Hr

F∩S(S,M) 6= 0

for some OF∩SS-module M . If r > k then Hr+qF∩S(S,M) ∼= Hr

F∩S(S,M) 6=0 a contradiction, since Hr+q

F∩S(S,−) = 0. It follows that r ≤ k, soG has jump Bredon cohomology, and applying Theorem 6.3 and Luck’stheorem [16] we have that G admits a finite dimensional model for EG.

The converse is trivial, since HnF(G,−) = 0 = Hn+q

F (G,−) for anyq > 0 and n > cd(G).

Intermediaries in Bredon (Co)homology and Classifying Spaces 409

7. Applications for elementary amenable groups

Lastly, we derive some corollaries of Theorem 6.3 regarding elemen-tary amenable groups.

Proposition 7.1. Let F be a field of characteristic zero and supposeG is an elementary amenable group. Then, the conditions that G hasfinite Hirsch length, G has finite homological dimension over F, G hasjump homology over F, G has jump Bredon homology, and G has finiteBredon homological dimension are equivalent. Moreover,

h(G) = hdF(G) = hjhF(G) = hd(G) = hjh(G).

Proof: By the analogues of Proposition 4.3 of [23] and Lemma 2 of [11](see [7, p. 5]), hd(G) ≥ hdF(G) ≥ h(G). But, by Theorem 1 of Floresand Nucinkis in [7], h(G) = hd(G).

The second equality is a consequence of Theorem 6.3 assuming F is thetrivial class, X is the class of finite groups and the homology is consideredover the field F. The last equality follows again from Theorem 6.3 whereX = F is the class of finite groups.

The next theorem is a generalization of Corollary 4.3 of [12].

Proposition 7.2. Suppose F be a field of characteristic zero and G is anelementary amenable group. Let X be an n-dimensional G-CW-complex.Suppose there exists an integer k such that for each i > k, Hi(X,F) = 0and Hk(X,Z) ∼= Zm ⊕ A where m > 0 and A is a finite group. Ifall the stabilizer subgroups of the action of G on X have finite Bredonhomological dimension uniformly bounded by an integer b, then

hd(G) ≤ b+ n− k +1

2m(m− 1).

Proof: If G is elementary amenable, by Proposition 5.1 of [25] andProposition 7.1, hjhF(G) < b + n − k + 1

2m(m − 1). Again applyingProposition 7.1, finishes the proof.

Remark 7.3. Note that the assumptions of Theorem 7.2 can occur quitenaturally; for instance, when X is a proper G-CW-complex which isfinitely dominated or homotopy equivalent to a closed manifold. In par-ticular, we can deduce the following.

Theorem 7.4. Suppose G is an elementary amenable group acting freelyand properly discontinuously on an n-dimensional manifold M homotopyequivalent to a closed manifold N of dimension k. Then cd(G) ≤ n −k + 1.

410 F. Dembegioti, N. Petrosyan, O. Talelli

Proof: We first argue that we can, without loss of generality, assumethat the closed manifold N is orientable. Indeed, suppose it is not andconsider the oriented double covering N of N . Then, its pullback by thehomotopy equivalence from M to N gives us a double covering M of Mand a homotopy equivalence from M to N . Since G acts freely on M ,we can deduce that there exists a group G acting freely on M such thatZ2 EG and G/Z2

∼= G. But, in this case, cd(G) = cd(G) (see [23, 5.5]).So, we can assume that N is orientable.

Now, since Hk(M,Z) = Z and Hi(M,F) = 0 for i > k, where F is afield of characteristic 0, we have that hd(G) ≤ n − k. Hence, cd(G) ≤n− k + 1, because G is countable (see [23, 4.1]).


We would like to thank the referee for the helpful comments andsuggestions.


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Fotini Dembegioti and Olympia Talelli:

Department of Mathematics

University of AthensAthens

GreeceE-mail address: fdebeg@math.uoa.gr

E-mail address: otalelli@math.uoa.gr

Nansen Petrosyan:Department of Mathematics

Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenKortrijkBelgium

E-mail address: Nansen.Petrosyan@kuleuven-kortrijk.be

Primera versio rebuda el 8 d’agost de 2011,

darrera versio rebuda el 21 de novembre de 2011.
