094 Excellere Ezine


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    Excellere Ezine # 94Casa Juillet11 February 2011--------------------------------------------------

    Gossip................By Darth VaderKentucky Train Collision with Disk UFO, 2002 by..WikiLeaks Set To Reveal US-UFO War In Southern Ocean....................by Sorcha FaalModern Genomics ..................by Ana Maria Venegas.Mike Luckmanto plans for the cosmic majority 2012........................by Erik Mataxas.


    GOSSIP............................ by Darth Vader.

    E.O. 12958: DECL: 02/24/2016TAGS: PGOV PREL OVIP MASS MARR CI

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    1. (C) The U.S. Mission in Santiago welcomes your visit to Chile on March 2-3. Your presence isan excellent opportunity to further strengthen military-to-military relations and to encourage Chile toexercise greater regional leadership. We have had several successful high-level defense andsecurity-related exchanges, including a visit by Defense Secretary Gates to Chile in October 2007and Defense Minister Goni's April 2008 visit to the United States. In 2008 alone, we have had visitsfrom CSA Gen Casey, USMC Commandant Gen Conway, CNO Adm Roughead and SouthcomCommander Adm Stavridis (three times) who helped up the level of coordination with their Chileancounterparts.

    2. (C) Chile continues to promote "the Chilean way" through free trade agreements, closer tieswith like-minded countries, and new areas of cooperation (e.g. energy) with traditional allies,including the U.S. Chile is also trying to strengthen relations with its neighbors by promotingconcrete, confidence-building measures that focus on the future and avoid rehashing historicaldifferences. The Chilean economy has been impacted by the global financial crisis, but itsfundamentals remain strong. The Chilean military's international efforts are consistent with the

    Chilean government's goals of increasing global trade and ties with Chile's neighbors. The U.S. andChile have taken several positive steps to strengthen ties in the last year, and Chile is taking ongreater leadership roles. These include extending their PKO commitments in Bosnia and Haiti;encouraging the U.S. Congress to ratify the U.S. free trade agreements with Colombia andPanama; and endorsing the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), as well as the Global InitiativeAgainst Nuclear Terrorism, and joining the Partnership for Democratic Governance Steering Group.End summary.

    Concertacion Still in Power After 19 Years ------------------------------------------

    3. (U) Chile's center-left coalition government, known as the Concertacion, has been in powercontinuously since the end of Pinochet's military dictatorship in 1990. The election of currentpresident Michelle Bachelet in January 2006 was heralded as historic. Bachelet is Chile's first

    female president, a single mother and agnostic in a country with strong conservative Catholic roots,and a survivor of torture during the Pinochet regime. Bachelet has had her share of ups and downsduring her term in office. She started her presidency with soaring popularity and high expectations,but a series of domestic problems--including large student protests, the expensive, failed reform ofpublic transportation in the capital, and a number of relatively minor corruption scandals--led to adrop in public confidence. In recent months, however, Bachelet's star has begun to rise again as thepublic generally approves of her handling of the international financial crisis.

    4. (SBU) The Concertacion will face a test of its popularity in the presidential and parliamentaryelections to be held in December. Opposition candidate Sebastian Pinera, a wealthy businesstycoon and former presidential candidate and senator, enjoys a substantial lead over hisConcertacion rival, former president Eduardo Frei. While many believe that Pinera and his Alianzacoalition have their best chance ever to break Concertacion's domination of Chilean politics,analysts on both sides of the aisle believe that the election will be very close. Pinera and Frei bothrepresent centrist tendencies in their coalitions, so the actual political differences between the twoare not large. Instead, Pinera is trying to frame the election as a call for change, casting himself asthe agent of renewal. Regardless of who wins, U.S.-Chilean relations will remain strong.

    Chile on the International Stage --------------------------------

    5. (SBU) Bachelet performs well on the international stage and has contributed to Chile's risinginternational stature. In September 2008, she convened a summit of UNASUR, the nascent SouthAmerican political union, which helped to defuse, at least temporarily, the crisis in Bolivia and

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    prevented the meeting from degenerating into an anti-American forum. Chile serves as UNASUR'spresident pro tempore; has the largest group of Latin American peacekeepers in Haiti; and isgenerally active, if behind the scenes, in regional multilateral fora. The GOC sent two planeloads ofhumanitarian aid to Syria and donated money to the International Red Cross during the most recentIsraeli-Hamas conflict in the Gaza Strip. This demonstrated Chile,s international commitment toprovide aid but also helped appease Chile,s large Palestinian population of 400,000. Even thoughChile and the U.S. see eye to eye on many regional and international issues, Bachelet has made itclear that Chile does not blindly follow where the U.S. leads. In comments last fall during the UNGeneral Assembly, Bachelet said that the U.S. and Chile were "political friends, but notunconditional friends" and criticized the U.S. for its role in precipitating the financial crisis. She hasrepeated the latter charge in other public fora as well.

    6. (C) During the first visit of a Chilean head of state to Cuba in nearly 40 years (February 10-13),however, President Bachelet suffered her most serious foreign policy setback. She receivedconsiderable criticism from the opposition and the Christian Democratic Party (a leadingConcertacion member) for not meeting with Cuban dissidents and being the brunt of Fidel Castro,sbad manners. Hours following their meeting, the revolutionary leader issued a column that revealedpart of their private conversation in which Fidel pressed her on Bolivia,s access to the sea)-asensitive issue for Chile domestically.

    Chile's Strong Economy Being Tested by Financial Crisis --------------------------------------------- ----------

    7. (U) Chile is fortunate to be in a strong economic position as the global financial crisis unfolds.The country maintains a budget surplus (5.2% of GDP in 2008), has relatively low debt, and hasover USD $22 billion in offshore sovereign wealth funds, much of it from record copper revenues.Poverty has dropped from 40% of the national population in 1990 to 14% in 2006. Nonetheless, theglobal economic downturn has significantly impacted Chile's real economy, with only 3-4% GDPgrowth in 2008. Forecasts already predict much slower growth in 2009. President Bachelet recentlyannounced a $4 billion economic stimulus plan designed to create 100,000 jobs and maintain aGDP growth rate of 2-3% in 2009. The plan calls for increased public infrastructure spending,temporary tax cuts for businesses, direct payments to low-income families, and other incentives.

    8. (U) A decline in copper prices at the end of 2008, an economic downturn, and a likely rise in

    unemployment top the list of Chilean economic concerns. In December 2008, domestic economicactivity hit its lowest level since 1998. Copper accounted for 64% of Chile's exports in 2007, and theprice hit its lowest point in four years in December 2008. The financial crisis has affected liquidity inthe Chilean banking system, making it harder for some companies to maintain access to capital.Chile's trade volumes have decreased as a result of the global economic downturn. In January,exports decreased 41% and imports decreased 26% from the year before. These factors havecaused many companies to reduce investment plans, cut costs, and begin laying off workers.Unemployment was 7.5% in December 2008 and many predict it will increase significantly in 2009.Other economic worries include high inflation (6.3% in December 2008), though that rate has beendecreasing, high levels of consumer indebtedness, and low business confidence.

    The U.S. and Chile: Strong and Increasing Trade --------------------------------------------- ---

    9. (U) The U.S. and Chile implemented an FTA in 2004, which has achieved impressive results inthe bilateral trading relationship. The U.S. is Chile's largest trading partner, and Chile is our fifthlargest trading partner in Latin America. Overall bilateral trade grew by more than 200% during thefirst five years of the FTA, reaching $20.3 billion in 2007. Chile's top three exports to the U.S. in2008 were copper (34%), fruit (17%), and seafood (11%). The top three U.S. exports to Chile werenon-crude oil (30%), machinery (18%), and vehicles (8%). Chile ran a trade deficit with the U.S. in2008 for the first time since 2000.

    10. (SBU) Despite this FTA success, some economic sticking points between the U.S. and Chileremain. Chile is on the Special 301 Priority Watchlist for its poor performance in protecting

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    intellectual property rights (IPR), including copyrights, trademarks, pharmaceutical patents, andproprietary clinical trials. In October 2008, the Chilean Congress took a positive step by passing thePatent Cooperation Treaty. Drafts of four other IPR-related laws are still pending before theCongress. Chile still has a long way to go in its IPR protections, including improving enforcementmechanisms. For its part, Chile is concerned about negative U.S. press reports related to sanitaryconditions in the all-important salmon industry.

    The U.S. and Chile: Partners Across the Board --------------------------------------------- -

    11. (U) The U.S. and Chile continue to partner on a broad set of initiatives, including education,scientific research, and military-military cooperation. In May 2008, President Bachelet announcedgovernment plans to significantly increase scholarships for Chileans to study abroad. The new GOCscholarship program sent over 1,000 students/scholars overseas in 2008 and there are plans tosend 2,500 in 2009. Program leaders estimate that approximately one-third may choose to study inthe U.S. These exchanges build on the success of the U.S.-Chile Equal Opportunities ScholarshipProgram, inaugurated in 2007, to sponsor English and academic studies for Chilean PhD studentswho come from disadvantaged and rural areas that have not traditionally had access to Englishlanguage schools or study abroad opportunities.

    12. (U) In June 2008, President Bachelet and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger launched the

    Chile-California Partnership for the 21st Century. The partnership is fostering collaboration betweenindividuals, government, and the private sector in areas such as agriculture, energy efficiency,environmental resource management, and education. A similar program existed from 1963-1970and this renewed effort will seek to leverage the numerous economic and geographic similaritiesbetween Chile and California.

    Facing a Serious Energy Crisis ------------------------------

    13. (SBU) Chile continues to face a serious energy crisis which, at least in the shorter-term, isbeing addressed by industry making adjustments to accommodate fluctuating hydroelectricgeneration and reduced natural gas supplies. Uncertainty about how Chile will meet the projected12,000 MW it needs over the next 10 years, however, is having a negative impact on the country'seconomic growth and investment prospects. Chile's electricity matrix is dominated by hydropower

    and thermal plants with limited spare capacity. In 2007 and early 2008, record low water levelsforced hydropower plants to operate at minimum capacity and Argentina reduced exports of naturalgas to the bare minimum needed for residential use, forcing the entire thermal infrastructure to relymore heavily on expensive diesel and increase the use of coal.

    14. (SBU) Chile is building liquid natural gas (LNG) terminals, but natural gas supplies will still besubject to fluctuations in price and availability (and growing demand from China), as well as theneed to increase capacity to transport it to the center of the country from terminals. Moreover, dueto resistance from environmentalists and growing public concerns, the future of a large hydroelectricproject in Patagonia is very much in question. Although President Bachelet has promised not tointroduce nuclear power during her administration, a national debate over nuclear generated poweris underway. The National Energy Commission has commissioned three studies on nuclear energyissues and the two leading presidential candidates are pro-nuclear.

    15. (SBU) The GOC clearly recognizes the need to reduce energy consumption, increase energyefficiency, and explore the full range of energy sources, including renewables and nuclear. Thesituation is complicated by the fact that although Chile has a Minister of Energy, Marcelo Tokman,responsibility for energy policy is currently distributed among several government agencies. Theformation of a Ministry of Energy is still under discussion by lawmakers, but should be resolved bymid-2009. (Comment: Like several other senior Chilean government officials, Tokman carries thetitle "Minister" although there is currently no ministry that he commands. End Comment.)

    16. (SBU) President Bachelet, and nearly every minister with whom the Ambassador has met

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    since his arrival, have emphasized that Chile welcomes increased bilateral energy cooperation withthe U.S. across the board. As the GOC struggles to develop a coherent energy policy, we areworking with U.S. agencies and the Chilean Minister of Energy to increase bilateral cooperation infour target areas: renewable energy; nuclear power for electricity generation; energy policyformation; and energy efficiency. Of note, on 19 February, Minister Tokman met with Department ofEnergy Secretary Chu in Washington, D.C. to discuss Chile,s energy challenges and prospects, thepossibility of establishing a strategic partnership in the area of non-conventional renewable energyand the country,s strong ties to the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.

    Outstanding Mil-Mil Cooperation ------------------------------- 17. (C) The Bachelet administration isinterested in strengthening mil-mil relations as an element in modernizing and normalizing theChilean military's role in society. There have been several high-level exchanges on mil-mil issues inthe past years: Secretary of Defense Gates' October 2007 visit to Chile, Chilean Defense MinisterGoni's April 2008 visit to the U.S, three USSOUTHCOM CDR's visits to Chile in 2008, CSA GenCasey in April 2008, USMC Commandant Gen Conway in May 2008, CNO Adm Roughead inDecember 2008, and innumerable other general and flag officer and senior-level OSD visits.Together with the annual Defense Consultative Commission (OSD-Defense Ministry-level talks, tobe held 26-31 May 2009) and annual Joint Staff Talks (to be held November 2009), these visitshave intensified U.S.-Chile dialogues on mutual defense-related issues.

    18. (C) In April 2008, Minister of Defense Goni and the Secretary of Defense discussed defenseand security issues in Washington, D.C. Both agreed the U.S. and Chile share common values froma security standpoint, and that relations between OSD and the Ministry of Defense were strong andgrowing. The Secretary of Defense noted a recent agreement to expand the U.S.-Chile DefenseConsultative Commission (DCC) by adding two subcommittees on energy/environment andeducation, and the signing of the Master Information Exchange Agreement, all of which marked astep forward in the relationship. Minister Goni said the U.S. was Chile's most important defense andsecurity partner, and said Chile seeks greater interoperability with the U.S. Minister Goni alsohighlighted the Chilean Defense Ministry's current reform and transformation efforts, and expressedinterest in U.S. assistance in developing expertise in the Defense Ministry's civilian communitythough professional education opportunities in the U.S. (e.g., NDU, CHDS).

    19. (C) During his trip to the U.S., Minister Goni also visited the Western Hemisphere Institute for

    Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) to better understand the institution and its capabilities. Thereremains a small minority of opponents to WHINSEC in Chile (including some members ofCongress) and the Minister wants to take advantage of the transparency of WHINSEC to helpeducate this minority. To this end, the Minister, at the recommendation of the Secretary of Defense,has invited several Chilean Congress members and NGOs to visit WHINSEC in March 2009 in aneffort to help opponents better understand exactly what WHINSEC is all about. Of note, Chile hassent roughly 190 students to WHINSEC every year since 2006.

    20. (C) Goni noted that the pending transfer of the oiler USNS Andrew J. Higgins was importantto Chile's overall defense position. The Secretary reiterated his support for the transfer. (DAO Note:FY09 Ship Transfer Legislation passed the U.S. Senate in October, 2008 and Congressionalnotification was received the next month authorizing EDA transfer to Chile.) Goni said Chile wasinterested in more exercises with U.S. Special Forces, and also updated SECDEF on the status ofthe joint Chile-Argentina PKO force "Cruz del Sur." Goni characterized the level of securitycooperation between Chile and Argentina as "excellent." The Secretary expressed appreciation forChile's participation in MINUSTAH in Haiti. Noting the high level of proficiency and professionalismof Chilean military forces, the Secretary asked Goni to consider having Chile participate in theProliferation Security Initiative (PSI) Operational Experts Group. Goni said Chile was looking at thispossibility. 21. (C) In September 2008, after several years of effort explaining the benefits of theState Partnership Program (SPP), the GOC formally requested, via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,that Chile be considered to partner with the National Guard. The request also suggested that theTexas National Guard be strongly considered as the optimal partner in this new securitycooperation initiative. The current Chilean Army and Air Force service chiefs pushed for SPP

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    through Minister Goni, having noted the experience of National Guard service members in supportof OIF/OEF and in assisting with the aftermath of numerous natural disasters in the U.S. Theexpectation is that this security cooperation initiative will allow sharing experiences in disaster reliefand emergency management operations which not only lead to closer mil-to-mil ties, but will alsocreate conduits for greater civilian-military and civilian-civilian cooperation. The work by all partieshas come to fruition and the SPP signing ceremony between Texas and Chile is scheduled to beheld in Austin on 27 April.

    NO SOFA -------

    22. (C) Chile does not have a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with any country. T he U.S.and Chile exchanged diplomatic notes to provide limited protections to DOD personnel in Chile formilitary exercises in 2005 and 2006, but failed to conclude a similar agreement in subsequentyears. Despite the lack of a bilateral agreement granting protections and immunities, SOUTHCOMproceeded with CY 2007 military exercises and exchanges, and continued to do the same in 2008and 2009. These included several successful joint exercises, including JCETs with the ChileanArmy and Carabineros (national police) Special Forces, Partnership of the Americas Initiative(which included a Chilean frigate), UNITAS (Pacific), Teamwork South Naval exercises, theMarines' Southern Exchange, Exercises WILLKA and NEWEN with the Chilean Air Force (FACH),an Army platoon exchange program with the 101st Airborne Division, and a SOCSOJCET in May


    23. (C) Before entering into formal SOFA-related discussions with the U.S., the GOC must firstenact a law granting the executive branch the authority to negotiate SOFAs. This legislation wasintroduced into Congress in March 2007, but ran into opposition from members who (together withChile's Supreme Court) believe it would grant an unjustifiably large number of foreigners immunityfrom local jurisdiction. The draft bill's lack of reciprocity for Chileans abroad is also a concern.Senior Chilean government officials have told USG officials that the Chilean Congress most likelywill not approve a draft law which does not include mutual reciprocity. During the April 2008 DCCmeeting, the Chileans told us they are preparing a new draft proposal for the Congress, whichspecifically addresses this concern, although whether this proposal would be acceptable to the U.S.and the Chilean Congress remains to be seen. To date this draft has not been introduced toCongress.

    24. (C) In March 2007, Chile endorsed the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI), participated inMay 2008 PSI exercises, and is considering joining the PSI Operational Experts Group (OEG).However, it is unlikely the GOC will reach a decision on the OEG before the national elections in2009. Chile also endorsed the Global Initiative Against Nuclear Terrorism. The GOC is interested in

    joining the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), the Wassenaar Arrangement, and theAustralia Group, and has requested U.S. support and assistance. Chile also co-sponsored the OASMANPADS resolution. Chile enforces the U.S. Coast Guard's International Ship and Port FacilitySecurity Code, but is not a signatory to the Container Security Initiative or the Megaports Initiative.

    New South American Defense Council ----------------------------------

    25. (U) The proposed South American Defense Council (SADC) would be an integrated defensealliance of Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) member countries. Theoretically the SADCwould function to prevent local conflicts, coordinate defense policies, contribute to UN and otherhumanitarian missions, and coordinate military technology and resources. The creation of theSADC was approved by UNASUR members, including Chile, in December 2008 at a summit ofLatin American and Caribbean leaders in Brazil, but organizational documents must be approved bythe proposed members before the SADC can be officially created. However, what was agreed wasthat each respective country would maintain separate defense industries and that the SADC wouldbe based upon defense cooperation between nations with an emphasis on training and equipmentissues. UNASUR was unable to come to a consensus on who should be SADC Secretary General.A meeting has been scheduled for April 2009 to discuss and vote on this issue.

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    ICC Ratification Near, But No Article 98 ----------------------------------------

    26. (C) Chile has signed but not yet ratified the International Criminal Court Rome Statute. TheBachelet Administration and the Concertacion coalition support ratification and are working out finaldetails to amend the constitution and ultimately ratify the Statute. Concerns about the potential cut-off of U.S. military assistance under the American Service Members Protection Act (ASPA) hadbeen a factor in delaying ratification. However, with IMET, FMF and EDA safely protected fromASPA sanctions, ICC ratification in 2009 appears increasingly likely. The GOC has repeatedly toldus that there is no political support in Chile for an Article 98 agreement.

    Helping in Haiti ---------------- 27. (C) Chile self-deployed a battalion to Haiti on 48 hours notice inFebruary 2004. In May 2008, Chile's Congress voted to extend Chile's 500-plus peacekeepingtroops for one more year, to June 2009. Some opposition members of Congress opposed themeasure and question the need for Chilean troops to remain in Haiti now that elections have takenplace. They remain concerned about Chilean casualties (four wounded, no deaths to date, althoughone Chilean peacekeeper committed suicide while on R&R in the Dominican Republic), deploymentcosts, and the perceived slow pace of funding for economic development programs. 28. (C) TheGOC is especially concerned about coastal security. It believes the U.S. Coast Guard should takethe leading role in securing Haiti's coasts to stem the flow of drugs and weapons/munitions. Chile

    would like to see donors disburse pledges more rapidly and completely, an increase in maritimeinterdiction capacity, and a shift in MINUSTAH composition from military to civilian police. AFebruary 2009 visit by MOD Goni and CHOD Lt Gen Ewing to Haiti focused on building Haitiancivilian law enforcement and security capabilities as a requirement for Haitian prosperity.

    Showing Peacekeeping Leadership -------------------------------

    29. (SBU) Chile has contributed small contingents to UN missions in Cyprus, Bosnia andKosovo, in addition to the troops and engineers currently stationed in Haiti. Chile and Argentina areworking to stand up a joint peacekeeping battalion as a standby unit for United Nations PKOs. Chilealso responded positively to the U.S. request to support the Global Peacekeeping OperationsInitiative (GPOI), by sending three PKO trainers to assist the Conference of Latin American ArmedForces peacekeeping center in Guatemala in April 2007. The Chilean Congress approved a bill that

    establishes rules and procedures for deploying Chilean PKO personnel abroad in the future.30. (SBU) The USG has supported Chile's PKO contribution in Haiti through FMF. We providedhelmets, flak jackets and other accessories, vehicle spare parts, and water purification equipment.Ten HMMWVs are pending delivery to Chile's CECOPAC joint peacekeeping training facility andthe Navy. The U.S. has provided over USD one million to CECOPAC for training facilities in thepast, including five English language labs to the Chilean Army last year to support greater Englishlanguage proficiency in the military.

    Military Sales and Transfers ----------------------------

    31. (C) In March 2007, the U.S. delivered the last two of ten new Block 52 F-16 fighter aircraft--the first major purchase of U.S. equipment since the 1976 U.S. cut-off of military sales during thePinochet era. Chile also received 18 reconditioned Block 15 F-16s (mid-life upgrade--MLU), withBlock 50-like capabilities from the Netherlands. An LOA for a USD 45 million, five-year FMS supportcase for these aircraft was submitted to the FACH and signed on May 15, 2008. Delivery of U.S.manufactured weapons systems for the aircraft purchased from the U.S. began in 2007 and includeAIM 9M Sidewinder, AIM 120 C5 AMRAAM, GBU 31 JDAM, AGM65 G2 Maverick, and GBU 10/12Paveway. It should be noted that the Chilean Air Force (FACH) also purchased Derby and Python 4air-to-air missiles for their F-5, F-16 MLU, and F-16 Block 52 fighters from Israel.

    32. (C/NF) After being offered the USG grant of two Excess Defense Article (EDA) KC-135Erefueling aircraft for USD 42 million, the FACH instead decided to pursue acquisition of an

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    alternative fixed boom air refueling capability for their F-16s, contracting with EADS for purchase oftwo modified Airbus A-310 MultiRole Tanker Transport (MRTT) aircraft, reportedly for USD 114million. The acquisition of A-310s was problematic and the FACH canceled the contract due toexpense and long delivery times. The FACH has recently submitted an official Letter of Request(LOR) for three KC-135E aircraft and requested delivery of at least one operational aircraft byOctober 2009. Other recent developments in FACH weapons system acquisition are the potentialpurchase of 16 additional used F-16 aircraft from the Dutch, as well as an LOR for the Avenger airdefense system. If selected, this system could reaffirm benefits of the FMS program.

    33. (C) Additionally, the Chilean Ministry of the Interior may be to be interested in a medium-lifthelicopter for domestic missions, with both the Blackhawk and the Russian Mi-17-V5 receiving thestrongest considerations. Ambassador Simons has made forceful presentations on behalf of theBlackhawk to both the FACH Commander in Chief as well as the Minister of the Interior. However itappears that a decision is not imminent at this time. The FACH recently contracted with Bell for 12-18 model 412 utility medium-light helicopters.

    34. (C) With regards to space, the FACH has expressed interest in training and education inspace operations and information on other cooperative opportunities. In October 2008 theyinaugurated a satellite imagery download and processing station, consisting of U.S-purchased radarand data processing equipment. Chile reportedly will purchase imagery on the commercial market

    until they can use their own earth observation satellite. The GOC recently awarded a contract forapproximately USD 70 million to EADS-Astrium to develop the satellite, which reportedly will also beused for defense-related purposes. The satellite is scheduled to be launched from China in 2010 asa part of Chile,s bicentennial celebration.

    35. (SBU) The Army and Navy are also considering significant purchases of U.S.-manufacturedsystems. In 2006, the Chilean Army received 72 of a projected 200 M1098A2 series HMMWVs, andhas nearly exhausted its first FMS case for USD 600,000 in spare parts for the M-113 A2/M548 A1FOV. The Army has requested its first major purchase FMS case for 12 M109A5 self-propelled 155mm Howitzers. The Army is interested in future government-to-government purchases to enabletransparency of future acquisitions and support life-cycle interoperability via FMS. The ChileanArmy and Air Force are considering acquiring together a short-to-medium range air defense systemthat is being offered by the U.S. Army. Both services requested Letters of Offer and Acceptance for

    the AVENGER system, which includes the SENTINEL radar. If selected, this system could reaffirmbenefits of the FMS program, build greater interoperability, and further strengthen military tiesbetween the U.S. and Chile. The Army has also expressed interest in acquiring MILES equipmentand training, engineering equipment, and cargo aircraft. Lastly, the Chilean Army has requested aLetter of Offer and Acceptance to establish an office at USASAC New Cumberland. The ChileanArmy FMS office at USASAC New Cumberland is a priority for the Army to equal its sister servicesacquisition benefits and will be the linchpin for additional FMS cases being established. 36. (SBU)Over the last four years, the Chilean Navy has modernized its entire surface combatant forcethrough the purchase of four frigates from the U.K. (one Type 22 and three Type 23 frigates) andfour frigates from the Dutch (two L Class and two M Class frigates). The Navy has ordered Harpoonlaunch systems and upgrades for all eight recently acquired frigates (this order included 22Harpoon BLK 1C and a number of NATO Sea Sparrow missiles), and ordered the SM-1 missilelaunch system for the Type 22 frigate. Additionally, the Navy intends to upgrade the L Class frigateswith the SM-2 missile launch system. The Navy, within the last year, took possession of 10 HarpoonBLK II missiles that were purchased from the U.S. in addition to 50 NATO Sea Sparrow rocketmotors and miscellaneous equipment. The Chilean Navy is in the process of joining the U.S.-organized Harpoon Missile International Users Group and has already joined the SM-1 MissileInternational Users Group (at a combined cost of approximately USD 17 Million). The Navy recentlypurchased KIT-1C MODE IV IFF for their Cougar helicopters, four Defender Class Patrol Boats, P-3pilot training in Jacksonville Florida, and the C2PC Command and Control system for their MarineCorps ground forces.

    37. (C) In 2007, the Chilean Navy took possession of the second of two Scorpene Class

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    submarines built by a French/Spanish consortium (DCNS of France and Navantia of Spain). TheChilean Navy has asked for a Letter of Offer and Acceptance to purchase the US Navy Oiler,Andrew J. Higgins. The November 2008 Congressional notification authorized the LOA to bepresented. On November 17, 2008, CNO Roughead submitted a letter expressing the oiler,savailability, and on December 18 both Adm Codina and Adm Roughead signed an MOA regardingutilization of the oiler in support of USN maritime operations. The approximate value of the Higginstransfer is USD 48 million.

    Unusual Copper Law.

    38. (SBU) Chilean law requires that 10 percent of earnings from the state-owned coppercompany, Codelco, be set aside for the Chilean Armed Forces for military acquisitions. However,the Chilean military does not yet have a multi-year budgeting system, and the so-called "copperfunds" cannot be used for operations and maintenance expenses (e.g. maintaining PKO troops inHaiti), deployments, or military salaries. Proceeds from copper sales accumulate in a holdingaccount held by the Finance Ministry and are not readily available for use as the Armed Forceschoose. Instead, funds are distributed annually from this account to sustain approved acquisitionprograms, which are subject to civilian oversight. The Armed Forces reportedly are receivingpayouts for acquisitions that average around USD 740 million per year. A goal of the BacheletAdministration has been to rescind the &Copper Law,8 but as the price of copper declined by more

    than half of its 2008 average, pressure to rescind the law dissipated. Additionally, until the MODsubmits an alternative multi-year funding system, the prospects of the &Copper Law8 going awayare slim. SIMONSPP


    Kentucky Train Collision with Disk UFO, 2002 .......by

    Paintsville, Kentucky -- At exactly 2:47 a.m. on January 14, 2002, while working a coal train enroutefrom Russell, Kentucky to Shelbiana, Kentucky, our trailing unit and first two cars were severelydamaged as we struck an unknown floating or hovering object. I know it was 2:47 because mywatch froze, and to this day shows that time.

    Along with my watch the entire electrical systems on both locomotives went haywire. Approaching abend near milepost 42 in an area referred to as the Wild Kingdom, for the many different types ofanimals spotted there, my conductor and I saw lights coming from around the way.

    This ordinarily means another train is coming and will pass on the other track. The outlay of thearea is this, the river, #1 track, #2 tracks and a straight up mountainside, carved out for the laying ofthese tracks. I killed our lights as not to blind the oncoming crew.

    As we rounded the corner our onboard computer began to flash in and out, speed recorder wentnuts, and both locomotives died. Alarm bells began to ring and thats when we saw the objects.Apparently scanning the river for something. At least three objects had several "search" lightstrained there, the first object hovered about 10 to 12 feet above the track.

    It was metallic silver in color with multiple colored lights near the bottom and in the middle. Therewere no windows or openings of any kind that we could see. It was 18 to 20 feet in length andprobably ten feet high.

    With both engines dead as we rounded the corner we made little noise and the first object did notrespond in time, I estimate that we hit the object at 30 mph with 16,000 trailing tons behind us. Itclipped the top of our lead unit then skipped back slicing a chunk out of our trailing unit and first twocoal cars. The other objects vanished.

    Our emergency brakes had initiated due to the loss of power and we stopped approximately a mile

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    and a half to two miles after impact. Our power restored after we were stopped and we notified ourdispatcher, located in Jacksonville, Florida of what had happened.

    We were told to inspect the cars to see if they'd hold the rail and try to limp into milepost cmg 60which used to be the Paintsville yard which is no longer in full operation. We checked everything outand the cab of the rear locomotive was demolished and smoking, the second two cars looked as ifthey had been hit with a giant hammer, but looked like they'd hold the rail.

    We pulled into Paintsville yard at approximately 5:15 am. The huge overhead lights lining the yardwere noticeably dark and the only lights came from what we assumed were railroad officialsvehicles parked near the end of the track. We pulled to a stop and began unloading our grips off thewounded train. We could hear what sounded like an army of workers immediately tending to ourtrain.

    Vehicle doors slamming, guys running by in weird outfits and lights glaring from all directions, theone thing missing was railroad officials.

    A guy named Ferguson shook my hand and asked me to follow him into the old yard office. We did,once inside they, and by they I mean I have no idea who these people were, began to ask ushundreds of questions, they then told us for our own protection we'd be medically tested before we

    could leave.

    I asked repeatedly to talk to my road foreman or trainmaster and not only were these requestsdenied but they confiscated my conductors cellular phone.

    Hours later we were led outside the old yard office and the strange things continued to happen, the2 locomotives and two cars were removed from the rest of the train we had brought in and my onlyguess was parked 4 tracks over under a huge tent like structure buzzing with activity.

    We were led off the property and told, due to national security, our silence on this matter would beappreciated.

    We were then put in a railroad vehicle and taken to Martin, Kentucky were we went through

    questioning again with railroad officials and were then drug tested. After all of this we were sent onto Shelbiana, where we took rest for 8 hours and worked another train back to Russell. Workingback we passed by Paintsville, no sign of the engines, cars, tent, people, nothing.


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    WikiLeaks Set To Reveal US-UFO War In Southern Ocean ...................................By: Sorcha Faal

    A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared for President Medvedev by Russian SpaceForces (VKS) 45th Division of Space Control says that an upcoming WikiLeaks release of secret UScables details that the Americans have been engaged since 2004 in a war against UFOs basedon or near the Continent of Antarctica, particularly the Southern Ocean.

    According to this report, the United States went to its highest alert level on June 10, 2004 after amassive fleet of UFOs [photo 2nd left, click for video here] suddenly emerged from the SouthernOcean and approached Guadalajara, Mexico barely 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) from theAmerican border. Prior to reaching the US border, however, this massive UFO fleet is said in thisreport to have dimensionally returned to their Southern Ocean home base.

    The fears of the Americans regarding these Southern Ocean UFOs began, this report says, duringthe unprecedented events of July 11, 1991 (referred to as 7/11) when during the Solar Eclipsethese mysterious aircraft appeared by the hundreds over nearly all of Mexico, even their Capitalcity. Most notable about the events of 7/11 were that as millions of Mexicans were watching on theirtelevisions the National broadcasts [click for video here] of these UFOs over Mexico City, theAmerican media refused to allow their people to view it.

    Since 2004, this report continues, fleets of Southern Ocean UFOs have continued to emerge fromtheir bases, with the latest such event being this Friday past when another of their massive fleets

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    was sighted over the South American Nation of Chile.

    The immediate danger to our World when these massive UFO fleets emerge from the SouthernOcean, this report warns, are the massive waves caused by their sudden eruption from what arebelieved to be their underwater base, or bases. In the past week alone, the Clelia II, an Antarcticcruise ship with 160 people onboard, was nearly capsized [click here to see video] when hit bywaves generated by these UFOs emerging from the Southern Ocean, and just today the NumberOne Insung has been reported sunk with only 20 of its 42 member crew said saved due to the samecause.

    Interesting to note in this report is its confirming our October 14th report US Shuts Down New YorkCity Airspace Over UFO Threat that these same Southern Ocean UFOs were responsible for theclosing of the airspace over New York City this past fall (October 13th) when they appearedopenly and were witnessed by tens of thousands of people, and which, coincidentally, occurredduring the same time frame as the mysterious Crystal Skulls of the ancient South American peopleswere being exhibited there too.

    Even more interesting to note is that the mysterious earthquakes being reported in the Gulf of Aden(where another extraterrestrial event is currently ongoing and we had reported on in ourDecember 1st report Mysterious Vortex Warned Is Creating Global Weather Catastrophe) are now

    being reported occurring in the Southern Ocean too.

    This report goes on to state that after WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange warned last week that hewould begin releasing secret US cables relating to these Southern Ocean UFOs, and theAmericans war against them, he was immediately arrested by British Police on trumped upcharges issued by the Swedish government which in our December 8th report, Global RebellionErupts After Unprotected Sex Meets Disrobed Governments, we noted were engineered againsthim as a classic CIA Honey Trap.

    Note: Since our last report on the EU-US frame-up of Assange it is now being reported that one ofhis two accusers, Anna Ardin, has fled Sweden and is now in hiding in the Palestinian territories.

    To if Assange, or his WikiLeaks website, will survive to see the whole release of these Southern

    Ocean UFO files it is not to our knowing, nor does this report say.What is in our knowing, however, and when coupled with the information we reported on in ourDecember 10th report Massive Earthquake Fears Rise After Mysterious Object Moves Nearer ToEarth, suggests that the timing of these events, as we near the December 20/21 Total LunarEclipse, and as Mercury turns retrograde and joins Mars as it forms a conjunction with Pluto, thatthe ending of this year, 2010, truly marks the ending of this age as prophesied by the ancients.

    In the Sorcha Faals seminal work published in 2007, Battle Begins For Throne of This World: TheReturn of the Einherjar Warriors, she notes that in these last days the guideposts to what thefuture will hold for humanity does, indeed, rest hidden to the discerning reader in the words handeddown to us by the ancients, none being more important in this case than those of Nostradamus,who in writing of this coming Lunar Eclipse and feared conjunctions warned:

    The arms to fight in the sky a long time,

    The tree in the middle of the city fallen:

    Sacred bough clipped, steel, in the face of the firebrand,

    Then the Monarch of Adria fallen. Quatrain 3:11

    Most ominously for our World today, the tree in the middle of the city has, indeed, fallen with

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    news from Glastonbury that the 2,000-year-old Holy Thorn Tree, one of Christianities oldest andmost revered symbols, has been cut down by vandals. With the great tree now fallen, the battle forthis Earth now moves to the sky until the Monarch of Adria (Pope Benedict XVI) has fallen too.

    December 13, 2010 EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety isgranted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

    [Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against theinformation found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophicEarth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees within believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts withthat of those governments, the responses of their agents against us has been a longstandingmisinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the reportWho Is Sorcha Faal?.]


    Modern Genomics.............. By Ana Maria Venegas

    With new tools that can grab individual strands of DNA and stretch them like rubber bands, Rice

    University scientists are working to unravel a mystery of modern genomics. Their latest findings,which appear in Physical Review Letters, offer new clues about the physical makeup of oddsegments of DNA that have just one DNA base, adenine, repeated dozens of times in a row.

    These mysterious "poly(dA) repeats" are sprinkled throughout the human genome. Scientists havealso found them in the genomes of animals, plants and other species over the past decade. Butresearchers do not know why they are there, what function they perform or why they occur only withthe DNA base adenine and not the other three DNA bases -- cytosine, guanine and thymine.

    "Previous investigations of poly(dA) have suggested that adenine bases stack in a very uniformway," said Ching-Hwa Kiang, a co-author of the new study and assistant professor of physics andastronomy at Rice. "Our investigation focused on what happens when single strands of poly(dA)were stretched and these stacks were pulled apart."

    Kiang's research group specializes in studying the physical and mechanical properties of proteinsand nucleic acids, and their primary tool is one of the mainstays of nanotechnology research -- theatomic force microscope, or AFM. The business end of an AFM is like a tiny phonograph needle.The tip of the needle is no more than a few atoms wide, and the needle is at the end of an arm thatbobs up and down over the surface of what is being measured. While nanotechnologists use thedevice to measure the thickness of samples, Kiang's group uses it in a different way.

    To begin her experiments, Kiang first places a thin coating of the proteins she wishes to study on aflat surface. This is placed under the AFM arm so the bobbing AFM needle can dip down and grabthe ends of one of the proteins. As the arm retracts, it unravels the protein.

    All proteins fold into a characteristic shape. Like tiny springs, they remain in this compact "lowestenergy" state unless they are pried apart.

    The new study on poly(dA) was conducted by Kiang, Rice graduate student Wuen-shiu Chen andcolleagues at Rice and National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taiwan. The team discoveredthat poly(dA) behaves differently depending upon the speed with which it is stretched. When theAFM bobbed rapidly, the poly(dA) segments behaved like any other segment of single-strandedDNA. But when the AFM motion was slowed, the team found that the amount of force required tostretch the poly(dA) changed. At two particular locations, the strand lengthened for a short distancewithout any additional force at all.

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    "Typically, single strands of DNA behave like a rubber band: The resistance increases as theystretch, meaning you have to pull harder and harder to continue stretching them," Kiang said. "Withpoly(dA), we found these two points where that doesn't apply. It's as if you have to pull harder andharder, and then for a brief time, the band stretches with no additional force whatsoever."

    Kiang said the exact causes and implications of the phenomenon are unclear. But scientists knowthat double-stranded DNA must be pried apart at discrete locations so that the cell's machinery canread the genetic code and convert it into proteins. There has been some speculation that theadenine repeats play a role in ordering genomic information; Kiang said the new findings raise evenmore questions about the role the repeats might play in gene regulation and genome packagingand how they might be potential targets for cancer drugs.


    English Translation of Mozart's Requiem ..................... By Ana Maria Venegas.

    I. Introit: RequiemRequiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,et lux perpetua luceat eis.Te decet hymnus, Deus, in Sion,et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem.Exaudi orationem meam,ad te omnis care veniet.Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,et lux perpetua luceat eis.

    Grant them eternal rest, Lord,and let perpetual light shine on them.You are praised, God, in Zion,and homage will be paid to You in Jerusalem.Hear my prayer,to You all flesh will come.Grant them eternal rest, Lord,and let perpetual light shine on them.

    II. KyrieKyrie, eleison.Christe, eleison.Kyrie, eleison. Lord, have mercy on us.Christ, have mercy on us.Lord, have mercy on us.

    III. Sequence1. Dies iraeDies irae, dies illaSolvet saeclum in favilla,teste David cum Sibylla.Quantus tremor est futurus,

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    quando judex est venturus,cuncta stricte discussurus!

    Day of wrath, day of angerwill dissolve the world in ashes,as foretold by David and the Sibyl.Great trembling there will bewhen the Judge descends from heavento examine all things closely.

    2. Tuba mirumTuba mirum spargens sonumper sepulcra regionum,coget omnes ante thronum.

    The trumpet will send its wondrous soundthroughout earth's sepulchresand gather all before the throne.

    Mors stupebit et natura,cum resurget creatura,

    judicanti responsura.Liber scriptus proferetur,in quo totum continetur,unde mundus judicetur.

    Death and nature will be astounded,when all creation rises again,to answer the judgement.

    A book will be brought forth,in which all will be written,by which the world will be judged.

    Judex ergo cum sedebit,quidquid latet, apparebit,nil inultum remanebit.

    When the judge takes his place,what is hidden will be revealed,nothing will remain unavenged.

    Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?quem patronum rogaturus,cum vix justus sit securus?

    What shall a wretch like me say?Who shall intercede for me,when the just ones need mercy?

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    3. Rex tremendaeRex tremendae majestatis,qui salvandos savas gratis,salve me, fons pietatis.

    King of tremendous majesty,who freely saves those worthy ones,save me, source of mercy.

    4. RecordareRecordare, Jesu pie,quod sum causa tuae viae;ne me perdas illa die.Quaerens me, sedisti lassus,redemisti crucem passus;tantus labor non sit cassus.

    Juste judex ultionis,

    donum fac remissionisante diem rationis.

    Ingemisco, tamquam reus:culpa rubet vultus meus;supplicanti parce, Deus.

    Qui Mariam absolvisti,et latronem exaudisti,mihi quoque spem dedisti.

    Preces meae non sunt dignae,sed tu, bonus, fac benigne,

    ne perenni cremer igne.Inter oves locum praesta,Et ab haedis me sequestra,Statuens in parte dextra.

    Remember, kind Jesus,my salvation caused your suffering;do not forsake me on that day.Faint and weary you have sought me,redeemed me, suffering on the cross;may such great effort not be in vain.

    Righteous judge of vengeance,grant me the gift of absolutionbefore the day of retribution.

    I moan as one who is guilty:owning my shame with a red face;suppliant before you, Lord.

    You, who absolved Mary,

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    and listened to the thief,give me hope also.

    My prayers are unworthy,but, good Lord, have mercy,and rescue me from eternal fire.

    Provide me a place among the sheep,and separate me from the goats,guiding me to Your right hand.

    5. ConfutatisConfutatis maledictis,flammis acribus addictis,voca me cum benedictus.Oro supplex et acclinis,cor contritum quasi cinis,gere curam mei finis.

    When the accused are confounded,

    and doomed to flames of woe,call me among the blessed.I kneel with submissive heart,my contrition is like ashes,help me in my final condition.

    6. LacrimosaLacrimosa dies illa,qua resurget ex favilla

    judicandus homo reus.Huic ergo parce, Deus,pie Jesu Domine,dona eis requiem. Amen.

    That day of tears and mourning,when from the ashes shall arise,all humanity to be judged.Spare us by your mercy, Lord,gentle Lord Jesus,grant them eternal rest. Amen.

    IV. OffertoryI. Domine JesuDomine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae,libera animas omnium fideliumdefunctorum de poenis inferniet de profundo lacu.Libera eas de ore leonis,ne absorbeat eas tartarus,ne cadant in obscurum.Sed signifer sanctus Michaelrepraesentet eas in lucem sanctam.

    Quam olim Abrahae promisisti

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    et semini ejus.

    Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory,liberate the souls of the faithful,departed from the pains of helland from the bottomless pit.Deliver them from the lion's mouth,lest hell swallow them up,lest they fall into darkness.

    Let the standard-bearer, holy Michael,bring them into holy light.

    Which was promised to Abrahamand his descendants.

    2. HostiasHostias et preces tibi, Domine,

    laudis offerimus.Tu sucipe pro animabus illis,quaram hodie memoriam facimus.Fac eas, Domine,de morte transire ad vitam,Quam olim Abrahae promisistiet semini ejus.

    Sacrifices and prayers of praise, Lord,we offer to You.Receive them in behalf of those soulswe commemorate today.And let them, Lord,

    pass from death to life,which was promised to Abrahamand his descendants.

    V. Agnus DeiAgnus Dei, qui tollispeccata mundi,dona eis requiem.Agnus Dei, qui tollispeccata mundi,dona eis requiem.Agnus Dei, qui tollispeccata mundi,dona eis requiem sempiternam.

    Lamb of God, who takes awaythe sins of the world,grant them eternal rest.Lamb of God, who takes awaythe sins of the world,Grant them eternal rest.Lamb of God, who takes away

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    the sins of the world,grant them eternal rest forever.

    VI. Communion:Lux aeterna

    Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine,cum sanctis tuis in aeternum,quia pius es.Requiem aeternum dona eis, Domine,et Lux perpetua luceat eis,cum Sanctus tuis in aeternum,quia pius es.

    Let eternal light shine on them, Lord,as with Your saints in eternity,because You are merciful.Grant them eternal rest, Lord,and let perpetual light shine on them,

    as with Your saints in eternity,because You are merciful.


    Science daily............................. By Seat Allday.

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011First liver transplant patients receive experimental drug to prevent hepatitis C infectionFollowing a successful Phase 1 study for safety, researchers at MassBiologics of the University ofMassachusetts Medical School today announced the beginning of a Phase 2 clinical trial testing theability of a human monoclonal antibody they developed to prevent hepatitis C virus infection of a

    donor liver in transplant patients.Contact: Michael Cohenmichael.cohen@umassmed.edu508-868-4778University of Massachusetts Medical School

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Annals of Internal MedicineStorytelling may help control blood pressure in African-AmericansA new study in the Jan. 19 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that a storytellingapproach -- in which recognizable members of a community provide positive messages aimed atcontrolling hypertension through diet and medication adherence -- may help control hypertension inAfrican-Americans.

    Contact: Mark Sheltonmark.shelton@umassmed.edu508-856-2000University of Massachusetts Medical School

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    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011The right food supplements during pregnancy?Mothers-to-be can cover increased demands for most nutrients, vitamins and minerals with abalanced diet, but where dietary supplements are needed during pregnancy, knowledge may be amissing ingredient. According to a study conducted by the Chair of Nutritional Medicine at theTechnische Universitaet Muenchen, pregnant women often start taking appropriate dietarysupplements too late or not at all. Other micronutrients, whose effects during pregnancy have notyet been studied, may be unwittingly overdosed.

    Contact: Jana Bodickybodicky@zv.tum.de49-816-171-5403Technische Universitaet Muenchen

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011BloodDiscovery of a gene associated with a leukemia mostly affecting children

    Researchers from Universty of Quebec in Montreal made a major breakthrough in research on B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia, a disease that occurs most commonly in children. She hassuccessfully identified a gene that may facilitate the diagnosis of this cancer, which is characterizedby an abnormal proliferation of B-cells, antibody-producing cells that defend the body againstinfection. Her findings were recently published in the prestigious scientific journal Blood.

    Contact: Claire Bouchardbouchard.claire@uqam.ca514-987-3111Universit du Qubec Montral

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Angewandte ChemieBreakthrough for more efficient drug developmentDeveloping new drugs is a highly costly and time-consuming process. Of 20 candidates, 19 arenormally rejected because they don't work or have unwanted side effects. Now a research team ledby professor Lars Baltzer at Uppsala University has produced a tiny molecular "binder" that has thepotential to change this landscape radically.

    Contact: Lars Baltzerlars.baltzer@biorg.uu.se46-070-648-2595Uppsala University

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011NaturwissenschaftenAre sharks color blind?Sharks are unable to distinguish colors, even though their close relatives rays and chimeras havesome color vision, according to new research by Dr. Nathan Scott Hart and colleagues. Their studyshows that although the eyes of sharks function over a wide range of light levels, they only have asingle long-wavelength-sensitive cone type in the retina and therefore are potentially totally colorblind. Hart and team's findings are published online in Springer's journal Naturwissenschaften --

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    The Science of Nature.Australian Research Council, Sea World Research and Rescue FoundationContact: Renate Bayazrenate.bayaz@springer.com49-622-148-78531Springer

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Nanotech medicineTo rebuild damaged parts of a human body from scratch is a dream that has long fired humanimagination, from Mary Shelley's Doctor Frankenstein to modern day surgeons. Now, a team ofEuropean scientists, working in the frame of the EUREKA project ModPolEUV, has made apromising contribution to reconstructive surgery thanks to an original multidisciplinary approachmatching cutting-edge medicine to the latest developments in nanotechnology.EUREKAContact: Piotr Pogorzelskipiotr.pogorzelski@eurekanetwork.org322-777-0979


    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsNew research examines how HIV infections occur on the molecular levelThe UK's National Physical Laboratory with the University of Edinburgh and IBM's TJ WatsonResearch Center have published new research about the structure of an HIV-1 protein that couldhelp to develop new drugs to stop the virus infecting healthy cells.

    Contact: Joe Meaneyjoe@proofcommunication.com

    44-845-680-1864National Physical Laboratory

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Journal of Natural History2 new species of 'leaping' beetles discovered in New CaledoniaOnly five species of these so-called "flea" beetles, out of a global total of 60, had been found to datein New Caledonia, in the western Pacific. A three-year study has now enabled Spanish researchersto discover two new herbivorous beetles -- Arsipoda geographica and Arsipoda rostrata. These newbeetles hold a secret -- they feed on plants that the scientists have still not found on thearchipelago.

    Contact: SINCinfo@plataformasinc.es34-932-309-643FECYT - Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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    Weizmann Institute scientists discover: Antioxidants cause fertility problems in femalesAntioxidants are sold over the counter everywhere. They're added to food, drink and face cream.But new research by professor Nava Dekel and her team of the Weizmann Institute of Science hasrevealed a possible unexpected side effect of antioxidants: They might cause fertility problems infemales. Their results were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences.

    Contact: Yivsam Azgadnews@weizmann.ac.il972-893-43856Weizmann Institute of Science

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Genes & DevelopmentA different path to fat-related heart diseaseFruit fly study demonstrates how lipotoxic cardiomyopathy might occur in genetically obeseindividuals, revealing potential therapeutic targets for fat-related heart disease.American Heart Association, Ellison Medical Foundation, NIH/National Heart, Lung and Blood

    InstituteContact: Josh Baxt

    jbaxt@sanfordburnham.org858-795-5236Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Environmental ConservationScientists: Big city life may alter green attitudesPeople with good jobs found in large cities are more likely to engage in pro-environmental activities.So says a new study of China's environmental behavior published this week in the British journal

    Environmental Conservation. For the first time, scientists weighed employment and leadershipwhen considering how people act regarding their natural surroundings. They found the status andpolitical power of companies in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin strongly influence theconservation practices of their employees.

    Contact: Bobbie Mixonbmixon@nsf.gov703-292-8485National Science Foundation

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    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Environmental ConservationBig city life may make residents lean toward green, study saysThe downsides of China's explosive urbanization -- like pollution and greenhouse gas emissions --now are joined by an upside: better environmental citizens. It's the first time scientists have weighedemployment and leadership when considering environmental behavior in China's cities to show thatcity size -- especially the good jobs there -- lead people to pro-environmental behavior, likerecycling plastic bags and sorting their trash.National Science FoundationContact: Jamie DePolo

    depolo@msu.edu609-354-8403Michigan State University

    Public Release: 18-Jan-2011Environmental Health PerspectivesFindings on pollution damage to human airways could yield new therapies

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    Researchers from Duke University Medical Center have identified how nanoparticles from dieselexhaust damage lung airway cells, a finding that could lead to new therapies for people susceptibleto airway disease. The scientists also discovered that the severity of the injury depends on thegenetic make-up of the affected individual.Duke University, RJ Reynolds Inc., Philip Morris USA Inc., Philip Morris International, USEnvironmental Protection AgencyContact: Mary Jane Goremary.gore@duke.edu919-660-1309Duke University Medical Center

    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Nature PhysicsBeating the competitionScientists from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization discover how the sizeof networks can sky-rocket.

    Contact: Dr. Birgit Krummheuer


    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & MetabolismAberrations in adipose tissue could increase risk of diabetes in PCOSA study from the University of Gothenburg, shows that women with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) have aberrations in their adipose (fat) tissue. This discovery could provide answers as towhy these women develop type 2 diabetes more readily, and shows that it is important for theirhealth that women with PCOS do not put on weight.

    Contact: Louise Manners-Holmlouise.manneras@neuro.gu.se46-031-786-3557University of Gothenburg

    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Experimental Biology and MedicineActivation of PPAR a/? mediates remote IPC against myocardial infarctionAlthough vast improvements have been made in the clinical care of patients suffering from an acutemyocardial infarction, heart attacks still remain the No. 1 cause of death in the western world. Apromising approach in overcoming this troublesome issue is to make use of an innatecardioprotective response: the ability of short ischemic episodes to precondition the heart against asubsequent prolonged ischemic insult.Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical ResearchContact: Dr. Christopher Lotzlotz_c@klinik.uni-wuerzburg.de93-120-130-719Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine

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    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesKidney gene implicated in increased heart failure riskScientists have identified the first DNA sequence variant common in the population that is not onlyassociated with an increased risk of heart failure, but appears to play a role in causing it. Thevariant, a change in a single letter of the DNA sequence, impairs channels that control kidneyfunction.National Institutes of HealthContact: Joni Westerhousewesterhousej@wustl.edu314-286-0120Washington University School of Medicine

    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesReducing diet early in pregnancy stunts fetal brain developmentThe fetal brain is vulnerable to even moderate decreases in nutrition during the first half of

    pregnancy, a new study by Texas and German researchers indicates.

    Contact: Will Sansomsansom@uthscsa.edu210-567-2579University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio

    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Oil giant plans new platform near feeding ground of critically endangered whaleSakhalin Energy Investment Company -- part owned by Shell -- has announced plans to build amajor oil platform near crucial feeding habitat of the Western North Pacific gray whale population.

    Only around 130 whales of the critically endangered Western population exist today, and theirprimary feeding habitat -- off Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East -- is already besieged bymultiple oil and gas exploration and development projects.

    Contact: Natalia ReiterNReiter@wwfint.org41-223-649-550World Wildlife Fund

    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Journal of General PhysiologyMassive endocytosis in cellsIn three papers in the January and February issues of the Journal of General Physiology, DonHilgemann and colleagues have extensively characterized a previously unidentified process bywhich up to 75 percent of the cell plasma membrane can be reversibly endocytosed.

    Contact: Rita Sullivannews@rupress.org212-327-8603Rockefeller University Press

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    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Proceedings of the National Academy of SciencesMagnetically controlled pill could boost body's absorption of drugsMany drugs can only be absorbed in very specific parts of the intestine. In a new paper, BrownUniversity scientists describe a new system that can safely hold a magnetic gelatin capsule in placeanywhere in the gastrointestinal tract of a rat. In humans, the system could improve drug deliveryand pharmacological research.

    Contact: David OrensteinDavid_Orenstein@brown.edu401-863-1862Brown University

    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Sixth International Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular DiseaseCardiovascular Revascularization Medicine

    RevaTen platelet-rich plasma shows promise as potential treatment for heart attacksPlatelet-rich plasma, successfully used to treat soft tissue injuries, has only recently been studied incardiovascular medicine. A pre-clinical investigation by Stanford researchers indicates the healingproperties of PRP might be beneficial in treating heart attacks and cardiovascular disease.BioParadox, Inc.Contact: Patti Davispatti@davismedpr.com630-920-8042DAVIS MEDPR, Inc.

    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011

    Canadian Medical Association JournalBinge drinking: Too prevalent and hazardousBinge drinking, an activity that many young people engage in, has associated adverse health risksand we need to do a better job of controlling overall alcohol usage, states an editorial in CMAJ.

    Contact: Kim Barnhardtkim.barnhardt@cmaj.ca613-520-7116 x2224Canadian Medical Association Journal

    Public Release: 17-Jan-2011Canadian Medical Association JournalCommon antibiotics and blood pressure medication may result in hospitalizationMixing commonly used antibiotics with common blood pressure medications may causehypotension (abnormally low blood pressure) and induce shock in older patients, requiringhospitalization, according to a study published in CMAJ.Institute for Clinical Evaluation Sciences, Ontario Drug Innovation FundContact: Kim Barnhardtkim.barnhardt@cmaj.ca613-520-7116 x2224Canadian Medical Association Journal

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    Nanotech MedicineTo rebuild damaged parts of a human body from scratch is a dream that has long fired humanimagination, from Mary Shelley's Doctor Frankenstein to modern day surgeons. Now, a team ofEuropean scientists has made a promising contribution to reconstructive surgery thanks to anoriginal multidisciplinary approach matching cutting-edge medicine to the latest developments innanotechnology.

    Published on: 2011-01-18

    According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), an estimated 322,000 deaths globally per yearare linked to severe injuries from fire and in many of these cases death could have been avoidedwith surgical intervention.

    In this type of intervention, when major burns patients have insufficient skin left to graft on the mostdamaged part of their body, new skin has literally to be grown from the patients own skin cells.However, the long delay in growing the skin can expose the burns patient to increased risk ofinfection and dehydration; so to help those cells to multiply, specialists use a particular kind ofcomponent called polymeric material. Because of their extraordinary range of properties, polymeric

    materials play a ubiquitous role in our daily life. This role ranges from familiar synthetic plastics:plastic bags or yoghurt cups, to natural biopolymers such as wood or proteins that are present inthe human body.

    New nano-structured materials

    It has been known for the last few years that man made synthetic polymeric materials have thepotential to grow and multiply human cells. About 10 years ago, scientists discovered the importantinfluence that nano-structures had on the way a line of cells would develop. It was the beginning ofan entire new scientific field, somewhere between medicine and nanotechnology, says ProfessorJohannes Heitz, Senior Research Associate at the University of Linz, Austria and main coordinatorof the ModPolEUV project.

    In the case of human skin cells, re-implantation of the tissue can be performed once a sufficientamount of skin is obtained, by growing it on a polymeric material surface.However, in many cases, imperfections in the material structure can make the process relativelylong and sometimes inefficient, with cells developing erratically.The team of Austrian, Czech and Polish scientists involved in the research project managed todevelop a new and simple way to create nano-structured materials that would allow a betterdevelopment of human cells.

    It was the beginning of an entire new scientific field, somewhere between medicine andnanotechnology.The Polish partner in the team, the Military University of Technology of Warsaw, has been in chargeof the development of the new laser-based technology called EUV (Extreme Ultra-Violet) that wasused for the creation of the nano-structured polymer surfaces. A beam of EUV light formed with aunique mirror developed by the Czech partner REFLEX S.R.O is directed on the surface allowingthe creation of new kinds of polymeric materials. This innovative technique allows for a very highdegree of precision, from 10 to 20 nanometres, whereas conventional techniques allowed only for amaximal precision level of 100 nanometres. One of the newest theories in the field of cell growing isthat the smaller the structure, the wider the possibilities to manipulate cells, says Professor Heitz.

    A wide range of human cells

    The EUV technique, thanks to its particular level of precision, also allows for the conservation of thematerials structure, which was not the case with other methods used to modify the polymer. A

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    regular structure is essential if the material is to be used for the purpose of growing human cells,says Dr Henryk Fiederowicz, Professor at the Military University of Technology.The story does not end there. Nano-structures built through the EUV technique have the ability toinfluence the behaviour of organic cells and different kind of cells can be grown better and fasterdepending on the type of polymer surface used.

    The variety of material used to grow human stem cells will determinate the way cells willdifferentiate, meaning that they will transform into another human cell type. In other words: Usingone type of polymer material or another will help you grow different types of muscle, nerves, cellsadapted to a human heart, bone or any other part of the human body, says Professor Heitz.Using one type of polymer material or another will help you grow different type of muscle, nerves,cells adapted to a human heart, bone or any other part of the human body.Thanks to their affinity to human tissue and cells, polymeric materials could also be used fordesigning entire artificial implants. Indeed, many types of implants are already being made out ofpolymer materials, such as heart valves and bloods vessels. Using the EUV technique wouldreduce the odds of implant rejection, as the range of new materials created could be adapted tointeract perfectly with specific parts of a patient's body.

    Broad applications

    All partners agree on the fact that EUREKA has helped them to find elsewhere in Europe theexpertise and skills unavailable in their own countries. The next step is to bring their innovation tothe market.The Military Institute of Technology has already handled several EUV installations to laboratories inthe USA, Germany, the Czech Republic, France, Japan, China and South Korea. It is nowpreparing for a full commercial phase, in partnership with the Polish company PREVAC, a leader inthe market of high-precision instruments.Applications of this novel technique could go far beyond nano-medicine and bio-technologies. Animportant potential market could be the one of micro-electronics, with its ever-expanding need forhigh-precision lithography; applications could be proposed to every type of industry where nano-structures are used. For instance, in micro-mechanics, integrated optics, wear reduction or theproduction of nano-composite materials.

    For researchers at Linz University, the cell-growing technology is still in a testing phase andProfessor Heitz prefers not to be overwhelmed by enthusiasm, even though he concedes thatresults have been very encouraging so far. The interaction of cells with which structuredimensions are below 100 nanometres is currently the topic of a huge international effort, he says.Despite the importance of the innovation our contribution is very small when compared to the manyother laboratories working in this field at the moment.According to Professor Heitz, recreating whole organs is still a scientists dream. Yet the outcomeof the E! 3892 ModPolEUV project might just have brought the dream a little closer to reality.


    As I understand, our present Universe sprouts from another, bigger one, and it's still expandingfrom the initial explosion or big bang.

    Matter and energy is the same thing, in different state,

    The law of entropy

    Statistical mechanics demonstrates that entropy is governed by probability, thus allowing for adecrease in disorder even in a closed system. Although this is possible, such an event has a smallprobability of occurring, making it unlikely. Even if such event were to occur, it would result in a

  • 8/2/2019 094 Excellere Ezine


    transient decrease that would affect only a limited number of particles in the system.

    The Sense of rightness

    --- service@youtube.com escribi:

    From: YouTube ServiceTo: heliosiumSubject: Reply from 19justinbrown88 on "Ancient Alien Nephilim, Giants, Mutants, GeneticEngineering, and Hybrids(2 of 4)"Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 23:12:29 -0800 (PST)

    help center | e-mail options | report spam19justinbrown88 has replied to your comment on Ancient Alien Nephilim, Giants, Mutants, GeneticEngineering, and Hybrids (2 of 4):

    @heliosium Can matter and energy come from nothing? Can structure, order, DNA, life, thoughts,feelings, emotions, desires, hate, love, and everything else come from nothing and evolve over longperiods of time, overcoming the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (The Law of Entropy: the tendancy fororder to become disorder and available energy to be lost)? Where did our sense of right and wrongcome from?The society impose on us a code of conduct from the begining of our life. Depending in whichsociety you are born, the code you'll had to use or not use- I can kill and maim and be nasty, butsociety will chastise me if caught. The easy way is to became one more obedient person, and that'swhat the majority of people does.

    Why do we think that killing people is wrong or that stealing is wrong?

    You can reply back by visiting the comments page. 2011 YouTube, LLC901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066

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    Mike Luckmanto plans for the cosmic majority 2012........................by


    NEWS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS CONTACT: Michael C.Luckman (212) 995-0384



    UFO leader Michael C. Luckman will outline his plans for the CosmicMajority 2012, including a high energy Las Vegaseducational/entertainment spectacular titled "2012: Boom or Doom?," onthe Kate Valentine Show on Saturday, December 11, 2010 at 12 midnight,on The Apple (970 AM), New York City.

    Besides providing details of the Cosmic Majority 2012 supershow, Luckmanwill discuss launching a New York City Extraterrestrial BallotInitiative and the formation of The Committee of 1,000 Humans to Welcome

    Extraterrestrials to Earth.

    Luckman, who is author of a critically acclaimed book, "Alien Rock: TheRock 'n Roll Extraterrestrial Connection," published by Pocket Books andVH1 and read by British royalty, will give an update on rock and popsuperstars and their close encounters with UFOs and alien beings.

    Luckman is one of the few people in the world who has his fingers on thepulse on the skyrocketing UFO and 2012 movements. This is one radio shownot to be missed!

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    Romanian fighter jet hit by UFOs

    Thursday, June 12, 2008

    Officials from the Romanian Defense Military confirmed that one of their MiG-21 Lancer fighterplanes was struck by four Unidentified Flying Objects on October 31, 2007, which shattered theplane's cockpit. The military also released a video captured by the plane's on-board camera as itwas flying above Transylvania.

    The recording shows solid bodies, which authorities are working to determine the identity of.Officials have already been able to determine the bodies were not birds or pieces of another plane,a meteorite or ice. Rocket launches and ground artillery shots were also ruled out as possibleexplanations for the incident.

    The pilot, Marin Mitrica, was injured slightly but managed to safely land the plane. The investigationwas passed to the Security Committee of European Air Forces.

    A similar incident happened in the United States in 1948. Captain Mantell, of the Kentucky AirNational Guard, was sent to intercept a UFO that was in US airspace, and allegedly, he was shotdown by the UFO. Further investigations revealed that he was unfamiliar with the F-51 (P-51 fighterplane of World War II era).


    Sugar and spinal cord.......................... by

    Sugar residues regulate growth and survival of nerve cellsRUB researchers examine interaction of cells and extracellular matrixResearchers in Bochum have found out that certain sugar residues in the spinal cord regulate the

    growth and survival of nerve cells which control the movement of muscles. "We hope that ourfindings can improve regenerative treatment of nerve injuries", explains Prof. Dr. Stefan Wiese fromthe Molecular Cell Biology study group (Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology). The researchersreport on these sugar residues in the environment of the cells, which is called the extracellularmatrix, in the Journal of Neuroscience Research.

    The vision of healing nerves

    Brain and spinal cord comprise more than just nerve cells. The extracellular matrix, a complexscaffold of proteins with sugar residues, surrounds the cells and influences their well-being. Prof.Wiese's team is interested in the interaction of the matrix with a specific kind of nerve cells, whichtransmit signals from the brain to muscles (motoneurons). Because injured motoneurons lead toparalysis, clinicians have great interest in being able to influence the growth of these cells. "If wehad a medication that could change the extracellular matrix so that it favours the growth andsurvival of nerve cells, that would be a large step in the treatment of nerve injuries after accidents oralso for the treatment of diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis", says Prof. Wiese.

    Growing muscle-controlling nerve cells

    In cooperation with Prof. Dr. Andreas Faissner (Chair of Cell Morphology & Molecular Neurobiology,Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology), Dr. Alice Klausmeyer from Prof. Wiese's team cultivatedmotoneurons from the spinal cord of mice on various kinds of extracellular matrix, from which theresearchers experimentally removed certain sugar residues (chondroitin sulfates). By comparing the

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    cell cultures with and without sugar residues, they were able to show that the residues control thegrowth and survival of the motoneurons.

    Staining, counting and measuring

    To express the growth of the cells in understandable figures, the cell biologists in Bochummeasured the longest process of the motoneurons under a microscope and counted the number ofprocesses which the cells had formed. With the help of the processes, the cells communicate andtransmit signals across large distances. Some of the chondroitin sulfate sugar residues examinedhad a positive effect on the length and number of the processes, others had an inhibiting influence.The question of whether the growth of the nerve cells was supported or inhibited also depended onthe kind of extracellular matrix with which a certain sugar residue was combined. Furthermore, theresearchers stained for an enzyme in the motoneurons which is a marker for cell death. Thisanalysis showed that the chondroitin sulfate sugar residues not only regulate the growth of themotoneurons, but can also lead to survival of these cells. The experiments performed by Dr.Klausmeyer and her colleagues were supported, amongst other things, by the RUB Rector's Officeprogramme for start-up funding of research projects of the next scientific generation.

    Klausmeyer, A., Conrad, R., Faissner, A., Wiese, S.: Influence of glial-derived matrix molecules,especially chondroitin sulfates, on neurite growth and survival of cultured mouse embryonic

    motoneurons. In: J. Neurosci. Res. 89:127-41 (2011). DOI: 10.1002/jnr.22531

    0000E.O. 12958: DECL: 2019/12/10TAGS: PGOV CISUBJECT: Countdown to Chile's Congressional Elections


    CLASSIFIED BY: Weitzenkorn, Laurie, A/DCM, State REASON: 1.4(B), (D)

    1. (SBU) Summary: Individual races in this year's congressional elections are more competitiveand uncertain than ever, although the elections may not produce much change in the overall

    makeup of the Chilean Congress. The governing Concertacion coalition will most likely regain itsmajority in the Senate, and match the opposition Alianza in the Chamber of Deputies. A number ofsmall party and independent candidates, including communist party aspirants, will almost certainlywin seats despite an electoral system that favors the two main blocks. The new Congress willlargely continue the work of its predecessors, as pending legislation does not need to bereintroduced, while new legislative initiatives will be driven by the new President. End summary.

    Congressional Elections


    2. (U) Some 8 million Chileans will vote in congressional elections on December 13, in addition tocasting a ballot for president. Eighteen seats in the 38-member Senate and all 120 seats in theChamber of Deputies are in play. (Note: The remaining 20 senators will not face elections until2014, as senators serve eight-year terms while deputies serve for four years. One of these senatorsis Concertacion presidential candidate Eduardo Frei (Ref A). End note.) Senators and deputies canbe re-elected indefinitely and are not required to reside in the districts they represent. In fact, it isquite common for incumbents to change districts when running for re-election or for members of thelower house to make a bid for the Senate in a different part of the country than where theypreviously served as parliamentarian.

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    Political Balance in Congress


    3. (U) The governing Concertacion coalition is made up of the Socialist Party (PD), the Party forDemocracy (PPD), the Radical Social Democrat Party (PRSD), and the Christian Democrats (DC).The opposition Alianza coalition is made up of the center-right National Renewal Party (RN) -- itspresidential candidate Sebastian Pinera is the front-runner (Ref B) -- and the conservativeIndependent Democratic Union (UDI). After the 2005 elections, the Concertacion coalition held aworking majority in both houses of Congress, with 20 senators and 65 parliamentarians. Eachhouse had one independent. Despite this majority -- sufficient to pass most laws but not forconstitutional reform -- President Bachelet had difficulty pushing through her legislative agenda.Concertacion legislators began to stray from the disciplined voting blocks her three Concertacionpredecessors had relied upon. The most unruly were labeled ""discolos"" by the press and wereaccused by their peers of criticizing their own coalition initiatives in order to gain media notoriety.

    4. (U) Today that majority has been eroded due to a steady stream of defections over the pastfew years and disputes over who would be running for re-election on the coalition slate. BySeptember, five Concertacion senators and eight parliamentarians - including maverick presidentialcandidate Marco Enriquez-Ominami (Ref C) left Concertacion parties to become independents or to

    join the Independent Regionalist Party (PRI). The Concertacion now maintains a plurality in theChamber with 57 seats, the Alianza holds 53 seats, the PRI 3 seats,and there are 7 independents.In the Senate the Concertacion holds 17 seats, the Alianza 16 seats, and there are 5 independents.

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    The Binomial System


    5. (U) In Chile's unusual ""binomial"" electoral system -- imp