06.14.15 Bulletin | First Presbyterian Church of Orlando



June 14, 2015 | Dr. Case Thorp | John 14:16-20, 25-27 | Copy of the weekly bulletin as handed out in the Sunday worship service. Join us each Sunday for live worship at fpco.org/live.

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  • June 22-27: General Assembly (EPC)

    July 1-13: Madagascar Mission Trip

    July 5: Worship at 9:45am & 11am Only


    Cover our church with prayer for General Assembly! Meet Monday, June 15 at 5:30pm (right before the Companys Comin Volunteer Rally), on the steps outside the Sanctuary entrance. Walk our campus with the Prayer Team and seek Gods presence as we prepare for the exciting week of General Assembly. See you there!

    Join WOMEN ENGAGED for a video Bible study by pastor Andy Stanley, (Taking Responsibility for your Life). This is a message we all need to hear, so weve opened this study up to women of all ages. Register by June 22 for this study beginning July 6. $15 at fpco.org/we.

    Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! So glad youre here. We worship together as a church family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 11am, and Genesis worship in Lee Fellowship Hall at 9:45 and 11am. If youd like to connect and learn more about this church, visit our Legacy Room adjacent to the Sanctuary, or you can visit fpco.org/guest.

    July is Strike Hunger month at First Pres, and one of the ways we care for those in need is by serving lunch at Daily Bread during the week of July 6. Ten volunteers are needed to serve lunch each day, from 11:30am-1:30pm downtown. Sign up with a friend, family or small group by calling Joy duMee at 407.423.3441 x1474 or emailing jdumee@fpco.org.


    The Big Dig is coming! There are still spots available for Vacation Bible School, July 20-24. Kids will dig up details about the life of Joseph during this awesome week of discovery. Children must be 4 (by August 31, 2015) through rising 5th grade in the 15-16 school year. $50 per child. Register today at fpco.org/vbs.


  • GENEROSITYStewardship Report as of June 7, 2015.

    Tithes & Offerings This Week Fiscal YTD Budgeted $140,207 $6,242,241 Received $108,800 $5,774,299 Surplus/(Deficit) ($31,407) ($467,942)

    June 14, 2015


    address 106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801 phone 407.423.3441 online fpco.org /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando

    CONGREGATIONAL CAREAs a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those recently hospitalized or recuperating at home: Pete Cross.

    Our Sympathy to Meredith and Brett Hollowell on the death of her grandmother, Lurlee Fellers, June 4.

    Donna and John Speer on the death of her father, Bob Dosh, June 7.

    Kim and Susie Kemper on the death of his mother, JoAnn Kemper, June 8.

    To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at fpco.org/prayerrequest.

    WAYS TO GIVEYour faithful generosity matters all year long, and automatic deduction is a great way to give consistently if you anticipate being out of town. Set it up once and give directly (and securely) from your bank account. There are several ways to give your tithe and offering to support the transformational ministry of this church family:

    Automatic Deduction - easy, one-time setup for sched-uled giving and no fees make this method a favorite.

    Scheduled Online Giving - give by credit or debit card and see your statement anytime with our giving portal.

    One-Time Online - this is the simplest method for giv-ing by smartphone, if you dont need to see the gift on an end-of-year statement.

    Choose your plan today at fpco.org/give


    Welcome Video

    The Sacrament of Baptism (9:45) S Ryan Harding

    Introduction of New Members (11:00)

    Ministry Focus Compassion Corner

    To Hear Gods Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. Case Thorp Scripture Reading John 14:16-20, 25-27

    Encounters with Jesus: The Advocate

    Assisting in Worship: Dr. David Swanson and Wil Brown.

    (Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

  • Prepare your hearts for worship, is a phrase we hear at the end of the welcome video each week. Think about it. Whenever you get ready to do something significant, you prepare, whether it is going to see the tax man or going to a wedding. Preparation is involved. When we go to meet with God, you would think wed take extra time to prepare! Following the announcement video, we have given some time to clear our heads as Josiah plays something on the organ that can help us stay focused. In those brief moments, let all the things that come flooding into your mind go right on out the back door! Give them over to the Lords care for the next hour. (You can always take them back and worry after worship is over!) Now is the time to listen for the voice of the Lord. Close your eyes and be still. After all, the Lord is present. He often speaks in a still, small voice. Remember, His name, is Emmanuel: God with us and He is. As the old sign along the highway used to say, Prepare to meet thy God. Good advice. - Dr. Dan Sharp

    (Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)


    Prelude Prelude and Fugue in G minor J.S. Bach

    Welcome Video

    Organ Meditation Improvisation Josiah Armes

    Call to Worship Psalm 95:1-3

    *Processional Hymn of Praise Holy God, We Praise Your Name Hymn No. 138

    *Ascription of Praise

    Organ Praise

  • Pastoral Report

    Introduction of New Members (11:00)

    *Passing of the Peace

    Call to Prayer Spirit of the Living God Daniel Iverson

    Pastoral Prayer

    Psalm 139:1-12

    Westminster Confession Holy Spirit

    Hymn of Prayer Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart Hymn No. 132

    Ministry Focus Compassion Corner


    Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings

    *Doxology with alleluias *Prayer of Commitment

    (Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

    Anthem of Joy Salmo 150 Ernani Aguiar Chancel Choir Brazilian composers setting of Psalm 150


    To Hear Gods Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. Case Thorp Scripture Reading John 14:16-20, 25-27 pew bible p. 764

    Encounters with Jesus: The Advocate


    *Hymn of Response Breathe on Me, Breath of God Hymn No. 461

    Invitation and Charge


    *Choral Response Chancel Amen Daniel Sharp

    Postlude Tango Toccata on a Theme by Melchior Vulpius Pamela Decker

    Tango Toccata was commissioned in 2001 by the San Diego Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, and was

    premiered that same year.

    * All who are able are invited to stand.

    Assisting in Worship: Rev. Jack Peebles, guest conductor Franklin Jennings, and organist Josiah Armes.

    RECYCLE YOUR BULLETIN8:30am & 9:45am worshipers can help the church be better stewards of our resources and environment by placing this worship bulletin in one of our recycling stations as you leave today.

    There are two right outside the Sanctuary: one in the Grand Hallway leading to the Edington Ministry Center, and one across from the entrance to the Prayer Room. If youre in Lee Fellowship Hall, look for one to the right of the exit as you leave.

    The bulletins are reused for the 11:00am worship service, and recycled on Monday morning.



    COMPASSION CORNER MINISTRIES WAS FOUNDED IN 2001 BY A GROUP OF COMPASSIONATE MEMBERS OF FIRST PRES. Located at 425 N. Magnolia Avenue, behind the Orange County Courthouse building, Compassion Corner opens its doors to our homeless neighbors four days a week, for a total of 24 hours each week. Each day we welcome 75-80 men and women for Bible study, coffee, fellowship, prayer, and a needed respite from the streets. Our goal is to provide a safe place where trusting relationships can be built, and through those relationships, restoration and transformation can take place. The corner is dry when it is wet, cool when it is hot, and warm when it is cold.

    We have five coaches providing over 10,000 hours of case management per year. These coaches help each person take their next best step, referring them to the services they need.

    Toiletries and other necessities are distributed as needed, adding up to over 600 personal hygiene products a week, alone. Compassion Corner also provides socks, reading glasses, and work boots; helps pay for prescriptions; and $20,000 worth of bus passes for job interviews, medical appointments, VA visits, and other needed services annually.


    Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 11:00am and 1:00pm - 3:00pm


    Donate toiletries, bring baked goods, offer a listening ear during morning coffee time, or be trained as a coach, to help our friends take that next best step. Call Spencer Pfleiderer at 407.488.1955 to get started.