05.31.15 Bulletin | First Presbyterian Church of Orlando

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May 31, 2015 | Dr. David Swanson | John 1:43-51 | Copy of the weekly bulletin as handed out in the Sunday worship service. Join us each Sunday for live worship at fpco.org/live.

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  • Cover our church with prayer for General Assembly! Meet Monday, June 15 at 5:30 pm (right before the Companys Comin Volunteer Rally), on the steps outside the Sanctuary entrance. Walk our campus with the Prayer Team and seek Gods presence as we prepare for the exciting week of General Assembly. See you there!


    Upward Basketball & Cheerleading Camp is July 20-24, the same week as our Big Dig Vacation Bible School. Held at our Fitness@First gym, camp will be from 1pm-4pm daily and open to kids K-6th grade. Register online at fpco.org/upward or call Angela Brown at 407.206.2406 with questions.

    Join WOMEN ENGAGED for a video series and Bible study by pastor Andy Stanley, Taking Responsibility for Your Life. This is a message we all need to hear, so weve opened this study up to women of all ages. Register by June 22 for this study taking place July 6 - August 10. $15 at fpco.org/we. Questions, contact Lori Needham at [email protected].

    Thank you for coming to First Presbyterian Church of Orlando this morning! So glad youre here. We worship together as a church family in four services on Sundays: Traditional worship in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 11am, and Genesis worship in Lee Fellowship Hall at 9:45 and 11am. If youd like to connect and learn more about this church, visit our Legacy Room adjacent to the Sanctuary, or you can visit fpco.org/guest.

    Summer is upon us, and the church is a wonderland of summer activities - camps for kids, studies, and special events. Your faithful generosity matters all year long, and automatic deduction is a great way to give consistently if you anticipate being out of town. Set it up once and give directly (and securely) from your bank account. Learn more at fpco.org/give.



    Serve on Sunday morning on our Baptism Team! Use your gift of hospitality to host our baptism families during worship and help them prepare for this special day. Serve just prior to your regular worship service and be part of this important ministry. Contact Pam McComb to learn more at [email protected].

  • GENEROSITYStewardship Report as of May 24 2015.

    Tithes & Offerings This Week Fiscal YTD Budgeted $94,099 $5,999,731 Received $89,363 $5,520,927 Surplus/(Deficit) ($4,736) ($478,804)

    We are celebrating Gods generosity through you today with 55.9% giving participation number in April! Though we are still working to make up the difference in our operating budget, we are grateful for your faithfulness in giving to this church family and to ARISE AND BUILD. Through careful management of expenses, and this increase in participation, the work of the church continues! Be part of it at fpco.org/give.


    May 31, 2015


    address 106 East Church St., Orlando Florida 32801 phone 407.423.3441 online fpco.org /firstpresorlando /fpcorlando

    June 15: Companys Comin Rally, General Assembly

    CONGREGATIONAL CAREAs a caring body of believers, please remember in your prayers those recently hospitalized or recuperating at home: Cheryl Gleason and Nancy McDonald.

    Our sympathy to Peter and Lisa Steinhoff on the death of his brother, Wayne Steinhoff, May 8.

    Also, Nancy Adams on the death of her sister, Jan Stetson, May 21.

    To be added to our prayer list call the Pastoral Care office at 407.423.3441 x1455, or submit an online prayer request at fpco.org/prayerrequest.

    MEANS OF GRACE: An Exploration of Spiritual Disciplines

    Exclusive Summer School of Discipleship Course with Rev. Jack Peebles

    June 7 - August 9

    (pull summary from Columns magazine, p. 18)


    DATES: JUNE 7AUGUST 9 (except July 5) 9:45AM to 10:45AM, EMC 310

    TEACHER: REV. JACK PEEBLES Associate Pastor of Discipleship

    An 8-week course for those who want to make themselves more

    available to God and go deeper in their discipleship. (Thats you.)

    More than an informational class, this one is transformational.

    We study inner, outer and corporate disciplines - topics like

    prayer, confession, meditation, service, study and more, and then

    practice and experience them together in class. Plus, each class

    is a stand-alone lesson, so if you miss a week you can jump back

    in the next week or just come for a few classes. FPCO.ORG/SMART

    QUESTIONS? Contact Lori Tipping at [email protected] or call 407.423.3441.




    55.9%APRIL 2015


    Welcome Video

    The Sacrament of Baptism (9:45) S Javon Marsheed Bufford.

    Ministry Focus Grace Medical Home

    To Hear Gods Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson Scripture Reading John 1:43-51

    Encounters with Jesus The Answer to Our Longing

    Assisting in Worship: Scarlett Stewart and Wil Brown.

  • As we move through whats known as the Christian Calendar (Advent, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Holy Week, Eastertide, the Ascension, and Pentecostlast Sunday), we come to Trinity Sunday today. Each of the previous seasons of time dealt specifically with the life and ministry of Jesus, from the beginning until the end of time, and His return in the Second Coming. Trinity Sunday, focuses on the Godhead. You will notice that in each worship service, each person of the Trinity is addressedFather, Son, and Holy Spirit. We worship the Father, through the Son, in the power of the Holy Spirit. All three members are active in our worship. Worship tells Gods story, so it is imperative that the entire Godhead is addressed. I have often thought what would I learn of the Christian faith if I went to church every week and formed my theology based solely on the songs, prayers, and other parts of the liturgy (work of the people). In addition to the sermon, what we say, sing, and pray shapes our theology. Is the one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit acknowledged in our worship? Notice the references to the Trinity in todays worship. - Dr. Dan Sharp

    (Please silence all phones and electronic devices.)


    Prelude Cantilena Rheinberger

    Welcome Video

    Organ Meditations Improvisation Josiah Armes

    Call to Worship Psalm 95 Daniel Sharp

    *Processional Hymn of Praise Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

    *Ascription of Praise

    Organ Praise

  • Pastoral Report

    Ministry Focus Grace Medical Home

    *Passing of the Peace

    Call to Prayer Spirit of the Living God Daniel Iverson

    Pastoral Prayer

    The Sacrament of Baptism S Landon Benjamin Maudlin, born January 17, 2015, son of Heather and Mike Maudlin. (8:30)

    S Ashley James Taylor, born May 31, 2014, son of Laura and Shannon Taylor. (11:00)

    Charge to Congregation

    Song of Commitment Take His Life and Let It Be Hymn No. 466


    Thanksgiving Through Tithes and Offerings

    *Glory Be to the Father Hymn No. 734

    *Prayer of Commitment

    (Give securely on your smartphone at fpco.org/mobile)

    Anthem of Faith Credo from the Gospel Mass Robert Ray The Chancel Choir


    To Hear Gods Word Prayer for Illumination Dr. David Swanson Scripture Reading John 1:43-51 pew bible p. 751

    Encounters with Jesus The Answer to Our Longing


    *Hymn of Response I Know Whom I Have Believed Hymn No. 407

    Invitation and Charge


    *Choral Response Amen on St. Anne Eugene Butler

    Postlude Trumpet Tune in Eb major David Johnson

    * All who are able are invited to stand.

    Assisting in Worship: Bret Allen, Dr. Dan Sharp, and organist Josiah Armes.

    GRACE MEDICAL HOMEOn May 13th 2015, Grace Medical Home celebrated five years of providing comprehensive, primary care adult and pediatric medical services to the low income, working unin-sured of Central Florida. Inspired by the love and grace of Jesus Christ, Grace provides excellent, compassionate care through an ongoing relationship with a personal physician and group of professionals. In 2014, Grace enrolled more than 2,300 patients and provided some $1.8 million worth of prescription medications, with a paid staff of 19 and close to 400 volunteers. For more information, visit gracemedicalhome.org.

  • MEANS OF GRACE: An Exploration of Spiritual Disciplines

    Exclusive Summer School of Discipleship Course with Rev. Jack Peebles

    June 7 - August 9

    (pull summary from Columns magazine, p. 18)


    DATES: JUNE 7AUGUST 9 (except July 5) 9:45AM to 10:45AM, EMC 310

    TEACHER: REV. JACK PEEBLES Associate Pastor of Discipleship

    An 8-week course for those who want to make themselves more

    available to God and go deeper in their discipleship. (Thats you.)

    More than an informational class, this one is transformational.

    We study inner, outer and corporate disciplines - topics like

    prayer, confession, meditation, service, study and more, and then

    practice and experience them together in class. Plus, each class

    is a stand-alone lesson, so if you miss a week you can jump back

    in the next week or just come for a few classes. FPCO.ORG/SMART

    QUESTIONS? Contact Lori Tipping at [email protected] or call 407.423.3441.