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07. VPIS

Section Section Description Page

07.01 Introduction 148

07.02 Receipt of Inventory by Vault Teller 149

07.03 Checking of Inventory Status 151

07.04 Issue of Inventory to Teller 152

07.05 Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller 153

07.06 Return of Inventory by Teller 154

07.07 Ackn. of Returned Inventory by Vault Teller 155

07.08 VPIS Batch Processing 155

07.09 Ackn. of Inventory by Teller - Batch 155

07.10 Return of Inventory by Teller – Batch 156

07.11 Ackn. of Returned Inventory by Vault Teller - Batch 156

07.12 Marking Inventory as Lost/Damaged/ Cancelled 157

07.13 Enquiry of Inventory where Status is Unknown 158

07.14 Teller Level Enquiry 158

07.15 Split / Merge Transaction for VPIS 158

07.16 Issue of Bulk Cheque Books to Corporates 160

07.17 Common Errors in VPIS Module 161

Annexure List of VPIS Inventory Category/ Sub-Category 163



All the security forms used in the Bank are referred to as Valuable Paper. The VPIS module in Core Banking solution will help us to track and maintain the inventory of our security forms. VPIS includes the following:

Demand Drafts

Banker’s Cheque

IOI Instruments

Savings Bank Cheques (order and bearer)

Current Account Cheques (order and bearer)

Cash Credit Account Cheques

Multi-city Cheques

Gift Cheques

Travellers Cheques

In this module, we will learn the various activities associated with VPIS, viz. acquisition, issue, acknowledgement, return and cancellation.

The role players in this module are termed as follows:

The Accountant is referred to as the Vault Teller.

The Single Window Operator (for issue of DD, BC, Cheque book etc.) is referred to as Teller.

This will be the scenario in small and medium sized branches. As for the larger branches, there will be one or more officers designated as VPIS Custodian, who will have overnight custody of security forms and take care of issue and return of security forms to / from Tellers on a day-to-day basis.

At the time of migration to Core Banking, prefix to various inventory categories needs to be given correctly. Prefix is case-sensitive. For migrated Banker’s Cheque, the prefix is given as BC followed by 5 digit Branch Code.

In this module, we are going to discuss the scenario as in small and medium sized branches.

The various stages in the workflow pertaining to VPIS are given in the chart below, and explained in the following paragraphs.

Step Event Done by Status Remarks

1 Inventory received at branch from CSD

Vault Teller will receive these


2 Details of inventory entered in system

Vault Teller Hold


3 Release of inventory Vault Teller Changed to Release

4 CDC Batch Job run CDC Available

5 Split / Merge As needed by Vault Teller

Hold/ Release

Batch job to be run at CDC to give effect

6 Issue of inventory to Teller

Vault Teller Issued by Vault Teller

7 Acknowledgement of inventory

Teller Issued to Teller

Now Teller can issue cheque book to customer

8 Return of inventory Teller Returned by Teller

At End of Day

9 Acknowledgement of returned inventory

Vault Teller Available

07.02. Receipt of Inventory by Vault Teller:

Scenario: Suppose the branch has received a bunch of Current Account Order Cheque books from the Stationery Department. The Accountant needs to acknowledge receipt of the same.

Menu: VPIS Inventory Maintenance.

Screen '\\33001:Valuable Paper Inventory Range Prompt' is displayed.

In the field ‘Function’: choose C: Create

In the ‘Institution No.’ ‘3‟ represents State Bank.

In the field ‘Inventory Category’: choose 01: Current Account Cheque.

In the field ‘Inventory Sub Category’: Enter 01 for Bearer Cheques or 02 for Order Cheques.

The Inventory Sub-Category for Current and Savings cheques are „01‟ for Bearer and „02‟ for Order instruments respectively. A list of inventory Category and Sub Category for various types of inventory is given as Annexure to this Chapter.

Please enter the ‘Start Serial Number’ (for e.g. 20001) and the appropriate prefix (e.g. SBI-CA) in the ‘Prefix’ field, as recorded in the letter received from CSD. (in case of IOI, the serial number should be of 12 digits with leading zeroes) Please note that

in case of DDs, the prefix should contain only numerals

in case of IOI, the prefix is auto-filled with “IOI”.

The ‘Currency’ by default is ‘INR:INDIAN RUPEE’.


Click on Transmit.

A new Screen \\033002: Current Account Cheque Range Details is displayed for capturing further details of the inventory received as well as for marking the ‘Status’ of the inventory received.

Field ‘End Serial Number’: Enter the serial number of the last cheque leaf. (e.g. 30000).

Field ‘No. of Leaves per Cheque book’: Enter the number of leaves per cheque book, say 100.

If the cheque is MICR encoded, choose ‘1:Yes’ in the ‘MICR‟ field.

If you have chosen ‘MICR’ as 1:Yes, please enter the 6-digit MICR code (CBB code i.e. City, Branch, Bank) in the filed ‘MICR Code’.

In the field ‘RBI Number’, please enter the code allotted to your Branch as Clearing ID by RBI. This is usually a 2-digit number and appears separately in the MICR band on the cheque.

In the field ‘Status’ select ’01:Hold’ or ’02:Release’ as the case may be. Status selected is ‘Release’ these cheque books will be available for issue to Tellers.

(in case of IOI Status should be selected as “26. Acknowledged by Branch”, because the details of IOI are already created and allocated to Branches in CBS by Circle Stationery Department.Note: Partial Acknowledgements are not allowed in case of IOI. After this, the acknowledge IOIs will be in“Hold” status)

Note: If you feel you already have enough stock of Current Account Order cheques and do not foresee immediate need for issuing these cheque books to customers, please leave the Status as ‘Hold’.

Later, you can use the ‘Amend’ option in the Menu: VPIS Inventory Maintenance to change the ‘Status’ to ‘Release’. The Transfer option should not be used without the permission from CDC.

If the inventory is kept on hold, then it is not possible to fraudulently encash these in any core banking branch. This is an important security feature.

Now click on Transmit. OK message is displayed.

Note: A batch program will be run at CDC every 15 minutes. Only after this, the inventory status becomes ‘Available’ and the Vault Teller will be able to issue these inventory to the Tellers. To check whether the inventory is available for issue, please see the following section.


07.03. Checking of Inventory Status:

Steps Description Screen No

1 Enquiring VPIS Status 033018

Menu: VPIS Enquiry of VPIS General Enquiry

Screen '\\033018: Enquiry Prompt For VPIS' is displayed.

Select the appropriate details against fields ‘Inventory Category’, ‘Inventory Sub Category’, ‘Currency’ and ‘Status’ (in this case ’01:Current Account Cheque’, ‘01’ and ‘INR’ respectively).

Select the ‘Status’ as 06:Available. Brief description of various statuses of inventory is given below:

1:Lost: The particulars of inventory lost before they were issued to the customer. The status can be made available when they are found.

2:Cancelled: Particulars of inventories cancelled.

3:Damaged: Details of the inventories damaged. Once the status is made ‘damaged’, the status cannot be changed.

4:Issued to Customer: The particulars of inventories issued to customers.

5:Issued to Teller: The inventories issued to the Tellers by the Vault Teller / Vault Custodian and acknowledged by Tellers.

6:Available: The Inventory created and not yet been still issued to Tellers (Or) Inventories returned by Tellers / Vault Custodian and acknowledged by Vault Teller. It represents the Inventories ready for issuance and held by Vault Teller.

7:Issued by Vault Teller: The particulars of inventories issued by Vault Teller to Tellers / VPIS Custodian, but not acknowledged by the Teller / VPIS Custodian.

8:Returned by Teller: The inventories returned by a Teller to Vault Teller / VPIS Custodian, which has not been acknowledged by Vault Teller / VPIS Custodian.

9:Issued to Custodian: The inventories Issued by Vault Teller to VPIS Custodian and the same has been acknowledged by the VPIS Custodian. (Or) the inventories returned by Teller to VPIS Custodian and the same is acknowledged by the VPIS Custodian.

10:Issued by Custodian: The inventories issued by Vault Custodian to Tellers, which have not been acknowledged by Tellers.

11:Returned by Custodian: The inventories returned by Vault Custodian to Vault Teller, which have not been acknowledge by the Vault Teller.

00:Unknown: To view status of the inventory, status of which is now known. Prefix and Serial Number are mandatory for this option.

In case, Prefix Number and Serial Number are entered for enquiry, enter the serial number corresponding to the first leaf of a Cheque book.


Once you click on Transmit, you will see the details of inventory available as under, with the Status as ‘AVAILABLE’:

If the Batch Job has not been run at CDC, then a message 'NO MATCHING RECORDS FOUND' is displayed. In such a case, please wait for some time and then do the enquiry.

07.04 Issue of Inventory to Teller:

Steps Description Screen No

1 Issue of VPIS to Teller 033015

2 Acknowledging VPIS Issue by the Teller 033024

Now we are going to issue one Current Account Bearer Cheque book of 100 leaver (20001 to 20100) to a Teller. It may be noted that a maximum of 10 (Ten) Cheque books or 10 (Ten) Draft Leaves can be issued at a time using the following option.

Menu: VPIS Issue of Inventory

Screen '\\033015: Issue Of Inventory To Teller' is displayed.

In the field ‘Institution Number’, ‘3’ represents SBI.

Field ‘Inventory Category’: choose '01:Current Account Cheque'.

In the field ‘Inventory Sub Category’: choose ‘1’ (for Bearer cheque).

In the field ‘Teller Number’: Enter the ID of the Teller to whom inventory is being given.

Note: The Teller to whom the security forms are issued must be logged in when the Vault Teller is issuing the Inventory.


In the fields ‘Prefix’, ‘Start Serial Number’ and ‘End Serial Number’: Enter relevant details, e.g. SBI-CA, 20001, 20100 in the present case.

Click on Transmit. ‘Record Update Status’ is displayed ol the screen, as under:

Serial No. Record Update Status

20001 ISSUED

Now this Cheque book is to be acknowledged by the receiving Teller.

Note: If you enter a wrong teller ID, the following error message appears:

146: Unknown / Invalid Teller

The Vault Teller can check the status of these security forms by going to the following menu: VPIS Enquiry of VPIS General Enquiry.

Choose option ‘07: Issued by Vault Teller’.

The Status of the inventory issued to the Teller will be shown as ‘ISSUED BY V TELLER’. This indicates that the security forms have to be acknowledged by the receiving Teller. Let us now proceed further and see how the Teller will acknowledge receipt in the system.

07.05 Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller:

Menu: VPIS Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller.

Screen '\\033024: Acknowledgment of Inventory by Teller' is displayed.

The Teller has to enter/ select all the required information viz., ‘Inventory Category’, ‘Inventory Sub Category’, ‘Currency’ ‘Prefix’, ‘Start Serial Number’, and ‘End Serial Number’.

In the field ‘User Action’, select ‘Accept the Inventories’ and against ‘Acknowledgement of’, select ‘Issued Inventories’ (default option). This means, the Teller is accepting the inventories issued by the Vault Teller.

After verifying that the details are correct, the Teller will click on ‘Transmit’. The Record Update Status, displayed on the screen is changed to ‘ACCEPTED’.


If the Vault Teller enquires through the menu, VPIS Enquiry of VPIS General Enquiry, for ‘Status’ as ’05:Issued to Teller’ he will find that the status is now changed to 'Issued to Teller'.

Note: If the receiving Teller gives the wrong cheque numbers in the screen or tries to accept the same inventory a second time, the following error message is displayed:

899: 0000020201 IS NOT ISSUED BY VT OR CUST.

If the Vault Teller has issued the VPIS through Batch Prompt (discussed in subsequent sections), the Teller must also acknowledge receipt of inventory through Batch Prompt only. Otherwise, the above error message is displayed.

07.06. Return of Inventory by Teller:

Steps Description Screen No

1 Returning of Unused VPIS 033016

Scenario: At the end of the day, cheque books that have not been used by the Teller are to be returned to the Vault Teller. The Teller will access the following menu:

Menu: VPIS Return of Inventories.

Screen \\033016: Return Of Inventory By Teller is displayed.

The Teller has to enter the details of inventory being returned along with the Serial Numbers and the ID of the Teller in the field 'Return Inventory to'. Click on ‘Transmit’. The ‘Record Update Status’ is shown as ‘RETURNED’ along with the Serial No., on the Teller’s screen.


07.07. Acknowledgement of Returned Inventories by Vault Teller:

Steps Description Screen No

1 Acknowledging Returned VPIS 033024

Menu: VPIS Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller

Screen '\\033024: Acknowledgment of Inventory by Teller' is displayed.

The Vault Teller has to enter / select the details such as ‘Inventory Category’, ‘Inventory Sub Category’, ‘Prefix’, ‘Start Serial Number’, ‘End Serial Number’.

In the field ‘User Action’, he has to select ‘Accept the Inventories’ and in the field ‘Acknowledgement Of’: ‘Returned Inventories’.

Click on Transmit. ‘Record Update Status’ on the Vault Teller’s screen is displayed as ‘ACCEPTED’.

07.08. VPIS Batch Processing:

Steps Description Screen No

1 Issue of VPIS in Batch (More than 10 and upto 50) --

2 Acknowledging VPIS in Batch (More than 10 and upto 50) --

VPIS Batch Processing option is used to issue inventory in excess of 10 Cheque books or DD Leaves, up to a maximum of 50 Cheque books or DD Leaves.

Menu: VPIS VPIS Batch Processing VPIS Batch Prompt.

Screen \\SCR: VPIS Prompt Screen is displayed.

Field ‘Screen No’: Select option ‘33015: Issue of Inventory to Teller’.

Click on ‘Transmit’. A new screen \\033015 : Issue of Inventory to Teller – Web Page Dialog appears.

Enter the details of inventory to be issued to the Teller and click on Transmit. Now you will see the following message displayed on the task bar:

"Entire VPIS range has been processed: Please click on Display Status button to see status".

‘Close’ the Web Page Dialog window.

Now click on ‘Display Status’ button. Entire range of inventory issued is displayed with the Starting Serial No. of each Cheque book, and the status as 'ISSUED'.

07.09. Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller – Batch:

This is similar to the acknowledgement of inventory done earlier (Please see the section 07.05 of this Chapter). However, inventory issued / returned through VPIS Batch Prompt has to be acknowledged through VPIS Batch Prompt only.

Menu: VPIS VPIS Batch Processing VPIS Batch Prompt


Screen \\SCR: VPIS Prompt Screen is displayed.

Field ‘Screen No’: Select option ‘33024: Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller’.

Click on ‘Transmit’. A new screen \\33024: Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller – Web Page Dialog appears.

The Teller has to enter the details of inventory received. Select ‘User Action’ as ‘Accept the Inventories’ and ‘Acknowledgement Of’ as ‘Issued Inventories’ (both default options) and click on Transmit.

Now the following message is displayed on the task bar:

"Entire VPIS range has been processed:: Please click on Display Status button to see status".

‘Close’ the Web Page Dialog window.

Now click on ‘Display Status’ button. Entire range of inventory received is displayed with the Starting Serial No. of each Cheque book, and the status as 'ACCEPTED'.

07.10 Return of Inventory by Teller – Batch:

Menu: VPIS VPIS Batch Processing VPIS Batch Prompt

Screen \\SCR: VPIS Prompt Screen is displayed.

Field ‘Screen No’: Select option ‘33016: Return Of Inventory By Teller’.

Click on ‘Transmit’. A new screen \\33016: Return Of Inventory By Teller – Web Page Dialog appears.

The Teller has to enter the details of inventory to be returned. Enter the ID of the Vault Teller in the field ‘Return Inventory To’ and click on Transmit.

Now the following message is displayed on the task bar:

"Entire VPIS range has been processed:: Please click on Display Status button to see status".

‘Close’ the Web Page Dialog window.

Now click on ‘Display Status’ button. Entire range of inventory returned is displayed with the Starting Serial No. of each Cheque book, and the status as 'RETURNED'.

07.11. Acknowledgement of Returned Inventories by Vault Teller:

Menu: VPIS VPIS Batch Processing VPIS Batch Prompt

Screen \\SCR: VPIS Prompt Screen is displayed.

Field ‘Screen No’: Select option ‘33024: Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller’.

Click on ‘Transmit’. A new screen \\33024: Acknowledgement of Inventory by Teller – Web Page Dialog appears.


The Vault Teller has to enter the details of inventory received. Select ‘User Action’ as ‘Accept the Inventories’ and ‘Acknowledgement Of’ as ‘Returned Inventories’ and click on Transmit.

The following message is displayed on the task bar:

"Entire VPIS range has been processed:: Please click on Display Status button to see status".

‘Close’ the Web Page Dialog window.

Click on ‘Display Status’ button. Entire range of inventory received is displayed with the Starting Serial No. of each Cheque book, and the status as 'ACCEPTED'.

07.12. Marking Inventory as Lost/ Damaged/ Cancelled:

Note: Minimum Capability Level required to Mark Lost/ Damaged/ Cancelled status is ‘7’.

Steps Description Screen No

1 Recording of Lost/Damage/Cancel of VPIS 033014

Menu: VPIS Lost/ Damaged/ Cancelled Inventories.

Screen '\\ 033014: Change status prompt for Lost/ Damaged/ Cancelled Inventory' is displayed.

Enter / select the details such as ‘Inventory Category’, ‘Inventory Sub Category’, ‘Prefix’, ‘Start Serial Number’ and ‘End Serial Number’.

In the field ‘ Status’, select the application option, e.g. ’11:Lost’, ’12:Cancelled’, or ’13:Damaged’.

In the field ‘Reason’: enter the reasons for marking status of the inventory as Lost / Cancelled / Damaged.

Click on ‘Transmit’. The ‘Record Update Status’ on the screen is displayed as ‘UPDATE’ along with the Start Serial Number of inventory marked as Lost / Cancelled / Damaged.

You can confirm whether the status of inventory has changed to Lost / Cancelled / Damaged, using Menu: VPIS Enquiry of VPIS General Enquiry. Screen \\033018: Enquiry Prompt For VPIS is displayed.

Enter / select the ‘Inventory Category’ and ‘Inventory Sub Category’ codes.

In the ‘Status’ field, choose option ‘01: Lost’, ’02: Cancelled’ or „03: Damaged‟ and in the ‘Prefix’ field enter the correct prefix so as to make a precise enquiry.

Click on ‘Transmit’. The inventory details with the ‘Status’ as LOST, CANCELLED OR DAMANGED will be displayed.

While it is not a must to give the serial number or prefix for enquiry, but if you fill in one of these information, the response will be faster.


07.13. Enquiry of Inventory where Status is Unknown:

Suppose you do not know the status of a Cheque, whether it is issued by Vault Teller, or Acknowledged by Teller, or Issued to Customer, you can check it out through the following method:

Menu: VPIS Enquiry General Enquiry.

Screen \\033018 : Enquiry Prompt For VPIS is displayed.

Enter / select the ‘Inventory Category’ and ‘Inventory Sub Category’ codes.

In the ‘Status’ field, choose option ’00: Unknown’.

Fields ‘Prefix’ and ‘Serial Number’ are mandatory in this case. Enter the prefix and serial number of Cheque, status of which is being enquired.

Now click on ‘Transmit’.

The resulting screen (\\033022 : Enquiry Result For VPIS) will show the details of the Cheque, including the present status.

07.14. Teller Level Enquiry:

Steps Description Screen No

1 Enquiry of VPIS issued to a Teller 033019

This menu helps us enquire the status of VPIS for a particular Teller in the Branch.

Menu: VPIS Enquiry of VPIS Teller level Enquiry.

You will get the Screen \\033019: Teller wise Enquiry.

Enter/ select ‘Inventory Category’, ‘Inventory Sub Category’ and ‘Currency’ codes.

In the ‘Teller Number’ Field, key-in the PF Index no. of the Teller whose inventory is being enquired.

Click on Transmit. Details of VPIS with the concerned Teller will be displayed. The information displayed includes Date of Receipt, Date Issued, Issued By, etc.

07.15. Split/ Merge Transaction for VPIS:

Steps Description Screen No

1 Split/ Merge Transaction for VPIS 033019

2 Authorisation Refer 14.01

This menu has been provided for splitting and merging of VPIS created at the Branch for the purpose of partly releasing the inventory with the status as ‘Hold’ or merging several small ranges of inventory. This menu is available only to the Vault Teller (Accountant).

As already explained in the Section 07.03 of this Chapter, security forms can be issued to Teller and further to customers only if these have been released by the


Accountant. In order to protect from the misuse of security forms, it is important to release only as many security forms as are needed for use in the immediate future. For example, if 50,000 draft forms have been received by the Branch, and the Accountant foresees that the branch will require only 2000 draft forms for one month, then he can release only 2000 draft forms and keep the remaining 48,000 draft forms on Hold status.

Menu: VPIS Split/Merge transaction for VPIS.

Screen \\ SCR:033020 Split/Merge Transaction For VPIS is displayed.

In the Field ‘Action’: select the desired option from the Dropdown viz. ‘S: Split the Range’ and ‘M: Merge the Sub Range’.

The ‘Institution No’. is 3 for SBI. Please do not change this.

In the Field ‘Inventory Category’: select the appropriate option from the dropdown viz. ‘01:Current Account Cheque’, ‘02: Saving Bank Cheque’, etc.

In the Field ‘Inventory Sub-Category’: please key-in the appropriate sub-category e.g., ‘01’ for Bearer Cheque, ‘02’ for Order Cheque, ‘05’ for Bankers Cheque or ‘02’ for Demand Draft.

In the Field ‘Currency’: please retain the default option ‘INR:INDIAN RUPEE’.

In the Field ‘Prefix‟: please key-in the Prefix of the Inventory to Split / Merge.

Under RANGES: key-in the ‘Start Serial Number’ and ‘End Serial Number’.

Select the appropriate ‘Status’ from the Dropdown viz. ‘01:Hold’ or ‘02:Release’. Enter all the sub-ranges of the security forms series to be split, else error message – “5467: MORE THAN ONE SUB RANGE IS REQUIRED” is displayed.

Click on ‘Transmit’. A dialogue box appears on the screen, displaying the status changes made by the system. A screen shot is give below:


07.16. Issue of Bulk Cheque Books to Corporate Customers:

There are following limitations in the VPIS Module:

i. Menu Option ‘Issue of Inventory’ can be used to issue a maximum of 10 Cheque books or 10 DD / BC Leaves, at a time.

ii. VPIS Batch Processing can be used to issue a maximum of 50 Cheque books or 50 DD / BC Leaves at a time.

iii. A maximum of 50,000 Leaves only can be entered into the System, at a time, through Inventory Maintenance.

iv. The ‘E:Enquire’ and ‘A:Amend’ options under the menu Inventory Maintenance can be used in respect of Inventory Status as ‘HOLD’ only.

Branches may be required, sometimes, to issue Cheque books in excess of the aforementioned limitations, at a time, to large Corporate Clients. The steps to be followed for such bulk issue of inventory, subject to a cap of 50,000 leaves at a time, are as given below:


i. The first pre-condition is that fresh indent of inventory has to be received by the Branch and taken into the System through Menu: VPIS Inventory Maintenance.

ii. For bulk issuance, a number of Cheque books are clubbed together and entered into the System as a single ‘No. of Leaves per Cheque book’. As the maximum length of this field is 4 digits, it would accept a maximum of ‘9999’ as ‘No. of Leaves per Cheque book’. However, it is always desirable to give this number in multiple of thousands.

iii. A backup Register would need to be maintained to maintain the details of the clubbed Cheque books.

STEP 1: Vault Teller to enter receipt of inventory using Menu: VPIS Inventory Maintenance, as discussed in the Section – 07.02 of this Chapter. The only difference is that in the field ‘No. of Leaves per Cheque book’, the number will be aggregate number of clubbed Cheque books, say 5000. The inventory should be received preferably with ‘HOLD’ status.

STEP 2: Whenever, inventory are required to be issued in bulk, ‘HOLD’ status of the inventory has to be changed to ‘RELEASED’. The part release of the inventory, as per the requirements for immediate future should be done using menu option: VPIS Split/Merge transaction for VPIS. The splitting of inventory has been discussed in the Section – 07.15 of this Chapter.

STEP 3: Issue the inventory to Teller for eventual issuance to Customer, as discussed in the Section – 07.04. The difference will be that now each Cheque book will have leaves in thousands (maximum 9999), depending upon the ‘No. of Leaves per Cheque book’ set during Inventory Maintenance.

STEP 4: The receiving Teller has to acknowledge receipt of inventory, as


explained in the Section – 07.05 of this Chapter.

STEP 5: For issuance of the bulk Cheque books to the Customer’s Account, Cheque Personalisation has to be done using Menu: Cheque Book Functions Cheque Book Operations Cheque Personalisation. In the Cheque Personalisation process, leave the field ‘No. of Books’ as it is.

In the field ‘Leaves Per Book’ select any of the existing values from the drop-down and quickly enter the ‘Leaves Per Book’ as customised during Inventory Maintenance, say 5000. It would be seen that the value typed, say 5000 has been accepted by the System. Click on ‘Transmit’. OK message is displayed.

In case, Cheque Personalisation has already be done for the Account, it can be amended using the similar process.

STEP 6: Cheque Book Order has to be done now, using menu option: Cheque Book Functions Cheque Book Operations Cheque Book Order. In the field ‘No. of Books’ enter the number of the clubbed lots of Cheque books being issued. In the field ‘Leaves Per Book’, enter the number of leaves per lot of Cheque books, say 5000, using the same process as discussed in the previous Step. Click on ‘Transmit’. OK message is displayed.

STEP 7: Issue Cheque Book, using the menu: Cheque Book Functions Cheque Book Operations Issue Cheque Book. Change the ‘Leaves Per Book’ to the number of leaves per lot, as entered during Inventory Maintenance (say 5000), using the same process as discussed in the previous steps. Click on ‘Transmit’. OK message is displayed.

STEP 8: Make an enquiry to satisfy that bulk cheques have been issued, using menu: Cheque Book Functions Enquiries Cheque Books – By Cheque Numbers.

07.17. Common Error Messages in VPIS Module:


While doing Split/ Merge, if you give only one range, this error message appears.


This error message occurs when you try to Issue inventory to Vault Teller.

146: Unknown / Invalid Teller

If you enter a wrong teller ID, or if the Teller to whom you wish to issue inventory has not logged into the system this error message is displayed.


If inventory has been entered into system but the batch job has not been run yet at CDC for release, then this message appears.



While issuing inventory to Teller or while returning inventory to the Accountant at the end of day, if cheque numbers, prefix or Teller ID is given wrongly, this error message appears.

899: 0000020201 IS NOT ISSUED BY VT OR CUST.

If the receiving Teller gives the wrong cheque numbers in the screen while acknowledging receipt, this error message is displayed.

Also, if the Teller tries to accept the same inventory a second time, this message is displayed.

If the Vault Teller has issued the VPIS through Batch Prompt, the Teller must also acknowledge receipt of inventory through Batch Prompt only. Otherwise, this error message is displayed.





Inst. No.

Category Sub Category



003 01 01 INR C A – Bearer Cheque

003 01 02 INR C A – Order Cheque

003 01 00 INR C A – 100 Leavers

003 01 03 INR Government Cheques

003 01 29 INR C A – At Par

003 02 01 INR S B – Bearer Cheque

003 02 02 INR S B – Order Cheque

003 02 31 INR S B – At Par

003 03 01 INR CC – Bearer Cheque

003 03 02 INR CC – Order Cheque

003 03 30 INR CC – At Par

003 04 01 INR Traveller’s Cheques

003 04 04 INR Traveller’s Cheques







003 04 11 USD AMEX

003 04 12 GBP AMEX

003 04 13 GBP Inter-payment Services – VISA

003 05 01 INR Banker’s Cheque

003 05 05 INR Banker’s Cheque

003 06 01 INR Gift Cheque

003 06 06 INR Gift Cheque

003 07 01 INR Term Deposit Receipt

003 07 02 INR Spl. Term Deposit Receipt

003 07 03 INR MOD – Term Deposit Receipt

003 07 04 INR Term Deposit Receipt – NRI

003 07 05 INR Certificate of Deposit

003 07 06 INR Deposit at Call Receipt

003 07 07 INR Term Deposit Receipt

003 08 01 INR Guarantee Bonds

003 08 08 INR Guarantee Bonds

003 09 01 INR Encashment Certificates

003 10 01 INR Foreign Inward Remit. Cert. (FIRC)

003 10 10 INR Encashment Certificates

003 11 01 INR Stamp Paper

003 11 11 INR Stamp Paper



Inst. No.

Category Sub Category

Currency Description

003 12 01 INR Demand Draft – Teller

003 12 02 INR Demand Draft – Custodian

003 12 03 INR Demand Draft – USD - SBNY

003 12 04 INR Demand Draft – USD - BONY

003 12 05 INR Demand Draft – GBP – LOW VALUE

003 12 06 INR Demand Draft – GBP – HIGH VALUE

003 12 07 INR Demand Draft – GBP – MISC.

003 12 08 INR RBI Remittance Drafts

003 12 04 USD USD DD

003 12 05 GBP

003 13 13 INR Welcome Kit

003 13 01 INR Welcome Kit – SB Account

003 13 02 INR Welcome Kit – Current Account

003 14 01 INR IOI Maintenance Screen

003 29 01 INR Multi-city Cheque – CA - Bearer

003 29 02 INR Multi-city Cheque – CA – Order

003 30 01 INR Multi-city Cheque – CC – Bearer

003 30 02 INR Multi-city Cheque – CC – Order

003 31 01 INR Multi-city Cheque – SB – Bearer

003 31 02 INR Multi-city Cheque – SB – Order

VPIS details for creation of Foreign DD and TC


Inst. No.

Category Sub Category

Currency Description









003 04 11 USD AMEX-USD

003 04 12 GBP AMEX-GBP




Inst. No.

Category Sub Category

Currency Description

003 12 01 INR Demand Draft- Teller

003 12 02 INR Demand Draft - Custodian

003 12 03 USD Demand Draft –USD - SBNY

003 12 04 USD Demand Draft –USD - BONY

003 12 05 GBP Demand Draft –GBP –LOW VALUE

003 12 06 GBP Demand Draft –GBP –HIGH VALUE

003 12 07 Demand Draft -MISC

Demand Draft)

