· Web viewe word in launching a social media campaign through Facebook on 9/13/15, Nation al Pet...


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The “Everlasting Hug ©”

When there are no words for someone that loses a pet.

When 6-8 million cats and dogs are taken to shelters and more than

half are euthanized.

Give A Hug… Save A Life

The patent pending “Everlasting Hug ©” addresses both of these…

When bestowed to someone, this beautiful hand crafted memorial figurine addresses the loss and bereavement of a beloved pet, and…

A percentage of each and every “Everlasting Hug ©” sale will provide direct relief to numerous shelters for food, bedding, medical treatments and neutering while waiting for their “forever homes”.

We need your networking help with spreading the word in launching a social media campaign through Facebook on 9/13/15, National Pet Memorial Day. The campaign will jump start all that is essential in helping this expandable business Everlasting Hug LLC. to provide assistance to both pets and people.

Please, friend me at https://www.facebook.com/CharlesChuckKern, so that you can help spread the word.

The “Everlasting Hug” Remembrance Vessel

Give a hug… save a life

Hi, I’m Charles Kern of Natural Creations Inc and Everlasting Hug LLC

I am a master stone mason, an architectural landscaper, designer and builder of large outdoor ponds and fountains, and hand sculptor of indoor table top fountains and memorials. Doing these things as a self employed business man the last 30 years have been my blessings and my livelihood. I have always wondered why these different paths have zigzagged in and out of my life. It seemed as though I was always focusing on helping people to cope with their stress and the hardship of everyday life. Mostly from the loss of loved ones (pet or human).

These past 3 years have consisted of change and evolution. I had to close my gallery of 18 yrs in 2012, due to a town’s economic decline. So I turned my attention to a part time on NaturalCreations.com and part time outdoor water and landscaping www.CreationsbyKern.com.

It was right about this time our second rescue, Fenn, came into our lives. And my then, 95 year old mother, became more dependent on me as caregiver, due to several falls. The path of my life forked. Maybe because I was forced to slow down and put my mother’s care first.

Now I found myself being drawn to events taking place with my girlfriend’s daughter, Sarah Trainor, whom became a foster mom of some kittens. Her efforts and those of the shelters she rescues from started to overpower my thoughts and emotions.

She went from rescuing the healthiest of animals, to the ones that didn’t stand a chance. The newborns with no mother. The kitten found hanging from a chain link fence. The blind, the maimed, the sick, the old and dying. She took them home and let them have their last breath belonging to someone that loved them.

Some made comebacks and she found them forever homes.

Then found alone on the side of the road, Schway then came into our lives.

Next came our special needs cat, Twee. With us nursing him to better health.

At this time I was also taking notice of how many of my friends were losing pets and coming to me to create memorials for them. It was through conversation with them that I found out, what I had really always known, there really isn’t anything set up to deal with Loss and Bereavement from the loss of a pet. And your friends and family really don’t understand the loss one feels from a dear pet dying. They don’t even ask how you are doing. They expect you to just get over it and get another pet to cure your sadness.

I know this to be true, because that’s how it was for me when I lost Zachary and Kimba… having the lost feelings and the emptiness when they both passed on and feeling that I was to deal with it quietly in my own way.

I guess you might say that this was my “Aha” moment when everything seemed to come together and the true purpose of my life was uncovered. I needed to help both people and pets at the same time… they both go hand in hand.

So now I have another vision. Of those animals that are less fortunate than others. For the unwanted pets that are surrendered to shelters. For the unwanted litters that get dropped off. For the sick that are left out to fend for themselves. For the senior pets that become neglected and taken to be put down. I have seen the sad, scared and sick eyes of the young and the old. So many… all with so little time to be saved.

My dream is to give back to these shelters. To start up a workable means to provide funding to perform more spaying and neutering. Money needed to provide the basics of food and shelter and health care for those brought in every day. To have more “no kill” shelters so that every unwanted animal finds a forever home. And for those that need a peaceful and respectful ending…get the one they deserve.

Thus… the “Everlasting Hug” was born!

Give a Hug… Save a Life

How does anyone process a life and ultimate loss of a loved one. Then, how does this emotional process differ when the loved one is a beloved pet?

The “Everlasting Hug”, is all of “that” (however defined) which a person feels, when it is seen and held in the palms of their hands. It is the peaceful closure that settles in when the time comes for this precious animal being’s life to move on. When looking at either figurine, you see an embrace. You notice it is a person receiving a hug from either a cat or a dog. Each non-descript.

It represents the love and thankfulness for the time the pet and human shared together. Perhaps a full lifetime, maybe a few years or months, sometimes just a precious moment.

“I was loved and had a reason and a home. Thank you!”

The “Everlasting Hug” is so much more than a hand held figurine. It is a remembrance vessel figurine that tries to capture and embrace the personal experiences of both pet loss and bereavement. Within each one, is a small chamber, that when filled with a lock of hair, or ashes, a picture, note, or other small memento, becomes a unique memorial that can be picked up and reflected upon.

Even as adults, death can be hard to understand and accept. What was once here in body is gone away but is now forever with us in spirit. How many friends have had a pet die and you feel there are no words or actions that are perfect acknowledgement? A gift of an “Everlasting Hug” says it all.

For a child, losing a pet is usually their first experience with death. The “Everlasting Hug” can be used to symbolize the forever lasting relationship they shared with their friend and playmate. The loss, either by natural death, putting it to sleep, by running away, or by someone taking it, is lessened when this permanent keepsake is bed side.

The blending of my gifts and abilities to create with water and stone…To capture a feeling and memorialize it with a sculpted fountain, to provide peace and tranquility with an outdoor pond and waterfall… My gifts have served me well. Now it is time to give back.

The necessity for these shelters is tremendous. The kind hearts, like Sarah, that spend valuable time and energy are often under numbered and funds for bedding, food, medicine and medical care is inadequate.

The “Everlasting Hug” has a multifaceted intention of not only easing the personal pain of pet loss, but also giving back to shelters, rescues and organizations that deal with these voiceless, helpless, homeless and unloved animal friends.

A substantial amount of the total sale of each “Hug” will go into a relief fund. This money will be used for direct relief to local chosen pet facilities for their needs. Imagine the difference these shelters could make in medical care, neutering and spaying and in finding forever homes for more of these unfortunate animals that deserve a chance. This networking… linking a much needed product bought by a large population of people in need, the volunteers, caregivers, and the rescue shelters will ignite this sow and reap campaign to make a difference.

On the second Sunday in September… September 13, 2015

National Pet Memorial Day

We will be launching our GO FUND ME campaign.

By helping us to get this started, you will be a part of something very much needed... helping both people and pets...and if you don't have the means to help by funding us, then please like us and share us to as many friends as possible... we would be eternally grateful. The Go-Fund-Me will be sent out via our founders Facebook, Charles Kern (Chuck).

Please, friend me at https://www.facebook.com/CharlesChuckKern, so that you can help spread the word.
