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Technology Lesson Plan

Technology Lesson Plan: SAT Vocabulary Collaborative Study Guide

Kate Lulinski

Azusa Pacific University TESL 501

Technology Lesson Plan:

SAT Vocabulary Collaborative Study Guide

Time: 60 minutes

Context: The students are high school aged, Chinese students studying at an American school in Los Angeles.

The class has 10 boys and 4 girls. The course is designed to build students academic reading,

writing, critical thinking, and SAT prep skills. It is also meant to introduce and familiarize students

with different aspects of American culture. The students have access to their own mobile/personal


Technology Lesson Plan

devices and Internet, and the classroom is equipped with a TV, DVD player, and portable projector

with Chromecast.


SWBAT memorize and learn vocabulary words using images to aid memory and comprehension.

SWBAT search read the Internet for relevant vocabulary examples.

SWBAT present the meaning of vocabulary through images, sentences, and dialogue both orally and through


SWBAT collaborate to create SAT study guides using current technology.

Materials: 10 SAT level vocabulary words, projector, students personal devices, Chromecast streaming device,

Google Drive/Slides, paper and pens.

Key Technology:

Students personal devices- I thought it was important to utilize the technology that students are most

comfortable with. I also believe that students should leave class with the ability to own their learning, and this

lesson allows them to see how easy it is to do that. Wiley (n.d.) stated, “ They (young learners) are more

engaged in learning when using the latest technological gadgets, because it is what they are most used to

interacting with. Our students don’t just want mobile learning they need it”(n.p.).

Projector- The projector makes it possible for the entire class to see what everyone is doing, and to utilize the

study materials the class is making together.

Chromecats streaming device- Chromecast allows multiple devices to share their screens on the projection

when they are using Google Chrome. This gives my students and myself the ability to share ideas, information,

and images with ease.

Chromecast App- This app is free and easy to download, and is required for screensharing.


Technology Lesson Plan

Google Drive/Slides- Google Drive is such a useful tool that students should be familiar with it for the sake of

convenience, the fact that many teachers use this as the only means of turning in assignments, and Google

Docs/Slides makes it easy to collaborate, which is perfect for classroom projects.

Assumptions: Students have already setup a Google Drive account for accessing shared documents, they have

Google chrome, the Chromecast app and the Google Drive app on their own devices, and practiced sharing

their screens in a previous class.

SAT Vocabulary Collaborative Study Guide:

Activity Teacher Students Time

Warm-up/Practice Make sure students are logged into

Chromecast and write the word

‘funny’ on the board. Ask students

to take a few minutes to find an

image using their devices that

show the word funny. Then,

explain to students that they will

be doing something similar to help

them learn and remember how to

use their SAT vocabulary

Have students Chromecast their

images to the projector and enjoy

the humor of their classmates.

8 minutes

Set-Up: Provide students with a list of 10

SAT vocabulary words (appendix


-Break Students into groups of 2

or 3, and assign them 2 of the

vocabulary words.

Students move their seats into


4 minutes

Presentation: Show an example slide (see

appendix A) and explain to

students that they will be working

Students can ask questions or for

any assistance they might need.

5 minutes


Technology Lesson Plan

together to help each other learn

SAT vocabulary and create a class

study guide for the words. They

will be using their mobile devices

to find the definition, 2 images

that relate to their words, 2

authentic examples (sentences

found in different resources), and

1 original example sentence of

how to use the word in real-life,

and then put the information into a

shared slide presentation on

Google Drive in Google Slides,

which the teacher has already

invited them to. The students

should be prepared to present their

slides to the class.

Production: The teacher will actively be

monitoring and helping the groups

to make sure they finish the task

in the given time frame.

All of the students in the group

can then research the words on

their own devices and share what

they have found with their group

members, narrowing down their

best options.

Once each group has agreed

upon the best materials, one or

multiple students will use their

device to create 2 slides in

Google docs. They will place

their images and example

sentences in the slide, and each

group will present their findings

18 minutes


Technology Lesson Plan

to the class.

Production: The teacher will Chromecast the

finished slide show, so that

students can present.

Each group will present their

slides to the class.


Check Comprehension: Finally, split the class

into two teams and

present the students

with one of the

vocabulary words at a


Have students race to find a

different picture than what’s on

the presentation to Chromecast on

the board, or make a sentence

using the word. Each picture

earns 2 points and each sentence

earns 5.


Homework: Review the slideshow for a quiz

the next day.

Review/ Informal Assessment: a) The next day, only display

certain images from the


b) Then, ask students to write

short dialogues with their partners

using 2-3 of the new words to

present to the class.

a) Students verbally give the word

that coordinates with the image

and provide sentences based on

the image

b) Students write and present


20 minutes

Formal Assessment: Give a FIB quiz using all of the

words using Google docs.(See

appendix c for example quiz)

Students take the quiz on their

personal devices and then we

check the answers as a class when

finished using the projector and


10-15 minutes


Technology Lesson Plan


Wylie, J. n.d. Mobile learning technologies for 21st century classrooms.

Retrieved from


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Appendix A


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Appendix B

Vocab List:Enfranchise-

Abhor- hate










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Appendix C

enfranchised abhor counterfeit bigot placid talisman noxious hamper kindle(s) remuneration

At the age of 18, American citizens are 1____________________ by the

government. Some people are so happy to get their voter registration card,

that they consider the card a 2_______________________. The card is so

valuable that some people pay to have 3_______________________ voter

registration cards made so that they can vote illegally!

Gaining the right to vote 4_____________________ a passion in people to

express their opinions about the condition of the country, big business, and

the government. Some people have 5_____________________ gatherings to

speak about their concerns. For example, McDonald's employees held a

peaceful assembly, where they asked to have their extremely low

6__________________________ raised to a larger amount. People walked

together in big groups, made signs, and gave speeches. No one was hurt.

Conversely (opposite of previous statement), a lot of Americans get very

angry at the government and 7___________________the way it handles

certain issues. For example, in Missouri, a white police officer killed a


Technology Lesson Plan

young black man without just cause (an actual legal reason) and the

government did not punish him. When the young man was shot, people ran

into the street in order to 8______________________ the policeman from

hurting anyone else. People were furious and accused the police officer of

being a 9_____________________. There were violent protests in the street

and police sprayed 10___________________ gas to get people to go back

inside their homes.

