;-· I r 6 - Lincoln County Archives –archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...I r VOLUME...


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VOLUME XIX-(Carrizo~ News, Vol.

lfQS. TENTH AIR FORCE, Mr. •~4 Mrs. JIJZI. Tom and Mr JNJ>JA." BU~M4 _ Promotion aDd Mrs. ~olonel Jones exchanged CO' fiflt Jieptenan't of Wilbur Ro&S homes tb1s week and t.bt two tfhid~Y• Jr.,2G, hu•band of Mn. couplet moved.JUIJ 2nd and Srd. Aliee E. 'Undae7, Box 26,. Alto, • Neyv M~ico, bas been announced by Maj. ·Gtn. Howard n. · David· •on, comman~Jing general of tho


'l'tt~~ 'Air For~e. . In our pDper of June 29th wo U. Lind•r Y ll • pilot for the stated that the Cree. ranch bad

"Tffin Dragons" fiahter squadron been sold to an eaatern firm. Wa of tbl' Tenth Air Force. The lieu- eorrect that item this W£>ek: and tt.nC,t bu pearly 50 mlstion1 and say that Mf.'lsra. Joe c. Palmer OYer~OO ftying h~ur· to. biB credit and George W. McCarty were tha He b•• 1erved to Ind1a Burma buy"rs. AI we are lilUPPO~d to tbe {)Mit tight montbt. . mako a correction • equall.v au

Lt. Llrtdiiy graduated Corona .lnPnt 111 tbo ml1take, we are 1I1gb IICbOol watb clast of 1935 nod pleased to go one better • n d attended North Texas Sta qu to Mr. McCarty'" fetter In "l'e .. ben Coli tat where be was wblcb ho eay~: "Joe c. Palmer ••~ivr JQ traek. and I do not tbtnk we tbould be

conaidcred BIS an en11tcro firm. Cpf Joe Mirelez h .. arrived 'f:~ t~a~:t II that wo arc atmo1t

.btmt fr• two yean overseu in old·tlawrt in J,incoln County." &be EllrtiPI&P w•r theater •

• ·-Jack ·Payne of the U.S. Navy For Sale

arrived bome on leave tbil week. At Freeman ftnnch Ht ane 1111 wift and children arc Ruga, tee bo:~, beds, dining vilitiq at tht Skinner homt at furniture, tdtcben aet, etc. AnPJ .. TMY will leave for El Puo thelutb.


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Over cAtnerlca I Illata

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lXlCO. FRIDAY~ JUL¥ 6: 1941i

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Oomiaa born• from 9tar, Jon'tl want to l;no'l9 abon' " lot oUbinga that wUI help apted your futuro pro· greta J'ot h~l\~qc-. Jo••U want to know bow the -G.I . .aua caD laelp,.7ou own • home, ata~t a busi~esa of yoqr own or aicoaplilb other wortb wture objeettvt~. You•n wan& to aak abou' the opportunithit b;rt at hotne; the proepecji for the ftdnre, and calk over yeur plan• in dftaU ,_ ~ .

. ~ . . · Tbif t• •bitt "'«orne in. You'rt alway• wtleome htre. We*cJ be bapp:r to have yotlll\lkt our bank :tout

, (lnabcial haadquartelll, . I)

LINCOLN COUNTY AGE~Ol,. Ci&ileU Sf*te Bank ot V•uall11.

Carrilolo, N. j(. . •

' Membtir FMtral o...-u •••k• ~~•&•

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l\1-Sgt. Lloyd E. Andenon, whn

baa juit returned from visited Mrs Cora .Frazier and

Elb:abetb Jol'dan lnat Sun-

Mt1. Roy Skinner and aop Pctt, ibd two dauabtera M111. Winze II Ricketaon ard Ml'B. Jack· Pa1tntl were abopping in town ye1tttdly

lfrom Anaut. Mn. afeltl'IOil bu at..!tptt!d • po;ltion In Er Paao &lid wUJ kO there next ""k to Uvt

. Mr. Albert 8n•w and ~il Cltti ••rat filbing the ftr•t oUba

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Job well Dtnc

,_..-Behind'--=..._.., l'Ottr ·Bonds

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Little Known Stork~ About Well Known People


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IDepC mWtaiJ cen~onblp bas ap. palled many newsvaper men. How· ever1 we beUeve there would be leSI quibDllni between reporter• an!l brass hot blue-pencllora 11 · they would use the followlng yam as their

ammUJ1ition depot on the outskirts of Baltimore. But the colo­nel in charge of the depot refused to give reporters any infonnatlon. They promptly appealed to the gea­eral commanding the corps area, who picked thorn up ln. hlo car and convoyed the nowoboys to the scene of the dloruiter ..•. They wore greet­ed ot the gate by the colonel, who

~ .toted: "General, I have just thrown aomc reporters out of here." • . The general replied: "Colonel, lot me prooent ut~so gentlemen to you. They represent tho local newopa· pora. I've dlccovercd that It In bet­ter to give them the newo right away. They'll probably dig up tho information, anyhow, but a Uttle co-oporaUon caves them tlmo and help:~ the army." .•. The aoncrol'a nome? Dougloo !.1ocArthur.

Wben beavywelpt ebnmp Joo Louie woe a younocter hie mother tool! him to Detroit' o child auldonco bureau. The poycholoalot there otudlcd hie cocc. Hlo omozlna coun· I.!CI lo otlll o port ot tho buroou'o fiJco: "Teach him to do oomcthlng with hJo hando."

-· Anyone wbo bas waded lhrou1b the labyrinth of Bretton Woods or studied lha Intricacies of recenversloa Ia aware eeo­nomle• Is a ecmplez subject •••• WW Roren once Ustened 'lo a dlscnulon bJ a rroop of ezpel1 economist.. Ona of them asked no,en 1 "What l.s your oplnlcn about rlrld economy'" , •• WUI Intoned 1 "'lbe onl:t tblnr I know abont rl1ld economy ll that I& II a dead 8cotehmao."

Lowell Thomaa tellJ thll: Ono evening ln May, 1010, when Fro.nklln D. Roo:Jovolt and hlo wUo wore drlv· Ins homo, a cunctrooron followed by • torrtJJo cxp!oalon taro the olr. Turning Into their own etreot, thoy found themselves ln totnl dorknoos, driving over broken glass. Every street lamp wall blown away, tho troos strlpptd of their leat.'ea. At homo thoy faund tho front donr blown opllb, and ovory window shat­tered. Tho lower floor wao chaos. . . FDR daohcd up::~mira ehout­lna. "Johnny, Johnny." Johnny wao 1leopy and confused by tha uproar. Uo wantc11 to know what tho troubla wao. "Tum over and go to olcop," Mro. Rouzovolt rmid !lrmly arul calm­ly. "It's Jtrol o little bomb I" ••. Ever oinco then, a& momenta ot OX· treme excitement or uproar tn U1t1 Roooovolt ho!L!t)bll!d, when a meas­ure of cang.fro!d Ia called for, cum~ body quo teo thot prlt>olc!::J remark: "lt'o Jtrot a UtUo bomb!" •

TeMr Boosl!Vtll Wormed a biOI· raphor that ho learned a aroot los­eon In tho art of dlplnmacy (rom on lrullon eh!cf .•.. Whll!'l tourlnS the west, Tcd!ly mot an Indian who hod ohz wlvoo. . . . Roo!!tlvolt cuggooted tho t ho chooco ono l1rul dlJ:eard the other llvo .... After lhonghtful can· ajdoratbm, tho cblcltoln agroe:J-<m ono eon11Unn. "You chnnso the c..-:a tor mo to lteop," ho rcpUcd, "an:! abon ycu toU tho ollior Ova."

Fratlce'l rreat atatesmab, Clom­Oflt'COU, dom~cd drasUl:l pmlc..~ mont for Garmany's wnr crlmmara eflor tho last war, lr-.Jt bo was over­ruled by hls dlp!nmotie coUoogues. . . . O::o dlobmaa tnrcnn~ Clemen· ccou: "Yma domorul to ldU ~ro many Oarmnr.;~ lo murder." ..• The From~b statesmrm tookcli h1m straight m tlw eye aod ana:nlcll: "Klmna mbubea ll al!o a form cf murder. Out they must l:a ldUe;f ta order to cure • d!seuel"

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Allied Hero ReturnS .. to a Grateful Country


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General of the Army Dwlrb& D. Eisenhower Is shcnm 1D upper cirele •• he was 'Welcomed borne b his .wUe. To hb rlrb& Is his father, David, and his mO.ther h to hl1 left. ~wer Jef& t~bows the hero atlcllds llrlde In l!Jlll, shorUy after he married l\lamle DoucJ of Denver. ~wer center llll!OWI" &1m as be finfl!bed his tralnlnr at West Point. Lower rl1b& 1hows the Elst:lbower family taken in 1110: at lheir 'home in AbUene.

Blind Vets Learn to Play ~~d ;, Work Again ;. ·,

At tbe New York lnsutute tor the Ec!ueattoa of the BUtut, liA'Wf bleD a.a(l mutnes who lost thfho ll&ht fA tJae se"lc!l of their countrJ are enrarett lD a bueb&ll rame, u alunnl Ia the upper photo. 'Ihe7 follow the movement of the overalsc ball b7 sow. tower. from ltft to ri&ht, arche1'7. radJo repalrinJ an4 bow~.

•Market Lamb Show Pen Winner Twin Brothers r.ieet

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NEW wuriE ROUSE 'I'EMPO Harry · Truman luis now been

President of the .United Sates tor a little over tWo =wntbs-two of the< most Wtnortc montht!ln the nation's history. These two: months ore suf-ficient to get a gauge of how the new wUl func-

when you walk into tt If, tor instance, you drop on White l'lou&e Secretary ChorUe Roos, he Ia cordinl, courteous, but brief. There lB no invitation or inclination to sit dovm and gossip. This bu!lines!l-like atmosphere prevails throughout the entire White House staff.

If you go on in to oee Ross's boss, you get in on time. There ore few waitn. And the UtUe man CD tbe other aide of the blg, brood, shiny deolt Uatens intently. He wants to hear what his visltorB bove to oay. Theou nrc two dcflnlte innovatlODB.

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Truman gives the imprcoslon of noving o finn graop on all domestic problcOlfl, He knows them thor!lugb­ly-undoubtediy better than Frank­lin Rooocvclt during h1o latter yearo, t-Jben he woo devoting all hi!! time to tho war. mABo BED CEPAa I'OIT ookq W'!U!\8

e!llo rnrl.ll!ld lots. bill P.riC'CL Wrtle One of Truman'o frequent repllco •••'- c:aolalu:.IM, •••••n ... "'• ~

to cnllero when they urge D!UJCtion on come opeclal Ideo lo:

"I ,TeoUzc that. But It talteo time to do all theoo thlngo, and oeldom hove co many Important thlngo confronted us all at one time. I'U get orounrl to that juot ao coon oo I con. ..

One thing that worries him mo!l\ lo our forol[lJl qiloiro. Tho new Prc:l­Jdent frankly l'callzc!l 1t b hb mlrln wcalmcos. Ho doco not havo Roocc­vclt'o intornoUcnal bochgrcund. thorc.•toro boo to rely almo!lt wholly on blo dlplomato.

Truman's metbod ol mnnlnr the rovernmep& b that of ¢ct. lnr 100<1 men an4 rlvlnr them free ftlD. '1'hb b a rood 1175-tem, ana we coold havo had tnon of It in tho put. Oat lt breaks down whets the Prcalllrot b not sure he can rcl1 oD tho me, picked to pedorm tbo most important Job wo now race -blllllllnl up the peaca dtu t.ha wu. Troman told Stettlcl~. fot Instance, that ha wu to be h15 own bo:ts at San .Fraoelllco. Bnt he rounll that Stett.lnfos calkd hlm CD the phollt! once or twice a day .to ret hl!J approval of t1 most ever)' decision. Unlike R=ovclt, Truman dOC!l

nn1 h~ltoto to nrc a man t1ho d~'t produce. Elo lot Lcono.rd Rcln!:cll go bock to hiD rodlo job ln Atlanta tho dey after bo bacd!cd hlmJ:cU rodly ln a p-co oonlcrcnco. Bo tran!lferrcd Edward D. McKim, hiD odmicbtrotivo ~f!Jtpnt, oJt.cr it hecomo krulwn that tho genial on:l likoab!o l'JciDm ccomcl tmJ en-

.· gro:::xd In Mrn. ..ii!Jl)o Dlomor.!J" UelRan'o dinn...<>r ~rtlco oru! tho ro­clnl whlrl of Waablngtcm.


FIBED EISENIIOWEB Scmctimeo U I.D from QJ.lirlw ot

toto or pnn::mtal fM!oll!l!eD thut boroC!l oro bnm.

Ol:l army friontll!J o1 Gcncrol Eil:cntwwor cmlldn•t help tmt t~ mcmb(!J' thl!l ll!l they crothcrcd to

I JUlY him tribute. For, it lt Md net boon for o par­

cnnnl row with Oencrnl MacArtlmr In tho Phllir;pmen, El!;enhm:;cr prob-ably =uW ho ln a Jop pr~-n enmp tm~ny in!ltrod oJ r-ceclvma tho pmu:~­il!l 61 milll!Jw.

Wbcm UacArthur retin!<i ll!l chlef cf ntrul oru1 h:lgan tho r~rcnnl:>o­ticn d tho new ~me army, te tl>ntt t'Jith him to Mnnl!o ono d tlle l::iright. up.nrul-emnfug mea cf llio' army, Ccl. Dwight ~~ww. But. after cnmo time 1m t1w lPilillJ;]ilil~ thlngo didn't go weD. and Uae­Artlun' £zal lilln. Elli;:>m~aw<Jr mt tack to ~ U.s.A. tn climb tn fame an:l tho tcp cemmood d the Amerla can at'IDl1·

If he tad remmc~ wilili Ma:> Artbm, l:e probably wumd nnw :he with ClmL "8dney., Wainwright o.nU the Ul olliu Amerfean tt~~m taken prl!Scner by tho J«us. • •• BASEBALL ANI)



~ real t111rt1m• mona. Drt..,s b &,0: Mo7UIIf ..,nnsor ncl wo W1l1 ~eo t1CJtl rCllD wttb new ccnulno •

ruv• ~Ill£ tl<nol beo 7~ cal 1u~ ed Uil:Vt.nll lloalor or .,rtto Vncton !strl~.

l'tlnytng Rocky Mountain Co. eeterate lprtlllp • • • • • Color..._

I'OUB HAYTAO DTOC£ gcu.r wu::cr b t!l-m flrPCft ~ •

al 1111>=-ob!.e prtcc:a. Wo colT);! cU a run U:le cr C!lrta. Chdel'll tll!.e4.

DEfJVJ.;B Al'l't.IAtlc:J!: VOMI'J\NI' ... ICUI IL • Oeanf, C...,



• Buy War Bontk .J/.nJ J<ccp :J/rom

SORETONE .. ..... ilillllrtl'• • ............. · j •.

. . -G.l.8 Drive Sttike·Bound Trucks , Y U S C• • In S:1ll Franclst<J, a dclegatfun cf · oungest • • 1t1zen Phi!sdelphlan"J eal!ed Cll Australia's

External Mairs Mml!rtet Herbe.."t

50¢ .. $101.



Evatt to ask that tho <!icy o1 brother• \VNU··K · IY Io'iil!l launded by Wiffit~.tn Penn !!!~~:........--...... ---~~:!:::.:~ hceomo the seat CJf U,)e. Urutcd Ua· tlrms f.n the futuro.

Dr. Evatt &tt.llei! cnretuUs>. Then ho tepUed:

''I ean•t vato for PlilladtJISJhla un­til tM Phllli!!S gal out of tlle ecl. Jar. rm altaid it w.outd gl.~e tha United N'atiolt! a defcatl!t tlnitude it both Pbill!.de!pllia ha!llball ttamJ~t were at. the bottom of their IcaMUcs.'' · ' . •. . . '

· .. tAPrtAt Cl:l&i'JI' · ct. New llampsliliet~ tile-time f!ola­

. tionl!t Smato= Tobey has 1ot tell· ,Znrt. tre 15 so amtioU3 fu avo!il an-

• other war thlit l:.e has bt®me one of tht! t'Xl.C3t lltdtnt adir'c~titt!! of intl:lt ..

. nutional w-operation. Tobey e\7ctl · hlas.ttd (ifi~) biS: old Mmd

. . . . and coUe~, ~&nato:r Uanah~ .. . (JbJttt$rl¥1lit c:•• hee•ts ~-cc~.tkut.wbQ>,wbileitt~~ • u.. JtdCM Ptt!IM N hllna .,. ljv1e,.2! ~tt1~Uc~ti~ ~ti(lntl t!fut .. u Jt tltli ... tile u..u.. .. u;; .Iii ·-· . . . ._, 1)08• . (llt:q d<ietl.a•. ' . .... t ........... ., - .... "" •. -... tor t·· ·.·· g)l' 14 10· on the 8ena«t floor and ....,.. _ '"'"'"' ~·~ ~ ~•~ftl.- -.. ~ .!~"""" ...... ~- ............. r,. ........ ~ ... d·· · ~· (J .... arar. ' ) .. ~~ct.~ ............. .., ... ul, ~

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From Today On ,, ~ .~ ,

.BY C~RIE Nlt4IOLAS 3inardy ·Tailored ~utton-.Fro~t~

lllll! Sincllcnte.-WNU. i'~'lture•.


' I

JJ'W. 111t ll!mon blind husband, a mother-in-law, o nnaU d!wghtcr, en flngllih bay, • MI,UIJ to =se, Allco u:UJ have her hcrnU full.


IF YOU have not been vaving . kitchen fnto and taldng them

in tin eons to your butcher, do it-from today on.

If you haven't been oetting oolde aupcrtluouo warm, ~lain clothing for the next clothing dtive, do it-from today on.

If you bnven't been invCDtJna ev­ery spore penny, and como that you emmet aporo In thlD areot war to tree all pcoplco and octlle all bmmdarico, then commence to do It -ftom today on.

U yau chould not be dlctJn{l, or bol~:~ru:ing your domcatlc bttdaet, or writing regulnrly to your coldler, or tnkJng an a port time job on oooillt­ant nun:c, then bculn to do It--from bc!Dy an.

Ono great trouble with un Amer­tean women, t7ho hnve !mown co many yearn ct cccurlty ami plenty, 1.!1 thot t'Jo nro opt to thlnh about aU thcco thln£n and o thou!land otbcrQ, ''J wlcb I'd bcauo thot-ycoro oao. Ebvtng dlmco. Studyma Sp.:mlah. &vlng tho chl!dren'o trilmdo In for stmplo ho:JpltntitJco. Wollilna t\';o mHct~ a day. Loch at all tho time ll'vo lt~:Jtl It I'd bod any Ideo bo.1 tl!:duJ it woo going to bo to rno-<~r hnl.Y happy It t'<ould hove modo Torn -<11' t7Iml help I wuld bovo (Jiven that ~r c:hltd - or hGW t'lelromo that C!ldra mo:ney wnulrl bo 'rum-"

()banco for Fresh Start. 'Some ll~co oro cpr:nt in fhl!l cart

cf u::clao regretting. But tho amnrt Yromtm eventually lca11l!l thllt what· over 'Ulc miom!to ond ombll.m!l of f.ho p::wt, there lo alt7tlyn lcdoy. TOlley may I'm tho h2ginnlng of tho cow time-the time of quiet aceom· ptlrhmcnt, fricrninhlp, olully, CO~· ing, building.


Y CJJter®y i8 gone, and wmor­row may never come. Today il the time to begin. If you liaoo been delaying and excusing your· self for a lens timo abow doing . wmethlns you should - buyins bomb, or roUins bandage~, or wving fats-rig1Jt IW'..O i8 tho rima to 11tart. Dorft bother u:ith rcgrciD ewer tho post. Don't mal:o gran· dio:Jo pla.ru for tl1o cUsront lcaurc. Aa today. Thll b nlie Norrll adt:lcc to u:omcn on tho homo front.

Et:en in o scrlo:dy eomp!i­rolccj domestic situation, a1 in tho coso o/Jllincd in rhia article, tho only seruiblc thing w do ia Co c:art ora aJ u;cll a1 poclblc. .4 young r.dfc of a naval offu:u has been rorrying on an aDair tdrh a midclle-<Jgcd major. Tlwro «::JJ

na:er any rc:Jllcn:o in rhlD liauon. and il ia new ended. Aliro mr..o cmnt.o ro for gel il, but she ia a fraU /hla uruat:ory o/iliode dll cloud tflo future. Sho 001 jwl hc:Jrd tl:a: 110' l1wbcmd. Archie. Is ro­turnin{{ from ecn:icc, clsmm blind. II o is bringing hiD t.L'idowcd motlwr dtl~ him. and licr cdopt· cd wn, an Eng~ boy. Thia cdU mean two chlldtcn in Alke'• lioweho!d, as slw and Archlc fwce a thrco-yc:r-c!d daushtcr.

!Uita Norrl! tdb AUoo to etart tetl!ly. cktcrmlocd t.o t:o!d ha man"'wga roJCflwr, and to rry ro ma!ro <WO'YOIUJ aJ happy,ru she ron. Thcio tdU fro mr:W f01' croyono ro for@t:o andJorgd a/rtr ,r;u tragEc tror po-W rnda.



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T IIERE'B o trl!m.cndoU!l voJ:ruo for oU·whito thl!l oummcr.

tlnd ln tho current coUcctio!l!l a urt•l. t.nblo onowdrUt of white mado ct bcautltul rnatorlolo, from Cltquioito filmy ohccrn, dy, lawn, dainty voile; owlc:J beloved oyclcto to clnoolc ptqruco, Cll!l and vnrhlU!l other flrtlP. 't'/COVO 't'JhltcO. I ,.

Stroll around to tho occeoefley ~ plnyo and you•t7Ul become htcrcd,. !ngly ccrec!cmn fuat do!llf!Jloro oto ploylncr up whlte mogic tor all 1t !l t"JOrtb. Your oyo t'Jffi CllmP=a a va t chnw!na (Jf whUo jct'lclrJI wlth cdl· phoob on white cortingo, You <:Jill £rul an intriguing chowing of t>1hUo ho.nllb:lgo many cf \7h!Ch aro a tltll nllw whito • waahoblc plo.crt!e. ·-

Tile now whlkt foot<:;cor playo u;p c!wo ol't.lctey In r:ueh thrilling dt­t;lgn; ttomorou!l t'Jbite chew t.Jccamn o ccecooory h.mury thl!l C"Jmmct. 'I:2w oreo mny bo c"~H~! whlto mtk liceey, the ouprcmacy o! tho whito hot In the lltlffimcr menlo lo otyle nowo cJ ulmo:Jt lmJUJrtnm:e. The ncwcGt aecturo In t"Jhito hcodweor lo tho bot mode of pllontom-llltc illmy whlkl choero or white horcc­balr. Then too white flnwer bol!l ami trlmo ore ~(lUillnaly lovely thill cummcr, ru:d yau con act frio amort· C!lt noilMO CYCr fn vor!truo llfJ!C whito ctrowo. lilhlte alovca oCd their dainty wuch to tho picture.

In the llluntraUOll t'<e oro aho.1lng o trio of lovely £l0Willl that brina a blCl:!:Oge ct tho outotondlng lmpnr• toneo of whito oyelctcd do luxe cot. tmuJ for thb cummcr. You MD find

J.litO gut'1n to tho ri(lbt made of ..-;~hito eyclct pique MD prove o h~outiful buy for party wear and for coy oum•

• :~

~ . •

,. •


• '

,. ' • t i,O 'i. I , .



" • " ·;

' 1

mer dancco. The c:hlc cardigan line ot the jacket and cop olcovoo ore bound with plnwalo ~uo. Vary the jackQt with o blaclt rt to chow Its wartime vorootillty oo a double-duty drcoo.

The lovely bolero drcO!l of ahcor eyelet cotton, centered In the pic­ture, pocnco o11 fcoto fpr mnort oummor wcot. Doff tho jacket and

8859 ..... you hovo 11 borcbaclt d~oo for mnn· Sommer Date Frock mer donceo. Ruffico ct pique cotton tho ncqkUno and odd a modlnh touc:b fOR . the YOWl£! in opirit - ll to tho olim okirt, acblcvlng 0 chic charming "doto•• frock thnt will aJde effect. Tho ribbon belt w palo be the mO!Jt worn, bcot loved of blue groogroln. your oummcr cootumc:J. Motto lt in

Copco roatotcr an cxcltlng ~to goy fiorol prfnt!l or chcclw and innovation tblo coocon. A jaunty trfm vlith brilliant rlo roc. llltlo cope molteo a otor appearance • ' • In th til I ·•- Patttm Uo. ~ b ~~cr.~ for lllta e verna o cotton P Quo ..... cc, u, tJ, 13. 1&. to a.'1::1 lB. Cll:ll lll requtrcs ohown to the left. ThltJ ~ a typo • 7arda c! SJ c: OO.b.ch mntcrllll: a )'an1s troclt that ill o flrot cho!co 't7iab p~rt) riO rae to trlm . glrlrl and furlough brJdc::~. Tho wlde • Depen«lable Button·Front rufilo of eyelet plquo ccneeolo o rm.v A CRISPLY toUord button· ot bU\tO!l!J, moldncr It pn:J!Jlb!e to ro- tront thnt i!J comfortable and movo 'tho copc!ot for cunning o.nl'l QltrootJvo - tho cart of trocli you dancing. d d all Tho vo(lUo !or <:;hlte elqll'co~o It- con open on summer long. oelf not onl" ln cheer and love'~ Eooily and qulcltly modo, lt'o tho

., v pcrcnnloJ fuvorlte lo ovcey wcm-<:JO!lb fobrlcn, but th1o !lllmmor great an's wardrobe. otreoo ill b~lng placed on perfectly • • • chorminu droc:;co and tt'lo-p!cco l?ottan Uo. ~ 1.1 ~a!l!r..:::l ~'1 a.!:c11 otylco ma(!o of whlto opun rayon, 14. ta. 10, :?1 .0, t:1 ar;:J 4l. C!:.:J 1a.

"--'In ·' "-nl ~'-· ,..... ~ a!~ ~::!rc:J Z!i YUC-1 of !0-gau..au c. anu Wu.u w•ll<lro, Auer:a 1-::!) ....,,_ .. ...., CJtcr uts1et1to a Hlccty with omphnc!o ..:; .... .c.. ' '~~ -, <> "'~ · placed on bcnutllul trlmmlna detail, cuch no nUover braiding tn matching· ?~"""""'"'"-"'1\o"""""'"""""""""'"'l white on oovel pm:l:oto, or on bU. t All( IdE 7 over embroidered dlcet. Er;peclolly ~ . ? ottroctJvo Jn tho hnndcome tropunto ? ANOTHER 1? dealan that cnbancco many of thcce ? • omart rochlono, many u1 t7hlcll oro ? A Generol Quiz J in beauillng o!1·whlte tonCil, tho new """'"'"'"'""""""""'"""'"'"""'"""'"'"'"" t'lhikl-wl.no ohodo being flrot in fa· The Quc.tiou vor.

Popular with tho yt'lml!l cet to tho 1. B~ .on atondord time, olmplo fuD.nldrtcd whlto drcco that 1 t'lhcn It I 12 llnllll 1D Ch!cago, ln b wvbhcd with co!otful embro~dcey, Tokyo n'e whnt tim a? , worked to oimulotc on apron front. 2. W'bnt !!! meant by a womtlll 1 Ii'avorcd for procticol cummor t'<cor cotcl'io? tD tho borcb:Jdt df"..c!l with bolero a. What ccuntey ranl:s em to modo cf fllcoly tailored Uncn err tho United Ctotctl In popu!DUan oharhnltin, whlcb 1o noted for Ito frn. In tho wcatcm llcmJophoro? . moculntc whlteneCD. 4. Willi whl;lt typo of cooCD dnts

. '

8797 14-44

Duo to co UDU!!Uolly tcrco dcmtllld &Ill current war coruliUonn, all<:htly moro tlmt .. required In fllllna art!cn for II foW Ill t!:o mC!lt ElO!t:ililr pottcm numbtto. ·

IIlWitJO CIRCLE PA'Il'TilllN DEPT. 11:0 Bcotb Wolla I'lL · Cb!eace

!3r.cl.ooo :a:! ceniD lo colrul for ~ctl p:~ttcm denlrcd.

Pattern r<o. ------tur.o.-Uam.a-. ________ _

~"t! •




lire's I SOWil.E tJ 101111LY


"I dc:n 't 'WI'ite him lmlf often encughl" onyo tbe bU!JY t'iQman in t!:o market. She 1o deciding bllt>lccn .. __ ,_.,,,,.._ 1m __ _.~.. CG\7 cc~mo her lnoonlt., che ond

no!oo=' tJ7 t'lo .. .Aro t<cn=-~r tk.!=. thG Al)pcllote court ueol? ---------------~---·:..· ·-· _ 5. From what ~urce fs oac- A Dab a Day

keeps •cnwJ:uu. ..,ro, on · an, or .:wn"'" .... .... J

fn cfum th •- ill run -• u•o m""nr met at voti!mll timcn and cggo r · er • e pwco '"' plncc:l ond cnnlc<J en a cccret of. l'm!:Jtlo ami gcmclp ond morning I.liht: her heart gaon for 0 moment fnfr. He ho!l ntrw acne to Attica, ond to tho awn ovcn;c!l!l, then che for- her hc)lo 1o that iilio 1:7ill novC!l' stfl ~ctl hlm ocrWn. To ern 01' bwbon:i cr hear from him ogaln. Her cr.mno co b opt to 1:7l'ite often, lml thl9 owr tilb epl:ndo b cquollcd amy by man b her Mphet7, or a frien:i'o l:er fear t.'lot Arclrlo will end their ctm. or tho cmmn1 Chrlntmrul guem mnrriocre, olt'1ayo en happy or~ h!ir· vw!w ~Jgcd en ,.;1ntful]y fOT an ~» mmum:o, and tcltc her elill:l away

• frcm her. croo.ur tetter. So clle d='t write, and pcrhnt:J Arehle is Cccin1 Dome.

pecEntly lea~TI~ that tho ch~o N!N ccmct~ tile nowo that ArcWa ~ W ll!l thllt particular o:illnr 1n b un bb way tnmo, olm~t blfu1. ccneemcrl, lo a~mo. and that !t:J moU:er, recently wM·

Whot we ouaht to rcmcmh<!r b G'WC!l, b ahmrt to joln the tom!ls> t!mt eooay b ll!l J)Oo;;crful, M fillal t'litb her Vt>una adopted Englich ccn, ~lli cz;portunity, oo oey ycmordoy cne d llio b~h!C:l wb WM ova:::u­wns, mul that n fat'1 manUm' ctm< otcd am yenrn ago. Allee 1:7l'lt(;:: me

. ecntrotl011 on the oovlng, the diet, In complote diruco; mWJt tl'le teD tho chllil, tho forclan lnnauage, lo Archie, an:l how to i'.nndta ilia l!lllg otJ!lm C1U' power. deception if ohc <lcMn't.

fu.. o letter yemcrday I received Well, my advice m~u!tl be to t:!ek on illwrtrotfon of thin and con only up thi9 compllcotcd problem and sd'lL"'£1 Alice:- M., t>.1m m'Oto tho lot· m~rlx it aut on if thore woo l'lO cecret tet1 !D !rttlrt all over ocroin-from to- to Wde-from today an. We're oU day .em. . .. goina tn hnva tn fotr;et n lot of ev-

Attce b 1hc <:life of n young novo! et1thing if thio. world w to be re­officct'. she hoo a cbild of three. She built. With an almu:Jt.bUnd hur.Jbor.d, writl.t:l that !IDe adores tter hUllband, . probably· studying fer 11n entirely atlarcs her child. Sht1 boo. a com• new profc~::nfon. o motber•fn.law, n tortab!o home, ami is bucy with the omoll daughter, an Englwb J;ey. a usual ·ttCtivitica of howeworlt and houtc. to Monoge, Alice will ~e bltby care, Red Cro!!S nnd canteen. hut hands tun. If she? will go stttiibt &Cbfc- has tJocn nwey , for 15 ohcod, teying to make the~. oll bap. tn(j]llh!J. ' py, ttymr: t<> make each i:lay ~·

Last tan Alloo met nn nrmy mail fc~t In ootvice anll love, she net!l who is mM'rlcd. and bno grown clill- never tell Archie anything at aU, t!X· dren; on neither side woo there llDY c:cpt that sho fs tl!!:i wife wM lo\l'es t;Tetensc Of great love, or nny sus· him. and who is dot~tmincd to help ctisUan (if divorce. They were rovou him to blot lliit the etucl :veors that. tor a brief sp;iec; AUco dM~ !lnt e..'to- baya to. scartM Jilin; and cttllte.

,. tll!l!i vt.4dentl thi.s, s1io merely tells a pcdcet llfe togdhcr--ttom today me that !ot n !e1V :weeks of What on. .


. ' .

Narrow Silhouette

' .

There's News in Hat That's l\ferely a Brim

Dcnlg&ed e~cioUy for cwr.mer <:cmlort oro tho r:tm bnlt-hoto mo!le c1 llromcd p!quo. The mlfGOO tort c% J:t !a tho hot bl't ail then. ~ eMt'lil In mfr1ing, oru2 far a g0011 r~. Van hove all tb o~­nm:e cJ ,..eormg c bot, wlllimd the ~ort cf tnn mmh hot.. C1l a tm-• rl::I cnmmcr dey. 'thea ijSt!o hco~ tzc~ea oro ana c1 fllo b~g G'.reC~ CB.!hl~ o1 tM ~ru;un kcuu=o d U.clr pract!t>ollty aa wcll O!l ttclr f!aUcrms vmyn. etrnc aro ~ <!CA sigJrJctl ttey ron oo EoM cut flat tu !ftlling. 'fltey ccrrtnfnly keep t;acc ~th ••tho ctylo" Ull:!~ da!lign~ in c!nclllco, c!l·foce typ~. nutcb bmmet dfccta, ami other t2COmtng vCnJfcns. Ono of tbo amortC!Jt holt-hato has no brim at oU in fl'(mt, but at Ute bacls there 1!1 a down-ovcr-tho-bt1lr flange 11aring from tho 6ttea hcarlb:ln!l thot slmwo tho fnfltrnlin:m nf ti1o tnvoritll MCl'D'\00 tYlJe.


chorin dcrJved? 0. Vlhot woo tho Whitt! fiCUS!!

nrot knm"m oo? '1. now mony lolnn·ls aN there

m the P~.lno? fl. Frcm wbat ~ t1u1 'IVOn'l

camera C6mo?

Th• Aruwu• 1. Thlrco a. m. tho ccn doy. 2. llCll' oct, cr circle of tdcll!lt!. a. lli'o.cll. • 4. Willi OJ;:Z)Colg. 6. Cccl tnr. 0. Tho Prenf!Zcnt's Palaeo. '1. At::<:nt '1,1)00. S, Vttm tile ltalloo word com·

era whlcb mcruw chamber.

Mount Plnema •

Meum Plnoma b a volcanic mcmnmin <m Ivm Jima, formerly collcu Mcunr: Cutibochl. St> much plnomo wos uncd on tba elopes of this mount!lln tllot after Old Gilley WC!I lw'fufcd fo ito top, Otn' ~athemcllks rccllri!ltcned the plaM Mount Plasma.

P.o: awayl c-u.-a• l'enplr..,_ OderJ ,

,. :#:~

£/'' , ~ -..-"~/



-be'& 11Uf or atfek;vl Scl't-lt 1;::1~ l!U fa~ aea.::J. - ta ·~llr c::-cll±lsl UP r'.gb1 1E1e: e!:Avlcc-w!:l c.c1 !nltalo. - b.sii£Ilt,~leaa:a::ot cant.f1o sickly r-e!l C) cl!llg tofu:strac: ctoth!zlc. -•m cot epcU dt!lr&te fab:b.

Vt'f tn~t:l tbe uep!::t-caclt tr con,. =s:;:ovatbatYCIL--1*prc:t::tl c::dcrtrp lc1 ccm~t!!lt:So ,.,.._.,Ita. 10:.2.!t"J"'-McK•• se. asur.w. tae, JdJI•F«t. e.-.

The Balcing Pow.der with the

IAUNCED DouLie Adion



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' ' I.' • ~,. ·-,.,.,4 .. ',t• .... I $' • t #~·

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'· ' ! ' Lincoln County News

' . " . • . . •

I ' • r •

II - ! ! ' ' ,.... ..

; :! I 1;1 I II.~!:!! : ~; ~;~;; , !, •oo::::!i !!)~ .... ~ ~ !!';~.~~:.~! ~!~·~=~~===!!!!!!!,I~.~!!!!~ .. ~~· ~~~~.~~ ~~ ~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!I !!'!!· ~!!'!!· !!!!Ill!!!= !!'!!~!!!!·!!'!!·!!!!'!;!,,!!I!!!!!!· ' !!!!; !, !!! e"! !!. !!! ,!!!, ==~-· Science Ppints To . ,IJ.oo A'CTO USE TAX STAJ~s .wAVE Recruiting Party ~- ·· .,

·~ ... .. .

' •

More .. Pep" ........ ·•· · ., I'BI:BB· BII.VS· BAD P bl• heel Every fra'day U S · · I Q fl •Y -----.-- -~~- ---=-"-~-~--·~?·~· , ·---...... ~ ~ •sinalde~t;:,(i1'J;t -~---- -··· .. , __ --- ~-- ·--- ___ ,___------~ ~ .. ~---~- -c~r---,.,.,..~--...... --- ~--~ ----------

~·· .. ~~::e!a:~~~:e:::::ri~::I!:: t~~~. agte~e~:~~:;:~:!~:1;!~~;~;; Mexico, :::a:~dv:;t that the by ~t. J; Fot}:st ~=~ison, offic~~ JlJJl s 'I' (~ ill;, J .. ON · New Mexleo, uudcr tho Ac:t of Mtm:h 8, 4 •

1879. anewer mat lie in the kind offood new ss.oo Automobile Un1,1 ';l'<Ut in cbprge, N11yy recrQiting in New ~ ' -------.-- ·------ U!aten, •ccording to the National Stamps will be placed on nale in all Mnico, of the planned visit to · 'IJ£BIJ'BOlflB MJI.'I'BBI{'£S .. ••beer!..,_ '• adnac .. t2.()()..par V.ar Dairy Couneil. p~~st oftJces and oUlces ot C<!Dectom Albuquerque !rom July 16 to 20


• > It hilS long been known that of Internal n.evcn~e on Saturday, of a~Wove rec.ruiting.partv bead· JUIJtoneohlu•manyre!lsomCordelaysiuprovidingtelephonc

.. '


i '

. ' " ' .

Advcrtlllmg Rntes Fumwbed on llequeot individuals are more efficient in June 9, 1945. The law. requires by Lieut. (Jg) Eleanor S. Sh•gler Derviee nowaday$ ls the sl10rtnge of telephone imtrmnenta• their work wbon glucoae ( blnod owner. of every motor vebicle which In nmkin2 tbe nnnou•H~Pmert, b~ Below nre s~own u few of the countless u~es to which wnr bas auger) I• in ample 601 ply. Glucoae ts used upon the hlghwQyo to buy told. of the .urgent Qf'Pd f«~r some put the n~ate.rials wbtdt normally woUld be used 1o mnnu£no-

il! at its hlgbest !eve I right after th!u stamp and to dlsplay it on tJ\e ~.COO adgitional Wavfl eaeb mon• -ture telel•hones, switchboll(ds, wire nnd cable, !Uid aU tho

.. '

' Friday, July 6, 1945 - mealb and reaehf'll ito , Jowet~t vehicle .beutnnlng July 1, 1945. ., j th for the remBinder of the year other , wbicb are requited to provide tele11hono

•~Eni,lmtt-. ~~~rpdP~U~u p~nt ~t~~reb~~~gt at The~w ~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~="~i~"~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~ -=~~ ·. ~~- _ --- one J eMon why jail penalties for failure to pay thts N 11 ~J Hospitals and other e11tub· . /a lbuquerq 11e, J ply 5 J 0 con· such an lmportan t meal. tax. To protect themselves against liabmenta wt-ere women person.

oeetlon with tbe cancel nt10n or Reet>ntly Dr. George W. Llflncce!l!lary penaltlen, COUE!Ctor Vidal nel are a111ign.ed for duty. I~ is the Annual New Mfxlro State ThornP of the Harvard Medical advised ownera of motor vehicles not eotimated tbnt nearly 5Q per cet•t Fair and Roee Meet, E G Hay Scbool conducted testa to aee If to be mlllled by fo.loe rumora allegln£I o( new Wa\l'e peraonnt'lr.&ft need ward, C1m1mon, PrenlciPnt of the any one type of food resulted in that thi!J t<lX han been rcpenlcd." ed for duty with the Navy Hos N .. w Mexico Cattle Growero A&· mBint.nining the blo··d ougar lew•l The ntamp!l wlll bl} cold over the pital CJtps. aot'intion baD announced that .'h~ longPr tban otbero. He found thq ountcr at all post ofCJc~n and offlcco I J..leut. JumlllOP explained that atoll' enl tlemene organizntiofl wi I breokfaotil rich in pr tein m · ir •f Internal Rtvcnue Collcctoro. In tb.: Lot~ Aniel~>ts W A V.E procur~ promote and malie arrtsngementa t tined a more conotant QUilotity •ddltlon, Collectors of Internal Rev· I mcql. ~mea w1li furnlsb app11eant• for continuation of the Annuol of hlond Bugur thrw breakfuot ·nuc will ,tUI maU ordero when uc.

1 hvmg uutbJUe of Albuquerque

Junior Rtntt> Liveotorlf Show ond rich in 1:1ther cMbohydr4tvfl OJ ompanled by Cll!lh, money ordcro or I truu:.ponalJon for tho trip tbe~e Sale Thill t•vPnt has buen held in fats Jo urthtormorf>, tlU£"h brt>uh ••rtlfled checlm. Pernonal checlm fur tXamtnatton. - However, an connrl'tinn \\ilh lbc otate Cnir for f 011t etult• din the mainttonun 1 ;,nnot be accepted' for tho purchacc ordd Cur ~bu.applicuots t" be fur· the pant I'll% yPnrs 01 a high level of blood tJUgar (. 1 ,c revenue otamp:i. tllllbf!ll tbc rtqulrt!d papers, tbf>y

• Boya one• Glrlo throughout the at leaot an hour lon~er lhtm di The law requirco thnt the ommp bll· ebuu d lirat ti.o tbcir complf:te atatc huvP ·been (Pedirg cnlvE>e the other typt!o of dit'tQ. Imminently dlnplpycj} on the motor


&pphcattou WtUl 011e ot the Navy and otl.r·r livtotoell for nn enti• e Ao un cat~ily nvnilable oource t•f '(•hlcle on and artcr July 1, 1~15.: ii.~.cJU\l.Ullt btatsons, located Bt year m unth rpation ofthe Annual! the higheot qu:.ality proteinn m11l Ntwrc po!l!llbh:, the ntamp ohould tro · Stallttl l!'o, Albuquerque, lilOVII

Junior L•~· otuck Sale ot Albu- cannot be surpaeoud. lo ~:ddiUon, ,laced on tho wlnd!lh1cld w rc1:0m· RoawcJI. qul'rQU"," Hllyward o~>id. "Mony aa ucienUoto point our, Jt io11'1 mmd~d by the proper otflclals or each t

of th•·•c Y"ungnttro htn·e made only tbfl qunnt.ity a( (.Jod eater ;tate. " heavy lrveotmt•r,u in ft•t>d and but the lunoo or IHod t'lllCil Whlcl Motorl!ltn wW find that tho oU\mp:l liv.,nto<'l( «~n the aaourunrc nf the make a vast dafl'tlroncu an efficu•n muafly will atlclt better 11 U1oy damp· D liv•·alnc II rliv1oion H{ the State cy. Prutf>io foodo-omong them ·n tho wlndnhlcld lwtcad of the 0 Y 0 U f'aar t hut n io)o would be held. m•lk · provide more ''pep" and .tamp. Tht•y !ll}ould uvold rcJWatcd We eunnut brPnll ftuth with thf't.llJ bolp uvcrcome mad morrung QDd lampt'nlng of tho otrunp. Molol'l!ltn fut urc hve11tnrk (Jrodut(•rs of t~c mtd afternoon olumpo.

Want A Oood Job After the War? atot.t• nnll w1l) therPfure oeo to tt I

lbot th•y ttn• g1vcn an ot•P rtc.n· lry to rl'ollz~> a fair profat forthoir ----Behind-----. atudy ond labor.

" "I II~ I 4 H Ch. b or d Futur Your Botzds-l"armvr b •YB and garla to cuntinuo tbc'r hvt atnck (eedwg program and o~uro \hr·m on outat.anding ' 1alc m /\lbuqurrqul• oomvt•me d1.1r1r~,ttl c .,r.r.ounced State ~'oir Wtok or St>ptvmb(lr 9 thru Hl Dffl!lllo •Into w1U bP a.nnoun('fd u coon ao arrongPmvoto ClUJ bo eon p1el('d," Hapwnrd •ald.

U•• the Mlgh1 of Amorh:a

1 •• ... • -·

,\'ho dc:Jirc to do co mny n.>lnlorcc lh<' otrunp with adh('ulvo tnp.u or olm· 1lor altb.

To protect thc.m!:clvro oaalnt~t lo-A or thelt. Collector VIdal advl!:cd motorbtn to lt~Xlp a C<:SKU'Oto record of tho wrUll numbnr which nvl}t'arn en l'ocll otrunp. Moto:rlntn C}1tD nrc Mltcd to write on Ulo b:lclt of Ute atamp the multo, model, ccrlnl numhcr and Stntc Uccru:c nwnbnr of the vehicle.

Now in the t.ime to prcpa111 for tbesu positions.

.Don't lot. &be PffiiDPt job situ&·

tion deceive you into beina aatfl. ' fie<! with incomplete office train·

ing. · •

tr 9ou loca: training in boolt G.titwttw, TvPuwntTmo, Suoaor­nAtm, .Comptomet.er, or Bank

STB Day P(lotina Machine, then you abould _ _ R~,..n r.o~~ to troi~ for futuro so-

• . .

' '·

. . . ••

... ' .

' . '

ti •.

• • •



' '·

. . •

. . ~ ,;_ ' ." .. >

• •

The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. · ;, ' "

Aek•d cf tho Junior LIVHil ek Show and Suro >'faa eontror:y to 0 OT warllme rt>gulallona, Ha:y ward 1\n&d. I he Office o( lJeft•nae Tranoportatwn hu not dbeour OBI d br I1Cl flee jufllor JiVl'PUitk • o I P D . <iov~rnmeut cuovoolaon and trsvcl bnn rulf!l dn not apply to any llvt>stoclt ahow and oale wbere all animo Ia are eg)d tbrougb


Cl t?lG ( Delayed) - T h p M' .l \1 ntl thP i'OUpon below ro'r OW' ====::::::.~==--·-=·~=-=-=-:::_:::_:::_:-:._-:::._:::~_:::_:::~=--=·~ .. -:-.. ·-'· ··=~ =--: .. ':'::' ......... -. __ :-:-:::=-.. :::::=.=::: rincn ao ununl bavc tneir own ; l.:u tn 'ng giving complete informa•

WISCONSIN A1' WAU wur1l for it. ' l tum abuut ti,ma required, coat of Wh• n th<' wur olortcd. Wic!!On!lln Whilo tho rfOt of the Alhed 1 CQ'll'nC, and ~lucqmen.t o~portull·

,.. •d lin lollor otondordo lo pl'r· I aueo Tbrre tO no obh"litiOtl ,.. "'"""" to worh nwhto and l'l· Wflrld ri'ftiO to the CV(lnlunl totnl1 · · . • 0

• •

"' uld huyo to t~oril in ('OO!l('flt'tl defeot c.r Jnpon 0 0 v J Ooy, I See the pubh_ober of tbJa paper It rtduoPd Olfllten frum Qj 10 l!Hl b t 0 p mal cbola r 0 b I n wllh o lnnn of 5lll.3tll mop-doyo to a U>athernedso in oop unit speolt 'a ou 0 e 6 · ., Vt'fY omoll flauro ond mtrO"Jurcd C'l· c·f ,.. on ""· TB Oa ... , renorls Sat I. oho boo to offer. fcctlvo oof"ty meaour<'tt It all odd!l • " • " " .. up to voolly OIC'PPI'd-up J>rallucUon John W Chnpmon, t\bruiC CoriJ::l • N """E of food and a creator futuro for l& . ,.. "'" · · • • • • · • • · · • · • · · • • • dU!l\r}' sn tho ototo. Wlot:llrum cona «'nmbot eonCJpondent. I

the rtn\Z." lhnn any otllcr ota to. Jt hoa moro . · · ~ · · · · · • · · · ' · • • · · · · ' ' moro pcoa and rolnco morl' hemp I The initiolo otond r.,r a timo ADOR.I'i'CS dnlry cowo. Jt'o Amorlt·o'o ability honored r1flt rnn~o E npreru310n m. ., ~ , n to pi'oduco-on the form ami .m tho the Corp::.· "ct>euro the• but.to" . : tm .... tt.!l $ Btn~CU~ <Ou!t! dUl'~-tho\ rt'olly ctund!l behiM ov· . l ht. ,c, l

Buy \Var Bonds ()ry Wo.r Uund you buy. wbtrh meon11 thnt tho abnoting iS ti~>~Ga. flU lJ 'i 1 ''"""J O#f:J•Im:••

--TODA 1'-.J

··For Future Needs·· - ... "- ----

'Lc:t'• Clenn Up' ---

Ow1r11 to tbt> ful \llat tb" rub· blah hon hPt'omo 10 b~d and, from a bt o It h a r.d aamtntion a ton J. pou-. t, t h•· V tllacze Couneil has or· den d rn ord oftf'r July 1, l94G, · tt-ot •II ffllid"nt and b•ralneaa lJ(lUH II Will be cbafild t WOOlf•'

ftye centn minimum~ month (or: tolltetton and dilfiCJ~l of tbi1 rub I blab. And, •berOI11 the Villago Trurk will haul tbiBtubbiah,evory one tu btrt>by rfquflatcd to place umo in k ernvtlniont plaen for &bo tfurk to piek up.

By ordflr of Tbc Villa~e Council

Want to be a Marine? "

U. S. Marine Qorpa .will entiat teo at~cn~e&tt.$tar o'd me-n dur­in• tho monthuf,Joly. Tboae en· Uatio1 now ·"Will atrv• t o r tbe duration and six montha. Men who would like ln go to duty " once tn!JY do ao or ean be placed Oil lnacttive dfitY · for a period \lf · thirty U,a All mtn •ill 'ttkt · · their ... oot lfJ'raitdna'' at. Pltdl lalaad,So\lthl}arqlin•. A•plittht• abculd 1ntte o~CiU lit t1. I. M~ intr.Rerruttot. -6~R ,00$ MUtt · J)df.,ll p-~·~·~-f ... Jolt .. . bitd• . ow•:•<ll.i.• ... ,,

. Ill . """""'"'i '


~ - .. - - -- ~ --- _____,




FR!U>:••ts lt. tnt~ Jude~. th:it n ©.r ~·t bo \'mil \lliUumt tha tJ£U of wo.N'.Iloohdu., th;! ltint! tb!i) bll\f&Ct!;C dhtUb~i.11l':u bttn Jltmltttlnt;r for 1lt:! bb\'t.trun~t t(.lt , 1>~ct ttro}tjnir' OW JUJJCS: un\Ql'o tiaht. Ft~!L It h a ro<:!~ mstdi~n.t in tlt6- tr.tllktk~ ~• n::td mvtlttdUy <JV~ ii~tm triDna}'l!!lol to n 1G·fum ann, And. in tlldiU~n. it i1!:lJ'3

1""-'"'"''.:. ··<~~. . ~·": ::L. •,-' ..:.:~-.>~·-~~.~-


a mota llwr'"'rt to!~• 'I'll:~ meat~ tUllP~C3 whttlt ~;ur nillitru:r doetms use to all!:lvbta pam. ({l!)lbat m!c;ttllill; &WO li~CS ntO pte-~d '\'dt\1 '\ltat-n!ooh..i. •• .

I ~ "' '

FR11D: ••No v.on:kr, lhi'!t.; ~-o t\ttu mort'l ~x1Ia &~ :tct't!gnilb~ the ~~t; ~~uihu .. tiott ()Jtt bcvctn&e ~QU!~~ ltl\11,.t'P.nila to the. ~ttm!ng (lt the 1\(}.\'.tath tttit iol(btt• iluJ.f rtilduet!'

.. -'··

THE PRES'ENT That Lasts A Year

• -· -


West's Sanitary Dairy Sweet Milk &. Table Cream

Delivered Dail)


J $ 5 ,. - - . _ _.._

To Be Well Dressed Your Clothes Must Be. Neat and Clean

NU•WAY CLEANERS • Phone 81. ••


~ . . ,


". i.~ • - r;~-~-. . a

·•• .,\ --+,.,· ,•,; __ _ ' ~ . ' '} '~·

P-- ··-;..,:_:

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. ~ I ' . '

Wten In Need ot · · . Dru~ . • . Or Anytbm, in O•t Line. ·. · , ,

Oive' Us A Trial ~ . ..-.. i •. i •'

.. ~aden's Drug S~orti ~·· OittJJOlO; N.. , · .. .. · . . Plone 20


,. {P

I l

( .

" ' ' _,' ' I .. - . .

' " . .

. ' • ....... • '' ' '

" • •

: '•,. ·.' j • . ., • ' ~ ' . ··--· ' '

.:<: ' . • '·.-. r. /_- .......... ..-. ..,. ·"1:1~ .. c0

' ; I; ; ; !!

0~ ~ 21~Al1QU h · · MABY Wlll1'E <, . n na cg· {.' ._._. ,-...,.--·-= .. ~=-.-·-··· :..._ ...... --· , ·: • '~u-p · . :l:f. ~ - --· +-·-coo::a·ilit>-M:at-Y White. ··-tie- iio(iefD. . . .. i

·· · · .:ompletely equlpped camp for Bo1n ~une ~(), 1~45 to M.-. , and .. • - ' · located m Ute cooi sacrament<> mounw M!8· . Ball N1ekera of Cblcaao,

tains 16 miles from Cloudcroft will llbnout a Jon, ~&QUid William COMET CHAPTER . · ·No. 29 ORDER EAS.TERN


MMtaon the tlrit Tbutsdu in each month.

• Vllitlng Stan cordially invited

' d in "''"'" umm '..,rom. Htnderton NirkelJJ, Jr . be operate aga """' s . er ., ~

June Z1 to August 22 by the El Pnso Mr. and ~rs. Tom Karr and Fort Bliss Girl ~cout Council. Girls children of El P a so .visited from the entire Southwes~ will c· . M · d · accepted and ,registrations are now ar~IZ9ZO , on. ay enroute te open to nonlscouts ~nd·out of town Capitan to tnke ID the Rod .. o to girls. ' • bq held tbe 3rd and 4th .

• Around is in Mu. Margaret Hoffman W. M.

~--+p.:._r-ov-em~e-nt::-'i, · the camp which will afternoon. Tbe f1re proved tQ bn trash fire at tbe Jordan apart­m.ents, which 4la us ad some damage to the fence.


l. 0. 0. F. CARRIZOZO LODGE, NO. so


include out and repairing the Jalte, irultalling of lights ln "Great . '

Hall" nnd the kitchen reeondltionlng of dish-washing units nn<.l remodeling of ltitchqn, repairing of roots on the Adirondack huts where the girls live and construction of new showe.r houses.


1' -, •.·

. licyl'i . · ·• · '- .- If: - ___ ,_- ... -' .

' .· _- ~ -. .

1 fl~Wt\a\ Meeting, 211d Tuetidny in eac:b month.

Activities for the 1945 pump wlll bo enlarged and' expanded, according to Ml!!s Faytene Zumwalt, camp ~ctor and Exccutice Secretary of the local Concll. Mlsrs Mary LoulBe Philllps, field secretaryof the Councll will be

Living room suite and platform rocker, good eondition, all for $65.00; · pre war baby carriage and ;valker, botb for $16,00

Why Phillips is TQd~y One of the Country's Greatest Producers of Butadiene for Synthetic Rubber


M. 0 Lonj;tloy . NobleGrand John E. Wright ...... Sec -Treae

OAUGRTERS OF REBEKAH Coalora Lodge, No. 15

Meeting dates 2nd and •th Wtldneadays of eaeb montb

at 7 p.m.

(Jhnson Stearne J6-2t

Oile of our renewal• this week assistant director. ia M ra Frtod Velasco of El Paso.

Camp Mary White, which ls in tho

The fast-rolling truck ekrured above is one of the famous 'Red Ball Ex· press" that keyt the supplies rolling aaoss France ur the wake of the vic. torious Yanks;

Thnt Americnn induwy has been able to meet this terrific demand fat nll·importnnt uuck tires is due, to e great extent, to companies like · Phillips. ·

t.1a,me Greisen, Noble Gral'd

Birdie. Walk~?r, Secreta.ry.

heart of Lincoln National ForeDt ls A letter from Mrs Gus Evtrett diVIded lnto nfuall units according to of Frazier, New Mextcl), alate• UtQ use- level of the rrlrls. In Ule pro· that they, like nearly everonc else gram oftcrt:d alrlll Wh9 nn~nd the arc operating obort baod'd cnmp w!ll have nn opportunity W ll!l• dqrins •bill war, Thfl J!!vcrcttg qulrc the cseentinl!! of wc:Jtern nonm• formerJy wer9 re~idents Qf Capii •

But that truck also represents one of the biggest headad1es tire men­and oil men-hnve bnd to face in this W<lfl •

Ycm flCO, ow:syntheclc; rubba pro-lJrnm has had to overcome more than the Jack of raw rubber from thcJap-hcld Eost Indies. It has had co copo with a fnnwuc demand for tires for Army uucka nnd otb'!:; vehicles.

For lont b11{ora Pearl Harbor, Phillips soenrim foresaw the pq~si­bilides of bu(lldiene in ptodudng synthetic ru~ber. lu a~ ~lllr. )Y.h~ .... .,. ~ , . the blow fell at Pearl HD.r1iot, 'PliWJP.f·, ~dt~f)t

great re:earcb nnd production !ncilides were tWlf';'z.Jt~Jjj tt:l step mto the breach. . .. . J .f~t:,·, /~ ~ Profu•ional Directory

mon:Jbip. rung trlp an1l troll rtdlniJ tao, · will be taught by n qualll!ctl lrotl'Uc· ' tor. l


Located •t Carriz<Jzo Bdwe: Co.

Mr•. Mnrgaret Stlnneu baf The ArW and Crnftn progm.tn dlrcc- a one to El Paso whore 1be ls em•;)

ted .by a oldllcd COWI!Jclor will offer ployed at tbe Southern Pacaflc le~oro ln wcavin3, bloclt prl.rltJng, round houae aa secretary.

Why Is thnt demand fantastic? Just imagine speed­ing nlong roods pined by 5hdlfue nnd spriilkkd wnh shmpnd .•. hub-deep in mud, or runed In frozen ridges. Undt'f those terrible conditions, tires have become frayed and useless at an appalling rate,

Today, the fhillips 66 Shield lltllllds. for one jjt· "':~ J>'

Am~icn'!l leading prodUCWJ of butadiene(~ ~yJl• 1

i I F'~ iJ thettc rubber ••. as well as a great producd'ofl():(})~t. .l;'.tf · Ocrnne Aviation Fucl, and an almo!lt endlw li!lt pf · "


T E. I.EIJ .• EY F\u:w'al Direetor llfld

Lieen.ed Embalmer Thone 33

N. Me, • • • • • •

BRENTON AND HALL Attorncye at Law

Carrizozo ' New Mexico Pbono 63


l'hono !0

altctchlncr, dra.wlnG• booltblnd1n!I, wood-cnrving nnd enmp crntt.

SwimmJnrr. whicll will be a new n!J. d1Uon to cnmpin~ fncllltiro at Camp ])'lory Whltc thb ycur, will oo or!crctl under the ouporvl!llon of o Uron:;cd Red Cro:!l Jrotructot and lifo savor. Several OO:lto al!:o have bccd provided for tho v.zntcriront ncUvlUro. Glrb will be able to worlt on their Junior llCo o.avinz ccrtiffe<lto.

Included tn tho dromotic and dane· tng proiJI'Oill!l arc cnmpflrc progrnm:J. the plannincrnnd e%ccutlna of "Scouto (hvn," a. Sunday ccrv!cc, cquare and follt dnnclna lc::mnn, puppPt cllovro and opcclnl day progrant!J.

A nprelal unit Cor Senior Glrl!l with acUviUro cenred tn IIlll:ro odvanlled olt.Ub 1n all fomJ.:J of crunplnB and outdoor llvtna will oo offered durtna the nurnm.er. The hl!Jt (our wcciw of enmp will offer a npt!cial pro-<:eun· ce!or cotm::e for IIlah Junloro and

" Sl!tllom who ate lntere:Jted in do!rig future camp coWI!Jclor worlt..

The otnff wUl,lnclude expt!rienced cnmp ptoz>}e, a dleUclon and thrco (!(l(l!m, n trained nut""...e on duty at all tiJru:n tutti a nenrby dootor on call

The erunp b o~n to all c:lrlll from 10 yearn of arro throuGh HJgh SchooL lt ofCern the opportunity to opPnd two totclly different and thrillinG wcelro

EL PASO- InternnUonnl Minlnn in a he<llthy, democratic environment Dav will bo oclebrnt€d November 2 when they ore given the feeling of

am1 3 in E1 PJlSO. ! lndl!Pf!ndl!nce yet their hc<llth nru:l '

'nlC mlrling committee of the El1 nafety anr mtnutelf ~l!;l;li.

Paso Chamber of Ccnuncrce, nponsor i Tho oc-:...:Jioro oro Juno 27.Jij)y Ut o! tho anunl cclcbrnUon, has c!Bclded :. July ll..July 25, July 25-Aua. 8, Aug. to ad;;anoo the dnto co on not to in- 8-Aug. 22. Tho fe-e tmr cc3!on Ia

tcrtero with the opening of the hunt· $30.00 for girb outnlde of El Pano. tng st!aslln In New Mexico. Reglstrationn which mwt oo accom-

Mrs Catl-erino Bempblll and little aon rotnrnf!d froiJl Newman and Mount Hile)' JaBt. Mandaf night.

B:uy A Bond Today

..... .. II THeY'&£ HEVU } TOO YOUNG FOR


kl fd;::;;~~ aw~r ,.a::~otr.t E;.s!: l:l."'J C:at ~:m ta:::;::u ctt:~~~ e;a~ Cc:;rl~r.J Ce::tal!'.1 .:!.hPJ ~;;:UlJ ltfftfJ.' -.. ~.J;:!; t:.i1, J!:!Y·!:'..:M &:!zt:::t1 rm:.-. 1:! Cal wrr.!!=w. t~:::~reo cl a!l •ffl ~=:1 t:::a pr;~ "IO:..:t.'::~" Ul. OlllY $US. l>D:-1 ctt:ll ct r-~t1 Cl~t!, a PJ a.~:_. c:~a a!i. •


The D~pot Cafe <Open all niibt)

newet nnd better produCts from petroleum gases ·· • nnd pcuoleum.

Pmum PrmtOUlUM CO., Bmlm:ilk, Olli.

F~R VICTORY ••• Buy U.S. War Bonds\and Stamps

~!!trine Corpii Needs •. Volunteen

U. S. Marino Corps will accept


NO. 87831 que::~tn from the ad~c:cco tot l!ltWo ccrlptlonn or rencwal!J of oubserlp­tlow.

100 applicants from 17-yc~r old Secure a letter of requrnt from tho men, accordins to tbo E Pano ccrv!C'C mnn ror .dt>nl>wnl or cub­Marine Office. M~O' wbo n~e nnx· cerlpUoro. Tho rollowlnc order from

ft0\111 for immcdaato ec:vt~~ con the Po:lt Orrlct> Dl:>p3rtmmt wm tm· lcavo at onc.c f~r thou· Bo~t come l'ffrctlvo July lot: Trainina" at Pnrrto loland, S. C.

"(31 RclaU'ico nru1 friends lJla1 V<lY lor tho oub::.:crlptla:u or ronewnll of nub::.crlpUoM provldro tho c.ddrcs­cC'cJ have Initiated reqUc:Jt!l therefor.

"(4) C'.ompllmcnttlry coplca c.ont by publl!Jhem, roplco p:.ltd fer by ad• V(lrtl!:crn, and C(lJl!cn cent under any

ltJnd of on o.rmngemtmt whcmby tho requrotn of the oddrewet>n are roUc-

l ' I

ThCI!O interf&ted obould write or ''Order No. 2'7&G1 ~uc.>d by the apply to U. S Marine Recruiting Protmll!lt('r Gonrrnl Ul}der d:lte of Olrice, SO a Mllll! Butlding, El May !nt. l!l45. rcod!l O!l follo·.•,1J:

Paso, Texn&. At the rcquent or the Navy DP·

Sunbacl£ lJr·ess Adds Bond Cash

p_')rtme>nt. t'fft'CU'ie July lllt, 1!}.15, In order to corr~rvt> r..hlpplna op;1re and to pro1.-'llnt nom:~ntJal ID!lllln!:ll. tlto Ccllowum o.rro.nr.emont!l twtwc~Jn

thnt i)~p:lrimt>nt nnd tht> Protoffl«? Dcp:u1ment nhall r.ovem the accep­tance in the malin of nc-wnp.:Jp.t>rn and other IJ{!r!od!cnl publlco.UoruJ oddrew· ~;d to IJ{!r'Wnnl'l of the N nvy, !l'lnrlne Corp::!. antl Cro.!lt GUll.flJ oVet'lleO!l.

"<1 l Individual co pie:~ or nc\'J!J· Jl:lpl?t'll and mngazim:n clfef'C'1J for moiltna by publ!~m. oddn>snc.>d vln


I the fl~t pt~:Jt office o t Ne-..v York. N. 'V. or San Ft ancl!lro, CruU., to

ltcd llhall not oo ntc{)ptctL ,

"151 C'~pkn mnllc~ in fulllll.rnent or oub:.eriptloM whlcll aro un&p1rod on the ef{ccUvo date or th1!! enter nl1all oo U«'t'pted until t_!Jo Guh::;crlp. tlonn expire.

"W) Publ!ohern maillnz coplre liJ accordance wllh U1o l'orosolng !lha11 include wllh tho add.rcz!l n c:crtlfleuto rcndJnu: "Moiled in contcn:nlty with P. 0. D. Order No. 2"7&51.' Cctl!~

not bt'arlng thi!l corilllroto shmilil promptly oo n!turncd t othe publlsh·

\ Nnvy, 1\'lnrino Corp:J, nnd Cex~t Gunrd ------------• \ (Wt;;l)nned on duty OVC!F..&l!J. ohall be

. j


occc-ptc-d only t"JhGn they ore twtna cen\ In Mfllhmlnt or tvritten f'(.quent!l

in!Unted by tho ott~ ror rrub­scrlpUaro 01' renmvnl of oula:rlp­


Havry Millen SkatlDI ltink Will bo opon eyery otbtr nftbt from 7 un•n 101 Btiinalna

• Sunday, July lot Open CYitl

Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m. Billy DolaD, Maaaifr

The' 'eommlttee al!:o begon to poll p:mied by a ss.oo depo:rtt ore being Special ebit'ken dlnnflr served rolnln"" m.achincey corporntJoJJ!J accepted at 102 County Court Home

• 0



"(:l) PO:JtmMtct'll nt U1e offleo of lll:illln;I ohall require publlohcrn to pl'CSOnt far their examination tho ro-

• Sunday tbrooghout the oountry, tl!lkl.ng in E1 Pooo.

whsthcr they would care to p:lrticl­pt\Ut .In a rnltl.blg exhiblt whfeh would ~>& ltdd fu edtijunetton Wlth Internn· ttoflll Mlnlng 't>cey. ~ne 1\t ".l'luln1l15, Penn of En· ~· of tlle Texas College of Ml~; t& the general clurlrman for

'j Intetlatlonal Mtnlng Day of 1945.

· Nearly $10 r-egtsfi!red lol" tho 1914 ctlebr&t~ lntctnatlcnisl Mhilltg

ba)t if a aet-toleihet for mining 111en of Nw ~~ Texa,; A,r1u!nat 0~ .llo-1 n.do 1M){~. .Atili,augb the pro-VItilll »~ s~.lfulmlnaUng wlt& tht fa:tMi* SouniO\iih suwet. one m.~·tnf!eung 1!1. hcl!'liit -whtch ltadert itt tM . .tnllltng. bldUStt'Y spea1t. 'l'Nt m ~ ifttltl Seclfott of the ~ lni&Utute Of ~lpg and aet.U~ ·~ •Jl}sO bat· .• .~ k ~JWJcUOli Wlth lntet-.. WI-= l)af.. --• ."l'bbt ,. · . $cUM of the Jauru:. ·k fl«l*W tO- ~plte in tbll. )WU"•l*•li•·

0.. hnl• ... HtJ .., ··""' • ....,, W1TI ,., ,.,., ,..Jaie•t

Buy More War Bonds



STA TSJOljW'l'f •

Ewn'r.OtlCJ Cnr.cm.us

. StriJ~SI CA1tiJ5

• JnRST . OLA$$ WORK . Rt!SONAJj~ rlllCJ:$

LOI(OUf ctUJttt' ....

Aero•• Strett From Depot

Regular Mesla

Sbott Orden

!andwlehel •

I the Urtdtrtl&ntd. J(lel DQnnell. ilave

Marine Ubiforms John Paut Jone1 pJ>eterred to

dte••U 9. M•rinea aboard bia vea 'ae!s in brilliant.a~artet uniform•.

day purehllt'ld the UMd..att ud "TbP wetrare of the tarmet lt ""' . tluildlnJ Supply Dualntst known u a . Mlltt•t of. vital eoneern te oJontao·n Supply Comf!IU'If; tc~•tell 111 every divislon of ~mmetee and

•ma·oso, Ntw MQico. All etedlto.r• fnduttrg* Agrteulture provides pltue tlkk6 not.tct. ud li:t si!I!Utainal1 '11rtt'Jally all ot the nation'• tood

ilfter thirty aa~ from t.une bt 1M& llliPJ)ty and th& wreatist ptrt of t iri1t MtbU~POJ!Jlble tQt atiY (ndtbt" If• irtdU*ttiah•w mnttrialt it fl!l

ttdl~en· tplt:\at the- •b<~v• · m.ntl6tted thti! dit&et meana of subattliieo for bUtmH!f tnturrta lJrfO"t t\1- lfa1l8, 1M!. & fifth .of the ])oputation. and .. t.hc

sraned thft 3bt day ot ltq,li451 at uu>nt.tY ineomt It yklfdl i! fil&JOl' ttutcl61o, Ne.r Melito ftettJt tn ditmninlnf the a1ml'tld

nt ltottnau, .n~ Cot tht l)toduet• of mini!J .tlrld G~ ltulit. 11fnti.ltllr · tattodM u -Gwan~J S~t~er'f; ·

'. l I

From where I sit ... Jy Joe MMsh.

How Sober Hoskins Got His Nam•

t \ •


·t\ '; '

I ' \.


' f '

' . ;· 'I ' ~ ~ L i . t ' ' ·' '.

' ' \ -;.



td ~ i

' ' . ' ' 'i ' !


. ' j I

i ' .

' f . •

' . >".1 ',,


• I

. '

CROY.· ® W.U.l/. SU..VI~t

. J~-:


Stepa in Shearing Sheep Simplified

One or a Thousand Its . '

··Rules Are Necessary


otrckcn down from unrlcr r;lS}l\ foreleg to finnlt to opon o ot.nffing plnco !or otroltco ncro:::1 bclly.

2. Remove boriy wool t<J!th nearly trt.mJght - around otrokco octns=~ belly. Shear lnoldo of rl(iht log from toot towam tn1L Ccnt!nue utrokco untU leg ontl tilp are donned.

!. Open up ncclt with atrqkc .fro:p brlJ:kct to Jaw and on right aide of neck, then left Jaw, o!do of face and top of head. Sh.cor loft ohouldcr atu1 foreleg.

t. !.Tho or tho left o1do ~11th ltmg atrcltcn from hlp to cllln.lhlcr.

• 6. Finbh chcotlna !eft oWe, tcliblg

two otrokc:.l beyorul tho bocltbmlc tho wl-...Dlo kngtb ot ohccp'o bock and &edt. Ehcal' dght cldo af heed and '11Ccit. ~ ,; , ,_ ,

'(), Cheat rJaht al!lo of chou!do.r nrul rl[lht ofdo dot'lll to bind leg. Shear rlgbt blnd lllg, atorting ncar boc:k­bolto.

Holder for Feed Pail

• Agriculture In the News W.J.D&YDEN


• c ' '

. . '

• ,! ' ' ,. j .


.. :·· ?235

' '

' .. ,.

' I

" ' .. ,

HAPPY lnoplration, puttJna ldtty to worlt at household

tnalfu; done in cronn-ntitcb on teo \:0\vcl!l, he'll make even dioh-dcy~ inn fun!

• • • EJ11bl-t&lh.,.lncb croi!O·ntltch Ill caDY em.

broldCTl/. Patt"rn 123!1 bao o trai!Dfcr of IOVC!n IJjOUfD 5\~ b)' 0 lncbCIS; l!lltchCIS,

A dress form doco not colve .all fltt!na dJ.fficultico. U you havo one, UDe It, thour:b, for locatinG and cbccldn(l dJrccUon of hom cmd r:;cwn Unc.o. -·-no.ustllold fll!Onges ora ltcpt frrob by r:;oaltin(l In nalt water after Utcy hove been woahcd. -·-Usc cotton tlu'cad to-mend leath­er glovcn. Sll!t thread 1rl'ill cut tho leather anti pull out again. -·-Powdered pap,~lt.o, In lieu ct oU, wUl !tccp door h!ncca from oque~dlng,

. -·-To remove tbc odor ot flllb from

dlnhco, t'Jt'lcll them ln 0 otrung hot r:nluUon of colt 1n t<lotcr, with011t tho addition o! coop. -·-, U,.. an e.}ec.lflo cora bccomco dhrnp, p1oco i~ on a fiat unrfoco cmd do nnt ur::c it far ccvoral days until n has dried. -·-U yanr wnter bucket OJll'inan a lcoh. don't~ i\ away. Plliut l.t to match yam kitchen and uco fi foz 111 woata popor cnn. Paote dccoro1ivo moWn (ll) it If yau mro cu:d rrirnovo hondlo or lot i\ reo mnin on den~d. -·-Sttews have a b.ablt of <lli'ap­peoriDg when you need them, orui ~mg from Y<l".Jr iillt:ern when ~ou w:o them. Thl.o cnn 1m nvoldcd 1.! yau I>Ut each cercw in a otrlp cf hcovy pap::>r. Tiley oro not -cnly e()!;y to flnd, but ob> oro cony tt> hold in ploco \7hcm ;you mart \hem with o hr.unmcr. --If yau treat ycur oc\') batting tbm kindly they will repoy ycu. Defozo ycu m:o them for tho Grot time, rub them aU over with lord, then bclto in a warm men fur holf on hcur. In the cm;o cl enamel pfe <llilheo. on t11em witll twillnn 1:ooo t"Jotcl' on<! nllnw to act cold. Then 't'laob in hot, cnopy water ond rin!:o t:ery thoroughly.

Night Baseball

Although tho flrnt rntljor lcoaue h:Jc:!boll como tmdc.r electric U(iht!J t'/O!j nnt.plnyed until lOW in CindnnoU, tho first minor len{iUo rurth! gomo won in tom In It;de­pcMcncc, Kmm., whi!e tho flrnt aomo over played under Ul:lhto rooit ploco lrt 1c:J3 In Fort Wo;;no, Ind.

Sewtpr ctrdo Nee.dle~raft Dop~ · 5U W. tta.udolpb flt. Cbl~aro 80, OJ.

Eoc:!Qsc 111 cents for P11ttcm. •



Learn to Be a Beauty Operator I UIGUSCHOOI. GRADUAT!:S. Uxlk­Wa la:r11 Cartu.~indcr:tood ~e .....

wn"' fct fRle boollot BONNlE BEAUTY SCHOOL

CZO CoUutlottwelllllt Bl•l'· Denyor • .. ~ • • Colerde

t1M .. w IOYltl"aMnt tiN 1 .. .,dtJ •1qi&IU1u 1"9tJN• (I

..-u• hi prMtta •• •411-tlau.l 21.300 adlltll'f)l' ''"' • .,.,. "' f,QOO.(IOO -~ • ,. . .,. '"· ... ~ .. . ......., ..... ntpl•c. f••Iltu epllaWerr comlnldlo• Ia avte.oltll• _.._ MYIIlt -•rlJ' • f .. t l• the I111Jih af th• ltt4y.

t:Jbb.,- rprt;;a c:W..dyln ~ "" pft~r ... tcU1 fct C'" ... 1.-::~ecpt'~.o":•t. c:::d lo c:tz:ol cperott:;Q OJ 1!1ut co,... coy rpeod all r.:eel fl'c::Jo ~=~ c::::l gt'ld1yL.~~ .. rl~



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REG'LAR FEU .. ERS-By Pipe Lina r:::=====::---,.


on Rea.erved En

:t OA~t,- T<UN ON AN E.MPfV 1


I CAN f \



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Witb Wn$hhleton deciding to let autolsts have more eas~Une, mllo n~ of Americana are beaJnninc ... drum of the day when tbe countQ' can return to its peacetime Blocan "Fill ~er I"

This may be a lona distance awqo, tmt lt no lon&er s.eems somcthiDc for tbe next ceneratlon, to wont about. -·-Ho~ springs eternal in the hv.­man · breast and in tbe tourlsl'a heatt. AtJ iOCII the garage BO ifMII the nation. · -·-

Seereb.l'1 Ickes will nbe the IU ante froJ!l four calloua per A eoupoll to m. 'l'tlat wa.n•t btln.r bact til• week-end tramo tie-uJIIf bat It wiD "" vl•e those pleasant memories ol U.. daJI wheJi the ps staUo• attenllaldlt nuhel'l out, wiped you wblds!lleld, rave You a road map and auecl,

'·'Bow many can you take?" • -·-. ADd when he frequently let n quart

ovcrtlow from the tank to the ground wlth a "Damp, aln't it?"

-·-Oh, for thooe hot "og-eotlng, way­side-lunch otormlng, detour cranhlnl bench blltltlng, duot-awallowtng era when the onower to "Sho.ll we motor over to Aunt Mlnnie'o?" wno. n.over "How?" and alwnyo "When?" · -·-Oh, tor tho days when you didn't , have to hammer on the windows to find out U tho goa otntlon WllB opcnl -·-

Ah, tho good old times when there wan e. tvro-pump gao otntlon In every block and a nozzlo ln every tnnkl -·-It b just as wen that the nturD to f1ID tanka b lt)lnl to be rrad\laL A sudden restoratJon of opeQ pli sta· Uons openly arrived at would be too much for normal emotions to eza· dille. -·-

Four yenru of rogardlns the pump. lng arotlon as an arid retreat far tho over-opUmlDUo have dono thlnp to tho American character.

-·-U a fellow got over four aaUcns a\ a crack ho thou[!bt ho had struck oU. -·-

Anll U tho goo otatlon proprietor throw In o umllo and flvo drop:l elt­tra ho know ho., bod hl\ (IU!lhor tcrr£. tof1, -·-

No wonder Ickes 11ll'flyed that re­eent eablad shake-up. Be annocmcet the new ru ration at the ~tour UM Pres!dtnt was mak!B&. tl!.e thiDICll. And Barey Truman II ne'bOdy's fooL De knew the pubUo would nrrt'u stand for cbanrlnr f11el admlnlstra· ton In mlil-stream.

.. . . ALJ, DONE BY t\ltRROBS

("QuJoUng Trial. Po::~tpancd UnW Augunt. "-Heodllno.)

Ob, don't be hasty wUb tb1s m&G­'.t:hls k1n4 and rtnUe soul!

'l'be~ b such he&\7 doubt that he

E55ayed the traitor's mte.

Ob, do no\ rozb Jtooee4lnp whtn

It comes Wa Ume to ro: Delay them ontll autmnn for

Be love, the mmmu sot

Oh. let his trial be defene4-Go slowly, U you pJeue,

Fer Vldlcttm wants to Jlaf a WbUI'!

Amon1 the bfrds IW4 bets. • • •

Love b Like 'lbat (From a Canadian NewspaJH!r)

NOTICE - VlhercllD my wt!e, Panana Gcrt!o Crewe, bas 1cfl tn7 btd and boaro, I give coUee that l will not be rc::ponslble for any debta she mar ~ntract In my name. Wm. A!eph Crou~. Eatrt Clllford-Mar 8-21c. -·-NOTICEl-To •fJ Pers ... Whfta at Hay Colleem: J ,...... .. ••1 lllat I cUll ut leue mr. hllllua•, ... OIIDB hUI U he 411 tiM en Ute bet~ I alepl ln. I bot!Jht It .-c wftQ I lett Wm. A. Crouse tf J!:ut milo,.. Llllld Oe., H. 8., I took 1117 b .. .SUa me. (SJcL) Pditaaa GerUe en ....

DOPE V-B ended some of our trouble, And burst the loony German


l?ow may l ask. of our ntJble na· tlon:

TaM wblte pcDtdt$ out ot eltct.jo Jetton. ·

-ll. !f. MOnS!:

' I ' {

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lj ' ,. •• wrr• ·, .1· .IF . .":' ,..,.

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· ,··Paolfm~. f... .. (, ~· ~

. ·tJ. ' . . .· ' '--

• f4;r, aU'){~:~. ·Gieq, Donett · • .,elrch.ild.ren ;'t•rne from Lorda· ' ·- .

lbur2 to r-::::-.,..,_.;-~--"~. ""t. -~--,.t. ~,_,. . .. the ·· Odd

• r ••.

Look pfeasl!Dt; please •• ; Have ~- (b.ca.-COla ~ ~· r:!' =-·~~~

..., . .... ) ...

. (I . .. ... '

'- ...

. ---- ~--· . --- "uo,,~ •Pff:l•l•tloaSat\ll'dJr:



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r II .. u II I[ /! j i j! j 1 . ' H

n I

·I t ' i

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niaht. ••

' ..

Mis•u lletty Sbater and .. tf•~• Gallacher J.ave returtled ff'om two · we~b iptilt in _-C.aJifot·M,-. Tbey viatted f}tttya bro,ber, Bobby Sbater EM 1-C at El Ctntro. .· . . .

Mr. Say era Crockett and .-on were in · Carmozo aad.

• Mr •. 01JI'tf• Kohler a r r i Y • d

botne lr.•t week and id at t b • .

We have in stock . ,.

Alf._lfa tie~d .i

Drug, and, MM.d~ines

ShoY~l~pa~es. roll& 1:

and Rake~

Ar1enate of. X:..ld

Ridaeltoll ..

RoiJ Roofin1


• • • meeting comrades-In-arms in Qt1e'beG In Quebec as io Quincy, the words Hat111 t; CoAtf ate IO

invitation «> &ieodllness .. They say Lei's gel together. On

both sides of the border people look upon Coca-Cola as

a ,Ymbol of IUility and good £eellog.

. " Frtf$1b rantb visitan& bia ...,..

PJpe FittinKI

Pump Leatben

Oils, GreJ:~~fJ

Stock lalt.

SPab Doors


('.o()(:&-Cnla Bu!Uiq Y &JideU Blvd. at BJ.ra EIPnso, Texas

4tby. Aftir aomt.'~ime over! It'* be il now •a civjJrao, h&Yinll befln oiacbaraed.

. --~ Mr. and Mra. Noel MtDaniel &nil parenta of aaotbtr aon born 1n EJ Paao Juni 28, 1946.


~r. and Ml4. Jamta Duncan ~=:::::=.:-.,.=:===-::"".~-:,_=::=:::-=.-~,':"--=--=-=============f

1-============ anfi cbildrep returned (rom Me·

· • U y J b w k JtinneJ, Texaa, Satur.tiB)', "here J•••••••••••"•••• .. ••M•n•~~•u• .. •••••••••H~fi~'~<l S~CJ~ ·8 F r · 0~ 0 or tbo1 bad bten viaitiDJ for a

I COME TO BANTA FE,NEW MEXICO I' HW ..... .. w f.ltlc. To Dr. L E. Polhemua, HiB Palaeo of Htaltb II ...-------~ ...............

iii ZOOKINQ • • •

Boots and Shoes

Ladies' Ready-to-W ear Garments

Oar Prices Are Reasonable

The Titsworth Company, Inc. ;l)

Capitan, N. M.

. ' .

• I.

lf you aro olcl! and sufrerlni and

arc ecarchlng for your hoolth•


i AHBIJD i GEORGES. BENSON I Pmllrllt-Riflll/ (tflf/t

• CTORY~ I ERA TIONS. Many hnve come i Otlftl• ,.4rlam



from your dltJtrlct; porh&Jll many

of your friends, aak thom. COI.!E


328~ Poloco Ave.

I ! = I Ph••• addH/fl oil { CliJIDfci c'lf" tv rr. L. E. PolhfmU!I, i I

I IOtJ Faltb'ltal/, Ban to Fe, l\ ew lit nlto. · J. l-... - ... - ... -········-···--···--·--··1


--"'--"-~ =-=~'- .. ,~,'--"'- ---.-

• Carrizozo -Auto Company





<ARRIZOZO HARDWARf Co. Floor Lamps, Table Lamps fancy dishes and novelties suit­

• able for gifts Headquarters for Fine FurnitUre, Rugs, Stoves, Paint, Varnish, Kemt~~ne and Ranch Supplies, Such as Wire Fencing and TcoJs. .

Phone 96 • • • Carrizozo, N. M.


IN ehoollng our medicine• we have been cateful te select thOle ccmpoandtd by the cr'eatest .

ehtmiau in the world. Thc.r baYe built up their rep•tatlon J>4!cau" ·

., tbet arb reUablt. .

llaaume·•· Candy, J Prescdption$ CatefaUt Cipra . ·. Compouttded .

••• -" ' " ••• ,_;, ,-':< ' ( - ft ... ~tZ!JQII_ t(i 5 I .. Wll- :q_aa;.!t h

1 - -

t ;; ,._ --. j ...

, n.J.Ja·n· ·d,"s . Drug· Store ... ,o . . . . . . .....

• \

- r=o:::oo






WE now have for SALE

• •







. - . - -\t " u ' ,,. ,,, ,, . ·i'

l-incoln County

(liff -Zumw•tt Motors



Phillips Products Phone 55

~·" Winter is. Coming Arain . t ' .

. The ~Uines at this time advise the early storing. of ~oalagain f~r tb~ ctlfting winter. We are l~rtu nttedn having mine connettions whick wet~ able last se•son- by our storing coat thru ·the •ummer-~ · to tike ~re of our dem•nds. But the mines c,an n•t

' offir any better smite this coming ~spn. So if tou . ar~ depe~ditg upon. coal as a fuel, the tni.ne• advise tQ


•tort •• much at 10tt <*b th111 the IQrrunet month•. " ' ' ' ' ' ' ..

· Thic]l tke only IISUtanee- of no~ Jiei•a out of .:e~1l · . tbi• winter. Th~ blines can not gupplf us if we wait · untU the winter it lpOn u1. . . PLgASJlltiLP ME 'tO HELP YOU., BY· GIVING Mtl YOlJR ORI)IK fOR COAL NOW. . ' ... , · .

' . ~-

~ ~'

· Burton· Fuel. Vard t
