his over four hundred members.Ed. Mnsscy motored to Cedar Hill in his Whipyrt coupe, May 12. Tom...


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-11. Insc nts wife on the dav he rc- '-nrn ~ervlce. having reached the mt. Hc has gone to his farm a t

In. Ark.. and he leaves a host of behlntl.

It Harlow b1O in the vacancy I by Jlr. Dunn retiring. Ed. is very

I r ind we are glad to s re hlm on : th every day instead of once J

-tic the recent washout.; over thc d! Frirco tralns tiere on timcl.

~ I I P other roads were being hard

1, a number oC people a r e taking .,f ,cp of the week-end excursions on I - -ro and we hopc to see buslness i le r ~ s t of thc eurnmer.


A. E. COODFREY, Reporter

. I Lnwson, rtripplna g a n c foreman. I Inr a new gasollne buggy. .( Ckelton, rnachinlst. made a wrek- 7-ii'ng trip April 28. Dick reports

'-. trip and lo& of fish. I I qkinner. machlni~t annrentice. 11%~

,- transferred to the - ~ o r t h shops . - - h e will flnirh tlic last six months I; apprrnticeship.

' \. Jones, welder, made a werk-cntl - :#I Rogers. Ark.. April 13. - , boys are glad to per Orn Grnunrs . on the job. He has been off 111.

'--,,.> Cooper and faniily made a wrek- r a p to Stockton, JIo., Alxil 27. visit- I . , . ~ I P folks.

' .air,l Jlerritt, boilennalier nppren- ':.s becm olf ill f o ~ scveral weeks.

' I. Lnck on the job naain. ' '-.a Hoffman, boilcrmakrr, is sport- - '' new car. 7 . R. Evans. boilermiilccr, has a w i n !,I< face a mHe long and just a s wide. %under! Just look a t the new gaso- lhxy he Is driving !

'+;in Jacob~on, boilermaker, better v as the Frisco hlauler". W:IS de- ',A In his fight April 22 , homevrr. Er- :I?? he is not going to givc up. H e any to try it again.

' -? Bnntlon. sheet metal worker. niadt: -,.,k-cnti trip to St. I ~ o i s . April 28. " w Leila Brandon and Miss Dorothy . . a made a trip to Jefferson City. Mo., I . I ~ the State Prison. ':ward Burch, foreman in the boilrr ,#. take8 hip vacation May 1 to 15. 'r. and Sfrs. Carl Oberlander announce t~irth of a fine girl, born April 39.

:,~:r!os Gihson, boilermaker. who has -, oit I11 for several weeks. is back on jh. The boys a r e glad to sce him

r l Brnzrl, boilernlaker has a new rnl~xt (mrh.


Y. SIJII'SON and J . ht. CUNKING- H 4 N , Reporters

t a recent meeting of the local shop ; .4. A. Jones was selected to renre-

t t h ~ Lintlcnwood roundhousc on ' the 4 of pawnors of thc St. Louis Ter-

' I - Club. members hi^ In the club is rlnq rapldly, and froni resent rndica- 1, Lindenwood will soon be 100 per ' The club affairs. a t whlch ice m, soda and "cats" a rc always plenti- iiue bcen enjoyed highly by guests

~ 4 ) as members. Plans a r e now be- ir~~mulated for a picnic to be h r l ~ l

I , . near future, to which we a r e all .nz fonvud. The Terminal Club his over four hundred members. . rge R. Simpson, car Inspector. in-

111 us somc few days ago t h a t he <ered a tri-motorcd plane for a party [uel\e, lcaving from Lambert Field. hlnc S t Louis from the air. then -,- in the flooded regions around Al- Ill. Underfitand that on this trlp did qulte a bit of s tun t flying. fn-

inc the f ly re eight and tail spin. h were enjoyed very much. even

though they wcre quite thrilling. After this experience they resumcd their' trip to Hannihal. Mo.. and then returned to Idamhert Field, St. Louls. Interest in aviation is snreadinr amonrr the insorr- tors, and another trip is contemplated in the near future.

E. R. MchTabh, boiler insnrctor. has recently movrd to \~ inc ls& Sl~ringc, where he expects to ralsc a flne crou of watrrmelons this summrr.

H a ~ , r y Plummcr was on the siclc list May S to 11.

Claude Deskin returned to work May 1.7 af ter spending approximately two ~veeks recuperating from a fractured flnger.

Si Perkins. pipefltter on the third trick. has gone into the business of chickrn farming.

Tawrenee E. Lane and Hugh H. Stew- a r t a r e our new grease balls a t the Lln- denwood Shops.

Engineer R. S. l<dmrcls attended thc fucl mevting in Chicago In JIay a s :I Frisco delegate. Tha t skimping and sav- ina of coal we saw Uncle Dick so vitally interested in last winter sure did turn out in his favor.

Pittinan H i s ~ m e r of S e w York City. brother-in-law to L. N. Woods, was a visitor hrrc. April 28 to JJay 15.

ICnaineer Jitnmic Hynes has a bran11 new S a s h scclan.

ICns~nc-er 1-1. L. JIcClcllnnd, on the C. f i 1.:. I. hot shot, returned to work J l r ~ y 3, after baing on the sick llst for a week.

IIarolrl I~ynch WRS in tho Frls(:o How- r~ital Crom April 21 to SO, having his tonsils ren:ovcd, but is now back on tliv job.

.John Ticc, engineer, was off Sunc1::~y. ~\I:I?. ;I, and was vcrs siclc, but was abl(, to 1.rtr11m to work 3Ionrlily May 6 .

3lonrlay afternoon. May 18, everybody in thr orficr so t thc candy fevcr an11 st:arterl specifying their favorite varieties. .\ccolYlin~ls, big-hearted K. C. Jones nmdr a slwrinl trip tlo\vntown that evrn- inlr to supply the clemantlw, and brought hwc.k Tucsi1;iy n~orninrs :in assortniont suitrrl to all tastes, not forgctting the "goobers".

J o c Smith. rliicf caller on the midniaht to eirsht shift. was seen drivina his girl friend ovor the streets of St. 1.ouis and 3Inplewoocl in a classy looking red Buiclc roadster. Sunday afternoon. May 12.

Boys, here's the rest of the news tha t Ward C. Melton promised to tell us! .\pril 17 was a w r y interesting ant1 gal21 occasion for Ward and Miss Alta Jonr--. also of Sgrinzficld. having on tha t tlntr marrhrd up before the Rev. H. A. Hooll, .\Iethoclist preacher in Springfield, t n make those everlasting promises. "I do", etc.

1). -4. Xorminfi-ton. m:tchine shop forc- man, has just rrcently P I I I ' ( : ~ R S C ~ R ne\v bungalo\v on 3171 Ivanhor. This address, :~pparently, will bc permanent.

Ed . Mnsscy motored to Cedar Hill in his Whipyrt coupe, May 12.

Tom Smith, air man. from the Linden- wood tcst room, was transferred to Sev- (n th S t r r r t , > lay 1. R. Mr. Howdslicll took his place.

Dn\.c l*'ox, of the car tlepnrtment, Is the champion horseshoe pltc!her so fa r this year, I~aving won the fll.st sistcen Carnrs.

Ed(lie Gordon lins bren promotctl froni car repair man to airbrwke man on tlic Ihdcnwood reoair track.

The shop fo'ces and enginemen join in r~xtendina sy~npntt iy to Clayton and Cecil S;mdifcr in th r death of their mother. who died the early part of May.

Atrs. E. ll-. Peters left for Jonrsboro, .\rk.. on May 1, where she will spend the month visiting her mother and frlends. Understand Pcte is practicing the dlverni- fierl a r t s of bachelordom in her absenve.

Otto Coleman is sporting a n e w 0%- land sedan.

Harold King and wife motored to F t . Scott the lat ter part of Aprll fn their Essex. Harold w a s a day late in act t ina back, and there was some a n x l e t y l n the shop. everyone realizing the possibllitics of a n Essex.

Jake I<rewson. of the store department. was another one to have his tonsils re- moved a t the Frisco hospital.

Tom E'lanacan, from Sprin~flelcl is flll- ing the vacancy crratcd by George Fitch, who was injured May 13.

.John G. Wirth, fireman on thr C, k E. I . hot shot. also was in the Frisco hos- pital from May 1 to 6, having his tonsils removed.

IVadc "Bull" llelton, the "hollow rod bcnder from Greene County", joined t h r night owls. fllllng the vacancy creatrd by I.. N. Woods, who joined the day force. May 20. in place of Gill PIaskett, who rc- signed.

The work on the addition of twelve stalls to the roundhouse. now under con- struction, is progressing rapidly, and from all appcarances it looks like we a r c poing to havc a n honest-to-goodness up- to-the-minute shop.

0 . I.. Balier and wife were Greene County vlsitors April 28.

E. R. 3IcNabb was again a visitor to 3Iarshfield. "the garden spot of the world". on April 28. W. 0. Fredcrickson, was one of the

flrst from the Lindenwood shops to take 11 vacation a t Pensacola, Fla., returning the lat ter uart of .bri l . H e reuorts a n rsccptionally enjoyable trip.

J11x. C. A. Phillips, Mrs. W. J. Ficko :m11 Mrs. 0. L. Bnkrr entertained a t a bri~lrre a t the honir of Mrs. Balier, in honor of JIrs. Frank Lampton, April 2:;. Thc Indies prrscmt wcre A\lcsdames Frank 1,:unpton. J. .S. I\lelrl~~oth, W. P. Gormsn, C. 1L Iiakcr. IM. Ealier, F. J . Gihbonr, ('has. Bmzel. Chalmrrs and Kelchner. Mrs. Iielchncr receivrrl high prize and Mrs. (:olvntm low 1 x 4 ~ ~ . Mrs. Lampton is tho wife of F m n k Lamoton. a former Frisco ~?ml>loyc, and who is now with the Hunt- Spillc,!. Parking Ring Company.

311s. JlnrKtret Coy of ;\lonett was a ruest a t tlic h o n ~ r of MIX F. J . Gibbons l l ~ o wcck of .-lpl.il 2 9 .


J. H. LOZTERG\S. Reporter

.\ lance was given on April 2; by the Frisco 1Smployes' Club for the beneflt of thc Yrisco Baseball Club. The dance proved to be a great success anrl before lona the team will be ready to accept challenges.

1). P. Henley, pipe-fltter, was off from work for a few days to be a t the bedslde of his father, who was very ill. W e a r e alad to report tha t Henley's father is cloinx very wcll now.

(:. I.. >toore. conch painter. was on the slrk llst for a fen- days, but is back with us nanin.

Mrr. Houston. wife of H a r m Houston. nlzl!t uilw-fltter, spcnt n week-cnd in S1,rin!3leld. >lo.

31. 0. Nelson. assihtant nicht round- house foreman, was another one reported on thv siclc list.

"1.u~xes" Ncsbltt, c,ar carpenter. is in the St. Loui? Hospital. We all I~ope t h a t 11r is (loinc nicely.

.2. H. Post. second-class nive-Atter. has bcrn pronioted to flrst VIE& anrl trans- fcl'retl to Anlor)', Jliss. Good luck to you. Antlrew. ljon't forrret us fellows in .\lemphis. W. H. .\totes, machinist, has bought a

h(~In(~ . Holx thls is the beginning of a long s l e ~ e of prosperity.

.I. C. Osten, n i ~ h t enzinc insnector. lost a few nights' work on account of rh&uma- tism. Glad to have you back.

Jnmes Halcomb, pipe-fitter. was in the St. 1,ouis Hospital for a whilc, but is back on thc job agaln.

Wc havc bcen having so niuch rain lately tha t the stork took refuge in the house of Paul Pape, shop committeeman of the ear department. Tlie baby was christened Paul Wesley.

George Erven. machinist. is taking a thirty-day vacation. H e is planning on visiting several states. Tlie boys all wish him a very pleasant trip.

There is a young l a m now in the I~onic of W. C. Xoak. machinist and presi- dent of LoeaI 19. The baby wa.s born May 13 a t the Baptist Hospital.

Clint Fuller, second-class pipc-fltter, has a new Gardncr eight.

Page 40

I NORTHERN DIVISION I week-end of April 20 in Kansas Assistant Superintendent L. B.i'

w h o recently underwent a tons:: erat ion a t the Mercy Hospltal a ! Scott. is ab le to be back to war

Mr. G. A. Ermat inger , road for , - a n d wife a t tended the conventa Chicago d u r i n g the week of JIav

R e x Bat te r ton , dislmtcher at ! desha. visi ted fr iends a t Ft. Scoll ril 1 6 and 17 a n d also attend6 Masonic reunion.

Tra inmas te r R. H. Hubbart.

the city. H e r new home is to be in Chicago. Oleta T a t e is filling the va- cancy temuorari ly.




-- DAVID H. TODD. Repor te r ---

D. H. SW1NI)ELL. Repor te r --

This employe's barbecue a n d picnic! scheduled for t h e month of July. t o be Put on a t Campbell 's L a k e by t h e Sun- ny land Club. promises to be a n o t h e r Sunnpland success, if w e can jndge by t h e ta lk g o i n g a round a n d Dlans be- i n g made. Mr. F. I<. Morgan h a s re- quested t h e use of Mr. Skagg ' s b a t h i n g s u i t fo r t h a t day. T h a t a lone wil l be wor th the price of adnlission.

However. Howard H o k e s a y s i t is g o i n g to be a f r e e picnic. T h e only t h l n r o n e h a s to d o i s pay a dollar a t the g a t e a n d a f t e r you g c t inside every th ing is free.

Mr. J. ,\I. F l a n k a n . former superin- t endent terminals . a n d P a t Lark in . swi tchman, s n e n t t h e l a t t e r p a r t , o f April a t Pensacola fishing a n d l o o l i ~ n g over o u r recently acquired faci l i t ies a t t h a t point. P a t s a y s he c a u g h t t w o fish a b o u t t w o inches long a n d Mr. F'lanigan c a u g h t one n o t qu i te t h a t long. T h a t h a s t h e e a r m a r k s of a n - o t h e r fish story.

T h e s t r a w b e r r i e s have finally s t a r t e d moving. Up t o th i s w r i t i n g w e have handled 3fi8 cars. f re igh t a n d express. th rough K a n s a s City.

Bill Walsh a n d Nick Fracul have been bi t ten by t h e golf bug. a n d be- lieve me, i t sure took! H e n r y Spencer does their caddy in.^. Snencer sa id h c would do the i r caddying. b u t he a b - solutely renigged when they tr ied to shove t h e scorekeeping job off onto him

Talk a b o u t be ing n ladies' man. a s k R a y Batche lder how i t feels to be t h e only male memher presen t a t t h e La- dies' Auxil iary of the Fr l sco Sunny- l a n d Club held a t t h e home of ;Mrs. F. E. Morgan recently.

I t a p p e a r s t h a t we have a rea l col- o red baseball c lub t h i s year . Of t w o g a m e s played a t Jefferxon City recent- ly. t h e first g a m e w a s easi ly won. t h e second one w e n t 14 Innings to a t ie a n d w a s called account of &rkness.

If you don't believe in miracles a s k Georg ia Rich h o w s h e won t h a t sack of s u a a r .

a n d son, Har ry . s p e n t May 12 the i r son. Jacob. a t Lincoln.

Mrs. E. R. Schumaker. who susi a f rac tured a n k l e while corning t h e s t e p s a t t h e Cnion Station at i s a s Ci ty recently. is getting :

nicely a n d expects to he able l o card h e r c ru tches before long.

Mr. J. E. H o l m b e r g has displsc:: W. N a n n i n g as r a t e clerk i? f r e i g h t offlce a t F t . Scott and X a n n i n g h a s accepted a p0aili~- the rev is ing bureau a t SpringflelC. wish to welcome Mr. Holmberr. r e g r e t t h e loss of Mr. afannin: wife.

F r a n k IIcCann. clerlc In trail- ter 's office, wife a n d daughter, r Sunday. May 5 . a t Plttsburg 6 Mr. McCann's fa ther .

Mrs. R o y B e n n e t t of Fall City, h a s been v is i t ing her parents. 7 Kipp. dispatcher. a n d wife.

Niss Xelle Richardson. sCenog:n in the division engineer's office. ; Sunday, J I a y 12. a t Wagoner, rl;

Funchon J o l ~ n s o n is s p o r t i n g a b ig diamond r i n g on t h e proper finger. \Vor~dcr who the lucky fellow is?

T h e g a n g gave a b ig char ivar i a t t h e home of Mr. a n d Nrs. 0. A. Wilson t h e evening of May 9. Probably t h a t ac- counts for a l l t h a t s a w d u s t being on the newlv m i n t e d fenders of h i s car.

Our sympathy is extended to S. E. l'oclcey in the loss of h i s f a t h e r re- cently.

T R A F F I C D E P A R T M E N T KANSAS CITY, MO. fr iends.

E. A. JIiller. agent . who has in t h e hospital. is g e t t i n g alonz - a n d expec ts to be back to work.

John Ripp of Icansas City, r Dispa tcher \V. I. Xipp and wife, Mother's D a y wi th his parenk

C. N. Gardner, C . E. Draughn: H. A. AIewcomb have been cul switchman's e x t r a board.

Switchman \V. F. For tn ty ha.

W. A. YOUXG, Relmr te r

Everyone is fuss lna about the weather. I t seems thaT the w e a t h e r nrevail ing pleases alnlost no one. So f a r Mark Twain 's observation holds good. No one does a n y t h i n g a b o u t it.

B a r n u m w a s r i g h t ! B u t if he wax repea t ing his famous nhrasz today I a m sure t h a t instead of one born every minute" he would s a y one every s p l ~ t second. W h a t fol lows proves it. Inconceivable a s i t sounds. Bill De- vinney bought a K e n t u c k y Derby t ick- et-on a horse t h a t so Par doesn't even s h o w In t h e list of s ta r te rs . W h a t a n e x a m ~ l e of ontimism!

. . . . . . , Mr. D. E. Gelwix. ass i s tan t to Ken-

era1 mnnaaer . w a s a K a n s a s Cit \ vis- i tor > lay 15.

Yard Clerk .T. A. Anderson suf fe red some p r e t t y severe bruiseh the n w h t of May 9, when he fell from t h e top O f a c a r in the 19th s t r e e t yards. HOW- ever, he is ab le to be up n t this w r i t - inrr and h a s taken a tr ln down to Au-

g r a n t e d a 30 day vacation. 1 Conduetor H. H. Waters is norr ' , I

a n d w o r k i n g out of F t . Scott. L. A. Heinrich has been burny:

the Bull Moose and is now b-, 1 f o r Conductor Gould on the lo?? tween F t . Scott and Cherryvale.

Brakeman \V. S. Saker is layin: a few days before exercising h i . .

r0i.a. 310.. to recuperate. W e extend o u r s y m p a t h y to Mrs.

Chas. Welch in the loss of her mother. Johnnie is da t ing onions aga in , now

t h a t his gir l-fr iend is o u t of town. W e will be g lad when s h e re turns .

There is a s t o r y go ing the rounds t h a t 'oncerns Steve. Steve is o u r s t a r sol ici t ing man. Tt h a p l x n s t h a t Steve's t e r r i to ry is so located t h a t his du t ies sometimes t a k e him into the nor th end. I t w a s ??ere t h a t he chanced upon a n oldt ime pit-show." T h c dancer 's dex te r i ty of movement w a s remarkn- ble a n d Steve w a s s t r o n g l y a t t rdc ted . in fac t he w a s spell-bound. However. before the dancer would continue her wild gyra t ions , i t w a s necessary t h a t coins be showered down to her. Well. S teve s p e n t two hours a n d forty-f ive minutes in t ime and a b o u t th ree dol- l a r s c a s h before he discovered t h a t the dancer w a s a man impersona t ing a woman. Steve s a y s t h a t there o u g h t to be a law a g a l n s t tha t .

Melvin Anderson h a s assembled a golf outfit. Today h e purcf.ased t h e final item-a bag. H e s a y s he is no t g o i n g a f t e r t h e top-notchers j u s t get . bu t in t h e f u t u r e they had best look to the i r laurels .

R a y Wie land rcsigned effective t h c f if teenth of t h e month. She i s l eav ing

to bump. Conductor B. \V. Davis on t h - ' - who passed a w a y a t St. J o s e l ~ h , No..

recently. - ~~~~~ -

Moose is l ay ing off a fern d a n . i l\liss Mary Fenton of JIoni" '

wori t ine e x t r a in the telephone r' ! TRANSPORTATION D E P A R T M E N T N O R T H E R N DIVISION


a t th i s ' point d u r i n g vacation tin ' Miss Alice Hogan , telel~honc 8 , ;

tor. is spending her vacation will i !

s j s t ? ~ a n d family a t Albuqu,.: 1 ' SIISS GLADYS ROTH, Repor te r l\. 1u.

Mr. Lee 1\Iarksbury, m e w : I spent a few days in Kansan 1'1;: ' cently, v i s i t ing his brother, C h a i I I

Chester Ful ton , s tenographer to chief clerlc in the superintendent 's office. has resigned his position wi th the company a n d accented a position as c le rk to t h e National Guards a t this 1,oint. account ill hea l th a n d necessary he have outdoor employment. Miss Marie Hayden. formerly in the office of Agent W. G. Wolfe a t P i t t sburg . has been ass igned to Ful ton ' s vacancy.

Mr. Leon Huff, fo rmer file clerk a t th i s point , bu t who is now employed w i t h t h e Pra i r ie Oil Company a t I n - dependence. Kansas , m a s in the ci ty a f e w d a v s recently. t a k i n g in the Ma- sonic Reunion a n d v is i t ing old fr iends.

Nrs. Clarence Jones. wife of chief yard clerk. a n d son. Charles, s p e n t t h e


H. F. SHIVERS, Reporter I

- I ICS a i r b r a k e lnstructlon c a r : (

in charge of Mr. T. A. Stainthor~>. - , 1 s ta t ioned in th i s terminal nomu ' ( or f o u r weeks dur ing the mosl'G April a n d t h e lectures given bl S t a i n t h o r ~ were very well at(-.' , 1 b y both road and shop men, L- 1 g r e a t deal of interest rnaniir~:~! t h e main tenance and handling d : .

Page 41

i - t*:~Re equipment on both l0c0m0- ..;.. .~nd cars. W e found Nr. S ta in- .: -r8 to be a very estimable gent le - -: md he made R g r e a t number of ,. 7 . i among employes while a t th i s : -1 nnd no doubt his visit will be ;. 1.2: tire of a great deal of good.


ItvKOTHY IVORI<ISG. R e porter

9. and Nrs. W. D. J o n e s of St. : :.i. 310.. visited fr iends here April . Everyone were s u r e l ~ , glad to see -.a, it for only a short time. i,.::ie Peggy Sue Sayers of Spr ing-

, ! Mo., spent a week with her aunt , r - L. W. Piok~n. She is n very r:-alng little miss. i ! r& 0. Roush spent several d a y s ..ring her son, \\'alter Koush, a n d

( 1 .

2-. Oscar Selson, coml>letion repor t .G, spent >lay 5 in F t . Smith, Ark. , * <lng relatives and friends. K:. K. 6. Xorrls. genera l clerk, had

6 r,sitors his sister, brother a n d two . . ; d a from Enid. Okla. i r Charlie Small of mechanical of-

! . of Springfield, No.. made t h e of- . . : L short vlvlt May 17.



iT \V. H. Bevans a n d Mrs. H a r r y I ..m were in Wichita d u r i n g t h e ' - 8 Itart of thls month, a n d visi ted r , frlends ill the f re igh t office. I- \V. Y. Kelly, fo reman a t \Vich-

L 119s returned to w o r k aCter a va- r t~ of several months. Mr. Kelly 1.. UR duty on account of a broke11 I 4.

r understand t h a t JIiss L e n n a W i l - J ~d Niss L ~ e l a F r e d e r ~ c k s recently . me acquainted w l t h t h e chief of b A, due to their inabil i ty to dis- ..MI a green i lght f rom a yellow r I ,dnd that they a r e w a t c h ~ n g the i r .:le signals pretty closely now. i r . C. K. \Velsh and Nr. R L.

W e y have been in \Irichita audi t - ti the freight station. Mr. Welsh r.. unable to return to Jopl in for t h e 1.4-end, on account of being water - ,:rd in Wichlta. i!:. Grover Parker. r a t e c le rk in t h e :.:h~ office. was displaced May 20 . ilr. W. R. Caskey, former ly t icket 9; and cashier a t P i t t sburg : Mr. ,,ley's ~os i t ion w a s abolishTed a n d i !. exerclurnx his sen ior i ty r i g h t s r in" freight office a t Wichita.


MARIE HAYDEN. Repor te r

Fr. E. A. Allen, conductor, who re- ~.rd for work a f t e r a n illness of r reeks. took t h e place of C. H. L. , ; on the first engine s o u t h ; N r . C :: has been assigned to t h e place l Bill Jlertz on c rew S o . 46-46 ; Mr.' C,': has displaced B. P a y n e on t h e I: m. pard engine: 3Ir. P a y n e h a s k i assigned to the p lace . of George I-'urley on the 2 p, m. yard engine. . r three brakemen cu t off the e s - a ho:ird were J. A. Ledford, Clyde I.-, and Tom Atkinson. ~ilah Stapp. b rakeman, h a s bid in be 2 p. m. yard engine. : 0. Mann left a f e w d a y s ago for I Scott where he h a s been ass igned

job as brakeman. : H. Collins, fireman, has t a k e n t h e

L . ! of F. A. Scott o n the Afton lo- L Mr. Scott h a s been assigned to k dace of R. 0. Wil la rd on a yard ' offices of F. E. Heaton. genera l t,rnWer, and H I\'. Cooper, road- bw. were belng str lpped a f e w t* aKo of equipment a n d loaded on I t car to be moved to the new t a t Second and Brond\vay. T h e

vaca ted offices wil l be used f o r "bunk houses."

J. C, AIcGrew, brakeman. h a s been ahsigned t o t h e 12:30 yard engine.

W a l t e r S t a p p resigned l a s t week as b r a k e m a n on a local o u t of here. Mr. S t a p p h a s accepted employment on a s t e a m shovel n e a r here. W e a r e s o r r y to have h im leave us.

H. H. McCann. conductor, who is off cluts on account of illness. i s being relieved by \V. W. Beard.


LAURA S. CLARK, Repor te r

Mr. a n d Mrs. C. E. Bissell, a t tended t h e In te rna t iona l Rai lway Fuel As- sociat ion Convention a t Chicago, J I a y i - 1 0 . stop pin^ off to visi t relat ives in I o w a for t h e weelc-end. Mr. Bissell repor t s a fine meet ing a n d a good time.

Mrs. Ada B. Lynch a n d daughter . J lrs . Prouty . a n d l i t t l e g rand-daughter , Shir ley J e a n , merit a week-end in Jop- lin shopping a n d visi t ing friends.

Evident ly t h e golf b u s h a s bi t ten o u r warehouse foreman, Carl Cowen, a s he h a s been doing considerable "Kro-Fli t- ing" lately.

J . C. AIcGrew. brakeman h a s gone to Cleveland, Ohio. for a fLw days in connection with the B, of R. T.

Mr. a n d Mrs. Thos. Grlffiths lef t J Iay 15 for California, w h e r e t h e y will Spend s ix ty days ;f happiness in "The Land of Sunshine.

Nrs. W. C. Dennis, wi fe o f chief yard c le rk , has gone to Deca tur , Ark., to look a f t e r the i r s t r a w b e r r y in te r - ests .

Conductor W. F. Wilson is vaca- tioninfi a few d a y s a t Cherokee. Kans . , for t h e purpose of a t t e n d i n g t h e a r a d u a t i n a exercises of h i s d a u g h t e r .

Miss E d a Nigh, s tenographer -c le rk for roadmas te r Cooper, l ikes P i t t s b u r g s o well s h e h a s decided to move f rom Girard a n d m a k e her permanent home here in P i t t s b u r g a t 1102 South Elm.


-- S E L L I E NcGOWEN, Repor te r

Mrs. J. H. McGreaor. wife of t h e s\vi tchman, w a s called to P i t t sburg . K m . , recently account illness of a rel- l t i w e . -.

.J. L. Godsey, t imekeeper, and R. C. Carnobell. yard clerk, have re turned f rom St. Louis hosoital. w h e r e the" w e n t to have thier- tonsi ls i.ekGk-i.

E a r n e s t Barnes, swi tchman, has re- tu rned f rom Dayton. Tenn., h a v i n g been called to t h e bedside of h i s f a t h e r \vho w a s very ill.

Our sympathq is extended to J. H. UcLane. swi tchman and familv nr- count of t h e dea th of his--son,- '~. '-B. McLane, Jr., who was killed a t JIem- phis on M a p 1.

1%. H. Webs te r , opera tor , w a s called to Anniston. Ala., recently account of illness of his mother.

J. L. Overby a n d wife. yardmaster . a t tended the funera l of a fr iend in Hrflin. N a . . on May 6. W. R. Bennett . chief c a r Inspector.

h a s purchased a new Graham-Paige automobile.

T h e dance given hy t h e Fr i sco E m - ployes' Club a t Club 1''lorentine o n J Iay 3. w a s well a t tended and e v e n one in a t tendance repor t s a fine time.

E n ~ u l o y e s in t h e Bi rmingham Ter- mina l ex tend to Mrs. L n u n a Chew t h e i ~ , s incere s v m p a t h y in the loss of her mother , who passed a w a y on ;\lay 7. Mrs. Chew is s e c r e t a r y to traffic man- aKer a t Birmingham.

Fr i sco employcs a r e looking for- w a r d w i t h p leasure to t h e dinner- dance to he given b y the Bi rmingham Traffic and Transpor ta t ion Club a t

Hollywood Count ry Club o n M?y 23. which will be known a s Frisco Night," Mr. K u r n a n d JIr. Koontz will be the principal s p e a k e r s f o r t h e eve- ning.

Miss E u l a Montgomery, s tenogra- pher in t h e account ing department. s p e n t t h e week end w i t h h e r p a r e n t s in i\sheville. .\la., recently.

Our s y m p a t h y is extended to Mrs. E d n a Knight . s tenographer in super - intendent terminals ' office, in t h e loss of her f a t h e r the la t te r p a r t of April.

3 .O O American Railroads Find This

Service Helpful ALL branches of railroad service are today demanding greater efficiency. . . . The 3Iechanical Department scrks methods of increasing power and decreising fuel consumption. Bridge and building men must be fa- miliar with the most modern types of railroad struc- tures. Car inspectors must unaerstand Lhe construc- tion of all kinds of cars.

Firemen must have detailed knowledge of the opm- tion of locomotives and the proper use of fuel in order to become engineers. Engineers must be expert in all matters relating tq their engines before they can expect the best runs. Rallroad men in every department must be on the alert every minule of every day in order to do their part in keeping rolling stock repaired and running on schedule time.

Three hundred American railroads in an effort lo pruduce the highest type of workmin have adopted the International Co~espondence ~chobls home-study method for training their employees in the thmry of their work. Mail the coupon for Free Booklet.

Employees of thk road will receive a Special Discoant ------------------.


Box 8619-0. Scranton. Penna. Wlthout cosl or ohliaation. plcaso tell me haw I can

puatlfy for tllc uosition. or In the sub~eet. beltlore aheh I am marking X In the llsl below: g Sl;;ctu;ea;kEnslneer

U Slation Agent Boakkce~er Cost A~~~unlant lnduslrlol ?danaKemenC Escmllre Tralnl

1 Stenarradwr antsyplst p Secretarial Work 3 Good Unrlish

Te l e~ raph Engineer l'rarllral Telephony Diesel Enclnea Gas Ennines .\vialion Encines PlumhlnC and Eenlng R Crnde School SubjwLs

O Iltrh School 811hjects n Car Repairer Car Insperlor Mrchanlcal D n d n a burrepor Chem~at ry 11 Rusi'ne\s Corresmndenw

U Personnel Jlanagerneut

Kame ........................................................................ .............................. .......................... Occupnllon Elnplomd b~

............................................. ............... Slreet .iddress .....,

CLty .......................................................... a t e ................... Conodlovs r r r w aend f b i n Cwpon t o Intrrnalirmul Oorre- raundmce Sehuala Canodiun, Limilod, Montreal, Cumdo .

11. S. C n n n , in te rchance clerk. h a s 1)rrlr cvllfil~ed to his homc for several clays account illncss.



VI 1:GISI.l GKlb'I.'IS. Hepor te r

31isx l'aye Barbee, s t c n o g r a ~ ) h e r in thc revising bureau, a n d your "re1)ort- er" \ver*, mighty gi:td to be ah le to r e t u r n to worlc N a y first. Niss Bar - bec 11;irl been off moye, t i ~ a l i a month s u f f c ~ . i l ~ g wi th i ) l e u r ~ s y a n d I s ince Ar~riE 4 . having had tin ol)eratiori fol. :~l , lx~ntl lci t is on t h a t date.

Glad to repor t t h a t George \\Tallace. young eon of B. C. Scruggs. ass i s tan t c*ashicr. is rapidly recovering f rom a v r r v ~ e r i o u s o n r r a t i o ~ ~ oerformed be- f o ~ e he w a s a m o n t h uld.

We a r e g l a d to have A. V. F o s t e r wi th u s f r o m t h e genera l office. St. Ifiuis, he having been ass igned posi- tion of chief rev is ing clel'lc in tlie bu- reau the l a t t e r p a r t of April.

Miss Louise Burns, con11)tometer op- e ra tor . rev is ing bureau , resigned AIa? iil,st account leav ing ;\Ieml)his to m a k e her home in \f'ashington. D. C. Her 1)ositiun h a s been given to Miss Helen

- GriMn of the s tore depar tment , Yale. Tomlmrary cotton foreman position

lie111 Iry Louis Hanover urns c u t i f i s t "Gillis" went to Yale a s yirfcl clerk.

D. Z.:. Creeden. T. E. Bagwell , W. W. l Ium))hre>-. a n d Kvcre t t Hanover of Ll~is oflice repor t a fine t ime in Pen- s;lcola X a y 4 a n d 5 w i t h the Fr i sco 15ml)luyer' (Club bunch.

Miss l,ucille Linville. d a u g h t e r of n i g l ~ t chief cierlc B. S. Linville, is 110u- enjoyil ig a visit with relat ives in Tuc- son. Xrlz.

Cht9s:cr Tapley, former ly of the zone office here, made us a s h l ~ r t visit N a y (i. Chester resigned his position here to m a k e his home in Detroi t h u t h a s liow decided t h a t Xlemphis is the bes t placr in which to live.

J lr . S. L. Oliver is st i l l receiving c ~ ~ ? n y r ~ t u l a t i o n s o n be ing elected first vlcc president of t h e Traffic Club of .\lcniphis, n i g h t of May 11.

Mr. a n d Xrs . T. E. B r y a n t acconl- ~)an ie r l h e r b ro ther t o Springfield. 310.. May 11, h c h a v i n g been confined to St . Joseph's h o s l ~ i t a l llerc for some Lime.

J, B. W r i g h t , r a t e clerk, spent the weak-elid of May 11 in Li t t l e Rock. - - . . . . ,

T. ,E. R r y a n t , cashier 's clerk, s t a r t - ccl ills vxc*ntioll may 16, which he is to enjoy with h i s paren ts in Lepanto. Ark. He will spend most of the t ime fisiiinx.

A. \'. Garre t t . OSCI, clerk, is s t i l l confined to h i s bed b u t is much bet- ter. V;tc h a s been ill s ince t h e middle of .\nril. Hope h e will soon be back


Bluff City Delivery Co ICE and COAL

Genera l Office, 651 B e a k Avenue



Grading, Gravellnp and Asphalt Suriaclng Subdivision Work and Prlvate Jobs

a Specialty Office and Yard, 971 Jarnw Strwt

Memphis. Tennbsass Graders of Yale Yards .

Last but not Iczrst. The remodeling of our office is about c o d p l e t e d a n d we xurcl? a r e yroucl of it. I t looks l ike a new one a n d t h e best of a l l is to h e a r every one t h a t comes in have someth ing nice to s a y a b o u t it. W e a r e very ~ r a t e f u l to AIr. J. L. Kiburz f o r a l l t h e m a n s th ings he h a s dona for us.


1'. Q. L ~ l l g s t l ~ n and 31;~I.y Buhle l~ were married a t Springfield. Mo.. a t Y:30 p. In.. May 11. "Uob" w a s for- mer ly in division account 's oflice at 1\1emphis, a n d is now located in t h e S1)ringfield officc. Mary h a s been em- 1)loyed in division superintendent's o l - fice. J Iempl~is . fo r t h e p a s t s ix y e a r s a s pass c le rk a n d ty111st a n d h a s s e n s e d as repur tc r from th i s office for the pas t t w o years. T h e en t i re of- lice force join in extellcling best wishes f o ~ the i r fu ture happiness.

An excuralon, s l~onsored by the I'risco ICml~loses' Club of hIem[)hin, \!.as a r r a n g e d to Pensacola, l eav ing J leml~hiu May 3, a special Pul lman be- inl: chxrtered to t a k e care of tile eni- loses krtter~ding. Bath ing . boat in^. and a tish 1'1-y were enjoyed by those at tending. AIL nuto t r ip over t h e city a n d to Gulf Beach w a s made: also Bayview ant1 t h e Naval .\ir P o r t came in for the i r s h a r e of at tention. A wonderful t inw w a s renorted I)v a l l w h o a t tended iil~cl severai a r e v l a i n i n g a returl l t r i ~ ) in the fulurv.

J o h n Souder, nicsszrlger, jus t rc - t u r l ~ e d f rom St. Louis Hospital , whcre lie ~ , e c e n t l y u n d c r u ' e ~ ~ t a tonsil 01)- chratior~. John aays L I I ~ o111y bad t h i n g .rbout the u p e r l t ~ o l i wds t h a t h c wasn' t al lowed to talk.

JI. J. OIL)ol~nell enjoyed severa l d a y s vaeatioll recently. Mart sa>-s lie sllenl his vacation a t home "just loafing."

AJrs. H a r r y Martin. wife 0:. time- keeper, w a s recently called to 1 hayer. Mo.. due to i l lness of h e r g randfa ther .

laa.qing; s o jar loose some of you fir: c lass f a n s a n d let's pu t this thinge: big!

AIvra Jacobs s n e n t Sundav and 11. day," May 1 2 a ~ i d 13, a t her horn- Thayer. Missouri.

Mrs. 11. C. B a r n e t t is spending a ' w e e k s w i t h relat ives in Kansas

H. E. Crowder has been spendlnpl n eek-ends in Ti~xycr recently.

Swltchrnan 1:. J. JIcKnett has 1 r e turned f rom ;in enjoyable trap tor \Vest.

H . 1). \\'elch, repor t clerk a t the r officc, n.as off one day account l ~ t t l e clauchter undergoing a 1t.r

.~ -. . ~ ~ . . of d a y s recently in A ' e i Orleans ,. i t i n g h i s s i s te r a n d brother-in-12%

\V. G. Carey. chicf yard clerk, a.orlt a c h a n g e of occu1)ation recently. C scquent ly h e laid off a day to L

c a u g h t u p w i t h h i s f u m i n g . We i . ders tand he planted a big garden I1 day, a n d we a r e al l planni~ig to . o u t a n d see him s o o l ~ . \Ire hope has sume fr ied chicken, too.

The iiew yard office will soon com1)letecl. ; L I I ~ it won't be long 11, unt i l the yard office force will be C , . snicuous a round here by their a aence. They will be f a r away 11, the i r old hanging-out glace. They? they a r e s o r r y t o leave, but we thl' they just h a t e to m a k e the rest o f . feel bad by tel l ing u s how glad the:-I. - ~

he. E. AI. P e a k of t h c cngineerinp 6,

partment. AIcmph~s, seems to like l: count rv r e r v niucii. He has b e , - w o r k i ~ ; ~ here f o r three or four we?:. now, and he doesn't even mention :,- ing back to towii. I t seems to bt . fa i l ing wi th those engineers !It X'rs- phis to l ike count rv life-We k w one or two o thers tha't a r e in the san- boat .



1\I.\RC.\RET STE\VAI:T. Ke1)orter

Dutch Loefrel, who is a t t h e present o u r \\ 'eather Prol)het , ~)rol)hesies rain today a n d tornorroar. \f'ell tha t is n o t h ~ n y ~ l n u s u a l . Bur thc last f o u r 01' five wee1;s it hiiu rained a n d rained a ~ ~ d rained. a n d then rained some more.

There have bee11 several changes in tlie personnel of tlie office force in t h e s u p e r i l ~ t e n d e n t t e rmina ls office lately. Ra lph L. Evans , who h a s been secre ta ry to X r . McGuire. resigned ef- fect ive May 1 to Lake a position w i t h t h e Cotton Bel t Railroad. Mr. Evans ' wi fe hapl)enecl to be o u t of town at t h e t ime a n d h e ha ted for h e r , t o have t o w a l k home, therefore lie m ~ r e d h e r to come home before his W s s wns called in.

hlr. 8. B. Nett les now has the 1)osi- tion formerly held by Ralph I*:v;ins. 311.. Kett les has been worlcing f o r the Southern Coal Company f o r some time. IVe join wi th the r e s t in bid- d ing him welcome. Wre t r u s t he will l ike t h e c o u n t r y as well as we l ike it.

T h e w r i t e r now holds t h e position of s tenographer . which w a s former ly held by C. R. Grindler. who i s now w o r k i n g for the K a ~ ~ s a s Ci ty Souther11 Railroad.

B u t a l t h o u g h Mr. E v a n s a n d JIr . Grindler a r e now working for o ther rai lroads, we presume t l ~ e y have not forgot ten the d e a r old Fr i sco since they come out often to watch the bail g a m e s a n d ~ r a c t i c e .

Speaking of ball g a m e s ! I t won' t be long now! Our baseball t e a m is re- ported to be coming a long a t a f a s t rate. The hoys a r e g o i n g o u t t h r e e t imes a week for practice. T h e com- mit tee. however, repor t t h e financial condit ions a r e a b i t d i scourag ing a t present . T h e subscript ion l i s t s a r e

F. 31. Packnrd. chlef clerk, has be71 quite busy clue to the fact that the a w has been attending coul't for a coupii' 8 '

weeks. nccessitatina additional work ti- chi;,P clerk.

R. A. Allen. accountant, has h e n FU: fering from a sprained ankle, result;:. from his daily trips around Frisco'~ Ir- tlustrics, which he visits on his neK r. sition of demurrage clerk.

N. C. Steedman, traveling auditor, hq

been transferred to the Blnnlngt.i~* freight house ay station auditor. H+ was located a t this post in the past, an we a r e very glad to welcon~e him hu to Birniinaham Terminals to make h Lome witK us.

Paul M. Glllian. demurrage clerk, !I-:- been dis~Aaced by R. A. Allen, form*, station iutlitor, and has been Wsl6n- to the vos~tion of freight delivery e l ,+ a t freight house.

E. L. \\'adc has been assimed l o 01, povltion of frcight house clerk. locat, a t Bessanicr, Ala. H e is a brother r W. \V. \Vade. ra te clerk, who has b ~ r in the employ of the Frlsco for son* time.

L. T; Hatcher, belt clerk, is very muci elated over the possibility of living in ; new bungalow all to himself. He rill b: located on Roseciale heights. Birmin;. ham's novest suburb. south of the ri:; and on the mountain side, away from tI. noise and smoke of the city.

Miss Elvina Smith, stenoara~her. 111 gotten the auto fever and phhased ih herself a new Chevrolet sedan.

We a r e very glad to learn of the Im provement of J. E. White, formerly n' the freight house a t nights. He rs seriously injured by a n~oving box (?. a t East Thomas yards recently. Whh he still remains In the care of the h+ pital, he seems to be much irneroved Al yish him a speedy recovery from his ir. .-----

J. M. Green, clerk a t freight h a w EIIRICY, Ala.. has been assigned l o pc-

dclircrg clerk a t Birmingham I ilt,uce. Whllc he has only had "ir in the small station he seerns

,;I wry fast and will soon make a .:.~~winp in keeping the ~arehOUSe

, - ' orrlcr - .ind house meetings seem to be . :rtvnd since the time for vacations ' .tball season has rolled around

The games are ncver played s o thry are in the freight house at

,n hour. The vacations a r e not .:,? unless the victim lands a whale

:zk during thcir s t as . ., ! Cowan, spccial agent. is on the , ' roll at St. Louis Employes' Hos-

Khile we do not know t h e seri- - . of his case nor the duration of . y, w~ sincerety hope for a speedy -; ~ n d that he will soon be back , friends and employes a t B i n n i n ~ - - T, rminals. Even McDaniels. t h c d 4 , has been heard grumbling a s

.:.nr was away, and did not feel s a f e . office alone.

L. Sorreli. special officer, says there's always something goinz

. r aith a lellow. H e was sufferinc h d teeth an8 fiince he had then?

. , . I he has been suffering with his - h. There seenin to be some pos- ... af tbc dentist clumping the old I the stomach to get rid of them.

, lrns Pheifer, collector, has xn- m Overland touring c a r recently. -hi,. exception of Yome telephone

x few red lights n t interscc- ! the streets, he has nothing to

- hlm. - . weather known a s blackberry

I . , . : hw beeen causing most a l l the :,ts to seek their heavies again and , r:,e man in the weather office dn-

. ' to talk, due to the fac t t h a t h e trliinz n?w tu tell.




Firt F. Hsstinss. assist:mt m t e ras elected secretary of the Glen- - 13vic Club in a very hotly contest-

I ,':.'lion recently. This is very coni- . - itsry, since he is comparatively i~

..I rirident In this section of tho city. : ~Clmview Club Is one of the most t . ckic clubs In the city. owning

riin~odious clubhouse ant1 well 7 r.4 playground. '?-. Ted H. Banlster and little son,

, - ilwe returned home a f t e r a pleax- i :~iit in S t Louin. !. Skags, operator, visited a t home.

7 ,-. 3Io., Sunday. X a y 12. ... \T. C. Han~ilton and childrcn ha\( .

..-,.d home from x nice visit with -: .(s In Hoxie. Ark.

: 81 Waldell Scales is undergoing L - rery painful dental work a n d h e 2' --t smiled for some time. IVc hope I. :...mwm soon.

J - . E. V. Viner and Miss Erlene ii:'.jp. of Hardy. Ark.. were week-end r - ' ; of Jfr. and Nrs. Hubert F. Hast- r rcmtlv. :-i!er ~hhstopher , offioc boy, usually

N... bright and ambitious, has been in- .- to sleep lately. Upon investiga- ..- :I dewlobs he is sole owntrr of a + newest bf hls possessions. H e has , 3.11 to reform. . ; Margaret Wright of Eirminghani.

IL ,. guest ot Bliss Allic APai Speight -tir week-end of X a y 11. . Lula Yanlev h w verv kindlv . ~

I.: ,lml the oxice- with some ver$ b 'I!,I roses from her rose garden . , % #;,.h she is justly proud.

I "Jack" Stacy just came in to t rc mod-bye, having been t ransferred L I,!!iburgh, Pa, as co~nmercial agen t I. ,:; line, the Nickel P la te Road. J a c k i ~ i e many friends in the south.


J. V. BROWER, Reporter

:- R. D. Bush, wife of agent , spent = lr, gas 5, in Pensacola. S h e was

Railroaders! Switch to this pipe-tob.

T HERE'S nothing like a pipeful of tobacco for calm, unruffled smoking pleasure. A good briar seems to breed sound, clear thinking. Helps cut down those

nervous, jumpy thoughts that often mean mistakes. And railroaders working under pressure say that Edgeworth is the smoke of smokes for their beloved briars!

These men, snapped in the 67th Street Electric Switch Tower on the Illinois Central Railroad, Chicago, know a lot about switching. And they say that after trying almost every other brand of pipe-tobacco they've settled on Edgeworth-and won't ever switch from it!

Foreman Wasson uses Edgeworth in cigarettes he rolls himself. And if we are to take his word for it, he gets the same full-bodied Burley blend as well in them as in his pipe.

Try a tin of Edgeworth. We'll gladly send you a gener- ous sample-enough for a few glorious smokes. Or you'll find i t on sale everywhere, including Commissary Stores

and camps, railroad depots and sta- tions. Two forms: Edaeworth Readv- - d

Rubbed, all ready for your pipe; and Edgeworth Plug Slice, for those who like to "rub up" a pipe-load a t a time. Both come in various sizes, from handy pocket packages to pound humidor tins.


Free Offer to Railroad Men If you have never smoked Edgeworth Ready-Rubbed smoking tobacco, let us send you a free trial helping so that you may put it to the pipe-test. Send your name and address to Larus & Brother Company, 27S.ZlstStreet, Richmond, Va.

1 1 1

On your radio-tune i n on WRVA, Rieh- nwnd, Ira.-the Edgeworth Station. Wave length 270 meters. Frequency 11 10 kilo- cycles.--Special jealure: The "Edgeworth Club" Hour every Wednesday evening at v eight-thirty o'clock, EasLern standard ~ime.
