Henry VII – Welsh nobleman who seized the throne after the War of the Roses Lancaster = red York...


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The Renaissance1485 - 1660

Tudor Line

Henry VII – Welsh nobleman who seized the throne after the War of the Roses Lancaster = red York = white Henry combined to make the “Tudor Rose”

Henry VIII Edward VI – 16 when king, died young Mary I – “Bloody Mary,” killed over 300

Protestants Elizabeth I – amazing, the “Virgin Queen"


the rejection of the pope and the Italian churchmen

a time of internal reform in the church and criticism from those who chose to break away

Pope Paul III investigated the selling of indulgences (religious pardons) and other abuse.

English Renaissance

Late 1400sfew people could read or write

French word meaning “rebirth”

changes in values, beliefs, and behaviors

Most people were Roman Catholic.

English Renaissance

renewed interest in classical learning (the writings of ancient Greece and Rome)

People learned Greek and reformed the Latin that they read, wrote, and spoke.

People became more curious about themselves. It brought a renewal of human spirit, curiosity, and creativity.

People of the RenaissanceLeonardo da Vinci - widely considered

to be one of the greatest painters of all time & revered for his technological ingenuity 1. Mona Lisa 2. The Last Supper

Galileo - a Tuscan physicist, mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who played a major role in the Scientific Revolution

People of the Renaissance Columbus - was a navigator, colonizer

and explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean (funded by Queen Isabella of Spain) led to general European awareness of the American continents

Michelangelo – Pope Julius II commissioned him to paint the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City

People of the Renaissance

Johannes Gutenberg – a German who invented printing with moveable type printing press This allowed the first printing of a

complete book around 1445

Humanists (ism)

gave new answers to the questions: “What is a human being?” “What is a good life?”

The aim of life is to attain virtue, not success, money, or fame, because virtue is the best possible possession and the only source of true happiness.

Two of the most famous Renaissance humanists: 1. Thomas More – wrote Utopia (a book of

famous insights on human society) 2. Desiderius Erasmus

Martin Luther

1483 – 1546Monk who founded a new Christianity based on his personal understanding of the Bible, not what the pope said

German Protestant

King –vs- Pope

King Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife Pope would not grant it King Henry declared himself head of the

Church of England Henry appointed a new archbishop of

Canterbury who annulled the marriage Thomas More (and many others) did not

recognize Henry as the head of the church Henry had his friend executed by beheading!

Queen Elizabeth

Her cousin Mary was in line for the throne

Plotted for 20 years to have the Queen killed

The queen finally had her beheaded

Other Rulers

Queen Elizabeth died childless Her 2nd cousin, James VI of Scotland was

her successor (1603 – 1625) He was the son of beheaded Mary

Followed by his son, Charles I Powerful subject had him beheaded in 1649

England was ruled by Parliament & Puritan dictator Oliver Cromwell

Charles II returned from exile in France, 1660, to rule

Renaissance – the end

John Milton was the last great writer of the Renaissance Famous for Paradise Lost

Scientific truths were soon to challenge long-accepted religious beliefs.

Thus ends the Renaissance…


conceit – fanciful comparison of 2 different things

meter – pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables (rhythmic beat)

foot – meter’s basic unit (one stressed and one or more unstressed syllables)

iamb – a foot Iambic Pentameter – a line of poetry

made up of 5 iambs (Shakespeare uses) caesura – a pause


octave – eight lines (abba abba)

sestet – 6 lines (cdecde)quatrain – 4 linescouplet – 2 lines
