Authoritarian Developmental (AD) Economic development Improving citizen capability (human...



 Industrial policy  State-led industrialization Control over banks and assistance to particular industries/firms Did not lead to inefficient firms, theft of state funds  Social policy  Social spending aimed at advancing industrialization agenda (e.g., education) and legitimation

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Authoritarian Developmental (AD) Economic development Improving citizen capability (human development) Elite coalitions with local capitalists Coherent, effective bureaucracies 1950s: Land reform, key success Military coup (1961) start of authoritarian, developmental regime Military support base; alliance with capitalists Industrialization, economic development Unions repressed; anti-communist propaganda Elections rigged Military rule ended (1987) with pro-democracy protests/demonstrations by students, workers, and middle class (product of regimes developmental policies) Industrial policy State-led industrialization Control over banks and assistance to particular industries/firms Did not lead to inefficient firms, theft of state funds Social policy Social spending aimed at advancing industrialization agenda (e.g., education) and legitimation Military (and Korean Central Intelligence Agency) suppression, indoctrination Economic institutions Economic planning board; 5-year plans Political parties (electoral machines; not programmatic) Faade of democracy Democratic transition (1987) Authoritarian developmental regime left mixed legacy New political cleavages Expansion of social spending Strengthened democratic institutions Authoritarian Predatory (AP) No economic/human development Elites rely on narrow coalitions Policies enrich themselves and narrow network of supporters Bureaucracies ineffective Widespread corruption and patronage British colonial legacy 4 th Republic (long periods of military rule) Characterized by patron-client relations Ruler Big men military/business people/regional leaders clients (typically of same ethnic group) Patronage/spoils = oil revenues, budget, contracts Divide and rule/repression Policies Leaders main goal to accumulate wealth, not promote human development Economic development enriches elite Institutions Government bureaucracies staffed through patronage appointments Transition to electoral democracy (1999) Obstacles to democratic consolidation, human development Ethnic/religious cleavages Patron-client politics Weak institutions Struggle over balance of power between central government and states division of oil revenues secular vs. sharia law Democratic Developmental (DD) Commitment to improving capabilities of poor Economic growth/development through market-oriented policies Political parties build broad coalitions of support Policies appeal to large groups of voters Effective/professional (merit-based) bureaucracies Post-Pinochet (1990) Class cleavage is central Leaders balance interests of classes, promote capabilities of poorest groups Gradual reforms, consultation with opposition Programmatic parties, business and labor federations Highly competent civil service Broad appeal among middle and working classes Policies Economic growth, education and health care for the poor Strengthened democracy High income inequality high; business class remains powerful Institutions Designed to ensure conservative control over legislature Although legislature and judiciary increasingly independent relative to executive Democratic Fragmented (DF) Coalitions dominated by large farmers, big business, parts of middle class Political parities = electoral machines patronage, populism, identity politics Civil service (bureaucracy) mixed Competent officials Highly politicized agencies headed by patronage appointments Developments post-WWII Rapid industrialization, increasing conflict between social classes Military seized power ( ) State-led industrialization Social class most important political cleavage Fragmented political organizations Recent presidents (Cardoso, Lula) policies aimed at promoting capabilities of poorest citizens Movement toward market system Increased social spending aimed at promoting citizens capabilities (health care, education) and affirmative action Challenges Significant room for improvement in citizens capabilities Fragmented party system Fragmented bureaucracy (ineffective, not autonomous) Fragmented legislature Federal system Difficult for social democratic presidents to make significant strides in promoting Democratic Developmental regime
