古老中国. 14 countries border China 14 countries border China 4 th largest country in the world...


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古老中国Ancient China

2000 BC- 1911 AD

• 14 countries border China• 4th largest country in the world (Russia, Canada,

and the United States)• Largest population in the world (1.3 billion, 18%

of the world population)

Geography of China

Himalayan Mountains- http://www.panoramas.dk/fullscreen2/full22.html • Creates China’s southwestern border• 7 of the world’s 12 highest peaks are located in

China• Mt. Everest is the tallest peak in the world standing

at 29,035 feet (Growing about 3 inches per year)

Geography of China


Major Rivers:

Yangtze River- Third longest river in the world and China’s longest river flowing just over 3,400 miles 

Huang He (Yellow River) Known as “China’s Sorrow” because of the deaths it causes when it floods every year. It flows 3,000 miles long.

Geography of China



Geography of ChinaMajor deserts: Located mostly in Northern China

Taklamakan Desert-Largest sandy desert (123,000 sq. miles)! Nicknamed the Sea of Death because poisonous snakes, frequent sand storms, boiling days, freezing nights, and intense water shortages 

Gobi Desert- 3rd largest desert in the world (500,000 sq. miles) One of the driest deserts in the world with extreme temperatures

Plateau of Tibet- Highest plateau on Earth and it covers one-fourth of China

Geography of China


Great Wall of China

•Great Wall stretches about 4,163 miles long (not all connected)

•Average height: 30 feet•Average width: 16 feet•Built to protect China from foreign invaders

• Built by a lot of different family dynasties during the history of Ancient China

• World’s longest manmade structurehttp://www.panoramas.dk/7-wonders/great-wall.html

Great Wall of China

Countries (17)IndiaChinaEgyptIraq





North KoreaSouth Korea

ItalySaudi ArabiaBangladesh

Bodies of Water (20)Euphrates River

Tigris RiverNile River

Indus RiverGanges RiverYangtze RiverYellow River

Bay of BengalArabian Sea

Pacific OceanAtlantic OceanIndian Ocean

Yellow SeaPersian Gulf

Mediterranean SeaRed Sea

Black SeaCaspian Sea

East China SeaSouth China Sea

LandformsPlateau of TibetDeccan PlateauHimalayan Mts.

Mt. Everest

ArchitectureGreat Wall of China

Family TraditionA household might contain five generations living in the same house (all members of the

extended family)

Men’s Role:

• Oldest man in the family had all the authority

• Had all the power and privileges

• Decided who his children and/or grandchildren would marry

• Enforced discipline for any disrespect

• Held all the land (land would be divided between sons upon death)

Women’s Role• Women were thought to be of lower status

than men

3 Obedience's: Obey their fathers in youth, their husbands in marriage, and their sons in widowhood

4 Virtues for Chinese Women

1. Morality 2. Modesty

3. Proper Speech 4. Domestic skills

Family Tradition

Family Names

-Family name always comes first in Chinese tradition because it stresses the importance of family

Examples: Yao Ming






jump ropekitestea



animal harnessplaying cards


pottery wheel

fireworkspaper money


phtan gramsmedicinesdominoesice cream

Ancient Chinese Inventions

Silk RoadSilk Road- Major trade route connecting East Asia with Europe.

• China made major profits off of the Silk Road because they were the only ones who knew how to make silk.




• Extreme Heat• Lack of Water• Sandstorms• Blizzards• Altitude Sickness• Robberies• Animals


Silk Making

An army buried for Emperor Qin (chin) Shi Huangdi protection in the afterlife

TerraCotta Army

About the Army…..

• Discovered in 1974• Terra Cotta is ceramic or baked earth. Each

soldier was made out of clay that was baked• In the tomb they found approximately 6,000

soldiers ranging in height from 5’8”-6’2” weighing about 600 pounds each

• Every soldier was handcrafted to be completely different



China’s Philosophies/Religions

Confucianism- a philosophy of life and government taught by the first Chinese teacher, Confucius

• Confucius charges students a fee to take his classes

• Confucius never wrote down his teachings. His students collected his sayings after his death to create the religion

• His philosophies would go on to govern life in China

• Upon his death Confucius felt his life had been a failure....hardly!!!

“ I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand”- Confucius

China’s ReligionsOther religions….

Buddhism- 4th largest religion in the world. Buddhists do not believe in a god but believe in finding enlightenment in the world.

• To be a better human being means being able to help others as well as oneself, avoiding negative patterns of behavior and embracing positive ones

Taoism (DOW-ism)- Harmony naturally exists between heaven and earth. This harmony can be found in anyone at anytime.

Pagodas Pagodas- Originally built to store relics and writing of the Buddhist religion. Usually pagodas are located near temples to hold religious functions

Forbidden City- Former imperial palace for over 491 years between 1420 and 1911.

• 24 different emperors called it home at one point

• It contains 9,999 rooms guarded by 10 meter wall

• Covers 178 acres• Today, it is known as the Palace Museum and is

open for visitors in Beijing.

Forbidden City


Chinese WritingMandarin

Write your name in Chinese- http://www.mandarintools.com/chinesename.html

社会学岩石Social Studies Rocks
