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changing the shape

Heales Medical

Occupational Health

within the workplace

changing the shape

Heales Medical

A fresh approach...

At Heales Medical, we go far

beyond the traditional

Occupational Health role of

helping clients with

workplace health issues and

meeting their statutory

responsibilities. We believe

that a properly planned and

managed Occupational

Health strategy is an

investment that can revitalise

and re-energise your main

asset - your work force!

Most important of al l , i t can

deliver real benefits towards

vital Human Resources

objectives - reduced

absenteeism, better retention of

quality staff and improved

productivity- and in doing so

make a lasting difference to the

profitabil ity of your organisation.

We have a network of OH

practitioners and agents located

across the UK, so are well

placed to deliver services as

close to the point of need as


Our Vision . . .

To provide a world class cost

effective Occupational Health

service which minimises

absence, ensures a safe

working environment and

maximises employees health

and fitness

Our Mission . . .

To support targets of reducing

the average number of sickness

absence days per employee by

being proactive in health

promotion, health assessment

and supporting employees’

return to work

Our Pledge To You . . .

We promise all the workforce a

thoroughly confidential service

and wil l do al l in our power to

reduce risk, deal with problems

quickly and actively promote a

healthy l ifestyle for al l those

under our care.

changing the shape

Heales Medical

Leading the way...

We employ the highest

calibre of clinical,

management and

administrative personnel in

an environment dedicated to

continuous development,

equal opportunity and

protecting the environment.

Our staff are proactive,

objective and focused on

providing a high quality,

effective service to both the

organisation and it’s


Our forward-thinking approach

means we invest heavily in

continual ly developing our staff

and the tools they use.

We are open to change and

actively explore, investigate and

implement new tools and

techniques to improve our

services and so achieve better

results for our cl ients

changing the shape

Heales Medical

The Health & Safety

Executive (HSE) reported the

following figures for work-

related ill health and

occupational disease:

Over 1 2 000 deaths each year

are estimated to have been

caused by past exposure at

work - primarily exposure to

chemicals and dusts

An estimated 1 .1 mil l ion people

who worked in 2011 /1 2 were

suffering from a work-related

il lness, of which 452 000 were

new cases which started in the

year (LFS)

Around 80% of the new work-

related conditions in 2011 /1 2

were musculoskeletal

disorders or stress,

depression or anxiety (LFS)

Other work-related il lnesses

include skin disease, respiratory

disease, hearing loss and

vibration-related disorders


http: //www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/


. . . changing the shape of occupational heal th

changing the shape

Heales Medical


Assessing a person's abil ity to

carry out the duties of a job can

be an important selection tool.

Pre-employment medical

checks should be seen as a

way of:

Screening candidates for

individual/family health

history & lifestyle

Identifying any risks

Identifying any support

needed by the prospective

employee to do the job


Identifying any disability

issues, such as potential

reasonable adjustments

Identifying any potential

attendance problems

Providing a base-line of

health for future reference

. . . adding value

Pre-employment Screening

Heales offer both on-l ine and

traditional paper pre-

employment or post offer

questionnaires (PEQ).

We are able to customise these

forms to meet cl ient's


We offer cl ients either a

traditional paper PEQ, or an

online HTML version through

our case management system.

As information is processed

through the system updates are

generated to advise of


In short we offer

Paper or web based


Production of management


Quick turn around usually in


Cost effective screening

Medicals based on if any

triggers are picked up

Full medical confidentiality

changing the shape

Heales Medical

Sickness Absence

Employees are required by

law to protect employee's

health at work.

The UK economy lost 1 90

mil l ion working days to absence

in 201 0- an average of 6.5 days

off sick.

The cost to employers was

£1 7bn, including over £2.7bn

from 30.4 million days of non-

genuine 'sickies'.

Employee's in the public sector

took 8.1 days a year compared

to 5.9 days in the private sector.

Long term absence accounts

for nearly 32% of all time lost

to sickness.

Mental health issues are the

single biggest cause of long-

term absence, fol lowed by

musculoskeletal disorders, back

pain and cancer treatment.

(Source: CBI/ Pfizer Absence

& Workplace Health Survey)

Sickness Absence Management

Most organisations identify sickness absence as a major drain on resources, yet few

either monitor it effectively or have the resources to actively manage it.

Early intervention, clear fact based advice, targeted treatment and relevant health

promotion wil l help minimise absence significantly.











OnlineManagementSystem/ Email


Telephone/Face to FaceTriage &


EmployeeReturn to Work

changing the shape

Heales Medical

Health Surveillance

Heales provides a full range

of Health Surveillance

Services specific to your


This can be delivered either

on site at your workplace or

from one of our regional

offices spread across the UK

by our experienced and

highly trained staff of

Occupational Health Nurses,

Advisor’s or Physicians.

Our Internet based

Management Referral service

allows you to manage the

surveil lance process of

employees effectively with the

abil ity to set up appointments,

review of management of

reports along with many other

useful features.

Hand & Arm Vibration Syndrome

HSE Approved Medicals

Hearing (Audimetry)


Lung Function (Respiratory)

Hand & Arm Vibration Syndrome

Night Workers

Lone Workers & Confined Spaces

Working at Heights

HSE Approved Medicals

changing the shape

Heales Medical

Musculosketetal Disorders

The cost of MSD's to your


Implementation of services

designed to manage and

rehabil itate workers suffering

from musculoskeletal disorders

has a strong evidence base,

which suggests that the benefits

significantly outweigh the costs.

The Chartered Society of

Physiotherapy states that the

minimum expected return on

investment for such a service is

£3 for every £1 spent.

The benefits to organisations

include direct savings such

as reduced sickness absence

and replacement staff costs,

as well as indirect savings

such as training and

supervision, recruitment,

reduced productivity, line

management time and

litigation costs.

Occupational Heal th Services. . .

Musculoskeletal Assessment

Heales Medical have long

promoted the delivery of

robust objective

assessments in Occupational

Health and can now extend

this to include a full

Musculoskeletal Assessment

Service combined with a full

range of instruments that

deliver an objective research

based evidence for

quantitative evaluation.

The instruments used as part of

this service, along with training

and support are available from

our sister company Heales



Heales Enterprises has

exclusive distribution of the ful l

J-Tech product range which

includes both the Commander

and Tracker products.

For the service Heales

Medical can provide varying

levels of musculoskeletal

assessments to meet

customer needs including:



Functional Capacity

Evaluation (FCE)

Musculoskeletal Assessment


Musculoskeletal Assessment

changing the shape

Heales Medical

Immunisations &


All employers, employees & the

self-employed have specific

duties to ensure they are

immunised in accordance with

the recommendations from the

Department of Health. This is to

protect those at work and others

who may be affected by their

work activity, such as

contractors, visitors and

patients (COSHH 2002 regulations).

We offer:

Tailor made vaccination

programmes to reduce

sickness absence and

improve business resilience

especially during winter


Operate a voucher

programme which allows

employees to be vaccinated

at their local pharmacy for as

little as £1 0 per person, or we

can provide workplace

vaccination programmes for

as little as £6 per person

Flu Vaccinations...

We can carry out flu

vaccinations on site to

prevent sickness absence

due to flu. Employees benefit

as they receive some

immunity from the virus.

Many businesses have been

able to reduce sickness

absence and subsequent

costs by introducing flu

vaccination programmes for


Immunisations of Health

Workers, Staff and Students...

Heales Medical provides an

outstanding service to a

number of institutions small

and large. This includes

staff/students/trainees who

have regular clinical contact

and who are directly involved

in patient care.

Travel Vaccinations...

Travel medicine is a

specialised, and rapidly

changing field. To give you

the safe, secure advice that

you need when your staff are

travelling abroad, drop us a

line and we can provide a full

program and advice on these

requirements. We can then

advise on the best course of


changing the shape

Heales Medical

Health Promotion

The World Health Organisation

(WHO) advises that the

workplace is an ideal and

important arena for health

campaigns to ensure a healthy

and motivated workforce.

A structured Health Promotion

event can:

Reduce ill-health related


Increase motivation amongst


Increase the quality of

products and service

Health Promotion Packages

Sometimes referred to as a

‘full body MOT’, our Health

Promotion and Education

courses, are designed to

review overall health and well

being of your staff.

Your people are your greatest

asset and ensuring an

optimum level of fitness will

ultimately be of benefit to

your business and impact

upon reductions in sickness

absence and staff retention.

To help you ensure your staff

are at their best we offer a

range of Lifestyle promotion

options. Starting with the

simplest with a blood

pressure check, resting pulse

rate and total cholesterol

level, through to a complete

assessment including ECG,

lung function, blood profile

and a basic fitness profile.

* Basic

* Basic Plus

* Essential

* Advanced

* Advanced Plus

* Executive

changing the shape

Heales Medical

Employee Assistance

Programs & Counselling


We can provide a full range of


services to clients from

counselling through to our

employee assistance


Our EAP service is tai lored for

each client and is confidential to

the employee for each element

of the service. The counsell ing

element is manned by trained

counsellors who can provide

support in cases of stress,

bereavement, family issues,

injury, i l lness, organisational

change etc. The goal is to

maintain effective employee

relations, the employee’s

health, and enable employees

to remain at work or return to


Services can be provided as a

9am to 5pm service for 5 days

per week with the option of

extended hours through to a

24 hours per day 7 days per

week service.

We can offer the following :

24/7 helpline

Telephone counselling

Legal, financial, debt, family

life solutions

EAP End user website

including Live Connect

[online live support channel]

Computerised CBT

Face to Face Counselling

Health Risk Assessment tool

The EAP service will offer:

Diverse – counsellor

matching includes race,

ethnicity, religion, disability

access, geography

Equal open access for all 24/7

Consistent – calls always

answered by a person 24-7

Complies with UK EAPA


Heales Medical

Contact Us. . .

Heales Medical27 Bridge St.



Tel: 0844 842 1755Fax: 0844 842 1752

web: www.heales.comemail: sales@heales.com
