The mind is the medium - Jon Sandruck @ Big Design 2016

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The mind is the mediumJon Sandruck Customer Experience Strategist - Sabre Travel Network President - AIGA DFW

I am not a scientist.

What am I designing for?

What am I designing for?

Perception = Reality

There is no such thing as objective reality.

Perception ≠ Reality?

Perception = The only Reality we have.

Mental vs. Conceptual Models

Does media matter?

Does it fax?

It’s your brain, stupid.



That’s not how it works.

Fittest ≠ Most Accurate

Fittest ≠ Most Accurate

Fittest ≠ Most Accurate


Cognition is Inefficient.

Inefficiency begets Shortcuts

Desperately Seeking Patterns. ;-)

Say what?

Emotions = Specialization

All decisions are emotional.

Complex Wiring = ♥

We Design Love.

Jellyfish, Lizard, Mouse, Primate, Human

Will This Eat Me?

I drive a .

I got gas at .

I use an  computer.

Cognition is Expensive.

Learning is Expensive.

Cognitive > Visual > Motor

Recall > Recognition

Quiz Time

Quiz Time

Quiz Time

The Three Click Fallacy

Direct vs. Indirect Motor

Switching incurs load.

Cognitive Fluency

“A lie set in Helvetica can travel halfway around the world before the truth set in Comic Sans can get its boots on.”

– Massimo Vignelli

“A lie set in Helvetica can travel halfway around the world before the truth set in Comic Sans can get its boots on.”

– Massimo Vignelli

Cognitive Fluency

Cognitive Fluency

Cognitive Fluency

Embrace Simplicity

! Embrace Economy

Embrace the Lizard Brain

Design Probabilistically

What am I designing for?

What am I designing for?

The Power of the Dark Side

Say, “Nooooooooooooo!”

