Recipe for the Perfect E-commerce Homepage

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This is a simple list of everything you should consider when designing and building an e-commerce platform in order to best suit the end user. To make it easy to follow we've outlined the points as a shopping list so you can follow it through item by item and where we can, we've added in a picture or two, enjoy!

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1. A Clear Logo 2. A Search Box 3. Featured Products 4. Related Products

Function 5. Newsletter Subscription

Form 6. Zoom Functionality 7. Clear Product Categories 8. Clear Navigation 9. Appropriate Payment


10. Privacy Policy 11. Returns Policy 12. Optional Customer

Login/Registration 13. Transparent Delivery

Information 14.Good Graphics 15. Social Media 16. Upcoming News and

Events Section 17.Contact Options 18. Store Finder (If

Applicable) Hong Kiat

Search Engine Journal

As an e-commerce platform, your site needs to distance itself

from the lower quality, online stores which clutter the


Your logo is one of the most effective ways you can do this.

A logo, if designed well, can convey credibility,

professionalism and your brand’s unique selling point simply

and effectively, without requiring masses of screen space.


The ease of being able to find a product is essential to

the success of an e-commerce site and the site search

is a crucial feature which allows users to find specific


The positioning of a search box therefore, should not

be overlooked as it is one of the main interactions

users have with a site.

It must be: In a prominent position, usually high up in

the layout to encourage searching.

The header area has become a conventional area to

place the search box, typically in the top right corner or

top centre of the page. Digital and Wise

Displaying featured products on the homepage of your

website or to the side of search results will highlight

your best selling products, discounted produces or

general products to consumers.

This showcasing of products can help to give extra

prominence to the particular product you would like to

push and make sure it gets noticed.

The related products feature is a must have upselling

tool for any ecommerce site.

It gives shoppers logically direction in their shopping by

showing them what other products you stock that fit in

with the one they have already elected to buy.

It can help encourage customers to buy multiple items

as opposed to single items.

If handled well, with header text similar to “customers

who bought this also bought” it offers validation that

these products are tried and tested by other customers


Images From Amazon

Having the functionality to allow users to subscribe to

your newsletter on your homepage helps them keep up

to date with your latest new and offers and it helps you

build your mailing list and increase the reach of your

marketing campaigns.

Product Zoom functionality is a great tool to have on

your ecommerce site, it allows customers to see in

detail, the products you have on offer and it’s a great

substitute for being able to actually touch the real


Zoom is especially important for products of high

quality, intricate detail or of a small size, not many

brands are going to be able to satisfy customers online

without it.

Images From ASOS (Next Page)

Navigation is similarly important on an e-commerce site,

because users should be able to easily access sections

of the site, as well as return quickly to the shopping


Clear categories ensure customers can find exactly

what they are looking for quickly and easily. It also

organises your product offering in to individually

marketable sections. Typically categories go across

the top of the page or in colours down the side.

When it comes to your site’s payment gateway it’s all

about giving assurance to the customer that their

payment details will be safe and secure.

Often that means it’s advisable to choose a merchant

account customers will recognise and are comfortable


1. Have a clear link to your Privacy Policy and

Returns Policy in your footer.

2. Outlining good privacy and returns policies adds

trustworthiness to your site, and assures customers

that if they ever do experience a problem, it will be

dealt with effectively.

3. Knowing they can easily return goods makes

buyers more comfortable to purchase in the first


Give visitors to your site the OPTION to register with

you, so if they ever return again, they don’t need to

enter their delivery and billing details again making it

easier for them.

However, it is important to make this optional, some

visitors may be put off by having to register so also

allow ‘guests’ to make purchases on your site too,

without registration.

And of course, allow people to opt out of registration at

any point, in other words, keep site registration flexible.

Have good graphics on your site, including banners,

images and clickable icons to attract and engage

visitors, help display promotions and lead potential

customers to desired locations on your site by making

them clickable.

As with privacy and returns policies, make sure your

delivery information is clear and upfront, especially

where charges are concerned, don’t make customers

progress through the checkout before telling them your

delivery charges, this is a top reason for basket


Make your delivery details accessible on your site

without proceeding to check out and outline charges

and terms and condition upfront.

Dedicate a section of your site to news and events.

This is a great opportunity for you to keep customers

informed of your upcoming products, events and

promotions, and if this content is engaging it may even

help keep them on page longer.

Social media feeds or a blogging platform are two of

the most effective ways to do this.

Social media information on your site especially, is

great for letting visitors know they can interact with you

on and off your e-commerce site.

It can function as your customer support system,

allowing you to provide real time solutions for your

customers queries.

Social media is also another way to promote your

company: who you are, what you do and what you

have going on.




