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The video for ‘lost in your light’ gives the visual notion of a parallel between the concept of being caught in

a utopian atmosphere with the obscene bright lights signifying the lighter side of being caught in affectation

where love and lust is the sole purpose behind two people, whilst contradicting the perception with a sense

of dysphonia because the lyrics express the sensation of being caught up in moment, forgetting about

anything else and being left feeling lost in yourself because of a repetitive series of events alters the

perception once had on the relationship. It tells the story of two people who are trying to purse a

relationship that neither one knows more about making it a draining experience yet the light in their lives

when they are together, also described as the clique ‘spark’, has become a metaphorical drug for both

sides with the lyrics “I’m just addicted to your light baby” meaning that their need for one another out ways

the reality that not anything is meant to be, like in this case. It signifies the point in their relationship in

which it is a make up or break situation as they both want to progress in their love but have resistance to

allowing themselves to fall with one another therefore the song is their way of announcing what their heart

is feeling in that moment. The song has an upbeat yet mellow tone because the feelings being portrayed

through the lyrics allows a story to be told with the high tempo giving a pop sound that makes a person

want to get up and dance along to the dark pop hit therefore in the video having a dance element is crucial

as it represents the youth within the song that connotes a young love situation featured as part of the music

videos storyline.

The intended audience for this video are teenagers and young adults meaning they may interpret the

meanings behind the song in greater detail as they are may be experiencing the same kind of situation and

emote to what is being sung about as they have been in a similar situation as they know sometimes people

don’t say what they want to leaving them in a cycle of heartbreak, happiness and utopia where both parties

maybe have a protagonist intention with a antagonist attitude causing conflict on the heart. For the video,

lighting will be a key indication of the atmospheric aspect as it enables a visual story to be told on how both

the female and male artists are feeling in that moment giving a visual idea of how the highs and lows in a

relationship can appear.











The females representation is a key aspect of the video as it reflects to the person watching the

video who the artist is, how they relate themselves to what they are singing about, and influence

how the song is to be perceived from an unknown perceptive as the video is a critical selling point

for the song as well as the person/ people singing it, therefore the female ‘Luna Rey’ artist in the

music video carries huge significance to the representations given. The song has a dark pop feel to

it with repetitive beats and modern technological alteration to accentuate the sounds therefore the

style element should represent the youthful, fashion forward on trend stylizing to show the carefree

and youthful artist Luna is going to be. Colours will have huge impact on the representation of Luna,

because having colours that emphasize the fact that light and colour is the theme behind the video

meaning it should be incorporated throughout, with pastels and big pops of colour to add to the

visual stimulation of the videos impact, but furthermore by having such beautiful styling that is on

trend and can attract attention instantly will accommodate the minimalistic mise-en-scene and

locations as Luna is meant to be the one who stands out throughout the video. Her make up will be

more natural, glowly and soft with highlight placed heavily on the cheekbones and around the eyes

to illuminate and attract attention to the face but also complement the camera as it will flatter the

face on camera whilst still maintaining a perfect look, much like in many of Dua Lipa and Ella Eyre's

videos. For the eyes, there will be a large focus on the eyes are they will be a method of

communicating the story to the audience therefore the make-up will differ between simply natural

colours, with mascara to length the lashes and show a sense of vulnerability and than have smoky

eyes with reds and oranges to make the eyes pop and make a bold statement. For her hair it will be

slick and straight so it catches the light when her engages in movement and looks simplistic on

screen so Lunas face remains the centre of focus- however for some scenes, in order to represent

her care free attitude, curly hair will be styled to suit the atmosphere within the shot.



The male representation is a key aspect of the video as it reflects to the person watching the video

who the artist is, how they relate themselves to what they are singing about, and influence how the

song is to be perceived from an unknown perceptive as the video is a critical selling point for the

song as well as the person/ people singing it, therefore the male Quinn Jackson artist in the music

video carries huge significance to the representations given. Because Quinn has a limited time

period for his feature within the song, every moment that he is part of the video is a chance to

represent his unique music genre and overall style to the audience. Jackson matches the songs

persona as he is, much like Luna fashion forward and modernistic with his approach to

appearance, therefore the way he looks is critical for him so he will be dressed in causal clothing

like jeans and slogan t-shirts that are on brand and in style so he can become a fashion icon to the

male audience as they will understand is a standard male artist that has a vocal talent- his style of

music is pop with a soul aspect because of the diverse manner his voice can go therefore his care

free exterior should be accentuated. Although Jackson won’t need make up like our female artist

would, certain aspects of grooming will needed to ensure the camera will pick up on his eyes,

therefore we may use certain make up to illuminate the face and ensure that on camera everything

looks as it should. For hair. Jacksons hair will be slick and styled so it catches the light and suits

the style of the video. It is important that Jackson and Rey match one another when they

appearance on screen together so the narrative aspect can be made to look as realistic and

genuine as possible based on the songs meaning, but also so that the audience so appreciate the

effort behind the video. Colour will be a consistent theme throughout because of the song meaning

that Jackson may wear pops of colour on his shoes or on his shirts to draw focus to what he wears,

but also to show that Jackson wears branded items of clothing because he is young and inspired

by what is on trend for the youth today are wearing.
