The music video starts off with a dark background followed by a spotlight shining brightly to the camera which represents that the music video will be about dark issues and the spotlight represents being blind sighted by these issues, but also could represent being in the spotlight literally through fame etc. There is an extreme close up of a fish in a bowl swimming around on its own, this could represent loneliness or a feeling of isolation. There is a medium wide shot of the lead singer Andy Black walking toward a door, there is a masked person on the other side of the door, this represents the idea of facing your demons.

Music video representation analysis

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The music video starts off with a dark background followed by a spotlight shining brightly to the camera which represents that the music video will be about dark issues and the spotlight represents being blind sighted by these issues, but also could represent being in the spotlight literally through fame etc.

There is an extreme close up of a fish in a bowl swimming around on its own, this could represent loneliness or a feeling of isolation.

There is a medium wide shot of the lead singer Andy Black walking toward a door, there is a masked person on the other side of the door, this represents the idea of facing your demons.

There are lots of footage of smoke which could represent the end of something or the beginning of something. In this case as this is Andy Black’s first single as a solo artist away from his band ‘Black Veil Brides’ it could mark a new chapter and the end of an old chapter.

There is a masked person behind Andy Black which could represent that this demon is always with him and watching over him and he can’t get rid of it. This could suggest that it is enabling him from doing certain things which could further suggests that the video is about mental health, specifically anxiety.

There are also many shots of water which could be references to the song lyrics in relation to the word ‘drowning’.

There are shots where Andy Black is sitting on his motorbike, the motorbike could represent loneliness as it is a one person vehicle which suggest that he is on his own.

There are religious symbols throughout the music video which links to the song lyrics ‘this is hell’ enabling the song lyrics to tie in with the music video.

There is a close up of bottles of vodka which is referenced in the song so it ties the lyrics in with the music video but it could also represent the evils of drinking as on the bottle it says ‘black death’.

There is an extreme close up of a glass of wine which at the exact time the lyrics ‘poison’ is sung which could represent that alcohol is ‘poison’ and that as there is a woman floating inside the glass, it is as though by drinking, it drowns your sorrows.

There is an extreme close up of a scorpion which represents solidarity and protection which links to mental health, specifically anxiety which is what the whole music video is mainly about.