Unit 72 my computer game user guide

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[Name of Game Concept] Game

Game Designer: Student Name


Introduction System Requirements Installation Using the Game Troubleshooting Help & Support Game flows Detailed Story of the Game

User Guide

Architecture is the design/layout of the buildings, so different areas and cultures will have different architecture, also it depends on how advanced the civilisation is, more advanced ones will make buildings like skyscrapers and factories. Less advanced civilisations will make thinks like huts out of mud and clay, or cottages and castles and so on.

c)         Objects:Objects are things you can interact with, so an example would be like a switch because you can interact with it to do something else. Things like swords and torches are objects to, because you can carry them and use them as weapons, or even shields.

d)        Characters:Characters tend to be what you play as, and what your fri3ends play as. Different types of games will have different types of characters, so games like Call Of Duty will have military characters, whereas games like skyrim will have more medieval themed characters.

e)        Non-playing characters (NPC):NPC’s in games are basically the people who live in the game world, youy can also interact with them, in the different ways, some will be able to give you quests or even help you fight in battles, whereas some will be enemies that you can fight. To put it simply NPC’s are characters in the game that you cannot play.

f)         Feedback:Feedback in games varies, in shooter games you can get feedback by levelling up and unlocking new guns or achievements, in more medieval themed games you will get more powerful and be able to use more powerful armour and weapons. Also in games the enemies tend to get more difficult as you progress though it to balance with the players new and more powerful equipment.

g)        Interface:Interface is what the player see’s on the screen as they play, interfaces tend to help the player in that it shows them how much health they have, energy mana etc. It can also help the player by showing them where they are via a mini map, there can also be tabs that the player can click in order to see what’s in their inventory and if they have levelled up so they can put talents points in their talent trees and so on.

h)        Perspectives:Perspective is how you view the character as you play the game, first person you don’t see the player you see what the player see’s this is particularly useful in shooter game s as it allows the player to look down the sights of the gun and shoot more accurately. Third person is good for fighter games because you get a better look at your surroundings and so if you’re playing a medieval fighting game you know where to face your shield.

i)         Full-Motion Video (FMV):

Cut-scenes help the player get a better feel for the character they play as, it is also a very good way to show them the lore of the game and give them information, it helps them understand the situation and why the characters are

doing what they’re doing.

Section 1;



Disk Drive Disk drive

Hard Drive Space 5GB or more

Memory (RAM) 4GB or more

Display 1680x1050

Operating System Windows vista to windows 10

XBOX one

Game Name requirements


Disk Drive Standard disk drive

Hard Drive Space 4GB or more

Control Xbox one controller

Display 1850x1230

Version 1.0



Disk Drive Standard disk drive

Hard Drive Space 4GB or more

Control Standard PS4 controller

Display 1850x1230

Version 1.0

Section 1; How to instal l the Game

[Explain how to install the Game here]


Insert disk into the disk drive. Wait for the installation prompt. Click run. Wait for the game to be installed. Run the first time set up which should happen automatically. Game is ready to play.


Insert disk into the disk drive. Once inserted the game will download. Once it is downloaded click install then wait for it to install. When it is installed run the game Now you can play the game


Insert disk into the disk drive. Once inserted the game will download. Once it is downloaded click install then wait for it to install. When it is installed run the game Now you can play the game

Section 1;

[Give detailed instructions on how to operate yourgame here]

How to use the game

Section 2;

My game won’t start, or it freezes or crashes?

If your game won’t start or it keeps freezing you may need to troubleshoot

Your device.

Section 2 - Technical Section


The audio on my compute isn’t working?

First you should restart your system and then check and if it still doesn’t work try these other processes

Check that your sound isn’t muted Check your connection Check and unplug all audio devices


Section 2 - Technical Section

Section 2;

For further help you can email me at: mrSmith@hotmail.com

Or call me on: 0121 436 582

Help and support

Section 2;

Place your first Flow diagram here]

Game Flow Diagram 1


New game


Section 2;

Game Flow Diagram 2

Approach item

Press q to pick it up

Press I to bring up your inventory

Select the item with the mouse and right click

Now you will have equipped the item.

Section 2;

Game Flow Diagram 3

Approach item

Press y to pick it up

Press pause to bring up your inventorySelect the item with the

analogue stick and press A

Now you will have equipped the item.

Section 2;

Game Flow Diagram 4

Approach item

Press triangle to pick it up

Press pause to bring up your inventory

Select the item with the analogue stick and press X

Now you will have equipped the item.

Section 3 - Narrative Analysis

Section 3;

[To satisfy the D3 requirement, go into depth and discuss your game storyline and general direction. Try to be as detailed and comprehensive as possible]


The story for this game is about a  band of friends/warriors who, ever since being young have had this dream of being heroes and saving peoples lives, so through-out there youth they all trained together and were taught by their fathers, who were great warriors renowned for there strength and loyalty to the people.The village/city where they grew up in was the main trading city in the land, so therefore it was targeted by a lot of raiders, and also people who were jealous of that fact, so the city and the people who manage it, the elders, put together a fighting force that would be in charge of defending the city.

Game Story Analysis

But despite all this, everything changed when a new threat emerged from within the ground, no one knows what they are but they are out for blood, that being the blood of humans. This new threat causes humanity to put aside their differences in order to work together against the new enemies. So the characters fathers which i talked about before were some of the first ones to take on these monsters, working with the best scientists in the world they came up with a way to defeat the enemies.

The way they found was to improve humans by modifying there body structure in certain ways, this meant that depending on your skills that would be found out by tests the scientists would do it would improve you based on your results. So with the information from the tests they modified peoples bodies, for example giving them increased strength and speed, and increasing how tough there skin was, or the strength in their legs so they could jump really high or run fast. As well as this weapons were also developed, from swords and bows to guns and hammers. They also found a new material to make them from within the holes where the creatures came from, which were effective at damaging and destroying them.



But before all this countless cities were destroyed and half of the human population, the entire human population was halved.

Moving into the future the elders have now built an academy specially designed to find people who have the potential to become saviours and once that was found out, they were send off to special camps which taught them the history and helped them find their own abilities. The characters i talked about before, friend since childhood ended up being separated and send to different camps more suited to training the types with their abilities. This is where the main character comes in, named Kharn.Kharn.

Kharn like his father was always head strong and stubborn, he knew from early age that he wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps and has been taught by him ever since being a child. This make it so Kharn didn't really have a social life and his people skills were not so good. But this changed once he went to school, he made some friends and they helped him develop these skills and bring him out of his shell, in turn he also helped them by teaching them how to fight, in the rare case that their city got attacked.


 So moving on, when Kharn finally graduated and joined one of the camps he learned that he shown aspects of all the abilities that humans could possess making him a special case, so because of this he was sent into the fighting force at a very young age and showed his skills when he took out three of the monsters out on his own.

The weapon that most suited Kharn was a giant sword, fitted with special capabilities. It also tended to all of his abilities in certain ways. As you can imagine Kharn was prized and received a lot of 'special treatment'.


The Khar'Gul

Beasts that came from the ground. The Khar'Gul are very strange creatures that come in different forms, the first ones to come out of the ground were small and fast, with sharp blades as arms and huge fangs. The creatures shown a lot of intelligence as they attacked the main military city in the land which produced weapons and armour, making the humans have no way to fight back, neutralising any threat they could possess to them.


The Khar'Gul then moved on to the next stage in their plan. The huge ones came out, there job was to wipe out cities and buildings, using their tremendous size and strength.

Many attempts have been made to communicate with them but they were all ignored. They seem to have a plan and they are sticking to it, which is possibly to get humans out the picture and take control of the surface for themselves, but all you can do is guess.
