Tips to Improve Teamwork

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5 Tips on how teamwork can be improved to ensure success

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Tips to Improve


Clarity on Expectations

Ideally leader’s job is to assign roles and clarify responsibilities

Take initiative to demarcate expectations

Clarity is of utmost importance as far as the ultimate goal is concerned

Working together is not possible if the goal is unknown.


2Record Individual Activity

Record of activity will make sure that conflict is reduced

Equal opportunity for growth is created

Sidetracking from core responsibility is avoided

Feedbacks will become more focused and thus prove better chance of improvement and appreciation

3We can never be certain on who, within a team, might be able to provide an important solution

Everyone is important in a team and they need to feel important

Having a say in the decision making is a great morale booster

Equality in Decision Making

4Office politics can be reduced by opening more communication channels

Skills that need sharpening are: - Active Listening - Patience - Awareness - Non-verbal facial expressions - Negotiation powers - Gestures & Body language - Tone of voice

Success lies in Communication

5Equal Share of Workload

Too much work for one team member while others stay unoccupied is a recipe for disaster

Effectiveness can be achieved if work gets equally distributed

Equal work distribution will also make leading easy for the person in-charge
