Anti-Resume : Jessica Glendinning

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Inspired by the move away from the traditional paper resume, this is my anti-resume!

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I am Jessica Glendinningand this is

My Anti-Resume

a written exaggeration of only the good thingsa person has done in the past, as well as a wish listof the qualities a person would like to have. - Bo Bennett

Resume: (n)

It’s time for a change.

It’s time for a change.Time to alter the status quo.

It’s time for a change.Time to alter the status quo.


Jessica A GlendinningP.O. Box 1024 * Charlottesville, VA * 22902 * * @jescaaustin * 434-202-4285

Education2009-2010 Piedmont Virginia Community College Charlottesville, VA

Career Studies Certi�cate, Web Technologies4.00 GPA, Classes through ITD and ART departments

1998-2003 James Madison University Harrisonburg, VABM, Music Education – Concentration in Flute Studies

3.36 GPA, Dean's List: Fall 2001, Spring 2002

Website and Design ExperienceCharlottesville Earth Week –

Webmaster, Web and Graphic Design (2010-present)

Undisclosed Company (under Non-Disclosure Agreement)Graphic Design, QA Testing (2010-present)

Leadership Charlottesville Alumni Association – www.cvillelcaa.comWebmaster, Consultant on Website Redesign Project (2010-2011)

Care Is �ere – www.careisthere.comWeb and Graphic Design (2010) – www.gulfclean.orgSocial Media and Communications, Webmaster (2010)

Health Is Social – www.healthissocial.comLogo Design for social media sites (2010)

Southern Environmental Law Center – www.southernenvironment.orgWorked w/team to migrate site to a custom CMS, maintained press releases (2008-09)

Software and Programming Pro�ciencyAdobe CS4 – Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, InDesign XHTML, HTML and CSSWordpress and Joomla! CMSMicrosoft O�ce Suite

Work Experience2010-presentVerdant Spring Design, LLC Charlottesville, VA

Owner and Sole Proprietor: Web and Graphic DesignStarted my own business as a freelance web and graphic designer, handling all aspects of client work and business concerns.

2009-presentStatus Solutions, LLC Charlottesville, VAOperations Assistant: assistant to Operations Manager, special projects

Began working for the company part time while I completed my certi�cate from PVCC. After a year and a half, I transitioned out of my original role into a more �exible, more independent and self-motivated role working on special projects.

A traditional resume...




A traditional resume...




Jessica A Glendinningpage 2

2008-2009 Southern Environmental Law Center Charlottesville, VAFront Desk, Assistant to the Senior Program Communications Manager

Also worked closely with Internet Marketing Manager. Answered phones and facilitated daily o�ce workings to support the O�ce Manager. Interacted with board members, clients, other environmental organizations and the general public on a daily basis, while balancing a heavy and constantly changing workload.

2006-2008 Stevens Music Studio Troy, VAPrivate music instructor

Taught woodwind and brass music lessons to students aged 7 to adult. Interfaced with studio owners and parents on a daily basis.

2005-2006 SAIC, Inc. Charlottesville, VAAdministrative Assistant: O�ce manager, executive assistant to Program Manager

Sole administrative sta�, responsible for instituting and maintaining administrative policies and procedures for a brand new SAIC o�ce.

Volunteer and Community Washington, DC

Community OrganizerOrganized grassroots environmental actions with the support of the national organization. Utilize multiple social media platforms,worked with local leaders, news media and participants to plan and execute days of action in Charlottesville, VA and Asheville, NC.

2010-presentCharlottesville Earth Week Charlottesville, VAChair, Board of Directors (also Webmaster, Graphic Design)

Began my involvement with the organization as a volunteer for the Eco Fair for several years running. Joined the Board of Directors as the Webmaster and did a pro-Bono redesign for the organization's logo and website. Set up social media accounts and turned them over to a volunteer for ongoing management. Took position as Chair of the Board in 2011.

2010-2011 Leadership Charlottesville Alumni Association Charlottesville, VAWebmaster

Volunteered with the organization as webmaster, updating the current site as needed. After a short period, partnered with the Communications Committee as a reference for their redesign process; helped the committee put together a requirements document for hiring a �rm to redesign their website.

2010 Gulf Coast, USCofounder

Cofounded this volunteer organization with a group of colleagues in Virginia after the Gulf Coast BP oil spill. I was in charge of social media and communications, and was the Webmaster for the site. I wrote press releases and ran all social media accounts. We interacted with press as far away as Australia (BBC radio).

change the world.I want to

“You must concentrate upon and consecrate yourself wholly to each day, as though

a �re were raging in your hair.”

- Taisen Deshimaru

By now, you probably want to know:

what makes this girl




I am a world-changer

I am a world-changer







the existing state of a�airs

Status Quo: (n)


I think it’s time to changethe de�nition ofnormal

Status Quo: (n)

I think it’s time to changethe de�nition ofnormal

�e Average American

watches 3 hours of television a day

I don’t own a TV

�e Average Americanspends an hour per day commuting,

sitting behind the wheel

I don’t own a car

�e Average American

My take-away?

wastes a lot of time

I am not

My take-away?


I grew up in the mountains

of Virginia

From an early age I was instilled with a love of the natural world

As time passed

I realizedthat I want

to do more than just make my mark on the planet

I want to leave this world substantially better than I found it

�at sounds about right!

Save the world?

Saving the world

So you might be askinghow one goes about

Saving the world

Saving the world


It all starts with YOU


It all starts with YOUand ME

YOU* have a positive impact on the world* are innovative & aren’t content with “average”* know that people are more than just a number* believe that if you are doing something you love, you won’t “work” a day in your life* want to change the world for the better

A few detailsabout me

* I have a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education - with �ve years of teaching experience* I went back to school six years later to get a Certi�cate in Web Technologies* While I was in school, I started my own business* Add �ve years of administrative experience to the mix, and shake it up...


* I sit as the Chair of the Board for a local environmental non-pro�t* I was recently chosen for a national leadership team by a DC-based Coalition

* I take the strength, mindfulness and �exibility I found on the yoga mat with me everywhere I go* �e diversity of my background gives me a unique perspective and versatility* I am an active participant in my community, both online and o�


�e melding of my creative and technical selves is found in:

digital designsocial media

the communication arts

content creation

Life is either a daring adventure,

or nothing.

- Helen Keller

Life: (n)

Some of my biggest strengths:

I’m on an unending quest

Some of my biggest strengths:

I’m on an unending questfor knowledge

* I love learning about new tools and techniques

* I have an uncanny ability to quickly become pro�cient with new technologies

* I am incredibly detail oriented (I can spot an excess space in a paragraph from three feet away)


* I don’t get bogged down in minutia

* I excel at ensuring consistency from the beginning of a project through completion

I love utilizing my creativityto help

people and organizations�nd their voice

I love utilizing my creativityto help

people and organizations�nd their voice

and build their brand

So what do you say?

Let’s be world-changers

So what do you say?

Let’s be world-changersTOGETHER

�anks for reading my anti-resume!

Like what you read? Feel free to share, or get in touch!

Jessicajessica (at) verdantspringdesign (dot) com

�is slide show is a 2012 creation of Verdant Spring Design, LLC

Many thanks to David Crandall for inspiring this project. His anti-resume manifesto can be found here.
