14 soft skills for successful career

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14 soft skills

for successful


JobGuide247.info 2

1. Communication skills

Why you need it: Both written

and verbal communication skills

are of utmost importance in the

workplace because they set the

tone for how people perceive you.

They also improve your chances

of building relationships with co-

workers. Communication skills

boost your performance because

they help you to extract clear

expectations from your manager

so that you can deliver excellent


JobGuide247.info 3

Why employers look for

it?: Nothing is a given.

Companies rely on problem

solvers—a.k.a. their top

performers—to navigate

unexpected challenges.

JobGuide247.info 11

4. Problem solving (con…)

Useful post: http://www.BusinessSecrets88.com/2017/11/7-ways-to-make-passive-


5. Leadership skills

Why you need it: Having

confidence and a clear vision

can help influence your co-

workers and get them on

board with your ideas now and

in the future. Displaying such

leadership skills helps you gain

visibility within an organization,

which can lead to more

opportunities for promotions or

salary bumps.

JobGuide247.info 13

Useful post: http://www.SuccessSecrets247.com/2017/03/24-books-must-read-in-your-


5. Leadership skills (con…)

Why employers want

it: Bosses and managers

are always looking for

employees with leadership

potential because those

workers will one day be

taking over the reins and

building on the company’s


JobGuide247.info 14

6. Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are the

skills we use every day

when we communicate and

interact with other people,

both individually and in


People with strong

interpersonal skills are often

more successful in both

their professional and

personal lives.

JobGuide247.info 16

6. Interpersonal Skills (con…)

listening, questioning and understanding body language. They

also include the skills and attributes associated with emotional

intelligence, or being able to understand and manage your own

and others’ emotions.

There are two important tools for developing interpersonal skills:


JobGuide247.info 17

Interpersonal skills

include a wide variety of

skills, though many are

centred around

communication, such as

Useful post: http://www.jobguide247.info/2017/11/12-tips-to-improve-interpersonal-


8. Time management skills

Employees who manage their time well

are more productive, more efficient, and

more likely to meet deadlines.

They focus on the most important and

time sensitive tasks and limit the amount

of time wasted on non-essential duties.

Effective time management requires staff

to analyze their workload, assign priorities,

and maintain focus on productive

endeavors. Employees who are excellent

time managers can eliminate distractions

and enlist support from colleagues to help

accomplish their goals.

JobGuide247.info 19

Useful post: http://www.jobguide247.info/2017/11/14-tips-to-improve-time-


9. Initiative

The number one

among the desirable

soft skills: showing

initiative. This means

you don’t just sit

around and wait until

someone gives you a

task. You play an

active part in the

project. It is about

finding your

own role and thinking


JobGuide247.info 20

10. Adaptability skills

Why you need it: Things

don’t always go as

planned, and instead of

digging in your heels,

you need to be able to

pivot and find alternate

solutions. “Successful

leaders are the ones

who know how to be

flexible when problems

arise,” says Robinson.

JobGuide247.info 22

TIÊU ĐỀ Why employers look for it: “The speed

of change in any given workplace is

so rapid,” says Joel Garfinkle,

executive coach and author of Getting

Ahead: Three Steps to Take Your

Career to the Next Level.

Consequently, employers need

workers who can adapt to industry

shifts and keep the company current.

10. Adaptability skills (con…)

JobGuide247.info 23

13. Attitude

Attitude might not be everything,

but it’s extremely valuable.

Employers want employees who

are positive, even in stressful and

challenging circumstances. They

want to hire applicants with a “can

do” attitude, who are flexible,

dedicated and who are willing to

contribute extra, if necessary, to

get the job done.

JobGuide247.info 27

Useful post: http://www.jobguide247.info/2017/11/10-tips-to-improve-attitude-in-


14. Work Ethic.

While you may have a manager,

companies don’t like to spend

time micromanaging employees.

They expect you to be

responsible and do the job that

you’re getting paid to do, which

includes being punctual when you

arrive at work, meeting deadlines,

and making sure that your work is

error free. And going the extra

mile shows that you’re

committed to performing your

work with excellence.

JobGuide247.info 28

