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Quiz question #1

Draw your own writing process map

For Thursday: Read Anne Lamott’s “Shitty First Drafts” (WAW 301-304) and Stephen King’s “What Writing Is” (WAW 305-307).

Post to FB or bring to class: Pick at least one quote from either text that really relates to your own writing process. Explain why you connected with this quote.

Tony’s writing behaviors

• Recursiveness (pg. 207)

• Editing (pg. 208)

• Rule Confusion (pg. 208)

• Egocentricity (pg. 209)


“Students wrote by shuttling from the sense of what they wanted to say forward to the words on the page and back from the words on the page to their intended meaning” (207).


“While editing, the students were concerned with a variety of items: the lexicon (spelling, word choice, and context of words); the syntax (grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure); and the discourse as a whole (organization, coherence, audience)” (209).

Rule Confusion

“The simple set of editing rules at their disposal was often inappropriate for the types of complicated structures they produced. As a result, they misapplied what they knew and either created a hypercorrection or impaired the meaning they had originally intended to clarify” (208).


“While they occasionally indicated a concern for their readers, they more often took the reader’s understanding of the text for granted. They did not see the necessity of making their referents explicit, of making the connections among their ideas apparent, of carefully and explicitly relating one phenomenon to another, or of placing narratives or generalizations within an orienting, conceptual framework” (209).

Perl’s Code ( pg. 196)

{PL}: Planning

{C}: Commenting

{I}: Interpreting

{A}: Assessing

{Q}: Questioning

{RE}: Repeating

{E}: Editing

Looking for patterns

Using the sample transcript, look for patterns in the student’s writing process. Start with the code we have, and then add to it if you need to.

Quiz question #2

What advice would you give to this student, based on what you learned from coding his transcript?


• How does your writing process relate to Tony’s?

• Is your writing process recursive? How so, or not?

• How does Tony experience “rule confusion?”

• What aspect of Tony’s writing process did you find most interesting?
