Why should brands adopt a content marketing strategy?



Why should brands be investing in long term goals rather than short term wins.

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Why Should Brands Adopt a Content

Marketing Strategy?


A content marketing strategy grows organically

Customer are choosing to switch off from traditional media.

Only 6% click here

(source: GroupM UK)

94% Clicked on Natural Search

(source: GroupM UK)

“Ninety-two percent of consumers around the world say they trust earned media, such as word-of-mouth or recommendations from friends and family, above all other forms of advertising”


Content Strategy

1.Focuses on attracting or retaining a targeted customer audience

2.Share compelling, useful, and/or entertaining information

3.Be consistently delivered. Joe Pulizzi CMI

So how can an agency help?

Agencies know that content doesn’t just go viral

You don’t want to be this guy

Define clear business objectives and agree on the KPIs
