What Makes WooCommerce the fastest growing eCommerce platform?


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What Makes WooCommerce the fastest growing eCommerce platform?

Wanna know? Take a ride...

Purpose of launching WooCommerce

The History

Launched in the year 2011, WooCommerce is the brainchild of the trusted web technology, WordPress.

Basically, WooCommerce was built as a handy tool for e-commerce websites to make blogging easy and still continues to be the one. It is a comprehensive content management system that has the inbuilt sources to make content more powerful and website optimized, resulting to position in top search accessibility.

But now, it is used for developing eCommerce stores with unique features and attractive layouts to sell anything, anywhere beautifully.

What made developers rode the waves of WooCommerce?

The Attributes

Developer Friendly: Being built in WordPress, it makes the developer's task easy in aspects of coding, designing, simplifying products and pages, integrating various extensions and plugins.

Customization Options: Users can choose the best WooThemes from 39 enabled ones of which a few are free. Though, being a free plugin, it has the scope to customize and tweak your eCommerce store beautifully.

Extendable: It allows you to implement your own extensions with infinite actions filtering your fingertips. You can even design your own customized WooThemes that reflects the nature of your store.

Easy Integration: Besides being flexible, it’s adaptive nature helps you integrate third party plugins with the use of an inbuilt API.

E-tailers can get the best out of WooCommerce. How?

The solution to earn and make profit

Pre-Installed Payment Options: You can choose from five pre-installed payment options which support hosted payments. You simply need to drag and drop and place it in your front end.

Hosting wide-range of products: WooCommerce tears the limitation of handling products of various types and sizes. It carries a huge room to welcome hundreds of branded products with just a couple of clicks.

Tax Savior: Tax is always the last thought that strikes the owners. But WooCommerce carries various options to control it. Select tax options of the country you deal in and calculate by just enabling the plugin from settings available in WordPress Dashboard.

Flexible Shipping Options: You can make shipping of products easy with WooCommerce by streamlining the process effectively like shipping & cart calculation, shipping methods, restrict country sales and flexible shipping destination.

Analytics: You can make full use of reporting dashboard and get analytics of your sales, orders, and so on in a printed stylesheet.

WooCommerce, a boon for Marketing and SEO Professionals.

Leading Blogging Platform

Practice Powerful SEO: Being the product of WordPress, WooCommerce is a SEO friendly plugin that keeps your eCommerce store optimized with strong SEO practices.

Other Features: The other features includes the ability to categorize the articles and assigning the roles to different users like editor, author, administrator or subscriber as required.

Social Media Plugins: WooCommerce provides all the major social media plugins which are easy to integrate and use. You can hype your sales by selling your products via these social media platforms.

Other Options: Discount coupons or codes, Product Review, Live Sales Feed, Points and Rewards and more to name… You will find all sorts of useful extensions to make the internet scream for your brand and products.

WooCommerce plugins and extensions

Found in plenty or implement your own

WooCommerce consists of hundreds of plugins and extensions. Just name it and you will find one.

There are plugins and extensions for Accounting, Shipping Methods, Inventory Management, Pricing, Reporting, Mobile development, Point of Sale, Marketing, Payment Gateway, Subscriptions, Tax, Import and Export, etc.

The exciting part of WooCommerce is, WordPress developers can create their own extensions with infinite actions and integrate it in WooThemes.

WooCommerce with handpicked resources is creating spellbinding web as well as mobile apps, and giving users the ultimate experience of it's enthralling features.

PluginsSimplifying the process of your retail business

WooCommerce Common Inventory: It's an automatic plugin that updates your stock in all the integrated WooCommerce channels in real-time.

Low Stock Notifier: You can get notification of stock updates either daily, weekly or bi-weekly depending upon how you schedule. Once you schedule, you will be notified via SMS, Email or Push Notification in your mobile.

Custom Bubble For WooCommerce: It’s easy to create custom bubble for each product in different shapes and sizes, fonts, and texts making your WooCommerce Store a perfect style brand. It’s compatible with all WooThemes.

Woo Stock Alert plugin for WooCommerce Stores and Shop: Woo Stock automates your stock level in all the integrated channels you are dealing with. Plus, it swiftly updates you with the stock availability or low stock if any sale takes place in integrated channels.

WooBrands - WooCommerce Product Brands: This plugin has a user-friendly interface that allows you to create a catalog for different brands of products and arranges them in a proper shape. You can add, describe, manage, filter and remove products with a click.

Muven Multi Vendor - WooCommerce Marketplace System : Integrating this plugin in your WooTheme, you can turn your online store into a multi-vendor store. Buyer can get different options to shop for the single product from different stores at one place.

Advance Flat Rate Shipping Method For WooCommerce: You can get the benefit of creating customized shipping methods for your store, though a few methods are available based on the nature of your business. Additionally, you can configure your flat shipping rates for specific category, product, tags or more.

Woo Shop Slider – WooCommerce Slider For Products, Single Product and Categories: You can pick any of the 8 shopping sliders to get your store's products featured in distinguishing slider, giving the users full experience of what you want to offer. Follow three simple steps to install and setup and you are good to go.

Woo Square Connect WooCommerce to Square: Square is the software that simplifies the process of selling products. With Woo Square you can make the process of selling hassle free between WooCommerce and the Square clients. The plugin automates the synchronization of sales, order and product inventory in real-time.

Twist - Product Gallery Slider/Carousel Plugin For WooCommerce: With Twist plugin, you can create a room for different products to breathe in their own space. It adds a slider or a carousel to your product gallery and helps you to sort them in a row.

ExtensionsImprove selling + customer satisfaction

Authorize.Net: This extension paves the way of a secure transaction with customers worldwide. Even your business stays protected with the additional services they provide like seal the website for free to protect you from fraud.

Order/Customer CSV Export: This extension streamlines the data transferring to other systems by providing customer/order exporter the invoice in CSV file format. You can now export the order list hassle free from WooCommerce to CSV either by downloading or upload automatically via FTP.

Dynamic Pricing: This extension helps you in creating four different types of bulk discounts and price adjustments for your store. It is specially designed to provide owners the dynamism in controlling the prices which is a big question for store owners.

Cart Notices: With Cart Notices extension, it has become easy to get the flexibility of improving sales and customer satisfaction instantly. You can now improve your sales with proven tactics that help your customer to know about various sales offers of your store instantly.

Currency Converter Widget: You can dynamically grab the exchange rates and change in products prices and totals with this handy widget. Though, the checkout is done on the store's base currency rate still you are privileged to see what prices the users saw in your stores.

AppWoo: AppWoo is the WooCommerce extension to create eCommerce apps. Appraiser is a WordPress plugin to create well-defined and user-friendly mobile apps. And, Appraiser combined with WooCommerce offers unique features of both.

Google Product Feed: To make your product visible in Google product search, here's the smart option. This extension allows you to configure relevant data to be added to Google Merchant Center Feed. Soon Google Product Search will transform to Google Shopping. Plus, it's compatible with the CSV Import Suite extension which helps you to bulk import product data.

EU Vat Number: This add-on provides you with Vat Field during the checkout process to validate and collect customer's EU Vat Number. If the business carries a valid VAT number, upon entering the same, VAT will not be charged for that business on your store.

Couple of Mobile Apps developed using WooCommerce Plugins

WooSales Mobile: WooSales Mobile is an Android sales statistics application for WooCommerce plugin. The application gives you real-time sales statistics and also a history of all orders. Get WooCommerce on your hand!

WooSales Mobile is also available for iOS devices (iPhone and iPad).

Check the detailed information with whooping features at www.woosalesmobile.com.

Woo Up: This mobile application behaves as a product manager that manages your store's products using your smart phones. Click, Upload and Organize your product following a few simple steps.

The features are soothing and give a beautiful look to your store.

To learn more about the app, visit www.woo-up.com.

Recent eCommerce Website developed using WooCommerce Extension

Greenly: Greenly is an E-Commerce Website serving the members of Southern California. It aims to be a trustworthy and reliable online store for obtaining medical cannabis. Greenly is developed using a few of WooCommerce extensions like Table Shipping Rate, WooCommerce Role Based Methods and Zapier.

For more details you can visit greenly.me.

WooThemesBeautiful storefronts with extensive features

WooThemes is another free WordPress plugin which saves your precious time in selecting beautiful templates for your storefronts.

It is flexible and adaptable offering deep integration with WooCommerce extension and plugins.

Going deeper, WooThemes comes with zero code functionality, responsive layout, flexible grid, impressive product management, customized storefronts, powerful SEO schemes, localization - that supports multiple languages, and more to name.

Now developers can say goodbye to the stressful hours of coding and shake hands

with WooCommerce to make eCommerce store look fab and experience better results.

Statistics Of WooCommerce1,048,921 live websites using WooCommerce as per Builtwith

Shopping Cart Technology used by online stores globally

Future of WooCommerce

WooCommerce in it's initial stages is doing a fabulous job making the tasks simpler and easier, code less and develop more.

Even, the download has reached to 1.6M which is a huge number. If this is the scenario of WooCommerce now, then what will be the future?

Not only for web developers, it's a magical WordPress plugin for mobile developers as well. Since the launch, developers are doing a lot of experiment with the plugins and extensions, and coming up with amazing app concepts.

With WooCommerce, it has become easy to grip the user's experience and provide flawless solutions to the clients.

Many Software Development Companies rely on WooCommerce because it is the all-in-one plugin to facilitate eCommerce with extensive features.


WooCommerce is Wow Commerce nourishing ecommerce stores with it's tickling

features. WooCommerce is like a deep ocean, the more you go deep into it the more

you will love to swim. The future of WooCommerce is shaping up and has many more

years to rule the web world!

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