We're in the value creation business, be prepared to




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Our biggest competitor is ignorance.

8 out of 10 brand touch points are dominated by language

Most brand owners haven’t tracked where brand language is having an impact

We work with our clients to identify where brand language creates value.

Top and bottom line

Hard values – not rearranging the flowers on reception

The process for any new project

Identify Mentor Position Assessment Case Transaction


Someone spots an idea that

could improve the business


A mentor is appointed*


The value of the idea is

positioned to everyone else


The new idea is



A fully quantified

business case is made


If the case is good, then people are

ready to buy

What’s different with a verbal identity project?

We get involved much earlier, at ‘Mentor’ stage – the case is not

provenWe work with our clients to identify where this project will add value for


Be prepared…

to contribute

as much to the

“conversation of possibilities”

as we do.


A mentor is appointed*

A Mentor cannot be the project Sponsor

The case is not proven…this will take time

Mentors have time, Sponsors have budget (but no time)

Be prepared…

Don’t expect case studies of how other people

did it…not many people have done this.

To out-perform your competitors, you’ll need

to out-think them. Go against accepted


We will be prepared…

We aim to know your market as well as you

But we can also see the opportunities in your

market, because we know what our products

and services can offer.