Web-to-Print Roundtable



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Web-to-Print Roundtable Discussion

Web-to-Print Roundtable Discussion

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Mark BoersmaFounder and PresidentSynergy Solutionsmboersma@synergysolutions.net888-230-2300

Joe KernVice President of MarketingPagePath TechnologiesJKern@PagePath.com866-770-7569

Melissa SienickiVice President of Customer ServicePagePath TechnologiesMSienicki@PagePath.com630-689-4114

About the Webinar

1. Everyone is in listen only mode for now.

2. The webinar is being recorded and will be available to view early next week along with the slides.

3. For this webinar to have value, we NEED your feedback.

4. No feedback is bad feedback. Be prepared to share anything.

5. If you have a question or comment you can raise your hand and we will unmute you.

6. You can also share comments or questions via the question panel.

About Web-to-Print

A commercial prepress process that bridges the gap between digital content online and commercial print production.

This process allows a print house, a client, and possibly a graphic designer to create, edit, and approve computer-based online templates during the prepress phase.

Source: Wikipedia

Quick Poll


If you have a Web-to-Print Solution, what were the key factors in your purchase?


If you do not have a Web-to-Print Solution, what is stopping you from implementing a solution?


What do you think are the benefits of a Web-to-Print Solution?


• Accessibility and increased leads

• Automation, efficiency

• Larger customer base

• Client is then locked in to you - not shopping every job

• Ease of use, brand management, inventory management


What do you think are the drawbacks of a Web-to-Print Solution?


• Disconnect from customers

• Adjusting our salespeople's thinking and our customer's perception

• having the time to set up and work on web page

• Confusion for the unfamiliar client

• Getting people to land on your website


• What questions do we ask at the beginning to confirm they are a good fit for W2P?

• How do we determine how they are currently buying?

• Qualifying is the hardest part because it is over the phone.


• How much time does it take initially to get everything up and running?

• How easy is it for customers to use?

• Is there a big need for web-to-print from business customers?


Where do you believe the print industry needs to go to survive?

Biggest Challenges• Acquiring new customers

• Bringing more prospects and clients through our sales process.

• Competitive pricing

• Cultivating leads

• Increasing sales

Love Help

• Effectively dealing with social media/internet marketing

• Finding truly interested clients

• Increasing efficiency

• Lead generation

• More Sales

• To be able to get past the receptionist to the right person in charge

Print Mastermind Group

Every Tuesday at:

11:30am Eastern10:30am Central8:30am Pacific

Call 218-862-7200ID 473678


Free 30 Minute Business Strategy Session

For information on scheduling your session contact:

Joe Kern630-689-4119JKern@PagePath.com

Melissa Sienicki630-689-4114MSienicki@PagePath.com

Take a free business personality assessmenthttp://bit.ly/BusinessXray

Mark BoersmaFounder and PresidentSynergy Solutionsmboersma@synergysolutions.net888-230-2300

Joe KernVice President of MarketingPagePath TechnologiesJKern@PagePath.com866-770-7569

Melissa SienickiVice President of Customer ServicePagePath TechnologiesMSienicki@PagePath.com630-689-4114
